By PunkMecha-G

6.5K 48 26

We all known by now what the dekuverse is. More

Power of NEO
Arbiter pt:1
the shape
The shape burns

A cold night in gotham

1K 9 9
By PunkMecha-G

Kira: Oh, OHOHOHOH!! This is going to be good!!

Aizawa: What's got you happy?


Kira: Oh calm down it's not going to be anything like the last one.

Izuku: Really? Because I still don't know what happened in the last one

Everyone: GOOD!

Kira: well since it's a day before Christmas in my creator's world, he picked this viewing himself, also this isn't an A.u. Of Midoriya this is its own separate series.

Ochako: Oh it must be a good one if you're maker is so excited to show it. So what's it about?

Kira: In this reality quirks don't exist and heroes are few, but there is one place on earth that is a cesspool for crime. Gotham City.

All-Might: Gotham City?

Tokoyami: By the name alone it must be a city of darkness.

Tsu: And how there are no heroes to stop them then it must be.

Kirishima: But even without heroes the police should be enough!

Kira: Well that's where you're wrong. The police in Gotham are corrupted and turn a blind eye to these scum.

Everyone: WHAT!?

Nana: I don't know how these people were made cops, more importantly how they're allowed to abuse their power.

Kira: But all it took was two bullets, one gun, and everything changed. From the darkness, there is one thing keeping these criminals awake at night, something that puts fear in them all.

Eri (in slight fear): What do they call it?

Kira: He goes by many names. The protector of Gotham the world's greatest detective, the dark knight. But there is one name that he is known, he is vengeance, he is the night, he is the BATMAN.

Kira then presses play as the screen comes to life.

As the screen turns on Erie Christmas music starts to play setting a foreboding and dark tone for the story. Snow then falls as we panto two huge buildings, the Gotham Royal Hotel.

Sero: I'm getting a really bad feeling about this.

Shoji: Agree.

Zooming into the building we are brought into the penthouse swimming pool, Everyone would be admiring the architect it wasn't for the unconscious or dead bodies all over the floor or hanging upside down by gargoyles. A bell chime starts playing as the penthouse elevator arrives And standing in front of the doors is a man wearing full gray body armor, black gauntlets with three arm blades on the side, black combat boots, a long black gothic cape that looks to be torn in places, a large bat symbol on his chest, and finally a large cowl with bat ears. This is none other than the dark knight himself, the BATMAN.

All-Might: So this is the BATMAN?

Endeavor: He looks

Kirishima/Miruko/Mina/Kota: BADASS!!

Toga: He looks scary

Mic: He reminds me of Aizawa in a way.

Aizawa: For once I have to agree with you on that.

As BATMAN enters the elevator he looks up to the ceiling and gets an idea. The scene then opens up to a man who stands at 6ft8, wearing a black trench coat, combat pants and boots caring several canisters, and finally a black and white el luchador mask.

Ojiro: who's that?

Kirishima: He looks strong and manly!

All-Might: Something feels wrong about him

Kira: This is Bane, he's an escaped convict and supervillain/Assassin from South America. He's one of 8 assassins hired to kill BATMAN for $50 million in one night.

Kirishima: I take back that manly comment.

As Bane was about to enter the elevator he stops and looks up, and without hesitation, he punches through the roof of the elevator and drags Batman out from it, and starts body slamming him into the walls over and over again.

Kirishima/Miruko/rock-lock/Denki/Fat-gum: God damn!!

Sero: That's raw power their people.

Denki: How's he doing that without quirk?

Dabi: extreme power training

Kira: And drugs

With enough force, Bane throws Batman through the master bedroom doors to the feet of, the creepiest goddamn clowns ever. White skin, bloody smile, toxic green hair, and a dark purple suit.

Mirko: C-Clowns, what did it have to be a clown!

Ryukyu: are? Are you afraid of clowns?

Miruko: NO!!

Rock-lock: You are! Hahaha!

Miruko: SHUT UP!!

Kira: Meet Joker, crazy f*cking clown and the man you put the bounty on Batman's head.

Joker: Nice of you drop in, hehe, and just in time.

Joker throws the play he was playing with away as Batman tries to get up only for Bane to kick him over onto his back.

Bane: He's mine, payaso!

Bane grave Batman and was about to start beating on him until Joker rudely interrupts him

Joker: Eh-eh, remember, you gave your word~

His hand tapped the handle of a detonator labeled 'royal'. Bane relatively gave in giving Batman one single punch before leaving.

Bane: You have one minute.

Joker: Do they even have manners where he comes from?

Rick-lock: Yes, yes they do.

As joker laughs he gets up and pushes Batman to the ground with his foot making sure he stays put.

Joker: You see, it's tradition in my house- to open one present each on Christmas Eve.

Joker walks over to the table with dozens of detonators, humming as he looks over them he places his hand on one in front of him.

Joker: Hmmm... How about... this one?

As he presses the leaver the building in front of the hotel erupts and explodes in fire as the shockwaves break the windows in the penthouse, Batman looks on in horror as Joker's maniacal laughter fills the air.

Everyone in the theater could only watch in the same horror as Batman as they see the building and people they believe were still inside burning to the ground.

Joker: And a partridge in a pear tree~

Batman snapping out, his shock was replaced with anger. Grabbing Joker by the collar lifting him in the air and finally hearing his low graft voice.

Batman: How many life's did you just take!?

Joker: None- I think? That was just a little stocking stuffer- a construction site blocking my view.

Batman having enough of this slammed Joker's face into the table then threw him across from it. Joker gets up and picks up another detonator smiling evilly.

Joker: But this one isn't.

Batman grabs it and disarms the device then bashing Joker in the head with it. And then proceeds to violently punch Joker in the face without mercy.

Natsuo: Damn he's showing him no mercy.

Endeavor: If I were him I would do the same.

Natsuo/Dabi:' of course you would'

Before Batman could continue Bane comes in and delivers a devastating punch sending him across the room. Bending down Bane grabs him by the neck pinning him down.

Bane: I've longed waited for this moment. With your death, I will find peace.

Bane Raises Batman over his head before throwing him out the window. Batman falls about two floors down before crashing through the skyline of a ballroom hitting the floor hard. He is then soon joined by Bane who lands perfectly without a problem.

Shiggy: Shits about to go down.

Joker: And now the moment you've all been waiting for... I present to you, the death of the BATMAN!

Bane: Let us see what you can do.

Bane charges at Batman as he dodges him as Bane rams into the wall, Batman runs at him trying to throw a right hook to Bane's face but is kicked away by him.  Banes walks up behind him ready to slam him into the ground with a sledgehammer fist but Batman caught him off-guard with two side jabs, one gut-punch, and an uppercut, Bane nearly moved as he just punches Batman to the ground then grabs and throws him into a wall. 

Bane: Is this the best you have to offer?

Batman: No!

Batman up and uses his cape to blind and disorient Bane, leaving him open for a combo of heavy strikes to his body and face. And to end the combo finishes it off with a strike to the face. Bane stagers back due to the force, rubbing his chin decided he would need to use extra power. Taking off his coat, it's revealed that Bane has several tubes and wires plugged into his body. Flipping a switch on his wrist green liquid started to flow within the tubes and into his body causing his veins to glow green and his mussels to grow, breathing heavily Banes's eyes glowed the same green as the liquid pumping into his veins.

Dabi: Um what did he just inject himself with?

Kira: It's a super drug called Venom, what the drug does is that it boost the user's power and increase muscle mass. Bane made this drug himself and has been looking for ways to improve it.

Rock-lock: Damn sounds like the trigger drug but worse.

Ryukyu: If that were to exist in our world then villains would be unstoppable.

Shigaraki: This is amazing with this kind of power we can use it to overthrow you, heroes!

Kira: I wouldn't do that if I were you.

Shigaraki: Why?

Kira: Because one of the side effects is permanent brain damage and memories loss. This is the problem Bane is trying to solve. So he only uses a small dose of it every time he injects himself.

Midnight: So the more he uses it the more his mind will deteriorate.

Kira: Bingo!

Bane in a dangerous display of power charges at Batman at blinding speed, Batman had little time to move out of the way as when he did the shockwave sent him flying. Looking back Batman sees that the wall that was once there was now destroyed, Bane turned around and threw a punch at Batman. Batman dodged thinking he was safe but was proven wrong as Bane grabbed his cape and punched him straight in the face knocking him into the opposite wall. Batman's coms turn on as an old man's voice came on.

Alfred: Master Bruce you have to get out of there!

Batman: No! I have it handled!

Mic: So his name is Bruce?

Izuku: Who was that talking to him just now?

Kira: That was Alfred Thaddeus Crane Pennyworth, he's Batman's butler and the man you raised him since the age of 8.

Denki: Wait HE'S RICH!?

Kira: Dude he's a billionaire.

Everyone: DAMN!!

Batman using the same trick he used before used his cape to blind Bane and deliver sharp and heavy punches on Bane. Bane beginning to get angry grabs Batman and throws him out the window and onto a sky-rise patio. Using his cape Batman softens his fall and gets back into a fighting stance.

Alfred: Sir, I won't stand by and watch you kill yourself, I'm calling Captain Gordon.

Batman: NO! Not now!

Bane land in front of him ready to continue the fight as Joker stands up top to the upper leave of the patio.

Aizawa: Alfred's got the right idea, calling for help is the best option right now. But Batman is refusing any help, that's going to get him killed.

Bane: I will make this city kneel before me and then I will leave it in ashes.

Joker: Uh-Guys - can we move this along? I've got buildings to explode.

Bane throws a punch at Batman, Batman counters it, and throws a right hook at Bane's face causing him to spit blood. Bane knocks Batman back and laughs.

Bane: Very good, I see there is still some fight in you.

Joker: Yes, Now beat it out of him!

Bane charges at Batman and Batman dodge only for bane to quickly turn around and ram Batman into a wall and throw him over his head onto the ground. Batman quickly rolled out of the way as Bane brought down his foot with enough force as he cracked the ground. Batman throws three jabs into Bane's sides and kicks him in the face Bane in retaliation jumps into the air and slams them down blasting Batman back.

Alfred: Gordon is on his way Sir, you have to hole Bane off until he arrives.

Joker: Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the house, not a creature was stirring not even a... well, a bat was stirring, but a few blows to the head and he won't be anymore.

Toga: I like this Joker guy! 

Twice: I like him too! No, I don't!

Dabi: Yeah because you both are crazy and insane.

As the battle goes on Batman realized that he still has last trick up his sleeves as he activates to shock glove on his gauntlets. Using these Batman runs at Bane jumping over his punch and striking him in the face, and again, and again, again, and again, and again(OH YOU GET!). Batman jumps behind Bane and jabs his fist straight into the machine on Bane's back causing it to malfunction. Bane regain focus and punched Batman away. Bane walks closer to him as Batman gets up.

Batman: You just ran out of time!

Two police coppers arrive and tell everyone to surrender, that was until Joker and his men start open firing on them. In the firefight, Bane gets shot in the shoulder and calls in back up.

Bane: This rooftop's getting too hot.

Then out of nowhere, the police coppers get blown out of the air, as a military grade helicopter arrives and picks up Bane, Bane declaring that this fight isn't over jumps into the doors not even noticing Batman placing a tracker on him, and Joker fires at them.

Joker: where do you think you're going.

Bane in response Fires a rock at him causing Joker to go flying off the building as it explodes behind him. Batman is a rash decision jumps off the building to save Joker and let Bane go.

Bakugou: Wait instead of going after the bastard trying to kill him he goes and tries to save the one how just kill maybe a hundred people!!!

Kira: That's Batman for ya, even though Joker is a killer and a monster Batman will never let anyone die or will he ever take a life. 

Izuku: Wait what do you mean 'Never take a life'?

Kira: Sigh* Batman, real name Bruce Wayne, at the age of 8 watched as his parent Thomas and Martha Wayne were gunned down right in front of him. This traumatized Bruce and was the sole reason why he became Batman, so the mugger or the thief will think twice before pulling the trigger. But he lives by two rules, One: He will never use a gun, And Two: He will never kill. Because iv he did he would become the thing he swore to fight against. And if he went down that path. He'll never come back.

Everyone stayed silent as they heard about Batman's past, his reason for being Batman, and his moral code. Even though Joker was a devil, even though Bane was cruel and ruthless. Batman still could not bring himself to let them die or kill them. Because it would make him the monster instead.

Batman Reaches Joker as he and him are face to face.

Joker: Back for more uh?

Joker tries to punch Batman but Batman counters and headbutts joker. Bats uses his Bat-claw to stop their fall as it worked but debrie nocks them lose causing them to fall into the main check-in area. Joker was the first to his feet as he picked up his gun and as two of his men run in doing the same.

Joker: Now... why? Why? Why would you do that? Newsflash I'M THE ONE TRYING TO KILL YOU!!

In anger and confusion Joker shoots both of his men dead, laughing while he does it. He then looks to Batman pointing his gun at him.

Joker: Those were two VERY bad men. The things they've done... You really don't want to know. They deserve death- Just like... ME!

Joker points the gun at his head but was stopped as Batman moves the gun out of the way and punches Joker, just then police barge in telling them to freeze.


Joker: I think he means you hehe.

But just then the Bat-wing arrives and blinds them with its head beams, Batman uses this chance and shots up into the ship as Swat fires at him. But the Bat-wing just flies off without a scratch. Later Joker was being hauled away as we were questioned and put in the back of the police car.

Harvey: Wheres he going? Huh?

Joker: Who?

Harvey: The Bat! You're partner?

Joker: HEHE My partner?

Harvey: Who else would jump off a building to save your sorry ass?

Joker: Hmm You know what officer! I was wondering the same thing myself.

The screen fades back as Joker looks up to the sky hoping to see Batman.

Kira: Well how did you guys like that?

Izuku: I thought it was great!

Ochako: Same here!

Kota: Batman was amazing!!

Eri: Yeah! He was like whoosh!! And he was like BAAAAM!!

Kira: Well I'm glad you liked it, now everyone go rest up.

(HEY GUYS!!! Hope you enjoyed this new chapter as an early present and I hope you all have a merry Christmas. Also before New years, I will be posting the next chapter to the golden emperor so stay tuned)

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