War of Monsters and Men

By nightmare840

368 46 3

The apocalypse doesn't come with warning. Jason never had any friends so he's used to not to relying on anyon... More

1: Log 1
2: Home-base
3: Get Out
4: Monsters
5: Good and the Bad
6: A Friend
7: Jeez Man
8: More Than Us
9: To Tired for This
10: Monster in the Woods
11: Something Darker
12: Death in a Bright Light
13: Leaving Home
15: Trail
16: Blessed is He
17: Mercy
18: On the Move
19: So Close, but so Far
20: Information

14: New Oasis

6 1 0
By nightmare840

POV: Narrator

Kingdom Come. A little town that is in the center of the Great Spruce Mall.

Population = 89 people

Founded when a priest found a man and women that were holding their dead children. Father took them in and gave them shelter. Here, God has passed his protection over the mall and even now leads people to sanctuary.

There are no ruler, but Father is the one who gave the rules of God the people here follow.

His name, Father Mark. A loyal follower of the Holy Father above, and a savior among the people. He speaks to God every morning and every night, in which the people gather in the center of the mall near the fountain and pray in silence.

That is between 20:00 to 21:00 o'clock. After is an hour of free time and at 22:00 is bed time. Breakfast is served at 7:00 to 8:00 in the morning every morning. At 10:00 is the morning service.

There are 16 shops that are inside the walls. The ones near the center are for sleeping and the ones near the wall are storage. The North side of mall is the chapel.

That is all of Kingdom Come.

Jason: Didn't think we'd get a whole introduction tour.

Jack: Very nice of them. Thank you good sir.

Man: I'm just going the work of God. I'll be seeing you around.

He leaves without telling the group his name.

Lance: That's a little rude.

Keith: It doesn't matter. He could be like Jason and not share last names.

Lance: Well he has a first name doesn't he. It's just a bit rude don't you think.

Jason: Don't think too much about it. At least we're in.

Skyler: Exactly. As long as we're not out in the streets tonight.

Hunter: We should find that Father Mark guy. You know, ask him a few questions.

Jack: Just as I was thinking.

Noah: It seems these people have it pretty good don't you think.

Liam: Your right. I wouldn't have thought to go to the mall. Since population and things like that.

Reigen: Same here. The last place I'd go.

Jason: But I do find it odd at the same time.

Noah: What do you mean?

Jason: Think, it's been 2 months into the apocalypse, and this Father guy made all of this. The only reason why my house was good was because the ogres helped.

Reigen: You're right. And they give out meals every day. How does this guy get the supplies?

Skyler: The mall supplies are good, but I don't think it would be able to last this long with so many people.

Keith: So, what do you think?

Jason: No matter what, we need shelter.

Jack: Yes, split up. Try not to leave this place if you ca-

???: Oh there you are!

The group turns their heads to see a man walking to them.

???: I'm sorry I wasn't there for you when you arrived. I was doing my evening prayer you see. I'm Father Mark, it's nice to meet you.

Jack: Hello. I am Jack. I'm leader of team Alpha.

Father: Jack, Jack what?

Jack: Um, you see, we have a person on our team that doesn't do last names.

Father: Do, last names?

Jason: That's me. We're in the Monster Apocalypse, names don't matter.

Father: I see, then you'll fit right in.

Lance: What does that mean?

Father: We don't use names either! 28, please come here.

28: Yes Father?

Reigen: Numbers, I see. That's why they didn't introduce themselves before.

Lance: What, how ridiculous is that!

Jason: A bit weird but ok.

Father: You can be number-

Jason: No. I don't want a number.

Father: Ah, what? But didn't you say-

Jason: My name, even though my last hasn't been used in two and a half months, is mine. The one my parents gave me and it's the only memory I have of them, and I'm not giving it up.

Reigen: Same here, I'm good how I am.

Jack: Sorry, but that is not needed with us. We don't plan on staying that long.

Father: I see. Well in any case, you are welcome here as long as you like. My home is your home. You're welcome to walk anywhere inside the walls, but I do say stay inside these wall, unless you plan to see God a bit sooner then expected.

Jack: Heh, we understand, and thank you. God bless.

Father: Indeed, God bless, all.

The Priest turns around and walks away.

Jason: What a weirdo.

Reigen: Jason.

Jason: Come on, it's true.

Jack: True or not, that man is letting us stay the night.

Skyler: He's right. I don't like this place, but where else are we going to go.

Mike: We can stay here till tomorrow. The sooner we get home the better.

Jack: Agreed.

Hunter: Till then, I guess we relax.

Lance: Sweet, guess I'll get some grub.

With that, everyone splits up and goes their own way. There isn't much to do in the small space, so most of them spent their time talking to the locals. At 7:55 PM, a bell rings. The locals start to gather in the center of the mall and wait.

In once of the stores, laid Jason and Reigen.

Reigen: Are you coming?

Jason: Nah, I'm good.

Reigen: Are you sure that's a good idea? They'll crucify you.

Jason: Ha ha ha, I'm ok. Not like they can do anything to me. Just say I fell asleep. I mean, I'm planning on it.

Reigen: Suit yourself.

Reigen gets up and walks out of the store. Jason puts his shirt over his eyes and relaxes. The past couple days has been nothing but stress and hard work for Jason, so this is the sleep he deserved.

Reigen walks out the the center of the mall surrounding the fountain. He looks around to see everyone wearing white, and on their knees. Reigen also gets on his knees and makes the sign of the cross, and starts praying.

Jack and Hunter walk in the center.

Hunter: Is it me or does this place give you the creeps?

Jack: Quiet Brother. We are only here for a day. These people most likely won't want to follow us to Red Point so there isn't anything to worry about.

Hunter: You're right. We just have to do this today.

They walk in the center and kneel down. The rest of teams Alpha and Beta get to the center and kneel as well. Mike gets next to Reigen.

Mike: Where's the kid?

Reigen: Sleeping at the moment.

Mike: That's not the smartest idea.

Reigen: Not like I care if he sleeps.

Mike: I didn't mean that. Sleep is good, but not in this place. These people believe in God, which I myself don't particularly believe in. However, in able to stay here we must play the part.

Reigen: I mean we're here for one day. We don't need to-

Mike: No, by the look of it, there will be a storm tonight going onto tomorrow. We will have to stay here for another day.

Reigen: Hmm. Well I don't see to much of a problem myself, but if you want, I can drag him out for the next thing they do.

Mike: That would be good. It's just the safest play.

Father Mark: Good afternoon by children. It has been another day that God has blessed upon us.

The Priest stood on the second level at a podium. He wore the classic black gown that Priest normally wear under the long white cloth. He held his arms out.

Father: Let us pray.

Everyone in the center reach out for the person next to them hands. Lance gets a tap on his shoulder to see a young boy holding out his hand, giving a light smile. Lance takes the boys hand and looks back up.

Father: Thank you Father almighty, maker of Heaven and Earth, all thing visible and invisible.

People: I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God, born of the Father before all ages. God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father; through him all things were made. For us men and for our salvation he came down from heaven, and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary, and became man. . . .


After service, they all walked back to the store they were giving to sleep at.

Lance: I forgot how boring that is.

Reigen: And here he is still sleeping.

Jason was on his back, drool streaming down his cheek.

Keith: We might as well get some sleep too.

They all lay down, and sleep.

As the night goes on, rain starts to fall. During the apocalypse, the weather is a bit different. A phenomenon popularly called counter shower. When the rain starts, it falls from the clouds like normal. However, after hours of rainfall, the water freezes, then goes back up from the clouds. This makes it harder for farming.

A man named Reed Brown down in Kentucky has found a way to get past this issue though. He made a water trap.

Reed found out that if he covered the part that was rained on, the water would stay in place. He's made a machine that once the rain stops in its tracks, covers will go over the plants to trap the water to help grow the plant.

This is a natural phenomenon that the scientists that are still alive are still figuring out to this day.


Jason leaned up. He wiped the drool from his cheek and looked around.

Jason: It's raining pretty bad out there. Ehh I'm hungry.

He looks up to see a girl walking past the store. Jason gets up and walks over the others. He leans out of the store and gets hit with a wonderful smell. Food.

Jason: Mmm, hello.

He walks out of the shop and follows the smell. He wore a white t-shirt with camouflage pants. A black zip-up was tied around his waist.

He walked to the center and sat down at the table that was there.

Jason: Only one table? That's weird?

Jason pulled a knife out of his pocket and spins it on the table. He hears footsteps behind him.

???: Um, mister?

Jason turned his head to see the little girl from before. He picks up his knife and hides it.

Jason: Oh, hello. Good morning.

???: Oh, yes, good morning.

Jason: You here for the breakfast too? Take a sit here. Seems like there isn't many places to sit.

???: Oh, thank you.

Jason: So, what's your name?

???: Oh, me, I'm number 10.

Jason: Oh I forgot about that. So Ten, you sleep well last night?

Ten: Um, yes. Um, mister,-

Jason: Call me Jason.

Ten: Ok. Jason, do you like breakfast?

Jason: I mean yeah. Most important meal of the day.

Jason Thinking: And mostly I had trouble sleeping due to noise outside.

Jason: Where is everyone? Are we early?

Ten: N-no. It's just that no one wakes up this early.

Jason: Really? So it's just you?

Ten: Yes. He makes food for me. My dad used to make me breakfast everyday, so now he does it.

Jason: Who, exactly?

???: That would be me.

Jason turns his head to see a man holding a plate of food, full of pancakes and eggs.

???: I heard a extra voice with us, so I took the liberty to make more food.

He sets it down, and Jason smiles.

Jason: Mmmm, smells so goooood!

???: Thank you.

Jason: May I know who made this for us?

???: I'm number 1.

Jason: One huh, so, you're the guy I heard about. The one the priest found. 

One: Yes, Father Mark found me and my wife. He helped us up and now we live here. I look out for number Ten here.

Jason: Mm, that's nice. Thank you then, let's eat.

The three of them sit and eat at the table.

One: So, Jason, where were you last night? During service that is.

Jason: Oh, I was asleep. Hey how old are you? You seem young.

One: Ah, you were asleep?

Jason: Yup.

Ten: One is 28.

Jason: Oh wow. You look a lot younger.

One: Did, did you, pray, last night then?

Jason: Not particularly, no.

One: Did you pray this morning?!

Jason: No. I came here when I woke up.

One: What?!

Jason: Yeah. Anyways, it's raining pretty hard out here Huh.

Ten: Yeah. I had a hard time sleeping.

Jason: Man that sucks. I remember having a teddy bear when I was younger for that stuff. Rain, thunder, all that.

Ten: I did too, but I lost it when I came here.

Jason: I'll be on the lookout for one then.

Ten: Really?!?

Jason: Yeah. It's no biggie. Nothing is worth money nowadays so.

Ten: T-Thank you!

Jason: Yeah. Eat up now.

He ruffles the girls hair, then continues eating.

???: Good morning.

The group turns to see Father Mark.

Ten: Morning Father!

Jason: Heyy.

Father: It's a surprise to see anyone else here this early.

Jason: Heh, so it seems. Anyways, how do you tell time? You can barely see that sky.

Father: We have working clocks here.

Jason: Makes sense.

Father: You seem like a lively child.

Jason: Um, sure. I'm not sure that's the best way to put it but ok.

Father: One, are you ok, you're just sitting there.

One looks down at his food, his hands were shaking, holding the fork.

Jason: Hey man, are you choking? I know the Heimlich maneuver if you are.

One: Ah, ah Ah, Mm, no I'm fine. Just tired.

Father: What a relief. Actually, may we have a talk One? We need to discuss something.

One: Of course Father.

One gets up and walks with the priest.

Jason: Wonder if he's going to eat that.

Ten: He'll come back you know.

Jason: Hm fine.


Father: Is there something I should know?

One: Nothing you don't know Father.

Father: Well what do you think?

One: . . . He's just a child.

Father: That child that has been tainted. His whole group could be as well, and they can taint this whole sanctuary if we don't deal with them.

One: I know, but I can't do it to a child. A kid, you know I-

Father: I know I know, don't worry. I'm not asking you to do anything, I just wanted to know your two sense. We will handle this, your wife will be safe.

One: Thank you Father.


Ten: So what is that?

Jason: It's called a Katana. It's a sword that comes from Japan, but this is probably made is China.

Ten: Why do you say that?

Jason: A different design, and it's my neighbors and they are suckers for a good deal.

Ten: Hehe.

Jason: Yeah. But I found this pocket knife a couple of days ago.

He pulls out a pink and black pocket knife.

Jason: I thought it looked cool. Fun fact I like the color pink, but no one told you that.

Ten: Your secret is safe with me.

Jason: Do you have a knife?

Ten: Um, no, we don't carry those. Some adults have them though.

Jason: That's not good. It's the apocalypse and you don't have a knife. Well take this.

Ten: What!?!?

Jason: Hopefully you never use it but it's dangerous now. You don't know how to fight so having a knife is the least you can do.

Ten: Um, if you say so.

She takes the pocket knife and puts it in her jacket.

Father: Jason was it?

Jason: Yeah, what's up?

Father: You will have to forgive me, but it seems like we don't have enough food for a feast today.

Jason: So what?

Father: We wanted to throw a feast for you and your friends, but we don't have enough supplies. I wanted it to be a surprise, but we won't have enough time for a whole team.

Jason: That's fine. We're only here for today so we'll be out of your hair soon.

Father: Still, after you leave there's only a matter of time before we run out. I hate asking you, but can you go out with our hunter and help get supplies.

Jason: . . . Ehh, normally I'd say no, but I guess we are here for free so why not.

Father: God bless you. I have Number 13 here to take you.

Thirteen: Hello, good morning.

Jason: Oh you're here already?

Thirteen: Yes. I know most of the area, so I can guide us where zombies aren't around.

Jason: Oh cool.

Ten: Wait no! I don't want him to go!

Father: Ten he-

Jason: It's alright kiddo, I'm strong. Zombies don't scare me. And your friend here will guide us with the safest road, so I'm not even going to see any zombies. I'll be back soon ok?

Ten: Mm, ok.

Jason: Alright, see ya.

He ruffles Ten's hair again and gets up. Thirteen already was walking, so Jason jogged over to him.

Jason: So what's up? How did ya sleep?

Thirteen: I slept fine. We don't have umbrellas so we will get wet. We should jog out so we can get their faster.

Jason: Ok. I can do that.

They leave Kingdom Come and push open the door of the mall. It was an emergency exit so it was small and on the side of the building. They run out the mall as the rain fell on them.

Jason: Hey so where's this supply thing?!

Thirteen: There's a store not too far from here! We will go there and bring it back!

Jason: Got it.

The rain fell harder as the guys run for it. They get to a little store. Most likely a old gas station at most. However-

Jason: Hey, would you look at that, a teddy bear.

The boy walks over and lifts up a rock, where a little brown teddy bear sat.

Jason: Score. Nice, dry, and in good condition. Ten should like it.

He takes it, strapping it to his side.

Jason: Hey I see some food here, we should take as much as we can!

Jason Thinking: To be honest, I don't see a store. I don't want to walk that much so I want to get this here. This guy is creepy anyways.

Jason leans down and starts to put food in a duffel bag.

Jason Thinking: I know they said it was safe here but I mean I thought I would see one zombie here. And what's up with that guy. Everyone is normally asleep, but Thirteen was just, up. This is all very odd- WAA!!

Jason: OOF!

While in thought, Jason tripped over a rock.

Jason: My bad, it's just a little fall.

Thirteen: Hold it there.

Jason was getting up, but stopped as a cold surface touched his neck.

Jason: What the?

Thirteen: Move more, and you're, gonna die!

Jason: Ok, ok. Let's all just calm down. I'm not looking to hurt you so why are you doing this?

Thirteen: I don't question Father's judgment.

Jason: Why does a priest want me dead?

Thirteen: You lied to get in here.

Jason: The Priest lied to me just now.

Thirteen: His sins will be forgiven.

Jason: So will mine. Isn't that how that works. I believe so my sins will be forgiven.

Thirteen: You don't believe!

Jason: Why, so I walk for hours on end to find one safe place. I lay down and knock out as a mass goes on. I missed one service, cut me some slack.

Thirteen: So, you, do believe. But Father said-

Jason: I get it man, I've been there. Trust me, better to just follow what you believe. God will forgive you.

Thirteen: Nnnnnnno! No no no, I can't question him, him and just judgement.

Jason Thinking: Well what now.

Thirteen brings the knife up.

Thirteen: God father almighty, maker of heaven and earth, please, forgive me and this boy for what we have done!!! AHHH!!



The knife it the floor, as it does, the rain stops in place.

???: Looked like you needed some help. Thank God I'm here Huh.

Jason turned to looks, only to see Lance there, holding his gun, which was smoking.

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