By lush_rush

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Josie's career begins to take off winning Project Runway with 20k to start her business; when she and Ricky w... More

Chapter 1: ICE ME OUT
Chapter 2: Ex-change
Chapter 3: Tart
Chapter 4: Clarity
Chapter 5: Fresh Start
Chapter 6: He said, She said
Chapter 7: Bittersweet
Chapter 8: Let me Know
Chapter 9: All Falls Down
Chapter 10: The Fence
Chapter 11: Fashion Week
Chapter 12: Perfectly Imperfect
Chapter 13: Recall
Chapter 14: Newsflash
Chapter 15: Jaded
Chapter 16: Sorry Boys
Chapter 17: Goodtimes?
Chapter 18: Blame Game
Chapter 19: Target on My Chest
Chapter 20: Reset
Chapter 21: Playtime
Chapter 22: Show Me
Chapter 23: Love is___
Chapter 24: School of Hardknocks Pt 1
Chapter 25: School of Hardknocks Pt 2
Chapter 26: Is this what it comes down to?
Chapter 27: Sure Thing
Chapter 28: Troubled Waters
Chapter 30: Contradiction
Chapter 31: Before I wake
Chapter 32: I Been
Chapter 33: The Code
Chapter 34: My Affection
Chapter 35: Take Care
Chapter 36: Nobody But YOU
Chapter 37:Fate
Chapter 38: Sorrows
Chapter 39: Running Out
Chapter 40: L'amour
Chapter 41: Love Jones
Chapter 42: Dangerously in Love
Chapter 43: For However Long
Chapter 45: Temporary Highs
Chapter 46: Killin Me Softly
Chapter 47: Paranoid
Chapter 48: Funny How Time Flies
Chapter 49:Forever More
Chapter 50: Unhinged
Chapter 51: The Good Guys
Chapter 52: Karma
Chapter 53: It's Up
Chapter 54: Trouble in Paradise
Chapter 55: Out$ide pt.1
Chapter 56: Out$ide Pt 2.
Chapter 57: I Guess It's F**k Me
Chapter 58: Paranoid
Chapter 59: Wants and Needs
Chapter 60: Other Side of The Game

Chapter 44: The Session

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By lush_rush

Ricky woke up to get his day started he had to run a few errands one in particular with Dreux. He checked his phone at his million notifications. He instantly became annoyed getting the message stating that they had to push back the reopening of Sky loft. "Come on man" he scoffed. Ricky was starting to feel like a stay-at-home dad. If he wasn't handling business he literally didn't have anything to do which was weird. He grabbed his pre-rolled blunt before he could find his lighter. Josie awakened. "Good morning" she smiled. "Good morning mama, how'd you sleep? He asked.

"Just fine, I slept like a baby," she said. "Good, I'm glad you're catching up on some sleep," he said. "Y-yeah but I really do have some things that need to be done," she said.

"And I told you I got it," he said. She frowned grabbing her phone from her stand. Ricky and Josie have been playing house for a few months just getting reacquainted and bonding and they've been enjoying each other. Even the kids love it. Jace and Kyle are at each other's neck and Morgan still has Ricky wrapped around her finger. "I know but Z hit me up and I really need to do this photo shoot" she explained. "Didn't the doctor order you to take it easy, you literally passed out a few weeks ago from working yourself to death" he stressed.

"And I've been getting sleep, look I know you're looking out and I appreciate it but I think I can start getting back on my grind," she said wrapping her hands around his neck. "I love you" she kissed his neck inhaling his scent. "I love you too babe," he said frustrated. Josie overworking herself has been her downfall and he doesn't want her to burn out. "But your ass doesn't listen" he got up. "Says the person that smokes 3 times a day, what's that about? She questioned

"I'm stressed that's why," he said grabbing it. "Well I don't like it either, you cut down on the weed and I'll cut down on the work" she challenged

"Okay bet, imma still smoke this bit left but you ain't say nothing but a word... and your ass still not doing anything today but looking pretty.. got me," he said. Josie bit her lip "Don't tell me what to do... and the only thing I have to do is take Morgan to her hair appointment.. and then our first therapy session " she explained

"Shit, I forgot about that shit" he sighed.

"Don't punk out now" she lifted her brow. Ricky smiled at her before walking on the balcony to take a few hits. He wasn't ready for today but he knew it was necessary.

Shortly walked back in to see Josie fast asleep, he was confused it wasn't even five minutes and she's knocked out. He walked across the hall to wake Kyle and Jace up. "Rise in shine knuckleheads," he said. Kyle sprinted up jumping on Ricky. "Wassup broski you sleepy? He asked him kissing his cheek. Jace slowly walked over to Ricky. Ricky placed his hand over Jace's head. "Wake up sleepy head time for school," he said. He couldn't believe they were 6 already. He turned on the shower for them to get in. "I'm a whole dad in this bitch" he laughed to himself. He had to save the best for last. He knocked on Morgan's door. Morgan is the slowest but they still give her extra time to sleep. "Come in" she mumbled

"Rise and shine sweetheart," he said. "Mmmm" she turned her head back into the pillow. "We gotta do this every morning? He asked. "It's too early" she complained. "It's never too early come on," he said. She slowly opened her eyes getting up being dramatic she gave Ricky her hand from him to take. He helped her out of bed. "You're so dramatic bro" he laughed. She hugged him. He kissed her forehead "It's Friday cheer up" he said. "Can I go in late, just want one more hour" she begged. "You gotta ask your sister but we both know the answer is no," he said. "Okayyyy," she said walking to her bathroom. "Aye, and you better take your medicine" he reminded her.

An hour later

He walked back into Josie's room checking on her. The boys sprinted towards her waking her up. "Goodmorning guys" she smiled. Ricky was happy that Josie has been a great mother figure to Kyle it's so natural you would think she birthed him. "Morning pumpkin" she kissed Kyle on the cheek. "Morning sunshine" she kissed Jace on the cheek. "I'm about to take them to school-

"You good shawty" Morgan walked in interrupting everything. Josie laughed "I can't with you, yes I'm okay it's sleeping weather for sure," she said. Morgan walked over giving her a hug. "Have a great day sissy. I'll see you at 3" she said. "As I was saying I'm taking them to school do you need anything? He asked.

"No I'm okay" she smiled

"I want Starbucks to please" Morgan walked away. "Starbucks, yeah Starbucks," Jace and Kyle said excitedly. "Look what you did start, they don't even know what that is," he said walking out with them. Josie smiled grabbing her phone.

That evening

Josie sat on the couch with Erica and Zoe watching Morgan get her hair done. Erica decided to meet up with Josie to give her bridesmaid's gift. Josie was a wreck she couldn't even understand why she was making it a big deal. "Girl I think I'm having baby number 2," Erica said. Josie's mouth dropped "No way," she said. "Yes, way I've been feeling sick ever since our honeymoon" she explained. "Girl you did it to yourself" Josie laughed. "I know but this girl here damn near killed me," Erica said looking at Zoe. "Yes I'm looking at you" she smiled picking up her daughter.

"Aww, Zo bear" Josie smiled.

"So how are you bae? Erica asked

"Rick and I are great, he's been holding it down... like ever since I passed out he's been on my ass I can't even clean the kitchen Erica" she laughed. "That man loves you but even I told you .. you work too damn much," she said

"I know but we came from nothing I can't go back to how it was, Ricky should be the first to understand... I just feel like he's lowkey trying to take me out of the game. He was talking about buying a home and I would love that... but Erica I just got my condo last year... I'm just starting to get my feet wet" Josie stressed

"I totally understand, I'm sure Ricky will understand come on now," Erica said

"I just don't wanna burse his bubble I wanna marry him and all of that, but like tomorrow no" Josie said. "He's just excited that you guys are finally together, just tell him how you feel he'll wait for you" Erica explained.

"You're right E" she smiled. "And we are finished"

Josie's mouth dropped "Oh my gosh it's so pretty" she stood. "Yes ma'am, you're very much giving" Erica smiled. Morgan smiled playing in her curls. "You gonna have to wrap it or pin curl it every night," Erica said. "Awww" Josie covered her mouth and began crying. "You're not my little baby anymore...I can't take this" she cried.

Morgan tried not to laugh but was also concerned. "Bitch I know you not crying over a silk press" Erica laughed. "Aww it's okay mama" Charlay her new hairstylist smiled

Josie wiped her eyes "I'm sorry you're just growing up so beautifully kid" she said playing in her hair. Morgan smiled "Thank you" she said. "No, because we were really down bad and all I had was my little sister and before you know it she's gonna be moving out. Jesus" Josie wiped her eyes with a tissue.

Erica lifted her brow examining her friend with her eyes.


"How do you feel about this one? He asked his brother. "That looks a life flashy honestly," Dreux said. "All of them are flashy," Ricky said frustrated. "You know she's simplistic," Dreux said. "I'm thinking Tiffany's but then that may be too basic" he grabbed his phone. "Matter of fact I'll just hit up Erica and ask her to meet me at another shop," he said. Dreux was concerned for his brother. He felt like he was moving too fast. "Bro, what's this all about? He asked. "What you mean, I'm trying to propose to Josie sooner or later," he said.

"Y'all two just got back together don't you think you're moving too fast? He asked. "No, I'm ready to settle bro, and I'm just trying to prove to her how serious I am," he said.

"I feel you... but are you trying to propose because you genuinely want to or because you're scared you'll lose her again? He asked. Ricky stood there in awe. "Aye, my man give us a sec," Dreux told the jeweler. "Cuz it seems like you're trying to prove a point," he said

"No... I mean I want to marry her. I didn't know that's what I was doing " he said

"And I know you do, you chased her down in Paris it doesn't get any more romantic than that-

"Maybe I can propose in Paris right where-

"Ricky" Dreux snapped at him.

"Come back to reality cuz you've been all over the place no lie," he said.

"I'm just trying to get my foundation back. It's weird not having shit to do. My spot is taking forever to open up. Josie's career is flourishing and I've been feeling like a bum even though I know I'm not" he explained

"Look, you need to enjoy the fruits of your labor. We have been working like slaves since we were kids. We're wealthy and our children's children will be wealthy. Just take some time to enjoy your life and enjoy your relationship with Josie. Hell, go on 3 more vacations this month. It's not a rush" Dreux said

"Yeah you're right bro," he said

"I know I am and I can ensure you if you were to propose to Josie this year she would probably say no. It's too early give it some time. She's not going anywhere, trust yourself you can be the faithful man you always wanted to be" he said

"Yeah you got a point, I feel like I'm forcing it," he said

"You are! But look in a few months if you're 100 percent clear-headed and you want me to help you find a ring I got you" he said. Ricky smiled dapping him up. "My brotha" he said.

"Always," Dreux said

Later on that day

"So Josie has told me a lot about you Mr. Santana," Josie's therapist said. "Oh dear, I bet it was a book," he said. Josie cringed at her therapist comment she definitely made it seem like that's all Josie talks about. Ricky on the other hand was having second thoughts on the session, their relationship is already fragile he can't fathom another breakup. "I wouldn't say a book, maybe a chapter," she said. "I guess I'll start by asking you Ricky how the relationship is going," she asked.

"Uh it's going, we've been enjoying each other's company, communicating better. I guess the only problem is where on two different pages it seems like" he explained. "Care to elaborate," she asked

"I'm ready to settle down and I don't think she's ready yet," he said. "Josie, are you ready to settle down? She asked

"Uh.. yeah I'm ready it's just.. I'm enjoying us getting back together" Josie said.

"Seems like you two are already trying to play it safe I see" she laughed.

Both of them laughed "Yeah" they both said in unison. "Josie when I asked you if you were ready to settle down, you hesitated why is it that? She asked.

"I did? Josie asked

"Yes, you did," she said

"I guess, I just don't want to rush things. My career is finally taking off and sometimes I wonder if marriage and kids right now will get in the way of things" she admitted. Ricky tried his best not to become irritated so early but what did she want from him. What she said just confirmed what Dreux told him earlier. He was just scared she would always feel like this.

"Ricky, how do you feel about that? She asked

"I mean, it's irritating seeing as though you said you want commitment and now you're questioning it. Did you just want companionship or what? He asked her

"Of course not, I want us to be together forever it's just timing. You mentioned us getting a house the other day and I just moved into this nice luxury condo and I don't want to leave it yet but that doesn't mean I don't want a house or marriage" Josie explained

"Crazy thing is I never mentioned getting a home tomorrow or us getting married tomorrow, you're just getting in your head like you always do," he said

"So because I'm thinking about the future it's a problem? She squinted her eyes.

"Okay this is actually good, this is normal.. you two are starting an afresh relationship so it's perfectly normal not to be sure about location whether you want a home or condo," she said

Josie rolled her eyes crossing her arms. "Seems like Ricky's statement upset you" she questioned

"He just doesn't get it... that's all" Josie sighed. "What don't I get? He asked

"You just had it all, you had it all for a long time ...I worked so damn hard for what I have and i was just thinking to myself like it's getting serious and I don't want to give up certain things. I had to give up so many things in the past, my cars getting repossessed being homeless. I don't know am I gonna just be known as just your wife if we ever get married? She questioned

"What makes you think that if we were to get married your whole identity will be gone? Do you hear yourself? Like I'm gonna force you to be a housewife or something I respect your career if anything I wish you stopped working yourself to death and let me handle some things" he said frustrated.

"You guys have a complicated history? Josie, you told me that you agreed to play Ricky's fiance for 7 months and within the situation, you felt voiceless and hopeless at times" she reiterated

"Yeah, I mean we're good now but that's how it felt back then," Josie said

"Ricky, how do you feel about that is it true? She asked

"Yes," Ricky said annoyed. "We'll dig deeper in that a little later. Ricky, do you understand why Josie may have felt that way?

"I get it, but it's like half of what she's thinking hasn't even happened" he laughed.

"Or maybe I'm 29 and figuring out what I want in life and how I want it, I'm sorry you don't have a plan" she scoffed.


Cortez & Victoria

Cortez and Victoria were now talking to a marriage counselor Victoria's friend referred them to, the past few weeks have been nothing but awkward and Victoria constantly told herself it was better off when they weren't communicating at all.

"Let's talk about the cheating what happened? He asked

"We just weren't getting along, barely being intimate. I was tired of arguing with her every day so my attention gravitated towards another woman. I'm not proud of it but that's what happened" Cortez admitted. Victoria sat there quietly. It happened such a long time ago she didn't want to give attention to it. She was tired emotionally, she truly hated arguing with Cortez and desperately wanted to get along with him but he triggers her so much that the only emotion she shows is anger.

"Cortez, did the sex mean anything with the woman you had relations with? He asked.

"Hell no, I was hoping it could've been us" Cortez admitted. "There's just no fucking way you could be this dense. I swear to GOD you weren't always like this" she stressed covering her head.

"So you wanted to be intimate with your wife again and while you were having sex with the other woman you were hoping it was Victoria? He asked

"Uhhh rehearing it sounds crazy. I didn't mean it like that. Again my needs weren't being met but the sex meant nothing" Cortez explained

"Your needs weren't getting met? What about my emotional needs? So it's my fault that you cheated? She asked

"Because this story is so backward you were the one starting arguments with me so you could leave," she said. "Who wakes up to fight with their woman? Cortez questioned

"Obviously you, if you wanna lie to this man to make yourself feel better go ahead but at the end of the day you couldn't handle my post partum depression and instead of breaking things off you decided to be greedy and now here you are 4 years later trying to clean up the mess.. but you fucking can't" she scoffed

"Oh my gosh, we had problems before Camden was even born the aftermath of the pregnancy, unfortunately, made it worse... like I never thought about leaving you because of the post partum.... I just wanted to be intimate with my wife this whole thing wasn't just about the sex" Cortez explained

"Cortez let me stop you right there so you're saying you missed the intimacy with Victoria? Dr. peter asked

"Yes, like I know I fucked up but you really think I cheated because we weren't having sex it was more to that. Victoria was always guarded it took a long time to lower her guard and I finally did but she was still on defense mode always ready to leave at a minor inconvenience the combination of that feeling like she didn't need me and then us not having sex made me attention gravitate to someone else" he explained

"Do you agree Victoria? Have you always been guarded?

"Yeah... I mean that's just how I grew up. My dad was strict and he didn't want me to fall short ever. He wanted me to be the best... and when he divorced my mom because he no longer wanted to be with her. I guess I just felt the need to always expect the worse or be ready for someone to leave ... I don't know" she admitted.

"I wasn't going to leave you ...ever" Cortez looked at her. She looked over at him staring in his eyes.

"Cortez what about your background? He asked

"Uhh I mean my dad was definitely a ladies man but he's been with my mother for over thirty years there's still a lot I don't know about their relationship because they're both private people but assuming the lifestyle my pops had I'm quite sure my mother contemplated on leaving once out of her life I don't know" he explained

"So that may be why you resent Victoria for leaving? Your parents have been married since you were born" he said

"Yeah I mean, marriages go through ups and downs and I feel like as soon as the shit hit the fan you dipped. I know I was wrong for cheating and I regret it but I just hoped we could've worked it out" Cortez explained

"So answer me if I cheated on you would you have stayed? She asked him. Cortez hesitated rubbing his head. "Exactly, I would've been called all kinds of hoes" she explained

"I would've stayed, I know how my lifestyle is, and it's been times where I neglected you emotionally and if you were looking for parts of me in another nigga. I would've tried to work it out" he explained

She laughed "You're a liar," she said

"How you gonna tell me? Cortez asked frustrated. "Because I know you" She rolled her eyes.

"Did you meet the other woman? He asked

"Yeah, I did she let it be known that she was fucking him" She explained. Victoria was getting pissed off all over again she buried a lot of feelings to herself when she gave him the divorce papers. She felt like it was better that way now years of pain were coming back.

"I just can't get over how you were fucking that woman while I was home nursing your daughter... and who knows what you were telling that woman. If you were making her feel like you made me feel in the moment. I just feel like it was your responsibility to do everything possible to reinsure that I was good but instead you threw it in my face that I was acting weird, you have no idea how I felt I didn't feel connected to you or my child. I felt like shit " she explained

"Victoria, I'm sorry I would've done things differently. I would've been more attentive I'm so sorry"

"I think sometimes as partners we put these expectations on how we think our partners should act or what they should do when in reality where all human and there's no handbook on how one should behave," Dr.Pete said.

"You know two things can be true. It's possible that Cortez just wanted intimacy from his wife and intimacy isn't just sex it can be a hug or kiss.. all while Victoria wanted intimacy as well during a transitional time in her life. Reinsurance is a form of intimacy too. You both wanted the same things but couldn't communicate it to one another. So how can a married couple express their needs if they're not expressing their needs? You have one partner that shutdowns and gives the silent treatment and then there's the other partner that walks away and works when it gets hard. So how can anything be solved? I mean you can scream at each other over and over again and play the silent treatment ...... or drift off to work, or you both could actually do something about it" he explained.

The both of them sat there taking it in.

"The damage has already been done, it's no point," Victoria said

"I beg to differ, I see a woman that is begging for her man to see her and a man begging for his woman to love him" he explained

"I just feel like as adults we should just know our partners. I was truly dying inside and you took that as me bitchin and you just left to do whatever... and like a dumbass, I aborted my baby because for some odd reason I felt like it wouldn't be right" she got up. "I appreciate your perspective, Dr. Pete. I really do but I can't do this anymore I'm sorry" she stormed out of the office.

Ricky & Josie

"Guys I just need the both of you to breathe," she said

Ricky sucked his teeth he leaned over his seat crossing his hands. If this is what Cortez and Victoria were going through he didn't want it.

"Well life doesn't work like that sweetheart you can't have everything you want and you have to learn how to compromise" Ricky explained

"Oh trust me I've done that enough" she rolled her eyes.

"Now, Ricky how do you feel about your place in Josie's life? Do you feel like you make it better? She asked

"Hell yeah, I add value in Josie's life. I'm always there if she needs me. I'd give her my kidney if she needed it. She knows what it is, and not to be on some cocky shit but whatever she was looking for in these men out here they would never be me and never could. I exceeded her expectations. I helped her with opportunities, I'm her protector and I'd provide for her if she lets me and I wish she would stop questioning it" he said. Josie bit her tongue she couldn't act like what he said was a lie. Every guy she ever dated hasn't done the things that Ricky has and makes her feel the way he does but she truly hated the arrogance. It was the value and exceeded comment that aggravated her.

"Josie, how do you feel about it? She asked

"It's true, in between our mishaps and his mistakes, there's no one that makes me feel like he does. He always has my back and has helped with some opportunities. I just don't think the cockiness is needed" she said

"I wasn't being cocky baby it's just the truth, it is what it is" he rubbed his hands. "Josie, do you feel like there's better out there? She asked

"Yeah, Ricky knows that I always deserved better but I guess when you're in love with someone else you no longer want to explore," she said. "I wondered if I should've kept moving forward instead of looking in the past but I love him so that answers everything," Josie said

"You don't have to settle for me, if you trying to be single, explore, and enjoy your career maybe you should've kept me in the past," he said

"Just because I'm telling the absolute truth right now doesn't mean you gotta get in your feelings. I'm not trying to leave you and I know you don't want me too so knock it off" Josie rolled her eyes.

Ricky got up "Its clear that you're still not sure so why are we even here, what was the point of all the dramatics you were doing months ago" he questioned

"Dramatics? I always wanted clarity, something you weren't good at providing" Josie said.

"Well, you ain't being clear now.. it's just a bunch of bullshit coming out your mouth" he said.

"Bullshit never comes out of my mouth you just don't like what you're hearing" Josie argued

"Okay okay guys settle down, I promise it will be okay. Ricky, I don't think Josie wants to be with anyone with you but it is normal for someone that has a past as intense as she had with you to question her place in this world or if she's making the right moves it's completely normal. Josie, it seems like Ricky is ready for commitment now but I don't think he's trying to get in the way of your success" she explained

"We'll talk again in two weeks," she said closing her notepad.

Josie and Ricky both left the office. Ricky purposely walked ahead of her. It was clear he did not want to be bothered. "This is some bullshit" he spat as they walked to the car. "I don't know why you're so mad, it's not that serious," she said. "You're a piece of work" he chuckled in disbelief. Ricky felt like Josie had the audacity to want Ricky to slow things down with her. Josie started to feel bad she didn't want to be confusing but she hated his reaction to their first session. She wondered if it would always be like this. He was being way more sensitive than she was. The silence was uncomfortable. Josie was irritated by his bluntness and Ricky was furious by her indecisiveness and confusion. It felt like Deja Vu all over again all of those petty arguments they used to have before a meeting or event. Josie hated the feeling so much. Ricky felt like if he didn't stay at his crib tonight he would say something wild and that would only set them back again.

Whew!!!!! The kids are working it out

Do ya'll think Josie is still living in survival mode?

Cortez and Victoria?

Merry Christmas y'all 

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