hand over hand

Da natsushisan

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taking the first step is always hard, but you don't think about it twice when it is with the right person. Altro

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
Hand over Hand- Roland Faunte.
notes :)

chapter 5

120 9 1
Da natsushisan

-Sexual assault (not explicit).


Kaworu and Shinji arrived at the place of the party around 9:00 pm, it was in the house of god knows who, but they had volunteered to throw the party at their place since it was really big and it could hold a lot of people inside it. Shinji had gotten the location from Rei who got there with the other girls a long time ago. At the moment Kaworu and Shinji arrived, there were various groups of people playing different party games, others were just sitting and drinking. In the kitchen, they could see a ridiculous amount of packs of beer and a lot of different alcohol bottles. Before going to find the girls, both of the boys grabbed a beer and opened it still in the kitchen.

"Shinji!" The just named looked around him and found Mari waving at him so they would approach their group. Next to Mari, besides Asuka and Rei, there was another two boys and a girl and they all seemed to be having a great conversation with each other. "Hey guys, how was dinner?"

Everyone who was sitting infront of them turned to hear the answer. Shinji spoke first, since the question was directed more towards him than to Kaworu. "It was great, thanks. So how's the party going?"

"Boring." Asuka said, "It's still early and my mom over here," she looked at Mari who gave her a kiss for that, "says I have to wait a little longer so I can get drunk and that's all I came to do."

Mari and the rest of the guys laughed at her comment and she went it to kiss her again. "Well, I just don't want her to make a fool of herself. Oh, by the way, these are Toji, Kensuke and Hikari, we just met them here, they're pretty great."

"Nice to meet you guys." Shinji said and realized he forgot to introduce Kaworu to the group. He grabbed Kaworu's arm, pulling him so he would be in everybody's sight. "This is Kaworu, uhm, he's my friend and, yeah."

The people in the group said 'nice to meet you' to Kaworu and he said it back to them. Shinji looked around and he saw that it was indeed a boring party. "Do you guys maybe want to go back to the apartment and follow the party there? You guys are invited aswell, obviously." He said looking at the three new friends the girls had made.

"That'd be a good idea if we had any booze at the apartment, we have nothing." Rei said giving up and making an annoyed face at having to stay at the lame party.

Kaworu stepped in, still standing next to Shinji. "I'm pretty sure we can take a few bottles from the kitchen and no one would realize they're gone." Shinji turned to look at him, impressed of what he had just said and Kaworu looked back and smiled at him. "No one even realized when we got here so I don't think they'll know if we leave either."

"Kaworu, you are a genius, let's go." Asuka stood up pulling Mari's hand heading to the kitchen, all the others followed them. They didn't even bother to be sneaky about grabbing the alcohol and no one around them seemed to care. Kaworu and Shinji grabbed a box of beers each, Mari and Asuka grabbed 3 bottles and Rei, Hikari, Toji and Kensuke grabbed boxes of beer aswell. They left the party with the stolen booze and walked back to their apartment. The house in which the party was, was really close from campus, so really close to the guys' apartment. It didn't take them too long to get back and in the way they were laughing and talking about what they just did.

They entered the elevator and since it was too much people inside it, they were all squeezed together. Obviously Shinji and Kaworu were next to each other and the excess of contact didn't seem to bother them at all. In fact, Shinji had plenty of space to his left but still decided to stay leaning in Kaworu's arm. The elevator reached their floor and they exited it, leaving the beers and bottles on the kitchen counter. Asuka served everyone's drinks and then moved over to the living room, everyone sat in a circle, some in the couch and some others grabbed chairs. Rei put some music on the speaker set to get everyone to loosen up.

Shinji and Kaworu were sitting next to each other in the couch and were forced to be really close together, since there was other 3 people on the same couch but the contact didn't bother them enough for one of them to sit somewhere else. All the people in the room exchanged stories and laughed with the others, everyone got to know more about Toji, Kensuke and Hikari, turns out they actually had just met each other aswell and didn't know anyone else at the party either.

As the time went by, everyone drank more and more, forgetting that it was a wednesday and all had classes the next day. As they became more drunk, they laughed more and started being more comfortable with each other. Eventually the guys started getting off their sits to lay on the floor or to sit on the table, but Shinji and Kaworu remained on the same spot, still not using all the space they had on the couch. "Who wants to play beer pong?"

"Dude, Asuka is like a god when it comes to beer pong, Shinji and I have never been able to beat her, not once." Rei said to Kensuke who was sitting next to her on the floor.

"Is that so?" Kaworu said standing up after overhearing Rei's words. "I'm actually pretty good at the game, I'll play with you, Asuka. Do you want to play with me?" He said looking at Shinji and lending him a hand so he would use it for support to stand up.

Asuka stood up from her chair and pulled Mari up so they would start setting the cups to play. "Fuck yeah, we're gonna destroy you guys."

"Uhm, I suck at this game, maybe you'd want to team up with someone else?" Shinji said grabbing Kaworu's hand but not standing up yet.

Kaworu made as if he thought about what Shinji had said, "Mhm, maybe not, I only want to play with you, Shinji." if they hadn't been drinking before, Shinji would have said no, especially because he was infront of his friends and people he had just met, but looking at Kaworu's eyes he couldn't refuse.

Without letting go of the hand infront of him, he stood up, too quickly, which combined with the fact that he was a little drunk, made him stumble and bump into Kaworu, who grabbed him making sure he wouldn't fall. "Okay then, let's kick their asses." The white haired smiled and without letting go of Shinji's hand, went to the table, in which the cups were already organized and had beer in them so the game would start.

"Okay, you guys go first." Mari said and handed each one a ping pong ball. Surprisingly, on their first turn Shinji was able to score a point while Kaworu didn't have the same luck. They celebrated with a high five as Asuka drank the beer from the cup.

"Don't get too excited, it's just the first turn, and that will be the only point you score." Asuka smiled in a creepy way and when she had the ball in her hand, she threw it at the cups infront of her and got it into one. Mari scored that round aswell.

The girls celebrated as Shinji and Kaworu drank a cup each to then stack then and put them away.

After a few rounds, the two teams were down to one cup each, it had taken a lot of luck to the boys, but the girls stated that since they were drunk, they weren't performing as usual. On the last round, both Mari and Asuka missed their shots, so it was turn for the other team. Kaworu went first and missed his shot, so it all came down to Shinji, if he missed this there would probably not be another round, since even when being drunk, Asuka was too good at the game. "Come on Shinji, you just have to make this shot."

Kaworu was behind Shinji, rubbing his shoulder as if he was preparing him for a box fight. "Oh man, I'm gonna miss this. There's no way I'm doing this," the boy behind him stopped what he was doing to get next to Shinji and give him a half hug, grabbing him by the waist.

"You can do this, you only have to believe in yourself." If Shinji would have been sober, he would have laughed at that, but in that moment, the words were appreciated since he started taking the game too serious. He wanted to impress his friend.

"Okay, I can do this." He said and threw the ball and it landed on the cup. He turned to look at Kaworu who looked as impressed at him and without giving it much thought, Shinji jumped in his friends arms, wrapping his arms and legs around his body. They were celebrating and cheering and everyone around them knew how the game was just an excuse to hug, except for them.

They were brought back to reality to Asuka screaming at them. "Idiots! The ball bounced off the cup, you haven't won yet." She threw the ball as it was her turn and it went right into the boy's last cup. "We won!" Now, Asuka and Mari hugged and Shinji and Kaworu noticed that they were still with arms around each other. Shinji jumped out of his arms, being more blushed than he was before, but now not because of the alcohol, and Kaworu fixed his clothes and drank the cup infront of him.

"We tried." Shinji said shrugging his shoulders and Kaworu did the same and laughed. "Hey, want to go outside to grab some air?" He said in a low voice so only the boy next to him would hear.

Kaworu nodded. "Yeah, I actually wanted to have a smoke, so let's go." Both of them went out of the apartment and no one seemed to notice when they exited. As the were going down in the elevator, Kaworu pulled out a box of cigarettes out of his back pocket and offered it to Shinji, who kindly refused.

"I didn't know you smoke." They got down of the elevator and headed to a park that was just infront of the building. Not even feeling cold anymore because of all they had already drank.

"There's a lot of things you don't know about me, Shinji." They sat in the swings and Kaworu lighted up his cigarette, inhaling and letting the smoke out after a few seconds.

"I guess. I forget that we've only know each other for three days, it feels like I've known you for way longer." Shinji pushed himself in the swing with his feet, but not enough so he could continue talking with his friend.

Kaworu inhaled again from his cigarette, speaking before letting go of the air in his lungs. "I forget about it too, I guess I just enjoy a lot being with you." He let go of the air and both of them remained in silence while Kaworu finished his smoke and Shinji was looking at the stars. Once it was done, the white haired threw the stub on the ground and stepped on it to turn it off. He then proceeded to stand up, go behind Shinji and push him in the swing.

Shinji helped him, swinging his feet back and forward so he would go higher. Both boys were laughing and pushing more and more, until Shinji jumped out of the swing, landing on the floor and layed on his back, looking up at the sky. Kaworu joined him, getting next to him, arms touching. "Why do you do it?"

"Do what?"

"Smoke. I guess you already know it's bad for your health. Not that I'm the healthiest person ever, but I don't know, smoking has never been attractive to me." Shinji moved closer to Kaworu as it was possible, still looking up.

He went silence for a second before answering, "I started when I was very young, I was like sixteen years old. I did it with my friend Lee who was pushing me to do it, saying that if I didn't I'd be a pussy," he laughed at the comment but Shinji didn't. "I was young and stupid, I never thought about what it could do to me, but I just wanted to look cool for him."

Shinji nodded, now turning his head to look at Kaworu. "Lee doesn't seem to be a very good friend, if I'm being honest."

"He's not. That's why I don't talk to him anymore." Kaworu could feel how Shinji was looking at him but he didn't want to return the look, so he just stayed looking at the stars above him.

"What does smoking tastes like?"

Now he turned to his friend and sat up, Shinji did the same. He pulled a cigarette out of his box and lighted it up. "Wanna try?" He smoked some of it and then handed it to the boy infront of him.

"I don't know, I feel like it's gonna burn my throat, isn't there like lighter cigarettes?" He refused it with his hand and Kaworu smoked from it again.

"Well, there are, but I don't think there's a store open right now to buy some, besides, you don't have to do it if you don't want to."

"No, I do want to... Uhm, I have an idea, but you have to trust me, okay? I've seen this in movies before." Kaworu nodded and smiled. "Okay, close your eyes."

"Do I have to?" he gave Shinji puppy eyes and it made him smile.

"Okay, you don't have to. Uhm, smoke now but don't let go of the air until I tell you." He did as he was told and held the air in his lungs. Shinji grabbed his face by his cheeks and pulled him closer to his face. Kaworu peeled his eyes open and Shinji laughed about it. "Calm down, I'm not gonna kiss you. You wish." Kaworu laughed at that and let the air out of his lungs, blowing it all in Shinji's face who coughed at it.

He laughed even more when he saw Shinji's bothered face. "I'm sorry! You made me laugh, it wasn't my fault. But okay, let's try again, I already know what you want to do, so it's easier now. Come here." Now it was Kaworu who pulled Shinji's face closer to his after smoking again. They were so close to the other that when Kaworu released the smoke, their lips touched but none of them pulled away. Shinji inhaled the smoke and kept it in his lungs for a few seconds, before releasing it again.

They stayed in the same position for what seemed as an eternity, breathing each other's breath, sometimes Kaworu would go closer to Shinji, but without kissing him, just barely touching his lips, and Shinji would do the same. Both of them were dying to kiss the other but they were too afraid to give the first step. "Do it again" Shinji said, pulling away and Kaworu smoked once more. Before he could get closer to his friend, Shinji put his hand on Kaworu's chest, pushing him so he would be laying on his back on the grass of the park. Shinji proceeded to sit on top of Kaworu, who smoked again and smiled at his friend's sudden bravery.

While sitting on top of the boy, Shinji lowered his upper body and inhaled the smoke Kaworu had exhaled and took the oportunity to get closer to his friend's lips, still not kissing though. "Again." Kaworu did as he was ordered and did it again, loving the way Shinji's ass rested on his pelvis.

Kiss him. Kiss him. Kiss him. Kiss him. Kiss him. Kiss him. Kiss him. Kiss him. Kiss him. Kiss him. Kiss him. Kiss him. Kiss him. Kiss him.

"Hey, we should go back, I'm sure everyone's noticed we're gone by now." Kaworu broke the silence and it made Shinji pull away against his wishes. Kaworu noticed how Shinji looked sad about the comment and Kaworu could tell he felt rejected. "Shinji, it's not like I don't like you, but you're drunk right now, and I don't want you to do anything you'll regret later."

No, I want to stay here with you. "You're right, I'm sorry. Let's go back." Shinji got off Kaworu's hips and stood up, offering Kaworu a hand so he could stand up aswell. "It tastes like shit, by the way." Both laughed at the comment and went into the building.

When they got back, everyone sensed the awkwardness between them but no one said anything. The two boys then proceeded to get absolutely wasted, as if they were hoping that they could blame their actions on alcohol in the morning. They drank cup after cup, shot after shot without needing a game to justify it. Kaworu and Shinji were barely seen together the rest of the night and it was obvious that they were avoiding each other.

Once the clock marked 1:00 am, Hikari, Toji and Kensuke went back to their houses and Rei, Asuka and Mari volunteered to walk them back just to be safe. Actually, Shinji volunteered too but he was told off because of how drunk he was.

"I better get going too." Kaworu said standing up, gathering his things as he could.

"I'll walk you back." Shinji stood up from his chair, almost falling.

"No, you're too drunk Shinji." He turned around to exit the apartment and crashed against the table, which he could have sworn wasn't there before.

Shinji laughed and grabbed his jacket. "So are you, let's go Kaworu."

They hopped on the elevator, having trouble standing as it went down. Once it opened they both headed to Kaworu's apartment not talking in the way there, just sometimes bumping against each other since they couldn't walk straight.

Kaworu entered his building and Shinji went with him, saying that just in case he fell off the stairs. It wasn't until the got to the door of Kaworu's apartment that they said goodnight and as Shinji turned around to leave, he realized something. "Fuck, I forgot my keys." He searched every pocket on his clothes and the keys were in none of them.

Kaworu opened his door and after entering, he moved to the side looking at Shinji. "Come in, you can wait here while the girls come back to the apartment." Shinji took the invitation and he let himself in. Kaworu closed the door behind him and went to the kitchen to pour two glasses of water. "Here, drink this." he grabbed the glass and drank it all in one gulp.

Shinji called Rei to see if they were back and she told him that they were going to stay over at Hikari's, since they were still drinking there. Of course they are. "Uhm, Rei says they are not coming back to the apartment tonight, or at least not in a long time."

Kaworu laughed and headed to his room. "It's okay, you can stay here, if you want."

"I don't want to be a bother."

"You're not, trust me. Come here." Shinji did as he was told and went into Kaworu's room. He sat on the edge of his bed watching his room, it was painted in light grey and he had a lot of posters hanging on the walls. His desk was decorated with a lot of fidget toys and everything was pretty organized. "Here, put this on, unless you want to sleep in jeans." Kaworu gave his a pair of pajama shorts and an oversized t-shirt from a band that he didn't recognise. "I'll give you some room to change, let me know when you're ready." He left the room and Shinji changed into the clothes his friend had borrowed him.

Shinji finished changing and folded his clothes, putting them on Kaworu's desk and opened the room's doors. "I'm done changing, Kaworu." When he got no response, he got out of the room and found Kaworu asleep on the couch in a position that did not look comfortable at all and with his own pajama's on. "Hey, Kaworu, come back to you room, don't sleep here."

Kaworu opened his eyes and smiled at his view. He stood up with Shinji's help and they both went back to the bedroom falling on the bed as soon as they were close to it. Shinji unmade the bed laying Kaworu on it and as soon as he was going to leave him there, Kaworu grabbed his arm stopping him from walking away. "Don't go. Sleep here."

"Are you sure?"

"Of course I am. Please, Shinji." Shinji unmade the rest of the bed and got on it. He grabbed his phone and texted Rei that he was staying over at Kaworu's. Laying on the bed, he turned to be facing Kaworu who was looking back at him.

Without saying anything, Shinji got closer to Kaworu, putting his face right infront of his friend's face. Their noses were touching and Shinji's hand was resting in Kaworu's cheek. They were staring into each other's eyes, until the tiredness made them fall asleep but still during the night, none of them moved from the position they were in.

Shinji woke up to his alarm ringing at 6:30 am, he forgot he had class early that day. As he opened his eyes a massive headache invaded him and he also realized that he wasn't in his room. He looked at his surroundings and found Kaworu still sleeping, so he was quick to turn off the alarm so it wouldn't wake him up. Shinji didn't want to get out of bed, it was warm there and he was comfortable sleeping with his friend. That sounded weird. Eventually, he had to get up and he got dressed with the clothes he had left in the desk trying to make as less noise as possible and he got out of Kaworu's room letting him sleep. He got out of the boys apartment and headed to his own when he remembered he needed his keys to get back in. Wait, I literally don't need keys to get into my apartment, I just need the pin. He entered the elevator and put the pin so it would go up to his floor. He was relieved when he saw the girls weren't there yet.

He quickly changed his clothes into clean ones, washed his face and brushed his teeth, he didn't even have breakfast since he was running late. As he was walking to campus, he decided he'd text something to Kaworu, since it was weird that he left like that with no explanation.

Sorry i left early, I have class at 7:00 and i didn't want to wake you up. thanks for letting me stay :)

That'll do it. He got to his classroom at time for his class and had trouble staying awake for the two hours of it. Good thing it was his only class in the morning, so he would be able to get back and sleep for a bit. The time on campus went by really slow, but as soon as it was 10:00 am, the teacher dismissed the students and they left the classroom. Shinji remembered he hadn't had breakfast yet, so he went to the cafeteria to buy something, he was too hangover to cook anything. While he was eating his cinnamon roll, his phone announced a new message for him.

From: Kaworu.

No problem, you're welcome whenever you want.

The text made Shinji believe that maybe he could be mad at him, but he didn't think too much about it since that's how Kaworu would normally be through texts. Then he remembered about last night and it almost made him vomit what he had eaten of his breakfast. He remembers how he wanted to kiss Kaworu, how he got on top of him in the park, how they had been so touchy infront of everyone and how they had slept together, very close to each other.

Shinji didn't want to face him, he didn't want to talk to him, because he knew he wouldn't be able to look at him in the eyes after everything that happened. He didn't even finish his breakfast and headed back to his apartment. When the doors of the elevator opened, he saw Mari and Asuka in the kitchen counter doing what appeared to be schoolwork. "Hey, how's the hangover, puppy?"

He laughed as he could and sat next to them. "I feel like shit. How about you guys."

"Oh I'm fresh, I've never felt better actually." Asuka said while eating from her bowl of cereal.

"I'm great too. Last night Asuka made this disgusting smoothie and she said that if I drank it, I wouldn't have a hangover, and it worked. I'm sorry you feel bad tho." Shinji gave her a smile and buried his face on his arms that were crossed on top of the table.

Asuka rubbed his back which made him look back up. "Do you want one of my gross smoothies? Maybe it'll help you."

"Hell no, I don't think I'll be able to not throw it up. But thanks, right now I'm going to sleep since I barely got any sleep last night." He got up from the counter and walked to his room.

"By the way, where did you sleep. When we got back you weren't here and we asked Rei and all she said was that you were okay." Mari said.

"Uhm, I stayed with Kaworu. I walked him back to his apartment but when we got there I realized I forgot my keys, so I had to stay there." Both girls nodded and as Shinji got into his room, he heard them laughing about what he said, he forgot again you didn't need keys to enter the apartment, but he was too tired to go back and try and fix it.

He dropped on his bed and before closing his eyes, he set an alarm for 2:30 pm, just in case he hadn't woken up by that time. He fell asleep quickly.


Kaworu's POV.

He woke up around 9:30 am to the sunlight hitting his eyes. The pain on his head made him not want to open his eyes, until he remembered about the friend he had gone to bed with. He opened his eyes and found the place next to him empty, so he closed his eyes again and let himself remember the events of last night. This could actually work, now I know that it is in fact mutual, but I have to take things slower. He happily got out of bed and completely forgot about the shit state his body was in. He prepared some breakfast that he managed not to burn it this time and sat to eat it. He responded some texts he had and a text Shinji had sent him earlier today. Maybe I should invite him over, but just to talk about what happened last night. He was typing an answer when a phone call interrupted him. It was his mom.

"Hello?" He answered the call.

"My boy! How are you? How's college going? We miss you a lot already, we can't wait for you to come back for christmas vacations!"

Kaworu laughed and took another bite from his omelette. "It's going great, I already have new friends and I've been hanging out with them a lot. And I already miss you guys too. How's dad doing?"

"Oh that's wonderful to hear. Your dad's great, we've been quite busy at work, that's why we hadn't called yet, but we've been great."

"I'm glad to hear that, mom." You should tell her about Shinji. "Uhm, and I wanted to tell you something aswell." I shouldn't do this over the phone.

"What is it sweetheart?" His mom sounded so nice, as she always was. She was a very important person in Kaworu's life and he always thought he couldn't have had a better family than the one he had.

Tell her, she won't judge you. "I, uhm..." He cleared his throat and drank some water before speaking up again. "I adopted a cat." What?

"Really? That's amazing, how did you name it? You have to send me some pictures of it. That's so cute!"

Kaworu pinched the bridge of his nose, trying to come up with a name for a cat that he did not have. "Uhm..." He turned to look around his apartment to find anything that could sound as a pet's name. "Sushi, her name is Sushi."

His mom laughed. "Sushi is an amazing name, I love it!"

They continued talking about the classes Kaworu had and his mom told him about a project she was directing for her job and how his dad was also in it. They also talked about how Kaworu was managing to live alone and the woman volunteered to send him more money if he needed some, which he refused. After talking for about an hour, they hung up and Kaworu had to somehow get a cat now, the idea didn't bother him since he always wanted a cat, but it was still a pretty big deal, he'd go down to the animal shelter later to adopt one.

It was 12:00 pm when he took a shower and after that, he went to bed. He fell asleep again, since he only had one class that day and it wasn't until 5:00 pm. He set an alarm for 4:30 pm and he allowed himself to get some rest.


Lee and Kaworu arrived to the party with the bottle of alcohol they'd stolen from Lee's dad's collection. There were a lot of teenagers talking and playing when they got there. Both boys spent the night with Himeno and some friends of her. Kaworu always thought that Himeno was too good for Lee and he could see how he would always make her less, but he never said anything because he didn't want to fight with his best friend.

Kaworu drank all the cups Lee gave him, he didn't want to do it but he didn't want to be lame either. They had already drank most of the bottle and the alcohol had started doing effects on their bodies.

They all sat down in a circle and put an empty bottle in the middle of it. They spun it and as the two ends landed in different people, they would kiss, unless it was between two girls or two boys, then they would spin it again. After a few rounds, the bottle landed with the top pointing at Kaworu and with the bottom pointing at Lee, everyone on the circle cheered them, encouraging them to kiss, as a joke obviously. This made Kaworu really uncomfortable so he just laughed along and spun the bottle again.

Now it landed on Kaworu again, and the bottom on one of Himeno's friends. They both looked at each other and smiled shyly. The girl was very pretty, but Kaworu was just not attracted to her, she started moving towards him to kiss, but Kaworu pulled his head back. "What's the matter dude? You have to kiss her, unless you're a sissy." Lee said looking at him in a mean way. So he went in and kissed the girl. It was his first kiss ever and he felt nothing. The kiss went on longer than he wanted but he didn't want to pull away, to avoid being called anything.

The game eventually finished, but the girl Kaworu had kiss would not leave his side. She was pretty drunk but so was he. As the mood went down, the boys sat in the couch with Himeno and her friend. Himeno and Lee were making out and Kaworu avoided as much as he could making out with the girl. It became too obvious that he didn't want to kiss her again, so she got upset at him. "Why don't you want to kiss me again," she leaned over to whisper in his ear. "is it because you like Lee?" He pulled away from her and gave her a scared look that only confirmed what she just said. This made her laugh. "It's okay, I won't tell anyone, don't worry. It's not like I don't find it gross, but I just don't give a fuck, if I'm being honest." After that, she went in to kiss the boy again, and this time he did not pull away. He made out with the girl who got more intense over time, she'd touch Kaworu's body with her hands even thought she could feel that he was uncomfortable. Luckily, Himeno's parents came to pick them up and they had to leave.

After a while, Kaworu left the party with Lee, since he was sleeping over at his house. It was hard for them getting back because both of them were pretty drunk. They laughed and joked until Lee opened the door of his house and they headed to the bedroom. As they were changing their clothes to their pajamas, Kaworu turned to see the naked torso of his friend when he wasn't looking. They finished swapping their clothes and layed on the bed.

"Kaworu?" The just named opened his eyes and turned to see his friend who was staring at him.


"If you tell anyone about this, I'll kill you, and I mean it." Kaworu was about to laugh when he saw his friend with a very serious face, he wasn't joking.

It still confused him since he didn't know what Lee meant. "Huh? What are you ta-" Before he could finish the sentence, Lee kissed him. Kaworu did not kiss him back, he was shocked that his friend was doing that, especially since he wast against those things, he tried to not give it more thought, since he knew that was the only time that it was going to happen, so he allowed himself to carefully return the kiss and place his hands in Lee's face, pulling him closer to him. Eventually, Kaworu got on top of his friend who did not make any resistance to it. They would have continued making out if it wasn't for the kiss starting to taste salty, Kaworu opened his eyes and he saw Lee was crying, so he got off him and went back to his original position, looking away from his friend and tried to sleep.


His alarm woke him up at 4:30 and he got out of bed to get ready to go to campus. At 4:50 he was getting out of his apartment, still a bit tired, but he decided he'd go back to sleep as his classes were over. He finally got to the university and went over to the classroom his class was going to be in. He looked at the inside and saw that there were still people in it, so he had to wait for that class to be over so he could enter. After a few minutes the teacher opened the door and left the classroom and Kaworu waited for all the students to go out. Then he entered the classroom but before he could do it, his head crashed against someone else's head. It was Shinji. "Shinji! How are you?" He said smiling.

He was rubbing his head in the spot he had bumped with Kaworu. He wasn't making eye contact and looked like he wanted to get out of there as soon as possible. "Hi. I'm great thanks, kind of in a rush, s-so I have to leave. Sorry." Before Kaworu could say anything else, Shinji had left the classroom and left him alone.

Kaworu still entered the classroom and waited for his teacher to get there aswell. During his class, he thought about what he could do to fix things with Shinji, I mean, sure they had only been talking for a few days but Kaworu really liked him as a friend, and he also liked his roomates a lot, besides, if Shinji stopped talking to him, he would have no friends and that's something he did not want to go through again.

A week passed and Kaworu and Shinji were barely speaking, they would text occasionally but not for long, they didn't do any phone calls either. Luckily for Shinji, he never found him walking to campus, and on monday, when they had a common class, Shinji just didn't go. Kaworu was overthinking the whole situation, maybe he had misread the moment, maybe Shinji wasn't even gay after all. He made up so many ideas on his head that he thought he would go crazy, that's why he decided to go and talk to his friend to clear things out. He went to Shinji's apartment on a friday afternoon, after asking him if he could come over.

He waited outside so Shinji could meet him and they would go up the elevator together. He was nervous, he hadn't even thought about what he was going to tell him, obviously he wanted to know what was going on but still he didn't want to come as if he was confronting his friend about it. "Hey." Shinji was standing in the elevator, holding the doors open so he would enter it.

Kaworu joined him in the small space and smiled. "Hi." That was all they said until the elevator got to their floor. Rei and Mari were in the living room and they greeted the guest, but they didn't kept him from whatever he was there for. The brunette lead him to his room, once they were there, he closed the door behind him and sat on his bed, looking at Kaworu waiting for him to say something first. "How have you been?"

"I've been good, thanks." Shinji had an awkward face and tried to keep his attention occupied with something that wasn't the boy infront of him.

Kaworu took a seat next to Shinji in the bed, looking ahead to avoid any eye contact. "So I've been meaning to talk to you, uhm, about what happened at the party..." Now he looked at his left to Shinji and he was still looking down at his hands.

Shinji turned to look at Kaworu now with a smile. "What do you mean? I really don't remember a lot that happened, I was really drunk, but what is it?"

His face indicated that he was telling the truth but Kaworu denied this, there was no way he could forget that. "You really don't remember?"

"I'm sorry, I don't. Should I?"

Kaworu nodded and looked down to his feet. "No. If you don't remember then I guess it just wasn't that important. Don't worry about it tho."

Shinji put his hand on his friend's shoulder. "It looks like is important to you, why don't you tell me so we can talk about it?"

"Nope, we can't. It's fine, really."

Both of them stayed silence and sitting for a minute until Kaworu spoke again. "Do you want to come with me to the animal shelter? I kinda want to adopt a cat."


Hola! I feel like I've been going too fast with the story but I blame it in the fact that this is my first time writing, hopefully the events on the end of the chapter will help me slow it down.
As always I hope you enojyed the chapter and if you have any comments, let me know :)

Maybe you guys could follow me on insta, my @ is natij.correa I'm looking for friends that like kawoshin and evangelion as much as I do so i figured I can promote it here lmao.
Next chapter will probably be up this week :)
Remember you are loved and stay safe everyone <3

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