Glass - Power Rangers Megafor...

By AlexNeko_990

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Glass (Completed)πŸ’Ž -Book One of the Fragile Duology- --- Our world was once a safe and happy place until evi... More

Meet Jaxson "Jax" Moran
Chapter One: Mega Mission
Chapter Two: He Blasted Me With Science
Chapter Three: Going Viral
Chapter Four: Stranger Ranger
Chapter Five: United We Stand
Chapter Seven: Who's Crying Now?
Chapter Eight: Robo Knight
Chapter Nine: Prince Takes Knight
Chapter Ten: Man and Machine
Chapter Eleven: Ultra Power
Chapter Twelve: Dream Snatcher
Chapter Thirteen: Gosei Ultimate
Chapter Fourteen: The Human Factor
Chapter Fifteen: Staying on Track
Chapter Sixteen: The Human Condition
Chapter Seventeen: The Messenger
Chapter Eighteen: End Game
Bonus Chapter: Under The Fireworks
Go Check Out Book 2 - Prism

Chapter Six: Harmony and Dizchord

1.3K 38 13
By AlexNeko_990

A/N: I was originally going to skip this Chapter, but than I found a use for the Bonus Part. Also I will take out the song, if I have to.


Me, and Troy were running up a hill. Troy has invited me, to go jogging with him. We saw Emma. "Huh?" Troy said. "Emma?" I said. "Hey, wait up!" Troy said. "Emma!" I called. Emma didn't heard us, and continued cycling.


Me, and Troy were jogging down the path, Emma went. We saw her bike, and went over to it. We heard singing, and followed it. The both of us saw Emma singing. Emma turns around, and saw us. "Troy, Jax, what are you doing here?" Emma asked.

"Sorry, we saw you earlier, but you didn't hear us." Troy said. "Emma, you're an incredible singer." I said. "Thanks, I get that from my mom. I 'd remember she'd sing that song. Each year when the trees came into bloom. It's probably where my love of nature came from." Emma said.

"Singing to the trees, reminds me of her." Emma said. "It's getting late, we better hurry. or we're gonna be late for school." Troy said.

Troy left, toward the road. "Hey, Jax." Emma called. I hummed in response. "How come I never hear you sing anymore?" Emma asked. "Well, I'm not really a good singer." I said. "No, you're a good singer, I heard it before." Emma said. "Well, I haven't sing in a while. So, I'm not sure if my singing skills is still good. Now come on, we don't want to be late for school." I said. 


We are outside, and suddenly we heard something painful. We covered our ears. "What is that horrible sound?" Emma said. "It's painful!" I said.

Troy's Morpher beeped. He grabbed it, but dropped it. "Rangers, there's a monster attack at the city's plaza!" Tensou said. I grabbed Troy's Morpher. "We're here! Right next to the plaza!" I said. I handed Troy's Morpher back to him.

"Troy! Jax! Emma! Troy, it's too loud, can you hear me?" Gia asked. "Just meet us, at the plaza!" Troy said. We begin heading toward the plaza.


We appeared, Morphed in the plaza.

"This sound is hurting my brain!" Troy said.

"Mine, as well!" I said.

"Mine, too!" Emma said.

"Really? It just sounds loud to me!" Gia said.

"Yeah, it's bad, but it's not that bad!" Jake said.

"It must be because we were closer, when the verse started!" Troy said.

"That's not good!" I sad.

We begin getting the civilians to safety.

"Come on, you all need to get to safety!" Emma said.

"I can't take much more of this Emma, Jax!" Troy said.

"You said it!" I said.

"Turn off that noise!" Noah said.

"Huh Noise, how dare you! I'm the greatest musician in the entire universe!" Dizchord said, as he stopped his music.

"What?" Troy said.

"Is he serious?" I asked.

"No one, gives me a bad review! Loogies, attack!" Dizchord said.

"People, get going!" Noah said.

"Don't just stand there!" Emma said.

"Quickly!" Jake said.

"Come on, we can handle this!" Gia said.

The civilian ran way.

"Teach these haters, a lesson Loogies! This is the tune, now ain't that nice? Now you buffoons will pay the price!" Dizchord said.

"Battle Gear Activate!" All of us shouted, as we summoned our Weapons.

"Summon Battle Gear!"

"Luckily, this song isn't hurting me like the last one!" Troy said.

We begin fighting the Loogies.

Dizchord begins playing his music again.

Me, Troy, and Emma were affected by it.

"What? It's hurting me too!" Troy said.

"Me, as well!" I said.

"Hang on, Troy, Jax!" Jake said, as he attacked the Loogies that grabbed onto us.

"You guys okay?" Jake asked.

"We can't focus!" I said.

Dizchord got down with the Loogies, and continued playing his music.

"Guys, the Megaforce Blaster!" Noah said.

"Yeah!" All of us said.

Me, Troy, and Emma held onto our heads.

"Guys, hang in there!" Noah said.

"Combine Megaforce Blaster!" All of us shouted, as we combined our weapons.

"Dynamic Victory Charge!" All of us shouted, as we fired it, but it missed.

Me, Troy, and Emma fell onto our knees.

"Jax! Are you okay?" Gia asked.

"We're sorry guys!" I said.

"...I will de-morph you!" Dizchord said.

"Watch out!" Jake said.

The others got out of the way, while the attack hit us.

We fell to the ground, and de-morphed.

"You guys, okay?" Gia asked.

"Troy!" Noah called.

"Jax!" Gia called.

"Emma!" Jake called.

We slowly stood up.

"We've let that monster get away!" Jake said. "Well, get him next time, man." Noah said. "We have to." I said. "Before more people get hurt." Troy said.


Me, Troy, Noah, and Jake were at Ernie's. Ernie decided to turn up the volume of the music. Me, and Troy were grabbing onto our heads. "Man, it's loud in here today!" Jake said. "What?!" Noah asked. "I said, it's loud in here today!" Jake said. They kept talking back and forth.

"I have to get out of here, this music is giving me a headache. You coming, Jax?" Troy said. "Yeah, I'm getting a headache already." I said. We stood up, and left Ernie's.


Me, and Troy were outside by the docks. Our Morphers beeped. "What?" Troy asked. We heard loud music again. "That monster is attacking the city!" Jake said, but we couldn't heard him. "I can't hear you!" Troy said. "Speak louder!" I said.

"I can't hear you!" Troy repeated. "Speak louder!" I repeated. "Tell Ernie, his music is too loud!" Troy said. We turned off our Morphers. "Finally, peace and quiet." I said.


Me, and Troy heard the music again. We covered our ears again. Troy almost fell into the water, but I pulled him back just in time. Our Morphers beeped. "The monster's music is being broadcast all over the planet, and we can't block the signal! What do we do?" Tensou said.

"I've just got an idea." Troy said. "Me too." I said. We left the dock.


Me, and Troy supported Emma, as we brought her to where the others are, as she begins singing.

Song Starts Now: "Emma's Song" from "Power Rangers Megaforce".

So bloom, bloom and share your sweet perfume
Flowers bloom, bloom so many things to see
The sweet serenity
Soothe my mind, soothe my soul

The gentle breeze
It stirs the leaves and stirs my soul
My heart deep inside me
Sense my worth as one with earth
Of greater whole all connected as one

"Twistornado Activate!" Troy shouted, as he placed his Power Card into his Morphers, and summoned a breeze, that blow the flower petals.

"Keep going! It's working, Emma!" I said.

The gentle breeze
Stirs the leaves and stirs my soul
My heart deep inside me
Sense my worth as one with earth
Of greater whole all connected as one

Song Ends


"It's Morphin' Time!" Me, Troy, and Emma shouted, as we got out our Morphers.

"Go Go Megaforce!" We shouted, as we Morphed.

"Megaforce Red!"

"Megaforce Gold!"

"Megaforce Pink!"

"Fury of the Dragon! Megaforce Red!"

"Rage of the Leviathan! Megaforce Gold!"

"Flames of the Phoenix! Megaforce Pink!"

We begin fighting the Loogies, with our weapons, and defeated them.

"Good job, guys!" Jake said.

"Yeah!" Gia said.

"But, we're not done!" Troy said.

"I'm no, one hit wonder!" Dizchord said.

"Earth's Defenders, Never Surrender!" All of us shouted.

"Power Rangers! Megaforce!" All of us shouted.

"Hey! Rhyming is my thing!" Dizchord said, as he attacks us.

We blocked his attacks.

"Dragon Sword!"

"Leviathan Scythe!"

"Phoenix Shot!"

"Snake Ax!"

"Tiger Claw!"

"Shark Bowgun!"

All of us shouted, as we attacked Dizchord.

"Combine!" All of us said, as we combined our weapons.

"Megaforce Blaster Ready! Dynamic Victory Charge!" All of us shouted, as we fired at Dizchord, and defeated him.


Zombats surrounded Dizchord, and he grew giant.

"Let's go!" Troy said.

"First, we have to thank you three!" Noah said.

"You, came up with a plan, and saved us!" Gia said.

"It was all Emma's doing!" I said.

"Your singing makes the difference!" Troy said.

"Thanks, guys!" Emma said.

"Let's go finish the job!" I said.

"Gosei Mechazord Activate!" All of us shouted, as we summoned our Mechazords.

"Summon Mechazords!"

We got onto our Mechazords.

"Alright, let's end his jam session! Once and for all!" Troy said, as he place his Morpher.

"Don't have to tell us twice!" I said, as I placed my Morpher.

"Right! Locking in, and set!" The others said, as they placed their Morphers.

Dizchord begins attacking us, with his music.

"That's noise he's making, is hitting me harder than a sledgehammer!" Troy said.

"Or a wrecking ball!" I said.

"Jax, Troy, I'm coming!" Emma said, as she attacked Dizchord.

"Thanks, Emma!" I said.

"All together now!" Troy said.

"Gosei Great Megazord Activate!" All of us shouted, as we formed the Megazord.

"Summon Megazord!"

"Gosei Great Megazord Ready!" All of us shouted.

"So, you don't get by rhythm? Fine, but my rhythm is gonna get by you!" Dizchord said, as he begins attacking us.

All of us continue fighting.

"No! No more! Dragon Sword!" Troy shouted, as we stopped his attack.

"I say we fight music with music, let's strum a lesson into this guy!" Emma said.

"Yeah!" All of us said.

We launched our Zords toward Dizchord, and attacked him.

"Now, let's turn up the heat!" Troy said, as we attacked him with fire.

"Victory Charge Activate!" All of us shouted, as we placed our Power Cards into our Morphers.


"Time to face the music, Dizchord!" Emma said.

"For relieving you off of our playlist!" All of us shouted.

"Victory Charge Mega Strike!" All of us shouted, as we destroyed Dizchord.

"Mega Rangers, that's a Mega Win!" Me, and Troy said.

All of us cheered.


All of us are now at Ernie's. "Emma, with all that craziness of that battle, I completely forgot to say, you're an amazing singer." Noah said. "Yeah, seriously." Jake said. "Hello, my friends! Here are low-fat treats, just for you." Ernie said, as he brought us treats.

"Did you guys, hear that concert yesterday?" Ernie asked. "We're just talking about that." Gia said. "That was the most alluring, most confidence singing I have ever heard. Luckily, I managed to record some of it." Ernie said.

Ernie played the recording, which was Dizchord's music. Everyone left his place after that.


It is night time, and I am outside at the park, that doesn't have many people. I rethink about what Emma told me. It's true I haven't sing a song in a while, maybe it'll help me.

Song Starts Now: "Symphony" by "Clean Bandit; feat. Zara Larsson".
(Also think of all the stuff that happens during the song is all in Jaxson's Imagination)

I opened my eyes, and appeared on a stage, with no audience. And begins to sing.

I've been hearing symphonies
Before all I heard was silence
A rhapsody for you and me
And every melody is timeless

I am suddenly being pulled by strings, and the strings suddenly cuts. Suddenly the floor is gone, and I fell.

Life was stringing me along
Then you came and you cut me loose
Was solo singing on my own
Now I can't find the key without you

I keep falling, and the walls around me show me, a bunch of stuff that happened in my past. I keep falling, and the one that caught my eye was the day my parents were at the hospital.

And now your song is on repeat
And I'm dancin' on to your heartbeat
And when you're gone I feel incomplete
So if you want the truth

I landed on the ground, and begin looking around me. I am in a flower field, I begin walking around.

I just wanna be part of your symphony
Will you hold me tight and not let go?
Like a love song on the radio
Will you hold me tight and not let go?

I walked around, and fireflies starts to glow, and fly around. I begin twirling, with the fireflies.

I'm sorry if it's all too much
Every day you're here I'm healing
And I was runnin' out of luck
I never thought I'd find this feeling

I began falling again. I landed in a ballroom, and appeared to be wearing a Gold Suit.

And now your song is on repeat
And I'm dancin' on to your heartbeat
And when you're gone I feel incomplete
So if you want the truth

I began dancing around.

I just wanna be part of your symphony
Will you hold me tight and not let go?
Like a love song on the radio

I began running down the hall.

Will you hold me tight and not let go?

I reached the balcony, and looked out into the stars.

Like a love song on the radio

Two pair of arms wrapped around me, it was my parents hugging me.

Will you hold me tight and not let go?

Than they disappeared.

Song Ends

I was sitting on a bench, I felt a tear coming down my cheek. Once I finished the song, I stood up and walked away. Troy was hiding somewhere, where I couldn't see him, and listening to me singing.

A/N: In the accident, only his parents were there, not him.

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