Duckling (Dream smp Au)

By _Just_Sparrow_

28.1K 970 407

Why is Dream the way he is? What drove him to become so merciless? Are we certain he lost all of his attachme... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27- Part 1
Chapter 27-part 2
Chapter 27-part 3
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 31

559 17 10
By _Just_Sparrow_

Takes place in the past. 


-Blood... I guess?


Techno sat at the edge of his bed, staring at the wooden box on his lap. A crushing feeling lingered in his chest, gradually swelling as the silence thickened. Techno's eyed the old wood.

Ten years.

It had been ten years since he had last held it.

His hands trembled softly when they brushed the metal lock. Techno took a deep breath, held it, then lifted the lid, sending a wave of memories.

The soft aroma of rose perfume lifted from it. He remembered how much his mother loved the flower. She would talk about planting rose bushes in front of their house. She reminded him of a flower; her gentle features were pastel petals and his heart was pricked by her thorns everytime he thought of her. Techno missed how her eyes would soften at the sight of its delicate petals.

Techno smiled at the bittersweet memory. He placed the lid on the bed next to him then brought out the letter, gently opening the envelope. He was met by the rough hand writing of his father. Techno chuckled softly, trying to recall if his father could ever write nicely.

Yet the first words nearly brought him to tears.

To my prince,

I feared this day would come and I hope that one day you can forgive me. It's only right that you know why this came to be. Me and your mother were never on good terms with the village though she was more human than I was. We couldn't fit in with the village, they wouldn't let us, so we eloped. We ran away and the people weren't fond of me marrying your mother, the love of my life.

When you were born, I can't recall being as happy when I first held you in my arms. My greatest regret is that I can't watch you grow up, to teach you how to make your first sword, maybe even become a blacksmith like your old man. If only we could have been there....if only they gave us more time to be with you. Take what we taught you throughout your life for me Tech, don't forget the lessons we taught. Keep those you love close, I know you will. Every prince must grow to be a king. Please accept this gift, passed down from your family, to you.



A tear fell on the corner of the letter. Techno bit his lip, trying to hide all the pain that was now surfacing. He remembered his parents' screams from that night. He could see the sight of his mother's face as the arrow went through her chest. His father died fighting to protect him. He remembered the sound of his back breaking, then the guards laughed. He remembered everything while he hid in that box. Under old jackets and scarff lay the little boy listening to his parents kick the bucket. Techno sobbed, his hand over his mouth trying to stay quiet.

His ruby eyes fell on the item inside the box. A golden crown glistened on his lap. Small gems were welded into its center. His heart ached as he recognized the stones were from his mother's jewelry. He saw the sapphire necklace, her diamond wedding ring and her ruby earrings. He recognized his father's hand work. A note rested on the crown, Fit for a king.

"Techno?" A quiet voice sounded from the doorway. "Why are you crying?"

"Ranboo...I-" He choked on his tears making the boy flinch in worry.

Ranboo hurried over to his friend, wrapping him in a tight hug. Techno sobbed loudly into the other shirt. His body shook violently, remorse and guilt washed over him. Ranboo winced slightly as the tears soaked through his shirt, burning the skin underneath but he stayed still to comfort his brother.

"They're gone," He said between breaths. "They're really gone."

Reality was crashing around him, being crushed before him and all he could do was cry. Minutes on the clock spun around him, increasing him inside time itself. He saw every second of his life until he was back inside his own body. He took a shaky breath and looked up at the younger. He slowly stood, gripping the crown in his hands. Techno glared out the window, his blood red eyes pulsed before looking back to Ranboo.

"I'll be okay, we need to get out of here first." He placed that crown back into the box. "Where is Miss Catherine?"

"She's with the head master down stairs, Dream is already taking care of the other part of the plan we just need to find Houghton."

"Good, then let's at least get rid of those two." He gave a nod and they walked out into the hall.

They split off at the base of the stairs, Ranboo fearfully walked to the adults at the front door while Techno made his way to the basement. It was colder than he last remembered and shadows lurked behind the closed doors, begging for him to open them.

Techno stopped in front of the large iron door, haunting memories of being locked behind that door surfaced in his mind. He glared at the room filled with sour thoughts until he felt that he got his point across, afterwards he hid inside the closet beside it. Techno waited for Miss Catherine's footsteps to sound in the corridors. His ears strained to listen for Ranboo's, nearly giving him a headache to hear the soft pitter-patter.

Ranboo was radiating with anxiety. He walked up to Miss Catherine and the Headmaster, visibly shaking as he stepped closer. Don't forget...Don't forget he told himself.

Their eyes met and he halted mid-stride, wobbling to catch himself.

"Miss, Miss Catherine," He fidgeted with his hands and felt they were clammy. "I need your help, I told them not to go to the basement but they didn't listen."

Ranboo buried his discomfort, now wasn't the time to cry over something stupid.

"What?!" The snake hissed as she looked down at the mouse. "Who?"

"Dream and Techno," Glancing at the Headmaster, his gray eyes flickered from a spark of anger. His neck shrunk into his shoulders. "They wouldn't tell me what they were doing, I just know that it will be bad and I don't want anyone getting hurt!"

"Where did you say they were headed?" The Headmaster spoke flatly while he crept towards Ranboo.

"The-" He paused, trying to remember what it was called. Did they say take them to the basement or keep them away from the basement? Ranboo heard his heart jumping in his chest as the adults stared at him, expecting an immediate answer. "T-the basement, I think."

The Headmaster shoved past them and headed to the basement, the others trailing behind.

"Ranboo do you know where in the basement they were going to," The man glanced back at the boy expectantly.

"They said something about an iron door."

He turned sharply then faced a hallway. He glared at the forbidding door at the end of the corridor. It opened wide, driving them from safety. Ranboo froze in the middle of the hall, his stare fixed on the darkness.


Techno swung the door open, tackling the first person he laid eyes on. He forced the Headmaster to the floor, hitting him against the stone ground. The Headmaster's eyes flickered shut before he gasped for the air that fled his lungs. Techno whipped his head back, an unbreakable grip on his hair, then shoved him into the cement ground. The headmaster fell silent.

Techno's blood red eyes looked at the woman frozen in place. Her face was ashen and stricken with horror.

"The letter," He growled, making the witch flinch. " Give us the letter."


"Dream's letter- hand it over or...," Techno glanced at the limp body. "Well, you get the idea..."

She rummaged through her dress pocket, freeing the crumpled parchment with trembling hands. Techno slid towards Miss Catherine, lightly stepping over the still body then tearing the letter from her weak grip, relishing in her fear.

"Get in the room," He moved out of the way, directing her to the iron door. "Don't even think about screaming."

He followed close on her heels. After she walked in, Techno dragged the unconscious Headmaster inside as well.

"I don't know when you'll be let out but I hope you rot like he did," Techno locked the door, confident he made himself crystal clear.

Techno ran up the stairs with Ranboo trailing behind him. The sun was beginning to set and the ticking of the clock sounded louder. They hurried up to find Dream in his room. His emerald eyes shot up at them upon their entrance. He stood, eyeing them with caution.

"Did it work?" His voice had fear woven inside. "Did you get the letter?"

Techno smiled, walking forward with an outstretched hand and the letter delicately held in his fingers. The blonde glanced up at Techno then back at the letter, at last in his clutches.

"What happened to your hand?" Techno pointed to Dream's bloodied knuckles. The crimson stream trickled down his forearm, staining his white sleeve then dripping on the floor.

Dream hesitated.

"It doesn't matter, did you find Houghton?" His voice, once soft, was rigid.

"No, we were only able to lock up Miss Catherine and the Headmaster..." He eyed him suspiciously.

Dream cursed to himself before swerving to face Techno again, a different expression across his face.

"We'll just have to be careful. Techno, prepare the horses while me and Ranboo gather some supplies. We have an hour or so before nightfall so we'll meet you outside," Dream stared out the window. "It shouldn't take long."

Techno reluctantly nodded. He ruffled Ranboo's hair and turned to face the door.

"Alright, be safe you two, I'm not cleaning up another one of your messes Dream," His smile dropped after he shut the door.

Techno crept to his room, grabbing the box and letter. He hurried down the stairs, his ears pointed at every creak the floorboards let escape.

The mouse that hurried past him hid, unaware that its hiding place was known. It rested its fear and went quiet, yet, a threat laid out of sight. A hungry cat was already circling the exit.

Techno opened the door, a hand gripped his shoulder tightly, forcing him to a stop.

"Ah, the boar hybrid," Mr. Houghton purred. "your tusks... they bring quite the coin in the market,"

He held up a small pouch and dangled it beside Techno's ears. Techno heard the contents inside clatter together. He opened the pouch and pulled out a tooth the size of his thumb. Techno grimaced as Houghton spun the tusk between his fingers.

"People are always asking for more and, I don't blame them, you see," He brought the tooth to his mouth. "They are quite the delicacy..."

Techno shuddered and shut his eyes to ease his nauseous stomach. He swayed on his feet but was jerked back by Houghton, letting a whimper escape his lips. This amused him.

"Sir, may I please be excused to attend to my duties?" He stared at the floor.
"I suppose... though, before you go," Houghton leaned forward to whisper in Techno's ear, "You wouldn't happen to know where my good friend the Headmaster went, haven't you?"

"No, sir."

Techno stood in agonizing silence.

"Very well," He spoke flatly. "Carry on."

Houghton disappeared inside the building.

Techno glanced at the small crate he carried. Do this for them. He turned and headed towards where the stables were, hidden by trees with the building out of the way of the courtyard.

The sound of horses welcomed him. A loud echoing whinny traveled through the door. He entered, placing the box on the ground, grinning at the beautiful sight of the creatures perking their ears towards him.

A chestnut mare pawed the ground, impatiently waiting for food or attention. A foal stood quietly next to her, eyeing the boy over the stall door. His flaxen mane was beginning to grow and he was no longer smaller than his mother's chest, rather half her height. He was lanky but surprisingly sturdy enough to stand.

Techno couldn't wipe the smile off his face while he approached the two, grabbing a handful of oats on the way. The mare nickered in delight as she indulged in the sweet grains. The colt studied Techno, his soft muzzle brushed against his sleeve. He nipped at Techno's shirt. The curious creature tested Techno's patience though he didn't mind the colt.

Techno looked back to the mare. She was lined with muscle and her eyes showed she was unafraid. His eyes traced her back then flank. He stared in disgust at the sight of her miss treatment. The misuse of spurs lined her side and her hip held the scars of being punctured by Houghton. Techno remembered the last time the man came, a distant memory stuck out. Houghton always demanded respect and that went for his animals too. He wouldn't hesitate to deprive his horses from food or water if they miss behaved. The man did not see a soul, instead a machine that will work until it drops. He ordered his whips to have hooks at their ends. Yet this mare still looked at Techno like he was the center of this moment. He could see the fight in her intelligent eyes. She was not only in pain from a human but she still looked at Techno with forgiveness. She was strong for him and her foal.

He stared down the other stalls. A dapple grey looked Techno up and down. His mane was turning a snow white and his dark eyes were almost hollow. He was young and full of life. It hurt Techno to think of what Houghton would do, that all these beautiful creatures will one day be beaten until they break and then sold as dog food.

Techno opened the stall, grabbing a halter next to the door. He readied the mare with her foal staying close to her. He saddled her and tied her to a post in front of the stable before he moved to the dapple stallion.

His broad neck arched as he stepped out of his stall. He pranced in place as he awaited a saddle. Techno saw a horse that wished to please his rider. He was young and strong yet depended on Techno's very command.

A horse was the reflection of their rider. If he showed fear the horse would be entrapped by it. The horse's heart beat in rhythm to Techno's. His anxiety was beginning to make the horse antsy. His ears were rotating towards every direction in the stables, locating the source of every sound.

Techno led the stallion to a different post on the opposite side of the mare and foal. He looked up at the sun, it was beginning to set and time was running out.

The silence was shattered as a shrill scream pierced his ears.


He ran, dodging the line of trees into the clearing, afraid that his brothers were in danger.

Techno stopped. A silhouette with a pale bone-white face observed the courtyard through the window of the second story. It was blankly staring at Techno, at a loss of feeling... anything.

Techno's eyes widened at the sickening thought surfacing as the voices crowded closer.

They chirped in his ear:

Your Brother Is Dead.

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