Deception (SpiderWitch)

By Jasontoddswife1441

17.1K 418 201

This is book 5/7 Wanda and Peter are back at it again...after spending 5 years apart! Now when Peter's high... More

I'm Staying
Good News!
Phone Calls
Man of Mystery
Nick Fury
Bus Trip
Drone Attack
Giving away Glasses
Out In The Open
Let's Kick Some Ass
A Powerful Couple
New Book!


523 18 3
By Jasontoddswife1441

Wanda's POV

My eye's opened and I felt I was leaning on somebody, so I immediately thought it was Peter, I cuddled in closer, when I heard a scoff. That was a much more deep voice.

I looked up and saw that I was leaning on some random guy. "Ah! What the hell!" I jumped up from my seat and saw that three men were sitting on a bench and Peter was also leaning between two of them.

"It's okay miss." One of them said with a very heavy accent, they each were wearing orange and had, white, blue and red flags painted on their faces.

Peter heads that rolled off the man's shoulder and he woke up, startled like me. "Hi." The one man said with a happy smile.

"Where are we?" I asked.

"Municipal holding facility." One of them answered.

"They said they found you two unconscious at the train yard. Very dangerous." Another one said.

"And we gave you the shirt." They said to Peter, he was wearing one as blanket currently. "Because you seemed a bit cold."

"Thanks." Peter said, giving me a weird look and I returned one.

"You guys are really nice." I smiled at them. When my side decided to give me a sharp pain and I placed my hand on it. "Shit." I could see a splotch of blood soaking through the suit.

"You speak really good English." Peter commented."

"Welcome to the Netherlands." They all said in unison.

"We're in the Netherlands right now?" I exclaimed. They all nodded their heads and Peter jolted up to stand towards me.

"Guard!" He yelled holding onto the cell bars.

"The guard is on a break." One of them said. "Probably talking to his wife."

"Yea, she's pregnant." Another one said.

"Oh yeah?"


They all began to speak Dutch and I leaned into Peter. "What are we gonna do?"

"This." He said as he reached his hand between the bars and grabbed the lock, breaking it.

"That was hot." I mumbled. He just chuckled and he threw his arm around me to lean on me for support, even though my side was killing me. I was still gonna help him.

We walked past the guard who was wearing his night monkey mask. "Yeah, Night monkey. Yeah." He said into the phone.

We left the holding facility and walked into a market, Peter put on the orange shirt and as we wandered through.

We ended up walking to a man that was selling chickens, since he was on his phone. "Excuse me sir?" I asked.

"Yeah." He replied.

"Can we borrow your phone?" I asked.

"Yeah." He than handed it to Peter and we both looked at each other stunned.

"Everyone is so nice here. Uh." Peter said as he began calling someone. "Pick up, pick up, pick up, hey, hey, uh... I messed up. We need...we need a ride. Where am I? Where am I sir?"

"It's Broek op Langedijk." The man stated.

Peter just stopped his movements. "Hang on, could you say that again?" He asked handing the phone to the man.

"Hi, it's Broek op Langedijk here. Yeah, no problem, heh, heh."

Pete than brought the phone back to his ear. "Did you get that?" He than hang up and handed the phone back to the man.

"Thank you so much." I smiled at the man.

"No problem Ma'm."

We arrived in a flower field and a jet began to fly over head and landed in front of us. The steps came down and Happy walked out.

"HAPPY!" I cried out, I was so over joyed.

"Kids! Are you guys okay?" He asked.

"Happy is that really you?" Peter asked, clutching onto me tighter.

"Is it me? Yeah, of course it's me.

"Stop! Tell me something only you would know. About us!" Peter yelled.

"Uh...I know...only I would know. Remember when I drove you guys for your first date...I saw what happened in the backseat, I knew what was gonna happen if I wasn't in the car."

"Okay! Okay!" I yelled. "It's you! "It's you!" I finished yelling.

We stumbled over to him and he wrapped us in a double hug. "It's so good to see you." Peter said.

"I've missed you." I muttered.

"Kids! You'll have to tell me what the hell is going on here." Happy said.

We walked onto the plane and took seats. Happy took out a first aid kit. "Who needs help?"

"My side." I mumbled.

"What do you mean your side?" Peter asked, his face full of concern.

"I didn't want to worry you." I sighed.

"Baby." He groaned.


"Don't apologize Wanda. I'll fix you right up."
I nodded my head and walked over to Happy.

I took off my jacket and un zipped my suit. I knew I was just sitting in a bra, but I didn't care.

I shifted my body and he began stitching up the wound, it was just a minor cut, but it hurt like hell since it was just below my ribs.

I held onto Peter's hand as Happy fixed me up. After he was done, he patted my shoulder. "You did great."

"Thank you Happy." I stood up, zipping up my suit again and Peter took my place, he had a cut that was by his shoulder blade.

We continued to hold hands and he squeezed it hard, I could tell he was in pain. "Okay, hold still." Happy mumbled.

"Ouch." Peter groaned.

"I thought you had super strength." Happy said, as he continued to stitch him up.

"It still hurts...Happy, come on." He groaned. Squeezing my hand tightly.

"All right, relax. Just a few more. There we go."

"Oh my gosh!" He exclaimed.


"Don't tell me to relax, Happy! How can I relax when I messed up so bad?" Peter began crying out.

I stood up and grabbed onto his shoulders. "It's okay, deep breaths."

"No!" His voice boomed. I jolted back at his reaction, I know he wouldn't do anything to me, it was his tone that scared me more. "I trusted Beck. Right? I thought he was my friend, so I gave him the only thing Mr. Stark left behind for me, and now he's gonna kill my friends and half of Europe. So please do not tell me to relax." He finished ranting, than sat down, putting his head in his hand. I sat beside him and rubbed his back, gently.

"I'm sorry Happy. I'm sorry Wanda. I shouldn't have shouted." He sighed. "I just really miss him."

"Yeah, I miss him too." Happy sighed.

"Same here." I whispered.

"Everywhere I go...I see his face. And the whole world is asking who's gonna be the next Iron Man." He than began to tear up. I reached forward and laced my fingers with his. "And I don't know if thats me, Happy. I'm not Iron Man."

"Your not Iron Man. Your never gonna be Iron Man. Nobody can live up to Tony. Not even Tony. Tony was my best friend. And he was a mess. He second-guessed everything he did. He was all over the place. The one thing he did that he didn't second-guess was picking you."
Peter's face lit up and I gave him a smile.
"I don't think Tony wouldn't have done what he did if he didn't know that you were gonna be here after he was gone."

Me and Peter both began tearing up and he squeezed my hand again tighter, than pulled it onto his lap. Such a simple gesture. But it showed that he wanted me. I made him feel safe. And he made me feel safe.

"Now your friends are in trouble. Your technically both alone. Your tech is missing. What are you gonna do about it?" Happy asked.

Peter than stood up and yanked me to my feet, giving me a look. "We're gonna kick his ass." We said in unison, smiling at one another

"And there's that creepy unison thing." Happy chuckled. "But I meant right now, Specifically, what are we gonna do? Because we've been hovering over a tulip field for the last fifteen minutes."

"Right, um I can't call my friends. Because he's tracking their phones. Uh, give me your phone." Peter asked Happy.

"My cell phone?"

"No, your land line." I joked. Both men glared at me and I just chuckled.

Happy than handed Peter the phone. "What's your passcode?"


"No what is your password?"

"Password, spelled out."

"Your the head of security and your password is 'password'?"

"I don't feel good about it either."

Peter than unlocked the phone and got to one of Flash's lives. "Hello, governor, cup of tea for you?" I'm gonna be in London soon."

"They're in London!" I reported.

"London, Okay." Happy said than walked to the cockpit.

"Yeah, I need a suit." Peter yelled.

"Same here, mines ruined." I chimed in.

"Suits?" Happy asked shooting us a finger gun. He than pressed a button and the back of the jet opened to reveal a mini lab built inside.

We both looked at one another, giddy smiles on our faces. We walked in and everything turned on around us.

"Okay, um..." Bring up everything you have on Spider Man." Peter asked.

Suddenly a bunch of holograms of suits showed up and he began shuffling through them. I just leaned back against the wall, watching him work. He was so adorable. This was his element. I than looked over and saw Happy was giving him a proud look and smile.

I walked over to him and he smiled. "He might not be the next Iron Man. But he for sure reminds of Tony." Happy commented.

"I agree." I smiled.

Peter than looked at us. "What?" He smiled.

"Nothing." I smirked.

"You take care of your suits and I'll take care of the music." Happy than turned on a speaker and AC/ DC began to play.

"Oh I love Led Zeppelin!" Peter cheered.

"I'm about to beat your ass, babe." I said laughing, they both began laughing along with me, as the music blared through the jet.

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