Najimi x FEM reader (oneshots)

By lesmolfrenchfry

3K 77 81

hello there! author smols is back! this is just an idea since I haven't seen najimi attracted to female reade... More

πŸ’ŸBeautiful painπŸ’Ÿ
πŸ’Ÿlose restraintπŸ’Ÿ
A/N no the book is not ending uvu

πŸŽ„[wearing Red hearts on a sleeve]πŸŽ„

970 16 24
By lesmolfrenchfry

{full title because it was too long WHEEZE-}
Title: Wearing red hearts on a sleeve on Christmas Eve

{Edited a few days ago: where did all of you come from?! XDD so many views! Thank you for reading though! Remember your not obligated to vote or read! anything of the sort! Enjoy! ^^}

[no warning]

[Requested by]: H0rn3dimm0rt4l


Before you continue, the chapters from here on out may include cover drawings made by me! Which involves the reader and Najimi for the theme of it's story. Though the reader will need to have a viel over her head in order for the reader's features to be unknown since there are countless beautiful people such as yourself!

Now, I'll get out of the way so you can continue on with the story, thank you for reading and enjoy!

{(Y/n)'s Pov}

Abruptly jolting at the sounds my alarm made, I quickly glanced at the said item and gave a soft sigh and lightly pressed onto the button. Silence enveloped my room once more as I got up from the comfortable abode of my warm sheets, taking the time to hurriedly get ready for the first day of school, I was unable to shake off the nerve wracking feeling.

The very same school one of my childhood friends would attend to as well.

That particular friend known as Osana Najimi, we've been friends since we were small kids, lately I haven't been able to see them for a long while due to part time jobs and the distance of my previous home.

Though Yuka always reminds me not to strain myself too hard, and in return I'd help her, to show gratitude even though she herself told me it wasn't necessary. A short summary of why I'm currently living with the lass, for one as being an orphan has it's negatives and positives, Yuka wants those outcomes to be positive no matter the cost. Secondly, her parents had offered to take me in which ended in Yuka becoming an overprotective sibling, and also earned me the last name Fujoshi. But afterwards she needed a certain job, Yuka offered me a place to move in with her, considering the fact I too thought of her as a very kind sibling.

Yet here we are.

Running down the small flight of stairs, I stopped in front of the door and hurriedly placed my shoes on with my bookbag in hand, before I could make my way out "you forgot something" a voice called out from behind me. Turning to the brunette, the strands of her straight hair seeming perfectly in place with a very cheerful demeanor, though at times made me wonder if she ever had a bad hair day. There, in her hands was my wrapped bento box dangling from the soft tips of her fingers "oh! Sorry, I need to hurry if I don't wanna be late" I responded while taking the bento box from her grasp, a soft sigh escaped her. The warm colored irises boring into my own through her round glasses with a kind glint to them that made her look more mature, placing her hands to her hips with a small shake of Yuka's head, a soft smile formed within her features "I know, just try not to forget the things you need alright? And even if you are late, I could still give you a ride on my motorcycle" she offered with a gentle tone. A reassuring smile now directed at her "I'll be just fine, I still have a bit of time left" I quickly hugged Yuka and made my way outside into the calm streets.



Upon arriving at the said school itself, I glanced at the building and began making my way inside, the halls bustling with voices of those unknown made my heart race in anxiousness. Taking the time to think about anything else but the situation that I will encounter further more, I silently opened my shoe locker and changed my school shoes. After finishing the little task, I turned to the hall and made my way to the designated classroom, gripping tightly at the handle of my bookbag, the heart that resided within me began to quicken it's pace.

'i have a feeling this is going to kill me'

I thought with a nervous glance to the classroom numbers that rested above the doorframes, until I halted the movement in my feet and stared at the numbers with fear.

'well, here goes...'

Closing my eyes tightly with a deep inhale, I turned to the door and slowly slid it open to reveal the amount of people inside, there were a few students but I knew more were to arrive. Walking to the desk with my gaze to the floor, I placed my bookbag onto the surface of the desk next to a raven haired male who held a look of determination, slightly glancing at the male in question I hesitantly raised my hand to greet him. My body was abruptly enveloped into a pair of arms that almost caused me to lose balance "(y/n)!!" A voice made itself known, flinching at the action and the loud voice, I turned to the source. Purple locks of hair greeted my sight, and the familiar face of a friend became clear "long time no see!" Najimi exclaimed with his signature smile, unable to speak from the shock that coursed throughout my body caused the male to laugh. His hands now placed themselves on my shoulders "you haven't changed a bit!" He claimed with euphoria in his presence alone "um.." was all that came out of me, the anxiety dug it's claws into me and ceased when I hid my features from him. Shielding him from my flushed features in hopes of disappearing, he only gave me a reassuring pat on the head "yup, still the same" though his gaze analyzed me from head to toe. A voice had interrupted this little greeting "excuse me but... Have you two known each other?" The Raven haired male asked with an accusatory finger directed mostly at Najimi, turning to him with a nervous gesture, I nodded to confirm. Taking a silent breather, I slowly stuck out my hand towards the lad "h-...hi, my name is (y/n)" I muttered softly, the male's features grew in shock from this action. Taking my hand in his into a friendly shake, he directed a kind smile at me "nice to meet you, I'm Hitohito Tadano" he introduced himself followed after a nervous laugh. After letting go of his hand was when Najimi began to speak up "oh! Right! Why haven't I seen you around lately?" The male asked with a finger to his chin, flinching at Najimi's question, I fumbled with the hem of my skirt. Glancing down at the patterned fabric as a distraction, I gave a small noise of nervousness " see, I decided to take two part time jobs to help my sister Yuka" Najimi glanced at me in bewilderment "two?? Aren't your parents already in jobs? Why do you need to work?" He asked. Hand now at his hips, I glanced at the skirt he wore and averted my gaze elsewhere.

'im not going to question it, after all it's Najimi'

For the first time, I glanced back up at those brown orbs " sister and I moved away from our parents to start lives of our own, and I wanted to" my mutter somehow understood by the purple haired male in front of me, he nodded and gave a small hum. Najimi looked up in deep thought before patting my shoulder with another cheerful smile "always the nice and hardworking one!" He stated, in which he placed a fingertip to his lips in a trembling manner "that makes me wet~" he said with a quivery voice. Flinching from his bold comment, Tadano had a straight face laced into his expression "stop that, your making her feel uncomfortable" he stated as I felt Najimi was on the urge to make an insult.

'knowing them, they might'
(^ ^)'

Stepping into the conversation, I gently waved my hands around in a slow manner "o-oh no- it's alright, Najimi has this idea of doing things so... abruptly" I tried to explain, though an arm that belonged to the purple haired male wrapped itself around my shoulders. A casual laugh coming from Najimi's form made me turn to them, who began putting a finger up "could also reference to when we're in be-" frantically covering the individual's mouth, I turned to Tadano with a nervous yet quiet laugh. The Raven haired lad in response gave a sigh "knowing Najimi, he does have this bad habit of plotting terrible things" nodding at his statement in agreement, the purple haired individual stayed silent with a Huff.



\A few days into school/

{Najimi's Pov}

As soon as class was over, I was abruptly bombarded with some of my childhood friends, asking me different questions in which were answered all at once.

What movie one had watched

Who I'm eating lunch with

The arcades and different games

Who won at a sport

The new drinks published and how they tasted

The usual, as I was willing to hold the conversation with them, we all decided to take the conversation outside of the classroom in order to have a bit of space from everyone, but admist the crowd, someone caught my eye. There, calmly sitting at one of the desks of the empty classroom, was none other than a particular childhood friend I've kept my eye on. While answering the questions directed at me impatiently, my gaze was somehow fixated on the (h/c) haired girl, and what seems to be a few memory cards in her hands.

'The teacher did say the Test was within two days, here she was studying already'

'hardworking yet shy all the same'

'what am I gonna do with you?...(y/n)'

Turning back to the pairs of eyes boring into my form with bright smiles, I gently waved my hand to the crowd and directed my signature grin "sorry guys, I need to go, see you later!" I walked inside the class as everyone bid their goodbyes. Just as I had grabbed my backpack by the strap, I was surprised to see (y/n) at the verge of dozing off in her seat, before abruptly regaining consciousness and then losing it the next. Giving a soft sigh, I walked over to the lass and was about to speak before her head swiftly moved forward, just as her forehead was about to make contact with the desk I quickly placed my hand under, attempting to cushion her fall. Alas just as she was at the brink of making contact with my hand, she abruptly sat up straight, before falling back asleep...sitting.

'jesus, that nearly made my heart stop-'

I stared into (y/n)'s features and found her to be peacefully asleep, giving another sigh, I gently pulled up a chair next to her and sat down. Slowly taking the memory cards from her grasp, I gently leaned her head onto mine as I glanced down at the said cards in curiosity, short notes were taken for her to memorize them for the upcoming test. A soft smile made it's way to my lips, the thought about the very shy girl who works very hard to aid others and herself amazed me, I slowly turned to the (h/c) haired girl and gazed longingly.

'maybe that's why I can't keep myself away from you'

'maybe, that single personality alone is what made me fall in love with you in the first place'

'seeing you so nervous about the inappropriate things I say is honestly entertaining'

'i just hope I can be the only one to make you blush'

'to make you smile'

'laugh, or even embarrassed'

'that's all I'll ever need, your existence'

I glanced at the watch on my wrist and checked the time, after confirming I still had a bit of time from the lunch dates I had in store, I glanced at the ceiling while gently placing my backpack to the ground. Plopping my hand onto my lap in a tired manner, I stared at the chalk board with the butterflies in my stomach acting up, my sight now becoming a messy blur.

'just one wink of sleep wouldn't hurt.'

Note: Najimi had missed all those lunch dates and was woken up by Tadano who came back after noticing the sleeping duo, in which ended up in (y/n) being woken up as well.


{(Y/n)'s Pov}

Sitting at the humble abode of my desk under the soft rays of the sun, I began reading a book Yuka had lended me, practically begging me to read it's beautifully written plot I had no choice but to oblige. The sound of a hand slamming onto my desk brought me back to the reality, that I attended a class with a friend who takes actions before words "hey (y/n)! Come play a wrestling match with us!" He invited. At the cheers of Najimi's other friends the anxiousness within my core grew "um...are you sure?" I whispered with the book's cover shielding my face from the others. Najimi in the middle of my muttering bent down to my level (to hear better) and gave a reassuring nod "yup!" He replied, a small sigh had escaped me as I got up and placed the book head down onto the desk. With a rub to my arm, I approached the group with my gaze to the floor "I wanna see how strong you've gotten!" Najimi exclaimed with a fist to the air.

After the first round consisted of me and one of Najimi's childhood friends, the victory had been given to me, and as others had lost against me the victories kept piling up. Compliments were directed at me, though I was confused and surprised as to what was happening at the moment, alas my last opponent was none other than Najimi. Giving a confident grin, he took a seat and placed his elbow onto the desk in the same motion as I did, we both clasped our hands as instructed with determination lacing into Najimi's expression and mine laced in focus. Just as we were both given the signal to continue the match, Najimi's hand struggled for a few moments, and slowly had begun to move closer to the desk's surface. After he began to give a few noises of pure struggle, his signature grin made it's way across their features "y-you look really sexy when your so focused" he stated casually. Snapping my attention to the purple haired individual in shock and embarrassment, not a second later, he slammed the back of my hand onto the desk and jumped out of the chair in Victory "WOOO-" was all that left Najimi. A few comments of shock left the individual's friends, as I hid my face into the abode of my arms in embarrassment.

'how can he say such a thing so casually?!'

Note: (y/n) stayed that way until Najimi's friends had left, said individual praised her and Najimi took it upon himself to reassure the reader everything is okay.



{(Y/n)'s Pov}

'This is very bad!'

'really, really bad!'

I walked up the flight of stairs in a quick pace and kept my eyes peeled for a purple haired individual, noises of the rubbery material being the only thing among the silence, I rubbed my arm in an anxious manner as I stopped in my tracks when I herd a familiar voice, Najimi. Turning to where the said voice was, I quickened my pace and halted once more when his voice was followed after another, flailing my arms in a panicked state as I darted to the corner of a wall. A group apparently had gotten to Najimi before I could, slowly peeking around the corner with a curious gaze, surely enough there stood the said individual. Students surrounding them like moths attracted to a flame, I stayed in my position and retracted myself from the corner, rubbing my arm in the same habit and averting my gaze.

'im very nervous, how did I end up in something like this?!'

After the amount of people that had begun to cease, they had walked by with satisfied grins and cheerful strides, I stood there gazing down at the floor with a small inhale.

'if only I didn't get so nervous over the little things'

I gave a small sigh and turned to the sun's rays that were once present, but jolted back and let out a loud Yelp for what I saw, Najimi's features were a few inches closer to my own. Said individual wrapped their arms around me causing our bodies to clash against each other, his laugh rung throughout the area "careful! You were just about to fall down the stairs!" he exclaimed in between giggles. Glancing up at the brown irises in confusion, he just gave a small smile "h- how did you know I was..." I began, but was cut off by the purple haired individual "I already knew, right before I was talking to one of my childhood friends, I happen to notice a pair of cute eyes~" he finished. Embarrassed at my attempts in avoiding this teasing, I gave a soft yet nervous sigh "um...najimi" I called out with a mutter, in response he placed his hands onto my shoulders once more "yeah?" He replied. Another rub to my arm as he waited for my reply "I...need to ask a favor" I continued with an averted gaze, the hands that were on my shoulders had retracted, and upon making eye contact, he gave a sly grin with hearts in his eyes. He placed his hands onto his chest, before slowly trailing them down their body and to their waist "oh? A favor? Would this body be enough to fulfill all those fantasies?~" flinching once again at his bold comment. I closed my eyes tightly and waved my hands in dismissal "no no!" I responded with the heat creeping up my face, and gave a soft sigh "not that, the-...the favor I was willing to ask is..." I paused for a little, a bit hesitant.

'but what if Najimi decides not to?'

Najimi stood there and urged me on, and in taking that chance "can me hide from the girls in our class? They're trying to fit this dress on me for the Christmas party" I tensed at the answer I'll receive. He looked up in thought while holding their chin "actually, why DON'T you wanna wear the dress?" Najimi asked with a look of confusion, fumbling with my fingers in response, I directed a nervous smile "um... because the dress itself looks a little too breezy? If...that makes sense?" I replied. The purple haired lad stared at me for a good couple of seconds "okay! I'll help!" He exclaimed with his signature smile, relief washed over me at his response and an exhale escaped me.

'what a nice friend'



{(Y/n)'s Pov}

'nevermind, I take it back'
(ó ò)"'

Holding me by the sides of my shoulders, he brought me to the classroom, where the girls of our class resided in, dressed into bright red clothing. Najimi's breath had tickled my ear when he leaned in closely from behind me "if the dress is as breezy as you say, I'd definitely wanna see you in it" his voice was low in tone, he called out to Yamai. Said brunette came with a grin to her features "thank you Najimi!" She exclaimed and dragged me into the gym lockers (where they could get changed). After handing the said dress over to me and slightly shoved me inside the area, she ordered the girls to guard the area I resided in, and under any circumstances was I not allowed to leave unless I wore the dress. For the sake of my freedom, I took off my uniform and stared at the clothes with a sigh, thus I began getting ready.

After I was done putting on the set of clothes given to me by none other than Yamai herself, I folded my uniform and stepped outside of the locker room with my face buried into my uniform, the heat crept up to my face in embarrassment. The girls who guarded the area complimented me with cheerful gestures, the anxiousness got overwhelming and in a hurry, I returned back into the classroom and placed my uniform onto one of the desks "i-.. I'll be right back" I informed Yamai who was setting up the plans. Quickening my pace to leave the classroom as soon as possible, I exhaled out of relief before I looked up in thought.

'im craving a chocolate milk carton'

Sticking to the thought itself, I began walking towards the cafeteria and noticed a lot of eyes were directed at me, to calm my internal screaming I hid the side of my face with my palm and walked faster.

Arriving at the flight of stairs with the milk carton in hand, the anxious emotion was now settling down as I thought about how cold and lovely today would be. Though the thought was short lived, the voices of Najimi and Tadano on the other end of the door made me tense up.

'Najimi's back, already?'

I crouched behind the door and stood there in a mode of contemplation, until the door itself slid open and to my horror, revealed Tadano who gave a look of confusion. Frantically signaling him to be quiet, he nodded in understanding and closed the door behind him. Crouching in the same manner as I was, he pointed an accusatory finger "why are you hiding (y/n)?" He asked in a whisper, feeling a little relaxed at the fact he didn't inform the class of my existence, I began to explain "Im...really nervous about wearing something like this, I don't show this much skin. school" nervously laughing at my own statement, he gave a kind smile. He tilted his head to the side with a soft demeanor "that's alright, you probably feel really nervous right now" I nodded rapidly at his statement, and in response, he gave a slight chuckle. His shoulders shook to the tone of his slight laughter "don't worry, you look really great...if you'd like, I could tell Yamai-san that you left to go help one of the students outside" he offered, In bewilderment of this kind act, I hugged the male and was almost in tears. Said male flinched and slowly hugged me in return "but...I-...I don't want you to get in trouble with Yamai-san though" I glanced up at him in worry, a soft smile laced into his features. Tadano waved his hands in dismissal "no worries, if your not comfortable being inside if your wearing something you feel is revealing, I doubt she'll do much if she's busy putting people into groups" I shook my head.

'i can't depend on others too much'

Finally, a thought came up in my mind and explained my plan to the male, Tadano nodded in understanding and agreed to follow through with the plan. Said Lad got up and slid open the door to reveal the classroom once more, following closely behind him within the room, I stayed silent so his taller stature would conceal me. A pair of footsteps walked over to Tadano, though no words were exchanged.

Note: The plan (y/n) had in mind was poorly thought out.

{Tadano's Pov}

Komi walked over to me and wrote down on her notebook in silence, turning the notebook to reveal the neat handwriting, she peeked beside me. Freezing at the action she had done, she began to write once more and glanced up at me in concern, the words in her notebook explaining the expression.

|Why is (y/n) hiding behind you?|

I directed a nervous smile towards her and rubbed the back of my neck "she said she didn't want to be seen in the dress (y/n) was forced to wear" I replied, the response now quenching her curiosity, she jotted down onto another place in her notebook.

|I think she looks really pretty|

Perking up at the nice compliment that was given to (y/n), I turned to the (h/c) haired lass "see? Komi thinks you look really nice" I reassured her with a smile, she in response buried her face into her hands. Glancing back at komi with a cheerful expression, I gave komi a thumbs up "I think she liked the compliment, she's just really shy is all" I explained to the brunette.

{(Y/n)'s Pov}

Hiding my face into my palms in embarrassment at komi's compliment, I was abruptly yanked out of Tadano's form with the person's hands on my shoulders. Turning to the person responsible, in shock, I found it to be Yamai who brought me out in the open "looks like we now have everyone! (Y/n)'s back!" She exclaimed in which gained everyone's attention. Flinching at the amount of eyes, I quickly gazed at the ground with the shakiness of my palms to keep me company, in my absence, Yamai had placed me In a group (with most of the desks moved) to decorate the Christmas tree. Attempting to get the job done quickly, I swiftly made my way over to the box of decorations in it and approached the tree, I bent down and placed the box gently onto the floor. Crouching down to the box's level, I picked up an ornament and thought of a place to set it onto the tree. In repetition of that, my back made contact with someone from behind me, flinching from the contact alone, I turned to the source and found Najimi with a smile. His brown irises bore into my own with euphoria "don't worry, it's just me, I wanted to put this ornament above you" he explained with a soft tone. I gave a small nod to the individual and bent down to pick up three more ornaments, straightening up I placed one of the ornaments onto the tree "I felt like I just witnessed something sacred" Najimi whispered in a quivery tone. Turning to the purple haired lad, I quirked a brow in confusion at the way he covered his mouth with red tinted cheeks "what?..." I replied, they frantically waved their hands in dismissal "nothing, nothing!" He exclaimed. I turned to grab the ornament I had in my spare hand and gave a hum, not long after, an arm outstretched itself beside me and in came the warmth of Najimi's body, somewhat slowly pressing into my own "just need to put it up here, by the look really nice" he replied with a low yet sensual tone. Attempting to ignore the way his breath was close to my ear, I fumbled with the ornament as the heat creeping up my face made it extremely difficult to focus, (literally everyone was distracted so noone payed attention to the two except one) after Najimi's ornament was placed onto the tree. His form abruptly moved away from my own "ack-" was all that left the purple haired individual, turning to the sound, I found Tadano holding Najimi by the two strands of their hair that stuck out "what do you think your doing?" He asked. Said individual glanced up at him with a straight face "I'm not doing anything-" he claimed, but was cut off by the Raven haired male "don't give me that, come on" he dragged/pulled Najimi to a different area.

Note: (y/n) realized she lost her carton of chocolate milk and is now sad about it.


{(Y/n)'s Pov}

Walking over to the table, I grabbed one of the coffee cups and placed it under the machine with a press of a button, warmth began to fill into the cup itself as I placed the lid over it. Sipping the contents, the flavor of chocolate had begun to relax me with it's sweet scent, glancing at the euphoric students passing out pastries made me feel happy about their excitement. Taking the time to enjoy this moment, I made my way outside of the school and into the cold weather, the soft chatter of students alike made the silence a little lively. Upon glancing at an empty bench, I took a seat on it and placed my hand to the side of the cup in thought, the form of my breath carried away by the chilly breeze.


{3rd Pov}

Two males had crouched into a corner behind the Christmas tree, low whispers were exchanged between them, one in curiosity, and the other in denial.

The Raven haired male covered the side of his mouth in hopes of being quiet "Najimi, I have but one question" he paused for a moment as the said individual waited "are you...interested in (y/n)?" the purple haired lad gave a casual wave. His expression morphing into one of boredom "your not being specific Tadano, in what way exactly?" He gestured with his hand, The Raven haired male gave a frustrated sigh with his head tilted back before gazing into those brown orbs "I mean, do you really like (y/n)? As in partner wise" he finished. The purple haired individual crossed their arms and gave a slight nervous chuckle "um- no...why- why would you believe that, I mean- I do it as a joke" the lad averted his friend's gaze with red tinted cheeks. Tadano gave the fellow companion a straight faced expression "your clearly lying" silence fell between the duo for a moment, before Najimi had placed a finger to his chin in thought "though I've got to admit, doing things with her does sound interesting-" said individual was cut off. Tadano waved his hand and shook his head simultaneously "whatever- off topic! I can tell you have some sort of liking to her, but try not to pull any inappropriate stunts okay?" he finished. In response, Najimi stood up abruptly and waved his arms cheerfully "yup! Anyways Im gonna go catch up to her-bye!" The purple haired lad scurried off in a hurry, meanwhile Tadano sighed with slumped shoulders to this action "I have a feeling he didn't listen to me" he muttered dissapointedly.

{(Y/n)'s Pov}

I sat to the comfortable silence of the chilly bench and took another sip of the hot chocolate, staring off into the sky with numerous thoughts clouding my line of focus, I flinched at the warm breeze grazing my ear and jumped out of the seat. A burst of laughter from behind me made itself known as I looked at the person responsible, brown irises bore into me as I covered my ear "man (y/n)! Your really easy to scare!" He exclaimed while holding his stomach. Embarrassed at the events that occured earlier, I sat back down with the purple haired individual "i-i can't help just have a way of scaring me is all" I stated. He gave a soft sigh followed after a small giggle "like this?~" I turned to Najimi and felt a soft slap against my skin "a!-" I yelped as I realized he pulled onto the thigh high and released it. Rubbing onto the spot the fabric slapped, I placed my cup down onto the bench "exactly like that!!" I exclaimed in a nervous manner, the heat creeping up my cheeks had caused the purple haired individual to giggle once more. A hand abruptly grabbed my own and i was pulled up from the bench "come on! seeing how your in a revealing dress, you'll catch a cold" he interwined his fingers with mine and lead me into the classroom. Unable to refuse this action, I gazed at the ground as with every step I took, my heart was mimicking the same rythm if not stronger. Upon arriving into the classroom, I noticed the warmth of Najimi's hand hasn't yet left my own and caused me to glance at our interwined hands. Gazing back up at the purple haired individual in question, his chocolate orbs made contact with mine and in response directed a genuine smile, time had seemed to slow down as my stomach began to feel weird.

'Could this be what Yuka was talking about?'

'that saying about the way butterflies can rekindle themselves when someone in your life makes you feel as if life cannot lose color'

'im not so sure'

'but it feels nice...'

'and I wanna keep feeling this'

For the entirety of the class party, I was beginning to wonder if Najimi will ever let go of me, I came to the conclusion  that he'll never let me go.

And Im content with that.


{3rd Pov}

A (h/c) haired lass had taken a hold of her uniform and hurriedly made her way to the locker rooms, after she finished changing, said girl came back inside the class and placed the dress into one of the boxes it resided in. Waving at the classmates inside of the room, she hurriedly made her way out of the classroom and into the bustling streets, swiftly making her way towards a certain neighborhood. Upon arriving at the humble abode of her home, (y/n) had entered inside the residence and was hit with scent of baked cookies. Yuka's features popped out from the corner of the wall with a gentle and sweet smile "welcome home!" she greeted with a soft exclaim, the (h/c) haired gal quickly greeted her back and ran up the flight of stairs. Said girl entered her room and changed into comfortable clothes, after finishing the little task, (y/n) darted down the stairs like Sonic the hedgehog hearing something about (something like that) chilliehotdogs. Yuka gave a soft chuckle at the girl's actions while the brunette began putting on mittens, a soft glint in her eyes with the shaking of her shoulders from laughter. The (h/c) haired girl nervously glanced at the lass in confusion "you know I can't help it when you bake something sweet... especially in a holiday like this one" (y/n) explained but was met with a soft pat from the fabric between the brunette's hand and the mitten. Yuka's kind smile making the (h/c) haired girl follow suite "have you ever had a crush on someone (y/n)?" The brunette asked, retracting her hand while making her way towards the oven. (Y/n) glanced at the eldest in confusion "um, I don't think so?" the gal tried to answer, Yuka had pulled out the trey from within the oven and sets it onto the counter. The brunette gave the girl a look of doubt, in which made (y/n) stare back and faltered nervously "well...I mean- there is this one person who compliments me in a way..." She muttered. Yuka gave a soft sigh as the response itself quenched her curiosity "is it a girl or a boy?" She asked while removing the mittens from her soft hands, the (h/c) haired lass rubbed her arm in a nervous manner "a bit of both??..." (Y/n) tried to answer. The brunette nodded in understanding with an "oh" to follow after, said gal leaned onto the counter with her hip and placed a gentle arm around the (h/c) haired girl's shoulders, In a way that made (y/n) feel safe. A soft sigh had escaped the brunette "I can tell they have some sort of effect on you, love can come in many forms than one and when you finally get the taste of it, you feel like a new person. Remember the butterfly effect I told you about?" Yuka turned to the (h/c) haired girl. In response, said lass nodded nervously "yeah...though I think I might have experienced it with one of my classmates" the brunette gave a gentle rub to the girl's shoulder "that's okay, soon you'll see things in a perspective you never thought you'd experience" Yuka retracted herself from the girl. Turning to the tray of cookies, she opened the cabinet and took out a small shaker with emerald colored sugar as it's contents "it can be both a problem and a solution, an antidote and a poison. you can say love is of the same coin but transformed in a sense." She finished. Which left (y/n) in a train of thoughts, when the thoughts themselves could go any further, a cookie abruptly placed itself into her mouth in a shape of a tree "you can invite your friends to visit in a bit, I'll go and visit someone today, I've already made the chocolate coated strawberries and cookies" Yuka offered. The (h/c) haired lass stared at her sister in confusion, but accepted the offer nonetheless "okay, I hope you have a great time" the girl replied, though the brunette began putting on her coat and directed a soft smile at the sibling.

{(Y/n)'s Pov}

After Yuka had left, I quickly glanced down at my phone with the cookie in hand and tapped onto the chat with Najimi's face in it.


         The shy shy❤️ (y/n): Hi (• ▽ •)

Purple Naji 💜: Hiii!                                            

            The shy shy❤️: I was wondering if u        wanted to stop by ^ ^

Purple Naji💜:What would be my      reward?? 👀👀👀👀                                      

                                   The shy shy❤️: um

        The shy shy❤️: cookies and strawberry     coated with chocolate?? (• ▽ •;)

Purple Naji💜: On my way.                              

I stared at the words on my screen and gave a quiet chuckle, amused at the one little sentence he gave at the mention of sweets and sent him the location of the house.


{(Y/n)'s Pov}

Jolting at the sound of a door knocking, I scurried off to the door and grasped the doorknob, an inhale from me and opened the door to the individual who swiftly hugged me. I gently maneuvered us away from the door so that I had the chance to close it behind me, giving a soft sigh to the action, Najimi retracted himself from me and gave a cheerful grin "so where are the cookies and strawberries?" He asked. Leading the individual to the table that consisted of what they craved for, Najimi bolted to the tray and ate a cookie "slow down, you'll choke" I gave a small smile and patted his back gently.


After we tasted the chocolate covered strawberries, we had set to relaxing on the couch with some hot cocoa in hand, the tree shaped cookies were resting on a plate onto the little table nearby. We began talking about what we planned to do for the weekend, Najimi stopped talking and leaned in closely "hold on, you have a chocolate stain on the corner of your lip" he stated. I gently touched my lips and tried to find the spot, until he removed my hand and gave a small smirk "actually, let me help you" he leaned in closer as I felt something warm and wet caress my skin. Flinching after realizing what he had done, I quickly covered my mouth with my spare hand as the heat on my face grew stronger "h-...what? why did you?..." I tried to form the words. Stuck in the state of shock, he gave a small giggle and pulled me closer to him "well-" something shiny had whizzed past najimi's face. We both turned to the source and found a half of a scissor blade (no kill la kill reference, it's like the normal kind) and turned to where it came from. There stood Yuka with a kind smile and two of her fingers extended outward "try it." She challenged, I quickly got up and walked over to Yuka and waved my hands in dismissal "Yuka!- I didn't know you'd be back so early" I tried to calm her down. I placed my hands onto her shoulders "he didn't do anything wrong, you see- he was just trying to help me get a chocolate stain off and since there were no napkins!-" I tried explaining for Najimi's sake. The brunette glanced back down at me with a soft smile "oh don't worry, I forgot something so I'll still be gone for a bit" she turned and walked into the kitchen, I turned back to the purple haired individual to find him trembling in fear. I quickly made my way to the scared Najimi and patted his head "she's just protective is all" I tried to comfort them "protective?!-" said individual was interrupted by Yuka's voice and hid behind me. She bid me goodbye and glanced at Najimi "oh, and Najimi dear" she called out with a hand to her cheek, said individual Peeked around my shoulder "y-yea?" He timidly replied. In response, Yuka made a scissor motion with her fingers "should anything happen to my sister... I'll cut it off" she stated which made Najimi flinch and let out a noise of pure terror, the brunette had finally left. Turning to the purple haired individual in confusion, but took the time to envelope him into a hug and petted his head in a comforting manner.

'she probably said something scary to him'

After a couple of minutes passed by, najimi looked up at me "(y/n)" he called out softly, gazing down into the chocolate coated orbs with a smile, I patted his head once more "yes? What is it?" I asked in curiosity. The purple haired individual gave a soft sigh before he sat up straight and pulled me close once again, confused at the action alone a pair of lips clashed against mine. Realizing what was occurring, my face began to heat up strongly, with the hammering of my heart to match the thoughts racing through my mind. Slowly giving in to the act of affection, I closed my eyes to the gentle touch he had when holding me closely to his chest, and that day...we held our hearts in our sleeves on Christmas Eve.



I'm so sorry this came in late! I had a lot of ideas and wanted to squeeze it all into this one page! But as you can see it took a lot of revision and ideas qwq

But anyways

Merry Christmas New Years!!!

And for those who don't celebrate holidays, have a good time! ^^

Edited today: I did this at 3:30 in the morning and as you can tell, I was struggling on what gender they are and tried my very best XXDW

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