𝕭𝖊𝖑𝖑𝖊 â𝖒𝖊

By Synonymous_Boost

324 23 189

An Asian Fantasy ★¸.•☆•.¸★ ........................ ★⡀.•☆•.★ .̷.̷.̷══━一 First Runners Up (Wattpad Asian Fanta... More

Author's Note
Characters And Place
Chapter 01. Where She's Gone...
Chapter 02. Where She's Awake To Find Herself New...
Chapter 03. Where God Answers Her Questions...
Chapter 04. Where She's Trying To Adjust...
Chapter 05. Where A Goddess Resides...
Chapter 07. Where She Makes An Acquaintance...

Chapter 06. Where She Recalls The Story...

10 1 0
By Synonymous_Boost

Althea, determined to change her fate, thought of remembering what her 'true fate' really was. She somehow knew that all her memories wouldn't be forever with her so, she should make complete use of them while she had time. She decided to write bulletin points about the summary of 'Love is...' according to what she had read and what Liz had told her.

After struggling for six hours, she was satisfied with her work. Her notes were arranged according to the story and her thoughts about it. It read as :-

Love is...

• Original main characters were Analyn Mendoza and Alon Basilio

• Analyn, was a wind magic user and belonged to Maharlika class, also called the 'warrior class'

• Alon, on the other hand was Datu' (the ruling class') son and was a future ruler, just like a typical romance fantasy (a normal guy, couldn't really get an all rounder female lead, after all)

• Althea Dalisay, was the best friend of Analyn, a healer with the power of 'Moon Staff' and the owner of the blessed 'pink healing tree' and she belonged to Maginoo class (Noble class, where the Datu ascends from)

• There was a prophecy that a war was going to start in few days where monsters will appear

• After this news, Althea suddenly threatened the Alon to come in a relationship if he wanted her power in the war

• As usual, he agreed and female lead, Analyn started to feel betrayed and threatened when she witnessed her two close friends being decisive towards her

• Analyn vowed to take revenge after the war is finished

• She stopped talking to both of them and joined a different unit in war

• That unit was ruled by another wind magic user, Melchor Baccay, a guy from another Maginoo class

• The war began and ended with the novel showing their day to day lives and how Melchor became the second male lead and of course, fell for Analyn

• After their unit returned from war, Analyn started her revenge plan and took her revenge in slow steps, dissolving Althea' house in the process

• Analyn destroyed the pink healing tree by uprooting it and took away Althea's 'Moon Staff', which was kept in the Royal Castle after the war

• All this while, Alon and Althea were nowhere to be seen thus, Analyn started to think that something was off

• When Alon finally returned, Althea wasn't with him

• Analyn didn't try talking to him or Althea and continued her way of destruction

• Meanwhile, Melchor proposed to Analyn and was turned down (obviously, he was the second male lead after all)

• But, Melchor convinced Analyn to try talking to Alon at least once as there was something off (he had to play his part in acting as a second hand cupid after all)

• Analyn, now fully convinced that something was definitely off, found her way to Alon (obviously, it was shown she had to struggle a little to find him as if he suddenly was some sort of hidden treasure)

• Analyn demanded to speak to Althea and get her confrontation

• Alon hesitated but, couldn't stop himself from answering her

• He took Analyn to the Royal Castle' enchanted garden where Trisha, the fairy, resided

• There lay Althea, completely unknown to her surroundings, in a deep slumber, on a bed of sparkling leaves, with Trisha gently stroking her hair

• Worried, Analyn asked what had happened (of course, female lead was one of the kindest souls here)

• Readers then, come to know what happened before war

• Althea had gone to survey the battle grounds with Royal forces when a Tikbalang (The Tikbalang is a creature of Philippine folklore said to lurk in the mountains and rainforests of the Philippines. It is a tall, bony humanoid creature with the head and hooves of a horse and disproportionately long limbs, to the point that its knees reach above its head when it squats down. In the ancient tales, he stalks the same wilderness and will frighten any he comes across as well as outright attack them, sometimes these attacks even end in him devouring his victim - in the case of female humans an even worse fate can befall them as the demon often rapes them, it is said the result of this rape is the birth of another Tikbalang and is how the demon reproduces) attacked her

• Althea was pregnant and didn't know what to do

• She went to Jaslene, her friend, for help, who turned out to be a villainess

• Jaslene asked Althea to steal Alon away from Analyn, only then, she'll help

• Althea did what she was told and before she could approach Jaslene for further help, she was summoned to join the war as a healer

• During war, while everyone was asleep in their respective camps, a Manananggal (This is an old mythical creature in the Philippines that separates from their lower part of body and their fangs and wings give it a vampire-like appearance. To feed, the self-segmenter chooses an isolated place where she will leave her lower torso while she hunts at night. When she separates from her lower torso, she then gains her ability to fly. She then goes off in search of houses where pregnant women reside. Upon choosing a suitable victim, the Manananggal alights on the house and inserts her tongue through the roof. The tongue is long, hollow and extremely flexible. She uses it to puncture the womb of the sleeping woman and to suck out the fetus. At other times, she seduces men with her beauty and lures them to a private place before eating them alive. She usually eats the insides, like the heart, stomach or the liver) attacked her but, it wasn't able to completely do his work as Alon came there on time

• Althea was highly devastated as the monster inside her was no longer there but she was feeling a different type of hollowness from inside

• Her health worsened and she was no longer fully conscious

• The war was over the next day and around this time, Analyn destroyed her healing tree, worsening Althea' state

• Afterwards, Alon took her to Trisha in hopes of saving her but, she was barely alive and sane

• Analyn comes to know that Althea had told him the truth beforehand and thus, he knew why she had asked him to pretend to be with her during war

• Althea didn't want anyone else to know and asked for a favor

• She asked Alon to kill her after the war was over but, he couldn't do it

• Analyn broke down after hearing this, blaming herself for Althea' weakened state

• She decided to find Jaslene and cure her best friend

• Alon joined her and together they went to Melchor, asking him to help take care of Althea while they were away

• He easily agreed

• While taking care of her, he'd always wonder how Althea' eyes look as she was always sleeping

• Slowly, he found himself attached to Althea, without even doing anything

• Four months passed, when Alon and Analyn returned

• Readers come to know that Jaslene was a half breed (half human + half mermaid) and her aunt asked her to do this in promise of letting her live like a normal human being forever

• Jaslene became greedy and ended up doing it but regretted afterwards when she came to know about Althea' condition

• She couldn't handle the guilt and killed herself

• Meanwhile, the mail characters met another wind magic user, Chesa, who helped them track down the exact same Manananggal

• They killed the demon and returned back, but, couldn't understand why Althea was still unconscious

• Everyone in the state of worry, prayed to God to cure her

That was the whole summary. Althea or Adriana, had read things till here in her past life whereas in Liz' story, things were totally different. Althea loved Alon and thus, stole him away from Analyn, only to be destroyed by Analyn at the end. It was still troublesome as to why her webnovel was different from others. She guessed that maybe God wanted her to know the real story of Althea and that's why, changed her story. Whatever it was... She was determined to not die or play 'Sleeping Beauty' in this life. She was going to change the fate.

Number of words : 1381

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