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Chapter 511: Rescue – 2

A loud gunshot erupted and Gu Yanqi was stunned. Then, when he heard something fall to the ground, his heart leaped into his throat and he hastily lifted his head up to look at his surroundings.

However, he could not see anyone around.

"Fu Zhi!" He shouted at the top of his lungs, sounding as if the most important person in his life was dead.

'This is it. It's over,' Gu Yanqi thought as he closed his eyes.

Everything had happened too fast, and by the time he came around to his senses, Fu Zhi had been shot.

Gu Yanqi felt a strong sadness welling up from the bottom of his stomach pit as he murmured, "May you rest in peace forever, my friend. Remember to pick a good family when you're going into the next life..."

"Shut up."

A sound came, followed by a gunshot. The bullet grazed past Gu Yanqi's cheek and the man behind him fell to the ground.

Gu Yanqi turned his head around and he realized that the one who was talking was none other than Fu Zhi.

'If she's still standing, the person behind me is...'

Gu Yanqi swallowed a big gulp of bloody saliva and asked, "You know how to use a gun?"

"Yeah," Fu Zhi replied flatly.

Even though their situation was dangerous and they could be dead at any moment, a hint of joy that they might be able to survive this ordeal rose from the bottom of Gu Yanqi's heart. At the same time, he also felt a little bit angry and deceived after knowing that Fu Zhi knew how to use a gun.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?" Gu Yanqi asked.

"Did you give me a chance to say anything?' Fu Zhi replied expressionlessly, and Gu Yanqi was stumped.

Well, he admitted that he was a little bit paranoid just now, but it was because he cared about her! He took two steps forward and asked, "Did Nanli teach you how to use a gun? Or did you learn it somewhere else?"

Fu Zhi did not seem like an amateur to him at all. After all, she was able to hit her target even though their visibility was low.

Was she really a high school student from a normal high school in a small town? Gu Yanqi doubted it.

"You're too noisy," Fu Zhi said as she pointed her gun at Gu Yanqi's chest. "I have been putting up with you for quite a long time, so keep your mouth shut, or else I can't guarantee what will happen to you."

After that, she threw the first-aid kit to Gu Yanqi before continuing, "Hold it for me and let's go find Li Nanli."

Gu Yanqi was speechless.

There were two things he wanted to tell her. First, he was injured and the first-aid kit was a little bit hefty. Second, was Fu Zhi not supposed to be the one to hold the first-aid kit? After all, he had better accuracy and he was more experienced than her in this kind of situation.

However, he soon realized how wrong he was.

Following behind Fu Zhi, he saw with his own eyes that Fu Zhi had never once missed her shot along the way, and she did not need his help at all.

If Gu Yanqi wanted to describe his feelings right now, it would be like someone telling him out of the blue that he had won 5 million in cash prizes. His heart was filled with surges of excitement and disbelief.

However, the feelings did not last long. Just when lifted his head and saw a dimly lit house at the top of the mountain, he turned to Fu Zhi and said, "I think Nanli and his team are inside that house."

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