Branded For Duty

By Chicagox

20.7K 542 25

All those years ago, those dreadful long years, during a certain detectives time in the rangers, he was accom... More



603 16 0
By Chicagox

*three weeks later*

"But you're a messy drunk..." Ella sighed as jay followed her out of the break room.

"I am not" he protested.

"Whatever you say tough guy, whatever you say" she turned around to lightly tap his cheek. 

"Besides, it's not like I'll be alone. Mouse is coming too" jay sat down in Ella's seat.

"Right, even worse" she furrowed her brows and sat down on her desk.

"C'mon it's nearly Christmas, it's a good excuse to drink" he shrugged.

"Yeah, in moderation" she opposed.

"Where's the fun if you don't get black out drunk every once in a while?" He fiddled with her pens.

"True, but don't come complaining to me when you've got a headache tomorrow" she took her favourite pen from his hand. 

"Pfft, I never complain. Mouse is the one who complains" jay shook his head.

"Hmm" Ella hummed in response, amusement hidden in her tone.


"You sure you don't wanna come?" Mouse wandered along the sidewalk with jay and Ella either side of him.

"I got paperwork to finish" she chuckled lightly.

"Bore, well you're coming next time then" mouse groaned.

"Yeah, next time" Ella smiled.

"Have fun" she shook her head, still laughing, as she wandered over to her truck. Jay and mouse sighed, but got into their own cars and headed back to their own places.


At around 11:15pm, mouse and jay were absolutely plastered, so much so that mouse couldn't even find jay when he was stood right next to him at one point.

"I'm not a genius, but I say, we should get a cab..." mouse slurred.

"Good idea" jay slurred back.

The pair grabbed their belongings before leaving the bar, and heading towards the nearest sidewalk where a cab was already parked up.

"Let's go see els" jay looked around.

"Oh, your woman" mouse slapped his shoulder.

"Yeah, my... wait- what?!" jay slurred back. 

The pair practically fell into the cab, "Ella's apartment pleaseeee" mouse huffed.

"I'm not a mind reader, I don't know who Ella is. Imma need an address..." the man pulled a face.

"Oh right, well it's uh..." jay clutched his chest, his vision now fully blurred.

"Christ sake..." the cab driver rubbed his face... God these men are wasted.


"Thanks mr driver" mouse fumbled out of the cap as jay tried to close the door.

"Els might be asleep" jay muttered.

"Then we wake her up" mouse shrugged as the pair began walking towards Ella's apartment complex.


Ella was sat on the couch watching a movie whilst trying to complete her paperwork, when a knock sounded the door.

She furrowed her brows as the sound of chuckling came from the other side of the door, her brows furrowed together again when she looked through the peep hole.

After realising it was her usual visitors, she sighed and opened the door for them, only for them to stumble through the door like drunken men. She soon realised that they were indeed drunken men.

"What're you guys doing here?" She hissed as the pair fell onto the floor, she closed the door and folded her arms.

"Welllll, since you couldn't come to the party we figured we'd bring the party to you..." mouse stood up slowly and practically had to drag jay off of the floor.

"Right, well although I'm thankful for that, you two have had enough..." she began making her way back into the living room.

"Noooo, you have to dance..." jay grabbed her by the hands and pulled her close.

She stumbled towards him, letting out a small squeal, before laughing as he began dancing with her.

Despite them being ever so drunk drunk, she loves them so fricking much.

Mouse reappeared with a tub of ice cream he had retrieved from her freezer.

"I'm gonna eat my hangover away now" the smaller man mumbled as he flopped onto the couch.

"Do it quietly, I'm trying to dance with m'lady over here" jay huffed.

Ella laughed as she looked up at him, he was making a poor attempt to slow dance with her despite there being no music, only the background sound from the movie she was watching.

"You're a good dancer... you should quit your job and do it professionally" jay secured his hand on her waist and the other in her hand.

"Oh really? I don't think a certain two people would be very happy if I quit my job" she smiled and raised her eyebrows.

"You're right, maybe don't quit your job" jay corrected himself.

She shook her head in amusement as jay began waltzing around the room, her still in his grip.

"We're gonna fall" she laughed.

"No, we're not... I got you" he mumbled.

Typically enough, they did indeed fall over the rug, but just like jay said, he had her.

They tumbled to the floor as jay made sure the only person that didn't hurt themselves was Ella, he laughed as she put her hands out to break the fall.

"What did I tell you?" She laughed and stood up to help him back to his feet.

"You're always right" jay shrugged.

"Someones had too much to drink" mouse slurred.

"Man, you too..." jay put his hand out.

"You two need to sober up..." Ella shook her head and wandered into the kitchen to grab some things.

A few Tylenols, two bottles of water, and another spoon and a bowl so jay could share the ice cream with mouse.

"Here" she sighed and placed the things onto the empty space on the coffee table.

"Woah, you're the best" jay mumbled and accepted his share of items.

"I know" she yawned and sat down on the floor opposite them.

"There's still room on the couch..." mouse furrowed his brows.

"I know, but I gotta finish my paperwork" she chuckled.

"Oh right, miss Clark Kent over here..." jay mumbled. Ella tilted her head in confusion, as did mouse.

"Where does Clark Kent come into all this?" Mouse shook his head.

"She was superman one minute, then doing paperwork the next. Fricking wizard" jay muttered before chuckling to himself.

"Logical" mouse shoved a spoonful of ice cream into his mouth.


"Jay..." Ella shook her best friends body as he practically dozed off.

"Woah" jay sat up.

"You gotta go to bed..." she huffed.

He stood up and lost balance, but it was a good job Ella was there to catch him.

"What about mouse?" Jay grumbled.

"He's flat out" she sighed and she guided her drunk friend towards her room.

"Here" she let him flop on the bed before throwing him a pair of his joggers and a t shirt, since he practically stays her every week.

"Thanks m'lady" he yawned.

She laughed at the pet names he uses when he's drunk, before wandering into the bathroom so she could take a shower.


At around 7am, Ella wandered into her apartment again to see mouse still sleeping on the couch, and no sign of jay.

She sighed and headed towards the bedroom, luckily finding jay sprawled out across the bed.

She laughed quietly before heading towards the bathroom, throwing her dirty gym clothes into the basket before jumping in the shower.

She wandered out of the bathroom with her work clothes on, before being greeted with a grumbly jay sat on the edge of the bed.

"Morning" she shook her head whilst laughing to herself.

"How'd I get here?" He rubbed his eyes.

"You showed up here with mouse last night" she opened her wardrobe and pulled out a hoodie, after all it is freezing.

"Oh, we did?" He looked up at her. 

"Mmhmm" she hummed.

"There's Tylenol on the coffee table, and plenty of water in the fridge" she added. 

"Thank you" he smiled weakly, this hangover is not it...

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