By agustdtsuga49

19.9K 783 375

"Hello," I awkwardly greeted. I really despised being the new girl. "Hey, I'm Yoongi," the boy with a bandana... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 5 1/2
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 16
Part 16 1/2
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28

Part 15

537 20 16
By agustdtsuga49

*a few weeks later*

"Hey, Mari! Looks like Ms. Aeri assigned us for the next combo routine," I said with a smile.

"Oh really? Yay, I'm excited. Did it say what song?" She responded, removing her high ponytail.

I shook my head and bent down to switch out of my dance class shoes into my Crocs. "Nah, apparently we choose. Do you have a song in mind?"

"Hmm, no. We can figure that out later though."

I nodded in agreement and we walked out of dance class together as Jungkook and Hobi stayed behind to speak with their other dance partners they were assigned to.

"Did you wanna grab something to eat?" Mari asked casually.

Feeling bad, I gave her a sympathetic look. "I'm actually going to grab food with Suga right now."

"Oh, late lunch with Yoongi. I see... I haven't had lunch yet," she trailed off, visibly upset.

Since that only made me feel like a worse friend, I offered her to join us. She surprisingly eagerly accepted, so I drove us to the local diner that I had never been to, but Yoongi recommended.

It wasn't a date. He hadn't called it a date, nor did I think of it as one (especially now with Mari joining). He had simply offered to grab a late lunch/early dinner because he would be alone at the house and didn't want to cook nor eat by himself. Seeing as I would've also been alone at my apartment, I innocently agreed. Definitely no hidden meanings.

"So..." Mari spoke up above the rap music I was playing through my Bluetooth speaker in my car.

"Hmm?" I hummed while turning the volume down and not taking my eyes off the road, but tilting my head slightly in her direction.

"Are you and Yoongi a thing?"

I almost hit the brakes and swerved right off the road.


She repeated. "Are you guys dating?"

Sucking my lips inward, I laughed awkwardly. "No, definitely not. Just friends."

"You're sure? You guys don't act like just friends."

"What do you mean? That's how friends act. We are just friends."

I couldn't tell if I was trying to convince her or myself...

"So you're both single? He's single?"

"Um, I suppose so, yes?"

"Interesting," Mari drawled out as she faced completely forward in her chair.


"I'll text Yoongi we parked," I said while closing and locking my car door.

We walked towards the front of the restaurant slowly so I could text him and keep my eyes on my phone. He responded back saying he was already inside, so we picked up our pace.

I let Mari enter first so I could straighten my clothes and tuck my stray hairs behind my ears. With a giddy grin, I hurried inside after her and looked around for Yoongi.

Spotting his signature beanie, I settled into a cheesy ass smile. I caught myself and made a slightly disgusted face for being so excited like that over a simple friend.

He saw me approaching and began to smile, but abruptly stopped when he noticed Mari next to me. Seeing his face falter made mine do the same and I did my best to cover up my disappointment that it wouldn't just be us two.

Mari spoke up first. "Hi, Suga! You look nice! It's good to see you."

Yoongi blinked. "Uh, thanks... I didn't know you'd be joining us, Mari." He, then, looked at me with a tilted expression.

I was about to explain, but wasn't as quick as Mari.

"Yeah, I'm sorry if I'm intruding! I was just hungry and Y/N mentioned you were getting food together, so it just made sense to join along..." Mari explained getting nervous at the end. "I hope you don't mind."

"No, no," Yoongi assured her with his large palms facing toward her. "Not intruding at all—"

I beg to differ.

"—There's room for all of us," he gave her a warm smile and then brought his easy gaze to me. "Hi, Y/N."

"Hi, Yoongi," I shyly waved.

"Ma'am, our whole party is here now. One extra person joined so a table for 3 instead of 2 please," Yoongi explained to the hostess.

"Got it, not a problem. This way." The hostess grabbed three menus and led us to our table near a window with a pretty view of the sky.

We ordered our drinks and food and sat in tense silence for like three minutes before Mari finally spoke up.

"How was your day, Suga?"

He set his phone down to give her his full attention. "Oh, my day was pretty good. I finished up a song before coming here and my professor really liked the last song I finished, so I'm excited about that."

Mari placed both her hands on the edge of the table and gasped. She took a double take between me and him.

"You write songs? You didn't tell me that!" Mari gushed.

He shrugged, bashfully. "You never asked. But yeah, I write and produce."

"That's insane! Did you know that, Y/N?"

I gave her a slight nod with a smile that I hoped looked more friendly than it felt. "Yeah, I do. He's super talented. He's shown me some of his songs actually."

"Wow, I'd love to hear some one day."

Yoongi smiled. "Sure."

"I bet they're amazing!"

I had never seen Mari speak so much at one time—not even when she was drunk—and it was honestly super shocking. At any other moment I would be thrilled to be having this conversation, but I couldn't help but really just want some alone time with him.

"Jungkook is actually starting to write his own stuff, too," I added, nudging her arm playfully trying to get her to think about him instead.

"Yeah, he's really good. I'm actually helping him with his stuff and he has real potential," Yoongi joined.

"Dang, you're even helping Jungkook? That's really nice of you. You really know how to multi task well," Mari babbled. Yoongi remained silent, but nodded bashfully, not sure how to respond to so many compliments.

My eyes gave off a baffled expression at her response; however, I decided not to pay it too much attention.

"You know what..." Mari slowly started, catching both of our attention. I could practically see the gears turning in her mind. "Suga, would you be willing to offer me and Y/N one of your songs to choreograph and dance to for our upcoming combo routine? That is, if Y/N is okay with that?"

Yoongi and I both froze being suddenly put on the spot.

"Oh! Uh, yeah I'd definitely be cool with that. I don't know why I haven't thought of that before. If Suga is down, I'm down! That would be super cool and I am for sure down," I repeatedly word vomited like a dumbass.

"Damn, that's a really nice gesture, Mari. —and Y/N!" Yoongi quickly corrected.

I discreetly pursed my lips.

"I'm definitely down to let you guys use one of my songs. I'd love to see you perform it," he quietly said, scratching his ear and making quick eye contact with me.

I slightly blushed and then inwardly rolled my eyes at myself for my constant emotional switch up when it came to him.

Next to me, Mari had the most satisfied and proud smile on her face and it was truly so surprising to see this ambitious and confident side of her. I was so used to the shy, naive girl from the beginning of the year, so I wonder what triggered the change.

Most of the rest of the conversation was led by Mari and mainly directed towards Suga. If I was included, it was as an after thought. In all honesty, it felt like I was the one who tagged along Yoongi and Mari's lunch. I didn't mean for it to, but it did annoy and hurt me a little.

Thankfully, our food finally arrived and it definitely looked and smelled up to its hype. We each ordered a different burger, but they all looked incredibly appetizing. All three were huge and came with fries and sides of ketchup and ranch.

Yoongi removed the ranch from his plate and put the little cup the side and my lips parted in shock—not because I was appalled that he disliked ranch, but because I was the exact same and very few people are. Just like him, I placed the ranch cup next to his lonely one and he lifted a corner of his mouth at me.

Slightly shrugging, I tossed him a cheeky grin and popped a ketchup-ed fry into my mouth.

Yoongi handed Mari and I our waters, as well as two napkins each, and we began to dig in.

"Damn, this burger is delicious," I exclaimed through a muffled, full mouth.

"I told you this place is it," Yoongi responded after he moved his food into one cheek.

"I always come here with my parents," Mari piped in after a thick swallow.

"Really? So she's a regular," Yoongi teased.

"Regular customer, but definitely not your average, regular girl," she quickly shot out.

She-- what--

Yoongi raised his eyebrows stunned. "I can see that."

I did my best not to throw up out of cringe.


After eating, we parted ways and I dropped Mari off at her house. She tried to initiate conversation in the car, but it was hard for me to remain engaged. That definitely was not how I was planning for that lunch to go at all. However, I chose not to let it get to me too much as I still had a lot on my to-do list today. Checking the time, I saw it was about 6 pm and the library was open til 11 pm tonight. I decided to head back to campus to get some extra studying in since I had a few assignments due soon.

I quietly walked throughout the library and ended up settling on a private study room on the second floor.

Once I set up my laptop, iPad, planner, and chargers, I took a deep inhale. "Finally, no distractions."

About an hour and a half into studying, I stood up to stretch. I was able to knock out my entire persuasive speech and begin memorizing, as well. As I paced the small room, I looked outside the clear door and noticed a familiar figure walking past the hall.

I rushed out, after making sure my stuff was safe, and caught up to his long stride. I found him around the corner peeking his head at each available study room.

"Namjoon!" I called with a smile.

He whipped around with startled eyes. "Y/N! Hey!"

"Need a place to study?" I offered with a shrug and he nodded with a close lipped grin.

I noticed how laid back and comfy his attire was as he wore an oversized sweatshirt with joggers. His hair was also messier and looser and this whole look was so different from his usual, gelled style. His dark roots were also starting to grow out a bit.

"Yeah, I know, I look like a mess," he piped up ruffling his shaggy hair.

"Sorry, was I staring?" I giggled, quickly ripping my gaze off him. "I've been told I do that."

He lightly chuckled and set his backpack down once we entered the study room. "Maybe a little."

"Ah shit, I didn't mean to be creepy! Also, you don't look like a mess. You look comfy and warm."

He laughed again and the studying resumed. I noticed some quirky studying habits of Namjoon that I found quite endearing: he tended to furrow his brows and bite his lip when reading, tapped the tip of his pen on his chin in thought, and would tilt his head and blink rapidly if it seemed like he didn't understand something.

He was honestly the cutest and most dedicated student. Thinking about Joon being cute, led me to thinking about Yoongi being cute, which led to me remembering how he secretly called me cute at a past dinner, which led to me remembering today's lunch and how his attention was all on Mari, which led to my mood dropping significantly.

Should I ask Joon?

No... I shouldn't.

But, he knows Yoongi way more than you do and can probably decipher his behavior.

No, stop. Don't ask Joon and don't be weird. Please.

"Namjoon, can I ask you a question?"

Well, alright then. Great talk.


I was slightly taken back by his eager answer.

"Do you think Mari and Yoongi are a thing?" I sucked my lips in.

Wow okay. Bold. Very unlike me. Wtf?

"What?" Namjoon said confused, clearly not expecting that question whatsoever. "Um, I don't know? I mean, I don't see them interact too much. Why?"

I brought my mouth to one side of my face in thought. "I don't know, she was just acting different today. She was more... talkative? than usual and very forward and interested in him."

I hoped I wasn't coming off as a jealous bitch.

"How so?" Namjoon leaned forward on his elbows, intrigued.

"Just asking about his music and asking if we could dance to it. She just had a different—I don't know—persona around him. I've never seen her like that before. I don't know, now that I'm saying it out loud, I sound dumb." I laughed it off to make the situation lighter.

"You don't sound dumb. Also, you were with Suga today?"

Nodding, I replied, "Yes, he asked if I wanted to get food today after dance class. Mari just joined along."

Namjoon took a beat with an unreadable expression and then hummed. "I see, I see. Well how did Suga respond to Mari's comments?"

I shrugged, reimagining the scene and unintentionally frowning. "Not sure, I guess he liked them? He was smiling and stuff."

Namjoon instantly leaned back in his chair crossing his arms as if he solved a mystery. "Sounds to me—and I know because I've lived with him for years—like my little Suga has a crush on Mari."

My heart dropped. I shouldn't have asked Namjoon.

"What?" I croaked.

Namjoon closed his eyes nonchalantly. "Yup, from what I've gathered, he's got a crush on Mari. And likewise, it sounds like Mari is also interested in Suga."

My fingers began to drum against the table by habit. "I thought Jungkook and Mari were a thing, though, no?"

"So did I, but I guess we were wrong."

I felt myself slump down, but I desperately tried not to show it in front of Namjoon. "Oh, okay. Good to know. Thanks for you help, Joon."

"Of course." Then, he took a closer look at me. "Are you upset about it?"

I frantically shook my head and fixed my facial expression. "No, of course not! I'm happy for them, they'd look good together."

"Okay, good. And honestly, yeah, they really would. Mari is a pretty girl and Suga is a cute man." Namjoon chuckled. "They'd make an adorable couple, no?" He didn't wait for a response and went back to typing on his laptop.

Finally with his attention off me, I allowed myself to sulk. Mari and Yoongi? I never would've thought. I was happy for them, I guess... or at least trying to be. I just thought that maybe... he might have liked me. But, it's clear now that he never did.

I felt dumb for developing a crush on him, but I guess I read the signs wrong.

"So," Namjoon spoke up without removing his eyes from his bright laptop screen, interrupting me from my sad, wandering thoughts.

"Yeah?" I faked a smile.

"What's your persuasive speech on?"

"Oh, I actually am writing one about trying to convince faculty to offer more language classes here at Walden University."

Namjoon's eyes lit up. "Wow! That's such a great idea, Y/N! I would definitely get behind that one and take one of those language classes, too."

"I'm glad you think so. What are you working on?"

Namjoon's expression suddenly shifted and he nervously bit his lip."Actually, I'm brainstorming a way to convince this one girl to let me take her out to the movies..."

I froze with eyes the size of the moon. "Oh?"

"Yeah..." he shakily said, unable to meet my eyes, which was good because I refused to meet his.

Was he trying to do what I think he's trying to do?

"Do I... know this girl?" I anxiously awaited the answer.

"Really well, actually..." he breathed out. "Um, Y/N, would you like to watch a movie with me next weekend?"

Conflicted, I wasn't sure what to do. I wasn't in the right mindset to go out with him, but at the same time it would distract me from Yoongi and Mari. Besides, he didn't call it a date exactly. Just two friends watching a movie like what it was today with Yoongi—nothing more.

I made up my mind.

"Yes, that sounds fun, Joon," I smiled.



HI GUYS! Merry, merry Christmas and happy holidays to you all! <3

BIG ANNOUNCEMENT: I changed the story cover and title to Interruption because I felt it fit the story's theme better :)

I'm sure we've all heard of the sad news regarding Yoongi, Namjoon and Seokjin... :(( I hope they will recover quickly and are staying as safe as possible. It makes me so sad they have to go through this during their first holiday break. But, they're strong and I'm sure they'll be okay!

Please vote and comment if you enjoyed it. Love and appreciate you all!

~ agustdtsuga49

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