hand over hand

By natsushisan

1.6K 103 87

taking the first step is always hard, but you don't think about it twice when it is with the right person. More

chapter 1
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
Hand over Hand- Roland Faunte.
notes :)

chapter 2

156 12 3
By natsushisan

Shinji woke up to his alarm announcing it was time to get ready for his first day at college, he snoozed it and decided to sleep just for five more minutes. Next thing he knew Rei was knocking on his door telling him that he had to be in school in twenty minutes. "Oh fuck." He finally got up from his bed but it was too late to take a shower now, so he went to the bathroom to only was his face and brush his teeth, there was no time for breakfast either so he decided to buy something at the university's cafeteria. He slipped his legs into some mom jeans, put on a hoodie, and tried to kind of fix his hair that indicated he had just woken up.

He somehow managed to be ready in 15 minutes, which left him with 5 minutes to get to the university, thank god his apartment was pretty close so he was in no hurry, before he left he grabbed his wallet, his keys, his backpack, and his jacket. The three girls already left a while ago so he was going to walk alone, he connected his headphones to his SDAT (that had been a gift from his dad) and headed over to the university.

Shinji arrived in 2 minutes only and decided to go fast to the cafeteria to buy something to eat because he was starving. The boy grabbed a package of cookies and a can of green tea. He headed to the counter and pulled out his wallet to pay. Oh shit, this isn't my wallet, he said when he saw an ID that wasn't his on a clear bag of the wallet, but he was really hungry so he borrowed some cash from the wallet, he would replace it later, he thanked the girl behind the counter and headed to class in kind of a hurry, it was already 8:00 so he had to get there fast.

The boy made it to the classroom on time (8:01) and sat in the back row, as usual, he was kind of nervous so he started taking deep breaths to calm his fast heartbeat and opened his cookies to not be thinking about how hungry he was instead of paying attention to the class. At 8:05 the teacher entered the classroom almost running, "Sorry to keep you guys waiting, I'm gonna be honest, I slept in, but hey! I made it on time, that's what's important." She settled all her books and loose papers on the desk and said, "Okay, now I'm going to take assistance and when I call your name just respond with however you would like for me to call you, okay? " the students replied with words of affirmation. "Okay then, uh, first is..." She was taking assistance and Shinji waited for his name and while doing so, he spaced out and was just staring at the window that was to his left until "Ikari Shinji? Are you here?"

"Oh yeah, that's me, sorry. And Shinji is okay, thanks." His mouth was full of cookies but the teacher didn't seem to care so she said 'okay' and continued with the list, after a few people Shinji heard a name that sounded familiar but had no idea from where.

"Nagisa, Kaworu" the teacher called.

"Here, and Kaworu is just fine miss, thanks" Shinji looked over to the guy that had responded to that name but still couldn't figure out where he knew him from, and it was harder since the guy was facing his back at Shinji and he really couldn't see his face. Oh wait, he thought and pulled the wallet from his pocket and indeed, the ID on in belonged to Nagisa, Kaworu, and he realized that it was the same guy he had crashed to before, he was embarrassed about having to give back the wallet, what if he thought Shinji had stolen it? But it would be way worse if he just kept it, that would actually be stealing the wallet. He found himself admiring the picture on the ID for a solid 5 minutes and was interrupted by the teacher.

"Ikari, put your phone away, right now you need to pay attention to this, this is important."

"Oh, no this isn't my phone, I- this is um, Nagisa's wallet" Oh, god. Why the fuck would he say that? It just slipped out of his mouth, he should have just said it was his phone.

Kaworu turned around at the mention of his wallet with a stranged face and peeled his eyes when he realized who was in the ownership of his wallet now. "Oh, it's you! Dude why did you take my wallet? I've been looking for it." Shinji blushed really hard at the accusation of his classmate.

"No, I- it's not like that, I, when yesterday, we m-"

"Okay, enough. You guys can talk about this after class, but remember, well, stealing is no good Ikari" the teacher said and left Shinji completely embarrassed and blushed, putting his hands together and muttering 'I'm so sorry' to Kaworu who was a few sits down and to the right of him and he gave him a 'don't worry' nod, or so he thought that was what it had meant.

The next 3 hours of the class went by pretty slow and after him being introduced as a thief, he saw the girl sitting next to him drawing her backpack closer to her so Shinji wouldn't steal anything from it. Great way to make a first impression, idiot, he thought to himself and decided to pay attention to his class while eating his cookies and drinking the green tea. All throughout the class, the teacher used stealing as a metaphor to explain some concepts for the class, which made Shinji really uncomfortable, but there was nothing he could do about it.

Class ended with the teacher leaving the classroom exactly at 11:00, in a rush to get on time to her next class. And now, the moment Shinji feared, returning the wallet to Nagisa. He gathered his notebooks and books into his backpack and rushed to get next to the white-haired's seat. "Hey, I didn't steal you wallet, it's just that when we crashed I thought it was my wallet, but here, again, I'm so sorry about this." Shinji handed the wallet and the guy took it with his eyes half-closed.

He stared at the cookies wrapper and the green tea can. "Did you buy that with my money?"

Oh shit. "Oh, I did, sorry, I was going to put the money back when a got back to my apartment and then I was going to the place we met to see if you would be looking for your wallet there, I'll pay you back tomorrow." Shinji was fidgeting with his sweatshirt's sleeves and wasn't able to look at Nagisa in the eyes.

"Tha's fine, you don't have to pay me back, and well thanks for giving back my wallet, now I can buy something to eat because I'm actually starving. And you can call me Kaworu, um..."

"Oh, Shinji is just fine, call me Shinji, Kaworu," he said with a shy smile finally meeting those big bright red eyes for eye contact. "And hey, let me buy your lunch, you know, for the trouble I've caused since yesterday, do you wan-. Wait, I don't have any money" Kaworu let out a laugh at seeing Shinji being all nervous and forgetting he had no money. Shinji smiled back "Oh shit I'm sorry, I forgot about that."

Kaworu got up from his seat and started putting his things into his backpack, making Shinji take a step back. "Don't worry about it Shinji," my name sound so good when he says it. Wait what? "Let me buy you lunch, well, if you're still hungry after those cookies" he said glancing at the empty wrapper in Shinji's hands.

"Really? Uhm sure, I don't have class again until 1:00 pm, so let's go" he gave Kaworu a small smile and walked along with him to the cafeteria.

Wait, I'm not gay, right? I mean, I liked Asuka for most of our childhood, until she said 'she' was gay. But I've never felt attracted to a guy before, well, not that I'm attracted to Nagisa, or am I? NO, no, I can't be gay, I like girls, you know? I've liked, Asuka, and uhm, and Asuka. I really haven't liked any other girls? That's weird, it's not like I'm going on a date with this dude, he's just my friend, well we're not even friends, yet, we're just classmates, and that's it. Jezz maybe I should go on a date with a girl, I've never done that, I don't know, could be nice.


"Asuka, I dare you to kiss Shinji," Rei said and the other two kids looked at each other with disgust, "oh come on, it's just a kiss, besides, you guys can practice kissing for when you give you actual first kiss."

"I don't know Rei, I mean I like Shinji and all, but it seems weird." Rei gave her puppy eyes and that was surprisingly enough to convince her. "Okay, fine, but only if Shinji wants to."

They both turned to look at Shinji, Rei with puppy eyes, and Asuka looking nervous, "Uhm, sure, I'll do it, but just to practice, nothing else." After saying this Shinji and Asuka sat closer to each other and were staring at each other, nervous to take the first step.

It took them about a minute to start approaching each other until their lips pressed against each others'. It was so awkward for both of them, even to Shinji who thought he liked Asuka at the moment, there was no tongue or anything, they just stayed like that for 10 seconds and with their eyes closed.

Asuka was the first to step back and laugh. "Yeap, I'm definitely gay."


"So, Shinji, are you new too?" Kaworu was trying to fill the uncomfortable silence around them while they headed to the cafeteria. After getting no response he turned to look at Shinji, who was looking straight ahead and Kaworu assumed he was lost in his thoughts. "Uhm, Ikari?"

"Oh, sorry, I was... Uhm, yeah I'm new too, today is also my first day. Unfortunately, everyone in the classroom thinks I'm a thief now, but I hope they forget over time. Even the teacher thinks so." Shinji said now looking at the ground being too shy to look at Kaworu

He smiled and lowered his body to put his face in Shinji's visual field by bending almost half of his body, the boy next to him was pretty short to be a college student. "How old are you? And why don't you look at me whenever you speak?" Shinji peeled his eyes open and looked at Kaworu who returned to his original position. "Sorry, that came out as rude, it wasn't my intention, you don't have to answer if you don't want to, I was just curious." Now he gave a comforting smile that made Shinji blush and Kaworu noticed how easy it was to make him flustered.

"Don't worry, is fine. I'm 19 years old and, well, I'm just not that good at social interactions, I get nervous when I look at you." Both of them stayed silenced until Shinji realized how weird that comment was. "I-I didn't mean it like that, I'm not g-gay or anything." He made sure he emphasized the word 'gay'. "I was just trying to say that I'm usually very shy around people I barely know."

"That's fine, I didn't take it that way. So you're trying to say that you are an introvert?" Shinji nodded. "Okay, got it. So why did you accept to have breakfast with me? Is it different with me?" Shinji couldn't help to realize that Kaworu hadn't said he wasn't gay either, not that he cared but he just realized.

Was it actually different with him? Even tho they hadn't had the best interactions so far, Kaworu gave Shinji some kind of comfort but he didn't know why. He could have found him scary for his appearance, he was pretty tall, and even tho he was thin, he looked like he could beat Shinji's ass if he wanted to (but, well, everyone he knew could beat him up, to be honest), and those eyes, is not every day you see someone with red eyes, but he found them weirdly beautiful, not scary. Maybe it was different.

As Shinji opened his mouth to speak, it was closed by the cafeteria's noise, they had finally arrived so the question was yet to be answered and none of them seemed to be bothered by it. They headed to a place that sold sandwiches and things like that. Kaworu ordered a chicken wrap and Shinji asked for an order of quesadillas. They waited for their food in silence, even tho Kaworu was constantly looking over at Shinji as if he wanted to say something but said nothing.

"Kaworu!" his name was yelled to deliver the food and he went over to pick up the tray.

"Thanks." He turned to Shinji. "Wanna sit outside? Under the tree?" There was a huge tree in one of the green areas of the campus that was usually used as a place to sit under and eat while avoiding the sun. Again, to scared to meet Kaworu's eyes, Shinji nodded and walked over to the tree. They sat on the floor, putting their backpacks as tables for their food, and started eating.

"Thanks for the food, Nagisa, I really appreciate it." He took a bite off his quesadilla as Kaworu watched him, he extended the food, offering some to the guy next to him, who leaned over to take a bite. Shinji was surprised by this. He did offer the food, but he wasn't expecting Kaworu to accept. Cool.

"I told you to call me Kaworu, and sure, I'm glad you like it." he covered his mouth as he said this until he swallowed the food on his mouth. "You didn't answer."

Shinji frowned at the comment, "I didn't answer what?" he said as he took the last bite to his first quesadilla and wondered if he had any space left for the second one.

"I asked why was it different with me, you know because you say that you're an introvert." Shinji couldn't tell the expression on his face, he looked pretty serious yet at the same time very relaxed. No signs of interest but neither of him not caring about the answer.

"Ah, yeah, I remember now. Well, I don't know why I accepted if I'm being honest, I guess I'm giving a chance to try new things, it's a good time to start trying now."

"Trying new things, huh? You're right, it is a good time to start. So following that thought, can I get your number?" Wait, hadn't he heard that Shinji wasn't gay? He thought of a way to turn him down nicely but Kaworu spoke again, "no, not like that dude, it's just that I'm new here, on this town and in this college, so I was wondering if we could be friends, we both could use a friend right now. Also to help each other with homework and... stuff." he looked nervous and wasn't trying to look at Shinji's eyes while saying this. Yet again, he didn't deny being gay.

"Sure, don't worry about it Nag- I mean, Kaworu. And yeah, just wait," Shinji pulled out his phone, opened his phone app, and clicked on the option to add a new contact, he named the contact Kaworu and handed the phone to the boy next to him so he would add the phone number. "there you go, just add your number and I'll text you later so you can add my contact." Kaworu did as he was told and gave the phone back to Shinji, touching lightly his fingers on the action, and the owner of the phone blushed as always.

They both had finished their food by then. "Right, I'll wait for your text then." They awkwardly stared into each other's eyes for about 4 seconds until Kaworu broke the eye contact by standing up. "I'd love to stay but I have a class right now at 12:00 so I better get going." Shinji stood up too, not sure why, but he did. "I'll be waiting for your text, Ikari. Take care, see you tomorrow."

"You too, thanks for the food again Kaworu. See you tomorrow!" They were both standing in front of each other and weren't really sure what to do now, so Kaworu just walked away waving to Shinji. For some reason he was excited that he was going to see him again tomorrow but he was a little nervous over having to text him, Shinji sucked at starting conversations, even over text messages so he started thinking about what would be the first thing he'd text to Nagisa.

Taking him off his thought, Asuka jumped to his back scaring him for a second until he recognized the girl's smell. "Who was that guy you were with?" She asked still on the boys back who was trying his best to keep his legs from giving in to his friend's weight.

"He's Kaworu, he's my classmate and the guy I crashed with yesterday, actually. He was at my class today and I returned his wallet I accidentally took." Asuka finally got off his back because she knew he wasn't able to hold her for much longer.

"He looks gay." she sat in front of Shinji and he proceeded to take a seat next to her. "Is he?"

Did Kaworu look gay? I mean, eating from his quesadilla was pretty weird but he wouldn't call him gay for it. Besides, why would he know if he's gay? They barely talked for like 40 minutes. "I don't know, we obviously weren't doin- talking about that." He sounded kind of angry saying that, not on purpose of course.

"Jeez, okay dude. No need to get mad. So do you have classes right now or do want to seat with me as I eat some breakfast. Sadly Mari and Rei are in classes so I'll have to settle for your company." She said complaining, but not really, she was smiling.

"Ha, ha, very funny. I don't have class 'till 1:00, so sure, I'll seat with you as I do some homework." They stood up to go to the cafeteria and order some food for the red-haired.


Kaworu's POV.

He wasn't sure if he should hug the smaller boy that was standing in front of him, but he figured it would be uncomfortable for him, so he just walked away from him and waved.

He headed to his classroom directly and sat in the second to last row of seats and waited as the room started filling up with other students.

'Trying new things', he thought, it was a cool way of doing things, just to try new things. Kaworu had been an extrovert pretty much all of his life, he never had a lot of problems making friends even with his out of ordinary appearance. Ever since he was in junior high school, he had always been quite popular among his classmates, he was a relaxed guy who didn't really think about what other people would say about him. He seemed as a confident boy that always got what he wanted due to his charming personality, but it really wasn't like that. He constantly found himself doing things that weren't fun for him just to fit in because he would never forget about the first and only time that his dearest friend made him feel that he didn't belong.


Kaworu was 7 years old at the moment and could always be found with his best friend Lee. The two boys would do absolutely everything together and were hardly ever apart from each other's side.

One day, when they were at school, they decided to go and explore behind the theatre stage due to a rumor that you could find a secret door that would lead to the outside of the school. "Come on, Kawo, it's this way. Himeno told me it was right behind the red couch." Kaworu was scared and wasn't afraid to show it. What if a teacher saw them and called their parents? Due to that thought, the boy would flinch and get closer to Lee at every sound, as small as it was.

He remembered talking to Lee a few days back, when he told Kaworu that he had a huge crush on Himeno, as he didn't know what that meant, Lee explained that a crush was someone you liked and wanted to spend all your time with, that you would do anything to show them you're brave and that you care about them.

So he had to be brave for Lee, as he explained it, Kaworu concluded that Lee was his crush. "Wait Lee, I'll go first, just in case there's something bad, I'll deal with it so you can have time to escape."

"What? No. Move dude, I have to go first so I can tell Himeno I left the school and maybe she'll like me for my bravery." Lee grabbed Kaworu by the arm to pull him behind him. When he did, Kaworu moved his hand and closed his fingers around Lee's hand. "What are you doing? Guys don't hold each other's hands, that's for girls only" He tried to release his hand from the grip but Kaworu only squeezed harder.

"But I don't want to, it's not fair you can do something to impress your crush but I can't." Lee turned to see him, forgetting about finding the door, and even stopped trying to get his hand off his friend's.

"Who are you talking about? Why didn't you tell me you had a crush too?" Lee looked excited to know his friend's answer and imagined he and Himeno along with Kaworu and his crush, they would be so popular if they got to be with the girls they liked at the same time.

"Isn't it obvious silly? It's you, Lee. I want to be brave for you and I care about you more than everyone else." Lee's expression turned from optimism to disgust in a second and released his hand to push Kaworu away from him, making him trip and fall on his back. Why was he doing this? He actually thought that his feelings were mutual, I mean, they were always together and Lee would tell him everything and that Kaworu was important to him, what was it that Himeno had that he didn't?

"Get off me, you queer! That's disgusting Kaworu, you're supposed to have a crush on a girl, not on me! That's not normal, you weirdo!" Kaworu's eyes started to water at his best friend's words, why would he say such mean things?

"What? But you- we are always together, I don't understand why I can't like you instead of girls!" He cried out while attempting to dry the tears coming out of his eyes with his sweater's sleeves. "And I don't even know what queer means! Please forgive me Lee, I didn't mean to be disgusting as you said!"

The other boy looked at him on the ground, showing no other emotion than disgust. The fact that his attitude changed so fast made him mentally swear he would never say what he said to Lee to anyone else. "Being queer means that you're a boy who likes other boys, your gonna have to change that if you want to continue being my friend." Lee kneeled over Kaworu grabbing him by the left wrist squeezing tight so he could establish dominance over the other boy. "Listen to me, you can't tell anyone what happened just now, obviously I'll never be as close as I was with you after this, but let's just pretend this never happened." He stood up still grabbing Kaworu's wrist pulling him so he would also stand. "Now, man up and stop crying like a little girl, we still have to find the door."


He was now far away from that town he had grown up in, from his parents and his 'friends'. He took the opportunity to have some balls and start living the way he had always wanted. When he had the accident with Shinji he was so attracted to the guy, he was smaller than him and had those beautiful brown eyes. He smiled at the thought of Shinji blushing with every word that came out of Kaworu's mouth not caring about the teacher giving class in front of him.

Kaworu had promised himself he would start fresh, taking advantage of the fact that no one knew him at the university. Even with that as comfort, it was hard as hell since he had always been his number one critic. And even now, after years since the rejection of his best friend, he couldn't take away the feeling of guilt and disgust that caused him whenever he looked at another guy in a way he... shouldn't.

It was still very soon to do anything with Shinji, but he couldn't deny that he had a cru-. That he found him attractive. Shinji looked gay if he was being honest, but the comment from earlier threw Kaworu off and made him scared that he would judge him too, being away from his hometown didn't assure that people here were going to be nice. I'm not gay or anything, he remembered Shinji's words. Kind of disappointing. But even if someone were to ask Kaworu if he was gay, he would deny it with every cell of his body as if someone was accusing him of a murder he didn't commit. Even if Shinji asked him he'd say no. He was careful to never deny liking men but neither confirming it. It was something he had been working on for some time, it made him feel like he wasn't being mean to himself but at the same time establishing some boundaries.

It had been too many nights of him crying on his knees looking at the sky, praying, begging to stop being queer, and as years went by without an answer, he gave up and decided to change the being queer by himself. He had changed the way he spoke, walked, played, and even how he stood. He would go online to search for ways to be more masculine and ways to make girls like you. When he was in junior high school he got his first girlfriend with Lee's help and had his first kiss with her. He would trick his mind into thinking he liked her but he knew the truth deep down.

He and Lee never talked about what happened again, but Lee still liked to talk shit on gay people giving Kaworu a bad stare whenever he wouldn't play along. After finishing high school, Kaworu convinced his parents to let him study in the university that was really far from his house claiming it was the best in the country to study Psychology and gather information of only the pros, they said yes and Kaworu did not wait another day to get out of that shithole.

The ring of the bell got him out of his thought and also made him realize how he had not paid attention to anything his teacher or classmates had said, but since it was the first day, it had only been introductions to each other and the class, so he missed nothing.

He took another 2 classes, now actually paying attention, going through his day in a pretty normal way. At 5 pm, he left campus to go over to his house to do his just assigned homework and to prepare something for dinner. He didn't walk for much time, since his apartment was very close to the university and he could get there in about 5 minutes. When he arrived, he left his belongings on his room and laid down on his bed going through the events of today. He was thinking about whether Shinji would text him or not when he got up to make some dinner and get his mind off of it.

Kaworu had never been a great cook, so he had a very short list of things he could prepare with no one's help. This time, he decided to make some spaghetti accompanied by a simple salad. He ate his dinner in silence and after that, he proceeded to clean the kitchen, wash his dishes, and go to his desk to start on his homework. Luckily he only had one essay to make that was about explaining how he had overcome some major issue in his lifetime, not really wanting to write about his personal life, he just made up a story about his grandfather (who didn't exist) dying and being really hard on him.

By the time he finished, the clock marked 9:17 pm, so he took a shower to then head to bed. He hadn't gone to sleep so early in years, but it was better than staying away for no reason at all. So he started undoing his bed and turning off the lights when a notification from his phone interrupted him. Could it be his new friend?

He finished his task before looking at his phone and only grabbed it until he was in bed, with everything organized and ready for tomorrow. Kaworu unlocked his phone and smiled at the screen that announced one new unseen message:

From: Unknown

Hey! This is Shinji, just wanted to thank you again for buying my breakfast today, I hope we can do it again soon!

He decided he wouldn't respond until tomorrow to not seem desperate, so he locked his phone again, not after setting his alarm for the next day and tried to get some sleep which was interrupted by the smirk on his face.


Shinji's POV.

After being with Asuka while she had breakfast, he headed to his class that started at 1 pm. He got to the classroom a few minutes earlier which he used to work on an essay for homework he had gotten at his first class of the day.

The class was from 1 pm to 3 pm and was mostly the students talking about their interests and their hopes for the university. Shinji responded copying almost everyone's answer that went something like; "my name is ___, I like watching Netflix and my hopes are to have a great time and learn a lot." After that class, he didn't have another until 5 pm, so he decided to go back to the apartment to take a nap and return at the hour of his class.

Shinji walked off campus to his home and got there in 5 minutes. Getting to his floor, the first thing he saw was Mari at the counter eating a bowl of soup and writing something on her laptop.

"Hi Mari, is there any soup left?" Mari looked up from her homework and smiled at the boy who was dropping his backpack on the floor right next to the elevator doors.

"Hi puppy, there's no more soup but I can make you some if you want," she said standing up and heading to the kitchen to make some food for Shinji, who grabbed his backpack again to take it to his room now.

"Really? Oh god, yes, thank you. Right now I'm gonna go to take a nap but I'll wake up in an hour to eat and to go back to campus. You are a saint Mari, thank you so much." Mari nodded to his words and then he proceeded to go to his room and fall on his bed, with his eyes half-open set an alarm for 4:45 and fell asleep right after.

The alarm didn't fail to sound at the established hour and it woke Shinji up from his nap. It took him a second to open his eyes and gain some strength to get up from his bed. He grabbed his things and headed outside to eat the soup Mari had made for him, not before waking her up since she had fallen asleep on the keyboard on her laptop and now had to erase 100+ pages of nonsense writing thanks to her face. She left to go to her room and left Shinji eating alone. When he finished he brushed his teeth and headed back to campus at 4:50, getting there 7 minutes later and to his classroom, 9 minutes later.

The class went by quickly since it was only 1 hour. At 6:00 pm, he gathered his things and left the classroom and started walking back to his apartment, to which he arrived after an 8-minute walk. When the doors opened before him, there was no one inside, so after he left his things in his room, he walked into the living room to play an episode of the newly released 17th season of Greys Anatomy, he cried to the episode (as he did with every single episode on all the seasons) and then he got bored of it, so he turned off the tv and headed to his room, to his bathroom to take a shower.

While he was getting undressed he realized how much weight he had lost in the past few months. Yui would always tell him to eat more because he was looking too skinny but he never noticed it until now. In the middle of his shower, he heard the three girls entering the apartment and started to make dinner. He continued with his bath until he was all clean. He got out of the shower to his room and dried his body to then apply some body lotion and put his pajamas on, which consisted of an oversized old hoodie and some pajama shorts that were obviously from another set, he just liked the way the shorts went with the hoodie more than with the original shirt from the set.

Shinji was too tired to go out and greet the girls, so he just turned off his lights and pretended to be asleep so they wouldn't bother him. His clock marked 9:52 pm and he was about to go to sleep when he remembered he hadn't texted Kaworu yet, so he sat up in his bed and grabbed his phone to start the conversation.

What should I write to him? Something short and cool, I don't want to look weird or desperate, so I'll just be casual. Sure, just casual.

Good night Nagisa

Nah, too formal, besides he told you to call him Kaworu, idiot. Should I thank him again for the food? Yeah, I will.

What's up, Kaworu...

Too informal. It shouldn't be this hard texting someone the fuck is wrong with me.

Hello, thanks for today, had a lot of fun.

Ugh, no, that sounds weird, oh, and I have to say it's me, so he won't get confused.

Hey! This is Shinji, just wanted to thank you again for buying my breakfast today.

Mhm, feels like I should add something more...

Hey! This is Shinji, just wanted to thank you again for buying my breakfast today, I hope we can do it again soon!

I don't know, seems like too much, but it's true tho, I really hope we can do it again.

Before he could regret it, Shinji clicked the 'send' button and stayed reading over and over the text he had just sent. Until he saw Kaworu's status change from offline to online, that made him panic and exit the messages app and block his phone. After waiting for 10 minutes, he assumed he wasn't going to receive an answer, so he just closed his eyes, trying to get some sleep that kept getting interrupted by small smiles that would form on his lips against his will.


Omg I hate myself so much for writing the story of Kaworu with Lee, i almost cried tbh.
i don't know how many parts this fic is going to have but i think that not that many, either way, i'll try to make it as long as i can.
Again, if you have any comments about the characters, story or writing, please let me know!!
i want to thank the people that left kudos on the story, it made me so happy to receive the notification and to know that people are liking this, i hope i can post the next chapter soon but i can't promise anything since i'm about to start my exams week.

ps. i'm finishing writing this at 6:49 am so i'm sorry if there's misspelled words, also to mention that english is not my first language, any corrections are welcome!

Anyways, i hope you like this and stay safe <3

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