Long Time No See

By young_americans

12.3K 372 145

An old family friend of Axl Rose, you are invited to stay at the Mansion where Guns N' Roses live for a few w... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Another Update!
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 1

2.2K 50 31
By young_americans

I looked closely at the map in front of me, making sure I was heading down the right road. I clutched the wheel again and pulled out of the parking space I had momentarily pulled into. 20 minutes later I pulled into this large garden, down a long driveway. Looking up at the enormous mansion, I remembered how famous Guns N Roses actually were.

I had been a fan since my mum had told me that Axl had started a band. Our parents talked a lot more than Axl and I had though; we hadn't spoken in a few years. Every time they played a gig near me I had always been busy and so it has been a log time since he has seen what I look like. As a child I was always a bit odd looking, but recently I had changed for the better. My confidence hadn't really improved though.

I pulled my suitcase out of the boot of my car and placed it on the ground. I grabbed my handbag from the passenger seat and locked my car. walking slowly towards the house I had a sudden case of nerves. What happens if I get star struck? I mean, Guns N Roses had to be the sexiest band as well as one of the greatest.

Pushing those thoughts aside, I knocked timidly on the door. The door opened and the long ginger hair was the first thing I noticed. Axl. He looked good, I had to admit. He was wearing tight leather pants, a loose singlet and a jacket.


He looked surprised to see me. I'm sure he knew I was coming, after all he had invited me. "Axl! Long time no see!"

"No kidding," he said as he looked me up and down. A grin crossed his face and then he pulled me into a tight hug.

I pulled away from Axl and gave him a big smile. "How have you been?"

"Pretty good, pretty good." He paused staring intently into my eyes. "Oh hey the guys are in the living room if you want to meet them." Pulling my hand, he yanked me forward and kicked the door shut simultaneously. I entered a large, cream-coloured room with sofas and chairs. In the corner I noticed several guitars sitting on a stand.

"So you probably know there names but I'll introduce them anyway," Axl said interrupting my admiration of the guitars.

"Steven our drummer, although we call him popcorn." He pointed towards the guy with bouncy, blonde curls, who gave a small wave. "Izzy, guitarist, Slash, also our guitarist. Finally, Duff our bassist." My eyes rested on the tall blonde standing next to Slash. Sure I had seen him in photos and magazines, but boy he was he even more handsome in reality. My heart did a little flip, and then I remembered than this was normally the point where I would introduce myself.

"Hi, I'm Sasha," I gave them all a big smile and they smiled back, all seeming to look me up and down at the same time. "So are all the rooms upstairs?" I ask.

"Oh shit yeah sorry," he smiled at me, "your room is up the stairs and to the left, at the end of the corridor. Will you need help with your bags?"

"No I think I can manage thanks," I smile politely. This was all a bit surreal.

I threw my bags onto the bed and decided I would unpack later. I pulled out black ripped jeans a black singlet and a leather jacket. Looking a bit more presentable I started heading back downstairs. At the top of the stairs I heard the guys talking. I stopped when I heard my name.

"Axl you didn't tell us she was fucking hot!"

I didn't recognise the voice from this distance.

"She wasn't the last time I saw her!"


I walked down the stairs and the saw them all stare up at me. I'm pretty sure Slash's and Duff's mouths open. Obviously makeup helps. "So any plans for this evening?"

Slash spoke up, "yeah we were thinking, as you're used to British pubs, we would take you to a classic LA bar."

"Sounds great, I could use a drink after that flight."

We arrived at a small bar on a street lit up with neon lights. Inside the sounds of AC/DC's Let Me Put My Love Into You was playing. One of my favourites. We sat in a small booth in the corner, probably to avoid any GnR fans ambushing us. I slid in next to Slash and Izzy, across from Duff.

"So do you guys tour in England at all?"

"Occasionally, we should orbs sky go there more but I feel like they like us more here." Axl responded.

"I don't know about that, all of my fitness back home were incredibly jealous..." I respond thinking back to their impromptu leaving party for me at the airport.

The evening passed and I consumed more and more alcohol than was entirely necessary.

"It's funny Axl last I saw you, we were running around my garden naked."

"We can easily do that again," Axl winked at me.

"You're going to need to get me more drunk than this before I commit to anything like that." I respond.

They all looked at each other as if they were communicating with their eyes.

"That wasn't a challenge," I caution.

We started back towards the house and my feet started aching.

"Owww," I complained.

Duff looked at me worried. Boy did he look amazing. He was wearing skin tight leather trousers and a loose top with his hair all teased up.

"Are you ok Sasha?"

"Oh yeah my feet just ache that's all," I replied still admiring his beauty.

He started to grin, "do you want me to carry you?"

I looked at him wondering if he was being serious. "Like a piggy back?"

"Sure," he laughed.

"Alright then." I looked up at him towering over me. Despite being 5'9, he was still so much taller, even taller than my brother who was 6'2. I looked for something to stand on then settled for the higher bit of curb. I jumped up onto his back and wrapped my legs around his skinny waist. He grabbed my legs to stop me from falling.

"Sorry if I'm incredibly heavy," I chuckled.

"No you're not at all, don't worry." I felt his back move as he laughed. Ugh I think I was starting to develop a crush on him.

Back at the house, Duff valiantly carried me up the stairs to my room as the other dissipated to who knows where. He opened he door slowly then turned around and dropped me onto my bed.

"Good to see you've unpacked," he chuckled.

"I'm very organised can't you tell?" I laughed.

He paused and looked me in the eyes. Wow.

"Well it's really nice to meet you." He smiled.

Great I don't think he liked me in that way. Slash was flirting with me more than he was.

"You too, sleep well," I slurred. I forgot how drunk I was. I pulled on trackies and a loose top, wiped off my makeup and slipped between the sheets.

Hey guys, so this is my first story on Wattpad and I hope you like this chapter if anyone reads it. It's quite long and I had fun writing it but it's probably very bad so please tell me to stop now if I should haha

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