
بواسطة deepwoken6626

173 0 3

A group of friends bought a new game they were all excited about they decided to play it but suddenly get tra... المزيد

Chapter 0
Chapter 2

Chapter 1

34 0 0
بواسطة deepwoken6626

        Mustafa wakes up inside a building and starts to remember what he saw just moments before. He saw two beings with distinct symbols on their faces speaking and he recalled them saying "Young Berserker" and they gave him a task to "Kill GOD". He did not know what they meant by that but remembered them mentioning that Boubacar and Koku were also in this world with him so his top priority would be to find them.

        Mustafa started to sit up and felt that for some reason, his head was heavy. He started to touch the top of his head and felt that there was some type of crown or hard headband on it. 

        Mustafa ran as fast as he could to check in the mirror to see what this thing even was but when he looked, the crown he felt was completely gone. When he took a closer look at the mirror he realized that he didn't look normal and for some reason, he had hair around the side of his face, his arms, his teeth were sharp and he had a tail. 

        Mustafa continued looking at himself and said, "Bro did I turn into a fucking monkey?!"

        He ran out of his room as fast as he could and started walking down the stairs of the building he was in and saw many people on the bottom floor. He looked at a sign that said "Vigils Hotel" and then he started to remember something.

        "Yo, guys I heard that in Deepwoken there are two spawn places we can go to," Boubacar said.

        "I thought we said that we were gonna try to go into the game completely blind," Koku said a little annoyed.

        "Yeah, yeah I know, I'm sorry but I promise this is the only thing I know so just hear me out," Boubacar said apologizing. 

        Koku and Mustafa while both annoyed decided that they would listen to what he had to say.

        "Apparently in the game, there are two different spawn places you can choose from. One of them is called Etris and the other is called the Isle of Vigils," Boubacar explained.

        "So which one should we try and go for?" Mustafa asked.

        "Well Etris is really good for starting out the game but there are a lot of people and hella different races so we should choose it," Boubacar replied.

        "Why shouldn't we go to the Isle?" Koku asked confused.

        "The Isle of Vigils is bad for starting off, there are hella bandits, and the entire Isle is surrounded by the Aratel Sea," Boubacar answered.

        Back to the perspective of Mustafa in the present, he realized that he must be in the Isle of Vigils but that was completely impossible. For him to actually be in the Isle of Vigils he would have to be in Deepwoken itself which was insane. He then looked at his hands and realized that he was actually a monkey which was one of the races in Deepwoken. 

        Mustafa understood he was not the smartest person out of their little group so there was no way in hell he would be able to figure this out especially by himself. He knew that the main goal he would have is to try and get as much information as he could and find both Boubacar and Koku so they work this out together as a team. 

        Mustafa started walking around the Isle of Vigils and saw many people with armor and weapons and knew that they were probably adventurers or travelers of some kind. He wondered if other people from the real world got sent into Deepwoken but as he looked around he noticed how everything flowed and how everyone seemed to be real people rather than the screenshots of NPC's he saw before. 

        As he continued walking he noticed that the Isle of Vigils is really high in the sky and as you look below you can see the crashing waves and the water. As Mustafa looked out into the sea and around this area he couldn't help but say the thought out loud.

        "This place is beautiful," He said as he looked out into the world inspiringly.

        All of a sudden Mustafa heard some noise in the distance. He looked over to the other island to see a group of five guys trying to rob a boy who was obviously weaker than them. Mustafa clenched his fist because he realized it didn't matter what world he entered into there would always be dickheads who pick on the weak for their own personal satisfaction.

        "Hey newbie, did you get anything good on your little mini-adventure?" One of the big guys asked the smaller one while pushing him to the ground.

        "He probably didn't get anything good look how fucking weak he is," Another big guy said while laughing.

        "Why the hell would I give any of my stuff to any of you? Why don't you go find shit on your o-," The smaller guy said back but before he could finish got punched in the face by another guy.

        All of them started pushing him around in a circle and taking turns punching him in the face and the smaller guy couldn't help but wonder why this was happening to him. He became an adventurer to assist his family because they have always been broke but could never actually help out because he always got robbed by these dickheads. 

        Before one of the guys was about to punch the smaller one again he felt a hand on his shoulder and turned around to see Mustafa towering over him.

        They let go of the small guy and turned to ask, "Who the hell are you?"

        "I'm that guy's friend," Mustafa said pointing to the small guy who had a black eye and a busted lip.

        The small guy was confused because he had never seen this person in his entire life but when he took a good look at him he couldn't help but be shocked. This person saving him was from the Khan race, a prestigious race of monkey people whose power and influence know no bounds throughout the land of Altrea. They were known for being physically powerful and creating a special martial art but as he looked at Mustafa he realized that he was massive and was easily over 6 feet and towered over the other 5 men.

        "HA, YOU THINK WE'RE GONNA BELIEVE THAT YOUR FRIENDS WITH THAT LOSER OVER THERE? NICE TRY," One of them said laughing and yelling unnecessarily. 

        "You might be a big monkey but, there are still five of us and only one of you so I suggest you move along and forget everything you saw here today," The man said to Mustafa with a more serious tone.

        Mustafa sighed and said, "Nobody can't say that I didn't try to stop them." 

        One of the men got tired of waiting and ran towards Mustafa while yelling and punched him directly in his stomach. He then looked up and saw that it didn't even make him flinch. 

        Suddenly, three other men ran towards him at full speed and started trying to punch him throughout his entire body but to no avail. 

        The small man looked amazed as this giant was taking blows from the people he thought were going to kill just a few minutes ago and Mustafa showed no visible sign of pain despite there being four men.  

        All of the four men's punches started getting slower as they started getting more and more tired from punching Mustafa and causing no effect.

        Mustafa then started walking leaving the four men panting and sweating. He went to the small man on the ground and took out his hand to lift him up.

        The boy was shocked and at first scared to see this giant come closer to him but once he touched his hand and looked up to see a smiling Mustafa he realized that despite his appearance he was a kind person. He stopped the people tormenting him without even hitting them back and stood his ground until they got tired. He didn't know why but he felt as though he could trust Mustafa with his life. 

        "What's your name?" Mustafa asked as he picked the boy up.

        "Jukugo, my name's Jukugo," The boy said amazed looking at Mustafa.

        "Let's get out of here, I don't think these guys are going to bother us anymore," Mustafa said while looking at the scared men.

        Right as Mustafa and Jukugo were going to walk away they turned to see the last man who didn't attack Mustafa before with a sword in his hand yelling at them to stop.

        "YOU THINK I'M GOING TO LET YOU GET AWAY WITH ATTACKING MY SQUAD?" The man said angrily running at them with his sword in hand.

        Before he could slash Mustafa with the blade, the man tripped on the ground and suddenly five figures wearing white hoods appeared. The hooded white figures instantly got on top of the men in an instant and made them drop their weapons.

        Mustafa was completley shock as these figures just appeared in an instant and already had the men in cuffs. One of the hodded figures looked at Mustafa with a smile that seemed more ominous then helpful.

        "We can take it from here," The hooded figure said.

        Just like that, the five figures vanished along with the travelers that were attacking them. 

         "Woah that was the royal guard! They're really strong and they probably saw the commotion and came to help," Jukugo said excitedly seeing that he's been saved. 

        "Royal guard you say... interesting. Do you have any idea where they are taking them?" Mustafa asked sternly. 

        "Uhhhh, I don't really know myself but it would make sense for them to be imprisoned somewhere or something," Jukugo replied. "Why does it matter though? Those dickheads deserve everything that's coming to them!" He said reassuringly. 

        Mustafa then started walking back with a sweat across his face. For whatever reason, he did not trust those so called royal guards, especially the one where he got a glimpse of his evil smile. 

         Jukugo then started running after Mustafa. 

         "Hey mystery man! Where you going? I didn't even get your name or thank you for helping me!" Jukugo said while panting after running after Mustafa and being injured. 

        Mustafa suddenly stopped which caused Jukugo to bump into him. Jukugo then looked at Mustafa and truly started to realize this giant of a monkey man. If Mustafa chose it looked like he could've easily killed all those 5 men with just his bare hands but he chose not to. 

        "My name is Mustafa. You don't need to thank me, i'm fine. I have lost my friends though and I was wondering if you knew the direction to a place called Etris," Mustafa said answering all his questions at once.

        "Uhhhh, Etris is really far away so I can't really give you complete directions. I do know a old fisherman at the docs who would be able to give you a ride on his ship though," Jukugo said while scratching his head when he thought about the answer. 

        "Thanks, I would appreciate it if you showed me this fisherman," Mustafa said thankfully. 

        Jukugo then led Mustafa to the docks and introduced him to this old fisherman. Jukugo had to do some convicing to let Mustafa ride with the old man but ultimetely it worked out. 

        As Mustafa entered the tiny dignhy with the old man and was kind of worried that it might sink due to how big he was he saw Jukugo wave and yell at him from the docs. 


        Mustafa couldn't help but smile.

        "That little brat! He said he would pay me 50 Notes once we got back and I swear if he doesn't ill smack up upside the head with a wooden stick!" The old fisherman said angerily. 

        "Notes? Is that a sort of currency?" Mustafa asked.

        "You don't know what Notes are? You really are not from around here are you. Either that or you just special or something," The old man replied. 

        As they continued rowing inside the water everything went silent. Mustafa felt something come over him and could feel that something bad was about to happen. 

        "Hey old man, are these water's safe?" Mustafa asked as he turned to the man in worry. 

        "Damn you kids always questioning my methods! I have been traveling in these waters since I was around your age, I know where I am going and what I am doing. Of course these water's are safe," The old man snapped at Mustafa. 

         Suddenly the tiny dinghy started to shake as something was swimming under it. The old man then fell out of the boat into the deep and dark water.

        "OLD MAN? WHERE ARE YOU? ARE YOU ALRIGHT?" Mustafa asked worried, peering over the boat to find the old man who was no longer in sight. 

       Then, coming out from the water was a gigantic fish monster that jumped above the dinghy and windend it's mouth as it did so. 

        In the moment, Mustafa knew that he was going to get eaten by whatever this thing was. This world that he, Boubacar and Koku entered was something that he knew he would not be able to understand. His life was going to end in this accursed world before it even started. 

        The gigantic fish monster then in one single gulp, ate the entire dinghy as well as Mustafa with it. 


Hey guys its me. I wanted to say that I know that there are probably a lot of grammar or spelling mistakes and I want to apologize as I am not a professional writer or a good one in any way. I realized that this was my most popular fanfic that I've written so far and saw that some of you want it to continue so that's what im going to do. In all honesty I know I still will be very bad with consistensy but I will try. Make sure to check out some of my other works too, they are pretty interesting and I work on them more then this one due to this being more thought out in a way. I appreciate all the support and I'll see you guys when the next chapter is written. 

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