Dragon Ball R: Frieza Saga.

By WasabiSword

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With both Piccolo and Kami dead, the Dragon Balls are useless. And greater tragedy, Cardin, Velvet, and Neptu... More

Chapter 1: Lets Go To Namek!
Chapter 2: Arrival on Namek!
Chapter 3: A Daring Rescue!
Chapter 4: A Meeting With The Grand Elder!
Chapter 5: Zarbon's Horrible Transformation!
Chapter 6: Vegeta's Heist!
Chapter 7: Frieza's Secret Weapon!
Chapter 8: Assault of the Ginyu Force!
Chapter 9: Oren's Newfound Power!
Chapter 11: Ginyu Force Showdown!
Chapter 12: Frieza's Monstrous Wrath!
Chapter 13: Frieza's Terrifying Transformation!
Chapter 14: Piccolo's Arrival!
Chapter 15: Piccolo, The Super Namek!
Chapter 16: Frieza's Demonic Assault!
Chapter 17: Vegeta, The Super Saiyan?
Chapter 18: Clash of Titan's, Oren vs Frieza!
Chapter 19: Beware, The Legendary Super Saiyan!
Chapter 20: Frieza's Nightmare, The Super Saiyan Awakens!
Chapter 21: Frieza's Desperate Attack!
Chapter 22: Namek's Destruction, Frieza's Downfall!
Chapter 23: Dragon Ball Revival, Come Back Home Oren!

Chapter 10: Ginyu, The Body Snatcher!

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By WasabiSword

Last Time, on Dragon Ball R!

Oren and Fasha had finally arrived on planet Namek. But beforehand, Frieza had finally obtained all seven Dragon Balls! However, something was wrong, the Dragon Balls weren't answering his summons. He then came to the conclusion that there was a secret phrase that was needed to activate them. Back in the battlefield, Oren made short work of Recoome, and Burter, allowing Jeice to escape. Vegeta was astounded with Oren's power, that he came to the conclusion that his younger brother may be the legendary Super Saiyan! At this moment, Captain Ginyu and Jeice are making their way back to the battlefield to confront the young hunters!


Ginyu, The Body Snatcher!


The group of seven were currently discussing to Vegeta on how the Dragon Balls work, and how it could be similar to those on Remnant. To say that Vegeta was confused was an understatement.

"A Shenron? What the Hell is a Shenron?" Vegeta asked.

"It's the eternal Dragon that emerges from the Dragon Balls when summoned." Weiss answered back.

Vegeta was starting to get even more confused than ever.

"W-Wait, are you saying that something literally comes out of the Dragon Balls?!" Vegeta exclaimed.

Pyrrha nodded.

"Yes, and seeing how the sky hasn't darkened, I'd say that Frieza hasn't made his wish." Pyrrha said.

Oren's eyes then widened.

"Hold on, then that means he doesn't know how the Dragon Balls work! We could still get our wish!" Oren said with excitement.

Vegeta then felt two power levels coming towards them and quickly spoke up.

"Tch! It appears that we've got company. It looks like Jeice is coming back, and Captain Ginyu is with him!" Vegeta said in annoyance.

Then his eyes widened.

"W-Wait, where's Frieza? I would've thought he'd be at his ship with the Dragon Balls Ginyu gave him." Vegeta said.

Oren felt a large energy in the far distance. Whoever they were, they were definitely on the move.

"Hey, I'm sensing something over there. Whoever they are, they're very powerful, it must be Frieza. It seems like he's on the move, and he's heading towards three other power levels over there." Oren said, pointing where he felt the large increase of energy.

The hunter's excluding Oren and Fasha looked on in worry and fear.

"O-Over th-there?!" Jaune exclaimed.

Ruby began to tremble.

"Th-That's where Guru is!" Ruby yelled out.

Pyrrha clenched her fists.

"Damn it! If Frieza is heading there now, it's with the intent to force Guru to tell him how to activate the Dragon Balls! And th-then, he'll kill him, Nail, and Dende!" Pyrrha growled.

Jaune then decided to speak up.

"If that's the case, then Frieza doesn't know that if he kills Guru, then the Dragon Balls will be rendered useless!" Jaune revealed.

Vegeta looked towards the blonde with a surprised face.

"W-What?!" Vegeta exclaimed.

Oren then looked towards his friends with a look of determination.

"Alright, that settles it! You guys go and find the Dragon Balls, while the three of us handle this Frieza guy!" Oren said.

Jaune looked concerned.

"Are you sure Oren?" Jaune asked.

Oren smiled back.

"Don't worry, Fasha and I trained while we were traveling here. we should be fine." Oren said.

Jaune and the others didn't know what else to say, so they flew off.

"Don't die on us!" Ruby said, flying after the others.

Just as soon as she left, two individuals were flying to their location! Captain Ginyu and Jeice landed onto the ground, facing the three Saiyan's. Ginyu was studying the three Saiyan's in silence. At this moment, Vegeta began to think to himself.

'Wait a minute, if neither Ginyu nor Frieza are back at the ship, then it'll be defenseless. That also means the Dragon Balls are unprotected as well, ripe for the picking.' Vegeta mused while smirking.

After studying them, Ginyu turned to his second in command.

"So, he's the one who took out Burter and Recoome?" Ginyu asked.

Jeice nodded.

"Y-Yes sir! He tossed them around as if they were ragdolls!" Jeice exclaimed.

 Ginyu looked back towards Oren and activated his scouter.


After his scouter finished reading Oren's power level, he raised his eyebrow.

"Strange? It reads only five thousand?" Ginyu said.

"I know right? That's what ours read!" Jeice replied. 

Ginyu continued to study Oren further.

"Hmph, I see. He must be able to hide his power level at will. Not too many species can do that. But by my estimates, his true power level is around sixty thousand!" Ginyu announced.

Jeice's eyes nearly bulged from their sockets.

"W-What?! Sixty thousand! But he's just a Saiyan, no ape can get THAT strong!" Jeice exclaimed.

Ginyu crossed his arms.

"It's not too unheard off. He's probably a really gifted warrior who's fighting power has been amplified by either training, or mutation. Either way, I've got a feeling that this is going to be an interesting fight. Who thought that today was the day Captain Ginyu would show off his true power!" Ginyu said, while smirking.  

Oren and Fasha got into their fighting stances while facing Captain Ginyu and Jeice.

"Alright Vegeta. Me and Fasha will deal with the big guy, while you go for the red one." Oren said.

Vegeta looked at Oren, and smirked. Vegeta then quickly flew into the air.

"Good luck Tato! Mwah ha ha!" Vegeta said mockingly.

"V-Vegeta!" Oren yelled.

Fasha gritted her teeth.

"Grr! That little shit! He's going after the Dragon Balls!" Fasha growled.

Before both could move, Ginyu rammed his elbow into Oren face, sending him back. Oren flew back but managed to land on his feet. Turning around he saw Ginyu readying an attack! Oren ducked out of the way and proceeded to trade blows back and forth with Ginyu. The captain then disappeared from Oren's line of sight. Looking around him, Oren couldn't see him, until Fasha appeared behind him and kicked Ginyu in the face as he attempted to strike Oren from the side. Ginyu was knocked to the ground but got up quickly as he saw Oren charging towards him. Oren attempted to kick Ginyu, only for the captain to dodge Oren's kick, leaving a large crack in the dirt. Oren followed Ginyu, only for Ginyu to quickly turn around and land a kick on Oren's face! Oren was knocked back towards a large lake and managed to stop himself.

 Fasha quickly flew towards Oren, and both unleashed a flurry strike's against Ginyu. For a short while, all three were trading blows, until they each jumped back from each other. Both Oren and Fasha were now facing Ginyu and Jeice. Oren wiped a small trickle of blood down chin. Ginyu gave a light chuckle.

"This is proving to be an interesting fight so far." Ginyu said.

Oren got into a fighting stance.

"And this fight has just begun!" Oren said.

Both Oren and Ginyu flew towards each other, and a flash of light covered the countryside at the clash of both warriors. Both Oren and Ginyu were trading punches and kicks at supersonic speeds! After a few moments, both fighters flew back onto the ground.

"I have to hand it to you, for a Saiyan, your speed is exceptional. But you'll still shiver in fear, at the sight of my ultra-fighting pose!" Ginyu announced, lifting one leg into the air and lifting his left arm into the air as well.

Oren looked confused and raised an eyebrow. Fasha just facepalmed.

"Uh, what the Hell is that?" Oren asked.

Ginyu looked annoyed.

"It's my ultra-fighting pose! Anyone who's seen it has looked upon it in fear!" Ginyu yelled.

Oren raised an eyebrow.

"Dude, that pose looks REALLY retarded. What are you, constipated?" Oren said.

Ginyu had a blush of embarrassment upon his face.  

"R-Retarded?! Constipated?! How dare you! An inferior race like yours knows nothing of true beauty! This pose is the pinnacle of true fighting prowess! Our goal is to deal out punishment to Lord Frieza's enemies, while doing it in style!" Ginyu yelled.

Oren smirked while going back to his fighting stance.

"Heh, sorry, but I don't fight to show off. I fight to win." Oren smirked.

An angered Captain Ginyu charged towards Oren, and began to exchange blows once again, until Oren dodged a kick from Ginyu and flew into the air. Ginyu looked surprised at his opponent's actions.

"W-What the? Where's he going?" Ginyu muttered to himself while flying after the young Saiyan.

Ginyu then flew into the air to pursue Oren, only to find the young Saiyan was always ahead of him, no matter how fast he flew.

"What is this? He's faster than me!" Ginyu muttered in disbelief.

From below, Jeice threw a Ki blast towards Oren, earning a glare from Fasha, who quickly appeared in front of Jeice and kicked him in the abdomen.

"GAH!" Jeice cried out in pain.

Oren saw the oncoming blast and quickly dodged it, while unbeknownst to him, Ginyu used this opportunity to appear right behind Oren and grabbed him in a Full Nelson hold!

"Grr! D-Damn!" Oren growled.

Oren attempted to struggle to get out of Captain Ginyu's hold, but to no avail. Then, out of nowhere, Ginyu decided to release from his grasp! Oren turned around, confused at his opponent's actions. From below, Jeice slowly rose up to his feet while holding his stomach in pain.

"C-Captain, what are you doing?!" Jeice exclaimed.

Ginyu looked down at his subordinate with a glare, then he fired a Ki blast towards Jeice! Jeice immediately dodged out of the path of the oncoming Ki blast and gave Captain Ginyu a questionable look. From above, Ginyu had a look of annoyance etched upon his face.

"I don't recall asking YOU for assistance Jeice! Especially if it's my own battles!" Ginyu yelled.

Ginyu then turned his attention back towards Oren, with a smirk on his face.

"And as for you. We've only just begun tapping into the strength you've got hidden away in there, haven't we? Do you really think I can't tell when someone's holding back? Let me guess, you're saving all that power for your big showdown with Lord Frieza? Though, if I were you, I'd focus on the here and now." Ginyu smirked.

Oren smirked as well.

"Heh, sounds good to me. Just remember, when this is all over, you guys asked for it!" Oren said confidently.

Ginyu's smirk widened.

"Good, let's see what you're made of before we neutralize you." Ginyu said.

"Then why don't you have a look at my power level on that scouter there? Because I think my full power will come as a shock!" Oren said.

Ginyu chuckled.

"Oh, I don't need this scouter. Relying on one's scouter is a rookie mistake, as Jeice and Burter learned the hard way. I can't imagine your power level being higher than eighty-five thousand." Ginyu said smugly.

Oren widened his stance and took a calming breath.

"Kaio-Ken." Oren said calmly.

Then, out of nowhere, a fiery red aura surrounded Oren! Oren's hair then spiked up as he continued to power up!


Ginyu continued to watch Oren as he powered up. For a while, he kept his smirk, but after his scouter began to read off Oren's power level, Ginyu's smirk turned into a look of terror!

W-What the?!" Ginyu exclaimed.

Even Jeice couldn't hide his fear.

"N-Ninety-five thousand! One-hundred Thousand, one-hundred and five thousand, one-hundred and six, one-hundred and seven, one-hundred and eight thousand! Th-This, this is impossible!" Ginyu shouted.

Ginyu's scouter continued to go on the rise, as it seemed that Oren's power was still rising!

"You've got to be fucking kidding! One-hundred and ten thousand, and it's STILL rising! What the Hell IS he!!" Ginyu exclaimed in horror.

(End Song)

Oren then stopped the Kaio-Ken and exhaled. Ginyu backed away from Oren, with a look of fear etched onto his face!

"D-Don't tell me. I-I don't know how, b-but you've done it haven't you? Y-You're, the legendary Super Saiyan!" Ginyu cried out.

Oren stood there in silence.

"Y'know, Vegeta told me the same thing. What are you guys talking about?" Oren asked.

consumed with fear, Ginyu yelled in terror.


From below, Jeice trembled as well.

"Th-The legendary Saiyan warrior that even Lord Frieza fears, is standing right in front of us!" Jeice exclaimed.

Oren stood there confused.

"Look, you both don't stand a chance against me. But still, I don't want to kill you." Oren reassured.

Ginyu looked at Oren with a look combined with shock and confusion.

"Huh?" Ginyu said.

"Tell you what, you two leave, and we'll call it even." Oren said.

Ginyu couldn't believe what he was hearing! All the stories he's heard of the Super Saiyan, they were an unstoppable killing machine with an unstoppable lust of blood and death. Yet Oren is showing him mercy!

"I-I don't understand? You're really just going to let us walk away?!" Ginyu exclaimed.

Oren nodded his head.

Yes. You've showed me that you believe in a fair fight. Besides, I don't share Vegeta's view of killing those who've already surrendered." Oren replied.

Ginyu looked at Oren with a look of shock and contemplated to himself.

'A warrior with his strength, reluctant to fight? Yet all he wants is for us to leave this Planet? The old tales spoke that the Super Saiyan was a monster on the battlefield, why is this one willing to compromise? Unless...' Ginyu thought to himself.

Ginyu looked at Oren with a smirk.

"I see, you may be the Super Saiyan of legend, but you don't know how to tap into its power! In that case..." Ginyu said, removing his scouter.

Ginyu then tossed his scouter towards Jeice.

"Hold on to this Jeice, I believe it's time for me to change!" Ginyu said, earning a confused look from both Oren and Fasha.  

Jeice nodded as he caught the scouter. Ginyu then faced Oren with a demented smirk.

"That's a nice body of yours, mind if I take it?" Ginyu said, while giggling.

Oren raised an eyebrow when he saw Ginyu raise his right fist in the air. Then, to the shock of both Oren and Fasha, Ginyu rammed his fist into his chest! Ginyu winced in pain as he began to cough up blood, while purple colored blood oozed from Ginyu's self-inflicted blow!

"W-Why did you do THAT!" Oren said, concerned with Captain Ginyu's wellbeing.

Ginyu retracted his fist from his body and widened his stance.

"CHANGE NOW!" Ginyu screamed.

At that very moment, a beam of energy shot out of Ginyu's body towards Oren! The beam made contact with Oren's body, as both fighters felt as though they were being switched around! When it was all done, Fasha and Jeice looked into the air. Jeice then flew over towards Oren and handed him Ginyu's scouter.

"Here's your scouter sir." Jeice said, handing Oren the scouter.

Fasha looked confused, why was Jeice giving Oren a scouter, he didn't need one. Then Fasha heard Oren coughing and looked towards Captain Ginyu.

"W-What the? What happened?" Ginyu said, however, it wasn't Ginyu's voice, it was Oren's!   

Fasha's eyes widened.

"T-Tato, is that you?!" Fasha exclaimed.

Oren winced in pain, as he felt the wound that Ginyu inflicted upon himself.

"S-Shit! It's like the Vytal festival all over again!" Oren said.

Ginyu looked at Jeice and attached the scouter to his face. Ginyu looked at his stolen body and reveled in his new power.

"So, THIS is the power of a Super Saiyan, eh?" Ginyu smirked to himself.

Oren looked at Ginyu with a look of rage.

"Y-You bastard! Give me back my body!" Oren yelled.

Ginyu smirked as he looked at Oren.

"I think not. Your body seems to be overflowing with power!" Ginyu said.

Fasha then spoke up.

"You're not leaving until you give my ward his body back!" Fasha demanded.

Ginyu looked at Fasha and began to laugh.

"Oh please, to think a woman could put up a fight against me. Besides, you may be a Saiyan, but you're nowhere near the level of Super Saiyan." Ginyu laughed.

Fasha clenched her fists as the memories of her younger years on Planet Vegeta played out. While there were female Saiyan fighters, they were few in number, and most were treated with a high-level of misogyny. That, stacked with the fact that she was a low-class warrior made it even more difficult to climb the hierarchy of Saiyan society, as low-class warriors were seen as second-class citizens. Thankfully, she became great friends with the Saiyan queen herself, Queen Eschalot. Perhaps the kindest person on all of Planet Vegeta. The fact that Oren greatly resembled his mother, gave Fasha maternal feelings towards the boy, with the hopes of seeing him safe. Fasha looked up at Captain Ginyu, and gave off a little smirk.

"You forget Captain, I too traveled with Tato to this planet, and we both trained in situations you could only dream! While I might not be as strong as Tato, I at least could put up a fight!" Fasha said.

Fasha widened her stance and began to power up as white energy surrounded her body! 


Both Ginyu and Jeice's scouters began to go off, and both fighters couldn't believe what they were seeing.

"O-One-hundred and five thousand!" Jeice yelled.

Ginyu turned to his subordinate.

"Jeice, I believe it's about time we made it back to the ship." Ginyu said.

Jeice looked at the captain and nodded. Both Fighters then flew away from Oren and Fasha. Whilst in Ginyu's body, Oren looked in the direction the two fighters flew off and attempted to get to his feet. Unfortunately, the wound that Ginyu left him prevented him from doing much. 

"D-Damn it! I show them mercy, I tell them that I wasn't here to kill anyone, and yet they do THIS!" Oren growled. "Perhaps, Vegeta was right. What if showing mercy to my enemies won't change anything." Oren said with a gloomy expression.

Fasha quickly walked right next to him.

"Tato, don't ever give up your beliefs. It's true that you and your brother are the polar opposites, but unlike your brother, you've inherited your mother's kindness, something your brother doesn't have." Fasha said, while putting Oren's arm over her shoulder.

"I got a bad feeling that Ginyu is heading towards their ship, that's where Ruby and the others are!" Oren exclaimed.

Both Oren and Fasha slowly began to make their way towards Frieza's flagship.

"Aw man, when Yang and Blake see me like this, they'll be so mad!" Oren said to himself. 

(Chapter End)


Oren: Hey, it's me Oren! D-Damn, I'm so weak I can't do anything in this body!

Ruby: Hey Oren, why are you wearing a scouter?

Vegeta: As you can see, I too am turning into one. A Super Saiyan!

Ruby: W-Wait, you're not Oren!

Ginyu: Well, managed to figure that on your own.

Oren: Next Time, on Dragon Ball R!

Ginyu Force Showdown!

Frieza: Greetings, I am lord Frieza. I demand you tell me how to activate the Dragon Balls.

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