By roastdAmia

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By roastdAmia

Chapter 351: Fu Zhi Found The Necklace

Fu Zhi figured that the necklace must mean a lot to Lu Yu'an.

In reality, after Chu Hao brought the two medical apprentices away, he did not leave anyone in the courtyard to help Lu Yu'an look for the necklace, leaving him hanging on the side instead.

"I couldn't find the necklace in the room. Did I lose it in the courtyard, or was it taken away by someone..."

He was torn between two voices in his mind, for he did not know if a normal person would behave like this or not. Then, Fu Zhi put a gummy in the center of his palm.

The white, squarish gummy sparkled brightly under the sun, causing Lu Yu'an's heart to skip a beat.

"It's okay."

She patted his head. "I will help you find it."

"It's... It's fine..."

Before Lu Yu'an could stop her, Fu Zhi had already gone out of his room.

He thought for a while and then decided to let her be.

After all, she was just bluffing.

There was no way she would help him find his necklace.

Since he was young, other than Lu Chuwan, who would come and talk to him from time to time, nobody cared about what a murderer actually wanted.

While sitting in the wheelchair, Lu Yu'an looked at Fu Zhi through the window. After a short while, he threw the gummy into the trash can.

He did not believe Fu Zhi at all. He was certain that she would not be good to him for long. As long as someone gave her a cup of milk tea, she would abandon him.

However, it did not matter to him. After all, he only needed one cousin, and that was Lu Chuwan.

Time flew by rapidly, and it was already 10:00 p.m.

Lu Yu'an went to bed to sleep.

At night, a continuous drizzle graced the capital, and it was destined to be a sleepless night for Lu Yu'an.

The night grew deeper, and instead of stopping, the drizzle evolved into a heavy downpour. Lightning would flash across the dark sky, and thunder could be heard from time to time. The courtyard was filled with the fresh scent of herbs.

Suddenly, Lu Yu'an cracked his eyes open when he heard someone talking outside his room.

He noticed that the window was not closed properly. Raindrops trickled inward along the edges of the window, wetting the desk and textbooks.

He frowned and got up to close the window.

After the medicine apprentice that took care of Lu Yu'an finished setting up a temporary tent over the flowers and herbs in the courtyard, he took a look at Fu Zhi and yawned. "Ms. Fu, you have been looking for the necklace for an entire night. Are you not going to sleep yet?" The medicine apprentice then said, "Master Chu Hao sent some people to look for that necklace just now, but they couldn't find it. I'm sure it isn't in the courtyard."

Lu Yu'an froze.

Looking past the dense curtain of rain, he saw Fu Zhi. She was holding a phone in her hand, and there was a coat draped over her body to shield her from the relentless rain. She was rummaging through the grass, and it seemed like she was looking for something.

Lu Yu'an's fingers, which he had put on his knee, twitched as he nearly could not hold the urge to say something.

Fu Zhi waved her hand at the medical apprentice and said, "A little more."

Other than wearing a coat, she was also holding an umbrella. When she squatted on the ground, she looked just like a green ball.

Then, by the time she finally got to her feet and lifted her head, she was stunned. Lu Yu'an was looking at her.

She opened her mouth and said something.

Her voice was low, unlike the voice of the medical apprentice, who shouted at the top of his lungs.

Lu Yu'an felt as if something was scratching his heart.

Fu Zhi had kept her promise. She had really helped him look for the necklace.

Then, as if he was possessed by a demon, he pushed the door open and looked as Fu Zhi walked up to him.

She was just 17 years old, and she was by no means more mature than a 13-year-old teenager. After looking for the necklace in the courtyard for a few hours, her white shoes were covered in mud, and her coat was wet.

There were water droplets hanging from her eyelashes.

"Here. I cleaned it for you."

She opened her hand, bringing the blue-colored necklace in her palm into the light.

There was a crystal in the center of the necklace that glittered under the light.

Everyone thought that the necklace was very important to him, but in reality, he was the one who had deliberately thrown it away. Even he had forgotten where he had thrown the necklace, so he had not expected Fu Zhi to get it back for him.

He pressed his lips firmly.

The reason Lu Chuwan was nice to him was that they spoke a common language, as both of them could play the piano. However, Fu Zhi was different. She did not covet the power that came with his status, and she did not care about what kind of person he was either.

A surge of annoyance surfaced in his heart when he thought of the gummy that he had thrown into the trash can earlier.

"Thank you, cousin."

"You're welcome."

There was no emotion in Fu Zhi's voice. Before she went away, she pointed at the necklace in his hand and said in a serious voice, "Don't ever do it again."

Lu Yu'an raised his head to look at her.

"If you don't like the medical apprentices, you can always let Chu Hao know and ask him to have someone else take care of you."

"I did not do that," he said.

Fu Zhi frowned. "I know you're the one who threw the necklace away."

He was stunned. He did not say anything else, and there was a hint of nervousness in his gloomy eyes.

Fu Zhi could sense that he was angry.

Lu Yu'an did not care about the necklace. Even after losing it, he'd continued to eat and sleep as if nothing had happened at all.

When Fu Zhi had found the necklace, there had been no damage to it. Lu Yu'an had not gone into the grass to look for the necklace himself, but after he'd told Chu Hao that his necklace had gotten lost, Chu Hao had punished the two medicine apprentices who had said bad things about him behind his back during the day.

Fu Zhi felt that she had been wrong about Lu Yu'an. He was not fragile, and he definitely did not need someone to look after him.

Lu Yu'an had just wanted to punish the two medicine apprentices.

He had never expected that Fu Zhi would really help him find the necklace.


After Fu Zhi went back to her room, she took a shower and went to bed.

As for Lu Yu'an, he kept his head low and sat in his wheelchair for a long while, looking as if he was waiting for someone to comfort him.

Just as the medicine apprentice thought he was going to sit like that for the rest of the night, he saw Lu Yu'an slam the door shut.

'It doesn't matter,' Lu Yu'an thought.

'I don't like her after all. She doesn't know anything.'

She did not know anything about music or medicine. They did not have anything in common, and they were two different people from two different worlds.

He did not care what she thought of him.

After all, he had more than one cousin.

Lu Yu'an took the piano scores that Bai Yao had given him the last time they'd met. There were five of them, and he liked them all. However, they were incomplete, and Bai Yao wanted him to complete them.

Lu Yu'an's train of thought was exceptionally clear tonight.

The next day, when he found out that Fu Zhi had already left with Lu Yumo without letting him know, he was dumbfounded.

Chu Hao did not notice the change in his expression. He went up to him and handed him an analysis sheet about his condition.

"Initially, our opinion was the same as that of the experts overseas—amputation and replacement with prosthetic legs. However, Z God has taken over your case. They have contacted your mother and said they're 70% sure they could make you walk again. They will inform us again about the time and place of the surgery."

There was no expression on Lu Yu'an's face. He had already gotten used to the wheelchair, and he no longer had any illusions that he would get better.

"Z God is very experienced. They have treated several patients like you, and all of them were able to walk again in the end. Here are their profiles for your reference."

Chapter 352: Lu Yushen Spoke
Chu Hao told Lu Yu'an a lot about Z God's achievements, from a small achievement, such as making a rich man with a severe degree of disability walk again, to a big achievement like stopping a major pandemic outbreak in Country F.

This was something the bunch of top specialists Lu Yu'an had come into contact with over the years could not achieve.

After hearing everything about Z God from Chu Hao, Lu Yu'an was intrigued. "When can I meet them?"

"I'm afraid you won't be able to see them in person." Chu Hao sighed. "Every patient that they've treated never knew what they looked like. This is their rule."


After Chu Hao convinced Lu Yu'an, he exited the room. When he passed by Fu Zhi's room, he stopped in his tracks.

He remembered that Fu Zhi was going to make the Minor Exchange Pill. As for whether she had succeeded or not, he did not know, as he had been busy working on Lu Yu'an's stuff.

When the medical apprentice that was cleaning up Fu Zhi's room saw Chu Hao, he let out an "ah" and ran toward him. "Master Chu Hao, I found this when I was cleaning up the room!"

The medical apprentice held up the medicine bottle in his hand and said, "Ms. Fu left you a bottle of pills and a letter!"

'Pills? What kind of pills?'

Chu Hao furrowed his eyebrows into a curious frown. He took the medicine bottle from the medical apprentice and opened it up.

A surge of pleasant smell wafted up to his face, and Chu Hao felt refreshed. He stared at the bottle for a few seconds straight and then poured a pill out.

It was a golden-colored pill with some distinct patterns on it. It was exactly the Minor Exchange Pill that was recorded in the ancient prescription!

"Holy moly!" Chu Hao's eyes were wide from shock. He seemed to have discovered something big.


Fu Zhi was just a high school student.

"No, no, no, no, no... This can't be. I must be dreaming..."

The medical apprentice took a dozen steps back upon seeing Chu Hao talk to himself like a lunatic.

Suddenly, Chu Hao smacked his head.

"This is it! This must be it!"

Chu Hao, who never watched the news, reached a conclusion. "Fu Zhi is Z God's daughter!"

It was only now that he realized why Z God would accept Lu Yu'an's case.

Chu Hao did not plan to let Lu Yu'an know about this, but his disciple was different. He went to his room and knocked on his door. "Let's go to the Lu Family once you've healed up. I will help you set up a marriage with Fu Zhi. She's cured you, so you have to marry her to pay her back!!!"

Also, he wanted the pills she had in her hands. The Chu Family had been running out of money recently, so he muttered, "We finally have something to sell at the medical auction!"


It was the onset of autumn. The leaves of the ginkgo trees that flanked the road had become yellow, and the entire Yu City was shrouded in a somewhat depressed and cold environment.

Fu Zhi took a leave from school and took Lu Yushen to the doctor that Li Nanli had introduced them to.

The doctor's name was Dr. Wu. She was an older woman with a motherly look.

Fu Zhi was sitting on the chair, swinging her legs as she listened to a few psychological questions such as "What's the color of the sky today?" that she asked Lu Yushen.

The decoration in the room was neat and tidy. After Dr. Wu gave Lu Yushen some suggestions, she nodded and said, "Ms. Fu, can you please come with me? I have something to discuss with you."

As a doctor, she was not supposed to discuss a patient's condition in front of the patient.

Lu Yushen was sitting on the chair. He clutched tightly the hem of Fu Zhi's shirt, and after some contemplation, he let go in the end.

Fu Zhi followed Dr. Wu into the room. After they took a seat, Dr. Wu said, "Here's the deal, Ms. Fu. Initially, your brother's condition could not get well soon, but because of your Minor Exchange Pill—which I heard has a miraculous effect even on patients with mental conditions—as well as the fact that you've been staying with him the whole time, his condition has improved drastically. However, if you want him to talk, he still needs a push."

"A push? For example?"

"For example, you can do something to make him feel happy, sad, or nervous to stimulate him. However, you have to watch it and not overdo it, or it might cause your brother to feel discomfort and aggravate his condition," Dr. Wu said. "I will discuss this with President Li again, and I will let you know when we have a better plan on how to execute this idea."

"Okay." Fu Zhi nodded.

Just as she was about to leave, Dr. Wu suddenly thought of something and asked, "Oh yeah, Ms. Fu, may I know where you got the Minor Exchange Pill? I don't mean any harm. It's just that one of my distant relatives has the same mental issue, and I..."

"I bought it from the Chu Family," Fu Zhi said simply. "I'll be leaving now."

Fu Zhi took Lu Yushen home.

Xu Wei had been looking rather tired recently. She had always lived in constant fear that someone was coming to take her daughter away from her. Therefore, she was in a highly-strung condition, ready to run away with Fu Zhi should anything happen.

She heaved a sigh of relief when she saw Fu Zhi finally come back. She floated to the kitchen to prepare something for them to eat.

Rain began to fall again, and the ducks in the garden were quacking happily.

Fu Zhi went outside to put away the clothes.

She had to admit that she was a little bit short. Mama Zhang was able to get the clothes by standing on the chair, but she had to add another stool on top of the chair before she could reach the clothes.

Most of the clothes were Fu Zhi and Xu Wei's dresses. After she yanked the dresses down, she collected them into her arms. Then, just as she was about to jump, she accidentally stepped on a dress.

Everything happened so fast that Fu Zhi could not react in time.


While she began to fall forward, she tried to grab the rope, but at the same time, she wanted to hold the dresses in her arms. In the end, she sadly realized that she had not gotten anything.

She fell to the ground with a loud thud.

A sharp pain shot from her tailbone and her arms. When Lu Yushen, who came out with an umbrella, saw the scene, he shouted anxiously, "Zhizhi!"

Fu Zhi blinked her eyes. Her first reaction was to think that her brother had finally spoken, and her second reaction was to wonder whether she would get even shorter after this.

Devastated, she tried to pull her legs.

'I must not get any shorter!'

Lu Yushen had thrown the umbrella away and dashed toward her.

There were a few dresses draped over Fu Zhi's body. She looked at her brother, who was in a panic, and the things Dr. Wu had said earlier surfaced in her mind.

A push would make Lu Yushen talk.

Unlike the delight she had felt when she'd fed him a cake last time, the sadness she felt was a little unexpected this time. Fu Zhi's arm was bruised, and her body was still screaming in pain.

However, those things did not matter. Her eyes were glowing brightly as she stared at Lu Yushen. "Did you just call me Zhizhi?"

Lu Yushen saw that she was happy and felt slightly embarrassed.

Grinning like a Cheshire Cat, Fu Zhi said, "Can you call me that again?"


After a short while, Lu Yushen met Fu Zhi's beautiful eyes and tightened his hand. He did not want the glow in her eyes to disappear. Thus, he opened his lips and tried his very best to force a few raspy syllables out of his mouth. "Don't worry. I will carry you..."

Carefully, he scooped Fu Zhi up from the ground. His eyes were red around the rims. He grazed the tip of her eyes with his lips and kept repeating himself.

"Don't worry, don't worry..."

Fu Zhi was not worried at all.

She said that she could still jump three meters high after she applied some ointment on her wounds. However, Lu Yushen thought differently.

He thought Fu Zhi was going to die soon.

Chapter 353: Lu Yushen: My Sister Did This For Me!
When Xu Wei heard the commotion coming from the living room, she dashed out of the kitchen and saw Lu Yushen carrying Fu Zhi to the couch. There was some dirt on Fu Zhi's shirt.

Xu Wei was stunned. "What happened to you, Zhizhi? Did you fall again? Does it hurt?"

Fu Zhi swung her legs. She thought about the ointment that she had given Lu Yumo the other day and said, "I'm fine. Oh yeah, my brother just spoke."

Xu Wei turned her head to look at Lu Yushen, her voice thick with disbelief. "I heard someone muttering just now. Was it Yushen?"

Lu Yushen nodded, his eyes filled with sadness and trepidation as he held Fu Zhi tightly in his embrace.

Fu Zhi coiled her finger around his pinky finger and said, "Say another word, will you?"

"We need to take my sister to the hospital," Lu Yushen said as he tightened his arm.

Xu Wei's eyes turned red. "Sure, sure, sure! Let's go to the hospital!"

She was both happy and worried at the same time.

Lu Yumo, who had returned home from school, fell silent when he heard his brother speak. He thought for a moment and then patted his brother's shoulder in relief.

Lu Yushen looked at his elder brother and said, "Our sister is in pain. She said you have the medicine in your room."

On a rather embarrassing and serious note, Fu Zhi had given Lu Yumo quite a quantity of medicine for him to sell it and pay off his debt. Little had she expected that Lu Yumo would be a brilliant seller and sell out all of Fu Zhi's medicine through various channels.

Of course, it went without saying that Chu Hao and Sun Sanzhen had played a major role in the success of Lu Yumo's business.

The ointment was the best-selling item out of all the medicine displayed in the shop 'Definitely Not A Dishonest Shop". Most of the people that bought from them were rich, and Lu Yumo had sold out the ointment that Fu Zhi needed right now. Thus, he did not have any ointment for Fu Zhi anymore.

As if he had gotten used to this, Lu Yumo dropped to his knees beside the couch with a plop. Then, he clutched Fu Zhi's hand tightly and said, "Zhizhi, let's go to the hospital, okay? Let's go put a cast on your leg. You can bear through it, right?"

Fu Zhi did not know what to say. She did not know whether to feel happy about Lu Yumo's business skills or complain about the pain that was ripping through her swollen limb.

The family doctor of the Lu Family had gone abroad. In the end, Lu Yushen carried Fu Zhi on his back. The driver started the car, and they all went to the hospital nearby.

Dr. Wu, who was working at the hospital Fu Zhi went to, had just gotten off work.

When she bumped into Fu Zhi, she exclaimed, "What happened?"

'Wasn't she fine when she left? How come she nearly became a cripple in a matter of hours?'

Lu Yushen was carrying Fu Zhi on his back, so Lu Yumo had to do the talking. After he filled Dr. Wu in on everything that had happened at their house, she smacked her thigh and said, "Oh! I told your sister before that proper stimulation could prompt Lu Yushen to speak!"

Lu Yumo nearly passed out from rage after he heard what Dr. Wu had said. He turned his head around, staring at Fu Zhi angrily as he snarled, "How dare you do something so dangerous? Why can't you use your brain to think before doing something like that, huh? Have you ever considered how I'd keep on living without you by my side if something happened to you?"

'I'm sure you'd be able to stay alive without a problem even if I was not by your side. After all, you sold all the ointments that I needed.'

Although Fu Zhi thought of this, that was not the main point. She said, "I fell down because I stepped on my dress!"

However, no one believed her.

Tears began to stream down Xu Wei's cheeks as she sobbed. "It's your mom's fault. I should've kept my eyes on you the whole time. If I hadn't looked away, none of this would've happened and you wouldn't have done something so dangerous. Promise me that you won't do it again in the future, okay?"

Lu Yushen had taken the pills that Fu Zhi had made. Thus, his voice was less raspy than the last time he had spoken. His eyes were red around the rims, and he said, "Sister, hurt... I know you want me to get better, but you... you must not hurt yourself."

Lu Yumo shrugged. "See?"

Fu Zhi was speechless.

'See what? Your stupid face?'

The silver lining was that the chair had not been very high from the ground. Just as Fu Zhi had expected, it was just a minor injury, and all she needed were just some ointments to put on her wound.

Dr. Wu ran to the corner of the hospital to call Li Nanli in order to get a promotion and a raise. "Oh my goodness, President Li! Ms. Fu sacrificed herself for the sake of her brother..."

She told Li Nanli that Fu Zhi had willingly and bravely sacrificed herself by jumping off a 10-meter-tall building to make her second brother talk.

Li Nanli's face darkened after he heard what Dr. Wu had said. When he hung up the call, he called Director Ye. "My girlfriend has suffered some injuries because of her brother. Find a specialist to take a look at her, and by the way, order a head CT for her."

After the department director finished bandaging Fu Zhi's wound up, and before she could get home to sleep, she was escorted to a large emergency room by a group of brain specialists, orthopedic specialists, physicians, and surgeons—just to name a few—like a paralyzed patient.

Who was Fu Zhi to Ye Zhiwen?

She was his aunt!

Ye Zhiwen was worried sick about her, so he added, "Let's perform a blood test."

Fu Zhi did not know what to say. She could only watch as Ye Zhiwen removed the bandage with extra care. As he applied a new layer of medicine on her wound, he sobbed. "Don't worry, auntie. I will try to be gentle!"

The group of directors and specialists was sharp-witted. Some of them had gotten to know Fu Zhi when she had come to treat some patients the other day. When they saw the scene, all of them chimed in.

"How... How wonderful! I've been a doctor for ten years, and I have never seen such a strong-willed patient before!"

"Ms. Fu is a triton among minnows. I'm sure she will pull off great achievements in the future!"

"I've always taught my children to work harder so that they can fight alongside Ms. Fu for the glory of our country. Now, I really have to say that Ms. Fu is truly the greatest person I've ever met in my entire life!"

Fu Zhi was speechless.

She looked at the bunch of elite doctors as if she was looking at a group of idiots.

'Are you all nuts? I think you guys need a head scan more than me!'

Fu Zhi lay exhausted on the bed like a salted fish.

Ye Zhiwen was worried sick about her. He turned to Xu Wei and said, "I'm not sure if there are any complications in my auntie's case, so you have to keep a watchful eye on her. Don't touch the wound with water and don't let her eat anything spicy..."

Xu Wei took out a booklet and began jotting everything down. "Okay!"

It was a good thing that Lu Yushen could talk again, but Lu Zhiwen made it look like the fall had left Fu Zhi a quadriplegic.

He even suggested that Fu Zhi stay in the hospital for a month for observation and treatment.

Upon hearing what he said, Fu Zhi jerked up from the bed and gave him a slap. "Pull yourself together, Zhiwen. I'm not sick!!!"

Ye Zhiwen, who was in his mid-forties, was taken aback.

On their way back, Ye Zhiwen gave Fu Zhi a wheelchair, just as Li Nanli had told him to.

Fu Zhi would rather die than sit in a wheelchair. Lu Yushen was not happy either when he saw the wheelchair.

He had recovered. He did not need injections anymore, so he could carry his sister in his arms.

Fu Zhi replied, "It's okay. I'm fine. I can walk on my own."

But Lu Yushen paid her no mind. He grabbed her by the midriff and lifted her up from the floor. "Let me carry you."

Fu Zhi was speechless.

In the end, after Xu Wei bought some Melatonin and Vitamin C from the hospital, all of them went home.

Ye Zhiwen then sent a message to Li Nanli. Truth be told, the Li Family owned some of the hospital's shares. He was only curious about one thing.

[If you don't mind me asking, why is my auntie your girlfriend?]

Li Nanli replied, [Because she likes my body.]

Ye Zhiwen was stunned.


After Fu Zhi got in the car, Lu Yumo wrapped a children's bib around her neck. Then, he pulled a milk bottle out of nowhere and shoved it into Fu Zhi's mouth.

Fu Zhi had no idea why, but she felt that Lu Yumo was treating her like a mentally handicapped patient.

After Fu Zhi finished the bottle of milk, she felt like her body was filled with energy again and she let out a burp. She turned her head around, and when she saw Lu Yushen looking at her with a worried expression, she comforted him. "I didn't lie when I said I tripped and fell. You should know that this is the first time I put away the clothes. I'm not used to doing it, so mistakes will definitely occur. Don't overthink, okay?"

"Okay." Lu Yushen nodded. Just as Fu Zhi heaved a long sigh of relief, he opened his mouth again. The sunlight coming from the window cast a halo of golden light around his bloodless face.

He said, his voice gentle as the wind at night, "My sister was injured because of me. She didn't want me to overthink, so..."

His eyes were filled with shimmering rings of light, and his gaze reminded Fu Zhi of a certain fluffy animal that had just lost its mother.

'Well... Your sister is not as great as you think...'

But how could Fu Zhi explain this when nobody wanted to listen to her? Even Lu Yumo refused to accept her explanation, and she did not know why.

Mama Zhang had finished preparing dinner by the time they got home. Lu Jingqing had returned from work as well, and he looked exhausted.

Xu Wei threw herself into his arms like a small butterfly. "Yushen opened his mouth to speak!"

Disbelief flashed across Lu Jingqing's eyes as he turned with an expectant gaze toward his second son.

Fu Zhi tugged at Lu Yushen's hand, and he began to say their names one after another as everybody watched on.

After all, he had not spoken since he was a child. Lu Yushen was embarrassed and stopped speaking afterward.

Lu Jingqing had the urge to cry.

While they were having dinner, Xu Wei told Lu Yushen, "If you want to go to school, mommy will make an arrangement to put you in the same school as Zhizhi, but it's fine if you don't want to go as well. I'll leave it up to you."

Lu Yushen knew that everyone in the house had been looking forward to the day he would start to speak and live his life as a normal person. That said, when he thought of going to school to study books that were meant for children and communicate with strangers, although his sister was there, he still...

Lu Yushen shook his head.

Lu Jingqing chimed in, "It's okay. When the time comes and you see something you'd like to study, just let daddy know. I will send you to study abroad."

Fu Zhi knew her father was rich and was willing to spend his money on his family.

It was worth mentioning that he had not gotten his money from Madam Lu.

Lu Jingqing was a businessman, and he had invested in many sectors, such as the clothing industry, the jewelry industry, and real estate, with the first two sectors being the main business of his company.

Lu Jingqing rubbed Fu Zhi's head. After he finished talking to Lu Yushen, he told her, "Zhizhi, all of us love you very much, so promise daddy that you won't do that again, alright? Your mother, your brothers, and I would be worried about you."

Fu Zhi sighed inwardly.

"Actually, dad..." Fu Zhi attempted to explain herself, but since she was certain that no one would believe her, she said, "You're right."

Right now, Fu Zhi felt like she was the vicious female supporting character who tried to take credit for the good deeds of the leading female character.

But it did not matter anymore.

Lu Jingqing turned to Xu Wei. "I have to go to Myanmar in the next few days. I heard that Lucky Cloud Pavilion recently discovered a batch of high-quality jade. I might have to stay there for one to two months."

When someone mentioned the jewelry sector, they would think about jade and agate, and when someone mentioned jade, they would relate it to stone gambling.

Stone gambling was a very risky practice. If jade could be found in the stone, the buyer could make a huge profit, but if the stone contained nothing, the buyer had bought a valueless rock at a high price.

Therefore, although Lu Jingqing had deep pockets, he had to do his homework properly before going to Myanmar for stone gambling.

It hurt Xu Wei a lot to see how exhausted Lu Jingqing was. She remembered that Bai Yao's sister was married to a jeweler in the capital, so she said, "The Wu Family seems to know a lot about stone gambling. They have made quite a lot of profit from it in the past few years, and I heard that they acquired high-quality jade in Myanmar at a low price recently. Why don't we go ask them for help?"

Xu Wei had always felt inferior to other people. Her family was very nice to her. Although she had grown up in the countryside like Fu Zhi and was the eldest daughter of her family, her parents had never let her do any dirty work. Her grades were bad, so her family had not had high expectations of her either. As a result, she was like a small flower that had grown up in a greenhouse.

She could not help her kids, nor could she support her husband. With that thought in mind, she felt even sadder and more disappointed in herself.

As for Fu Zhi, when she heard the thing her mother said, her eyes gleamed and she touched her phone.

Lu Jingqing replied, "That's too troublesome. Besides, we're not that close to the Wu Family. Although Wu Qi doesn't have a high status in the capital, he knows a lot of stone gambling experts..."

The Wu Family had earned its fortune through stone gambling. Their ancestors seemed to have been blessed with luck, and the luck extended to them. Lu Jingqing had heard that they did not have to do any fieldwork before stone gambling, yet they always hit the jackpot.

As a result, although the Wu Family's status was not as high as that of elite families, their influence was something to be reckoned with. Bai Yao's sister might not even give Bai Yao any help, let alone Lu Jingqing...

As Xu Wei was talking to Lu Jingqing, Fu Zhi pulled her phone out. It had been a long time since she had last logged into the QQ messenger, for she had been using WeChat the whole time. However, this time, after she logged into the QQ messenger, her phone rang a few times in quick succession.

She clicked into the "Stone Gambler Group" to take a look at it.

Some of the members were talking about the stone gambling activity of Lucky Cloud Pavilion, but she paid them no heed and just scanned the members.

Since it was an official group, there were plenty of bigwigs from the jewelry sector in it, and all of them went by their real names.

Fu Zhi saw two Wus in the group, and judging from their avatars, she surmised that they were father and son.

Fu Zhi did not activate stealth mode. Soon, the members of the group noticed her and they all began to nudge her.

Fu Zhi then replied "." into the chat, and the entire group exploded into a commotion.

Lao Liu: [Boss, are you interested in the stone gambling activity of Lucky Cloud Pavilion as well?]

Bao Ji: [Boss, I've performed a detailed evaluation, and stone no. 23 looks promising to me. I think it contains high-grade jade. What do you think?]

Qian Yunfei: [Where are you now, Boss? It has been so long since I saw you. Has anything happened? Do you need any help?]

Fu Zhi thought for a while, and replied, [I'm in Yu City now. Nope. I'm having a good time here. Though there are some annoying bugs from time to time, I get rid of them, so everything is fine.]

The members of the group were stunned.

When Wu Qi saw the messages, his eyes glowed.

Chapter 354: Go To Yu City To Look For The Big Shot
At eight o'clock at night, in the Wu Residence in the capital...

Wu Qi looked at the words "Yu City" in the group and fell into deep contemplation.

In the past two years, the development prospects of the jewelry industry had not been as great as they used to be previously.

The only edge Wu Qi had over other jewelers was that he had come across this group by coincidence, and this big shot was the reason the Wu Family had achieved all the things it currently had.

Wu Qi heard from several other tycoons in the group that this group solely existed because the big shot had come into contact with gambling stones ten years ago, wanted to practice, and needed some opportunities. That's why they had the chance to join the group.

It would not be far-fetched to state that those who could get in touch with the big shot would be able to secure successful stone gambling, and their business would be smooth sailing.

As a result, Wu Qi lost his appetite the moment he saw the news in the group. He put the bowl and chopsticks down and frowned.

"What's wrong?" Bai Miao asked, her voice thick with concern.

"Do you still remember the big shot I told you about last time? She has not been very active on QQ messenger for the past year, and she never responded to my private messages, but she said something in the group today!"

Wu Qi was excited. He told Bai Miao, "I guess something big must have happened in Yu City recently, so I've decided to go there!"

"But what about your work at Lucky Cloud Pavilion? Don't you need to go and survey the field yourself? How about this? Since our private school is having an interscholastic match with No.1 High School, I will go to Yu City with Zhiheng and Zhiyou first and help you look for her. Besides, I also have something to discuss with my sister. Our eldest son has grown up, and it's time to set up a marriage for him..."


Meanwhile, the Lu Family...

Ever since Fu Zhi had been regarded as a person who sacrificed her own interests for the sake of others, she'd realized that her status in the Lu Family had reached a new height.

Lu Yushen would feed her food with a spoon every day, and Xu Wei would sleep with her every night. When the driver took her to school, Lu Yumo would pull out a baby carrier from God knows where and carry her on his back.

Fu Zhi did not know why her family had to be so histrionic. It was not like she had lost a limb or anything. It was just a minor injury!

That said, Lu Yumo paid no mind to her resistance. He strapped the baby carrier around her and picked her up from the ground.

Fu Zhi had a petite body, not to mention that the baby carrier had been specially made to cater to her body weight and size. Thus, Lu Yumo did not have any difficulty carrying her on his back at all.

Fu Zhi did not know what to say. She just wished to die.

Ma Mingquan's eyes turned red around the rims when he saw the scene.

'What a beautiful bond these siblings share!'

The first class of the day was language class. The language teacher had heard about Fu Zhi's heroic deed, so he did not make things hard for Fu Zhi today, which surprised the latter greatly. Then, he pointed at Fu Zhi and told the class, "Although this student scored zero in her paper, she's a person with disabilities now. I hope you guys do not look down on people like her and will show her more kindness and love."

Fu Zhi was speechless. A person had told her before that the world was full of evil, and this was exactly the moment Fu Zhi felt that person was right.

Due to the fact that her arm was swollen, she could not play games. The language teacher nodded in delight when he saw that she could finally only focus on the class. Then, he took out the book "Red Sun" and said, "This book is now listed by the National Education Bureau as required reading material for the college entrance exam, and according to the information provided, there will be a reading comprehension exercise regarding this book. Of course, this notice has just been issued, so any students who are in a position to do so can buy "Red Sun" and look through it first."

As she stared at the book, Fu Zhi's expression changed.

After a short while, she muttered under her breath, "Why did nobody tell me about this?"

When the language teacher saw that she was mumbling something to herself, he smacked the blackboard and shouted, "Fu Zhi, what are you muttering about?! Stand up and tell me what 'the wind howls violently' means in the first paragraph!"

Fu Zhi replied, "The wind is strong."

The language teacher was stumped. Then, he said, "I want you to tell me what the author truly felt when she was writing this sentence."

"Actually, the author added the sentence in to make up the word count because the publisher promised her that they would give her 1,000 yuan for every single word added."

Honestly, Fu Zhi had just let her imagination flow while writing the book. She'd just wanted to experience the world of an eminent writer, so she had written what her heart had guided her to. She did not understand why they had to over-interpret her work.

The language teacher was speechless.

'That's it! I've had enough of this student! Today, one of us must die!!!'

Had the boys in the class not seen through his intention and gone forward to stop him, the language teacher would have had a one-on-one battle with Fu Zhi to knock some sense into her. He was filled with so much indignation that he smacked the book on the table. "I will ask the author of "Red Sun" to knock some sense into that thick skull of yours one day, for you are unable to admire such a masterpiece!"

Fu Zhi did not know what to say.

'Oh, okay. As long as you're happy.'

The language class was a mess, but the students in Class 21 had been erratic from the beginning. Most of them were spoiled children whose parents were rich and powerful. No matter how responsible their teacher was, it meant nothing if the students refused to concentrate on the class.

After the class ended, the language teacher harrumphed and left the classroom.

Su Xing then told Fu Zhi, "Actually, the author of "Red Sun" is great. This book is about war, and she's also written a sci-fi book. I've never seen a sci-fi book that special before, and I really like her in particular... Too bad she doesn't have a Weibo account or a fan page!"

Fu Zhi looked at Su Xing, and upon noticing the light in her eyes, she asked, "Is your birthday around the corner?"

"Ah? Yeah. It's at the end of this month."


After Fu Zhi finished her classes, she bumped into Director Liu as she walked out of her classroom.

Fu Zhi was now a popular figure at school, as she had just brought a trophy back from an international competition. Thus, Director Liu was particularly concerned about her.

Just as he was about to say something, Fu Zhi interrupted him. "Director Liu, I want to take next week off."

The smile on Director Liu's face froze as he frowned. "What for? Has your grandmother in the countryside... ascended into heaven?"

Director Liu tried to put it more euphemistically.

"Nope. It's something else, but it's pretty important," Fu Zhi replied, giving a vague answer.

Director Liu knew he could not get an answer from Fu Zhi. Since Fu Zhi had good grades, she was given some privileges at school. Without thinking twice, he nodded. "Alright. Remember to hand in the form later. Take care of yourself."

He and Fu Zhi were standing at the end of the corridor, and after a short while, Director Liu finally remembered why he had come to find Fu Zhi.

"Oh yeah, Fu Zhi. You just came to school, so you might not know this. Every year, the school authorities will pick three arts, science, and sports candidates to take part in an event."

Fu Zhi lifted her head to look at Director Liu.

Director Liu added, "I think you know that our school is the most elite school in our province, and we have about 50 students who get an offer from Tsinghua University every year. This event is organized by Hang Yuan High School, a private school in the capital. This month, their teacher will bring their students to visit our school for half a month and have an interscholastic match with us."

Fu Zhi then asked, "So, what are you trying to say?"

Smiling awkwardly, Director Liu said, "Of course, it seems like Hang Yuan High School is coming to visit our school for an exchange meeting only, but actually it's more than that. You can think of it as a competition between schools, as other schools have the same tradition as well... Among the senior students of our school, I expect the most from you. Therefore, I hope you can become the team leader and receive them when they come!"

An exchange meeting was like a meeting between relatives when all the parents would compete against each other to see which of their kids was the best.

In the past, high schools from other provinces used to have this exchange meeting with No.1 High School. However, thanks to Fu Zhi, Lu Yubai, and Zhou Zihuai's excellent performance in the international Physics competition, things were slightly different this year. No.1 High School had become a lot more popular, and it made sense that they would be targeted by some elite schools in the capital.

Yuan Hang High School was a private high school in the capital. They were superior to No. 1 High School in terms of students and teachers. Not only that, but they were also supported by the Ouyang Family, so by right, they should be having this exchange meeting with another elite high school in the capital.

However, instead of doing that, they had picked No.1 High School, and there was only one reason Yuan Hang High School had decided to choose No.1 High School over the other schools in the capital. They wanted to ride on No.1 High School's popularity on the internet and promote the name of their school by defeating them in a competition.

This put pressure on No.1 High School, and Director Liu had reached out to their school principal.

After all, No.1 High School had been using this exchange meeting to promote itself and encourage the students by beating elite schools from another province.

Director Liu said, "Well, you have gotten rid of most of the good students in our school, especially Lu Chuwan. Last year, as a junior, she beat a senior student from another school..."

Director Liu let out a sigh after he finished his sentence. No.1 High School was in the eye of the storm, so they could not lose. They could not afford to lose this time.

Fu Zhi was good at mathematics, Physics, and Biology. As for the other subjects, they could send other students...

Fu Zhi understood what Director Liu was trying to do. However, she had been pretty busy recently. She had to arrange an operation for Lu Yu'an, and she needed to go to Myanmar for the stone gambling session during the winter holidays.

Also, Ye Jiu had enrolled in No.1 High School, but he had not shown up yet. Besides, she had accepted a few tasks and agreed to teach her apprentices in the hacker alliance.

Fu Zhi said, "Nope, nope. I can't participate. I've been busy recently."

Not only that, but she had been in a bad mood lately. She did not know what she might do if someone tried to act stupid in front of her.

"You can't say no if you're a student of No.1 High School," Director Liu said. "We're not asking you to play basketball or recite ancient poems. We just want you to answer a few question papers to show them we're no pushovers. We can give you money."

"It's not about money."

Director Liu interrupted her. "You think it's not enough."

Fu Zhi replied expressionlessly, "How can you measure things like this with money?"

Besides, a few companies had reached out to her and expressed their wish to adapt "Red Sun" into a movie after "Red Sun" had been published, not to mention that she was in a relationship, so she had enough money to spend!

Director Liu was speechless. He was considering whether he should kneel down and beg her or not.

Fu Zhi let out a sigh.

This kind of exchange meeting was too tiring. Basketball? Taekwondo? What if she accidentally injured her opponent? Although she had earned a lot of money recently, she did not want to pay them!

Therefore, Fu Zhi chased Director Liu away. "I will put together a test paper for you. You can take it to teach the students, and I assure you they will improve by leaps and bounds before the college entrance examination."

Director Liu was speechless.

Fu Zhi went to fill her water bottle. Director Liu gritted his teeth and decided to use his trump card. "How about this? If you take part, I will let you become the provincial-level merit student."

He pitched his voice low and added, "I will open the backdoor for you, so are you in or not?"

Fu Zhi was not moved. "Nope. As long as I want, I can even become a national-level merit student."

Then, she pushed Director Liu away with a finger.

"I have a boyfriend already. He's younger and richer than you, so stop bothering me."

Director Liu did not know what to say.

He felt... Hold on a second...

Director Liu suddenly realized something and looked at Fu Zhi in disbelief. "You have a boyfriend?!"

Fu Zhi was not going to answer his question.

When they passed by the liberal arts class, a girl walked out of the classroom. When she saw Director Liu, she nodded. "I've come to report, director."

Fu Zhi looked at the girl.

The girl was wearing a clean uniform, her hair was long, and she had a pair of pretty eyes.

Director Liu then introduced her to Fu Zhi. "This is Mu Chenxi. She's a liberal arts student. She just came back from shooting a film."

Then, he turned to Mu Chenxi. "I suppose you have read about Fu Zhi on Weibo, right?"

Mu Chenxi looked at Fu Zhi. The girl was wearing her school uniform. She was petite, but she was a beauty in her own right.

Mu Chenxi glanced at the photo that Bai Yao had sent to her on the phone. She could not believe that Fu Zhi was way prettier than she looked in the photo.

"You're Fu Zhi, right? Yeah, I've heard about you. I don't know how good you are, but..." Mu Chenxi smiled as she went closer to Fu Zhi and whispered into her ear, "I know you're an ingrate. You took money from the Lu Family, yet you sent your own cousin to prison. Let me tell you something. Karma is a b*tch. It will come back and bite you one day!"

Then, she took a step back.

She had been Lu Chuwan's friend since she was a kid. She had been filming during this period, wanting to fight for a supporting role in "Red Sun", so she had not paid attention to what was happening in Yu City.

Who knew that the moment she came back, she'd hear that Lu Chuwan had been imprisoned!

Director Liu did not know what Mu Chenxi had told Fu Zhi, nor did he care about it. Compared to Mu Chenxi, he was more concerned about Fu Zhi.

While the two of them were walking toward Class 21, he told her, "About that medical paper you're turning in... The school teacher didn't help you much, so you can put your name in first."

Chapter 355: Fu Zhi Set A Trap For Herself
Before Lu Jingqing went to Myanmar, he went to the Lu Household to tell Madam Lu that Lu Yushen had finally opened his mouth to speak.

Normally, Bai Yao would pretend to be very delighted, but this thing about Lu Yushen was different.

After all, it was all because of Bai Yao that he could not speak! Thus, Bai Yao chickened out and went back to her parents' house without any hesitation.

The Bai Family was considered an elite family in Yu City. They worked in the medical sector, and some of their younger members worked in the government sector. In Bai Yao's opinion, her family members were successful.

After Bai Yao got out of the car, she dashed straight to Madam Bai's room. Just as she was about to tell her mother about Lu Yushen, she saw someone sitting next to Madam Bai right now.

It was her sister—Bai Miao.

"What's all the panic about?" Madam Bai shot daggers at Bai Yao. "Do you know how old you turned this year?"

The corner of Bai Yao's mouth twitched awkwardly, but since the situation was urgent right now, she bit the bullet and said, "Mom, Lu Yushen has already regained his ability to speak! Do you think he will tell Lu Jingqing that it was me who tried to drown him last time?"

Bai Miao helped Madam Bai get up while putting a pillow behind her back.

Bai Yao continued to blabber without stopping. "Besides, you asked me to give the drug to Xu Wei. Otherwise, she would not have had labor dystocia. What if she found out?"

Bai Yao's weakness and incompetence exasperated Madam Bai. "It has been so long, and all the evidence is gone. Besides, Lu Jingqing was not able to get anything on us, so what's there to fear?"

It was Bai Yao who had wanted to do this. Lu Jingqing had already been a very successful businessman when he'd married Xu Wei, and Bai Yao had felt threatened. She feared that his descendant would snatch the Lu Corporation from them, so she had decided to drug Xu Wei when she had conceived Lu Yushen.

Madam Bai was disappointed in her for pushing all the blame on her now that something had gone wrong.

"But mom," Bai Yao said, her brows tightly furrowed. "You don't know Fu Zhi. She's an odd kid. She can cure any illness she comes across, and she's the one who cured Lu Yushen! I'm afraid she'll find out something!

"No matter how great she is, she's just a girl. There's nothing to be afraid of!"

Madam Bai rubbed the spot between her brows. "If you don't like her, then do something to kick her out of the Lu Family."

"I'm not the one who adopted her. Besides, Lu Jingqing and Xu Wei like her very much."

Madam Bai was left speechless by Bai Yao's stupidity. She had already given her a hint, yet she still could not get it.

"Hire someone and take her away. Once she's married to a barbarian from a mountain and has her chastity stripped away, do you think Lu Jingqing will still treat her like she's his treasure? Besides, she has put Chuwan in the reformatory and she still wants to live better than my granddaughter? There's no way I'm letting that happen."

Bai Yao's eyes glowed. "That's genius, mom!"

As she was standing aside, Bai Miao frowned and chimed in, "I don't think we should do that. The most important reason I came to Yu City this time, other than to look for someone, is to look for a suitable marriage candidate for Zhicong."

Madam Bai harrumphed. "What does my grandson's marriage have to do with Fu Zhi?"

"Mom, you don't use Weibo, so you don't know this. Fu Zhi's biological parents were researchers, and they were related to the FZ Research Institute!"

As Bai Miao was talking, she showed Fu Zhi's profile to her mother. "She has good grades and she's rich, so she's the best candidate for Zhicong! If possible, I want to arrange a marriage for them and have them get married as soon as she's of age!"

Madam Bai frowned. "Xiao Wu is doing really well in the capital, so why don't you find someone of an equal social rank for my grandson? Her parents died early, and she'll bring bad luck to us."

'But Wu Zhicong is mentally handicapped!'

He had gotten a high fever as a kid, and his mental age was equal to a six-year-old kid's. Given his situation, it would be extremely difficult for him to get a wife, and after thorough contemplation, Bai Miao figured that Fu Zhi was the best fit.

Bai Yao then added, "But are you sure she will agree to it? After all, she's kind of... How should I put it... Eccentric and difficult to control."

Bai Miao scoffed coldly, "There are a lot of people out there who want to marry into the Wu Family. Besides, it's the Lu Family that took her in, so she must listen to Madam Lu's advice on who to marry and who not to marry."

Bai Miao then pulled out a Buddha pendant made of high-quality jade that Wu Qi had gotten from a stone-gambling session the other day.

Then, she gave the pendant to Bai Yao and said, "This is high-quality jade, and it's more than enough for Fu Zhi. You help me give it to Madam Lu and tell her that this is my bride price. As for the rest, wait until I've seen Fu Zhi..."


Fu Zhi received the ointment from the research institution two days later, and her wound healed after she applied the ointment for a night.

At night, after she wrote the entry number and password in the medical journal, she turned the journal in and left the matter alone.

At the same time, the hacker alliance sent her a message on WeChat.

[Siren, let's talk about the class you're going to give the kids of the family that saved you when you ran into trouble in Country F. Do you want to do it yourself, or do you want us to do it for you?"

It was only then that Fu Zhi figured that she could not put off this matter any longer.

She did not want to think about the tear-jerking past, when she would have died a horrible death in Country F if that unknown guy had not saved her.

At the time, she had indeed received some help from a few families.

However, giving one-on-one classes was not her style of doing things. Thus, the hacker alliance had made an announcement several days ago that they were going to hold a class with Siren as the teacher. The applications for the class would be submitted on a first-come, first-served basis, and they'd only accept 10 students.

This was a once-in-a-blue-moon opportunity, and the class was full in just a few minutes.

The hacker alliance then secretly exposed Fu Zhi's QQ number. However, what Fu Zhi did not know was that Ye Jiu had set up an authentication message on her QQ messenger, and anyone who wanted to add her on QQ had to answer a question.

Question: Call me daddy.

Answer: Daddy.

Therefore, only a girl with a rabbit as her avatar called her "daddy" and added her on QQ.

Fu Zhi was speechless. That said, the girl had earned her respect. After all, if one wanted to achieve great things, then they had to defy trivial conventions, and this girl was willing to do that.

As she'd expected, the girl was there to learn something from her, and this was the first thing she asked after she added her on QQ messenger.

[Is there any way to quickly crack someone's account password and still not be noticed?]

Fu Zhi sent a type of software to the girl. [Just follow the steps.]

On the other side of the screen, Mu Chenxi was stunned. Then, she asked doubtfully, [Is this software trustworthy? I won't get noticed, right?]

She had heard about the paper Director Liu and Fu Zhi had talked about this afternoon, and an idea crossed her mind.

She downloaded a dozen medical journals on the official website right after she went home. Right now, she only needed to discuss with Lu Chuwan which journal to use to replace the journal made by Fu Zhi and give her a taste of what it felt like to lose everything.

Fu Zhi, who was still oblivious to what might befall her, was going through Lu Yu'an's medical profile. When she saw the question, she replied, [Are you questioning my ability?]

Mu Chenxi had paid 10 million yuan to join the class. She did not dare to offend Siren, so she replied, [I'm sorry, master. This is not what I meant. I do believe in you!]

Fu Zhi replied, [Alright, have fun then.]

Mu Chenxi did not reply to Fu Zhi anymore and just stared at the software on her computer. After a long while, a smile appeared on her face.

While her father had been publishing a mission on the hacker alliance, he'd happened to see the announcement and had immediately signed her up for the class.

Mu Chenxi felt that even God was helping her and Lu Chuwan.

Since Siren had become her master, she was certain that it would not be long until Fu Zhi met her demise.

Chapter 356: I Will Love You Like Your Mother Loves You
Fu Zhi took the day off from school on Monday. She sent a message to Chu Hao from an anonymous account to tell him about Lu Yu'an's consultation appointment.

This was the first message Fu Zhi sent to Chu Hao after she arrived at the capital.

At the same time, the screen of Gu Yanqi's computer flashed.

He took a look at the tracker on the computer. Li Nanli had attempted to use the computer to locate Z God when they had shown up last time.

Gu Yanqi surmised that Z God had not realized it yet.

The signal from the airport in the capital was strong after Z God sent the message to Chu Hao.

Gu Yanqi hurriedly put on his coat and called Li Nanli. "Jiang Jinshu's idol has shown up. Unless I'm wrong, Z God will be heading to the Chu Residence later."

Jiang Jinshu had not been in a good shape recently. Ever since Fu Zhi had given a bucket of Valley Orchid to Li Nanli, he had been devastated and still could not accept it even now.

Thus, Gu Yanqi did not tell him that they were looking for Z God.

Z God played a vital role in the Li Family's medical research, and this research was not only important to the Li Family but was equally essential to Ye Jiu and his group.

Li Nanli rose from the couch. He stubbed out his cigarette on the window and said, "Surround the Chu Residence. I will be going to the capital now."


After the plane touched the ground, Shen Cizhou sent Fu Zhi a message and told her that Li Nanli's men were on her right now.

Fu Zhi felt that this might be a problem. However, she had already made the appointment with Chu Hao, and Lu Yu'an had been put under general anesthesia. She did not want to change the time and let Lu Yu'an go through this hassle again.

As a result, after a short bout of rumination, Fu Zhi put on a face mask and made a beeline for the Chu Residence.

No one in the Chu Residence dared to stop her, as she was the Chu Family's guest, but no one came to welcome her either.

In fact, even Chu Han did not go to receive Fu Zhi at the main entrance. Instead, he put on a white robe and waited for Fu Zhi's father, Z God, in front of the operating room.

Before the operation started, Zhou Qiong had hired an anesthesiologist to put Lu Yu'an under general anesthesia, though the dosage was less than it should be.

As a result, Lu Yu'an would wake up early, and he wanted to know who had saved him.

Fu Zhi changed into a set of new clothes and put on a voice changer. Her slim, slender body was hidden in the white coat. Her pupils under her mask were green, and with the wig and voice changer, she looked just like a young man right now.

Fu Zhi was certain that not even her mother would be able to recognize her, let alone her nephew.

Fu Zhi tapped a few keys on her laptop.

Very soon, she arrived at the underground operating room of the Chu Residence.

Chu Hao had been waiting for her outside the operating room. When he saw her, his eyes glowed and he greeted her. "Z God!"

A certain hierarchy existed amongst the bigwigs of the medical sector. Even though the Chu Family was an elite family, this was the big shot at the top of the pyramid. He was someone who had previously been involved with the top brass of China, and many people guessed that his identity was not ordinary, so it went without saying that Chu Hao had to be respectful.

Fu Zhi nodded indifferently and went into the operating room.

She had seen Lu Yu'an profile. Even though the operation or treatment he had been getting in Country M had not yielded any effect, Lu Yu'an's insistence on rehab over the years had done wonders for his leg injury.

Besides, Lu Yu'an was young. After the operation, Fu Zhi did not have to remove the metal rod in his legs, which saved him the trouble of the next operation.

Chu Hao and one of the elders of the Chu Family helped Fu Zhi from the sidelines.

The operation was a success. After one and a half hours, Li Nanli got out of the plane.

Gu Yanqi went to pick him up from the airport. "I didn't see Z God go to the Chu Family. Did he realize something? Is he playing with us?"

Li Nanli froze. His brows were furrowed slightly, and he pressed his lips firmly.

Gu Yanqi did not notice the changes on his face as he added, "Everything is normal in the camera footage, and there are no other people outside of the operating room either."

Li Nanli's face grew grim. "You didn't send someone to the Chu Family's operating room?"

Gu Yanqi replied, "The Chu Family has more than one operating room, and he will certainly notice something if we send our people there. Besides, I didn't see any suspicious people going into the Chu Residence at all. Anyway, should we go to the Chu Residence and check it out now?"

'Go to the Chu Residence and check it out? Do you think it's normal that there's no movement outside of the operating room? Chu Hao and his men would be running here and there looking for him! If Z God had been there, he would have f*cking run away already!'

Li Nanli let out a sigh inwardly and booked another flight to go back to Yu City.

"You go to the Chu Residence and ask if they have any information on Z God or not. I'm going back to Yu City."

"What have you been doing lately? It seems to me that you've been very busy."

"I've been dating."

Gu Yanqi was stunned.

'The f*ck? He's actually dating someone? Who the hell would date a weirdo like him?!'

Even though Gu Yanqi had a lot of questions in his mind, he did not ask them. Taking a deep breath, he said, "I've signed you up for the International Crime Unit's selection test this year. I think they should have Z God's profile. Oh yeah, Fu Zhi is at the Chu Residence now. She just went there to take medicine from them..."


At the same time, in the Chu Residence...

Fu Zhi left the stitching part to Chu Hao.

Initially, Chu Hao wanted to ask about her relationship with Fu Zhi, but he had to give up now.

Lu Yu'an was regaining his consciousness slowly.

He could feel pain in his leg, and he cracked his eyes open. However, there was nothing he could see other than the dazzling light above him. He tilted his head slightly and saw a young man taking off his gloves and coat not far away.

Lu Yu'an felt a little dizzy. He blinked his eyes, and his throat felt raw. He did not know if his brain or his eyes were playing a trick on him, but he saw a mole on Z God's collarbone.

It was a tiny mole, but the color was bright.


Fu Zhi got a handful of different herbs from Chu Hao's garden. She did not know their specific uses, and she only knew that they were expensive.

The person who came to pick her up was Jiang Ningbei. He handed a document to Fu Zhi and said, "Look at your own ranking in the International Crime Unit for this quarter. Since you haven't been taking any missions lately, you don't have enough points and you've been overtaken by other people. You've always been on the first squad, but now you're the last one on the seventh squad! You should come back and do something!"

The International Crime Unit, as its name implied, was an organization that investigated major international cases and monitored genetically engineered subjects for antisocial personality disorders at all times.

Nobody knew about its existence, but it truly existed. It worked from the back to maintain social order, and only the most elite people could join the organization.

As a matter of fact, the influence of the organization had even surpassed the hacker alliance. All of the members were all-rounders, and they had a database that included all the bigwigs across the entire globe.

For example, Shen Cizhou. Normal law could no longer restrain him. Even though he worked for money, there was a clear line between what he should do and what he should not do. If he crossed the line, he would be eliminated by them.

Jiang Ningbei had joined the organization because of his excellent performance after resolving several serious crime cases. However, the identities of the members of the organization were confidential. They did not know each other, and although Jiang Ningbei had worked for the organization for so long, he only knew that the commander-in-chief of this organization was Fu Zhi's father.

Because of this, Fu Zhi was the only one who could become a squad leader without needing to go through an assessment. Many people in the organization were not happy about it.

Other than that, he did not know anything.

Even though the organization was shrouded in mystery, the people in it were elites. Even if they were not members of the organization, they were still the cream of the crop in their respective sectors.

A lot of countries wanted to claim this organization as their own.

Fu Zhi was not interested in reading the document. However, she was curious about one thing.

"I thought you were the squad leader of the seventh squad?"

Jiang Ningbei replied emotionlessly, "Yeah, but I've been promoted to the leader of the sixth squad now."

Fu Zhi was shocked. "I can understand if they want to sabotage me, but you too?"

Jiang Ningbei replied, "Well, you can't blame me. The difference between the salary of the seventh squad's leader and the sixth squad's leader is huge. I work very hard to collect points to move up the ladder. You got this position because of connections, so you can't blame me because you didn't work hard yourself."

Fu Zhi did not know what to say.

'Do they have to hate me so much just because I became a squad leader because someone opened the back door for me?'

Jiang Ningbei then continued, "You don't have to be so pessimistic and think that the squad leaders of other squads look down on you. They simply just don't care about you. I heard that someone will be joining our organization soon, and I'm sure you won't even be able to keep your position as captain of the seventh squad, so I guess you can pack up and go home already."

Fu Zhi was speechless and felt offended.

Just as she was thinking of ways to get rid of the new member, the door was opened from the outside. Then, Li Nanli appeared out of nowhere and yanked Fu Zhi out of the car.

Fu Zhi kicked her legs in the air instinctively.

Then, before she could do anything, she was inside another car. Li Nanli coiled his arms around her waist and pulled her into his embrace.

It had all happened so fast that she could not come around to her senses. She blinked a few times and looked up in disbelief. The man's pretty eyes rammed into her vision as he planted a kiss on the corner of her eyes.

Then, he rubbed her head and said in an affectionate voice, "Good girl."

Fu Zhi found it normal for a couple to do something like this, but Li Nanli had gone overboard.

Li Nanli rubbed himself against the girl's collarbone, nibbling at her mole. "Stop playing with your second brother. Show me some love as well, okay, Zhizhi?"

His tone was immodest, and his actions even more so.

When Fu Zhi finally came back to her senses, she tried to struggle free from Li Nanli's embrace, but to no avail. Li Nanli went on to plant a few kisses on her collarbone a few times, and she felt uncomfortable.

She tried to position herself away from him, but when she thought that they were dating now, she stopped moving and said, "Yeah, yeah, yeah, I will!"

'I will love and care about you like your mother does!'


Fu Zhi and Li Nanli went back to Yu City afterward. When they walked out of the airport, the driver of the Lu Family was waiting for her outside.

Chapter 357: Fu Zhi, You Are Worthy As My Opponent!
The driver of the Lu Family came to fetch Fu Zhi to the banquet taking place at the Lu Household.

The banquet would start at 7:00 p.m, and it was a welcoming dinner for Bai Yao.

Madam Lu knew that Lu Jingqing had gone to Myanmar and he knew very little about stone gambling. On the contrary, the Wu Family was an expert in this aspect, so after throwing a tantrum in front of Xu Wei to coerce them into attending the banquet, she was certain that Xu Wei would come tonight.

Bai Miao had deliberated over it for a long time before deciding to hold the banquet. Unlike Bai Yao, she was a cultured person. She always carried herself with composure and grace, and her confidence made her feel that her first meeting with Fu Zhi should be formal and grand.

Fu Zhi was going to marry her eldest son. Therefore, Fu Zhi had to have a good reputation in order not to bring shame to the Wu Family.

After Fu Zhi got out of the car, she went into the Lu Household.

Bai Miao and Bai Yao soon came over to welcome her. Bai Yao greeted her. "Oh, here you are, Zhizhi. Come on in."

Fu Zhi noticed the woman standing beside Bai Yao. She was inspecting her from head to toe with an alert, fastidious gaze.

It seemed to her that she was not happy to see her at all.

Fu Zhi just nodded at them but did not say anything.

Bai Yao was not happy with her hoity-toity attitude, but Bai Miao did not feel anything.

Like people often said, children from single-parent families had a bad attitude, let alone Fu Zhi, who had lost both parents since her childhood. As a result, she found her rude manner reasonable, and it was not that big of a deal in her opinion. After all, she could always condition her and teach her manners after she married into the Wu Family, but that was another story.

Right now, whenever she saw things about Fu Zhi and President Fu on the internet, she had a feeling that her daughter-in-law had cheated on her son. In her opinion, someone like them, who came from an elite family, should distance themselves from lowly, underprivileged people and scandals like this. It was really insulting to the status of an elite family to have such a public image.

Bai Miao pushed her dissatisfaction for Fu Zhi away. After she went into the banquet hall, she waved her hand at her son. "Zhiheng, come over here and meet Ms. Fu."

Fu Zhi was standing behind her and looking toward the direction where Bai Miao was waving her hand.

Her eyes spotted a group of youngsters around 17 to 18 years old. All of them were dressed lavishly, and they were having some fun talking.

When they heard Bai Miao's voice, one of the young men turned over and said, "Okay. I'm coming."

The young man was Wu Zhiheng, Bai Miao's son. He said something to the girl beside him, and then the youngsters around zeroed in on Fu Zhi as he walked toward his mother.

Just like Bai Miao, he had a delicate and clean face. He was not particularly dashing, and he had a gentle look about him.

"This is my youngest son, Wu Zhiheng," Bai Miao said, her voice thick with pride.

In her opinion, her son was successful and excellent.

The eyes of the young man standing beside Bai Miao glowed when he saw Fu Zhi.

He knew about Fu Zhi, as her information was all over the internet. He had read a few topics about her, and although he knew she was a beauty, he had not expected that the photos of her on the internet would not even convey half of her pretty looks.

He had initially been against it when Bai Miao had told him that she was going to arrange a marriage between his eldest brother and Fu Zhi. After all, Fu Zhi was the one that had sent Lu Chuwan to prison.

He had not expected that Fu Zhi would be so pretty at all!

He grabbed Bai Miao's wrist and said, "It's her!"

'She's so pretty! She's the perfect match for my brother!'

Then, he looked at Fu Zhi and extended his arm. "You're Fu Zhi, right? I'm a student from Hang Yuan, and I will be representing my school at the interscholastic match with your school!"

Fu Zhi glanced at him but did not take his hand. She turned to Bai Miao and said, "I'm thirsty. Please go get me a cup of water."


'She said she's thirsty...'

She'd refused to shake hands with her son, and now she'd ordered her to get her a cup of water?

Bai Miao was stunned, and the dissatisfaction she had pushed away earlier returned.

She was certain that Fu Zhi was a bad-mannered girl. Not only had she ignored her son, but she even had the guts to order her!

However, on second thought, Bai Miao thought that it was good for Fu Zhi to be stubborn and willful. A brainless, pretty girl like her would be easy to handle, and she could always condition her after she married into the Wu Family.

Bai Yao, on the other hand, blew her fuse when she saw the scene and snarled, "What kind of attitude is that, huh? My sister did not care that you're a parentless child and came to talk to you, yet you asked her to get you water? Just who do you think..."

"Alright, alright!" Bai Miao patted Bai Yao's hand. She pressed down the anger in her heart and said, "I will get you water later."

Fu Zhi nodded.

It seemed to her that the Wu Family did not know how to play the game. It was Wu Qi who had told her that she could order the Wus to do anything for her.

She'd even said "please" while asking Bai Miao to get her a cup of water. However...

'Hah. All men are liars,' she concluded inwardly.

Bai Miao only thought that it was illogical for such a spoiled little girl who didn't know how to behave to do so well in her studies.

She got a cup of water for Fu Zhi.

Xu Wei was held up by Madam Lu, so she could not go away.

Bai Miao said, "I heard from your great aunt that you turned 17 this year, and you are going to college soon, right? I'm not going to beat around the bush. What do you think of my son? He will be the heir of the Wu Family, and although you come from a humble family, I will treat you like my own daughter as long as you join our family. Of course, if you want, you can also spend more time with Zhiheng."

Bai Miao did not tell Fu Zhi everything. She wanted Fu Zhi to marry her eldest son, but she did not let Fu Zhi know, as she feared that Fu Zhi might say no.

After taking a sip of water, Fu Zhi said, "I'm not interested."

The atmosphere turned cold.

Ever since Bai Miao had married Wu Qi, nobody had dared to say no to her in public.

Fu Zhi had seen through the Bai sisters and found this funny.

Then, she added, "Anyway, where is Wu Qi?"

Bai Miao was stunned.

'Is she out of her mind? How could she address someone older than her with their full name?'

She calmed herself down and said in a stern voice, "My husband is not here. You can talk to me instead."

"You?" Fu Zhi said, scrutinizing Bai Miao from head to toe.

The way Fu Zhi looked at her made her heart skip a beat. It seemed to her that Fu Zhi was saying she did not have the right to talk to her.

"Oh well, if Wu Qi is not here, then forget it. I'm tired."

"Ms. Fu!" Bai Miao couldn't let go of the patented research left behind by Fu Zhi's parents and her relationship with the FZ Research Institute.

"Yeah? Oh, I almost forgot."

Fu Zhi then said, "You like me so much, but you haven't given me a gift yet. I'm not being rude, but are you going to give me a gift?"

Bai Miao said, "No, I... Erm... Yes, I was just about to give you a gift. My husband acquired some high-quality jade in Myanmar the other day, and I turned it into a bracelet. I planned to give it to my daughter-in-law, but if you like it, Ms. Fu, I can give the bracelet to you as well."

After she finished speaking, she removed the bracelet from her wrist and gave it to Fu Zhi.

The gold-gilded bracelet was made from high-quality jade, and it was worth at least a few million yuan on the market.

She knew Fu Zhi loved money, so she decided to sacrifice the bracelet to gain her favor.

Fu Zhi took the bracelet. She ran her fingers across the bracelet, and the sight froze Wu Zhiheng.

He realized that he was wrong. It was not his eldest brother who did not deserve Fu Zhi.

"That's very generous of you, Mrs. Wu. You really are an example for other people."

Fu Zhi put the bracelet into her bag and smiled at Bai Miao.

Bai Miao could not smile at all. She did not want to be a generous person, and her heart was bleeding. However, she felt a little relieved, as Fu Zhi's attitude toward her had indeed mellowed a lot. Then, she said, "About the marriage..."

"I'm free this week. You can ask your son to take me shopping. Alright, let's stop talking. I have to go study," Fu Zhi replied, playing with words.

She took the bracelet. Although it seemed as if she had agreed to the marriage, she spoke as if she had only graced the Wu Family with a chance to take her shopping.

Bao Miao did not know what to say.

She then realized something that made her feel really uncomfortable. This clearly was a reception party for her. Everything should go according to her plan, but... but it seemed to her that she'd been led by the nose since she'd talked with Fu Zhi.

She should be looking down on Fu Zhi, but it appeared to her that the reverse was happening.

Bai Miao felt that she had underestimated Fu Zhi. Compared to her peers, Fu Zhi was truly shameless.

Bai Miao had come prepared and confident that she could talk Fu Zhi into marrying her eldest son, but little had she expected that Fu Zhi would be so tough. Not only had she not gained anything, but she'd also lost her bracelet to Fu Zhi.

However, Bai Miao would not cry.

She comforted herself inwardly.

'I'm an adult, and it's just a bracelet. After she joins the Wu Family, Fu Zhi will be my daughter-in-law, and then I can ask her to return it...'

That said, the bracelet was really expensive, and it was one of her favorites. The more she thought about it, the more she wanted to cry. In the end, she could not hold herself back and began shedding tears.


Meanwhile, the group of youngsters that had talked with Wu Zhiheng just now came from Hang Yuan High School as well. They stared at Fu Zhi for a long while and whistled after Fu Zhi went upstairs.

"So she's Fu Zhi? She looks even more gorgeous than she looks on television!"

"Did Wu Zhiheng get her QQ number? Do you think she wants to become my girlfriend?"

"If you have time, go get a mirror and look at yourself. Can't you see that she just gave Young Master Wu the cold shoulder?"

"But I think she has the capital to do so. Have you all forgotten that the government praised her and called her 'daughter' some time ago?"

"She just won a competition. It's not that big of a deal. I heard that she failed all her language papers. In my opinion, Zhiyou is better than her in all aspects."

Wu Zhiyou was Wu Zhiheng's sister, and she was present at the banquet as well. She was wearing a pettiskirt and holding an umbrella, looking just like a little peacock with its feathers spread out.

When she heard their conversation, she lifted her chin and said, "I'm happy that you guys have good taste. I will treat you all at a disco bar this month."

The crowd was left speechless.

Then, the little peacock went upstairs and saw Fu Zhi, who was playing games on the couch.

Wu Zhiyou made an inaudible sound to get Fu Zhi's attention, but Fu Zhi paid her no mind.

She made another inaudible sound, but Fu Zhi still treated her as if she was invisible.

In the end, Wu Zhiyou cleared her throat a few times, and when Fu Zhi finally raised her head to glance at her, she immediately seized the chance and said, "You're pretty strong, and you have the ability to fight with me. But remember, don't marry my eldest brother just because you want his money. He's mentally handicapped, and if you do that, I will unfollow you on Weibo!"

Fu Zhi, who was speechless, just looked silently at the girl in front of her.

Wu Zhiyou swung her ponytail and said, her chubby cheeks slightly flushed, "Just you wait. I'll be your strongest enemy during this exchange match, and I will surely make Hang Yuan known everywhere in our country!"

Fu Zhi replied, "Okay..."

After all, she was not going to take part in the match.

After Wu Zhiyou finished speaking, she turned around and marched downstairs. However, as soon as she took two steps forward, she shyly turned her head back to observe Fu Zhi's expression as if she was waiting for Fu Zhi to stop her.

However, she was disappointed. Fu Zhi did not know what she was doing at all, and Wu Zhiyou did not know that Fu Zhi was actually very slow when it came to something like this.

People always said that people with talent would attract each other. From Wu Zhiyou's perspective, both she and Fu Zhi were outstanding and cute. She had already expressed her goodwill, so she did not understand why Fu Zhi had not asked her for her WeChat number so they could be friends.


The little peacock heaved out a sigh.

'Forget about it.'

If the flower bloomed, the butterfly would come. She believed that after she bloomed and showed her strength to Fu Zhi, Fu Zhi would be willing to be her friend and they would study together!

Fu Zhi, who was oblivious to Wu Zhiyou's thoughts, opened her contacts.

She found Ye Jiu's WeChat QR code and paused for a moment.


Downstairs, Bai Miao wiped the tears off her face and calmed herself down.

She might look like the wife of a rich man on the surface, but when everything was put into perspective, she was not that rich, and the funds that she could use were even less than before she was married.

This was because the Wu Family required a lot of funds to keep their business working. Besides, Wu Qi was preoccupied with his career and was far less fond of Bai Miao than he was of pursuing power.

The funds in Bai Miao's hands were only enough for her to buy some clothes and, to put it shamelessly, Bai Miao actually wanted the money in Fu Zhi's hands to live on.

Truth be told, this was actually the present situation of some of the rich ladies of the same class as Bai Miao. They might look glamorous on the surface, but in reality, they had even less freedom than ordinary people. Some of their husbands did not love them at all, and they were treated badly in their house by their mother-in-law. They did not have access to their family funds, and they could only rely on the money that they deposited to a certain charity society. For every 10,000 yuan deposited, the society would add 13,000 yuan to their account. The more they deposited, the more money the society would give them.

Thus, Bai Miao was really sad that she had given the bracelet away. However, there was nothing she could do. If she'd refused to give the bracelet, it would have been bad for their family's reputation.

In the end, Bai Miao grabbed Wu Zhiheng's hand. "This Saturday, you will take Fu Zhi shopping and do everything you can to persuade her to become the Wu Family's daughter-in-law, okay?"

There were only three things he had to do: be a human ATM, help her carry her purse, and shower her with praise to make her happy...

Bai Miao gave Wu Zhiheng a card. "Here's a card for you. There are 800,000 yuan inside, but remember: Don't spend more than 100,000 yuan. This is the last card I have."

Wu Zhiheng, who was somewhat absorbed in Fu Zhi's beauty, did not say anything.

After a short while, he nodded. "Okay. Don't worry, mom. I will do that."

Then, he turned around and left.

"What did mom just say? Oh well, it was probably nothing important."

Chapter 358: Dating Ye Jiu
Lu Yu'an stayed in the Chu Residence for three days after the operation.

Chu Hao concluded that as long as Lu Yu'an followed his rehabilitation treatment accordingly, he would recover by the end of the year.

This was the moment Zhou Qiong had been waiting for so many years. She could not hold her tears anymore and cried out loud. "Finally... This day has finally come... Yu'an..."

Lu Yu'an patted her shoulder. He did not seem excited at all.

In fact, he would only show emotion when he heard some special music.

Zhou Qiong said, "We owe Z God big time. If it were not for them, there's no way you could have recovered so soon!"

Chu Hao chimed in, "I think you guys should thank Fu Zhi."

Chu Hao's heart skipped a beat when he saw Lu Yu'an's gloomy gaze. Then, he said, "I suspect that Fu Zhi is Z God's relative!"

'Of course! She's going to marry my disciple in the future too!'

Lu Yu'an remembered the bright red mole.

Zhou Qiong wiped the tears off her eyes. It was true that Z God did not seem like someone who would accept her mission for nothing. "Is that true? I'm going to ask Zhizhi when I go back to Yu City this time."

Zhou Qiong's husband had a mansion in Yu City as well.

Lu Yu'an then suggested, "Let's invite her over to our house."

Zhou Qiong thought it was a good suggestion.

Strangely enough, a stronger emotion than the joy he'd felt when his leg injury had healed erupted from the depths of Lu Yu'an's heart after Zhou Qiong finished speaking. The emotion coiled around his heart like the tentacles of an octopus, and he felt that something was ready to rush out of his body.


On Thursday, Zhou Qiong took Lu Yu'an back to Yu City.

Everything was going according to the prescribed treatment. Lu Yu'an would have an hour of training every afternoon. Zhou Qiong had to work in another province, so she'd sent Lu Yu'an back to his original school.

However, due to Lu Yu'an's condition, he did not stay in the school dormitory.

Zhou Qiong and her family invited Fu Zhi to their house on Sunday, as Fu Zhi had to go shopping with Wu Zhiheng on Saturday.

By the time Wu Zhiheng arrived at the Lu Mansion, Fu Zhi and Lu Yushen were watching television with Xu Wei.

There had been a few hot TV series recently, and a celebrity named Ye San had shot to stardom.

He was also Xu Wei's idol right now. However, Lu Yumo commented that Ye San was not a good actor. According to him, not only did he have a resting b*tch face, but he also needed eye drops when he was shooting a crying scene and he looked like he was shouting one-two-three when he was reciting his script.

Could the audience tolerate it?

Well, the truth was...

They could!

After all, Ye San had a face so handsome that even God was envious of him. Besides, he was also very smart. Every time he joined a variety show, he would always be able to solve the puzzle or clear the game very quickly.

The drama Xu Wei was watching right now was reaching its climax. They were watching the crying scene of the male lead after the death of the female lead.

Xu Wei was so amused by the scene that she couldn't stop laughing. "My husband is so funny. Although he's crying, he seems to be laughing instead. He's really one of a kind!"

Fu Zhi did not know what to say.

'Please stop calling him your husband! I'm under the illusion that I'm your third aunt!'

Fu Zhi was exhausted.

The good thing was that Wu Zhiheng came in time and saved her from this awkward situation.

Mama Zhang then told Fu Zhi, "He said he's your friend and he's here to take you shopping."

Mama Zhang led Wu Zhiheng in.

Fu Zhi got up from the couch and sat upright. Lu Yushen was feeding her fruit as though she was a hamster.

Fu Zhi did not beat about the bush. She asked directly, "Did you bring your card with you?"

Wu Zhiheng was stunned.

Fu Zhi loved money, and a materialistic girl was not an option for Wu Zhiheng. That said, when he looked at Fu Zhi sitting there, he felt that...

He did not know if this was right or wrong, but he felt that she was someone who was unattainable.

She had the kind of charisma that made people willingly give everything to her.

This was because she was too pretty!

Wu Zhiheng nodded. "Yeah. It'd be my honor to pay for everything today, Ms. Fu."

Fu Zhi smiled. She got up from the couch, and since the weather was a bit cold, she said, "Let me get my coat, and then I will go shopping with you."

Lu Yushen pressed his lips firmly.

When Fu Zhi changed clothes and went downstairs, the young man suddenly shot up from the couch. He walked over to her and whispered into her ear, "I have a lot of money."

'And heaps of rhinestones.'

But Fu Zhi wanted to spend Bai Miao's money.

Lu Yushen was not happy. "So, what time will you be back?"

This was the first time Wu Zhiheng heard Lu Yushen talking, and he was astounded.

He had heard that Fu Zhi had just given Lu Yushen the Minor Exchange Pill. If Lu Yushen could speak after taking the pill, then perhaps his eldest brother could get better as well if he took the Minor Exchange Pill.

Thus, Wu Zhiheng felt that he had to work harder to win Fu Zhi's heart.

With that thought in mind, he chimed in, "How can this be predicted in advance? It depends on the circumstances."

In other words, he did not know when he would bring Fu Zhi back either.

Lu Yushen looked at Fu Zhi, offering her a smile, and asked, "So can I go with Zhizhi?"

While he was talking, he glanced at Wu Zhiheng, causing a shiver to run down the latter's spine.


"I will try my best not to cause Zhizhi any trouble." Lu Yushen coiled his finger around Fu Zhi's little finger, looking like a pup asking its mother for comfort.

Xu Wei lamented that it was good to be young and then turned her attention back to the television.

They all went out in the Lu Family's car. Fu Zhi asked the driver to take them to one of the Wu Family's jewelry shops.

She asked Wu Zhiheng, "Do you need to pay if you buy something from your family's shop?"

Wu Zhiheng, who was stunned, shook his head. "No, I don't need to..."

After she got this answer from Wu Zhiheng, she nodded and picked 5 Buddha pendants from the shop. Each of them was made from excellent-quality jade, and they were worth a lot of money.

This was very different from what Wu Zhiheng had imagined. The total price of the five Buddha pendants was even higher than the money in his card.

He wanted to stop, but Fu Zhi smiled and said, "The Wu Family is truly one big, fascinating family."

Wu Zhiheng felt like he was on cloud nine after hearing Fu Zhi's comment about his family.

"Well, it's all thanks to my father..."

He did not stop Fu Zhi anymore. In fact, he was just like Bai Miao—both of them were sensitive about their reputation.

Furthermore, the more Fu Zhi spent, the more prodigal it meant she was, and only a rich family could afford to keep her.

Wu Zhiheng felt that his goal was to make Fu Zhi realize this so that she'd be willing to marry into the Wu Family.

Fu Zhi gave the pendants to Lu Yushen.

Just as Wu Zhiheng was about to brag about the Wu Family, Fu Zhi turned around and went into another luxury store.

Wu Zhiheng was speechless.

It seemed to him that Fu Zhi loved branded clothes and bags.

The clothes that she randomly pointed out cost about 20,000 yuan to 30,000 yuan each.

She walked ahead while the shop staff followed her. Lu Yushen would comment from time to time. As for Wu Zhiheng...

Wu Zhiheng was just a human ATM.

He could not join the conversation between Fu Zhi and Lu Yushen, and he could not bond with Fu Zhi.

However, he knew that as long as Fu Zhi was satisfied and got the monetary freedom that she could not get in the Lu family, she would be very willing to become the daughter-in-law of the Wu Family.

Besides, Wu Zhiheng thought that if Fu Zhi loved him to the bone and wanted to marry him instead of his eldest brother, he could somewhat accept it, even though she came from a humble family.

Contrary to Wu Zhiheng's whimsical dream, Fu Zhi just wanted to teach Bai Miao a lesson.

When she passed by the watch section, she randomly pointed at a men's watch and said, "I want this one. Wrap it up for me separately from the other stuff."

The staff member nodded happily. Thanks to Fu Zhi, her sales performance had increased a lot, so she was willing to do everything she said.

After she wrapped everything up, she handed it all to Fu Zhi and asked, "Do you need us to deliver them to your house?"

"No need." Fu Zhi pointed at Wu Zhiheng. "Just give them all to him. He will help us carry them."

"Yes, yes, yes. I will carry them!" Wu Zhiheng felt that his opportunity to perform had finally come.

However, Fu Zhi did not even spare him a single glance. She turned to Lu Yushen and said, "Lu Yumo's birthday is around the corner. What kind of gift do you think I should give him?"

"A gaming console," Lu Yushen replied. "A full set of gaming consoles would be good."

'That's a lot of money, right?'

Wu Zhiheng frowned.

Fu Zhi had just spent more than a million, excluding the five Buddha pendants.

Wu Zhiheng felt that he had to stop Fu Zhi now. Besides, he could not even get the chance to bond with Fu Zhi with Lu Yushen standing in between them.

Just as he opened his mouth and was about to say something, Fu Zhi interjected. "I remember seeing a full set of gaming consoles in a shop when we first came in. If my memory serves me right, it should cost about 800,000 to 900,000 yuan. I'm sure you still have enough money to pay, right? Young Master Wu?"

Her voice sounded seductive, and the way she looked at Wu Zhiheng with the corners of her eyes raised reminded him of the expensive cat he had once owned.

There was only one thought in Wu Zhiheng's mind right now—he had to conquer Fu Zhi. Therefore, he got carried away and said, "Let's go buy it then!"

After all, it was just about 800,000 to 900,000 yuan.

As long as he was willing to invest, he would not have to worry about the return. Furthermore, didn't all guys have to spend some money when they were courting a girl?

Thus, Wu Zhiheng thought it was normal. The more Fu Zhi spent, the happier he was.

Lu Yushen saw a message on his phone and said, "The medical journal that you published the other day will be submitted to the government next week."

Fu Zhi nodded. She randomly picked a few gaming consoles and said, "Deliver these to the Lu Mansion."

Then, she looked at the watch and said, "It's about time. Let's go home."

"Go home? You're done shopping here?" Wu Zhiheng approached her and tried to stop her.

"There's nothing else to buy, and I'm tired," Fu Zhi replied expressionlessly.

"There are trolleys over there. Why don't you sit and let me push you around?"

"Do you really want to shop with me?"

'Of course! I've spent so much money today, so I've got to see some results, right?'

Wu Zhiheng even dreamed of making Fu Zhi his girlfriend!

"Alright then. Let's go over there."

Wu Zhiheng was really excited that he could spend more time with Fu Zhi.

Very soon, the three of them arrived at a men's store.

The staff came out to welcome them.

Fu Zhi picked three black sweatshirts. They were leftovers from last season, so they were very cheap.

'Is she trying to save me money?' Wu Zhiheng thought.

A second later, a staff member went up to Fu Zhi and said, "What a good choice. These three sweatshirts..."

"I'm sorry." Fu Zhi interrupted. "Pack everything but these three sweatshirts up for me."

Both the staff member and Wu Zhiheng were stunned.

Wu Zhiheng had not expected that this was how Fu Zhi shopped and bought stuff.

She had basically bought the entire store!

The staff member said, "Are you going to pay by card?"

Fu Zhi pointed at Wu Zhiheng. "Ask him. He's the one that's going to pay."

Wu Zhiheng was dumbfounded.

'I am? Oh yeah, I should pay for them. But... Forget it. It's just a few million.'

Wu Zhiheng was not like Bai Miao. Bai Miao was an adult and knew what she should spend money on and what she should not. As for Wu Zhiheng, he was young. While gambling for stones in Myanmar, he had spent more than this.

Thus, Wu Zhiheng spent another 200,000 yuan.

After swiping the card to pay for the clothes, Wu Zhiheng suddenly thought of the thing Bai Miao had told him and felt his legs go weak.

Fu Zhi asked, "Are we going to continue shopping, or are we going home?"

Lu Yushen glanced at him.

"Erm..." Wu Zhiheng gritted his teeth and replied, "Let's continue!"

Fu Zhi said, "Alright then."

In the end, Fu Zhi emptied three more men's luxury stores.

When they were in the last store, Wu Zhiheng did not have enough money to pay and had to owe the store 320,000 yuan.

Wu Zhiheng was embarrassed. This was the first time he did not have enough money to pay for something, and he felt a bit resentful that Fu Zhi had not helped him save money at all.

However, when he turned his head around and saw the smile on her face, he felt that it was worth it, and a strange surge of happiness and satisfaction welled in his heart.

He surmised that this was probably how his father's friends felt when they were paying for the mistress that they kept. The only difference was that he had not slept with Fu Zhi yet...

After Fu Zhi finished spending Wu Zhiheng's money, she took Lu Yushen back to their car.

Wu Zhiheng was following her with a lot of shopping bags in his hand. While he was getting into the car, Fu Zhi slammed the door shut and locked it. Then, she rolled the window down and said, "Just have the driver put the stuff in the trunk. Young Master Wu, our family has a curfew, and we must be home before five o'clock at night, so I can't drive you back. You have to take a taxi back home by yourself."

Wu Zhiheng was dumbfounded. He could not believe that after all the money he had spent on Fu Zhi, she still refused to show him some love.

Besides, who the hell needed to go home before 5:00 p.m? Who did she think she was? Cinderella?

Wu Zhiheng grabbed for the window. He felt like a fool, and he raised his voice an octave as he shouted, "Fu Zhi!"

"Yeah?" Lu Yushen replied, giving him a cold glance at the same time.

Wu Zhiheng's heart skipped a beat, and he took a step back subconsciously. When he came back to his senses, he remembered something. He suppressed his anger, whipped up a wide smile, and said, "So when are we going to meet next time?"

'Next time?'

As if she had heard a joke, Fu Zhi laughed. "I agreed to hang out with you this time because your mom gave me a bracelet. If you want to see me again, then you have to give me another gift with a higher value than the bracelet. If you find one, Young Master Wu, I'm sure we will be able to see each other very soon."

Wu Zhiheng was speechless.

He felt that no matter what he did, Fu Zhi would not show him any love.

However, the more Fu Zhi ignored him, the more he wanted to conquer her.

He pulled out his phone and said, "I've spent a lot of money on you, so I guess it should be fine for me to have your WeChat number, right?"

Fu Zhi then gave him a QR code.

Wu Zhiheng added Fu Zhi on WeChat. Her avatar was Patrick Star holding a balloon, and her username was "I'm your ancestor".

He clicked on the profile and looked at it. Her place of residence was Yu City, but her gender was male.

Wu Zhiheng found it weird, but he did not think too much of it.

Fu Zhi and Lu Yushen had already gone away.

Wu Zhiheng thought for a moment. He was not as handsome as Lu Yushen or Lu Yumo, so he sent a nude photo of himself to "I'm your ancestor".

Ye Jiu nearly threw his phone away.

In the photo, Wu Zhiheng's upper body was naked, revealing his six-pack abs.

Ye Jiu was stunned.

Wu Zhiheng then sent a message to "I'm your ancestor". [We're both adults. You don't need to play dumb anymore. I'm sure you already know how I feel about you, right? So, do you want to be my girlfriend?]

Chapter 359: Come, Let's Go Disco Dancing
Ye Jiu did not know how to explain his feelings.

'Dating? Why the hell would I date you?'

Ye Jiu took a screenshot of the chat and sent it to a WeChat group that had only four members.

No sooner had he sent the screenshot than his phone began to vibrate madly. Countless messages flooded the WeChat group.

[What's going on? Who's this dude? You're getting off? No! I won't allow it!]

Ye Jiu had just woken up and had not quite come around to his senses yet. He rubbed his face and replied, [Maybe he wants to have a taste of my body? What should I reply to him?]

[Say he's ugly and reject him.]

[Say your mom forbade you to hang out with an idiot.]

[Say you're more well-endowed than him.]


After a short while, Ye Qi suddenly thought of something and replied, [If you don't know him, then how did he get your WeChat number, let alone ask you to be his date?]

Ye Jiu was confused as well.

Ye San, who was currently shooting a movie, found his chance and chimed in, [Fu Zhi knows your WeChat numbers.]

Oh, so that was it.

This dude was not craving his body, and this was such a cheap move!

Ye Jiu opened his conversation with Wu Zhiheng and saw that Wu Zhiheng had sent him a few messages.

[Do you normally drink?]

[How well can you hold your liquor? It's fine if you don't know how to drink. Let's go to a bar next week and have some fun, okay? I will teach you some disco moves.]

Inside the lavish, pinkish mansion, Ye Jiu kicked the chair beside his chair.

Then, he touched the pink rabbit plushie beside him.

Judging from the fact that this guy invited a girl to a bar alone, Ye Jiu was certain that he had to be up to no good.

He popped a tablet of antibiotics into his mouth and replied, [Alright, honey. See you next week!]

"Have some fun at a bar?" Ye Jiu muttered, a sinister smile tugging at the corner of his lips.

"I'm going to let you have some fun in your coffin!"


At the Bai Mansion...

Bai Miao had already cried once when she saw how much Wu Zhiheng had spent today.

She had been playing mahjong with her friends recently, so she was a little tapped out at the moment. And now, Wu Zhiheng did not get anything from Fu Zhi after splurging so much money.

The more Bai Miao thought about it, the angrier she became. She smashed the cup in her hand and snarled, "What the hell does Fu Zhi mean, huh? Not only did she cheat you out of your money, but she also played hard to get by and refused to marry your eldest brother? How can she be such a b*tch? I don't even mind that she's an orphan, and she dares to let you stand outside the counter alone, and refuses to send you home?"

"No, mom. She's just..."

Wu Zhiheng wanted to say he liked Fu Zhi a lot, and Fu Zhi did not cheat him out of his money.

He did everything of his own accord, and he wanted to sleep with Fu Zhi.

However, there was no way he was going to tell his mother that. He opened his mouth and said, "Maybe she thinks I still have enough money to grab a taxi and come home myself. Besides, I also heard that Xu Wei used to buy a truck of clothes for her."

Bai Miao thought about how much Xu Wei doted on Fu Zhi. Although she was reluctant to admit it, the truth was that Fu Zhi was a spoiled child.

She patted her chest in exasperation, and it took her a long while before she finally calmed herself down.

"Xu Wei is the same. She's just relying on Lu Jingqing. Without him, she's nothing! She's such a disgrace to us women!"

Bai Miao was jealous of how nice Lu Jingqing was to Xu Wei. She said, "Xu Wei is a poor person, and her parents are both clodhoppers. She even came to her wedding on a bus. In terms of background, Xu Wei is not as prestigious as Fu Zhi. And who the hell would buy a truck full of clothes, huh? That's so uncivilized and primitive!"

Wu Zhiheng just replied with two indifferent nods.

Then, his WeChat rang out.

When he saw that Fu Zhi was willing to go to a bar with him without asking for any gift, his eyes glowed and he shouted, "Mom! Fu Zhi is so kind! She has agreed to go to a bar with me, and she doesn't want any gift at all!"

Bai Miao felt speechless at her youngest son. Perhaps she still could not get over the fact that Fu Zhi had splurged all her money, she did not care about her son's feelings and said whatever was on her mind, "Mark my word, son. All women are bad, especially pretty women! All you need to do is win over her heart, study hard, and help your father to gain the favor of Ouyang Ya. Remember, don't let her spend your money again!"


At the same time, at a luxury store owned by the Li Corporation in the capital.

Old Master Xu let out a sneeze.

Madam Xu did not expect such a reaction from him. She was frozen for a few seconds straight before saying, "Are you cold? I saw there were some sweaters on sale outside when we came in. Let's buy you a coat later."

The staff who was collecting the hangers rolled her eyes in disgust.

'Two poor wretches!'

Old Master Xu nodded. "I'm fine. What do you think about this pink jacket? I'm thinking of buying one for Zhizhi. As for Weiwei... How about this dress? Do you think it's okay?"

He pointed at a jacket in front of him. Madam Xu worried that the jacket was too thin, so she stretched her hand forward to feel the thickness.


The staff shouted sharply, causing Madam Xu to jump up in fright. Then, the staff went up to her with a dark face and warned her in a disgusted voice, "Can you don't touch the clothes in our shop with that dirty hand of yours? Do you have any idea how expensive this jacket is?"

Madam Xu explained, "I just want to feel the texture, and know if it's warm enough or not."

"Hah. Do you know where you are right now? You're at a luxury store, and all of our clothes here are made of the highest quality of materials. If you don't know stuff, then don't come to buy from a luxury shop..." The staff said in disdain. She grabbed the jacket from Madam Xu's hand and patted the invisible dust on it. "This is the latest design for autumn. Can you afford to pay for it if it gets dirty?"

All of the clothes in the store were expensive. The jacket was a limited edition, and it had just arrived at their store today.

"Sister Li!" A voice rang out.

A luxury store like this one usually would limit the number of customers entering the store at a time. In their case, they only allowed 6 customers to enter for a period of time. A little girl at the cashier noticed the commotion. She went up to them and tugged at the woman. "When did our store not allow people to touch the clothes?"

"Of course, they are allowed to touch the clothes if they can afford to buy it, but look at them. Do you think they look like someone who can afford an expensive piece like this? Besides, what if they get all the germs on our clothes? Who the hell is gonna buy from us like that?"

The staff had a very good sales performance. Anyone who came into this store would not go out empty-handed. There was this one time where she scolded an underfunded college girl until she cried because the girl refused to buy from her.

Besides, due to the fact that the design of their clothes was good, there were also some rich young ladies who gave her money to pay more attention and keep the latest models out for them.

In her perspective, the two old people in front of her could not afford anything from their store. As such, she barked in a hoity-toity manner, "Alright, both of you should know your place. If you're not going to buy anything from us, then get out of here. We still have a batch of customers waiting to come in."

"Sister Li, you shouldn't..." The cashier said, trying to advise her.

They did not have the right to chase customers out of a store. Besides, they had parents as well, and it was understandable that some parents wanted to buy pretty clothes for their children. There was no need for them to act all high and mighty at all. After all, they were just working for others.

"Mind your own business. Go back to your station and wait for the next batch of customers!"

Chapter 360: Donated Two Million
After Fu Zhi came back from her shopping expedition, she sent a text message to Li Nanli.

Well, to be more precise, she sent a few photos to him.

"All these are men's clothes, bags, and watches. If you see anything you like, circle it and I'll bring it to you."

Li Nanli's finger froze on his phone screen.

After a long while that seemed like an eternity, he curled his lips up and replied to Fu Zhi's message in a happy mood. "Anything is fine as long as it's from you, Zhizhi."

Liu Mi, who was curious and saw the message out of the corner of his eyes, fell silent.

Oh well... His boss was getting destroyed by Fu Zhi's public display of affection once again.

Liu Mi had seen enough public displays of affection between Lu Nanli and Fu Zhi in the past few months. A second later, Li Nanli said, "Let's go check out our store."


At the same time, at the luxury store opened by the Li Corporation...

The staff's patience was running thin.

Madam Xu had always kept a low profile. Plus, she usually only engaged in scientific research, and she had never gotten into a fight with other people. However, she was being kicked out of a shop right now...

Did she really look that poor?

Pulling a face, Madam Xu said, "I queued up and came in to buy clothes. I haven't finished selecting yet, so why should I leave?

"Can you afford our clothes? I just told you to keep your hands off our clothes. Why must you make things hard for us?" The staff member had not expected Madam Xu to fight back. She pulled her phone out and said, "If you refuse to cooperate with us, I'm going to call security!"

Her voice was loud, and Li Nanli, who was walking down a special corridor on the second floor with Liu Mi, heard everything.

Li Nanli could see everything through the mirror.

He squinted and asked, "What's going on?"

"It seems like they are having a fight."

Li Nanli frowned.

The manager should have settled a dispute like this, but Liu Mi did not go to look for the manager. Instead, he said, "President Li, those two people seem to be Fu Zhi's grandpa and grandma."

Liu Mi had read through Fu Zhi's profile before. Xu Wei's side of the family were ordinary white-collar workers.

They were a normal family, and they were poor. With a heavy heart, he said, "Old people nowadays are tough."

They would rather wear something off-the-rack so that they would have enough money to buy expensive clothes for their children.

Liu Mi wiped the tears off his face secretly.

A group of security guards soon arrived.

The staff member nudged her chin in Madam Lu's direction and said, "Just the two of them. They are causing the store trouble!"

The security guards nodded and then picked the staff member up.

"What the hell are you guys doing? Do you know who my uncle is?"

The staff member's face turned dark, and her voice was filled with anxiety.

"Your uncle is the manager, but..." One of the security guards held the staff member even tighter and added, "President Li fired you."

The staff member was stunned. "President Li fired me? Are you guys crazy?"

The security guards forced the staff member to apologize to Madam Lu and then led her away.

Li Nanli scoffed and went downstairs with Liu Mi.

He was going to use his staff member's unprofessionalism as an excuse to let Old Master Xu buy the clothes for free so that he could have a chance to bond with them. With that thought in mind, just as he was about to go up to them, he saw both of them walk up to the counter.

"Is the fabric of the new items the same as the fabric of the little pink jacket?"

When Mada Xu saw the cashier nod, she said, "Then let's have two sets of each. Take them to Yu City for me."

After saying that, she gave the bank card in her hand to the cashier before walking out of the store with Old Master Xu.

The cashier hastily stopped them. "Madam, you forgot your card. There are still two million in it..."

Well, you could never judge a book by its cover.

"Is that so?" Madam Xu said. "Does the Li Corporation have a charity organization? If yes, then donate the loose change for me."

Two million... Loose change... Donate...

Li Nanli froze.

When Madam Xu walked past him, he heard her conversation with Old Master Xu.

"Zhizhi said she had to wait in a long line when she went to the pirate ship at the amusement park. Let's secretly build an amusement park in Yu City for her. It's already tiring enough to study at school, and it'd be too cruel if she still had to line up when she wants to relax."

Old Master Xu nodded. "You're right. If there's a site, I really want to build a ski resort near their house. It'd be good for their bodies if they could exercise more."

Both Li Nanli and Liu Mi were speechless.

'Please give me back the tears I shed,' Liu Mi thought.


Time passed by rapidly, and Sunday arrived.

As she had agreed with Zhou Qiong, Fu Zhi went to her house for a visit.

After getting the address from Zhou Qiong, Fu Zhi gave it to the driver, and the driver took her to her destination.

"Zhizhi!" Lu Yubai waved his hand at her.

Fu Zhi walked over to him and raised her head to look at the massive mansion behind Lu Yubai.

Yeah, it was double the size of her own house.

"I've prepared a room for you. If you find your house noisy in the future, you can move in here. Oh yeah, I ordered online a few copies of the book "Red Sun" that our school teacher asked us to buy. I will give one to you when they arrive."

Lu Yubai spoke as he led Fu Zhi into the house.

Ever since the government had made "Red Sun" mandatory reading material for the college entrance exam, it had been selling like crazy on the market. The schools in the capital had heard the news first, so things were easier for them.

However, by the time a small area like Yu City heard the news, it was already extremely difficult for them to get their hands on even one copy of the book.

Besides, "Red Sun" was going to get adapted into a movie, and when the news that the Mu Family had invited Ye San to be the protagonist of the movie spread, it further aggravated the situation.

Even though Lu Yubai did not pay much attention to showbiz, he knew who Ye San was. Ye San was considered one of the most popular celebrities, and he had roughly 50 million followers on Weibo. The moment the news was released, a lot of his fans bought the book in bulk to support their idol.

Fu Zhi just nodded. Then, she asked, "Is there anything that your mom wants to ask me?"

"It's about Z God." Lu Yubai paused in his tracks. "Are you related to them by blood? Or do you know them at all?"

"Hmm? Nope. I don't know them, but I've heard that she's a great doctor that puts the welfare of her patients above everything, so we should learn from her," Fu Zhi replied.

Lu Yu'an, who was approaching them from a distance, froze.


Lu Yubai trusted Fu Zhi from the bottom of his heart. Perhaps Z God had come to help Lu Yu'an because they were free?

He let Fu Zhi get comfortable on a couch and went away to look for Zhou Qiong.

Then, Lu Yu'an suddenly appeared behind her.

He looked at Fu Zhi and called out to her after a short contemplation. "Cousin."

When Fu Zhi turned her head around, he leaned his body a little bit toward her and asked, "Were you in Yu City for the past week?"

Fu Zhi had no idea why, but he sounded a little bit strange.

"Yeap. I was in Yu City the whole week." Fu Zhi did not tell the truth to Lu Yu'an.

When Fu Zhi was dealing with Lu Yubai, she would always be able to see through him easily as if he was an open book. However, Lu Yu'an was different. His composure and wisdom did not match his age.

She had destroyed the surveillance camera in the Chu Residence, and the only person who knew she had been to the capital was Lu Yumo. Lu Yumo did not like to talk to Lu Yu'an, so she figured that she would not get caught.

Lu Yu'an smiled and said, "Is that so? But cousin, I saw a red mole on Z God's collarbone."

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