💟Beautiful pain💟

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{Tw: 💫💫💫}

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Self doubt:💌
Body implications on oneself:🌺

{Third Pov}

Throughout the bustling of students nearby that were entering the campus, two of which were very much adored by many who speak to them arrived. A very well known couple who have conquered to fill everyone's hearts up with such warmth, the way they interacted had inspired most if not all to seek something similar. A (h/c)-nette in the crowd had strode into the humble abode of the school itself, her calm and kind atmosphere giving off such radiance to anyone who came close. Upon arriving, the female walked to her locker and began putting on her school shoes when a voice suddenly called out to her enthusiastically "(y/n)-san!" The said lass was abruptly enveloped into a hug. One that almost caused her to stumble over "ah- najimi, don't jump at me so suddenly" the girl had warned with a soft pat to the purple headed partner. Giving a small sigh to the way najimi had nuzzled against her cheek, she placed her school shoes into the locker, before closing it with a light slam. Though said individual hadn't budged "sorry, sorry~" they apologized with a playful tone "I just missed you is all" a cheeky smile was sent towards (y/n) as they laughed. The (h/c)-nette shook her head, sighing with a small smile laced into her features "me too, we should get going before class starts" hand in hand, the couple had now walked to their designated location. As they both entered the area, they were suddenly caught by a sea of eyes that watched their every movement. Though najimi had broken the tension by greeting everyone as they usually do, to which the said individual had succeded.

{(Y/n)'s Pov}

Walking over to my assigned desk, I gently sat down so I wouldn't disturb anyone with such, but my sights landed onto najimi who casually talked with his childhood friends in all sorts of conversations.

'you see, I'm a bit timid about disturbing people a lot, so I'm usually careful with things around me ever so often'

'though when being so cautious with everything around me, it sometimes has it's worst in perks, even with someone who yells or pops out of nowhere frightens me so greatly'

Giving a quiet sigh, I placed my book bag gently onto the surface of the desk and sat there in complete silence, though this silence in particular felt very calming strangely. Tilting my head up with rested eyes, the sudden silence became so...suffocating.

'what happened to the people who were talking?'

Glancing at the students nearby, I looked confused at their expressions. They all look so enamoured or better yet invested in something that made them this silent, upon turning my gaze to najimi, they too were staring in silence. Even more confusion piled up inside my mind as I followed everyone's gazes, and just as I noticed, the confusion had died just as quick. There in my line of sight was the famous and most loved student in the entire school, Shoko Komi. I had no grudge or invested affections for the girl, she seemed nice yet timid all the same. Suddenly I found myself staring at the fabric of my book bag, the feeling of something a bit painful yet tingly spread throughout my chest for some odd reason, though giving this a shrug I kept silent as to prevent this moment from being ruined for everyone.

'yet why is this feeling clouding my emotions the more najimi stares?'



Najimi x FEM reader (oneshots)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang