Surviving the truth

By Derekspxssy

31.3K 593 13

Meredith had a one night stand with her boss before she even knew he was her boss. Two months later, she find... More

Chapter 1
2| the divorce papers
3| mommy
4| seceret
5| an unexpected visitor
6| gender reveal
7| keep those panties on
8| handyman
9| friends
10| im a mommy
11| meet the shepherds
12| back to work
13| jealousy
14| memories and promises
15| look who came to dinner
16| babys first ferry ride
18| what does this mean?
19| stormy night
20| happy
21| epilogue

17| the holidays

960 22 0
By Derekspxssy

The holidays quickly approached and Halloween was first to come. Even though Emma is too young to go trick or treating, I did dress her up as a cute little kitten, with a cat ears headband, and drew little cat whiskers and a cat nose on her face. Let's just say Emma was the cutest little kitten that night.

Next to come was Thanksgiving, and Derek's family invited both him, me, and of course Emma to fly to New York to celebrate it with them. I quickly turned that offer down because there was no way in hell I was going to willingly see Derek's family. Derek didn't go either, and we ended up hosting a Thanksgiving dinner at the house and invited our friends over; Cristina, Izzie, Alex, George, the chief, Mark, Burke, and I even invited Lexie to come or not. Since she does have her own family, it was her total decision.

After Thanksgiving had come and passed, Christmas was next on the list. I decided to fly to the East Coast to spend it with my mother, and Derek tagged along to see his family, and possibly steal Emma from me. We both flew to Boston together, and then he took the train to New York since we wouldn't be staying together.

"Emma has grown quite a bit, Meredith." Mom said as she watched Emma play on the rug. "Since the last time I saw her."

"Well, the last time you saw her, I had just had her." I said. "So now that she's seven months, I'd expect her to be much bigger than she was at birth."

"And the dad's helping?" She asked.

"Yeah, Derek's good. He's an amazing father to Emma; couldn't have asked for someone better."

"I'm glad everything is working then, Meredith."

"Me too." I smiled. "Work is good; Emma's good; everything is just perfect."

My phone vibrated on my lap, and I glanced down at it seeing a new text from Derek. I was paying half attention to what my mom was saying to me because Derek had asked me if I would be willing to come to New York with Emma to see his family, and I had to basically yell at him through text the numerous reasons why I'm not. The main reason because the Shepherds' hate me.

I placed my phone on the arm of the couch and bent down clapping my hands together while I smiled at Emma. "Come on, Emma, show grandma you can crawl." I reached my arms out for her to come to me, but it seemed like Emma was more interested in playing with the new toy my mom had gotten her.

I think it's safe to say my mom is a better grandma than she is mother.

How is that even possible?

I picked Emma up from the floor and went up to my room when I was done talking with my mother. As I was laying in bed with Emma snuggled beside me with a bottle in her mouth, Derek called me and I reluctantly answered. Immediately he was trying to talk me into going to New York to see his family.

I hate him at the moment.

"Derek, shut up and listen. Your family hates me. I'm not going to spend a day or how ever long with people who hate me when I don't have to. Remember how our first meeting went when Emma was born? Because I do, and-"

"What if I promise they'll be good?"

"Your promises always break." I said.

"Well I think I've been pretty good at keeping them lately, and mom and everyone would love to see Emma. How is she by the way?"

"She's fine; currently having bottle so she can go to sleep."

"I miss her, and it's only been two days." He said.

"Do you miss me?" I just had to asked.

"Back to my family." I could tell he was smiling on the other end. "I told my mom and sisters they'd have to be nice if they ever want to see Emma again, so you don't need to worry about them."

"Are you sure because last time-"

"I don't care about last time, Meredith. It was in the past. Let's live in the present. What are you doing tomorrow?" Before I could answer, Derek stopped me. "I'll tell you what you're doing tomorrow. You and Emma will be on a train to New York."

"And what if I don't get on a train?" I asked.

"Then we'll come to you."

"If you can find me."

"I'll see you and Emma tomorrow."

"Only if you're lucky." I hung up and sighed at Emma. "I'm sorry in advance for tomorrow, Em."

I hate Derek.

He called and woke me up at six in the morning to make sure I'd be on the train by ten since it is a three hour train ride to New York. He also told me to pack clothes in case I decide to stay in New York for the night, if, for some reason I don't end up coming back to Boston. I don't even know why I would stay the night unless I couldn't get on the train for some unknown reason.

I didn't listen to Derek, and only packed extra clothes for Emma since she's still in the stage where she goes through multiple of outfits a day.

I arrived to New York around one. Unfortunately for me, Derek and his mother were at the train station waiting for me.

Have I mentioned I hate Derek Shepherd?

I was honestly ready to turn back around and get back on the train since it's not like they saw us. I had to physically force myself not to, reminding myself what Derek told me: They will come to me if I don't come to them.

I was tapped on my shoulder as I started to walk for their direction. I stopped and turned around seeing a man holding Emma's favorite stuffed animal; a white bunny with a pink bow around it's neck.

"Oh my god, thank you." I smiled as he handed it to me. "I don't know what I would have done. She can barely sleep without it."

"No problem." He smiled back.

"Emma, look what you almost lost." I put the stuffed bunny back in the car seat with her and thanked the man once more.

I continued my dreaded walk over to Derek and his mom, and the first thing he said to me was, "Was that guy hitting on you?"

"What are you jealous?" I smirked.

"I don't get jealous, Meredith."

I don't believe that for a second.

I had a fake smile on my face as I greeted his mother Carolyn, and I'm pretty sure she had a fake one on her face too. I guess today will just be filled with fake likeness towards each other.

I sat in the backseat of the car with Emma as we were driven to Carolyn's house. It was awkward for me because I rarely talked or was talked to unless Derek was the one to initiate a conversation.

Have I already mentioned I hate Derek? Because today I do.

I smiled at Emma when she crawled over to me. She held onto my legs to help her stand up on her own. "Aw, good job!" I picked her up and kissed her on her cheek. "She'll be walking in no time, Derek, I just know it."

"She's obviously like me; an overachiever; ahead in the game."

"Does this really look like someone who was ahead in the game?" One of his sisters asked, holding up a photo of Derek from his high school days.

I couldn't help but laugh because Derek didn't look like Derek. Honestly, he was that kid in school I probably wouldn't had given the time of day to. He looked super nerdy and small. And that hair. Why the hell did nobody help him with his afro?

"Ha ha, real funny." He sarcastically said. "Now put that away, Liz."

I stood Emma up on my lap and smiled at her. "You had a nerdy daddy; an unrecognizable daddy when he was in high school." I laughed and looked at Derek. "No, seriously, Derek, puberty was kind to you once you finally reached it."

"Maybe you shouldn't have come after all."

As the day progressed, it seemed as if Derek was keeping his promise where his family would be nice this time around. Even if they were forcing themselves to be nice and pretend to like me, it's better than them verbally disliking me. When the clock hit six, Derek told me he had a surprise for me, which entails his mother watching Emma.

I hate surprises so you can only imagine what was going through my head.

We ended up in Times Square, and I continued to asked Derek were he was taking me. He wouldn't budge, and I began to get frustrated because it's cold and snowy and I'd rather be at my mother's house with Emma.

"You're taking me to a Broadway show?" I asked.

"I think the correct response is thank you."

"We're not a couple, Derek, and this is what couples do."

Derek reached for my hand. "Come on, you'll enjoy it."

I sighed. "Just for your information, I didn't get you anything."

"You gave me Emma; that's all I need."

Broadway isn't really for me, but it was a nice gesture from Derek. He definitely enjoyed it, and I bet he brought me so he wouldn't have to go alone. I wonder if this is how his old New York life was; going to shows like this every weekend with Addison. We got back to his mother's house around ten, and Emma was fast asleep.

"Emma and I should really get to the train station." I took Emma from Carolyn. "It's late. We won't get back until after midnight."

"Stay the night. You can leave first thing in the morning." Derek said.

"I didn't bring clothes."

"Meredith." Derek sighed. "I told you- Never mind." He shook his head at me. "Come with me."

Derek had me follow him to his room, and he tossed me one of his shirts to wear. "Can I request one of your flannels instead?" I always did love wearing his flannels after we'd have sex; soft, warm, and comfy. What more could you ask for? Derek shook his head at me and tossed me a red and black flannel instead. "Thank you."

Derek left the room and I laid Emma down in the middle of his bed while I changed. His shirt smelt like him, something that I definitely missed since we're not together. I used Emma's baby wipes to wipe most of my makeup off as best as possible so I won't wake up with a smeared makeup look happening. I climbed into the bed beside Emma, and called my mom to tell her I'll be back in the morning instead and not to worry about me if I don't come home, you know, just in case she cares about me just a little bit.

Derek reentered the room and sat down on the side of the bed to take his shoes off. "Didn't I tell you my family would behave themselves?"

"I guess you were right." Derek laid down and held his head up with his right arm. We weren't saying a word to one another, but staring into each other's eyes. Staring into each other's eyes said more than words could. I dropped the gaze and said, "There's a baby in the bed."

"There is a baby in the bed." He agreed. "But there's no baby in the bathroom."

"Derek, we can't; especially not here with your mom down the hall and Emma right here. Sleep is all we're doing tonight."

The next morning I woke up around seven in the morning from Emma getting fussy because she's hungry and needs a diaper change. I had Derek change her diaper while I got dressed so I could get to the train station by a decent time. Once dressed, I breastfed Emma a little bit since I didn't bring extra baby food. Derek's mom did have some bananas so I was able to mush some up for her to eat too.

Around ten, Derek borrowed his mother's car and drove me to the train station. I thanked him for driving me and again, before I got out of the car, we stared at one another in the eye without saying a word. Derek began to lean in to kiss me, and instead of pushing him away, I leaned in and our lips met for the first in a year.

God, I miss his kisses.

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