Blood Bath (BNHA x Villain! M...

By otaku_katsuo

51K 2.3K 1.5K

*Record scratch* *Freeze frame* Hey, [m/n] here, I bet you're all wondering why and how I was murdered, right... More

{1} [l/n] [m/n]
{2} His Quirk
{3} Ei-chan
{4} The Yakuza
{5} What's Wrong With Revenge?
{6} The Number One Hero
{7} Plot Development
{8} I'm Bored... Entertain Me
{9} Just The Two of Us
{10} Expect the Unexpected
{11} Too Much Credit
{12} I'm All Yours
{13} Nightmares and Daydreams
{14} Slip up
Special Chapter 1 |AU|
{15} Your Fault
{16} Why Not Me?
{18} Smash Fest
{19} Kojima Mei
{20} The Note
{21} Midnight Call
{22} Un-welcomed Visitors
{23} A Little Present
Special Chapter 2 |AU|
{24} A Trip Down Memory Lane
{25} Hero [m/n]??
{26} Blood Bath vs Deku
{27} The New Rookie
{28} Closure
{29} Family Reunion
Special Chapter 3 |AU|
{30} Coping Mechanisms
{31} Training Arc
{32} Subunit
{33} The Paranormal Liberation Front
Special Chapter 4 |AU|
We back
{34} The Initiation

{17} I Can Fix Him

1.2K 66 61
By otaku_katsuo

After the whole situation of the training camp disaster, which resulted in Bakugou Katsuki, a U.A. students, getting kidnapped by the villains. And the huge fight between All For One and All Might, which ended in the favour of the number one hero, things where finally beginning to settle down for U.A. and the students of class 1-A. There was a lot that had to be dealt with, including the tightening of their security and the moving of the students into the dorm.

With all this happening at once Kirishima was yet to be called in by Aizawa to talk about what had happened at the training camp.


"D-Don't move!" [m/n] yelled, his voice not in the usual calm and frightening tone. He too sounded shaken up and scared "I'll kill him if you do anything!"

"Oh really?" Vlad clenched his fists and began to slowly walk towards [m/n]. What the hell!? How is he moving!? "sorry kid, but your quirk isn't gonna work on me"

"Fuck!" [m/n] cursed, trying harder to regain control over Vlad's body but the pro was too strong for him to over power. Aizawa was gonna attack again but Dabi shot some flames at him, though he was able to easily evade it. Then he turned to the students and at the front of them was Kirishima.

He was just about to shot his flames at the red head.

"Ei-chan!" [m/n] tackled Dabi to the ground to stop him from attacking Kirishima, the moment they hit the ground 'Dabi' began turning into mud



[m/n] knew he had ridiculously fucked up, but if he didn't act fast he was gonna end up in a bigger pile of shit. So, while they were caught of guard by [m/n] calling Kirishima 'Ei-chan' and also knocking the clone on the ground, he shattered the window and immediately jumped our and ran off.

"Kirishima" Aizawa called


"After this is over, you and I are gonna have a talk"

"Yes sir"

End of flashback

Kirishima had been on edge ever since that happened, and then that whole thing happened when they went to save Bakugou. When [m/n] had seen them all there and could have exposed them, if he had done that they would've most likely won. But he didn't... he helped them rescue Bakugou, and that just made Kirishima even more confused. He wasn't sure whether to be upset with [m/n] when... if they met again.

But now his main concern was what he was gonna say to Aizawa when he gets called... oh jeez, is he gonna get expelled because of this? Honestly he just wanted to get it over with rather than go through these days completely in the dark.

It wasn't until the day after they had all moved into the dorms and were going back to regular classes, training for their ultimate move, that Aizawa finally called him out to speak with him at the end of the school day once all of their classmates had left. Now it was just Aizawa and Kirishima in the classroom.

"I'm gonna get straight to the point" Aizawa began "what connection do you and [l/n] [m/n] have?"

"...I..." Kirishima knew he couldn't lie, looking at it objectively, [m/n] was extremely dangerous, he doesn't hesitate to kill anyone and nearly killed his friends even. He was a villain that had to be stopped and Kirishima withheld information from the school and police that could've have helped them. "...we knew each other back in junior high" Aizawa raised an eyebrow "we got really close and he called me 'Ei-chan' all the time... so I guess it stuck" Kirishima awkwardly chuckled "ah-anyways... we hung out almost everyday after school and one day he just disappeared... then I saw in a newspaper that he was... dead, but then I saw him again at USJ..."

"Do you know where he was while he was presumed dead?" Aizawa asked and the red head shook his head

"No, I don't know the truth behind that"

"Other than USJ was there any other times you came in contact with him?" Kirishima remained silent, he had to tell him everything but he couldn't bring himself to say anything. He's never had so many conflicting thoughts before.

By not telling him he could be risking the lives of his friends and other pros but this was [m/n] they were talking about... part of Kirishima still cared deeply for him and didn't want him to get hurt. Part of him still thought that maybe... just maybe he could change [m/n].

"Kirishima... keep your emotions out of this and think logically. I know he may have been your friend in the past but the [l/n] you knew then is not the [l/n] you know right now." Kirishima chewed on his bottom lip

"...At the mall... the time we went to the mall together before the training camp." He gulped loudly "He was there too, he came up to me and we just talked"


"Nothing important... just about a new video game I wanted to show him... and I bought us ice cream" Kirishima smiled softly at the memory "but then that video..." his smiled dropped instantly at the reminder of that video that some sick bastard had put up on the screen.

"...any other time?"

That night when [m/n] came over to Kirishima's house, soaked to the bone, shivering and near tears. And they kissed—a lot... and almost went much further than that...

"...The training camp" Kirishima quickly added "we umm— we were only together before Iida, Ojiro, Mineta, and Koda showed up"

"What were you two doing?" Kirishima gulped

"I was just asking why he was here, and he said that... that it was gonna be ok..."

"Did he tell you about their plans to capture Bakugou?"

"No, no he didn't" Kirishima shook his head. Aizawa went silent for a bit, staring at the red head as if deciding if what he was saying was true at all

"Is that all?" Kirishima nodded "have you seen him since then?" He shook his head. He was fiddling with his fingers and his knees where bouncing up and down at a fast pace. What was gonna happen to him now? Was he gonna be in trouble because of this?? "Alright" Aizawa sighed as he stood up and began leaving the classroom

"W-Wait! What's gonna happen to me now?" The red head shot up from his seat

"I'm gonna pass everything you just told me to the principal and he will decided which actions to take from there" Aizawa said stopping at the door. Kirishima's fist tighten up by his side, his shoulders hunched up as he looked down at his feet " have to accept that fact that [l/n] is no longer the same boy you knew back in junior high" Aizawa said over his shoulder "he's chosen his path and you've chosen yours... as an aspiring hero, Kirishima, you need to do what's best for the people you're trying to save... not for you... I know it'd hard to hear but you need to let him go" with that Aizawa left the classroom.

Those words hit Kirishima hard, he knows what Aizawa is saying is right but he just wasn't ready to hear it, and quite frankly, he wasn't ready to accept it either.

He swallowed the lump in his throat, dried the tears that had escaped, and slowly dragged his body back to their dorm. When he stepped in all of the class A students were there chilling in the lounge looked over at him

"Oi, Kirishima" Kaminari waved at the boy "what's wrong dude, you look really... out of it"

"O-Oh, it's nothing... I gotta go change..."

"You sure?" The red head nodded "alright, be down soon though, we're thinking of watching a movie before dinner"

"Y-Yeah, sure"

Kirishima felt his stomach twist and turn in endless knots, he was fiddling with his fingers and tapping his feet over and over again as the elevator took him to his floor... Aizawa's words still clear in his mind.

He didn't want to let [m/n] go, if anything... he really wanted to see him again, he wanted to talk with him, laugh with him, show him things... he wanted to hug him, and hold him, and kiss him.

He wanted to kiss him a lot.

Kirishima banged his head against his wardrobe door the moment he had those thoughts. That's literally the last thing he should be thinking out.

When he got back downstairs he barely paid attention to the movie they were watching, his knees constantly bouncing up and down, fiddling with his thumb, lip biting and roaming eyes.

After dinner Aizawa had showed up to their dorm and Kirishima instantly felt his heart sink.

"Kirishima" he called out to the student "come" they both headed outside the dorm away from the ears of the student "as punishment you will be under house arrest for 5 days starting tomorrow" Kirishima gulped "and from now until further notice you will be under surveillance of the school"


"Next time you end up running into him, report to the school immediately, if not... you won't be let off so easily" Aizawa said sternly before walking away. Kirishima stood there silently for a few seconds, he let out a shaky breathe and walked back into the dorm.

"Hey, man, what did Aizawa-sensei want with you?" Kaminari came up to the red head

"Is everything ok?" Uraraka asked

"...Did it have something to do with that [l/n] kid?" Sero asked cautiously. Kirishima took a deep breathe and sighed.

"There's something I need to tell you guys" he slowly walked over to the couch and took a seat on the arm of the couch. Kirishima played with his thumb and chewed on his bottom lip for a moment before speaking up "the truth is... [l/n], that guy that showed up at USJ?"

Everyone slowly gathered closer to him, putting their phones down to listen to the him.

"Well... he and I knew each other back in junior high" a series of gasps could be heard around the room "we were really close... we hung out pretty much everyday and he came over to my place a bunch of times... But one day he just stopped showing up..." he ran his fingers through his hair "I wanted to go searching for him but I realised just how little I knew about him... I didn't know where he lived, what school he went to, any emergency contacts of his, nothing... and when I saw on the newspaper that he was supposedly dead I was beyond devastated... that is until USJ..."

"Whoa..." they all had to take a minute to let that sink in

"So this whole time you knew who he was" Kirishima slowly nodded

"Did he ever mention anything about Midoriya or Bakugou?" Todoroki questioned, the two boys he mentions slightly flinching

"No... he never talked about himself"

"Wasn't that already a warning sign though?" Tokoyami cautiously added

"Yeah, maybe he was already a villain then and that's why he rarely spoke about himself" Ashido inferred

"No, he wasn't" Kirishima was quick to defend him "I... he was a good person, he would never hurt anyone. I just... I never pressured him with questions because..." he trailed off for a moment "because I noticed he sometimes had bruises and I figured he was going through a really rough time... I didn't know what to do... I didn't wanna force him to talk about it..." he signed "sometimes I think that it's my fault he ended up like this"

"No dude"

"No way"

"That's crazy"

"It's not your fault in the slightest, Kirishima-san"

"But what if it is?!" He cut in sharply "maybe if I had done more to help him, he wouldn't have ended up on the wrong path... I could've saved him" his voice cracked

"At that age not many of us would've know how to deal with things like that" Kaminari said "it's not your fault that he chose to go down this path"

"Kaminari's right, don't blame yourself for this" Jiro added

"That's why Aizawa-sensei called you after class right?" The boy nodded

"I got 5 days of house arrest and I'll be under surveillance from now on" Kirishima explained "I knew I should've said something from the start but... I just did know how I would go about it... I guess I was just too scared"

"Or you were protecting him" Mineta spoke out


"You knew that by telling the school he'd get closer to being caught" Mineta said "since no one else is willing to bring it up I guess I have to. Maybe it's because of you that the villains' keep finding us?"

"Are you crazy?!"

"You're kidding—"

"No way! I never said anything to him when I met him!—" Kirishima argued

"Ah? you never mentioned that you met him" Mineta cut in

"N-No I... I didn't meet him, he came to me" Kirishima stuttered out "but I swear I never told him anything about U.A.! You have to believe me!"

"Fine, maybe you didn't say anything to him but, what if he put some gps on you or something? Maybe that's how they keep finding us?" Mineta crossed him arms over his chest "this guy's a villain, do you really think you can trust him?" The whole room went silent

"...I hate to say it but... he does have a point" Hagakure timidly said

"He is with the league of villains... maybe they know about you two and the league made him do it" Sato added

"He didn't... he wouldn't... he wouldn't add a gps tracker on me" Kirishima argued

"How can you be so sure...?"

"Because you guys don't know him like I do, ok?!" Kirishima's snapped

"You said yourself you barely knew anything about him" Mineta quirked an eyebrow

"But I know he wouldn't do that—not to me!"

"Kirishima, calm down..." Uraraka tried to sooth him

"He's not the same [l/n] you knew... he's a villain..." Ojiro spoke up

"He helped us rescue Bakugou!" The red head blurted out, he stood up straight and locked eyes with Midoriya "he saw us, he saw where we were all hiding... another villain was coming too but he stopped them from seeing us. He knew we were there to rescue Bakugou and he didn't try to stop us..." he swallowed loudly

"Is that... true?"

"...Yeah" Midoriya finally spoke out "he could've easily exposed us and it would've been game over but he didn't"

"Thanks to him, we all got out of there alive" Todoroki emphasised

"See? There's still good left in him... I know it" Kirishima said desperately "if not he wouldn't have save us"

"One moment of kindness doesn't mean he won't stop committing crimes..." Mineta sneered

"He probably only did it because you were there..." Bakugou suddenly spoke out in an eerily calm voice, the red head looked at him with a hurt filled gaze "face it, Kirishima, he doesn't give a fuck if the rest of die, he only cares about you... that's why he didn't let you get caught" Kirishima opened and closed his mouth, searching for words to say but nothing.

"I'm going to my room" Kirishima turned around and bolted out of there

"Kiri wait!" Kamianri called out to him but the boy didn't look back and just went straight to his room. "damn it Bakugou, you didn't have to say it like that?"

"What? You expect me to sugar coat it for him?" The blonde snapped "tell me I'm wrong. Any of you, tell me I'm fucking wrong" Bakugou looked around the room, no one objected, he gave a sarcastic smile and leaned back against the couch.

"He's really defending a villain now huh?" Mineta shook his head "that's a little suspicious to me"

"I mean... he wouldn't actually tell him anything though" Ashido says softly, sounding very unsure of herself

"What if he manipulated Kirishima into saying something... we don't fully know the extent of his quirk" Tokoyami added

"We should have him check in with the school, to make sure he's not chipped at least" the class continued on for a bit about how [m/n] might have been the reason the league keeps finding them, because of his connection to Kirishima...

"If one of your friends ended up on the wrong path wouldn't you wanna believe there's still hope for them?" Midoriya suddenly spoke out "Kirishima-kun had been nothing but a good friend to all of us, he'd never turn his back on us so we can't turn our backs on him. He needs us to be there for him, now more than ever..." they all went dead silent after that, a few of them sharing looks with each other, or awkwardly clearing their throat and fidgeting where they stood.

Bakugou clicked his tongue, got up the couch he was on, and stormed out of the dorm. Midoriya was quick to go after him.

"Kacchan!" The green haired boy calls out to him "Kacchan wait!"

"What?!" He snaps, whipping his body around to come face-to-face with Midoriya

"...Why're you mad all of a sudden?" The green haired boy slows to a stop

"I'm always mad" he rolls his eyes

"You know what I mean"

"Whatever" he turns away so his back is facing Midoriya "can't I just leave for some fresh air?"

" and I both know you're not the type of guy who storms out just for some fresh air" Midoriya walks ahead so he's face-to-face with Bakugou again "it's because of [l/n], isn't it?" He takes Bakugou's silence as yes "is it because Kirishima-kun didn't tell you about it?"

"What!? No! I wouldn't be mad over some bullshit like that..." Bakugou looks up at the night sky and sighs "he doesn't need to tell me every shit that goes on in his life" he grumbles

"Tell me what's wrong..." he looks down to lock eyes with Midoriya's pleading ones. He sighs

"...Sometimes... sometimes I wonder what would've happened if you ended up like him. I don't ever say it but part me thinks that I'm the one that pushed him over the edge, and I don't know what the fuck I would do if you ended up like that... because of me"


"I could never forgive myself if I did that to you... I still can't forgive myself for what I've done... I really didn't make things easy for you, Deku..."

"You really didn't..." Midoriya huffs "but it's tougher when the whole school is against you..."

"...I recently remembered something that happened... the day he disappeared." Bakugou chewed on his lip for a moment "he had confessed to me with a letter" Midoriya's eye widened "and I ripped it apart and told him not to get in my way"

"Oh..." Midoriya visibly cringed

"I know, I know... I'm a dick and I don't blame him for hating me..." Bakugou walks over to the bench nearby and takes a seat, Midoriya follows, making sure to keep a space between them. "it's the second thing I regret the most..."


"Yeah..." things get silent between them for a moment, the gap between them closing slightly

"I never told anyone this either..." Midoriya begins "the day he disappeared... he had asked me to join him and get back at everyone"

"Seriously?" The green haired boy nodded

"I told him no, and I wanted to talk to him more but it was late and my mom wanted me home soon so I had to leave... I still wonder a lot if maybe I had talked to him properly that day... none of this would've happened." Midoriya sniffled a little "if I had made more of an effort to befriend him like Kirishima-kun did, things could've been different"

"You're the last person to be blamed for anything..." Bakugou softly "what's done is done... we can't do shit about it now" He shifts a little bit so that the gap between them closes some more. "whatever, let's just go back inside" Bakugou begins to get up

"W-Wait" Midoriya grabs the Bakugou's wrist in his hands, stopping him from going. Bakugou turns his head to face Midoriya, his face full of surprise "...l-lets just sit here... for a little longer" Bakugou says nothing and sit back down. This time their shoulders are pressed up against each others and their thighs are touching. Both stare straight ahead, cheeks flushed pink, saying nothing as they simply enjoy each others presence in the comfortable silence.

Kirishima really got that 'can fix him' mentality going on rn XD. I love the inner turmoil he's going through because of all this.

Anyways, thanks for reading, voting, and commenting!! See you next chapter!

Ja ne!

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