Cold Heartless Love (Short St...

By SpeakingOfD

3.3K 57 12

People always say not to run with scissors. They should have said not to run with love. Nothing good every co... More

Devil inside
Girl From My Dreams
Leave Me ALONE
Here We Go Again
Lost In The World
Ticking Time Bomb
Friends ~Short Chapter~
Cheaters, Liers, and Snakes
Dear Nia, Signed Mom
Truth is.....

Tell me Something

174 4 1
By SpeakingOfD

*:Ray's P.O.V:*

*:Next Day:*

Yo she crazy. I just want her to leave me alone after I get answers. I wanna know why is she always in my dreams. Ameerah think its cause we were meant to be but I don't think so. I don't even feel like going to school today. I lay in my bed and stare a the celling. Yo this girl crazy I just want her to leave me alone and get outa my dreams. I cant sit here just thinking bout this. I get up and get her number from India then call her.

Nia: hello

Me: its Ray I wanna talk to you

Nia: didn't you say enough already

Me; this time I need answers

Nia: like what

Me: meat me at McDonalds in 20 mins so we can talk

Nia: whatever.

I Hang up and get dressed. I take Trey car keys he don't be going to school anyway. I get in his car and drive to McDonalds. I get there and walk in and see Nia sitting at a table. I walk over to her and sit down.

Nia: so what the hell_ do you want

Me: I want answers.

Nia: answers to what

Me: why are you always around and in almost all my dreams

Nia; I could ask you the same question

Me: look im not here to play games with you. You know what im talking about.

Nia: I don't

Me: you do!

Nia: are you getting mad

She smiles

Me: yes cause you playing games. I wanna know whats up. Are you stalking me mind control. What what is it please tell me.

Nia: mmmhmm Don't know what your talking about

UGHHH she playing to much. I can tell she knows what I'm talking about.

Me: yo you pissing me the hell_ off just answer my damn_ question

Nia: what was your question again

Me: ughhhh!!

Just then my phone ring its Chres.

Me: hold on. {answers phone} what you want

Chres: nigga_ I want my damn_ car where you at!

Me: why you need ya car

Chres: um to go to school now get ya ass_ over here now!

Me: since when did you start going to class

Chres: since nun ya damn_ business now get back here with my baby

Me: ill be there in 10 just hold on

Chres: hurry the hell_ up nigga_

I hang up and continue talking to Nia

Nia: can I go

Me: you can come with me

Nia; no

Me: yes now lets go

Nia: you getting on my damn_ nerves

Me: you getting on my nerves to

Nia: what I do to you

Me: you keep playing games. Just answer my damn_ question.

We get up and walk to Chres car. We get in and drive back home

Nia; where are u taking me

Me: my house I gotta give Chres his car. Now stop avoiding the subject whats up

Nia: still don't know what your talking about

I could tell she was enjoying this.

Me: is you a witch? Or lemme guess you have magic powers like some kinda wizard ohh I know you read minds huh. You control peoples thoughts. Or um you just have random powers that you like to use one people huh.!!!!

She laughs

Me: whats funny

Nia: You. You sound like a little kid. You watch way to much TV.

Me: fuck_ it I give up. Don't tell me nun but next time you come around im calling the cops and pressing charges.

Nia: oooo im scared.

She sits in the passenger seat with her arms crossed. She getting on my nerves she so damn_ stubborn. We get to the crib and we get out.

Chres: nigga hand me my keys

I give him his keys.

Chres: I hope you happy im late for skool and for picking up Dyna. If she mad at me im killing you

Me: what ever

Ameerah walks out the house

Me: why is everyone here is anyone going to school today

Ameerah: no not really India and Craig in there watching tv

Me: anyway Chres aint that Dyna getting out that car

Chres: yeah who dat she with.

Me; some dude yo u better handle that

He runs off the porch and to the car. Ooooo

Dyna: hey babe

Chres: don't babe me who this dude

Dyna: calm down and let me explain.

He goes to the other side of the car and pulls the dude out. This dude look like he in his 30's

Dyna: calm down!!

Chres: who is this !

He hold the dude against the car.

Dyna: let him go! Its my dad!!

Chres: huh

Dyna: it my dad. I told him about us and he wanted to meet you.

I was laughing. You could tell she wasn't with that dude. He look old af.

Chres: oh um in sorry

He fixed the dudes clothes then shook his hand.

Chres: im sorry sir. Um im Chres

Dyna: this is my dad Jason

Jason: nice to meet you son. So lets get to the chase whats your intentions with my daughter.

Chres: I plain on marring her one day. I plan to settle down and have kids. I see her in my future or the rest of my life.

This nigga lying but it was sweet. Nia tried to sneak away. I grab her arm and take her I the house and up to my room.

Nia: what are you doing

Me; you never answered my question

Nia: look your crazy just let me leave.

Me: no

*:Nia's P.O.V:*

I wasn't about to tell him about me. When ever I tell someone something bad happens. I just keep playing dumb. I like making him mad. He's cute when he's mad


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