By meriammixvj

161 0 0

Ever been in love? What if one day the person who is everything to you would just leave and reject you,becaus... More

The Broken Vow
The Hope
The Kiss
The Fall
The Surprise
The Girls
The Ending
The Unknown

The Heartbreaker

9 0 0
By meriammixvj

"He was my only one,

Now his gone.

but I was never his one and only,

I was just a somebody."

As the rain slowly come to a drizzle, I closed my eyes and inhale the sweet scent of the wet muddy forest.

It reminds me of home where I was from originally from there was this vast forest in our backyard and I would often go their after the rain and sneak a peek on the wolves that lived there.
I know it is dangerous but they are magnificient creatures, mom would always tell me how I remind her so much of my dad because I have an obsession with wolves and nature then she would stop smiling and have that blank stare in space, the look in here eyes was pure sorrow and her eyes would be come teary, then she would just walked away, which made me wonder and thought it was odd the way she acted. Though I have tried being attacked by a pack which left me a whole lot of scars on my left leg and arms when I was small, I can't barely recall the details but it's okay I still pretty much love wolves as much as I love them before.

When we first move here in Ulric I remember rushing my way to the boulevard area where I was going to see my first sunset on the beach.

I was by the boulevard area near the central park, the sound of the crashing waves, the sea gulls flying here and there, the honking boats, and the sweet smell of the sea that lingers in the air. It was just lovely, that typical perfect romantic backgrounds you see in movies. I was walking by the beach all alone wearing my favourite white blouse, shorts and flipflops as I was staring at the sun waiting for it to disapear. enjoying the red glow it's making and the pink - ish Violet streaks on the lazy gray clouds. The cold breeze and salty air made the lush green leaves of the palm trees sway to the breeze. I closed my eyes and inhaled the sweet scent of the new environment I am in, it made me feel a bit nostalgic.

When suddenly there's this guy who suddenly approach me and said

"Pretty isn't?" he said with a firm yet tender voice.

to my surprise I immediately looked back and saw this tall mascular man, with broad chest, untidy curly hair, perky brown eyes and a pink - ish pale coloured lips... He was wearing a blue nike t-shirt, shorts and flipflops

I stared at him in awe with my mouth gaping open (I know embarrassing) he smiled and held my chin and pushed it up in order to close my mouth (I was so freaking embarrassed) my face felt hot as my cheeks slowly gave off a pinkish glow.
Which made him laugh. "Sorry to embarrass you." he said still laughing.

"E- E- embarrassed? What? who? why? what? well me Miara I a mean ah... that that... tsss. ." I stumbled with my word as I try to get a grip on what's happening. (I am such an idiot why do I have to be socially awkward, remembering this still makes me shook my head in embarrassment)
My heart raced and was beating so loud that I think he can already hear it.
He burst out laughing even more.
Dang It!!! whyyyy! I thought to myself.

"I like you, you're funny that sun set is pretty but it's nowhere prettier than your lovely face. Sorry for interupting your "Alone Time Drama By the Beach" moment what is your name?" he said still chuckling a laugh.

I looked behind me making sure that this cute guy is really talking to me.
"Yes I am talking to you" he said
"Miara but everybody calls me Mia" I said.

"pretty name, like you" he said pulling out his phone out of his pocket.

He handed it to me and said that if he could get my number.

My mouth gape open and I pointed a finger to my chest.

He smiled and nod, okay now I really feel like a complete idiot.

"If you don't mind that is." he said smirking.

"Of course I don't mind giving my number to strangers" I said in a mocking tone then I winked at him.

"Well the little Mcstutter Girly girl has guts to wink at me" he said.
He smiled and winked back at me which I swear to God made my heart stop for a moment and made me gasped for air. As the sun slowly sinks down to the sea and the stars slowly crawl up to the sky, we walk side by side by the shore getting to know each other, laughing and most of the time just staring at each other.

The feeling that he gave me felt so good yet so wrong I don't know why it feels so wrong.

When we finally said goodbye to each other my heart sunk in pain as if it doesn't want him to leave.

as I walk home my face was still a bit red which made my mom worried.

she put her hand on my forehead and said in motherly tone. "Mia dear is something wrong? you don't seem sick. Though your face is all red."

I just stared at her and told her I am just tired so I went up stairs and dive in my bed afterwards my phone beep.

"Hey pretty stranger it's me Manzoor ☺"

My heart leap in glee as he didn't fail to text me.

"Hey,ü "

I replied.

"So what ya up to?"

He replied.

"Nothing much just chillin, hey I am already sleepy I'll sleep later on about 10 mins from now..."

I replied.

"Lol. its like 7:30 wanna meet up with ya tomorrow. ☺"

As I slowly read his reply I felt my heart skip a beat and thought to myself that this is a bad idea because I might fall in love with him and he might not do the same. I was in a dilemma whether to answer or not. My phone beep and another message pop out

"Yo! still there? anyways see ya tomorrow same spot at 5 in the afternoon.GoodNight "

Dang he's moving to fast.

" Okay sure I'll got to sleep now nyt. x"

I replied. I can't help but smile to the thought of him and me together again. I stood up from my bed and change my clothes. then jump on my bed slowly closing my eyes and thinking of the hundred of possibilities that could happen tomorrow. Then every thing just went dark and I was fast asleep.

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