By roastdAmia

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By roastdAmia

Chapter 541: Jackpot – 1

Jin Can let out a sigh of relief. "120 million! We've managed to save 120 million thanks to the Long Family! Their title as a philanthropic family isn't just for show. They really are a bunch of good samaritans!"

Fu Zhi did not know what to say.

'Are you sure you're not an undercover agent sent by them?'

The boss of the Lucky Cloud Pavilion excelled at doing business, and his staff was smart as well. They began to collect payment from the rest of the families according to the bidding form, and when they arrived in front of the Lu Family and the Wu Family, the manager just smiled at them and said, "Since both of you have bought a jade stone from us at a high price, we have a special arrangement for you. Our lapidaries are professional. If you guys don't mind, I can introduce our lapidaries to you so you can cut your jade stones on the spot."

Fu Zhi said, "I'm fine with it. Just be careful with my jade stones."

"Don't worry, Ms. Fu. Our lapidaries are skilled. They will suggest to you the best way to cut your jade stone and they will not start until they receive permission from you."

It was only then that Fu Zhi nodded.

The two jade stones were moved to the cutting machine outside of the exhibition hall by the staff.

The Wu Family had its own lapidaries, and they fully believed that there was high-grade jade inside of jade stone No. 20. Therefore, they turned down the offer of the Lucky Cloud Pavilion and used their own lapidary.

Initially, Chu Yunsheng thought Fu Zhi would go for jade stone No. 20 as well. Never in his wildest dreams had he expected that she would pick No. 26 instead.

He felt that he had overestimated her. With a smile tugging at the corner of his lips, he said, "No. 26? That's what she picked? Putting aside the fact that Mining Area C is notoriously known for its low quality of jade stones, I can deduce from a single glance that jade stone No. 26 is guaranteed garbage, yet this is what they chose in the end?!"

Mining Area C had had its glorious moment once. Ten years ago, an extremely high-grade jade known as the Imperial Jade had been found in Mining Area C. It was one of the best-quality types of Imperial Jade that had been found in history and it had created a sensation throughout the entire globe. Many stone gambling enthusiasts had started to throw their money whenever they saw jade stones taken from Mining Area C, hoping to unearth another supreme-grade Imperial Jade, but unfortunately, the area had not produced any high-grade jade since then.

"Ms. Fu, I've warned you before, but you refused to listen to me. I suggest that you do not waste our time anymore and just give us the money instead."

Wu Zhiheng then chimed in, "Do you know what it means to make a fool of yourself?"

"You will know after I cut the jade stone open," Fu Zhi replied. She paused for a moment before adding, "I can assure you that this will be another kind of Imperial Jade."

The whole crowd fell silent. After what seemed like an eternity, all of them broke into a great fit of laughter, as if they had heard the funniest joke in the world.

"What did she say? Imperial Jade? From Mining Area C?"

"She must be out of her mind. There's no way this could be Imperial Jade."

"Did she or did she not do her homework before coming here? All of us know that if we want Imperial Jade, we have to go to Mining Area A."

"Well, this perfectly shows that she's just an amateur. Even I, someone who has limited stone-gambling knowledge, can see that jade stone No. 26 is not a good jade stone. I couldn't fathom why she wanted to spend 200 million on it!"

"It's not just her. There's something wrong with the Long Family as well. They aimed for the same jade stone."

The crowd began to voice their opinions. All the people who came to the Lucky Cloud Pavilion, even though some of them were ordinary people, had some stone-gambling knowledge.

Therefore, they would not want the jade stone that Fu Zhi had picked even if she gave it to them.

Wu Zhiheng did not feel angry at all after hearing what Fu Zhi had said. Instead, he felt relieved. If everything went well, they would not have to spend a single penny to crush the Lu Family.

Chu Yunsheng sneered coldly and said, "Hmph! You're so dead that you don't even know it. I hope you won't cry in front of me and beg me to let you go later."

"Say that to yourself," Fu Zhi replied.

Chu Yunsheng harrumphed and said, "President Wu, let's not talk nonsense with her. Let's start cutting the stone!"

Thus, the lapidary stepped forward and took a seat beside the machine.

The Wu Family placed great emphasis on stone gambling and had a special but tedious way of cutting a jade stone. To prevent any damage to the jade inside, the lapidary did not go all out. Instead, he made a small angular cut to create a small opening.

The lapidary then flashed the light on the jade stone and used a brush to wipe the dust away. Then, a flash of green appeared in everyone's eyes.

Everyone was disappointed when they saw the green color. Although it was a nice color, this was not Imperial Jade.

"Keep cutting," Wu Qi commanded.

The lapidary nodded and kept cutting the stone. Since it was a high-quality jade stone, he was very careful.

As expected, just as Chu Yunsheng had said, this jade stone was good. Although it was not Imperial Jade, it was still relatively high-quality jade.

"Well, I guess this is good enough, even if it's not Imperial Jade."

"That's right. Look at the green color. It's translucent, vibrant in color, and smooth to the touch."

"Master Chu is indeed an expert!"


Chu Yunsheng dusted his sleeve calmly amidst these exclamations.

He took a step forward to study the jade stone. Then, he drew a line on it and said, "Here. Start cutting here. And remember, be careful."

"Sure." The lapidary nodded. He swallowed nervously before beginning.

Chapter 542: Jackpot – 2
Everyone looked in bated breath at the jade stone.


The sound of the cutting machine was loud in the air. The dust was flying everywhere, and Jin Can gulped nervously.


Following Chu Yunsheng's instruction, the lapidary cut the jade stone into two pieces.

The lapidary's assistant hurriedly gave him clean water to wash away the dust on the jade stone.

As the lapidary wiped the dust away carefully, the true color of the jade stone slowly appeared in everyone's vision.

It was a bright green color. There were no impurities in it. The green was smooth, bright, and it reflected light like water.

"Holy... This is the Imperial Jade!" Wu Zhiheng jumped up.

"President Wu! President Wu! I'll give you $80 million, how about you share half of it with me?"

"I offer 100 million!"

"110 million! President Wu, we're friends, right?"

More and more people were offering the Wu Family to buy half of the jade stones, while Chu Yunsheng held his head high, looking condescendingly at Fu Zhi.

"What do you think, Ms. Fu? I recalled you saying that this will definitely not be an Imperial Jade? So why don't you say something now? Has the cat gotten your tongue?"

"I suggest you better don't count your chickens before they hatch. You should stop cutting it now, or else you might end up getting nothing."

"Hmph!" Chu Yunsheng harrumphed coldly. Then, he turned to the lapidary and said, "Keep it going!"

In the meantime, in the Long Family's lounge. The head of the Long Family wiped the sweat off his forehead and said, "Young Master Jiang, the Wu Family seems to have gotten an Imperial Jade."

"Imperial Jade?" Jiang Zong repeated. He took a sip from his tea and tapped his finger on the table.

"How can you be so sure that it's an Imperial Jade since they haven't finished cutting the jade stone yet?"

"Yes, but the experts have already confirmed that it's an Imperial Jade. Fu Zhi hasn't started to cut her jade stone yet. Young Master Jiang, with all due respect, I don't really understand why you ask me to follow after Fu Zhi's decision."

After all, he wanted to bid on the jade stone No. 20 as well, but Jiang Zong asked him to follow after Fu Zhi and no matter how hard he thought about it, he could not think it through why Jiang Zong asked him to do so.

"May I know who Fu Zhi is?"

'Could it be that she's an expert in stone gambling? Or could it be that she has an insider in the Lucky Cloud Pavilion that could give her information that other people don't know?'

Jiang Zong did not reply to him. Resting his chin on his hand, he turned his head around and looked at the commotion below through the window.

Just when the head of the Long Family thought Jiang Zong was not going to answer his question, he chuckled and said, "Well, how shall I put it?"

He thought for a while and said, "You can say she's the future of China."

The head of the Long Family was stunned.

The lapidary continued to cut the stone.

Jin Can sighed disappointingly. He did not understand why Fu Zhi did not want to listen to him. If she listened to him and bid one billion on the jade stone No. 20, they would be the one smiling right now.

Everyone, including Chu Yunsheng, held their breath as they all waited to witness this great and epoch-making moment together!

Very soon, the jade stone was cut into half again.

Even the head of the Long Family walked quickly to the window and looked down.

If it was not an Imperial Jade, there was a good chance that the two jade stones he got from Fu Zhi would be the Imperial Jade.

However, if it was really an Imperial Jade...

The head of the Long Family began to pray to God and hope that it was not an Imperial Jade. After all, he had bet all his fortune into buying the two jade stones, and he would be a goner if both of the jade stones were just some worthless stones.

Well, perhaps God heard his prayer, after the lapidary wiped the dust away, everyone was dumbstruck. The thing that appeared before everyone's eyes was just a greyish rock!


Someone exclaimed.

"This is not an Imperial Jade!"

"Yes. This is the lowest grade of jade. It seems like someone is going to lose a lot of money today."

"Phew, luckily I didn't buy it from the Wu Family. If not, I would rather kill myself."

Everyone began to chime in and some of them glanced at Chu Yunsheng.

Well, they were not actually laughing at him. It was just that they could not believe Chu Yunsheng would make such a big mistake.

"This is impossible!"

Chu Yunsheng's expression turned grim as he widened his eyes in shock.

This jade stone cost them 300 million. He thought he could humiliate the Lu Family through this jade stone, but instead, he made the Wu Family the laughing stock!

"How is this possible?" Wu Qi was stunned as well and he could not come around to his senses for a long while.

'This is not supposed to be happening. The bigshot in the group told me that this jade stone has the best quality amongst other jade stones. Even Chu Yunsheng agreed with it, so how could this be happening?!'

Wu Qi refused to believe it, so he said, "Keep it going. I'm sure there must be some mistake!"

"O—Okay, President Wu," The lapidary replied.

He started the machine and began cutting the jade stone once again. However, this time, the result was still the same. What appeared before their eyes was not a jade but a stone.

Wu Qi's dream was crushed. He stumbled two steps back and he nearly fell to the ground. Wu Zhiheng hurriedly went forward and helped his father to stand.

Seeing his reaction, Fu Zhi clicked her tongue and said, "Thank you for your help, President Wu. Thank you for taking that "God's Eye" Master Chu away. The Lu Family is not a big family like the Wu Family, and we definitely couldn't afford to lose 300 million. In any case, we won't forget your kindness for the rest of our life."

Fu Zhi's words stabbed into Wu Qi's heart like a sharp blade and his chest puffed up and down vigorously. He could not take it anymore. His eyes rolled to the back and passed out.

The silver lining was that the boss of the Lucky Cloud Pavilion was used to this kind of situation. He immediately hollered some doctors and brought Wu Qi to the second floor to rest.

Chu Yunsheng and Wu Zhiheng shared a glance and they could see the embarrassment in each other's eyes.

Jin Can, who was standing at the sideline the whole time, widened his eyes in disbelief as he did not expect the sudden change of event as well.

He couldn't believe that Fu Zhi was actually right. The jade stone No. 20 was not an Imperial Jade at all!

'Just who the hell she is? Is she a doomsayer?!'

"Impossible! This is impossible! This must be a mistake!" Chu Yunsheng shouted.

He had appraised so many jade stones in his life, and this kind of thing had never happened before.

'Am I losing my touch?' He asked himself.

Wu Zhiheng's expression was grim as well. He turned his head around and when he saw the grin on Fu Zhi's face, he flew into a rage and shouted, "What are you laughing at, Fu Zhi?! Even if it's not an Imperial Jade, it doesn't mean you can get an Imperial Jade! So wipe that smug grin off your face! Go ahead and start cutting your stone. We can't even get an Imperial Jade even though our jade stone is of good quality, so do you really think you can get a good-grade jade with that garbage of yours?"

"I don't know what is wrong with you, but you're really annoying. Besides, can you be a bit more realistic? It's not good to keep living in your dream, do you know that?" Fu Zhi replied.

Then, she turned around and looked at the lapidary assigned to her by the Lucky Cloud Pavilion.

"Alright, you can start now."

"Okay! Don't worry, Ms. Fu. I'll not disappoint you," the lapidary nodded as he said.

The jade stone No. 20 was heavier than No. 26, but No. 26 was huge as well.

The lapidary started with a small opening and moved in slowly inch by inch.

As time passed by minutes and seconds, the hearts of Jin Can and his group sank deeper and deeper. Then, when they finally saw the color of the jade, their hearts dropped.

'We're screwed.' Jin Can thought inwardly.

"See! This is what you deserve for overestimating yourself, Fu Zhi! It's just "

Generally, a jade could be categorized into four grades: Grade S, Grade A, Grade B, and Grade C. An Imperial Jade was a Grade S jade, while the jade Fu Zhi got was obviously a Grade C jade.

"So what now? Neither the Lu Family nor the Wu Family gets good-grade jade, so I really don't understand what they're doing right now."

For a moment, everyone laughed as they could not fathom what the Lu Family and the Wu Family were doing.

One of them spent 300 million, while another spent 200 million. The former got a stone, while the latter got a Grade C jade. In the end, neither of them got anything good.

Jin Can shook his head, "How is this possible?"

He thought it was an Imperial Jade, but now...

Wu Zhiheng thought Fu Zhi would be devastated. He was waiting for her to break down, but little did he expect that she was calm and she was unperturbed by the fact that she had just gotten a Grade C jade at all.

Just when he was about to say something, he heard the lapidary shouted, "Ms. Fu, Mr. Lu! Come over here! This is amazing!"

The crowd fell silent when they heard what the lapidary had said. They all turned their eyes towards the jade stone and they were stunned.

"This is... This is an Imperial Jade!"

The group of experts that came out of the Lucky Cloud Pavilion all went forward and began studying the jade stone.

"Oh my good lord! What a beautiful color!"

"This is one of the largest Imperial Jade I've ever seen!"

The group of experts chimed in one after another.

Chapter 543: Jackpot Nonstop – 1
A few experts from the Lucky Cloud Pavilion surrounded the lapidary with torchlights in their hands and began giving him instruction.

The color of the Imperial Jade in front of them was getting brighter and brighter under the intense light.

"It... It's really an Imperial Jade. Look at the color. It's so pretty!"

"How is this even possible? Does this mean that Chu Yunsheng has lost the bet?"

"Let's not jump the gun first. Have you forgotten that the Wu Family thought they had gotten an Imperial Jade as well before it's revealed to be a worthless stone? I guess we should keep watching first."

"That's right. Let's not count the chickens before they hatch."

Mumbling began to spread across the crowd.


Dust and debris were flying in the air. With the help of the group of experts, more and more green appeared in the crowd's eyes, and they became agitated.

"Oh god, please tell me that I'm not hallucinating. Is that a whole chunk of Imperial Jade I'm seeing right now? I've never seen such a huge Imperial Jade before!"

"This is impossible. Mining Area C has been widely known for its lack of high-grade jade stone, so how is it possible that it could be an Imperial Jade?"

"Looks like the Lu Family just hit pay dirt! Not only did they get an Imperial Jade, but they didn't have to pay a single cent for it!"

The Wu Family and Chu Yunsheng's faces were grim when they heard what the crowd had said.

Wu Zhiheng was dumbstruck and he did not know what to say at all. They spent 300 million for nothing, while the Lu Family earned a bucket full. Chu Yunsheng stared fixedly at the Imperial Jade in disbelief.

"I've been working in the stone gambling industry my whole life, and the last Imperial Jade I saw was only the size of a fist. After processing, it's sold for five million in an auction."

Everyone gasped after hearing what the expert had said. If a fist-sized Imperial Jade could be sold for such a high price, they did not dare to imagine how much this massive Imperial Jade in front of them was worth.

"I've never seen such a huge Imperial Jade before, so I can't estimate the price for it as well."

"This is impossible! It can't be an Imperial Jade! I know it. How could you guys tell lies here just to stir up some publicity? In all my years of stone gambling, I have never seen more than a hundred pounds of Imperial Jade before. Have you guys mixed up the Imperial Jade with an albite jade?" Chu Yunsheng snarled, his eyes red around the rims.

"A good jade is translucent, vibrant in color, and smooth to the touch. This color of this piece of Imperial Jade is vibrant and rich, and it's definitely not an albite jade.

"Mr. Chu, with all due respect, you shouldn't denigrate the Lucky Cloud Pavilion every time you don't get the jade that you want. If my memory serves me right, the best jade that you've gotten in the past two year is the Lighter Imperial Jade. Just because you've never seen a hundred pounds of Imperial Jade before doesn't mean it doesn't exist, all right?"

Although this Imperial Jade could bring the name of the Lucky Cloud Pavilion to another whole new level, there was no way they would tell lies for no reason as it would not do any good to their reputation. As such, the experts and the other staff from the Lucky Cloud Pavilion were displeased at Chu Yunsheng's attitude.

There were a lot of things going on Chu Yunsheng's face. One second earlier, his face was pale in rage, then in the next second, it turned red due to his embarrassment. He even took a step forward to study the Imperial before admitting defeat.

Jin Can was jumping up and down in excitement. "Imperial Jade! This is an Imperial Jade! I've never seen such a massive Imperial Jade before! This is incredible! We need to take a picture to record this historical moment!"

Lu Jingqing nodded but he did not say anything. This was his first time seeing such a large-sized Imperial Jade as well, and although he seemed rather calm on the surface, the upward curve of his lips showed that he was in a good mood right now.

"Ms. Fu, I wonder, are you going to bring this Imperial Jade back, or are you going to sell it right now?" The expert asked.

A few men then chimed in, "Please name your price, Ms. Fu. We really want to buy this Imperial Jade from you."

Fu Zhi looked at Lu Jingqing and Lu Jingqing fell into a contemplation. He did not bring a lot of men with him this time, and although there were some risks for transporting this Imperial Jade back to their country, he felt it was not a big problem.

However, since most of the people that wanted to buy the Imperial Jade were tycoons and bigshots in the jewellery industry, Lu Jingqing thought for a moment and said, "I'm going to bring half of it back to my country, and I can sell another half to you guys."

The group of people shared a glance and they could see the delight in each other's eyes.

The jewelry made of Imperial Jade had been the favorite of women from wealthy families. Therefore, if they really could get half of the Imperial Jade, they could really make a fortune out of it.

"Thank you very much, President Lu. If you need our help in the future, just let us know and we will do our best to help you," some of the people that wanted to buy the Imperial Jade from Lu Jingqing said.

Then, Jin Can chimed in, "Should we pick some more jade stones later? After all, I don't think you can produce enough jewelry with only half of the Imperial Jade."

Just when Lu Jingqing was about to say something, a voice rang out on top of them. "Master Chu, where do you think you're going? Have you forgotten about the bet?"

Everyone then turned their eyes towards Chu Yunsheng, who was planning to run away.

Chu Yunsheng intended to run away from here while everyone was focusing on the Imperial Jade. He did not expect that the head of the Long Family had been looking at him the entire time. He froze and sweat began to ooze from his forehead.

Chapter 544: Jackpot Nonstop – 2
Wu Zhiheng was still cutting his jade stone in front of the machine as he could not accept the truth.

As for Chu Yunsheng, he was standing frozen stiff at the entrance after he had been busted for trying to run away.

Fu Zhi lifted her brows slightly and said, "Chu Yunsheng? Master Chu? Where do you think you're going? You haven't paid for the jade stone yet."

With that, everyone turned their heads around and looked contemptuously at Chu Yunsheng.

"Master Chu, didn't you tell everyone that your jade stone is Imperial Jade? So what now? You try to run away after realizing that you're wrong? Don't you think you should hold up the end of your bargain and apologize to Ms. Fu as well as pay for the jade stone?"

"That's right, Master Chu. You're a highly achieved senior in stone gambling. Besides, no one will laugh at you even if you fail once. However, if you go back on your words, it's going to affect your reputation, don't you think so?"

"Master Chu, you've been my idol for many years, and if you refuse to pay for the jade stone, people might look down on you if they learn what you've done here."

"Want to run away? What a coward!"

Chu Yunsheng had never been humiliated this way in his life before. His eyes turned red around the rims and he gnashed his teeth so tightly that his whole body was shaking.

After a long while, he took a deep breath and pulled two bank cards from his pocket. "Of course, I'll not run away. I just don't have enough money in my card and want to go back and get it. After all, no one leaves home with 200 million, right?"

"Isn't it the same if you ask your disciple to go get it for you?" Jin Can chimed in, "Or you have a bomb tied to your money, so you're the only one who can take it without it exploding?"

Chu Yunsheng became speechless.

'Must you say it out loud?'

Chu Yunsheng suppressed his embarrassment and laughed, "Of course anyone can take it."

He then turned to his disciple and said, "You go take the money."

"... Yes, master."

Very soon, Chu Yunsheng's disciple went away, while the staff of the Lucky Cloud Pavilion took over the two bank cards in Chu Yunsheng's hand.

"I'm sorry, Ms. Fu," Chu Yunsheng said as he inadvertently touched his emptied pocket, "It's my fault. I shouldn't look down on you. You really are very good at stone gambling and I hope you can forgive me for my bad attitude."

"Forgive you? Master Chu, if my memory serves me right, you said that the loser has to kneel down and admit his mistake to the winner?"

Initially, Chu Yunsheng wanted Fu Zhi to kneel before him and admit her mistake. It was just that he did not anticipate his defeat. He did not want to kneel before Fu Zhi. Besides, he was older, and he thought Fu Zhi would at least show him some respect even if he lost.

However, little did he expect that Fu Zhi would insist he kneel down to ask her for forgiveness. His expression turned grim and he growled, "Fu Zhi, you defeated me by pure sheer luck, do you really think you're better than me? In this business, I'm still the God's Eye that everyone respects, so what's in it for you for forcing me to kneel down and apologize to you?"

"I like it. That's all," Fu Zhi replied flatly.

Talking about luck, Fu Zhi had some comments about it, "Stone gambling is essentially a gambling game. Aside from experience and knowledge, we have to rely on luck as well. However, for a bad-tempered, dishonest person like you who likes to go back on your words, I think you won't have any luck in your life."


Fu Zhi then continued, "Besides, are you sure you will let me off the hook if I'm the one who loses the bet? If you can't, then don't you think you're slapping your own face here?"

"How dare you, Fu Zhi!" Chu Yunsheng snarled as he clenched his fist tightly, "Who do you think you are, huh? The fact that you one this bet doesn't mean that you're better than me. In stone gambling, I'm still more experienced than you, so I'll never kneel and apologize to you!"

"You won't? It's fine for me, I have plenty of time and I can do this all day with you."

"Master Chu, Ms. Fu is right. Hurry up and get it done. There are still a lot of jade stones waiting to be cut," someone chimed in.

Chu Yunsheng was so infuriated that he nearly passed out. Everyone around him was urging him to kneel down and apologize to Fu Zhi, but there was no way he was going to do that.

He closed his eyes up and fell into contemplation. After a short while, he cracked his eyes open and said, "If you want me to kneel before you, sure, but you'll have to compete with me again. This time, each of us will pick another five jade stones. If the quality of my jades is better than yours, you'll have to pay for them and I don't have to apologize to you anymore. Of course, it works the same way for you as well."

"How can you be so shameless, Chu Yunsheng?" Someone shouted, "Don't care about him, Ms. Fu. You've already won, and you can force him to apologize to you. Besides, he has just paid 200 million for your jade stone, how are there any possibilities he still has money left to pay for the rest?"

"That's right, Ms. Fu. Chu Yunsheng must be up for something no good, so you must not fall for his trap!"

"You have to think twice, Ms. Fu!"

Everyone was asking Fu Zhi to ignore Chu Yunsheng. Even Jin Can also joined in the fray and said, "Let's don't care about him. He's a shameless prick!"

Chu Yunsheng's expression was grim as he listened to the comments about him.

Fu Zhi thought for a while and said, "I don't think you can afford another ten jade stones, right?"

The anger on Chu Yunsheng's face ebbed a little when he heard what Fu Zhi said.

"You really are so full of yourself, Ms. Fu," Chu Yunsheng said. He felt there must be something wrong with Fu Zhi's head. It was pure luck that she could get an Imperial Jade, did she really think she could defeat him, someone with more than ten years of experience in stone gambling? He was certain that he could turn the table around with the five jade stones and got the 200 million back.

With that thought in mind, Chu Yunsheng turned to Wu Zhiheng, who was sobbing at the side with the stone in his arms and said, "Young Master Wu. Please give us another chance to trust each other. I believe that this time, I can definitely lead you to win the last battle against poverty, and the Wu Family and the Chu Family will head for prosperity together!"

Fu Zhi did not know what to say.

Without Wu Qi, the Wu Family was like a heap of loose sand. She did not need to say anything and Wu Zhiheng had already fallen for the trap.

Wu Zhiheng had full faith in Chu Yunsheng, and if Wu Qi was still around, he would certainly give his son a big slap in his cheek, but unfortunately, Wu Qi was not here right now.

Chu Yunsheng nodded and he turned back to Fu Zhi. "The Wu Family will bear the cost with me. So, are you up for the challenge, Ms. Fu?"

"Well, of course. Let's do it."

"Zhizhi!" Jin Can's expression changed and he shouted when he heard what Fu Zhi said, "Are you out of your mind?"

"Don't worry, Uncle Jin. I know what I'm doing."

Jin Can did not know what to say.

There were 48 pieces of jade stones left in the Lucky Cloud Pavilion. By right, the rest of the people could pick their favorite jade stones from the batch of jade stones. Whoever got the number tag and went to make the payment at the registration desk first would get the priority to buy the jade stone.

However, everyone was focusing on the competition between Fu Zhi and Chu Yunsheng right now, so nobody went to pick the jade stones.

Standing on the side, Chu Yunsheng threw a condescending glance at Fu Zhi and said, "Ms. Fu, I'm older and I have more experience than you. In order to prevent people from saying that I'm bullying you, I can let you choose first. Which row of jade stones are you going to start with?"

"Thank you very much, Mr. Generous. I will start from the last row, then," Fu Zhi replied.

Chu Yunsheng, aka Mr. Generous, fell silent.

He had no idea why but he felt a little bit dizzy.

The crowd shook their heads at Fu Zhi. They did not know why Fu Zhi had to say yes to the challenge. In their opinion, there was no way she could defeat Chu Yunsheng.

Fu Zhi did not care about the others and started to look at the jade stones. There was a serious expression on her face, and some of the people in the crowd chuckled when they saw that she did not use any tools to study the jade stones.

"Is she not going to use any tool?"

"Huh? I just blinked my eyes and she has already decided on one? Does she know what she's doing or not?"

"I'm sure she knows what she's doing. Or else, how do you think that she can get an Imperial Jade on her first try?"

"That's because she's lucky. It doesn't mean that she's good at it."

"Besides, Master Chu is known as the God's Eyes in stone gambling. There's no way she can defeat him this time."

"That's right. Although Chu Yunsheng made a mistake during his first try, I'm sure he'll pull himself together this time."

Everyone was expressing their opinion about the competition, while Wu Zhiheng was pacing back and forth anxiously.

He did not know if it was the right decision to support Chu Yunsheng or not, and he did not know what his father would do if he learned about the competition. The only thing he knew right now was that he had to make Fu Zhi pay for everything that she had put the Wu Family through.

In the meantime, Fu Zhi had finished viewing the jade stones.

There was a time limit for both of them, and they only had 30 minutes to pick the jade stones that they wanted.

After they had selected the jade stones that they wanted, they would give the number tag to the staff and the staff would start cutting the jade stones once time was up.

Fu Zhi had already selected three jade stones, but she did not pick the last two jade stones.

"Fu Zhi, are you done?" Chu Yunsheng asked.

"Yes," Fu Zhi replied without lifting her head, "You should start getting your money ready."

Chu Yunsheng did not know what to say. He looked at Fu Zhi like he was looking at a fool and said, "You just took 10 minutes to pick your jade stones and you still think you can defeat me?"

"Hahaha, what a funny little girl. Who doesn't know that the most important aspects to consider when evaluating a jade stone are texture. Even an expert like Chu Yunsheng also needs about 20 minutes to evaluate a jade stone!"

Chapter 545: Jackpot Nonstop – 3
"Who said she's good just now? Come on out and look at her yourself. I'm pretty sure she doesn't have the slightest idea of what she's doing right now. I don't know how she has the nerve to accept Master Chu's challenge."

Wu Zhiheng heaved out a sigh of relief as he listened to the crowd.

The surrounding was noisy, but it did nothing to affect Fu Zhi.

She was looking at jade stone No. 66 and there was a frown on her face.

Although this jade stone was one of the best amongst the remaining jade stones in the exhibition hall, she could see that there were some impurities in the middle part of the jade.

It might not be the worst quality of jade, but it definitely was not the best.

Fu Zhi hesitated for a moment before picking up the number tag and walked towards the staff.

It was just that when she passed by Chu Yunsheng, she came to an abrupt stop and something inside of her head snapped as she stared in disbelief at the jade stone in Chu Yunsheng's hand.

Right now, Chu Yunsheng was evaluating and studying the jade stone with torchlight and a magnifying glass.

At this moment, Fu Zhi did not know how to describe her feelings and she just wanted to curse out loud.

This jade stone was the best in the exhibition hall. Even the quality of jade stone No. 26 paled in comparison to the quality of this jade stone.

Fu Zhi stared fixedly at jade stone No. 50. If Chu Yunsheng picked this jade stone, he could really turn the table around. If that happened, she was going to lose a lot of money!

Her heart was fluttering rapidly like a butterfly at the thought. She clapped her eyes on Chu Yunsheng and it seemed to her that he wanted to pick this jade stone.

Fu Zhi felt she had to do something as she could not let Chu Yunsheng pick the jade stone. She fell into contemplation for a while and an idea took shape in her head.

She doubled back to jade stone No. 66 and began caressing its surface.

Unlike jade stone No. 26, this one had a swirling pattern and there were no scabs on the surface. Everyone who had some basic knowledge about stone gambling knew that the appearance of scabs on the surface of a jade stone was directly related to its quality. The more scabs there were on the surface, the lower the quality of the jade.

As for the swirling pattern that looked like a snake, it was the indicator for the color dispersion pattern. However, having the swirling pattern did not guarantee that it was going to be a high-grade jade, so they needed to look from other aspects.

The jade stone in front of Fu Zhi was, without a doubt, a high-grade jade stone, and judging from the swirling pattern on the surface, everyone would pick this jade stone over the jade stone in Chu Yunsheng's hand. Therefore, it went without saying that Fu Zhi could not go forward and told Chu Yunsheng that she wanted to exchange the jade stone with him.

At the same time, a staff member came up to Fu Zhi and asked, "Ms. Fu. It's almost time. Have you made your decision?"

"Well," Fu Zhi replied, "I like this one because I like the number 66, but I don't understand why there is a swirling pattern on top of the jade stone..."

She did not make any effort to lower her voice, and Chu Yunsheng heard everything she said clearly.

'A swirling pattern?'

Chu Yunsheng hastily put down the jade stone in his hand. He turned his head around to look at jade stone No. 66 and his eyes lit up.

Chu Yunsheng had to admit that he was really attracted to the jade stone. After all, in terms of both texture and color, the risk of No. 66 was much less than the piece of jade stone he was holding.

He gritted his teeth tightly. He did not know why even God wanted to help Fu Zhi. In the meantime, Wu Zhiheng had noticed the jade stone in front of Fu Zhi as well. He clenched his fists tightly as he could not believe that he was going to get defeated by Fu Zhi again.

Just when both Wu Zhiheng and Chu Yunsheng were chiding Fu Zhi for her luck, they heard Jin Can shouting from afar, "Zhizhi, trust me! Just take that one!"

Chu Yunsheng's heart skipped a beat. The numbers in his savings account did not permit him to lose again, so he figured that he had to do something to stop Fu Zhi and get his hands on the jade stone.

Fu Zhi turned her head around and she noticed the light in Chu Yunsheng's eyes. She then continued to ask hesitantly, "Are you sure about that? This jade stone is so ugly. Are you sure it's a good one?"

'Of course there is!' Chu Yunsheng shouted inwardly. However, he could not let Fu Zhi realize anything.

As such, he took a deep breath and said, "The look of a jade stone has no relation to the quality of the jade. As long as there is no scab on the surface, there's a good chance that it would be a high-quality jade. However, for the jade stone in your hand..."

He stopped midway through his sentence abruptly and acted as if he had just realized that Fu Zhi was his competitor. He slapped himself in his cheek in a dramatic way and turned his head around, sighing and looking dejected.

Fu Zhi did not know what to say at all.

Chu Yunsheng observed Fu Zhi through the corner of his eyes, and he smirked victoriously when he saw Fu Zhi frowned even deeper after hearing what he had said. Then, he turned to Wu Zhiheng and nodded at him.

Receiving his signal, Wu Zhiheng hastily shouted at the staff member, "What are you waiting for? Fu Zhi has already made her decision, so hurry up and take the number tag away!"

The corner of Fu Zhi's lips twitched, and she continued, "Hold on a second."

She took a step back and said, "I don't want this jade stone."

"Don't listen to him, Zhizhi!" Jin Can shouted.

The staff member then said, "You need to pick another two jade stones, then."

Fu Zhi nodded. She turned around and went towards the row of jade stones in front of Chu Yunsheng.

At the moment Fu Zhi put down the number tag, Chu Yunsheng immediately ran forward and took the number tag for jade stone No. 66. Then, he handed the number tag to the staff member. "I'm taking it!"

Everyone was stunned and Jin Can's face turned livid with rage.

"How... How could you do this to someone younger than you, Chu Yunsheng? Have you no shame at all?"

Chu Yunsheng harrumphed coldly and said, "Since Ms. Fu doesn't want it, so why can't I take it?"

Jin Can was exasperated but there was nothing he could say. After all, Chu Yunsheng was right. Fu Zhi was the one who did not want the jade stone, so it went without saying that he could take it.

"If you hadn't said those things to her, would she give up on the jade stone?"

"So?" Chu Yunsheng replied, "That doesn't prove anything at all. I'm just stating my opinion and she doesn't have to listen to me at all. Besides, you said I took Fu Zhi's jade stone, didn't Fu Zhi also take the jade stone that I didn't want?"

Truth be told, Chu Yunsheng did not know why Fu Zhi gave up on such a good-quality jade stone to take the jade stone that he did not want.

Could it be that the grass on the other side of the fence was greener?

Just when Chu Yunsheng was figuring out Fu Zhi's intention, Fu Zhi said something to Jin Can before sending a cold glance at him.

Chu Yunsheng's heart skipped a beat, and he did not know why but he did not have a good feeling about it.

Although he knew very little about Fu Zhi, he had a hunch that she was not a pushover, and she was someone who practiced eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.

Everyone in the scene could see that he had deceived her, but she did not say anything.

Chu Yunsheng picked another three jade stones before handing the number tag to the staff member.

The head of the Long Family upstairs shook his head. "Ms. Fu is going to lose this time."

As for Jiang Zong, he pouted his lips.

'Instead of worrying about her, you should be worrying about that guy. Unless the sun comes up from the east, she will never get deceived by the others.'

Half an hour later.

The staff of the Lucky Cloud Pavilion moved Fu Zhi and Chu Yusheng's jade stones to each side of the entrance respectively for the lapidary to cut them open.

Everyone stepped forward and looked at the two lapidaries with bated breath.

The one who started first was the lapidary from the Wu Family. He made a mark on jade stone No. 66 before beginning cutting it, filling the air with the whirring sound of the machine.

Chu Yunsheng got the jade stone from Fu Zhi, and he had a lot of faith in it. This jade stone cost them about 40 million. Right now, Wu Zhiheng was so nervous that his hands were sweating profusely, as 40 million was not a small amount.

Jin Can was pacing back and forth as if there were ants in his pants as well. He was worried that Fu Zhi would pass out due to her rage after learning that this jade stone that she gave to Chu Yunsheng was a high-grade jade. However, just when he looked towards Fu Zhi and was about to comfort her, he saw that she was talking to her father. "Can we stop by the milk tea shop later? I'd like a cappuccino slushie."

Jin Can did not know what he should say. It seemed to him that he had underestimated Fu Zhi.

Just when he was going to say something to Fu Zhi, someone shouted.

"It's coming! It's coming!"

He turned his head around and then he saw a shade of green from the cutting machine.

Then, the lapidary made another cut to split the jade stone into two.

"Here is it! Here is it!"

"Look, guys! It's a Grade A jade!"

"No! It's not a Grade A jade. This is a Floret Jade. It's one of the Grade S! Look at the texture and the color. Although it's not the best, its size and weight can make up for it."

"You're right. It's indeed a Floret Jade! Congratulations, Master Chu!"

"Congratulations? He took the jade stone from Ms. Fu! He deceived her!"

"No, he did not. This is called wise!"

A group of people was arguing with each other outside, while the group of bosses inside the building was dumbfounded.

Due to the scarcity of jade, a Grade S Floret Jade was sought after by many people and its market value was rising steeply.

The market price for a pendant made of a normal Grade S Floret Jade was about ten thousand yuan or more, and the higher the quality of the jade, the higher the price of the jewelry.

All of them could not believe that the Wu Family would get a Grade S Floret Jade. They all thought of getting a doctor for Fu Zhi as they were worried that she might vomit blood and pass out.

However, little did they expect that the first one to pass out was Jin Can.

His eyes rolled to the back and fell on the floor with a loud thud.

Fu Zhi was speechless. She wanted to tell him that her jade stone was better, but it was too late.

Jin Can had fallen unconscious, and the paramedic team had brought him into the lounge.

Chapter 546: Jackpot Nonstop – 4
Chu Yunsheng's confidence grew after he got a Floret Jade, and Wu Zhiheng saw a glimmer of hope.

A Floret Jade was exactly what they needed right now.

Wu Zhiheng did not expect that they would get a high-grade jade from the jade stone that they took from Fu Zhi.

'He indeed is an expert who claims to have the God's Eyes!'

A few tycoons and big bosses then went up to Chu Yunsheng and said, "Please name your price, Master Chu. We'd like to buy the Floret Jade from you!"

"Of course," Chu Yunsheng replied, "I'll also split this Floret Jade into two parts. I'll give one part to the Wu Family for their support and I'll sell the second half to you guys."

"Hahahaha! Thank you very much, Master Chu!"

"Master Chu, you're awesome!"

"I hope you can come and help us in the next stone gambling session."

Chu Yunsheng stroked his invisible beard and said, "Hahaha! Sure do, but you guys can't just thank me alone. You have to thank Ms. Fu as well. If it were not for her to give up on the jade stone, I wouldn't be able to get a Floret Jade."

"How can you be so sure that the jade stone in Ms. Fu's hand isn't better than yours?"

Chu Yunsheng took a look at the buyer that stood up for Fu Zhi. He clicked his tongue and replied, "Instead of paying lip service here, you should pray to God and hope that she wouldn't lose too much money."

As he was talking, Fu Zhi's lapidary had finished cutting a stone.

"Here it comes!"

A shade of green appeared in everyone's vision, and as the lapidary moved the jade stone away, everyone could see that it was a jade stone of about 40 to 50 pounds.

Generally speaking, getting a 40 to 50 pounds jade was considered pretty good. It was just that they had seen two Grade S jades today, so they were disappointed.

"This is just a normal jade. She's going to lose."

"Well, you can't expect too much from an amateur. From the moment she gave up on that jade stone I already knew that there must be something wrong with her head."

"I thought it's a Dragonstone Jade, so it's just a normal jade!"

"Dragonstone Jade? Are you serious? A Dragonstone Jade is the rarest amongst all the jades, and Master Chu might not be able to get one in his entire life, let alone the Lu Family."

Chu Yunsheng looked towards Fu Zhi and heaved out a sigh of relief.

At the same time, his disciple said, "Master, let's move on to the next jade stone."


This was the first time the lapidary of the Wu Family worked on such a rare jade as well and he was excited. He followed Chu Yunsheng's instructions and began to work on the rest of the jade stones.

However, unfortunately, in the next ten minutes, perhaps some of the good jade stones had been taken by the other people, they did not get any rare-grade jade anymore.

As for Fu Zhi, all of the jades that she got were lower in both grade and quality. Judging from the trend, the final winner of the bet was definitely Chu Yunsheng.

This was what Chu Yunsheng had expected.

Both Chu Yunsheng and Wu Zhiheng were filled with so much happiness that they couldn't stop smiling.

Chu Yunsheng turned to look at Fu Zhi and said in a condescending manner, "Ms. Fu, why don't we stop wasting our time here. There is no way you can defeat me with those jades of yours."

Wu Zhiheng then chimed in, "That's right."

Fu Zhi threw a glance at Wu Zhiheng and said, "Should I get a bed for you? It seems to me that you like to daydream a lot."

Wu Zhiheng became speechless.

Fu Zhi then turned back to the lapidary. She drew a line on the jade stone and said, "Start from here. Be careful."

The lapidary nodded.

As everyone watched on, the lapidary slowly worked on the fourth jade stone. A few minutes later, a shade of green entered everyone's eyes.


"What a vibrant color! Could it be that this is a high-grade jade?"

"Let's keep watching..."

As a murmur spread across the crowd, the outer layer of the jade was removed by the lapidary and a band of rich green with a hint of gold appeared in everyone's vision.


"This is a Golden Thread Jade! It's another Grade S!"

"What the hell? Why are there so many Grade S jades today? It's totally different from last year!"

Although the Golden Thread Jade in Fu Zhi's hand had a higher market value, unfortunately, this one was only at the size of a fist, so Chu Yunsheng still had an edge over Fu Zhi.

Wu Zhiheng was assaulted by a sudden sense of nervousness, and he felt things were going a bit beyond his expectations.

He might be not that smart, but he was not an idiot. He was pretty certain that Fu Zhi knew how to stone gamble. If not, there was no way she could get two Grade S jade today.

If she knew how to stone gamble, then why did she say she did not like the swirling pattern on the jade stone?

The more Wu Zhiheng thought about it, the more he felt something was amiss.

He went forward and told Chu Yunsheng about his thoughts.

Chu Yunsheng had long been overwhelmed by Fu Zhi's cold treatment and the impending victory. He said, "You're just being paranoid, Young Master Wu. Do you really think there are that many Grade S jade in Lucky Cloud Pavilion? Don't be silly, please. What's more, Fu Zhi and I picked from the first batch of jade stones that no one else wanted.

"The reason she wanted our jade stone is that she trusts me more than herself. That's why she would fall into our trap."

Just after Chu Yunsheng had finished speaking, he turned his head around and he saw that Fu Zhi was looking at him like she was looking at an idiot. It ticked him off, and just as he wanted to shout at her, she spun her head back to the lapidary.

This was the last jade stone, and this jade stone would be the deciding factor.

The whirring sound of the engine filled the air.

Chu Yunsheng did not take his seat, but stood beside the lapidary instead. There was a stern expression on his face as he could not wait for the result.

"Why don't you take a seat and wait, Master Chu?" Someone reminded him.

Chu Yunsheng waved his hand and replied, "No. I'm not going to sit until I see her lost."

Fu Zhi then replied, "That's not going to happen."

Although she was stating the truth, Chu Yunsheng thought she was taunting him. He looked at her and snarled, "Ms. Fu, you really are as stubborn as a dead duck. Do you still think you can defeat me by now?"

Fu Zhi shrugged and she turned back to the cutting machine.

Lu Jingqing and Jin Can, who had just woken up, were nervous.

The process of waiting was torture.

Just when the crowd was getting impatient, the jade stone was finally cut into half.

They hastily went forward and they saw some green and blue amidst the dust.

"This is strange..."

"How is it? How is it?"

"Let me clean it myself," Fu Zhi said.

She took over the towel and began wiping the two jade stones carefully. Then, when a shade of purple burst in front of them, all of the people fell silent.

A purple-colored jade was considered one of the rarest types of jade. Generally, there was only one piece of purple jade from hundreds of pieces of jade stones.

Just when everyone was focused on the purple jade, the experts from the Lucky Cloud Pavilion were attracted to the second jade stones, and their eyes widened in disbelief.

They exchanged glances, and when they all saw the bewilderment in their eyes, they rushed forward and put their hands on the jade.

The warmth and heat coming from the jade were very different from the wet and cold in the air.

"Warm in winter and cool in summer. What do you think, Lao Liu?" An expert asked.

Chapter 547: Jackpot Nonstop – 5

Everyone outside the exhibition hall was stunned. None of them could believe that Fu Zhi had gotten a Dragonstone Jade. For a moment, everyone wanted to rush into look at the legendary Dragonstone Jade.

The silver lining was that the security guards in the Lucky Cloud Pavillion were great. They formed a barricade and prevented any of them from going in.

The group of bosses inside the exhibition hall jumped up.

"Holy moly! The legendary Dragonstone Jade?"

"Are the Lu Family descendants of the lucky goddess?"

"I thought Dragonstone Jade doesn't exist anymore! It's so rare that it can be donated to the museum!"

"Dragonstone Jade is the highest grade of jade yet. Even Imperial Jade paled in comparison with it, let alone a Grade A jade?"

"I wonder how big the Dragonstone Jade is, but even if it's about the size of a fist, it still worth a lot of money!"

Wu Zhiheng felt as if he was hit by a bolt of lightning.

Chu Yunsheng's eyes turned blank as he took two steps backward. "No! No! This is impossible!"

He shook his head as he refused to accept the truth. His father and his grandfather were in the stone gambling industry their whole life, yet they had never come across a Dragonstone Jade before.

"How is that possible? How do you know that it's a Dragonstone Jade? You're just walking around, how could you tell if the jade stone was good or bad? Could it be that the Lucky Cloud Pavilion told you everything in advance, and you're cheating my money right now?"

Fu Zhi did not reply to Chu Yunsheng's question. Instead, she looked towards the staff member and said, "Are you sure you don't want to answer the question?"

The staff member fell silent.

He cleared his throat before looking towards Chu Yunsheng and said, "In our opinion, judging from the financial status of both sides, the chances of you cheating are higher. Besides, you're the one who proposed the bet."

The Dragonstone Jade weighed about 20 pounds, and although it was not particularly heavy, its market value was high.

Fu Zhi clicked her tongue and said, "It's just a tiny Dragonstone Jade. I don't understand why do you have to make such a big fuss about it."

Everyone rolled their sleeves and they nearly couldn't suppress the urge to beat her when they heard what she had said.

Then, she continued, "Well, you guys don't have to praise me. It's all thanks to Master Chu that I can get this Dragonstone Jade. Had it not been for him, I wouldn't have noticed it's a Dragonstone jade inside the jade stone."


Everyone fell silent.

Chu Yunsheng's face was livid with rage.

That's right. He was the one who picked the jade stone first.

Had it not been for his hesitation, he would be the one who got the Dragonstone Jade today.

Right now, not only did he has to kneel and apologize to her, but he also was going to lose all of his money!

What's more, his career was on its upcurve, but after today, everyone would say he lost to an amateur.

Nobody would remember him anymore, and everyone would only be focusing on Fu Zhi.

When the thought appeared in his mind, Chu Yunsheng dropped to the ground and his eyes turned red around the rims.

Fu Zhi lowered her head and looked at him.

"Master Chu, it's all thanks to you that I could get this Dragonstone Jade, so you don't have to apologize to me anymore. As for the money, don't forget to discuss with the Wu Family and give it to me later."


Chu Yunsheng opened his mouth, but before he could say anything, a jet of blood spurted out of his mouth and he fell unconscious.

Lu Jingqing hastily pulled Fu Zhi back to his side.

"How much are these worth?" Wu Zhiheng asked an expert beside him.

It went without saying that he could not afford the loss, but he was younger than Chu Yunsheng, so no matter how angry he was, he would not vomit blood.

"If we sell all these, we still need another 4 to 5 million to pay to Ms. Fu Zhi."

Wu Zhiheng was stunned. He tried to hold his tears back, but they still fell out of his eyes in the end.

The expert then said, "That's not much compared to the three hundred million your family owes."

Wu Zhiheng did not know what to say. He then looked towards Fu Zhi and asked, "You knew from the beginning that this is a Dragonstone Jade, right? So that means you're fooling me?!"

"Well, you can say that," Fu Zhi replied.

It was only then Wu Zhiheng saw the light. There was no way Fu Zhi did not know anything about stone gambling.

However, his prejudice towards her had blinded him. That's why he would walk himself right into her trap.

It was too late and there was nothing he could do now.

"That's why I've been wondering why Fu Zhi would listen to Chu Yunsheng. So it's part of her plan!"

"It is funny that Chu Yunsheng still thinks he has taken advantage of her."

"I'm sure he didn't expect she would make a comeback so soon when he said she's an idiot."

Fu Zhi waved her hand and said, "Well, Master Chu is willing to sacrifice himself for the Lu Family, so we should compliment him for his heroic action."

These were the things that Chu Yunsheng hear when he woke up. He vomited another mouthful of blood and passed out again.

In the meantime, Wu Qi raised his hand and asked weakly, "Where's Zhiheng?"

"Well..." The secretary hemmed and hawed.

Wu Qi's heart skipped a beat and he sprang up from the bed, "What has he done again this time?!"

As he was talking, he began to head outside.

The secretary hastily went up to support him and said, "Please calm down, President Wu. You're not supposed to walk right now. Young Master Wu, he.."

The secretary told everything that Wu Zhiheng did downstairs to Wu Qi.

"Young Master Wu didn't know this will happen as well, so please don't get angry at him. Besides, aren't we still have the bigshot to help us? It's just a few million... And I'm sure that we'll be able to earn the money back if the bigshot is willing to help us. Fu Zhi is just being lucky, but the bigshot is the real deal. With him on our side, I'm sure we'll be able to get our revenge!"

"There's no bigshot anymore..." Wu Qi murmured as he fell to the floor.

"What?" The security asked.

Imperial Jade, Dragonstone Jade...

No matter how reluctant Wu Qi was to believe, he had to admit that she was not just lucky.

Fu Zhi was Chinese and she came from Yu City

An incredible yet gradually clear impression came to his mind.

"The success or failure of the affair is all due to the very same person. Hah! Hah!" Wu Qi let out a laughed, and he vomited another mouthful of blood as his secretary watched in shock.

"President Wu!"

A heart-rending shout came from the Wu family's lounge on the second floor, and everyone turned their heads in unison to look at Fu Zhi.

"This is incredible. Two big shots are fainted because of her."

"I don't know what President Wu's son is doing. His father has already fainted, yet instead of going to take care of his father, he stays here and competes with Fu Zhi. He's really such an ungrateful child."

"Maybe he has been waiting for his father to pass away so that he can inherit his properties?"

Wu Zhiheng was unable to pass out, so he could only endure the unrealistic and vicious speculation and mockery from the crowd.

Chapter 548: Fu Zhi, Seeking Money and Taking Lives
Initially, everyone felt that Fu Zhi was just messing around, so they mocked her and criticized her. However, Fu Zhi proved herself with four Grade S jades in the end.

What's more, she had gotten a few more normal grade jades other than the four Grade S jades and she did not have to pay a single penny for any of the jades.

"Ms. Fu, Ms. Fu, are you going to sell your Dragonstone Jade?'

"We don't necessarily need your Dragonstone Jade, Ms. Fu. We're willing to buy any of the jades that you're selling. We just don't know if Ms. Fu can give us your phone number or not."

"Ms. Fu, my team has just gotten an Orange Jade. Although it's not as valuable as your Dragonstone Jade, it's a nice material to be made into a bracelet as well. I'll give you one, so I hope you can accept it."


Although Fu Zhi was lucky today, everyone could see that she had real skills and experience. For these bosses, they had never lacked mediocre jade and they were always on a constant search for high-grade jade such as Golden Thread, Imperial Jade, and to name a few.

The fact they were willing to purchase intermediate-grade jades in Fu Zhi's hands at a high price as well as giving her a bracelet that worth more than a million showed that they wanted to form a good relationship with Fu Zhi.

The reason they wanted to form a relationship was that they hoped that she could provide them with help in the future.

Everyone knew what they were doing save for Wu Zhiheng.

Seeing that everyone was praising Fu Zhi, he clenched his fists tightly and his eyes were bloodshot as he stared at her. He just wanted to charge at her and shred her face into pieces.

After all, it was all Fu Zhi's fault.

Had it not been for her to trap them, they would not have given up on the jade stone. If they did not give up on the jade stone, it would be them who were receiving those praises right now.

However, what was happening right now?

Wu Zhiheng did not know what he had did wrong.

One second earlier he was still a young master of a family, in the next second, he became a young man drowned in debt.

Wu Zhiheng opened his mouth but no words could form from his throat.

Everyone was congratulating Fu Zhi for getting Grade S jades, especially the crowd outside of the exhibition hall. When they learned that Fu Zhi had gotten a Dragonstone Jade, they became so excited that they screamed and yelled at the top of their lungs, filling the entire street with their enthusiastic shout.

"Awesome! Brilliant! Mr. Lu, quickly, slap me in the face. I want to know if I'm dreaming or it's really happening right now!" Jin Can's face was rudy as he rubbed his eyes. He did not seem like someone who had just passed out at all.

"It's really happening," Lu Jingqing said as he stroked the Dragonstone Jade in front of him, "It's just that I don't know if I'm dreaming or not."

Jin Can became speechless.

Then, Lu Jingqing said, "Zhizhi said that she will make you a jade pendant, so you can pick any jade you like from here. We'll jot it down, and after it has been made into a pendant, we will send it to you."

"You don't have to do that, but... Well, since you insist, I'll gladly accept it then!"

As for the group of experts behind the Lu Family, one of them lamented, "I thought Ms. Fu is just messing around with us, I didn't expect her to be so good. I must apologize to her later."

Jin Can's face also turned red when he remembered that he had questioned Fu Zhi before as well.

Then, he looked at Lu Jingqing with admiration.

After all, Lu Jingqing was the one who had full faith in Fu Zhi from the beginning. Not only that, but he also saw through Chu Yunsheng's arrogance and his incompetency.

After Jin Can calmed himself down, he began to look at Fu Zhi in a whole new light. He did not dare to look down on her anymore, and just like Lu Jingqing, he believed her wholeheartedly.

The Lu Family had made a whole pot full from the Stone Gambling Festival this time.

The jades that Fu Zhi and Chu Yunsheng picked respectively were laid out in front of everyone's eyes, and it was obvious to see that who was the winner.

"Well, are the Chu Family and the Wu Family going to pay for the jades now?"

"Of course! They lost the bet, of course they have to pay for it."

"The Wus has already owed 300 million, will they still be able to take so much money out?"

"Chu Yunsheng fainted at the right time. If they couldn't take the money out, the Lucky Cloud Pavilion is going to ask from the Lu Family, right?"

"But the Lu Family don't lack money right now. They have gotten so many Grade S jades and there are so many bosses who want to make friends with them. If I were Fu Zhi, I would not take the money from them."

However, he was not Fu Zhi.

Fu Zhi would never pay for the jades, no matter what. She even had readied herself to go for another round of battle with the Lucky Cloud Pavilion, the Wu Family, and the Chu Family.

However, the staff member went after Wu Zhiheng.

After all, Wu Qi and Chu Yunsheng had not woken up yet, and the only person that could pull the weight around was Wu Zhiheng.

"Well, here's the thing, since the Wu family has always been a regular customer of the Lucky Cloud Pavilion, if the Wu family has no way to transfer funds, you guys can sell the few jades to us at a fair price. Then, the payment you have to pay at the end is three hundred and fifty million. However, considering the fact that you may not have so much cash, we give you a three-day deadline, but you have to write your name on this promissory note first."

A promissory note was a signed document acknowledging a debt. In other words, as long as the Wu Family signed the note, they had to be responsible for the debt.

This was something that Wu Zhiheng did not expect.

As a listed company, they did not have so much liquidity to support the amount of cash used to purchase the jade stones. Besides, the Wu Family was badly damaged since they could not get any good jades during this stone gambling session. Coupled up with the huge debt, it was cast in stone that they were going to file for bankruptcy.

The staff member of the Lucky Cloud Pavilion pressed on, "I suggest you sign the note, Young Master Wu. Or else, we won't let you leave the Lucky Cloud Pavilion."

Wu Zhiheng took a step back.

'I can't sign it,' Wu Zhiheng told himself inwardly.

He still could not accept the fact that the Wu Family had fallen from its grace. He had been a headstrong person. He refused to accept it when his peers were better than him. That's why he was willing to go down the hard way even though everyone had iced him out.

If he signed the note, he also had to handle Chu Yunsheng's debt. If his father found out, he was certain that he would beat him to death.

Therefore, he must not sign the note no matter what.

Wu Zhiheng bit the tip of his tongue and he could feel some liquid flowing inside of his mouth. With the overwhelming surge of hatred he had for Fu Zhi, he took two steps forward and said, his face contorted into a grotesque grimace.

"You've already won, Ms. Fu. Why must you do this to me? Mr. Lu, are you going to stand there and watch your daughter do whatever she wants?"

"I'm not watching. I've already helped you guys," Lu JIngqing said. Then, he paused for a moment before continuing, "You mustn't slander me and cook up rumors about me. It's not a good ethic."

"Mr. Lu, Fu Zhi... I'm your relatives. Must you guys see me die in front of you before..."

He came to a sudden stop in his sentence.

Then, blood jetted out of the young man's mouth as he fell to the ground like a marionette with its string cut.

"Young Master Wu!"'

"Young Master!"

"My debtor!"

The people in the Wu Family hurriedly went up and surrounded Wu Zhiheng. They had not gotten their pay for this month yet, so they had to wake Wu Zhiheng up no matter what.

As for the staff member from the Lucky Cloud Pavilion, he began slapping Wu Zhiheng's face in an attempt to wake him up.

"Young Master Wu! Young Master Wu, wake up! We can't get our money if you don't wake up now!" The staff member shouted, "Doctor! Where's the doctor?"

This was the third person who vomited blood today because of Fu Zhi today.

Jin Can looked at the little girl worriedly. He wondered if they had to be responsible for him or not if he was dead.

However, on second thought, they were the ones who forced Fu Zhi to accept the bet, so...

"Don't worry, Uncle Jin," Fu Zhi said, as if she could read his thought. She studied Wu Zhiheng's complexion and took a step forward.

"Can you guys move aside?"

The reason Fu Zhi stepped forward was that she knew Wu Zhiheng was just pretending to have fainted.

However, the Wu Family's secretary did not think so. He had been working in the Wu Corporation for a long time and they paid him handsomely, so he cared about the Wus a lot. If it was other people, he might have moved aside already, but since the person who was talking right now was Fu Zhi, he refused to step aside.

After all, had it not been for Fu Zhi, Wu Zhiheng and Wu Qi would not have vomited blood and fainted.

He stood in front of Wu Zhiheng and stretched his hand forward to push Fu Zhi away. "What are you doing? Not only did you want our money, but you want our lives as well? I won't let you go near Young Master Wu!"

Fu Zhi moved sideways and evaded his arm.

Then, Jin Can shouted, "Hey! Hey! Hey! What do you think you're doing?!"

He went forward and pointed at the secretary, "Stop using that despicable mind of yours to judge Zhizhi. If she didn't know how to save him, would she step forward?"

"No way! Who knows would she drug our Young Master or not!"

"Really? Do you really think she's capable of doing that?" The staff member of the Lucky Cloud Pavilion chimed in, "There are so many people watching her, so how is there any possibility that she could drug your young master?"

"Can you really save him?" The secretary asked. Compared to the debt, he worried Wu Zhiheng even more.

"Of course I can," Fu Zhi replied. She opened up her bag and picked the largest silver needle out of her pouch. "All I need is just a silver needle. I'm sure he will wake up in no time!"

The silver needle gleamed coldly under the sun.

Jin Can had a feeling that Wu Zhiheng might die if Fu Zhi really stuck that silver needle into him.

"No! No, no, no, no! You're killing him!" The secretary shouted as he protected Wu Zhiheng behind him, "Don't you dare to take a step forward. Otherwise, I'll scream!"

Fu Zhi chuckled. "Go ahead. I doubt anyone will come to your rescue, considering your appearance.

"Besides, you can rest assured. I can definitely save him."

"These are silver needles, and only doctors will bring them around. You should step aside and let her do her job," the staff member of the Lucky Cloud Pavilion said.

The secretary thought for a moment before taking a step aside, "Then... Then, I'll leave him in your hands. You've got to save him. If anything happens to him, I... I'll slap you!"

Fu Zhi glanced at him and squatted beside Wu Zhiheng. She pulled another silver needle out and flipped Wu Zhiheng's eyelids nonchalantly.

Then, she felt his pulse before putting his arm beside his waist. After that, she lifted the silver needle in her hand and stabbed it into his arm, causing him a lot of pain.

It all happened too fast.

Wu Zhuheng suddenly jerked up from the ground and he snarled, "Are you nuts, Fu Zhi?!"

Chapter 549: Comeback
Fu Zhi rose to her feet and wiped the blood off the silver needle. She then looked at Wu Zhiheng, who was jumping and hopping around like a rabbit, with twinkling eyes, and said, "It seems like Young Master Wu's as fit as a fiddle. It took me only two silver needles and he's already woken up."

Wu Zhiheng froze. He turned his head around slowly and realized that everyone was looking at him dubiously.

"I... I wasn't lying. I was not feeling well just now..." He stammered. His face was ashen pale and he seemed like he was going to faint again.

However, the current situation did not permit him to do so.

"Not feeling well? Don't worry, Young Master Wu. I'm experienced in this kind of illness. Go ahead and faint a few more times."

'So that you can turn me into a porcupine?'

Wu Zhiheng's lips were trembling as he held Fu Zhi's gaze. He hemmed and hawed for a long while yet he did not say anything.

The rest of the people then chimed in, "Young Master Wu, a bet is a bet. You lost, so you have to keep up with your end of the bargain. Hurry up and pay the money to the Lucky Cloud Pavilion."

"That's right. Integrity is one important aspect of a human. Besides, all of us have seen with our eyes that you're the one who challenged her to a bet. If you don't pay the money right now, we won't trust you again and we won't do business with your corporation anymore."

"The Wu Corporation is a big corporation. You can win, but you can't lose? Is this what your father taught you?"

All sorts of criticism and harsh remarks stabbed into Wu Zhiheng's heart like a sharp blade.

He did not know what he should do.

When the Wu Family was on the rise, everyone here would greet him reverently and tried to curry favor with him whenever he came to the Lucky Cloud Pavilion for stone gambling. However, it's all in the past now and a sea change had taken place in his life after what Fu Zhi did.

The past ten years were like a long dream to him, and now he had woken up from the dream.

It was all because of Fu Zhi! It was her fault! How else could he be looked down upon by so many people had it not been for her?

Wu Zhiheng wanted to rush forward and get rid of Fu Zhi, but a voice in his head was telling him to calm down. If he did anything stupid right now, he would be the one who got the short end of the stick.

Just when Wu Zhiheng was about to say something in return, the door to the lounge on the second floor opened up.

Wu Qi had woken up, and he was now going down the stairs with the help of the secretary.

His complexion was pale and his expression was dark. Shooting daggers at his son while at the same time trying his best to suppress the urge to strangle Wu Zhiheng to death, he stepped forward and announced, "I've been informed of the situation. You guys don't have to say anything anymore. The Wu Corporation will never run from its responsibility. I apologize on behalf of my son for his misbehavior, and I promise that I'll punish him when we get home."

After that, he glared at Wu Zhiheng.

Wu Zhiheng wanted to say something in return, but he forwent the attempt in the end seeing how pale his father's face was. He had a premonition that everything that happened today was going to put the Wu Family in a difficult situation.

Fu Zhi took a step back and said, "Please sign the promissory note then, President Wu."

"Okay," Wu Qi said as he took a look at Fu Zhi, his eyes filled with disbelief, regret, and respect.

"Can I ask a question before I sign the document?" Wu Qi asked, "Have you joined any QQ group before, Ms. Fu?"

The crowd was stunned. They did not know what Wu Qi was up to again.

Fu Zhi lifted her eyebrows and replied, "What do you think, President Wu? Do you think I've joined any QQ group before?"

Wu Qi did not reply.

Although it seemed like Fu Zhi was throwing the question back to him, she had already answered his question.

It was because she did not appear to be shocked or confused or surprised when he asked her the question, and this could only mean one thing: Yes.

Honestly, Fu Zhi had given them a lot of chances. It was just that they failed to grasp those opportunities.

Wu Qi froze and he could hear his heart shattering as he looked at the three hundred and fifty million on the document. This was all that was left of the Wu Family's family fortune.

It was never in his wildest dream that he was going to return everything he got from Fu Zhi today.

That said, there was nothing he could do. They lost the bet, and if they did not pay the money, not only would they lose face, but these people would stop doing business with them as well, and most importantly, they had lost the support from the bigshot as well.

Therefore, Wu Qi could only pull himself together and sign his name on the document. However, he was going to handle the three hundred and fifty million only. As for the money they spent during the second round, he was going to split the bill with Chu Yunsheng.

When he signed the document, a lot of people praised him for his integrity.

That said, Wu Qi would rather they not praise him at all.

"Dad..." Wu Zhiheng stepped forward.

"Don't call me dad,' Wu Qi said, "I should call you dad instead."

Wu Zhiheng kept his head low in dejection.

Looking around, Wu Qi felt that he was going to pass out again when he saw Lu Jingqing was selling his jades and exchanging contact numbers with a few bosses.

He did not want to stay here anymore, so he brought all of his team away.

The Lu Family won the match beautifully. After he had finished entertaining the bosses, Lu Jingqing then left the Lucky Cloud Pavilion with Fu Zhi.

Since all of the jades were expensive and rare, Fu Zhi called Wang Rao to come and pick them up.

While they were on their way back, Wang Rao made a call to Shen Cizhou, "I have a business deal here."

"Fire away. If it's not about taking lives, I won't do it. It's too boring."

"It's robbery."

"Nice idea, but no. It's against my code of ethics. If you don't have anything else, I'm hanging up."

"Wait!" Wang Rao said, "The Lucky Cloud Pavilion has a Dragonstone Jade and an Imperial Jade today. Coupled up with other jades, there are several million in the car right now."

Shen Cizhou's eyes lip up and he hastily said, "Give me the address. It's everybody's responsibility to loot and plunder everywhere!"

"You just need to pinpoint my location. All of the jades belong to Ms. Fu, so quickly come and steal a few! Ms. Fu is so good at making money to support her family! I want to marry her!"

Shen Cizhou was stunned. He did not understand why Wang Rao did not tell him directly that those jades belonged to Fu Zhi.

'Of all the people in the world, you want to rob Fu Zhi? Do you have a death wish?' Shen Cizhou thought inwardly.

In the meantime, inside a secret room in the Lucky Cloud Pavilion.

The air was filled with smoke.

There were some people in the exhibition hall after the Lu Family left. Manager Chen took a look around and went into the secret room.

The man sitting in the chair raised his head up from the phone. He had a flawless face and his body was well-proportionate. He exerted a strong aura, and he could make people shiver in fear just by sitting there without saying anything.

Manager Chen had seen a lot of people in his life, but he had to admit that none of them could be more attractive than the man in front of him. Even those celebrities paled in comparison with him.

"President Li," Manager Chen greeted reverently as he took a step forward.

Li Nanli cocked his head and looked at him expressionlessly, causing Manager Chen's heart to leap into his throat.

That said, he took a deep breath and reported, "Ms. Fu has gotten all the ten jade stones that you brought today, and she didn't notice anything strange."

Li Nanli tapped his finger on the couch and the expression on his face showed that he was satisfied with the result.

It was just there was one thing that Manager Chen could not think through. "With all due respect, President Li, if you want to give those jade stones to Ms. Fu, why don't you just give them to her in person? Why do you have to..."

What if Fu Zhi did not know how to pick jade stones, and those jade stones ended up taken by other people?"

Li Nanli extinguished the cigarette in his hand. He swept a glance at Manager Chen, causing the latter's heart to skip a beat as he felt as if he was being targeted by a giant beast.

"Don't worry, President Li. I won't tell anybody about the things today! And... And you don't have to care about my questions either!"

Li Nanli withdrew his gaze and rose to his feet. He took the blazer from the couch and put it on.

"I'm sure you should know what would happen to you if you can't keep your mouth shut, right?"

A drop of sweat trickled down Manager Chen's face as he nodded. "Yes! Yes!"

Li Nanli then headed out of the room, and Manager Chen caught glimpse of the smile on his lips.

'Why did I want to do that? Of course it's to make my girl happy.'

When Jiang Zong came out of the elevator, the head of the Long Family was still talking nonstop, "I've been in this industry for so long, but I've never gotten such a good quality jade before. Besides, Ms. Fu is so awesome, she..."

Before he could finish his sentence, he saw Jiang Zong suddenly come to a stop in his tracks.

"Are you alright, Mr. Jiang?" He asked.

However, he did not receive any reply from Jiang Zong. He lifted his head, and it was only then he noticed that Jiang Zong was staring in a direction.

He looked in the direction of Jiang Zong's eyes, and a tall man wearing a suit entered his vision.

Judging from his attire, he knew that the man must be someone extraordinary.

"He is..."

"Hey, Long Yuan..."

Both of them spoke at the same time, but Long Yuan let Jiang Zong finished his sentence first. "How would you feel if I asked Fu Zhi to be my wife?"

"Huh?" Long Yuan was greatly stunned.

"Not a good match, right?" Jiang Zong continued, "I feel Fu Zhi doesn't deserve me too. Besides, the elders in the Jiang Family will never agree to the marriage, and many problems might appear if she becomes my wife."

Long Yuan said, "Yeah. President Jiang has the desire of betrothing you to the descendant of the Fu Family. Besides, you're engaged to the descendant of the Fu Family since you're a baby..."

"That's been called off a long time ago. What I care about now is that Fu Zhi has a lot of money, and if I can make her my wife, it can save me a decade of effort."

Long Yuan did not know what to say.

'Excuse me? Even if she's rich, her wealth is nothing compared to yours.'

Jiang Zong thought for a while and said, "Anyway, marriage is a no-go, but if I don't marry her, it doesn't seem legal. If she gets married to Li... to another man, I can be her second husband. Then, maybe she will leave all her inheritance to me when she passes away? Or even better, maybe I can kick her first husband away and officially become her husband. I heard that the public likes this kind of comeback, right?"

Long Yuan became speechless.

Chapter 550: Another Wrong Move From Wu Zhiheng – 1
It was already 4:00 pm by the time Fu Zhi and Lu Jingqing returned to the villa.

All of the bosses had exchanged WeChat IDs with Lu Jingqing when they were at the Lucky Cloud Pavilion. Even though a few hours had passed, they were still sending him messages, asking if he had arrived home as well as greeting him again. This was the reality. Everyone hit, stomped, or stepped on a man when he fell from grace, and they would begin currying favor with him when he rose up again.

Lu Jingqing replied to some of them and entered the villa.

Fu Zhi was exhausted. She had pulled an all-nighter playing with her phone last night, and she needed sleep right now.

After Lu Jingqing told Xu Wei everything that happened in the Lucky Cloud Pavilion today, he turned to Fu Zhi and said, "It's all thanks to Fu Zhi. If she didn't follow me to the stone gambling festival, with those experts that I brought, I might not be able to get anything today."

Fu Zhi shook her head. "You don't have to thank me, dad. After all, we're a family, right?"

Lu Jingqing was stunned, but he regained his senses very soon. He nodded firmly as he asked, "I believe you're tired. Go and take some rest. We will let you know when the dinner is ready."

Xu Wei then hurriedly chimed in, "Yes, yes, yes! Zhizhi, you should go and take a nap. Don't play with your phone anymore, and I'll call you up later."

Fu Zhi nodded and she went back to her room to take a nap.

After roughly an hour—she couldn't tell—she was woken up by a series of sounds of pots and pans falling around.

Fu Zhi went downstairs in bewilderment, and then she saw Xu Wei, who was holding a bat and was having a battle with a fish in the kitchen. It seemed to Fu Zhi that Xu Wei was trying to kill the fish by batting its head, but she kept missing her target. In the end, it was the fish itself that rammed its head against her bat to free itself from this endless torture.

Fu Zhi did not know what to say.

Xu Wei was a little bit frustrated as she talked to the person through the phone.

"Didn't I tell you to send deer blood and mutton by tonight? What? No! I can't wait that long! Yes, you've got to send those ingredients to me by tonight. My family is exhausted and I have to cook something nice to invigorate them..."

The man said, "We only have bull pizzle with us right now, and the effect is immediate. If you still think it's not enough, you can get some Viagra from the hospital..."

"What? No! It's not for my husband!" Xu Wei explained. She did not think her husband needed those as well. "Anyway, just send whatever you have to me. Let me know when you're here. I'll send my men to pick those ingredients from you."

Xu Wei was wearing an apron and she looked just like a loving mother. It was just that there was something Fu Zhi did not understand. If she was not going to use those ingredients on Lu Jingqing, who else was she going to use them on?

Was her father getting cuckolded by his wife?

Was it because she gave her mother too much money recently, and she had become bad?

Just when Fu Zhi was trapped in her own thoughts, Xu Wei had already put the fish in a bowl.

Then, she caught a glimpse of her daughter on the staircase, who appeared to be confused. She waved her hand at her daughter and handed a bowl of turtle soup to her. Her eyes were filled with so much affection as she patted Fu Zhi's cheek and said, "Deer blood and mutton will arrive later. You can have this first..."

When she was talking, tears began to well in her eyes. "You must have used some kind of mysterious power like your third eye to help your father this time. I heard that it's exhausting and it'll do harm to your body to use this kind of mysterious power, so you have to fill up those lost energies as soon as possible or else you might become weaker and weaker!"

Fu Zhi was stunned.

It only appeared to her that those ingredients were for her!

She looked at Xu Wei and sighed, "You should stop watching so many unrealistic dramas."

How was there any possibility that she would have a mysterious power? What was she? Wonder woman?

It was just that she had been very interested in stone gambling since she was young. When she first stepped into the stone gambling industry, she was not as good as she was right now, and the consequences of making a wrong decision in stone gambling were often disastrous. The silver lining was that she was financially supported by different families at that time, that's why she could participate in the stone gambling without any worries.

Then, after years of training, she became better and better at stone gambling, and she was a lot more experienced than Chu Yunsheng.

Fu Zhi was considered as the tertiary consumer in this food chain known as stone gambling. Otherwise, there was no way those moguls and tycoons in the group would do everything she said.

"We're a family, so you don't have to hide it from me! Mommy understands!" Xu Wei said. Then, she went closer to Fu Zhi and whispered, "Don't worry, I'll not tell anyone that you have a superpower, and I'll do my best to protect you from those scientists from bringing you into a laboratory. Anyway, hurry up and drink the soup. Mommy still has to go back to the kitchen to prepare the rest of the food!"

Fu Zhi did not know what to say. She wanted to tell her mother that she did not have any kind of superpower, but it seemed to her that her mother would not listen.

"Mom, I don't have any superpower. I can get those stones because I..."

Before she could finish her sentence, Xu Wei's eyes turned red around the rims and tears began to fall from her eyes. "I understand, Zhizhi. I understand. You just don't want me to worry about you, but how can I not worry about you? Mommy is too useless. I can't help you with anything at all! From today onward, I'm going enroll myself in a university. I'm going to take part in the national post-graduate entrance examination to become a professor so that I can be more useful to you!"

Fu Zhi opened her mouth, wanting to say something, but she did not know what she should say.

Perhaps they were causing too much of a commotion, Lu Jingqing came down from the study. When he saw Xu Wei, he instantly understood everything and he went to give her a pat on her shoulder.

When Xu Wei saw her husband, she threw herself into his arms and beat his chest.

Fu Zhi could see that her father's face contorted into a grimace of pain and he nearly fell to the floor when her mother's tiny fist landed on his chest.

Xu Wei firmly believed that Fu Zhi had a superpower.

Fu Zhi thought for a while and asked, "What's the novel that you're reading lately."

Xu Wei pulled a book out of her pocket and replied, "The King of Gamblers and his Billion Dollar Wives."

Fu Zhi soon understood everything. She did not know what she should say, so she just stammered, "You... You should stop reading this kind of novel, it might..."

"It will have a bad influence on people, especially kids. But only those sissies would read this kind of novel," Ye Jiu chimed in before Fu Zhi could finish her sentence, "A boy like me usually read "The Fourth Demon Young Master and his downtrodden Cinderella"."

Xu Wei and Fu Zhi became speechless, and Lu Jingqing was stunned.

'Luckily we're not boys.'

Ye Jiu then went up to Fu Zhi and studied her face. "You look so beautiful today even though you don't put on any make-up... Wow, you have two eyes and a mouth! How fascinating!"

Fu Zhi replied emotionlessly, "Just tell me what you want."

"I heard that you have gotten four Grade S jades today, right? Well, I've been having a rough life recently..."

Fu Zhi did not want to ask how rough his life was, but Ye Jiu's expression was too serious, especially his eyes. He fixed his gaze on her face, and it occurred to her that he was going to say, "Wow! You even have a brain inside of your head!" next.

Therefore, she asked, emotionlessly, "You've been having a rough life lately?"

"I'm a little bit low on cash," Ye Jiu said, "Honestly, I'm poor now. Everything here's so expensive!"

Fu Zhi squinted her eyes and looked at him. Then, she grabbed his hand and said, "Then you have to hold on! No pain, no gain. I'm sure you will become a great man if you can survive through this! But I know you surely can make it through this! I have faith in you!"

Ye Jiu fell silent.

Meanwhile, the Wus had returned to the hotel.

Now that there were no more outsiders around them, Wu Qi unleashed all his anger on Chu Yunsheng by giving him a kick.

"How dare you, Wu Qi! Do you know I..."

"I know! Of course I know!" Wu Qi interrupted.

They were surrounded by the Wu Family's bodyguards. Each of them had an imposing look, but their eyes were glassy behind the sunglasses as they were going to lose their job soon.

"You're the great Chu Yunsheng! The one who wields God's Eyes? Bullsh*t! You couldn't even defeat a 17 years old little girl, and you still dare to call yourself a master?! Look what have you done today! You handed the jade stone over to Fu Zhi! That Dragonstone Jade should've been ours! Besides, had it not been for you to ask us to have faith in you, we would never have bid on that jade stone No. 20. I spent more than 300 million today, and yet all I get are nothing but useless rocks! It's all your fault!"

The secretary behind Wu Qi also chimed in, "That's right, Chu Yunsheng. Nobody is going to ask you for your opinion anymore. Your career is destroyed and you're nobody right now!"

"You have to pay for all the loss we suffered, Chu Yunsheng!"

"Could it be that you've been working with Fu Zhi all along? You're an undercover she sent to us so that you can lure us into her trap?!"

Chu Yunsheng did not dare to say anything and just kept his head low. He knew that Wu Qi was pushing all the blames on him right now, but there was nothing he could do. He was all alone and he did not have the confidence to go up against a bunch of people by himself.

Therefore, he could only say, "I don't know how this can be happening as well, President Wu. I hate that little girl to the core, so there's no way I will work with her to set up a trap for you guys. But don't you feel strange, President Wu? Fu Zhi is just a girl. How can she be more professional than me in stone gambling? There must be something fishy going on!"

'Of course she's more professional than you! She's the bigshot who gave us suggestions in the group!'

It was only now that Wu Qi saw through everything.

As a successful businessman, he would always reflect on himself so that he would not make the same mistake again if this was a general mistake. However, this time was different. He saw no chance for him to rise again, so he could only unleash his anger on Chu Yunsheng.

While the bodyguards were beating Chu Yunsheng up, Wu Zhiheng fell into contemplation after he heard what Chu Yunsheng had said.

'Why Fu Zhi could defeat Chu Yunsheng? Why would stone No. 20 end up as a useless stone while most of the people in the group said it's good? Could it be that it's their fault?'

Just as he was locked in his thoughts, new messages came into the stone gambling group and he opened it up.

It seemed to him that Bai Ji, the Lius, and the Wangs were celebrating something.

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