By roastdAmia

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By roastdAmia

apter 441: Let's Go To The Bed And Talk

Gu Yanqi subtly told Jiang Jinshu about hiring a gaming streamer.

There were a lot of celebrities in the entertainment industry. As long as they could get a famous celebrity to become their ambassador, they did not have to worry about not getting enough players on Chinese New Year's Eve. As for Master Fu on Twitch, Gu Yanqi had run a background check on her, yet not only was he not able to find out her residential address, but even her ID card was fake.

Gu Yanqi had a hunch that this Master Fu was not ordinary. Perhaps she was supported by someone with consequences?

In any case, he put her into his backup plan.

At the same time, in the Li Mansion. Fu Zhi pushed the door open and went into the study. There were several black sacks and baskets on the floor.

Fu Zhi couldn't tell what they were, so she looked at Li Nanli.

Li Nanli was sitting on the couch not far away. He gestured to her to open a random sack and check it out.

Crouching down, Fu Zhi opened up a sack.

The sack proved to be a little heavy for Fu Zhi although she was strong. The tip of her fingers was turning white as she pulled the string on the sack apart. The moment the string snapped, the content of the sack poured out onto the floor.

Setting her jaw tight, Fu Zhi opened up another basket.

All of them were big, shiny diamonds, and there was also a basket of gold.

Fu Zhi did not know what to say. She did not need to check and she already knew all of them were the real deal.

She looked at Li Nanli in confusion and asked, "What are these..."

"Gift from my mother," Li Nanli replied.

"Are you sure they are not betrothal gifts?!" Fu Zhi asked.

"Young lady," Nanli put the document in his hand down and glanced at her with a meaningful smile playing at the tip of his lips, "Are you saying that I should propose to you now? But your brother, I, am not ready yet."

"It's okay, brother. There's no need to get so serious about it," Fu Zhi said.

Although puppy love was not against the law, child marriage was.

But then again, if this was something all rich families could do, then why did Fu Zhao not let her spend her money as she wished in the past 16 years?

The more Fu Zhi thought about it, the more she felt the great fatherly love she had in mind was ebbing away.

Taking advantage of the time when Gu Yanqi came to find Li Nanli to check the IP address, Fu Zhi took a picture of the diamonds and gold on the floor and sent it to Ye Jiu.

[What do you think?]

[I have to say your photoshop skills have improved a lot, but can you be more realistic and stop living in your dream? Besides, today is your turn to buy me a cup of milk tea, so where are you now? The Li mansion? Don't forget that we have a curfew, and we need to be at home before 8:00 pm. Dad will be mad if he finds out that you're outside meeting another guy and he will break your legs if you come back home late!]

Before Fu Zhi replied, Ye Jiu's message came in again.

[By the way, can you add me to the photo? I want to show off on my WeChat Moments.]

[This picture is real and was not edited in any way. I'm thinking why our father, I'm talking about Fu Zhao, has never given us any diamonds before.

[I'm not comparing Auntie Huo Ningxin with our father, the main point is I can't sell and I don't wear these diamonds and gold, so I don't know where I can put them. She bought me a truck of luxurious clothes the last time we met, and now she gave me several sacks and buckets of gold and diamonds. What is our mom going to think about it when she sees these diamonds and gold? She might think I've robbed a bank! Why can't she just give me a dress? Not only is it cheap, but I can wear it out as well. Sigh! Why must my life be so hard?]

Ye Jiu did not know what he should say.

If she was not his sister, if it was not because he could not defeat her, he really wished to slap her in the cheeks to smash some senses into her brain.

'Your life is hard? Are you kidding me? I have to borrow money from a loan shark in order to stay alive!'

Diamond? Gold? Ye Jiu had never seen so many of them in his life before, so he did not know why Fu Zhi, who got everything from her mother-in-law, still felt unsatisfied.

Besides, if it were not because he knew Fu Zhi was a dense girl, he might suspect she said those to offend him.

After all, she had a good mother-in-law to take care of her, while he did not know any rich women at all.

[Yeah, right. Those diamonds and gold mean nothing if you can't wear or sell them, but one thing I have to say is that your mother-in-law is nice to me. She gave me a check and I can use it whenever I want. The only problem is that I don't know how I should spend it as it's a lot.]

Ye Jiu thought Fu Zhi should be able to realize he was unhappy and would reflect on herself and gave half of the diamond to her. However, little did he expect that not only did Fu Zhi fail to realize that, but she also went along with him and said, [You should've told me that! I would've asked you to transfer all of the money to me.]

Ye Jiu was speechless, and he swore to God that he would not talk to her anymore for the next month.

On Fu Zhi's side, since Li Nanli and she was practically not a couple yet, she planned to return these diamonds and gold to Huo Ningxin.

[What? You want to return the diamonds and gold to her? Why? You can give them to me if you don't like them! Do you know that I nearly sell my blood in order to put food on the table?]

Fu Zhi did not reply to Ye Jiu. Instead, she asked, [I thought you said you don't want to talk to me anymore for the next month?]

Ye Jiu had already forgotten about it if Fu Zhi did not remind him about it. However, he felt it did not matter much. After all, the sense of shame was for kids and not for adults like him.

He then withdrew the message and said, [Sis, if you really think you're cheating on him, why not you don't come home tonight and have a talk with him in bed.]

[How about our curfew?]

[Do you have any idea how dire our financial situation is right now? If it were in the past, I might need to go to the palace to become the emperor in order to put food on the table.

[How about this, sis? If you're really afraid, I can join you guys. I can sleep in between you two, and we three can play Fight the Landlord. We can also ask Lu Yumo to join us, then we can play mahjong together!]

[Should we invite Yusheng too?]

[No, no, no. He's too protective of you, and I don't want any bloodshed to happen. You haven't married Li Nanli yet, so we have to protect his safety at all costs. Otherwise, we might not be able to inherit his assets and properties.]


What was love for Ye Jiu? In Ye Jiu's perspective, if someone loved him, then he or she should marry him and kill himself or herself at the wedding ceremony so that he could inherit his or her assets.

Fu Zhi was so stunned that she did not know what she should say to him at all. It was only after Li Nanli had returned and was standing behind her staring at her phone that she came back to her senses and put her phone away. Before she could say anything, she was pulled into his embrace as he tousled her hair, "That's a good idea."

Fu Zhi, "Huh?"

Li Nanli planted a kiss on the mole on her collarbone and whispered into her ear. "Let's go to bed and talk."

The air in the study was filled with the fragrance of flowers and the moon outside the window was bright. The man's voice was low and magnetic, and it felt as soothing as the night breeze.

He was now holding Fu Zhi in his embrace, and Fu Zhi felt her heart skip a beat.

Fu Zhi stayed in the Li mansion for dinner. Other than the dishes cooked by the maid, Gu Yanqi also bought some soup dumplings, sweet and sour pork ribs, and a cup of milk tea from a restaurant outside.

By the time Li Nanli and Fu Zhi came downstairs, there was only Gu Yanqi sitting by the dining table as Jiang Jinshu did not want to stay in the same room as Fu Zhi.

Gu Yanqi was holding a cigar in between his fingers, but he hastily chucked it when he saw Fu Zhi. Then, he approached her with an ingratiating smile tugging at his lips as he said, "Sister Zhizhi, you've finally come. I heard from Nanli that you like to eat sweet and sour pork ribs, so I bought you some. Come and have a taste of it."

This was not the first time Gu Yanqi met Fu Zhi, yet every time she would give him a new surprise.

When Gu Yanqi asked Li Nanli to check the IP address of Master Fu, Li Nanli told him that the ID belonged to Fu Zhi. Li Nanli also told him that she had used the ID to do a live-streaming session when she first came to the Li mansion, and she received a lot of gifts like rockets and mermaids from her viewers.

After they had taken their seats around the dining table, Gu Yanqi then asked, "Sister Zhizhi, I know you like to play games. My company is holding a match on Chinese New Year's Eve, so I wonder if you're interested in joining or not. Oh yeah, there is a million-dollar prize for the winning player."

If it were in the past, Fu Zhi would have said yes without any hesitation, but after she had received the diamonds and gold from Huo Ningxin, Fu Zhi felt she had changed.

She had become a lot richer lately, so she did not want to work so hard to earn money anymore.

Gu Yanqi poured a glass of red wine for Li Nanli, signaling him to put in some good words for him.

Fu Zhi put her milk tea away and pushed a glass at Gu Yanqi. "I'll have one too, thank you."

"Sister Zhizhi," Gu Yanqi said, "You have to call me Brother Yanqi first so that I can work for you with all my heart."

Li Nanli then went nearer to Fu Zhi and said, "Just call him Gu Yanqi. You don't have to listen to him."

Fu Zhi had too many brothers already, so Li Nanli did not want her to gain any brothers anymore.

He paused for a moment, and since Gu Yanqi had offended him, he added, "The game he said is boring. It's a waste of time, so it's okay if you don't want to go."

Fu Zhi nodded and said, "Okay!"

Gu Yanqi became speechless.


It was already 7:00 pm when Fu Zhi got back to the Lu mansion. Xu Wei had accidentally broken the cup that Lu Yushen made, so Fu Zhi used the diamonds that Huo Ningxin gave her and made a new one for Lu Yushen.

It was then Song Fang's call came.

"Sister Zhi, I have something to tell you, but you've to promise me first that you won't get angry."

Song Fang sounded anxious, and Fu Zhi was now eating the pomelo that Lu Yushen peeled for her.

"Okay. Just shoot it."

"Do you know about the gathering that is hosted by the Mu Family?"

"Yeah," Fu Zhi replied as she scooped a big scoop of pomelo for Lu Yushen, who was peeling a pomegranate now. Lu Yushen shook his head and said, "I'm fine. You can have it."

"I bumped into Mu Chenxi this afternoon, and you know what? Her skin is so fair that I thought a bulb was walking on the street. I don't know if that's the reason, she's so full of herself and she's bad-mouthing you to her friend, saying that she will show everyone that you're not Pure Feather after the gathering. Also, she said you're as ugly as a toad."


"Here's the thing," Song Fang continued, "Yumo and I were so angry with her that we went up and confronted her. Then, our emotions got the best of us and we took the invitation card that she's going to give to you and told her that you will certainly go to the gathering and show her who's the boss."

Fu Zhi did not know what she should say.

"Hello? Sister Zhi? Are you still there? In my opinion, why don't you just go to the gathering? After all, you're really Pure Feather, and if you don't show yourself at the gathering, who knows what Mu Chenxi will say about you in school..."

The more Song Fang said, the lower his voice became.

Lu Yushen looked worriedly at his sister.

"Don't worry," Fu Zhi said as she smiled at Lu Yumo. Then, she asked Song Fang, "When is the gathering?"

"This Saturday."

'That means the day after tomorrow'

"I've gotten myself an invitation card as well, so let's go together. The main theme of the gathering is something like expressing their gratitude to Pure Feather for cooperating with them. I really want to see how they would humiliate themselves."

'That's the reason you sold me out?'

In any case, Fu Zhi felt she could not let Song Fang down. After all, putting everything aside, Song Fang was one of the few students who were truly nice to her.

Fu Zhi said something to Lu Yushen and went back to her room to take a shower.

Lu Yumo knew what he had brought Fu Zhi into, so he did not have the face to look at Fu Zhi right now. He waited until she came upstairs only then he went downstairs to drink water.

However, by the time he reached the kitchen, Xu Wei had emptied the warm water in the kettle.

Lu Yumo then looked towards the diamond cup beside Lu Yushen and said, "Brother, I'm thirsty."

Lu Yushen became speechless as he looked at Lu Yumo's puppy eyes.

He was torn between the devil and the deep blue sea. The cup was a gift from his sister, but he was worried that Lu Yumo might eat Fu Zhi's pomelo if he did not let him drink from the cup.

After a long bout of rumination, Lu Yushen hesitantly handed the cup to Lu Yushen and said, "Okay, but first, you have to drink in a gentle manner, and second, you have to make sure your mouth doesn't touch the cup."

Lu Yumo was stunned.

'I just want to take a sip, and I have to follow a protocol?'

Chapter 442: Slapping Mu Chenxi's Face – 1

Time flitted rapidly away and it was already Saturday.

Due to the fact that the Mu Family had made an alliance with the Jiang Family and the Ouyang Family, their status was not the same as they used to be.

Not only had they invited the reporters from Yu City, but they also invited a lot of bigshots from the capital to the gathering. Of course, it went without saying that they did not come because of the Mu Family only.

Most of them decided to attend the gathering because they wanted to get first-hand information about the cooperation between the Mu Family and Pure Feather as well as the scandal between Fu Zhi and Ye Shiyun, one of the most famous actors nowadays.

Besides Ye Shiyun and Fu Zhi, Jiang Zong from the Jiang Family, Gu Min from the Gu Family, Ouyang Ya from the Ouyang Family, and a few well-known movie directors were joining the gathering as well.

Each and every one of them was a famous person, and it was a rare opportunity for them to gather around in the same place.

As such, this gathering was naturally brought to the attention of the public.

Many reporters had arrived at the scene, and there were many netizens watching the live-streaming session on Weibo.

[Who is this lady?]

[She's the youngest daughter of the Zhao Family, the real estate tycoon in Yu City.]

[Then, who is she? Not only is she wearing a mink coat, but there is also a group of bodyguards following her.]

[She's an A-list celebrity from the Mu Corporation. She won the Best Actress Awards before, but she faded out of the public eye two years ago to go home to give birth to a baby. Then, the lady walking beside her is Mu Chenxi, a starlet that I'm currently following. She's as pretty as a goddess, and her skin is fair like a jade!]

[??? Well, I don't deny that she's quite pretty, but she's far from being a goddess. If you really want to see a real goddess, I suggest you go follow Fu Zhi. Although she's just an ordinary person, she's much prettier than Mu Chenxi.]

[Ahhh! Jiang Zong is here! I love you, Jiang Zong!]

Countless bullet comments flitted across the comment section.

Mr. Mu came out to welcome Jiang Zong personally. The young man was still sitting in the car with his eyes half lidded. He was playing with his phone, and he seemed uninterested in the things around him. There was no expression on his face, and his eyes were filled with indifference.

Mu Changqing tugged at Mu Chenxi to snap her back to reality when he realized his daughter was staring vacantly at Jiang Zong.

Since Gu Min was not here yet, Mu Chenxi decided to spend some time with Jiang Zong first. As such, she said, "Mr. Jiang, it's pretty cold out here, so don't you come with me to the banquet hall first?"

"That's not necessary," Jiang Zong replied. He took a look at the entrance of the banquet hall. It was 7:30 pm right now, and most of the guests had arrived.

"I know what you're up to, but no. We are not friends nor relatives, and I don't need you to entertain me. Ask Fu Zhi to come out and take me in."

'Fu Zhi? Why is it her again?'

Mu Chenxi's face turned grim in a second, but she did not say anything back, for she did not want to make herself look too ugly in front of Jiang Zong.

Jiang Zong sat in the car for a long while, and Fu Zhi only showed up after Ouyang Ya had arrived.

"She's really so full of herself. If it were not because she's still useful to us and we want to see how she humiliates herself, there's no way she will have a chance to show herself in a gathering at this scale," Mu Chenxi's friend mumbled.

The other girls standing around Mu Chenxi also chimed in, "Yeah, right. All of those who came here today because they have made a name for themselves in their respective industries, as for her, the reason she's here today is because of Chenxi and Pure Feather! Chenxi, why don't you ask your fans to attack her on Weibo? We have to teach her some lessons and show her who's the boss!"

"That's enough!" Mu Chenxi hissed as she glared at them. Then, she looked towards Fu Zhi, who was caught by a group of reporters not far away.

The world was really full of uncertainties. The Mu Family had invited a lot of A-list celebrities, yet the reporters paid them no mind. It was only when Fu Zhi arrived that they all picked up their cameras and began taking photos of her.

That said, Mu Chenxi had to admit that Fu Zhi looked really gorgeous under those flashlights. Unlike her, who needed medicine to keep her skin fair and pretty, Fu Zhi's beauty seemed to come from within.

The more Mu Chenxi looked at her, the more envious she felt about Fu Zhi.

The sky was overcast and Fu Zhi was wearing a creamy white jacket and a dress that reached her ankles.

"By the way, did you notice that the logo on her dress looks like the logo of Li Luo Studio?"

"You mean she's wearing a dress designed by Li Luo Studio?"

"Is that even possible? Not only is Li Luo the best designer in our country, but she only designs for the royal family. How is there any possibility that Fu Zhi is wearing a dress designed by her?"

Although the reporters did not believe it, it still did not prevent them from taking pictures of Fu Zhi's dress.

Fu Zhi noticed Mu Chenxi when she arrived at the entrance of the banquet hall.

Mu Chenxi's heart suddenly skipped a beat, and she had no idea why but she had a feeling that she was going to lose her goddess title.

Before Fu Zhi made her appearance in the entertainment industry, nobody cared about how Mu Chenxi marketed herself. It was only until recently that she was known as the goddess by the public. She still had not had enough of the benefit brought by the title, and now it was going to be taken away by Fu Zhi.

She thought of what her friend said about letting her fans attack Fu Zhi on Weibo, and she felt it was a good suggestion.

As such, Mu Chenxi took a step forward to welcome Fu Zhi and said, "Song Fang is already inside the banquet, and Mr. Jiang said he wants to go in with you."

"Okay," Fu Zhi replied coldly.

Suddenly, Mu Chenxi started weeping tears as she sobbed, "Fu Zhi, I was talking to you, why must you be so cold to me?"

Fu Zhi was dumbfounded.

She lifted her head up slowly and her profile was facing directly at the camera not far away.

The moon was particularly bright tonight, and the moonlight had cast a halo of light on the young lady's face.

Before she could figure out what was going on with Mu Chenxi, the viewers in the live streaming room exploded

[Holy. Are they really not using a filter? Fu Zhi looks so pretty in the camera!]

[What happened to Chenxi? Why's she crying? Could it be that Fu Zhi's too pretty, so she cried?]

[What the hell is she doing?]

[I don't know you guys but I feel Chenxi looks ugly when she's crying...]

[Well, I think the main problem is because she's standing beside Fu Zhi. Before Fu Zhi is here, I really think that Mu Chenxi's skin is really fair and she looks really pretty. However, no comparison, no despair. It's not that she cannot cry in front of the camera, but why must she cry when Fu Zhi's standing beside her?]

[Yeah, right. She started to cry after talking to Fu Zhi, and I seriously have no idea what the hell she is doing either.]

Chapter 443: Slapping Mu Chenxi's Face – 2

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Fu Zhi had not expected that Mu Chenxi, whose life was as tough as a cockroach and who remained persistent no matter how many times she defeated her, would start weeping just because she'd answered "okay".

Jiang Zong could not help looking at Mu Chenxi.

'That's all she's got? Fu Zhi hasn't done anything to her and she already started to cry? I was beaten by her last time and I didn't even make a single sound.'

Jiang Zong retracted his gaze from the group of reporters with cameras.

He thought for a moment and then handed a paper towel to Mu Chenxi before saying, "Don't cry."

'There will be a lot more chances for you to cry in the future now that you've gotten under Fu Zhi's skin.'

Jiang Zong did not know why his father wanted to cooperate with the Jiang Family at all. They were just a useless bunch of simpletons.

For example, Mu Chenxi was not able to see through Jiang Zong's true intentions right now. She lowered her head as her cheeks flushed in embarrassment. "Thank you, Mr. Jiang."

However, she received no response from Jiang Zong. When she raised her head, she was stunned to see that Jiang Zong had already gone to Fu Zhi's side and was draping his jacket over her shoulders.

'He's such a scumbag!'

On the other hand, Fu Zhi tried her best to stay away from Jiang Zong, for he looked like someone who would die young.

Jiang Zong took another step toward her and said, "The weather is freezing, and you might get a cold. I heard you're going to make a movie?"

Fu Zhi lifted her head and looked at him.

"I know you're the one who sabotaged the cooperation between Pure Feather and the Mu Family."

It was not a secret that Pure Feather had terminated her cooperation with the Mu Family. The reason Jiang Zong's father had asked him to come to Yu City was to cut ties with the Mu Family as well as figure out the relationship between the Mu Family and Pure Feather.

Jiang Zong had never read "Phantom Light" before, but since "Red Sun" was required reading material for the college entrance examination, it went without saying that Jiang Zong had read it before.

If he had not read the book, he might not have realized this, but after reading it, although he was amazed by the writing style of the author, he could see some shadows of Fu Zhi in the characters she had created.

Star Maker Entertainment had also released a statement to explain the meeting between Ye Shiyun and Fu Zhi.

After Jiang Zong connected all the dots, he noticed something but was not sure about it.

Thus, while talking to Fu Zhi, he was wearing a smile on his face and he did not beat around the bush. It was as if he was saying, "Just admit that you're the troublemaker."

In return, Fu Zhi had the urge to reply, "Winter is coming, and it's time for the Jiang Corporation to go bankrupt."

With that thought in mind, Fu Zhi stopped in her tracks. However, before she could say anything, Jiang Zong added, "Well, I have earned some extra money recently. It's not much, just about 80 to 90 million yuan. It might be too little for a commercial film, but it should be more than sufficient to fund your domestic war film."

Fu Zhi thought for a while and replied, "Yeah, it's enough."

"So, Ms. Fu, don't you think you should make some effort to entertain your future investor? If..."

"If you're talking about an investment, then you can stop talking now." Fu Zhi interrupted him. "After all, there are a lot of people who want to invest in my movie. However, if you insist, you can always donate the money to us, and we might include your name in the closing credits."

Jiang Zong was stumped.

'Donate? Might? So that means there's a chance I won't get anything in return after I put my money into the movie?!'

Jiang Zong did not know whether he should laugh at Fu Zhi or beat her. He pointed at himself and hissed, "Fu Zhi, do you think I'm stupid?"


The gathering started soon after Fu Zhi's arrival.

Mr. Mu came forward and warmed up the atmosphere. Although the aim of this gathering was to humiliate Fu Zhi, most importantly, a lot of well-known movie directors had shown up as well, as the Ouyang Family and the Jiang Family had sent their respective representatives to the gathering.

Mr. Mu asked Mu Chenxi to prepare for the piano performance later. Besides, he'd also invited the most famous orchestra and dance group in Yu City, as well as some potential actors and actresses to the gathering.

Everyone began to take their seats.

Perhaps they had a different identity, as Song Fang was placed in the last row, while Fu Zhi was placed in the second row. As for Jiang Zong, he was sitting diagonally from Fu Zhi's seat.

There was an angry expression on his face, and his jaw was tightly set.

When all the guests had taken their seats, Mr. Mu started to give his speech. "First of all, thank you all for taking time out of your busy schedules to come to the gathering held by the Mu Family. The main objective of this gathering is to create a space for everyone to catch up with each other, listen to some music, watch some dancing, as well as address the collaboration with Pure Feather on the release of a film and television show..."

A round of applause erupted as Mr. Mu continued his speech.

Song Fang rolled his eyes, as he had never seen someone as shameless as Mr. Mu before. Not only had he said that the Jiang Family and the Ouyang Family were their friends, but he'd also implied that Pure Feather would continue to work with them.

[But the Jiang Family and the Ouyang Family are indeed supporting them,] Fu Zhi replied.

[That's why I don't understand. Are the Ouyang Family and the Jiang Family blind? Why can't they just mind their own business? Why must they work with a shameless family like the Mu Family? Is there a loose screw in their heads?]

[Well, I'm sure they have their own plans for cooperating with the Mu Family. The Jiang Family is cunning, and I guess they just want to make things tough for the Fu Family.]

Song Fang was not familiar with how things worked in a company, so he did not reply. At the same time, the more Fu Zhi thought about it, the angrier she became with the Jiang Family.

It was precisely the Jiang Family's support that had emboldened the Mu Family. If they did not want to ruin her reputation, would Song Fang have dragged her to this gathering?

If Song Fang had not dragged her to the gathering, she would be skiing with Xu Wei at the free ski resort near her home right now.

The Jiang Family had caused her and the Fu Family a lot of trouble. Now, she just wanted Jiang Zong to donate money to her movie, yet he refused to do it?

The anger in Fu Zhi's heart grew even stronger as she thought about it. Then, overwhelmed by her rage, she kicked Jiang Zong's chair.

"I just want you to donate money to my movie! What's wrong with that?"

'You'll only lose 80 to 90 million yuan, but I missed out on the joy of going to the ski resort!'

With that thought in mind, Fu Zhi added, "I don't care what you say. You have to donate money to my movie! Don't tell me that the Jiang Family is so poor that you can't even take 80 or 90 million yuan out?"

Jiang Zong turned his head around and looked at Fu Zhi in disbelief. He did not know what had gotten into Fu Zhi's brain and why she had kicked his chair. That said, he was not a pushover, so he was not going to let Fu Zhi off the hook so easily.

He looked at her angrily and hissed, "You don't want your leg anymore? Kick me again if you dare!"

Fu Zhi nodded and kicked Jiang Zong's chair again.

Jiang Zong was speechless.

'F*ck! Do you think I'm a Hello Kitty just because I don't dare to beat you? Let me show you how I fight!'

Jiang Zong shot up from his seat. Sitting not far away, Ouyang Ya lifted her brows. She walked closer to Wu Zhiheng and said, "I heard that Jiang Zong has a bad temper and he will seek revenge for the smallest grievance. Just you wait. If the Mu Family doesn't kick Fu Zhi out of this hall, Jiang Zong is going to turn the entire hall upside down."

Honestly, Wu Zhiheng still could not get over Fu Zhi. After all, she was the prettiest girl he had ever seen in his life. However, after what she had done to him a few days ago, he pushed away the last bit of love he had for her and harrumphed, "Hmph! She deserves it."

Jiang Zong had a bad temper indeed. After he exchanged a glance with Fu Zhi, he raised his arm into the air.

Wu Zhiheng's heart leaped into his throat.

'Holy... Her cheek will certainly swell up if that slap hits her face.'

Just as Wu Zhiheng pulled his phone out to record this historical moment, a loud thud erupted from the front row of the hall.

Jiang Zong's hand fell on the shoulder of a certain well-known movie director on his right side as he asked, "Can we change seats?"

Both Wu Zhiheng and Ouyang Ya's jaws dropped to the floor, and they could not come around to their senses for a long time after they saw what had just happened.

'You're the heir of the Jiang Corporation, yet you're afraid of Fu Zhi?!

The corner of Ouyang Ya's lips twitched uncontrollably.

Wu Zhiheng then asked, "Why didn't Jiang Zong beat her?"

"He probably didn't want to talk too much or fight with a bandit like Fu Zhi, but I'm sure that he's not a pushover. If Fu Zhi keeps refusing to change her attitude, she will be in big trouble."

In Ouyang Ya's opinion, Fu Zhi was nothing different from a bandit.

At the same time, just as Ouyang Ya finished speaking, Fu Zhi suddenly realized that her legs were pretty long. Although they were not as long as Ye Jiu's, she was still able to reach the back of Jiang Zong's chair without any difficulty.

Thus, she put down the gaming console in her hand and delivered another kick at the back of Jiang Zong's chair.

Jiang Zong was stunned.

He spun around to look at Fu Zhi again and said, "Fu Zhi, do you really think I don't dare to beat you?"

As he was talking, he pulled his hand out of his pocket.

'This is it! This is it! They are going to fight!' Wu Zhiheng shouted inwardly.

At the same time, the movie director sitting next to Jiang Zong was shivering uncontrollably, as he feared that Jiang Zong might accidentally hit him again.

"I see," Fu Zhi replied flatly.

Wu Zhiheng pointed at Ouyang Ya and told her, "See? No man can resist that kind of provocation!"

Just as Wu Zhiheng spoke, Jiang Zong could not hold himself back anymore and flung a check at Fu Zhi. "Take this money and leave me alone. I will watch the movie, so make sure you include my name in the closing credits."

Fu Zhi said, "Wow! Thank you, Mr. Jiang. You're really generous!"

Jiang Zong felt his chest begin to ache again and thought that it had been a bad decision to come to this gathering.

Chapter 444: Slapping Mu Chenxi's Face – 3

It was only now that Wu Zhiheng and Ouyang Ya noticed there was something wrong between Jiang Zong and Fu Zhi.

Compared to Fu Zhi being beaten by Jiang Zong, Wu Zhiheng felt that Jiang Zong was like the poor little man who had been suffering from Fu Zhi's mental and physical abuse for a long time.


On the other side, at the back of the banquet hall.

The photo of Fu Zhi and Mu Chenxi standing together became viral on the internet.

##Fu Zhi and Goddess Mu Chenxi cried#

The first to release this news was a reporter who was invited by the Mu Family.

[Today, I was lucky enough to be invited by the Mu Family to participate in the gathering. During the gathering, I inadvertently witnessed Fu Zhi talking to Mu Chenxi and the latter was crying which brought to the question today: Did something happen to our goddess or something had happened between them?]

[Picture] [Picture] [Picture]

The first person who saw the post was Mu Chenxi's friend, Xu Tongtong. She opened up the post as she talked to Mu Chenxi, "Look at the title. If it were not for Pure Feather, would Fu Zhi get so much publicity? It seems like these reporters are on your side, Chenxi. Besides, after your fans see the post, I'm sure they will not let Fu Zhi off the hook so easily!"

The reason Mu Chenxi cried in front of the camera was that she wanted these people to denigrate Fu Zhi as much as possible.

After all, in the current world, the victim had more say than the proprietor.

Of course, normal people might not give too much attention to this kind of thing, but as long as her fans fanned the flames and said it was Fu Zhi who made her cry, then it would be big trouble for Fu Zhi.

Mu Chenxi asked the makeup artist to put a layer of powder and apply eyeshadow on her face. She could not open her eyes right now, so she asked Xu Tongtong, "Read me how my fans and other people scold Fu Zhi."

Xu Tongtong then cleared her throat, but as she opened up the comment section, her expression changed.

"Chen... Chenxi..."

"What's the matter? I ask you to read me those comments. Are you not able to read?"


"Stop giving me that, and read me those comments!"

Xu Tongtong had no other choice left. She opened her mouth and read the comments, "I know Fu Zhi, but who is this girl standing in front of her? Is she an actor? She looks like a d-list actor to me, and her face disgusts me."

Mu Chenxi was stunned.

She pushed the makeup artist away and opened her eyes, "What did you say?"

"It's not me, it's the netizen who said it," Xu Tongtong cried, "That's what they all say, but I don't think they're right!"

"If you don't think so, then why did you read it for me? You don't have to read these stupid comments for me. I know more people in the entertainment industry than Fu Zhi and I'm more famous than her. I don't want to listen to this, change another!"

"Yippee! Sister Zhizhi is on the hot topic again! She's so gorgeous, and what is the thing standing beside her? Is she a clown or something?"

"Are you on Fu Zhi's side? Why must you read me the comments of her retarded fans and not read the comments of my fans?"

Mu Chenxi snatched the phone from Xu Tongtong and looked at the comment section.

Then, she froze. At this moment, she seemed to understand why Xu Tongtong only picked those 2 comments. It was because all the other comments scolded her even worse.

[Fu Zhi's the kind of person who would confront you face to face, and she would not resort to backstabbing.]

[Who is Mu Chenxi? Why are you giving her so much publicity?]

[What's wrong with this title? You make it look like Fu Zhi is bullying her. The girl standing in front of her is so ugly and she doesn't deserve Fu Zhi's attention at all.]

These were some of the comments in the comment section. What's more, some of her fans even had unfollowed her on Weibo and became Fu Zhi's fans instead.


Mu Chenxi had 10 million followers on her Weibo, but a majority of them were phantom followers, unlike Fu Zhi, who gained her followers through her great charisma.

One would be able to see clearly the difference between both of them.

Although Fu Zhi was an ordinary person, she was even more famous than some of the A-list celebrities.

As for Mu Chenxi, even though she became an actor in childhood, she did not have any work to back her up. She was attractive, but not exactly good-looking. Besides, the last thing the entertainment industry lacked was pretty women.

Most of the people left comments on her Weibo not because they loved her, but because they just wanted to get the prize.

Many people knew Fu Zhi but not Mu Chenxi. Besides, most of the people in the live-streaming room saw that Fu Zhi just nodded at her. Fu Zhi did not do anything to her at all and she started to cry, so most of them suspected that it was all an act.

Mu Chenxi wanted her fans to help her humiliate Fu Zhi, but she got humiliated by them instead.

She was so angry that she smashed the eyeshadow on the floor.

"What the hell is wrong with Fu Zhi's fans? Why do they have to leave comments like that?"

Xu Tongtong then chimed in, "Don't get so angry, Chenxi. Of course, you are different from Fu Zhi, and their eyes must be blinded to choose to stand on her side instead of yours. It's almost your turn to perform, so..."

"Do you think I still have the mood to perform right now after seeing this?!"

"Why not? There are a lot of movie directors out there, so you have to go out and show them your best side. Besides, Fu Zhi is here as well today. You have to show her and her fans the difference between you and her. If you really want it, you can ask her to come on stage and play piano in front of everyone as well. I heard from Chuwan that she doesn't know how to play any musical instrument at all. Don't you want her to embarrass herself in front of so many people?"

Chapter 445: Slapping Mu Chenxi's Face – 4

Mu Chenxi was the first to perform on stage.

Mr. Mu indeed loved his daughter a lot. Not only did he give her a chance to perform in front of so many bigshots from different industries, but he also invited many reporters to live-stream her performance.

The cameras of the reporters flashed nonstop, and the number of viewers in the live-stream room was increasing with every passing second.

The blue-and-red light on the stage had a dreamy effect, and there was a luxurious piano in front of Mu Chenxi.

The lights in the hall dimmed, and a single beam of light shone on Mu Chenxi.

The song that Mu Chenxi played was one of the 10 greatest piano pieces, "Mariage d'amour". When the brightest light fell on her, everyone could not help feeling attracted to her.

The wooden bench was entwined with green vines, and her white dress swayed with the evening breeze.

When the first note fell, the hall was filled with a soothing melody.

Well, Mu Chenxi was a good piano player indeed. Truthfully, most of the girls in Yu City who had the same family background as Mu Chenxi were sent by their families to practice piano from a young age to gild the lily and raise their personal value.

After the song ended, a round of applause erupted in the hall. Even the viewers in the live-stream room were amazed by Mu Chenxi's performance.

[Well... She's pretty good.]

[OMG! Xixi is so gifted! She knows everything! I can't think of anything that she doesn't know!]

[She looks so gorgeous in that dress. It's no wonder that people call her goddess!]

[Chenxi is considered new in the entertainment industry, but she's far better than some people who keep implying that they're a literary giant.]

[Well, I didn't know why so many people liked her in the past, but now I know. She's really pretty as a goddess!]

Most of the viewers had been about to criticize Mu Chenxi's appearance after reading the post on Weibo, but they all changed their view after her piano performance.

Mr. Mu nodded in satisfaction.

Mu Chenxi's piano and dance performance was interspersed with violin performances by the company's other artists and smoke.

The emcee then went on the stage.

"I'm sorry, but can you hand me the microphone?" Mu Chenxi suddenly appeared and took the microphone from the emcee.

As everyone watched on in confusion, Mu Chenxi said, "Although I have been practicing piano for 10 years, my skills are only halfway decent, and I didn't do that piano piece justice."

"Don't talk like that, Ms. Mu. Your piano skills are superb, and we truly enjoyed your performance," a director sitting in the first row said.

"That's right. You're an actor, and I think it's already very good that you're willing to practice the piano."

"I can say for sure that no one else in this hall can play better than Ms. Mu!"

"I don't think any girls her age are better artists than Ms. Mu, let alone piano players. If my memory serves me right, Ms. Mu went abroad to perform at the famous Green Concert Hall the other day, right?"

These people were Mr. Mu's friends, so they praised Mu Chenxi from the bottom of their hearts.

Smiling faintly, Mu Chenxi ran her fingers across the piano keys as she stared at Fu Zhi. "Yes, with my best friend, Chuwan. However, there's someone who's better than us at playing the piano, and that person is Fu Zhi."

"Fu Zhi who?"

Mu Chenxi then pointed at Fu Zhi, and the staff shone the light on Fu Zhi, who was sitting not far away.

The smile on Mu Chenxi's face grew wider. She cocked her head and added, "We have so many guests and friends from the TV station here with us today. I apologize for not being able to perform to the best of my abilities for you guys, so why don't we ask Fu Zhi to come on stage and show us some of her skills?"

Jiang Zong turned around to look at Fu Zhi. There was no expression on Fu Zhi's face as she raised her brows and asked, "You want me to perform on the stage?

"I'm sorry, but have you forgotten that I'm also one of your guests? Don't you think it is..."

As everyone was waiting for Fu Zhi to finish her sentence, she kicked the back of Jiang Zong's chair and said, "Mr. Jiang, you're also one of their guests. Will you perform for them if they ask you to?"

Most of them did not notice the first two times Fu Zhi kicked Jiang Zong's chair, but all of them saw it now.

'How dare Fu Zhi kick Jiang Zong's chair? Does she have a death wish?'

Jiang Zong had not expected Fu Zhi to kick his chair for the third time.

There was a group of people in the world that would poison your mind and soften your heart with sweet words in order to get what they wanted. When they already had what they yearned for, their attitude would change drastically and they'd kick you away.

Fu Zhi was this kind of person.

Although Jiang Zong was angry, he could not shout at Fu Zhi. Thus, he turned to Mu Chenxi and snarled, "Perform for them? Who the hell do they think they are?"

Fu Zhi was in a bad mood because she had not gone skiing with her mother. Thus, she'd decided to go all out against Mu Chenxi. As for Jiang Zong... Well, he was always in a bad mood.

Mu Chenxi froze on the stage. She had not expected Fu Zhi to pull this on her. It was like she was telling her it was her responsibility to perform for them, and if she wanted them to perform for her, there was no way.

Mu Chenxi's face was livid with rage, but she could not do anything on a big occasion like this. Thus, she squeezed a few drops of tears out of her eyes and said before she went off the stage, "That's not what I meant. I just wanted to pave the way for Fu Zhi because it seems to me that she wants to become an actor. If she doesn't want to perform in front of everyone, then I won't insist..."

Xu Tongtong then chimed in, "That's right, that's right. Fu Zhi, you've misunderstood Chenxi. Besides, we just want you to perform on stage. It's not like we want you to sell yourself like in ancient times. Could you not know how to play the piano? Is that why you refuse to perform in front of everyone?"

"Who told you that she doesn't know how to play the piano, huh?" Song Fang shot up from his seat and interrupted her. "Our Sister Zhi knows everything there is to know in the world, and she's a million times better than Mu Chenxi at playing the piano!"

The other actors and actresses from the Mu Family rolled their eyes when they heard what Song Fang had said. They all then chimed in to defend Mu Chenxi and said, "Let her go up there and show us what she's got then. If she refuses to do it, then it means she doesn't know how to play the piano at all."

"Ms. Mu has been practicing the piano for more than 10 years, and now you're telling me that Fu Zhi is better than her? That's the funniest joke I've ever heard. Ms. Mu, are you sure what you heard about her is the truth and not just some kind of rumor?"

"Ms. Mu is just being modest. It's not that I look down on Fu Zhi, but she's not on the same level as Ms. Mu!"

The tips of Fu Zhi's brows twitched, and just as a bad hunch rose from the bottom of her heart, she heard Song Fang say, "Okay then! I choose you, Sister Zhi! Let's show them what we're made of!"

Fu Zhi shook her head and sighed. She knew it had been a bad decision to come to the gathering. Whenever she pulled herself out of a trap set by Mu Chenxi, Song Fang, the best teammate in the world, would push her back into the trap.

A round of applause rang out, as everyone couldn't wait any longer to see Fu Zhi's performance.

Everyone who played the piano had an indescribable air about them.

Mu Chenxi could not sense the same air from Fu Zhi, so she assumed that Fu Zhi did not know how to play any musical instrument. She did not want her to lay her fingers on the piano, so she asked, "I wonder what kind of instrument you know how to play, Fu Zhi?"

"The suona," Fu Zhi replied.

Everyone was petrified.

Fu Zhi then looked around her. There were the Mu Family, the Ouyang Family, the Wu Family, and Gu Min.

Nice. All of them had come here to cause her trouble, so she did not like them.

The smile on Mu Chenxi's face froze. "What, what did you say?"

She wanted to see Fu Zhi humiliate herself, but playing the suona on an occasion like this? It's not like someone had died!

"You're kidding, right, Fu Zhi?"

Mu Chenxi was certain that if Fu Zhi really came up on stage and played the suona in front of everyone, her father would not let her off the hook.

'Just what kind of demon is she?!'

Even Jiang Zong nearly had a heart attack when he heard what Fu Zhi had said. He turned his head and asked, his voice laced with disbelief, "You know how to play the suona?"

Then, he suddenly thought of something and added, "Did you learn the suona so that you could send your father on his way when he died and inherit his property and assets?"

Fu Zhi was speechless.

'I know you want to get my attention, but can you please hold your horses and stop being so imaginative?'

There was no way Mr. Mu would let Fu Zhi play the suona there. He went up to Fu Zhi and said, "It's fine, Ms. Fu. You're our guest, so you don't have to perform for us. You can just sit here and let them perform for you."

Fu Zhi looked at him apathetically and said, "It's too late."

Chapter 446: Slapping Mu Chenxi's Face – 5

Well, Fu Zhi faced quite some issues while preparing for her performance.

Perhaps western music was the mainstream and there were fewer people wanting to learn a traditional musical instrument, the Mu Family could not find a suona for Fu Zhi.

Besides, Song Fang also hoped that Fu Zhi could be a little normal. He told her that he knew she was extraordinary, but she did not have to go to the extreme.

In the end, Fu Zhi compromised and chose to play guzheng instead.

The Mu Family got the guzheng from the back of the stage. Song Fang then dragged Fu Zhi backstage to check the quality of the guzheng.

"Sister Zhi, do you know how to play a guzheng? It's not like a suona where you can play it just by blowing air, you need at least a few years of experience to play a guzheng."

"Oh," Fu Zhi threw a glance at him, "Now you know you should ask me?"

Embarrassed, Song Fang scratched his head and said, "Well, my emotions got the best of me when I heard they're bad-mouthing you. After all, look at Mu Chenxi. It's very obvious that she's trying to be one up on you, so how can I let that happen?"

If Ye Jiu was here, Fu Zhi was certain that things would get even more out of control. In the end, she did not say anything.


On the other side, inside the dressing room of the banquet hall.

Mu Chenxi and Xu Tongtong were sitting together with 3 reporters. Looking at them, Mu Chenxi pitched her voice low and said, "I trust you guys know what you're supposed to do later, but I will run you through it again. Now, after Fu Zhi finishes her guzheng performance, what you guys should do is you go up to her and ask if she's Pure Feather. Then, the viewers in the live-streaming room will realize who she really is underneath her mask."

Mu Chenxi was certain that Fu Zhi did not know how to play a guzheng at all. This was because she had never seen Fu Zhi been to any institution before, and even if she did, Mu Chenxi did not believe that her guzheng performance could be better than her piano performance. After all, she had practiced piano for 10 years.

The 3 reporters nodded in assent as they said, "Don't worry. Since we've taken your money, we will certainly do as you said."

After that, Mu Chenxi waved her arms to signal the reporters to leave. Then, she came out of the room with Xu Tongtong arm in arm. "Just you see. Today will be the day of Fu Zhi's demise!"


The Dunhuang guzheng inlaid with gold and some white jades were placed in the center of the stage by the staff. It carried an oriental vibe, and it looked out of place in the lavishly decorated western-style hall.

The actors and actresses from the Mu Family then began to mock Fu Zhi when they saw the guzheng on the stage.

"Guzheng? It's better if she plays suona."

"I'm sure she more or less knows how to play a guzheng. It's just that I'm not sure how well she can play it..."

"I bet five packs of chili sticks she can't play as well as Ms. Chenxi!"

"There's no need to bet. Learning guzheng is a difficult task. Look at her hand. They are so delicate and fair, it doesn't seem to me that she's someone who can endure hardship. Ms. Chensi has been practicing piano for 10 years, so I can say for sure that Fu Zhi is not as good as her!"

As they all were talking, the prelude of "The Battle of Typhoon" was played in the banquet hall. The Battle of Typhoon was one of the most famous guzheng solo pieces. Right after the prelude of the music had ended, Fu Zhi then began her performance.

As one of the Chinese plucked zithers, Guzheng was pretty versatile. With a single strum or pluck of the string, the performer could convey different kinds of feelings to the audience. As for a majestic piece like the Battle of Typhoon, the moment the first note fell, the audience seemed to be able to picture the scene of an army of heroic warriors marching into the war zone with well-polished spears and armored horses to protect their country.

Those people who looked down on Fu Zhi and those who mocked her fell silent. They all resonated with Fu Zhi's music and their skin erupted into gooseflesh.

The Battle of Typhoon was not hard to play. In fact, it was much simpler compared to Mariage d'amour.

Mu Chenxi thought although Fu Zhi was pretty good at playing a guzheng, she was still far from her.

However, the second the thought took shape in her mind, Fu Zhi came to an abrupt stop and she began playing "Glamour", a song made by Addiction.

A melodious and fast-paced song sounded, and the unique timbre immediately pulled people into the bustle of the earthly world.

The atmosphere in the hall changed drastically.

"Brilliant! She can perfectly synchronize both her right and left hands!" A guzheng master couldn't help himself and exclaim.

The rest of the audience was stunned as well.

Everyone knew that "Flight Of The Bumblebee" and "English Country-Tunes" were known as the 2 hardest piano pieces in the world. For the latter, some of the bars even had 300 notes crammed into them, and the fingers of the pianist were practically flying across the piano keys when he or she was performing the music piece.

As for Addiction's Glamour, in a sense, it was equivalent to the guzheng version of "Flight Of The Bumblebee" and it had been praised many times by other guzheng players before.

It was something that not everyone could play, including Mu Chenxi.

"Could... Could it be that she's a guzheng master?"

"I'm sorry, I have to take back what I've said just now."

"Our traditional musical instruments have little advantage over western musical instruments. Most of the youngsters nowadays feel they are not cool compared to western musical instruments, so they are reluctant to pick up a traditional musical instrument. However, it's "Addiction" that changed the game and caused our people to start picking up guzheng again. I'm truly impressed that this girl can play "Glamour" so well!"

Mu Chenxi's face was as dark as the bottom of a pot.

She took a glance at the comment sections in the live-streaming room. She realized that most of the viewers were praising Fu Zhi, and when she saw that some of them were saying that she knew her own limit so she got off the stage to give Fu Zhi a chance to showcase her talent, she was so angry that she nearly passed out.

It was never in her wildest dream that Fu Zhi knew how to pay a guzheng at all.

Sitting on the seat, Jiang Zong played with his fingers as he stared indifferently at Fu Zhi.

At this moment, all the lights had converged on Fu Zhi.

The hissing of the zither seemed to be telling the ups and downs of a world. With a strum of the string, the scene of an army of soldiers fighting on armor horses to protect their country seemed to have appeared before their eyes. Then, with another pluck of the string, the scene in their eyes changed and they seemed to have seen how a war-torn country rose from the ashes. She moved her fingers across the strings so fast that before they knew anything, she had already entered another section of the music.

It was something that they had never experienced before, and this was by far the best performance they had seen.

They were so marveled at Fu Zhi's performance that they still could not come around to their senses even after Fu Zhi had finished her performance.

It was only until Jiang Zong clapped his hand that they finally snapped back to reality and a round of applause erupted in the hall.

Ouyang Ya rubbed the center of her eyebrows. She remembered the things Mu Chenxi told her about this morning and snarled, "This is the surprise you were talking about?"

"No... I didn't know she knew how to play a musical instrument," Mu Chenxi said as she bit her lower lip.

She really did not know that Fu Zhi knew how to play a musical instrument. If she knew about it, she would never ask Fu Zhi to perform on the stage.

"Ever since I came to Yu City, everyone just keeps saying to me that they don't know when the thing is related to Fu Zhi. There are a lot of things in this world that you don't know. Wouldn't you check if you don't know about something? Do you know what kind of consequences you will face if you do something without having any knowledge about it?"

Mu Chenxi's eyes were red as she said, "I... I really don't know."

Ouyang Ya took a deep breath and continued, "What's the main point of this gathering? Get Pure Feather out and make Fu Zhi humiliate herself in front of the public, but now what? She even stole the limelight from you! You are the host of the gathering, but now you have become her sidekick!"

Mu Chenxi did not know what to say. Since she could not unleash her anger at Ouyang Ya, she could only divert her rage towards Xu Tongtong. She glared at her furiously and said, "This is all your fault! If it were not for your lousy idea, none of this would have happened!"

Xu Tongtong did not dare to fight back. She just kept her head low and said, "I thought a barbarian like her wouldn't know how to play a musical instrument. Who knows she could play a guzheng so well.

"How about this? Since Fu Zhi wants to play suona, let's ask her to play suona then. If she can't play it well, we can say she doesn't respect us at all and she's cursing us!"

Chapter 447: The Sound Of A Suona Is Worth A Thousand In Gold

It was difficult to get suona from any nearby musical instrument store, and they ended up getting one from a coffin shop across the street from the Mu Mansion.

Mu Chenxi had thrown everything into the wind right now. She did not care what would happen anymore, for she just wanted to see Fu Zhi make a fool of herself in front of everyone.

It took only 5 minutes to go from the Mu mansion to the coffin shop. When the maid presented the suona, Mu Changqing's face turned livid with rage.

"Mu Chenxi!" He glared at his daughter with the suona in his hand, "What the hell are you doing again?"

He did not make any effort to lower his voice, but the silver lining was that everyone was still immersed in the wonderful performance brought to them by Fu Zhi. The cameras were all on her right now, so nobody noticed what they were doing at all.

"I'm giving Fu Zhi a chance to show herself!"

"I think you must have a screw loose or something," Shen Changqing tried to take the suona away as he snarled, "Do you have any idea who all these people are? Give her a chance to show herself? What if something happens when she's playing the suona, huh? Do you really want to get me into trouble?!

"How can you be so thoughtless, huh? Do you know that this is your best opportunity to show your best side? There are so many movie directors and producers here, and each and every one of them is holding the hottest IP dramas this year. If you perform well, it wouldn't be a problem for them to cast you as a supporting role in their dramas, so why the hell do you have to keep giving Fu Zhi a chance to perform herself? Anyway, just go back backstage and wait for your next performance. Stop doing stupid things, you hear me?"

Even though Mu Chenxi knew everything her father talked about was the truth, she could not listen anymore. She refused to give up such a good opportunity to humiliate Fu Zhi. She stamped her feet in frustration as she said in a nasal voice, "You're the one who has a screw loose or something! Those directors are not blind, so how is there any possibility they will choose a layman who doesn't even know how to act at all? Dad, you don't really think she can play the suona, do you? She is just scaring you! I'm 100% certain she doesn't know how to play it!"

Then, without waiting for her father to say anything, Mu Chenxi snatched the suona from her father's hand and shouted at Fu Zhi, "Don't get off the stage yet. Didn't you say you want to play suona just now?"

She asked the staff to pass the suona to Fu Zhi. "Well, I respect your choice. Guzheng can't show what you can do. I've got the suona for you, why don't you play a song for everyone and let us appreciate what is the pinnacle of art?"

"She's right. After listening to your guzheng performance, I'm kinda interested in your suona as well, Ms. Fu," Ouyang Ya chimed in.

Truth be told, nobody believed that Fu Zhi knew how to play a suona.

[Are they mad? Which parents would send their kids to learn Suona? Sister Zhi is just telling them a joke, and how can they treat her like that?]

[It's Fu Zhi who said she knows how to play a suona, so you can't blame anyone. If she really can't play it, then she shouldn't say she knows how to play one.]

[Does Mu Chenxi really have a death wish? Does she not know that suona is also known as the hooligan of musical instruments? If Fu Zhi really plays the suona in front of so many people, I can assure you that no one will be interested in watching the rest of the performance.]

[Fu Zhi said she knows how to play suona, but she played a guzheng in the end. Isn't that obvious enough? She's just joking. How is there any possibility that a pretty lady like her would learn suona at all.]

[But Fu Zhi is not your ordinary pretty lady. She knows how to play basketball, so there's a good chance she knows how to play a suona as well.]


A majority of the netizens did not believe that Fu Zhi knew how to play a suona, and there was only a small portion of them who had faith in Fu Zhi.

After all, she had created countless miracles in the past. When everyone said that Gu Yan's Physics was better than her, she proved that it was the other way round. When everyone said that there was no way she could bring the trophy of the International Physics Competition back, she not only brought the trophy back in the end, but she also gave their country a chance to hold the International Physics Competition.

As such, when Fu Zhi said she knew how to play a suona, this group of people believed in her without any question.

Right now, Fu Zhi looked at the suona and fell into a deep thought.

From the big screen on the wall, the young lady was sitting beside the guzheng. She allowed her hair to cascade down her back and there was a hairpin on the right side of her head. Her skin was exceptionally fair on the screen and her eyes were big and round.

After a while that felt like an eternity, Fu Zhi then asked, "You really want me to play this suona?"

Mu Chenxi pushed Mu Changqing's hand away and replied, "Of course! Why? Could it be that you don't want to show your talent in front of us?"

'Alright, then. Since you asked in good faith, it's time for me to show my real skills!'

The corner of Fu Zhi's lips curled up a little. "Sure."

Noticing the light that flickered behind her gaze, Jiang Zong knew that things would not end well for the Mu Family.

He looked towards Mu Chenxi, who had a triumphant smile on her face, and chided inwardly, 'What an idiot.'

It went without saying that Mu Changqing could sense what Fu Zhi was trying to do as well. He hastily went up to Fu Zhi and said, "It's okay, Ms. Fu. We're just ordinary people, so we won't be able to understand your greatness. Why don't we just put a stop to it and move on to the next performance?"

"Get the hell out of here if you don't want to watch Sister Zhi's performance," a voice rang out from the audience seat.

Everyone turned their heads around and Song Fang rose to his feet. He waved his arm high in the air as he shouted at the top of his lungs, "Let's go, Sister Zhi! There's no need to be afraid of them! Let's show them what you've got!"

Mu Changqing was speechless.

Fu Zhi then picked up the suona with practiced ease, and Mu Changqing's heart leaped into his throat. He did not want Fu Zhi to play the suona at all, for he was afraid that she might perform a funeral song right away. He jerked up from his seat and ran towards the stage.

However, there was a big distance between the audience seat and the stage, so there was no way Mu Changqing could reach the stage in time.

Mu Chenxi tugged at Xu Tongtong's wrist.

"Please tell me she doesn't know how to play a suona."

"It doesn't matter if she knows or doesn't know how to play a suona. The moment she starts the performance, she would be humiliating herself," Xu Tongtong said, her jaw tightly set. "For traditional musical instruments like erhu and suona, only those well-seasoned maestros could make a name for themselves. As for a young lady like Fu Zhi, people would only laugh at her. Don't you think so?"

Mu Chenxi nodded as she felt Xu Tongtong was right.


Most of the people in the hall had never watched a suona performance before.

After all, this musical instrument was different from other musical instruments. It did not have a lot of chances to go up on stage like other mainstream musical instruments such as violin, piano, or even guzheng. Even though people used to play suona at weddings to liven up the atmosphere in the past, this tradition had become lesser nowadays. Right now, the only chance for suona to shine was at a funeral.

Fu Zhi was a person who was true to her word. Since she had decided to play the suona, she would do it.

"Here it comes."

After she finished speaking, she put her fingers on the instrument.

Then, in the next second, the sound of the suona filled every inch of the hall.

Fu Zhi did not play a sad song, or the classic piece such as "A Hundred Birds Paying Homage to the Phoenix" or "Lift the Bridal Sedan Chair".

Instead, the song she played was "Burial", a very rhythmic song that went viral on a certain platform the other day.

In just a few minutes, everyone in the hall was getting pumped. Compared to guzheng, suona was able to bring out the wild side of people. Right now, all of them just wanted to stand on their chairs and start a party all night!

Mu Changqing only arrived at the stage when Fu Zhi was halfway through her song. At first, he thought she was not very good at playing suona, but now he knew he was wrong.

Not only was she good at guzheng, but she knew how to play a suona well too!

Everyone, including Gu Min, who was sitting behind Mu Chenxi, could not help but glue their eyes on Fu Zhi.

She looked like a goddess who just descended into the mortal world when she was playing the guzheng, but now she looked as bright as the star in the sky when she was playing the suona.

The tip of Gu Min's ear turned red.

It was only now that he realized Mu Chenxi was nothing, and he had only found his true love today.

Gu Min had never fallen for a girl so much before. Mu Chenxi was busy taking care of Fu Zhi as well as her own image, so she did not notice the changes on Gu Min's face.

The song was entering the last part. Gu Min's heart was pumping in tandem with the rhythm, and he did not know why he suddenly had an urge to get married right now. He took a picture of Fu Zhi and sent it to Gu Hao.

[Dad, I feel that I'm in love this time. Come and have a look at your future daughter-in-law.]

Gu Hao was the president of a company. He had a lot of work to do every day, so he did not have the time to take care of his mentally challenged son.

However, today was different.

The moment he opened up the photo, he jerked up from his chair.

[How dare you! Do you really want me to beat you again? Who do you think you are to be her boyfriend, huh? Come back to the capital today, or I'm cutting ties with you!]

[You've done the paternity test before, so I'm your son. By the way, why are you so angry? Could it be that you have a thing on her and you want her to be your wife too?] Gu Min replied.

[You... You b*st*rd!]

After Fu Zhi had finished her performance, a round of thunderous applause erupted from the crowd.

They just could not believe it at all.

By right, it was not suitable to have a suona performance on an occasion like this, but all of them felt they could accept it if the performer was Fu Zhi.

[Holy mother of god! What the hell was that? That's so awesome!!!]

[Where are those people who said Fu Zhi didn't know how to play a suona? Has the cat got your tongue? Why are you all so quiet right now?]

[The sound of a suona is worth a thousand gold, and nothing could top suona. Fu Zhi is a good suona performer, but suona is really worthy of being known as the king of all musical instruments. The moment suona comes out, all the other musical instruments have to make way for it.]


Most of the viewers in front of the screen were impartial. Although there were also some hate-filled comments, the endless praise and applause were enough to express these people's approval and appreciation of the performance.

Director Zhao, who was sitting on the second row, rose to his feet and said, "Can I call you Master Fu Zhi? Are you a newcomer? Well, I don't know if you're free or not, but I'm making a melodrama and I really hope you can come and make a cameo in my drama."

"Melodrama? Are you kidding me? Don't mind him, Master Fu Zhi. A sensational dramatic piece won't be able to bring you anywhere if you really want to be an actor. Anyway, I'm a composer contracted by Star Maker. I want to write a classic piece that incorporates folk music. I don't know if you're interested in promoting folk music, but I think we can work together!"

"Me, me, me. Master Fu Zhi, I'm working on a commercial film, and I will invite Ye Shiyun to make a guest appearance as well. Aren't you two friends? You can come with him!"

Fu Zhi's performance had successfully made these directors and producers realize her market value.

A good-looking actor or actress was something that was very common in the entertainment industry. However, a good-looking actress who not only was skillful in one field but also was popular was something very rare.

The best example would be Ye Shiyun. Everyone knew he had a resting b*tch face and he was not a cooperative actor. However, he had great charisma and every web drama or movie that he starred in would have good audience ratings.

In the first half of the year, Fu Zhi had more haters than followers, so she had a low market value, but things had changed now.

Half a year later, Fu Zhi's market value had increased by leaps and bounds.

Chapter 448: Fu Zhi Is Really Pure Feather – 1

Alright, after a whole night's worth of effort, Mu Chenxi successfully put Fu Zhi at a high pedestal.

Her performance was a symphony to others, but it was the song of death for Mu Chenxi.

Xu Tongtong then suggested, "That... That's nothing. Let's ask her to play the piano. I'm sure she..."

"Shut up!" Mu Chenxi interrupted. She was already having a headache when she saw the few movie directors that she was about to work with chose Fu Zhi instead without a shadow of doubts, so she did not want to listen to anybody's voice right now.

As for Ouyang Ya, she had started to accept the reality.

After all, it was just a suona performance. All of the musical instruments were categorized into different levels, and suona was certainly not at the highest echelon. It was already humiliating enough for Fu Zhi to learn suona, if she started her career as an actor, there was no way the Li Family would allow her to marry Li Nanli.

"I believe you've made contact with the reporter already, right?" Mu Chenxi was the only one who got the short end of the stick from the entire incident, while Ouyang Ya did not care about Mu Chenxi at all.

Mu Chenxi nodded dejectedly.

On the stage, Fu Zhi turned down the offer from the group of directors.

The other movie directors shook their heads in disappointment, save for one. Refusing to give up, Director Zhao continued to press on. He asked her why she was so busy and was she really unable to spare some time out.

Fu Zhi replied, "I have to prepare for my college entrance exam."

That sounded just like an excuse.

The thing that Mu Chenxi yearned for was nothing in Fu Zhi's eyes. Mu Chenxi's eyes were filled with jealousy as she looked around the banquet hall. Most of the guests were still discussing and praising Fu Zhi's performance. She even heard some of them were going to send their kids to learn suona or guzheng.

She took a deep breath as she decided to ignore Fu Zhi right now. The fact that these group of movie directors took a liking to Fu Zhi meant they were not that professional after all.

She threw a glance at the reporters, and after receiving her signal, they brought their staff along with them and took two steps forward.

Holding a microphone in his hand, the man in the suit with the camera in front of him said in a gentle manner, "You're Ms. Fu Zhi, right?"

Fu Zhi was on her way to get down from the stage. When she heard the man's voice, she stopped in her tracks and lifted her head. "Yes, I'm."

"Here's the thing, Ms. Fu Zhi. I have something to say, but I'm not sure if it's appropriate for me to say this, I..."

"It's not appropriate," Fu Zhi interjected, "I came up on stage to perform because I want to. I'm sorry to ask this, but are you going to pay me if you want to do a private interview with me? Besides, have you gotten my consent yet? If not, then keep your mouth shut and move away."


'What the... Why should we give you money if we want to do an interview with you?'

No matter how famous a celebrity was, he or she would never go to the extent of offending the media. This was because a pen was far deadlier than a sword. Once the media said something bad about them, their reputation and their career would be ruined. As such, this was the first time the reporter came across someone as tough as Fu Zhi. He was stunned for a good while, and it was only when Mu Chenxi cleared her throat that he snapped back to reality and pressed on, "I know it's not appropriate to say, but you did not make any response regarding the rumors on the internet and I'm sure everyone, including the peeps in front of the screen, is curious about it as well. So, are you really Master Pure Feather?"

Fu Zhi paid him no mind.

Seeing Fu Zhi's reluctance, the reporter continued, "Ms. Fu Zhi, you have to understand that Master Pure Feather is the representative of the literary world of China. Don't you think it's inappropriate for you to impersonate her?"

Just as Fu Zhi had expected, Mu Chenxi must be up for no good for inviting her to the gathering.

She did not think that Mu Chenxi would just stop after asking her to perform on the stage, and it was only now that Fu Zhi understood this was what Mu Chenxi was aiming for.

'So she wants to humiliate me in front of the entire country? Interesting.'

Fu Zhi set her jaw tight and she did not answer the question immediately.

Just when she was thinking about how she should respond to the question, the grin on Mu Chenxi's face was growing wider and wider.

If Fu Zhi said she was Pure Feather, the Fu Corporation would definitely step in. If she said she was not, then why didn't she say so earlier? Why must she wait until people ask her? Did this mean that she had been riding on the wave of Pure Feather's popularity the whole time?

Gu Min was like a cat on hot bricks as he was thinking about how he should help Fu Zhi.

As for Jiang Zong, he looked disappointingly at Mu Changqing and Mu Chenxi.

He could not believe that his father would work together with these two idiots.

Even though he was not very familiar with Fu Zhi, he knew that Fu Zhi would never piggyback on another person to make herself more famous. Anyone who had read "Red Sun" would be able to notice there were a lot of similarities between Fu Zhi and the protagonist in Red Sun in terms of patriotism and way of doing things.

It could be said that Fu Zhi was the prototype for the protagonist in Red Sun when Pure Feather was writing the book. Of course, he would also believe it if Fu Zhi said she was the one who wrote the book, and he felt there was a good chance that it might really be the truth.

After all, Jiang Zong knew how much a writer could earn, especially if Fu Zhi was supported by a literary giant, her pay would be increased multifold.

As such, Jiang Zong was not worried about Fu Zhi at all. Instead, he felt that there must be something wrong in Ouyang Ya's brain.

The commotion below the stage was getting louder and louder.

"What's the matter? Why aren't you speaking? Are you really Pure Feather?"

"Of course, she is not. She hasn't even finished her college entrance exams yet, so how could she write such a masterpiece?"

"She just keeps silent, and it's kinda fishy..."


The reporter then continued, "What's the matter, Ms. Fu Zhi? Everyone is waiting for your answer."

After a short while, Fu Zhi lifted her head and replied indifferently, "Yes. I'm Pure Feather."

The crowd was shocked, and countless exclamation points and question marks flew across the screen of the live-streaming room.

Mu Chenxi was stunned by Fu Zhi's answer as well. "She must be delusional!"

On the other hand, Ouyang Ya felt something was not right.

The reporter asked, "If you're really Pure Feather, then do you dare to swear to God that you're not lying?"

"So you think I'm lying?" Fu Zhi did not answer but asked a question of her own instead.

The reporter touched his nose and replied, "That's not what I mean."

He took a step back as he had finished his mission.

"I knew you aren't ordinary, Fu Zhi," Mu Chenxi chimed in, "Oh yeah, the Mu Family has decided to donate 100 copies of "Phantom Light" to children in poor mountainous areas. All of them love you very much, so do you want to leave some message to them?"

Mu Chenxi then asked her staff to give Fu Zhi a pen and paper.

Everyone then looked at Fu Zhi as they waited in bated breath for her to write on the paper.

Without any hesitation, Fu Zhi wrote a few words on the paper with the black pen. The entire process was taken down by the camera, and the entire live-streaming room exploded after she lifted her head up.

[Holy mother of god! That's Master Pure Feather's handwriting! She's really Pure Feather. Ah! I'm so excited!]

[Calm down. I don't think they are the same. It seems like Fu Zhi is imitating Master Pure Feather's handwriting.]

[If you don't need your eyes, maybe you should donate them to someone who needs them.]

[They are exactly the same, and just keep your mouth shut if you don't know anything. Is it so hard to admit that others are good?]

Chapter 449: Fu Zhi Is Really Pure Feather – 2

Different people had different handwriting. Generally speaking, unless he or she was a professional imitator, it was difficult to perfectly impersonate somebody's handwriting.

However, there was basically no difference between the handwriting of Fu Zhi and Pure Feather.

Everyone in the hall fell silent.

Mu Chenxi and Xu Tongtong could not believe what they had just seen.

'Could it be that Fu Zhi knew our plan the whole time, so she went to learn Pure Feather's handwriting? Yes, that must be it!'

The more Mu Chenxi thought about it, the more she refused to believe that Fu Zhi was much better than them even though they were at the same age.

She looked down on Fu Zhi from the bottom of her heart, and she felt everything about Fu Zhi was fake, so she was certain that Fu Zhi would be the one to get slapped in the face in the end.

On the other hand, Ouyang Ya's heart sank to the bottom of her pit.

Mu Chenxi was too useless, and she should never have cooperated with her.

Mu Chenxi told her that Fu Zhi scored a zero for her language paper and she was terrible at English. However, the reality was that she was capable of speaking fluent English, and her knowledge of history was far better than most people.

This proved that Fu Zhi was a well-educated individual.

Then, Ouyang Ya thought about the two books that Pure Feather wrote, "Red Sun" and "Phantom Light". One of them was a war novel while another was science fiction. Most of the older generation writers would not attempt science fiction, and only newer writers were bold enough to try it.

In the past, Ouyang Ya would never relate Fu Zhi to the literary world, but now, things had changed.

Song Fang, who was sitting in the last row, put down his arm when he saw nobody spoke. Then, he rushed up to the stage and said, "She has finished autographing these books, so what are you still waiting for? Hurry up and ask your staff to take them away!"

Mu Changqing was so startled that he could not come around to his senses yet.

As for Mu Chenxi, she took a book over, flipped it over and over again before saying, "Fu Zhi, I can't believe that you would go to the extent of learning how Master Pure Feather would sign her name. Don't you think it is..."

"Didn't you believe that I'm Pure Feather?" Fu Zhi cut in as he glanced at Mu Chenxi, "Why don't you believe it now? Are you having a psychotic break?"

Mu Chenxi did not believe that she was Pure Feather at all, and she was certain that nobody in this hall believed in Fu Zhi's crap as well.

However, she did not know if it was a coincidence, her maid did not buy the suona but borrowed it from the coffin shop. After all, it would bring bad luck to one family if they bought from a coffin shop when they were not holding a funeral.

As such, the staff of the coffin shop followed the maid to the banquet hall as well. He was still immersed in the wonderful performance brought by Fu Zhi, and he only came back to reality when he heard the word "psychotic break".

His eyes lit up and he immediately handed a business card to Mu Chenxi, "You don't have to go see a doctor anymore, since no doctors would be able to help you in your current condition, so why don't you use your money in a better way instead? The coffins in our shop are of the best quality. As long as you give us enough money, we can even put some emeralds on your coffin. Oh yeah, we also have a 20% discount on every Tomb-Sweeping Day, so make sure you pick a good day to die, miss."

Mu Chenxi was so stunned that she did not know what to say at all.

Song Fang gave the staff from the coffin shop a thumbs up inwardly.

Then, the staff was taken away by the staff in the hall. Perhaps he had not sold many coffins lately, so he kept pressing the people in the hall to accept his business card and call him if something came up.

After the staff was taken away, silence finally returned to the banquet hall.

Mu Changqing did not care about who was going to die or who needed a coffin at all. He was a businessman and the only thing he cared about was his business. He knew how important the cooperation between Pure Feather and the Mu Corporation was.

Therefore, when he saw that the autograph in the book "Red Sun" in his daughter's hand was no different from Pure Feather's autograph, he did not know what he should feel or react to.

Try to imagine this. One day, your enemy or the person you hated the most suddenly had become your boss or your superior. One second earlier, you were still imagining that he or she was kneeling in front of you, calling you "Your Majesty" or asking for mercy, but in the next second, the situation suddenly changed and you're the one who had to ask for mercy. It went without saying that nobody would be able to take the sudden change.

Shen Changqing did not know how to explain his feelings right now. Of course, he was still hoping that Fu Zhi had no relationship to Pure Feather, but considering the current circumstances, it was impossible.

Therefore, he took a deep breath to suppress the frustration in his heart, glared at his daughter, and turned to Fu Zhi with an ingratiating smile plastering across his face, "Ms. Fu indeed is the cock of the walk. It's amazing you're so young, yet you can write about all the vicissitudes of the world and have achievements that others can't achieve in their lifetime. You indeed have set the bar high."

"Set the bar high?" Fu Zhi asked, "Well, what we writers can do is limited, unlike the Mu Family. The Mu Corporation is a big company and you can even donate to the poor children in mountainous areas."

All businessmen were the same. They like to flatter each other, and nobody did not like to hear good words.

Shen Changqing had told Director Liu about the thing he was going to do to Fu Zhi, so he thought Fu Zhi had come to bargain. As such, he stroked his chin and said, "Well, of course. The core value of the Mu Family is to give back to society. Donation is just a small matter, and who doesn't want to help those poor students in the mountainous areas? Ms. Fu, you don't have much money, so it's only normal that there's a limit to what you can do."

"It's true. I'm poor, so I only donated 80 million yuan last month. Anyway, since the Mu Family's core value is to give back to society, and Ms. Mu said that you are going to make a donation this time, I wonder how much you have prepared. Can you tell us?"

Mu Changqing was stunned.

'Eight what? Eighty million yuan?'

His expression froze.

'Who the hell would donate 80 million yuan, huh? Is she out of her mind?!'

"Ms. Fu, I know you want to liven up the atmosphere, but please don't make such a joke in front of everyone..."

Fu Zhi then showed the proof of her donation through her phone and said, "Here's the proof. I'm afraid that other organizations might put the money into their own pocket, so I donated to the charity organization of the Fu Corporation. Eighty million yuan is not a lot, so I don't understand why President Mu would say I'm joking. After all, considering our status and our identity, this is the least we can donate. Otherwise, if we really care about our money so much, we should just stop saying that we're kind and we like to help the poor. Do you agree with me, President Mu?"

Mu Changqing became speechless.

He did not know why the topic suddenly changed from Pure Feather to donation.

By the way, why were they even talking about donations?

Oh, it was because of his daughter. She wanted to make Fu Zhi the laughing stock, so she said the Mu Family was going to donate to the poor students in the mountains.

Mu Changqing felt that he should really punish his daughter later when they got home. However, that could wait until later. Right now, he should think of a way to get himself out of the predicament. After all, there were so many people looking at him now, and the situation was not in his favor.

After a short bout of rumination, he said, "Of course, the Mu Corporation is going to donate a few hundred million..."

After all, nobody would know if he got donated or not in the end.

"That's great to hear," Fu Zhi nodded, "But there are a lot of haters on the internet nowadays, and I'm worried that they won't believe in you, so I have arranged a CCTV reporter for you in advance. They will follow you the whole way and record the whole donation process."

Chapter 450: Fu Zhi Has Become Popular – 1

It only took Fu Zhi a phone call to summon the reporters from CCTV.

Nobody in this world would say no to money.

Since Fu Zhi was a law-abiding, kind, and good-looking citizen, she could not bring herself to commit an atrocity such as stealing money from other people. However, encouraging someone to donate and contribute to society was something the least she could do as a good citizen.

"That's not necessary. Just let the haters come at me. I can handle them, so..."

"No, no, no..." Fu Zhi shook her head, "You have to tell everyone that you've done a good deed, and you should never allow those haters to criticize you from a moral high ground. Just listen to me. I'm sure you will be praised by everyone!"

Mu Changqing's face turned green with rage.

He did not want the praise from society at all, but Fu Zhi was hellbent on giving the best to Mu Changqing, the most stupid and sweet person in the world. "Come, President Mu has decided to donate 100 million yuan. He's an example for every businessman. Let's give him a round of applause!"

However, nobody clapped their hands. After all, they all knew that the reason the Mu Family held this gathering was to humiliate Fu Zhi.

They were not afraid of Fu Zhi, but Jiang Zong, who sat not far away from Fu Zhi. All of them knew that he was here to support the Mu Family, and they wondered if Fu Zhi was really not afraid of offending the Jiang Family for making things warm for the Mu Family.

Well, the answer was yes. Fu Zhi was not afraid of the Jiang Family at all. What's more, she turned to Jiang Zong and commanded, "Did you listen to what I said? I asked you to clap your hands."

Jiang Zong sneered coldly, "Do you really think you're my mother?"

"Nope. I don't think I'm your mother."

Jiang Zong turned his body sideways and looked at the crowd of people behind him. "Where are all your hands? President Mu has just contributed so much to society, so don't you all think he deserves some appreciation from you?"

It was only then a scatter of applause rang out.

Right now, all the cameras were locking on Fu Zhi.

Fu Zhi then said, "It's just such a shame I'm someone of no consequence, or else I really wish to give a trophy to President Mu."

The netizens in the live-streaming room were stunned when they heard what Fu Zhi had said.

[She's someone of no consequences? If that's true, then how could she mobilize the reporters from CCTV?]

[I just came into the live-streaming not long ago, can someone tell me who this young lady is? She's so cool!]

[Who is she? She's Fu Zhi! Not only could she play suona, but she's also a kind person! It seems to me that she's really determined to teach the Mu Family a lesson.]

Truth be told, these netizens were not blind, and they all could see Mu Changqing's reluctance as well. After all, 100 million yuan was not a small amount at all, and it occurred to them that Fu Zhi was hellbent on teaching the Mu Family a lesson for messing with her.

However, the netizens did not feel repulsed. Instead, they all felt that she was adorable.

The incident with Pure Feather seemed less important than a hundred million yuan.

The netizens expressed a great interest in the lavish and uninteresting life of the rich.

After Fu Zhi finished her part, she went back to her seat.

The sky had gotten darker after her suona performance, and the lights around the banquet hall had lit up.

Doing performances under bright and gentle lighting could cover up many shortcomings, and the starlets on the stage look fairer and more beautiful than usual.

If it were usual time, the viewers in the live-streaming room would be screaming and shouting at their idols, but today was different after Fu Zhi's suona performance. Just as Xu Tongtong went on stage to start her violin performance, the live-streaming room blew up.

A reporter hastily went up to Mu Changqing while Xu Tongtong was playing the violin on the stage and said, "The number of viewers in the live streaming room has gone up to 500,000 in a few seconds. All of them said they're here after they watched Fu Zhi's guzheng and suona performance on Weibo. They don't want to listen to the noise from these Western instruments, and they want to listen to Fu Zhi playing suona."

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