Enchanted in the Moonlight: P...

By ninja-shinigami

4.1K 128 36

18 year old Ariana Hanasaki soon realized that she carries special blood to give ayakashi power and to pass d... More

Chapter 2: Oblivious
Chapter 3: Brotherzoned
Chapter 4: Conflict
Chapter 5: Brother-Sister Hangout
Chapter 6: Realization
Chapter 7: I'm Yours

Chapter 1: Her New Life Begins

951 24 2
By ninja-shinigami

        One night, an ordinary 18 year old girl, Ariana Hanasaki, looked up at the night sky to see a red moon. She had no idea that the sight she saw with her own eyes would change her life forever. She was no ordinary girl anymore… She was a girl that carried special blood that appears every 100 years. Soon after, five mysterious men appeared, telling her that her life is in danger. They confess that they are ayakashi, and that she will have a child with one of them, because of the special blood she had. They force her to make her decision on the spot, but she couldn’t decide right away. With that, they give her at least a month for her to decide who to settle in with. Along with that, she found out that the shrine keeper, Samon, was also an ayakashi that kept an eye on her until her power awakened, realizing that he had protected her all along.


            Ariana was entering her room when she instantly realized a person on her bed. “You’re late.” The fox, Miyabi said. “Get. Out.” Ariana said. “I’ve been waiting for you, Ariana.” Miyabi said getting off the bed, and pinning her against the wall. “I said get out!” Ariana said. “You put out that scent, but yet you push us away." Miyabi asked. “Your point?!" Ariana exclaimed. “Just give yourself to me.” Miyabi said getting closer to her. “How many times do I have to say this?! Get out! And stop!” Ariana shouted. “Fighting only excites me. Just choose me already.” Miyabi said. His eyes were luring her. “No! No! You better stop what you’re doing!” Ariana said. “Then pick me.” Miyabi said getting closer to her face. “Get away from me!” Ariana exclaimed.

         The door suddenly swung open, and there stood Samon who was looking at Miyabi sternly. “What do you think you’re doing?” Samon asked. “Oh thank god…” Ariana said and sighed in relief. Miyabi clicked his tongue. “You’re interrupting me.” Miyabi responded. “You promised that you would wait for Ariana to make her decision.” Samon said. “I was only saying hi!” Miyabi said trying to change the subject, but realizing he failed and left the room. “Thanks Samon.” Ariana said. “Are you alright?” Samon asked. “I am now.” Ariana responded. He sighed. “It looks like you can’t be too careful.” Samon said. “I know… Also, I’m still iffy on giving an ayakashi my body. If they pull something like that on me again, I won’t hesitate to kick them all out!” Ariana said. He looked down, looking a little upset. “So... Did you need something?” Ariana asked. He didn’t respond. She blinked fast, and waved to get his attention. “Samon? Hello?” Ariana asked.

         In that moment, he pushed her onto the floor, and grabbed both of her hands so she couldn’t escape. “What are you doing..?” Ariana asked. He brought his face to her ear. “You’re making this way too easy.” Samon whispered. He was slowly bringing his face close to hers. “Samon! Hey!” Ariana said struggling. “It’s so easy to pin you down. I’m an ayakashi as well, you know?” Samon asked. “I’m aware of that, so… Can you please get off of me?” Ariana asked.

        After saying that, he loosened his grip and got off of her. “Just be careful.” Samon said. “Oh! You were trying to teach me a lesson. Alright… I will be careful in the near future.” Ariana said. “Good.” Samon said. “Yeah, all is good.” Ariana said. “You know, you’ve never been the one to sense danger, so I’m always on the edge. It’s just the feelings of a brother worrying about his sister.” Samon said. “True, you are like a brother to me.” Ariana said. He looked down, and looked back up at her. “Take your time on choosing your partner, Ariana. You still have plenty of time. Make a decision that’ll make you happy.” Samon said. “Yeah, I will.” Ariana responded. “I’m going to head off. Will you be alright?” Samon asked. “Yeah, I’ll be just fine. I don’t think foxy boy is going to be coming back anytime soon, but thank you for worrying about me.” Ariana said. “It’s no problem. I’m going to take a look around one last time, and you should get your rest.” Samon said. “Sure, it’s past my bedtime anyways.” Ariana said. “Good night, Ariana.” Samon said. “Good night, Samon.” Ariana responded.

        With that, he left the room. “That was… Strange. He has never acted like that before. He’s a guy after all, let alone an ayakashi, but still…” Ariana thought. She looked at her hand that still had the sensation where Samon held her down. “I can’t think of myself liking him like that. I mean… He’s like a brother to me. I’ve known him since forever…” Ariana said quietly. She closed her hand into a fist.

         The next morning, Ariana was getting dressed for school. “I wonder if all of those guys went home. I guess I’ll find out.” Ariana said looking at herself in a mirror. She was exiting out of her room when she saw Samon with his eyes closed, back against the wall. She kneeled down to his level. “Samon… Pssst.” Ariana whispered. He didn’t budge. “Samon… Wake up.” Ariana whispered. That still didn’t wake him up. “I guess there’s only one option left.” Ariana said to herself and shook him. “Samon!” Ariana exclaimed. He moaned in his sleep, and slowly opened his eyes. “What’s… Wrong?” Samon asked half asleep. “What were you doing out here sleeping in the hallway for?” Ariana asked. “I’m sorry… It looks like I fell asleep. I decided to keep watch just in case any of those guys tried to go into your room.” Samon said. “Oh… I-“ Ariana said. “Yet, I went and fell asleep. I’m really sorry about that.” Samon said bowing. She only giggled. “There’s no need to apologize for something like that. Thank you for doing that, I really appreciate it.” Ariana said. “It’s good to hear you say that.” Samon said. “Yeah. So… Wanna have breakfast now? I’ll make it today.” Ariana said. “Sure.” He responded. “Alright, please wait in the living room. I’ll be out with food in a moment.” Ariana said and made her way to the kitchen.  

         She made a full course meal, and carried the food to the living room. She also made a lunch for Samon. As she opened the sliding door, she saw the five guys she met last night. “You got to be kidding me…” Ariana whispered. “You’re late.” Miyabi said. “Good morning.” The snow spirit, Yujonojo said. “You made breakfast?” The tengu, Chikage asked. “I’m starving! Let’s eat!” The oni, Shinra said. “This is mine and Samon’s breakfast for your information! Go get your own damn breakfast!” Ariana said. “Stingy, aren’t you?!” Shinra exclaimed. “I am not! What the hell are all of you doing here?!” Ariana exclaimed. “We’re all going to live here as your guards.” Miyabi said. “Hell to the no! You hear me?! H-E-L-L N-O!” Ariana said. “What’s the problem? It’s a big house. I bet you’re lonely here.” The wolf, Kyoga said. “I’m not alone.” Ariana answered. “Really? Samon, how long were you here for?” Kyoga asked. “Hm… I’ll say for about six years.” Samon said. “See? I haven’t been lonely. Samon’s been with me.” Ariana said. “Then there isn’t a problem, is there?” Miyabi asked. “What do you mean by that?” Ariana asked. “You’re fully aware that Samon is an ayakashi. If you’re fine with him, then there’s no reason for you to kick us out.” Miyabi said. She felt herself fuming, knowing that he had a point. “Then we’re all set!” Shinra said. “It looks like we’ll be staying a while.” Yukinojo said. “Hold up! Say something, Samon!” Ariana said looking at him for help. “It’s not a bad idea actually.” Samon said. “HOLD UP!” Ariana repeated. “The bad ayakashi could come again, and you need to be protected.” Samon said. “Well… I suppose you’re right…” Ariana said. “So… Where’s our rooms?” Kyoga asked. “Aren’t there some empty rooms in the back?” Samon asked. “Yeah, there’s a room for each of you to be exact.” Ariana said. “Actually, I would want to-“ Miyabi said. “Miyabi will be in the last room. In the back.” Samon said sternly. “But… That’s the room furthest from Ariana’s.” Miyabi said. “That’s too bad for you. We can’t have you pull another stunt like you did last night.” Samon said. “Last night? What did you do to her, you damn kitsune?!” Shinra asked. “I didn’t do a thing.” Miyabi said acting innocently. “You may be clan heads, but I know this shrine well, and I won’t let either of you act selfishly around here.” Samon said. “Wow…” Ariana mouthed. “Aren’t you being unusually aggressive?” Chikage asked. “I’m not a clan head, but ever since Ariana’s parents went out overseas, and her older brother studying aboard, she’s been in my care ever since. So… I’m responsible for protecting her.” Samon said.

        Ariana looked at the time. “Oh my god! I’m going to be late for school! We’ll discuss this later!” Ariana said stuffing herself and running out the door. “Wait, Ariana!” Samon said going after her.

         She ran the stairs in a rush. “Those dang ayakashi kept me! How am I going to explain this?!” Ariana thought. “Ariana!” Samon called out. She stopped and turned around. “Samon? What’s wrong?” Ariana asked. “You forgot your lunch. Here.” Samon said giving her the lunch she made. “Thanks for bringing this to me, but actually… I made it for you.” Ariana said. “For me..?” Samon asked. “Yeah. I made way too much, so it’s for you if you want it.” Ariana said. He smiled. “Thank you.” He responded.

        He then looked up, and went wide eyed. “Watch out!” He called out. She looked up, and saw a flower pot falling above her. She tried to move on her own, but Samon summoned something to protect her before she could move. The pot crashed on the ground. “What the hell...?” Ariana whispered. “Are you alright?” Samon asked. “Yeah, I’m fine. That was crazy, but I’m fine.” Ariana said. “This is the work of an ayakashi.” Samon said. “Seriously..? Can’t they like… You know… Leave me alone?” Ariana asked. “I’m sorry, my energy shield isn’t that strong.” Samon said. “Wait… Energy shield? What I saw was your power just now?” Ariana asked. “Yeah, but it doesn’t work well from a distance.” Samon said. “I see.” Ariana answered. “Those kind of ayakashi conceals themselves in crowded places, and when it’s light out. Just to be safe, let me walk you to school.” Samon said. “That’s for the best… Thanks.” Ariana said.

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