chapter 6

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It had been two months since the party and nothing like that happened again, Kaworu also never brought it up. Shinji obviously did remember what happened that day, he wasn't that drunk to have a complete blackout. He felt bad for lying to his friend since he seemed quite sad when he denied all the memories. Shinji thought a lot about what he was going to tell him, he even made a mental list of pros and cons of saying what he actually wanted to say. He had decided that he would tell his friend that he did remember and that he meant every single thing he did at the park and that he wanted to do way more, I'm not gay tho. But having Kaworu right next to him, made him panic and completely forget what he was going to say, also he didn't want to feel vulnerable in front of his friend so he decided to play it safe and say he forgot.

However, every day after the incident, Shinji would think about it, he would remember what they did and it never failed to bring a smile to his face. This only got more intense when he would have to see Kaworu on campus or in their mutual class. This smile always came followed by a huge feeling of regret, every day he felt worse about lying but it became too late to be honest and say what he really thought. Shinji was a coward when it came to being honest, he'd rather make up huge lies instead of just telling the truth, a thing that backfired every time but he still refused to have some balls. However, he would constantly confuse Kaworu by being flirty and touchy with him to then treat him like just a friend the next day.

Both of them would hang out pretty much every single day, they would have breakfast together on campus, they would go to each other's places to do homework, they would go out for coffee on the weekends and they even made sleepovers when it was too late for one of them to go back to his apartment, obviously the visitor would sleep on the bed while the other would sleep on the floor with an improvised bed or in the couch. Both of them were always happier when they would hang out, they laughed more and smiled more, Shinji's roommates noticed this but did not intervene so they wouldn't make things awkward whenever Kaworu was at their apartment.

Shinji had the initiative to start sitting next to the white-haired boy in their mutual class. They would spend most of the class talking with each other and getting silenced by the teacher. One day they even got kicked out of the class for interrupting the lessons, so they used that time to go back to Shinji's apartment and have something for breakfast. This monday was no different. Both of them were playing and talking with the other until the teacher spoke loud enough, making everyone pay attention to her. "Okay, so exams are coming up, but for my class, I wanted to do something different. I decided that instead of an exam, you will be making a project which I'll explain right now. You can make it in teams, pairs, or alone, as long as you turn something in." At the mention of teams or pairs, Kaworu and Shinji looked away from the teacher to look at each other, they smiled and gave a nod which indicated a let's team up. "The project consists of you guys making a model, a drawing, a painting, an essay, or whatever you want about emotions." All the students paid attention to the woman and wrote down important information about what she was saying. The due date was a week from that day.

When the class was over, Shinji and Kaworu stayed in the classroom organizing their times to work on the project. "Well, what we have to do is pretty easy, so I don't think we should be in a rush to start it, one week is a lot of time for something we can do in a day," Kaworu said as he started putting his things in his backpack.

"I don't know, I would rather do it sooner so we won't have to worry about it later, just in case anything happens." Shinji remained seated with his things still on his desk. Kaworu stopped what he was doing and turned to Shinji.

"That's a fair point. Well, I can't do it today because I still have two classes left and besides I have a shit ton lot of-."

"It doesn't have to be today, I'm also pretty busy. Oh, sorry I interrupted you."

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