Lost In The World

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*Ray's P.O.V*

So its 5pm and Nia is still here and she isn't leaving till I get answers. All I wanna know is how does that mind game she does. Im really getting frustrated and she's just enjoying every minute of it. I cant do this. She's getting on my nerves.



Me: the hell_ if you do

Nia: you see me and my butt. Watch them leave

She walks towards the door and I look at her. I grab her by the arm and pull her away from the door.

Nia: what the hell_. Rude much

Me: look just tell me and you can get the hell_ out my life.

Nia: you really wanna know

Me: yes

Nia: you really really wanna know

Me: yes yes I do now tell me

She looks at me with these sexy eyes. She walks up to me close and takes off her shirt. She pushes me on the bed and gets on top of me.

Nia: the truth is im madly in love with you

She did this sexy voice that turned me on

Nia: I dream about you. I think about you day and night. I stay up wishing we can be together. I want you

She whispers in my ears still having this sexy voice. I look at her which turned me on more. She puts her face closer to mine. Our lips almost touching. Then she whispers in my ear.

Nia: I want you bad.

She bites my ear. I lay all the way back and she leans in closer. We are looking at each other eye to eye. We lean in to kiss each other then she does it

Nia: sucker!

She gets up and hurries and puts on her shirt.

Nia: you really think I want you. Ha think again

She walks out. Shit_ she had me believing her for a moment. I sit up and look at the door. Damn_ she had me really thinking I was bout to get some tho. I look down the hurry and put a pillow over my lap. She still ain't tell me what I wanted to know.

Chres: nigga_ why Nia walking out here shirtless and sexy. Did yall get it in

Me: naw I wish tho

Chres: then why was she topless and looking sexy

Me: you keep calling her sexy. Dyna going to here ya ass_

Chres: she aint going to hear shit_ now answer my question

Me: she played me. Had me thinking I was bout to get that ass_ then she dipped.

Chres: that makes to of us who cant get nun

Me: if you stop talking bout other girls like you do maybe you can get some

Chres: naw im good

Me: well im not. Ima call her right now and see what just happened

I call Nia or at least that's who I thought I called. Instead I called Ameerah. She must if answered the phone by mistake cause all I heard was moaning and screaming. I laugh an put it on speaker so Chres could here. India Dyna and Craig walk in and we all listen. We were dying laughing. Ameerah is freaky. After 30mins of listening to Ameerah and Jacob have sex I hung up the phone. It was funny I gotta admit. She go me turned on.

Me: iight now yall gotta go. Get out go get leave

Craig: why you want us out so bad

Me: cause I do

India: you aint got now life or no girl so you aint doing nun important

Me: Craig get ya girl

India: at least he has a girl

She laughs. India plays just alittle to much.

Craig: she got a point man

Me: yo shut up and Dyna Chres was talking about how Nia was sexy and he would tap that when you leave later.

Dyna: really

Chres: nigga stop lying on me

I laugh cause it was funny. Next time when I tell them to get out they will. Dyna pulls his ear and drags him out my room. India and Craig was at the door way kissing so I slammed the door in there face and layed back on my bed.

*:Nia's P.O.V:*

I actually had him thinking I wanted his scrawny butt. As soon as I got out of there I went home. When I got there my grandmother was laid out on the floor. I run over to her and she wasn't breathing. I rush and call 911

911: 911 whats your emergency

Me: I need help please just hurry!!!

Tears were running down my face. The ambulance gets there 10mins later. They attach my grandmother to oxygen tanks and took her away in the back of the ambulance. I was there too trying not to stay break down.

We get to the hospital and I sit in the waiting room. I was in there for about a good 3 hrs just waiting. The doctor came out and talked to me. After, I broke down crying I cant do this. I walk in her room and wipe my eyes.

Grandma: hey

Me: you ok

Grandma: I'm not going to make it

Me: no don't say that

Grandma: listen here child. I did the best I could to raise you now its your turn to take what you learned and make good use of them

I try not to cry but I just came outa me. I hug her and cry.

Grandma: I'll be watching over you

Me: please don't go

Grandma: listen *when the time is right and the heart it warm you'll learn what your purpose in this world is*

She kissed my forehead. I lay my head on her chest and then I hear her heart stop. I took one breathe and closed my eyes. She's gone. The doctor walked in covered her up. I left the hospital and just walked the city. I felt alone. I walked to the park and just sat there. I sat there all night. I cant believe im alone now. Its 4 in the morning and im still in the park. I walk back to the house and sit in my grandmothers bed.

Its been a week and I haven't been back to school yet Today is the funeral to. I wake up and get in the shower. I take a 35min shower and get out and get dressed.

I walk downstairs to the kitchen. I remember my grandma always made breakfast when something was happening. No matter what it was. I go over to the fridge and make breakfast. I make this huge feast. I hear the door bell ring its my Aunt Renae.

Renae: hey baby girl how you doing

Me: im fine I made breakfast. I thought we could eat before we go

Renae: that's sound great

Me: well come in. Wheres the rest of the family?

Renae: they'll be here in a couple mins I just thought I get here early to check on you

Truthfully no one has came to check up on me and my grandmother since I was 5. They would call here and there buts its really been just me and her. We leave for the funeral. At the funeral people who doesn't even know my grandmother as much as I knew her got up there and spoke. Almost every word out there mouth was a lie which made me mad. After the funeral I went home and sat on my bed. I wanted my life to be over now.

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