The United Dimensional Allian...

By XwarCommander1230

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After few years later making contact to other dimensions and unite into one unity-international organization... More

Nation: United Galactic System of Earth
United Dimensioal Alliance
UGSE Military #1
UGSE Military #2
UGSE Military weapons 1
World of Code Geass Part 2
World of Remnant Part 1
World of Remnant Part 2
World of Remnant part 3
World of Code Geass part 3
Remnant continents
New nations in Remant (RWBY)
Union Republic of Sanusia
Republic of Facultas
Republic of Menagerie
Weapons from New Nations of Remnant Part 1
Weapons from New Nations of Remnant Part 2
UGSE Military # 3
World of Code Geass Part 4
World of Code Geass Part 5
World of Code Geass Part 6
UGSE Military weapons 2
World of Code Geass Part 7
World of Remnant part 4
World of Remnant part 5
World of Code Geass part 8
World of Heimur (fantasy) Part 1
World of Heimur (fantasy) Part 2
World of Code Geass: Europe Map (Europia United)
World of Code Geass part 9
World of Cross Ange Part 1
World of Cross Ange part 2
World of Code Geass part 10
Universe of 323 P.D. Part 1
Universe of 323 P.D. Part 2

World of Code Geass Part 1

2.6K 41 7
By XwarCommander1230

The expeditionary fleet arrived in the dimension after entering a gateway portal from a ring network. They approach the nearby planet where the small ships are staying there for observation and surveillance.

The expeditionary fleet consisted 3 MCS Trinity-class Carriers, 2 MCS Crusader frigates, 2 UNSC Reaper-class battleships, 3 UNSC Paris-class heavy frigates, 2 GDI Global Shield-class heavy carriers, 2 ASO CSS-class battlecruisers, 1 ASO CAS-class assault carrier, 2 Terran Minotaur-class battlecruisers and 2 UGSE Vindicator-class battlecruisers.

They reached a planet that looked exactly like Earth. They see a single UGSE Whitestar-class frigate floating outside Earth's atmosphere. The leader of the expeditionary fleet is on a UGSE Vindicator-class named New Renfrew. The captain, Robert B. Sullivan, led the coalition expeditionary fleet of this mission. He made contact with a captain of a Whitestar-class frigate on the screen. The captain just said to him.

UGSE captain (screen): This is a captain of Unity of Pueblo Whitestar-class frigate. Nice to see a lot of fleet here.

Sullivan: This is Captain Robert B. Sullivan of New Renfrew Vindicator-class battlecruiser and leader of the 35th expeditionary fleet. It's nice to see you stationed there monitoring the dimensional alternate Earth. Tell me, what do we know about?

UGSE captain (screen): This alternate dimensional earth is different from ours as their history is different.

Sullivan: What do you mean?

A captain of Unity of Pueblo told him everything about the information of this dimension. He explains the history of that world in the first year of A.D. Alwin I met strong resistance from the local tribes which successfully repulsed the Roman Empire and won the independence to become the first member of the Britannian Imperial Family. The resources discovered by the locals (which the UDA calls them Alterhuman for humans born in Earth living in different alternate realities) a rare ore material called Sakuradite or Philosopher Stone exist in Stonehenge and there was also has large stock of Sakuradite in Japan when its discovered by Marco Polo in 14th-15th century. The American Revolution or what alterhuman called Washington Rebellion was changed when the duke of Britannia bribed Benjamin Franklin promises of giving a title of Earl to take control of the territories. As a result, Continental Army suffered a decisive defeat and the death of George Washington in Yorkton, marking a severe blow to the American movement of independence. The French Revolution occurred like other dimensions in different alternate earth history timeline, except the numerous national revolutions have spread across Europe except Great Britain which leads to the formation of Europia United or EU. Napoleon won the Battle of Trafalgar resulting in the French invading the British Isle becoming a part of the EU and the militia revolutionary arrested Queen Elizabeth III forcing to abdicate the throne, ending the monarchy which it is known as The Humiliation of Edinburgh. But fortunate for Britannia, the followers have fled to the New World and established a capital on the east coast. The revolutionaries stop Napoleon Bonaparte before he forms a revolutionary empire and becomes an emperor, killing a hero of the revolution via guillotine and therefore saving the revolutionary republic becoming what it had been fighting against. There were WWI eruptions in Europe. Apparently some EU nation members decided to break-off , probably something to do with Russia. This caused Britannia to use this as a distraction for the EU so they could invade South America, becoming a dominion of the Holy Britannian Empire. The Empire of Japan participated in the World War and lost a major war embracing democracy as a result. The Emblem of Blood era exist when assassination and betrayal were frequented among the member of the Imperial Fanily that coveted the throne. The 97th Emperor of Britannia is overthrown and newly emperor Charles zi Britannia ascends to the throne. The Dimensional Intelligence Agency (DIA) discovered the assassination of Marianne vi Britannia and crippled her daughter, Nunnally vi Britannia, Lelouch put blame on his father for not finding the murderer of his mother which caused both Lelouch and Nunnally sent to Japan for studying abroad. BUt in reality, they were sent there as political hostages. Then, the Holy Britannian Empire launched a full-scale global war among all three superpowers. The Second Pacific War erupts when the Holy Britannian Empire launches an attack on Japan, not knowing that Lelouch and Nunnally are staying there assuming them dead. But in reality, they are alive and went into hiding. They also developed a new mechanized humanoid robot called Knightmares that was used in the Second Pacific War.

After the details of alternate world history, Captain Sullivan understood it though he felt disgust of what this world became.

Sullivan: So the people are suffering under not only the Holy Britannian Empire, but also the EU and Chinese Federation?

UGSE captain (screen): Yes sir. We have images from our recon drones to see Japanese in concentration camp in EU similar to the ones the America did back in WW2, and Chinese Federation treated badly to their people knowing to be peasants living in the provinces.

Sullivan: Were you able to save Alterhuman Japanese when the invasion started?

UGSE captain (screen): We did. Only a few of them. They are in my ship considered as refugees and we set up the base at the moon for refugees to stay there. As for the Prime Minister of Japan, we just found him to commit suicide, apparently to be seppuku.

Sullivan: What else?

UGSE captain (screen): Let's see... Yes, The Vi Britannia siblings are alive. They were hiding under the protection of Ashford family in Ashford Academy and they have a Japanese maid, but we discovered she is a successor of the Shinozaki School apparently to be learning to become a ninja.

He showed him a picture of a young female Japanese maid.

We identify her as Sayoko Shinozaki. We must be cautious about her.

Sullivan: Right. Now then, since we're here you are joining us for this mission. But first, what is the current situation here?

UGSE captain (screen): We got a report that an explosion was coming from Tokyo Settlement. A group of Alterhuman Japanese resistances have stole what appears to be a chemical gas bomb, but our agents shows that Britannians are experimenting something odd.

A captain shows him an image of a green long-haired girl wearing a prisoner striped-jacket.

UGSE captain (screen): Our agents never know about this test subject the only thing we have is her name C.C. The resistance is being pursued by a police force then a faction called The Purists take control of it.

Sullivan: So they're like Hitler's SS? Great.

UGSE captain (screen): Yes. Now, we have seen a viceroy, Clovis la Britannia, a member of the Britannian Imperial Family, moving towards Shinjuku ghetto. I don't know what he's doing there, but it was only a matter of time before he ordered a full-scale attack in the ruined city with everyone living there.

Sullivan: So that bastard is going to order to massacre them. Not gonna happen.

He then contacted other captains in his fleet.

Sullivan: Everyone, we got ourselves a first mission. This dimension is being oppressed by one superpower nation called Holy Britannian Empire destined to rule the world. But like all empires, they will be their downfall. We are going to have our campaign to free the world from tyranny. First, we must save those people in the ghetto located nearby Tokyo Settlement in Area 11. Get them away from those Britannians so we can evacuate them to a safe place. Is that understood?

Elite shipmaster: Understood. I've read the details. We shall bring vengeance on those oppressors and they shall pay in blood.

Terran captain: We begin the order to send troops there. They never know our existence yet.

Sullivan: We keep it that way until we make a move to reveal ourselves. Begin sending forces to that planet. It's time to show them what happens if they dare oppress people for conquest.

And so, the Allied forces send out coalition forces straight to the planet to save the people living in the ghetto from Britannians under command of Prince Clovis.


Shinjuku Ghetto

After they failed to retrieve the test subject inside the capsule, Clovis ordered them to destroy everything in the ghetto, especially killing everyone within it. Leaving no witness after they saw it too much. For Japanese people living in the ghetto, scattered in panic to get away only to be killed on sight by Britannian forces. Men, women, children, and elderly were mercilessly killed whenever they had nothing to do with the resistance group or secret project of Code R Research Team. The resistance group led by Kaname Ohgi tried to fight back against Britannia forces to protect the people to give time to evacuate.

Unknownst to them, the Allies have arrived in the ghetto. They sent out manned mecha robots on the ground first then the rest of the troops deployed. They were led by the commander piloting Rhineguard named David J. Azuma, an American-Japanese young adult man who has experience of leading the troops to the battlefield. Now he is a rank of commander of the UESF Marine. He says to his coalition troops.

David: Alright listen up, the Alterhuman Japanese are scattered around the ghetto and the Britannians are hunting them down like the prey they are. I want everyone to get them out and engage every hostile you see. No taking prisoners today. We don't want them to know our existence. Not yet. Is that understood?

All coalition troops: Yes sir!

David: Good to hear. Now let's move!

The coalition forces go everywhere in the area. Most of them spread out to find any Alterhuman Japanese to get them out and take out any Britannian they can see.


The Britannian forces continuously fired on every Eleven on behalf of Prince Clovis. A mother holding her two children trying to run away from Britannians in fear. The Britannian soldiers are chasing after them on foot. They reached the dead end as there was no way to run or hide. They turn around to see Britannain soldiers blocking their way, pointing at them. They also have a tank behind them. A hatch opens to see an officer on top of the tank showing an evil glee on his face.

Britannian officer: There's no way to hide, Elevens. Now prepare to die.

He raises his hand as the soldiers are aiming rifles at them. A woman holding her children together and shut their eyes awaiting their faith. But then, a miracle happened. A Caucus jumps over the wall and stands right before them like he's appeared out of nowhere. The Britannians were shocked to see its appearance.

Britannian officer: What the hell is that thing!?

Britannain soldier: Never seen that kind of knightmare before?!

Caucus raised a pulse rifle and opened fire on Britannian infantrymen then fired a gauss underbarrel at the tank, destroying both officer and tank crew inside. He turned around to Japanese mothers and children who were shocked and scared of him.

Caucus pilot: Do not be afraid, citizens. You're safe with us.

Said a pilot in the speaker. The UGSE Marines come to pick them up as Caucus moves out to look for other Alterhumans and kill every Britannian around the area.


The Britannian Army forces go through anywhere in the ghetto finding any Elevens to shoot only to be encountered by a bunch of Allied coalition ground and infantry forces firing upon them. They were surprised by the attack from an unknown enemy.

Britannian sergeant: Crap! Fall back, men!

He shouted to his men before he got shot to the head by an ASO Jackal sniper. The UGSE and coalition ground and infantry forces are pushing them back as Britannians retreat. They hide in the buildings to retaliate against unknown enemy forces. UNSC chaingun warthog firing rapidly at enemy soldiers on sight. The RMC squad moved forward while shooting Britannian soldiers either in open areas or hiding in the building. When Britannian Sutherlands arrived at the scene, they sent two Exo-Strikers fired gauss cannons at them, destroying them in each one shot. 2 GDI slingshots and UGSE spearshot tanks firing bullets at Britannian VTOL gunships from the sky.


The Sutherlands were under attack by an unknown powerful enemy. They were forced to retreat but they were shredded into pieces. Tanks and APCs were destroyed everywhere. Infantry forces were being hammered and went to cover to fight back the unknown forces.

Britannian soldier 1: How the hell the terrorists has so much firepower? Buy it from black market?

Britannian soldier 2: I don't know! Maybe it must be the buyers from the EU or Chinese Federation.

A Britannian tank rolls in to combat the enemy forces only to be blown up by a GDI shepperd tank. UGSE marines went there and took out Britannian soldiers behind the cover. Sutherland fired a gun at David's Rhineguard which was bounced away by its energy shield. David raises an energy sword and stabs into Sutherland's chest, killing a pilot inside a cockpit. He throws it away like a ragdoll. He then contacted it on comms.

David: This is Commander David, sent down the dropships. We got civilians to evacuate.

UGSE officer (on comms): Roger.

A minute later, a large number of Terran medivac dropships, UGSE dropships, and Frontier crow dropships came through earth's atmosphere and arrived in the ghetto to pick up the civilians. The coalition soldiers bringing Alterhuman Japaneses into the dropships. The Allies saw incoming Britannian Sutherlands headed their way.

David: Damn Britannians. Everybody, take a defensive position. Protect the dropships.

Everyone got to their positions and fired at them. The Sutherland forces got hit, shredded into pieces. Terran marauder squad goes in and fires a grenade launcher on enemy Sutherlands, destroying their legs then the cockpit killing the pilots inside. The second wave consisted of ground forces of both infantrymen, APCs, and tanks. David's Rhineguard rushed in to destroy tanks and APCs using pulse cannon and energy swords. The ASO grunts, elites, and brutes fired at Britannian infantry forces so fiercely they take out a few of them. Britannian soldiers were busy shooting the enemy, they did not know UGSE and UNSC marines were coming at the right side to ambush them. A Britannian soldier notices their presence as he warns his comrades.

Britannian soldier: Guys! They're on the left side.

But it's too late to warn them. The UGSE and UNSC marines open fire at them, killing them in the process.

UGSE marine: Eat that, you Britannian bastards!

UNSC marine: Yeah! What he said!

UNSC captain: We're not done yet. Civilians are still evacuated and more Britons are coming this way.

UGSE sergeant: Right! Everyone, get to your positions. We still have fighting to do.

They get to their positions to defend evacuation points from Britannians.


Clovis G-1 Mobile Base

Britannian subordinate 1: We lost our forces in the far east.

Britannian subordinate 2: The reinforcements we sent in were destroyed.

Bartley feel sweating from his forehead to see the units were being destroyed by some kind of powerful terrorists. He cannot understand how they were able to defeat large forces in the east. He looked at the subordinates.

Bartley: Order other squad units to engage there!

Britannian subordinate 1: We tried to contact them. But for some reason we can't reach them. Twice!

Bartley: What! Impossible! Do it again.

Clovis la Britannia rose up from the chair not happy to hear it.

Clovis: This failure is unacceptable!

Bartley: Forgive me, your highness.

A Britannian scientist named Lloyd appears on the screen.

Lloyd (screen): Good afternoon.

Bartley: What is it?! We are in the middle of operation!

Lloyd (screen): I'd say it's time to deploy the ASEEC's special weapon.

Clovis: We have no time for this!


Elsewhere, a single Sutherland hiding in the tall building was responsible for commanding the resistance forces. A Britannian student wearing a dark school uniform holding a black king chess piece in his hand. His name is Lelouch Lamperouge, formerly known as Lelouch vi Britannia, an 11th prince of the Britannian Imperial Family. He and his sister were went exile to Japan as political hostage when their mother was murdered in its own palace, his sister got her legs crippled and eyes blinded from part of the scene, and their father just ruthlessly cast them out for Lelouch speaking accusation at him. When Japan was invaded by Britannia, it was the final blow for him. Now he wanted to destroy Britannia that his father ruled and build a better world for his sister, Nunnally vi Britannia. He speaks walkie-talkie.

Lelouch: R2, fire anchor. B7, use UN ordinance. N group, you'll continue to advance.

After that, he put down the walkie-talkie.

Lelouch: Alright, all I need is to wait for them to make their move. I must think of my next strategy.

Then something caught his attention. He looked at the screen and spotted a Terran medivac dropship just flying away in front of him.

Lelouch: What the - Is that - No, I think I'm seeing things that are not real. Giving orders to the terrorists and using this power on that womanis stressing me out. But I must not let it distract me.

He said, putting his hand on his forehead to massage it then he went back to work to defeat Britannia.


Frontier riflemen fighting alongside with other coalition forces against Britannian troops. They sent down two Ion-class Titans and one Ronin-class Titan. They move straight towards them to destroy the Sutherlands.UNSC Scorpion rolls in to fire at Britannian Sutherland. A UGSE Footman fired a coil gun rifle piercing through the chest and killing a pilot inside. The last Alterhuman Japanese entered a medivac dropship as it took off to the sky.

Terran marine: That's the last of them.

UGSE marine: Good work. Now let's kick their ass!

Terran marauder: Oh yeah, baby!

Said a marauder firing grenade launcher at Britannian tank.


A red-haired teenage girl named Kallen piloting a red one-arm Glasglow punching Sutherland's face, knocking him down from the top of a building. Then, she turns her head around to see those dropships flying away from the ghetto which surprises her.

Kallen: What are those? Britannia aircrafts?

Then she saw something below to see Sutherland squad units encountering unknown mech robots she had never seen before.

Kallen: What are those? New Knightmare model?

As she continues to watch them fighting, she sees a Ronin-class Titan slices one of Sutherland in half and then he moves to another one to strike down. David's Rhineguard fires a pulse cannon on Sutherland's face and stabs onto the chest. The last Suthernal panicking firing his gun at him, but the energy shield protects him so David shoots him dead with his pulse cannon. He led his coalition forces to advance. Kallen witnessing them in combat was amazing to take out Sutherland squad unit so easily then she got contact from an unknown caller, but she never knew that it was Lelouch ordering her and her friends for a chance to defeat Britannian forces.

Lelouch (on radio): Q1, do you copy?

Kallen: Ah! Y-yes. Q1 is here.

Lelouch (on radio): Q1, do you have an area map?

Kallen: Yes, I have a map of the old town. But it has no current landmarks.

Lelouch (on radio): It'll do. Get your friends to that position.

Kallen: On it.

She looks back at them before she goes somewhere to get her friends to the position following Lelouch's plan.


Clovis G-1 Mobile Base

Clovis: All right, send in Burts and the others too. Consecrate our forces there. Surround them. Meanwhile, send half of the forces to the east. All for sure is we face a strong eastern terrorists force that wipe out the units entirely.

Bartley: But my Lord, if we do that, we might lose what remains of the units.

Clovis: Quiet! I won't tolerate failure to wipe Elevens off this earth and I will not be humiliated.

They see the main forces on the war table are headed towards that dot where terrorists located while half of the units went to the east.

Clovis: The enemy's main force is that center dot. Finish every one of them.

He said in confidence of chances to destroy those terrorists. But what he doesn't know is that Lelouch has tricks under his sleeve.


The Britannian main force charge towards the location of terrorists. But when they got there, the terrorists are nothing there.


Clovis G-1 Mobile Base

Clovis: What?! Where's the enemy?


Lelouch: With this, I call check.

He puts a chess piece down in the final act as Kallen fires a slash harken above the ground causing the collapse to crush the Britannian main force. He laughed that his plan works.

Lelouch: My plan worked, didn't it. I can do it. I can. I can defeat Britannia!


Meanwhile, The Britannian forces arrive to the east to start attack terrorists. But unfortunately, they did not expect of UDA coalition forces. They expected for them to arrive to ambush them. When they got there, David gave an order.

David: Fire!

And with that act, they open fire on Britannians. They destroy Britannian forces like they are shredded into pieces. The Britannian vehicles were destroyed by anti-vehicle units and mecha robots. The infantry forces rushed in to attack the enemy, but they are no match for them. A Britannian infantry squad were headed to the building for garrison attack when suddenly they encountered a Terran firebat at the entrance. He put flames on the Britannian squad, burning them alive in slow death.

Firebat: Mmm, Smokin'.


Clovis G-1 Mobile Base

Bartley: We lost half the units to the east!

He said shockingly to lose half of units to the east. Clovis stepped back, shocking that the main forces and half of units at the east were lost. He cannot believe he is about to lose.

Clovis (thoughts): Who? Who in the hell am I up against? What if he's even better than Todo?

Clovis: Lloyd!

Lloyd (on screen): Yes, Your Highness?

Clovis: Can it win, will your toy beat them?

Lloyd (on screen): My Lord, please be so kind as to call it Lancelot.


After they defeat Britannian forces sending them to the east, David checks everything is clear and decides to end this operation.

David: Alright everyone, it seems we get those people out of here to safety we can get out of here and wait for further instructions from our superiors.

But before he could end it, he got contact from his men somewhere in the ghetto.

UGSE lieutenant (on comms): Commander, we have a problem.

David: What is it?

UGSE lieutenant (on comms): We see a one Knightmare model different from Sutherlands. Possibly a new model. He took out those from the Sutherlands in what appears to be a resistance group. And now, he's headed to that tall building.

David: So the Britannian sent a special Knightmare to the single handle of Alterhuman resistance. Fine. This is a commander, I'm headed there myself. All units, leave this place.

After that, he went there alone and the others left the ghetto. The mission is a success for the Allied coalition, but for David, he has a new mission to do.


Lelouch: P1! Report!

He tried to respond to the resistance leader, Kaname Ohgi, but there's no response. He started to panic for a moment.

Lelouch: The enemy, can it really be only one unit?

Then, a new experimental knightmare model called Lancelot came to the building using slash harken and he went to attack him. Lelouch able to block it.

Lelouch: You mean this thing's what's ruining my plan?

The pilot controlling a Lancelot was a Japanese serving Britannia Foreign Legion hoping someday he can change for the better from within the system. His name is Suzaku Kururugi, a best friend of Lelouch since he and his sister arrived in Japan. After Japan took over by Britannia, he decided to join up the military hoping he could make good for his achievement so he could rise up to the rank to change the system within the Holy Britannian Empire. He is engaged to a Purist Sutherland seeking to be enemy commander.

Suzaku: Are you the guy that's in command?

Lelouch: Nothing more than a pilot. How dare he!

He struggles to block the attack as Lancelot still clashes with him and is pushing forward.

Lelouch: No choice, I've gotta get out of here.

He tried to find a way to escape, but Lancelot is in his way and there's no way for him to escape. Kallen in red Glasgow arrives attacking Lancelot.

Kallen: Hey, I'm returning a favor.

Said a red-haired teenage girl. She fires a slash harken, but Lancelot grabs it as he is crushing both her hand and a slash harken. Seeing her knightmare damaged, she ejected from the cockpit. Lelouch makes it out as he is running away from Lancelot.

Lelouch: I must remember that the most vital element in battle is the human one.

Then Lancelot pursues him. He shoots him back, but with his one arm broken, it is difficult to aim him, shooting anywhere damaging the buildings. Lancelot is gaining on him until he was being attacked by Rhineguard appear out of nowhere.

Suzaku: What!

Lancelot falls back as David's Rhineguard is in a fighting stance. This allows Lelouch to get away in time. Meanwhile, Suzaku saw an unknown mecha robot in a fighting stance in front of him.

Suzaku: W-What is that thing? A knightmare, perhaps?

He curiously said before he reacted fast to dodge away from David firing pulse cannon at him.

Suzaku: No matter. I have to stop him and then that knightmare so I can end this.

He brings his determination and moves to attack him with a slash harken as gauntlet blade. David brings up an energy shield on his left gauntlet to block him.

Suzaku: What?

David: Hm. Nice try there. But to me, you are just a simple target to be wrecked with.

David grabs an arm and toss Lancelot on the ground. Lancelot then goes jumping to kick at him. But that attack fails when David quickly grabs a leg and slams him on the ground. He pulled out a leg in full strength and then he fired a pulse cannon on both arms and one leg. He kicked him around to look at Lancelot's face. He stares at him wondering what to do with him when a computer AI speaks to him.

Computer AI: Commander, I've detected the remaining Britannian forces found Alterhumans refuged in the structure at the west. They are about to execute them.

David: Alright, I'm on my way.

He looked down at him before he left him and headed to the west. Suzaku saw him just single handedly handling him and destroying both arms and legs, he was full of shock and disbelief that he failed to defeat him. A woman named Cecile contacted him.

Cecile (on radio): Private Kururugi, are you alright? The readings show damage to both parts of arms and legs. What's happening there?

Suzaku: I-I-I don't know. A kind of unknown knightmare model just beat me. And I can't move. And I can't open the cockpit because it's damaged.

Cecile (on radio): Okay. I'll send the team to pick you up. And Private Kururugi.

Suzaku: Yes?

Cecile (on radio): You will explain it to Lloyd. He doesn't look happy.

Suzaku: Really?

Lloyd (on radio): Yes.

He said in an unhappy voice. Suzaku swallows his throat feeling he is in big trouble of ruining this new experimental knightmare model he just uses now. He hopes that it won't go badly.


Kallen was seen running when he got a call from Ohgi to get in the structure. The people there were cowering in fear seeing people being killed everywhere by Britannians.

Japanese civilian 1: It's your fault. This is what happens when you oppose the Britannians.

Tamaki: What!? Why you gutless coward?

Japanese civilian 2: How many people were killed because of this!?

Said a woman whimpering in fear.

Tamaki: Shut up! Do you know how many of us were killed or captured? Do ya? Quit crying.

Kallen: Ougi, who was that voice we heard?

Ohgi: Damn if I know. He doesn't answer when I call so maybe he b–

Then there was an explosion from the entrance, killing at least three resistance members standing there. The Britannian tank entered first as Britannian soldiers came and pointed guns at them. An officer opens the hatch to see them here.

Tamaki: There, you see! Instead of following somebody we don't even know, we should've used poison gas.

Ohgi: But he–

Tamaki: Damn Nagata to hell!

Britannian officer: So this is where you Eleven vermin scurried off to. Prepared to fire!

The Britannian soldiers readying to fire them by his order. Everyone is scared that this is the end for them. Kallen, seeing she is going to die, shouts her eyes and says her brother's name.

Kallen: Naoto!

As a Britannian officer is about to give an order to fire, something grabs a tank from behind.

Britannia officer: What the!?

A tank was thrown away and the wall was blown up. Everyone saw what happen to see Rhineguard standing there outside.

Tamaki: W-What is that? A knightmare?

Minami: I don't know! Maybe it is?

The Britannian soldiers quickly aim at that thing and open fire. David decides to go out and take them out in person. He opens the cockpit and lands on the ground revealing he's wearing  a uniform more advanced than anyone in this world.

Britannia soldier: Take him down!

David draws out a plasma sword as he rushes in fast speed quickly taking them out one by one. After that, he looked at them, shocked, and took them out by himself using that sword. Then he heard the voice of Clovis from the G-1 mobile base.

Clovis (on speaker): Attention all forces. Cease fire at once. I, Clovis, third prince of Britannia and royal viceroy of Area Eleven, here by command of you, all forces are ordered to cease fire at once. You also cease destruction of any buildings or property. All casualties, whether Britannian or Eleven, shall be treated equally and without prejudice. In the name of Clovis la Britannia, you are hereby ordered, cease fire at once. I shall allow no further fighting.

David: What the hell? He just ordered the ceasefire after that? Huh, it doesn't matter anyway. Whoever tells him makes my job easier. Now, time to leave.

He said as he rushed to his Rhineguard and prepared to take off then Kallen ran after him and shouted.

Kallen: Hey! Who are you!

He didn't say much as he flew away from the scene. This leaves Kallen a question of who is a mysterious person piloting a strange knightmare that saves her and the people inside from the Britannians. She hopes that one day she'll meet that person.


Clovis G-1 Mobile Base

Clovis finishes the announcement of the ceasefire as he is sitting in a chair in a dark room. Bartley and the subordinates are nowhere to be found. He is alone with a Britannian soldier pointing a gun at him, threatening him.

Clovis: Are you satisfied?

???: Very. Well done.

Clovis: And what shall we do now? Sing a few lively ballads, or perhaps a nice game of chess?

???: That has a familiar ring.

Clovis: Hmm?

He is confused about the words he is talking about.

???: Don't you recall? The two of us used to play chess together as boys. Of course, I would always win.

Clovis: What?

???: Remember? At the Aries Villa?

This shocked him as he remembered what happened to Aries Villa where Lelouch and Nunnally's mother were killed, and Nunnally was crippled and blinded in the scene.

Clovis:: You, who are you?

Lelouch: It's been a long time, big brother. The eldest son of the late consort Marianne and seventeenth in line to the imperial throne, Lelouch vi Britannia, at your service.

He said as he took off the helmet revealing him to the face and bow to him, which was a surprise for Clovis. That soldier in disguise was Lelouch himself.

Clovis: Lelouch?! B-But I thought–

Lelouch: That I was dead? You were wrong. I have returned, Your Highness. And I've come back to change everything.

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