Whispering Memories (Disconti...

By AriaGuardian

627 66 1

Whispers of stories passes down through the ages, the legends of humans once roaming the lands. The humans we... More

Chapter Zero: The Pages of History
Chapter I: First Greetings
Chapter III: Family
Chapter IV: The Weeping Stars
Chapter V: Hidden Conflict
Chapter VI: Lingering Pain
Chapter VII: Theseus Aether
Chapter VIII: New Path, Unexpected Occurrence
Chapter IX: Reaching for a Solution
Chapter X: Uncovering Pieces of the Past
Chapter XI: The Blind Queen of Spirits
Chapter XII: Troubling Thoughts
Chapter XIII: His Awakening
Chapter XIV: Familiarity, yet uncertainty
Chapter XV: Wandering Thoughts
Chapter XVI: Aetherian Secret
Chapter XVII: Theseus Lament, Preparation & Secrets
Chapter XIII: The First King
Chapter XIX: Humanity
Chapter XX: The Emperor and The Fragile Soul
Chapter XXI - The Doll & Final Words

Chapter II: Unsuspecting Knowledge

61 4 0
By AriaGuardian

"So um, Kyven don't be alarmed if I just-" Iron sentence was cut off as he simply just passed out from exhaustion and maybe lack of blood. Of course, naturally, Kyven panicked and tried to figure out what he should do to help Iron. Well, he takes out an orb from his bag, it wasn't a normal orb, it was a teleportation orb. Making sure he held onto Iron and had all their things.

Then he shattered the orb, blinding them in a bright light.

Once the light had receded, Kyven looked around, seeing that he was simply clearing in a forest. Thankfully, it was a clear day so it runs less of a risk of getting sick from the rain or what not. Looking over at Iron unconscious form, he sighed as he did his best to drag him to a nearby village. As well as carrying their bags.


He hopes there is a nearby village or town to help him, he wasn't sure what he could even do to help him.

For now, getting to a town or village is their main mission.


A few hours had passed by and Kyven had finally managed to find a village looking town, thankfully, the townsfolk were all kind hearted and were willing to help him with Iron injuries. So he let them help him and his friend. They could see that Iron injuries were bad and needed to be treated as soon as possible.

Much to Kyven horror as he saw that Iron left arm was bleeding heavily, he was scared and worried for his savior. Yet, exhaustion slowly creeped up on him as everything around him blurred. The villagers around him were trying to speak to him, but he couldn't hear a thing. Until eventually, everything went black for him.

The townsfolk were worried, but could guess that the young child simply did not like the sight of so much blood and the exhaustion and adrenaline he had with trying to get their injured friend to a nearby village.

So, after making sure the child was not harmed and that their friend was fully bandaged, they gently placed the child next to the young man. Surprised to see that the young man held the child closely and gently wrapped their wings around him.


Iron softly groaned as he slowly woke up, he was aching, but it wasn't too bad. He can faintly tell that his injuries were healed, strangely enough. He also noticed Kyven in his arms and under his wings, asleep- oh, he also saw that his left arm was heavily bandaged. Not...surprising. He lifted his arm to gently pat Kyven on the head, well, getting him to wake up.

The second Kyven saw that Iron was awake, he immediately sat up, both embarrassed by the way they had slept under Iron parental like embrace and from him being awake."Iron! You're awake!" He shouted with happy excitement, and Iron softly chuckled. "Yep, I am awake. How did we get here?" He asked, Kyven was silent for a moment, then answered. "I am..used a teleportation orb and it landed us in a clearing in a forest. Then um, I carried all our stuff and dragged you here to this village to get you help?" Kyven answered a bit nervously.

Iron looks at Kyven for a good minute or so, then pats his head. "I should be mad that you trusted strangers, but you did help us when we were in a bit of a pickle, so that's alright." Iron answered with a soft chuckle. Kyven softly giggles, then gets off the bed and stands up, making sure they're okay and what not. "So, um, what now?" He asked, Iron simply just shrugged, he was unsure as well.

Iron hums softly, clearly thinking what they should do next, until they hear the door open and they see someone at the door way.

The person that stood at the doorway was a middle age women with long dark brown flowing hair that ends at the middle of there back, fair peach skin, pale violet eyes, a simple yet elegant dark purple cotton dress that ends at their ankles, they seem to also wear a simple a pale lavender blanket like soft scarf wrapped around their arm. They also wore worn out brown leather boots with some bit of fur as well.

"I see that you both have finally awakened, hm?" The middle aged women wondered, looking at both of them with slight curiosity. Iron and Kyven look at each other, then at the women before them. "Um..yeah, uh, who may you be Ma'am?" Iron politely asked, the middle aged woman was slightly surprised, then smirked. "At least you have a bit more manners then most of the previous travelers that came here." She told them with a light chuckle.

Kyven was confused, iron just huffed."I can actually agree with you on that. Many travelers I do meet on my own travels tend to not have much manners either. Pretty sure they misgendered me a LOT now I think about it." Iron answered with an annoyed huff. Kyven and the lady both look surprised. "They misgendered you?" They both asked, looking at Iron.

Said person was confused on why they were looking at him, then remembered what he said and sighed. "Yeah, it's true. Me and my brother get misgendered a lot, my younger brother is intersex, but prefer the He/Him and They/Them pronouns. As for me? I'm the same as my Brother, although, I'm closer to being Non-binary though...or Genderfluid, who knows." Iron explained, the lady nodded in understanding, while Kyven was plain confused still.

Iron just ruffled Kyven's hair. "Don't worry too much about it okay?" He said, Kyven nodded, albeit confused still. "Okay then?" He answered with a slightly confused tone, the lady chuckles lightly. "Anyways, introductions are in order. I am Via Krytos, this village leader." The lady, Via, introduces as she lightly bow to them both.

Iron smiles softly. "I'm Iron, Iron Silver Nolan. A simple traveler." Iron answered, giving a curt bow. Via smiles. "Nice to meet you, Iron. What about you, young child? You were exceptionally brave and determined to save your caretaker here." Via commented, kneeling in front of Kyven and gently patting his head, getting a positive response.

"I'm Kyven Starflower-Steves." Kyven answered, however, after he had said his name, Via held a shocked and startled look and immediately bowed to him. "Young lord, I was unaware you had taken up a mortal form." She said with a respectful tone. Leaving both Iron and Kyven dumbfounded.

"U-um...why are you bowing to me?" Kyven nervously asked, Via realizing a bit late of her actions, stood normal and coughed a little. "Excuse my action, but do you know of your heritage?" She instead asked, Kyven shook his head. "No, I'm unaware. It's um, one of the reasons why I'm traveling. I'm looking for my mother." He softly answered, looking away.

Via and Iron look at each other, worried and concerned.

What had he meant by that?

Iron softly sighed as he managed to stand up and kneel in front of Kyven. "Kyven? Who is your mom? If you tell me...I'll tell you who is one of my ancestors okay?" He quietly asked, Kyven was hesitant, remembering that his brother and father had told him to never mention who his mother really is to anyone, but he guessed he could at least tell Iron.

He can't explain it, but he feels like he has a family-like bond with him.

A little more hesitant still, he slowly nodded a little. Ready to tell him. "My mum..she's the cursed Goddess of Reality and Dreams..." He answered quietly, almost too quietly, yet Iron was able to hear what he had said. "Your mother is her...?" He slowly asked, Kyven nodded. Hugging himself and shaking a little. He was afraid of an iron reaction.

Afraid that Iron would hate or hurt him.

Yet, he was startled from his thoughts when Iron instead hugs him. "You don't have to be afraid, we're not directly family, but we still are. One of my ancestors, who is my triple great grandmother, was the Goddess of Silk and Faith, sister to your mother." Iron softly tells him, hugging him still as he gently pat his head. "And remember this Kyven, I will NEVER hurt you. I may not have known you for long, but I care about you. Your family, your precious, you deserve the love and care. " Iron softly tells him, holding him close.

Kyven was left speechless, he didn't know what to say, he looked at Via, who simply just nodded. She would do her best to keep them both safe as long as they're within her village and territory. Finally realizing that he's been alone for so long, so long since he had last seen his brother caring, yet light hearted jokes, his father's proud and caring speech. He began to finally cry as he held onto Iron tightly.

Releasing the sorrow he felt crashing onto him.

The attack on his home.

Might not ever see his father and brother again.

Searching for his mother...

Being alone...

Iron softly sighed as he carefully picked up a now sleeping Kyven and held him close, being careful of his wings and having it wrapped around him like a blanket. "Iron...what will you and Kyven do now?" Via carefully asked, not all that sure what to say. Iron slightly shrugged, he wasn't sure himself, but he at least got an idea on where they could go.

"There is somewhere we can go to for some answers. It was originally where I had planned to go at first. However...I'm not sure we're prepared to go quite yet, we have to rest first. Then restock our supplies." Iron answered, holding Kyven close to him, gently moving his bangs off his face.

Via nodded, understanding. "Very well then, I understand your reasoning. Kyven is still young and seems to have been through so much in such a short amount of time." She commented softly, Iron nodded in agreement. He knows the feeling well himself...

His family was forced to split apart because of an ancient family curse...

A curse he can hope to truly break eventually one day...

"Yeah...for now, um, can I have a lot of materials for a nest?" Iron asked, slightly sheepish as he looked at Via, not so surprised. "Don't worry, I will, quite naturally for you to at least nest every once in a while. If you like, I can take you to the temple that my people guard and watch over, for your triple great grandmother." Via tells him as she gestures for him to follow her.

Which he does after making sure that Kyven was still comfortable as he carried him.


Some time has passed by, Via was nice enough to tell Iron that they are closer to the north-western part of the realm. Which does explain why it felt like that of a warm spring that recently bloomed after the long winter.

"So wait, if we're in the North-western side of the kingdom, does that mean we're between the borders of the Northern Kingdom, otherwise known as Luminous Kingdom, AND the Spring kingdom in the west, which is otherwise known as the Crystalin Kingdom?" Iron asked, with a shocked yet surprised look. Via nodded, as they continued to guide them.

"Yes. The north Western is experiencing both winter and Spring at the moment, but that is likely just the nature of this realm. As vast as it seems, not everything has truly been explored and discovered." She said as she stopped walking, standing in front of a stone stairway leading up past the forest trees. "Here we are, this is as far as I can take you for it is a taboo for us mortals to step foot on ancient grounds, unless we must and follow the orders sent to us by the gods and their messengers." She explained, Iron nodded.

He understood somewhat, but since he is a descendant of one of the original rulers of this realm, he was an exception...Even though he's already considered sacred anyways as he is a Pure Silver Phoenix Hybrid, well, one of the last to survive at least.

"Alright then Chief Via, we'll see you another time." Iron said, Via nodded and let them be, heading back to the town. Iron on the other hand made sure that Kyven was still asleep and perfectly fine, then went up the stairs. Curious to know who temple they are going to stay in for the time being.


By the time they get to the top, they can see that the temple itself was like any other temple he has ever come across, well, the ruined king he has seen. However...unlike the other temples, this one was by far different.

Instead of pale gray of the stone or the pristine white of the quartz, it was a metallic silver instead, instead of there being angels or dragons or phoenixes statues, there was hybrids, wearing what seems like robes that hides their faces, there non-human features showing with what seems to be pride. It ranges from Phoenixes, Wolves, Foxes, Kitsunes parrots and demons..?

It was confusing, but also not. The entrance was blocked by a large dark oak wooden gate, held together by a dark metallic gold, there were also large torches held on the pillars, the fire softly swayed as the wind passed by, and there was also a lot of beautiful greenery that surrounded the temple. Yet.

Iron can't help, but feel as though he had been here before...

So without too much hesitation, he went to enter the temple, what greeted him was a simple yet homely looking entrance of the main room one would see at palaces or mansions. The dark oak covered the walls, there were also many beautiful paintings on the walls as well, a few hallways that lead somewhere and a stairway leading somewhere else. The floor was also made of spruce, with velvet red carpets with gold embroidery outlines. There were also simple torches and lanterns that kept the whole place filled with light and gave off a simple home style.


There was someone standing on the balcony at the top of the stairs.

Iron and the person stared at one another, surprised, but the person softly smiled instead now.

"Welcome, my elder sister's descendants, and my dear nephews." 

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