Baby Daddy Extras |Bakugo x R...

Por lovelyxkatsuki

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It's recommended you read Baby Daddy before this. Just as the title says Extras to Baby Daddy. Y/n's and Bak... Mรกs

No Sir
Anniversary (Part 1/2)
Anniversary (Part 2/2)

What's happening?

11.8K 336 222
Por lovelyxkatsuki

Ngl idk how I feel about this chapter but hey it's something.


Katsuki sat in a chair with his leg bouncing thanks to his bad nerves. It had been a while since the doctor came out to speak to him and he hadn't gotten any news about your situation since. His thoughts were running rampant and currently nothing could stop that.

While he was stuck in his own thoughts Mitsuki was contacting people. She texted your mom and hoped she'll see the message sooner rather than later. She also shot a text to Masaru and he was now close to being to the hospital.

Mitsuki let out a tired sigh as she looked at the kids. It was so much she needed to do for them. They most definitely weren't going home with Katsuki. She didn't even know if he'll be going home anyway. But that wasn't her concern. Whether he went home or not she knew they'll be leaving with her. She was taken from her thoughts when Masaru walked up.

"What's happening?"He asked looking at how his son was acting

Mitsuki gave him the best explanation she could. She couldn't explain much though since everyone still needed answers.

"The kids are coming home with us. He's in no shape to keep them. He'll probably stay here with Y/n and the boys anyways"

"Okay. Has anyone went to the NICU to check on the boys?"

"Not yet. Katsuki hasn't budged and I didn't want to leave the kids. Can you watch them while I go do it?"


"Text me if they wake up and try to talk to him if you can. He's of course not doing his best"


She left in the direction of the elevator and Masaru looked at the 4 people in front of him. He sighed as he sat down beside Katsuki.

"Staying to yourself, being quiet, and letting your thoughts get the best of you isn't the best idea"Masaru spoke to Katsuki as he looked down at Katsuna who rolled closer to him

"I don't have anything to say"Katsuki mumbled not really wanting to engage in a conversation

"I know but that doesn't mean you bottle everything up within yourself"

There was a silence that settled on them. Masaru noticed Katsuki wiping his eyes and after a while he spoke.

"I have this constant thought that I'm going to lose my wife"Katsuki said looking at his dad for a short second before turning his head the other way "I know I shouldn't be thinking that way but there's nothing keeping my mind from that thought. She's had an emergency c-section and lost some blood. Now she's losing more blood from another surgery. So far everything's pointing to me losing her and I'm finding it hard to think of the good when the bad seems more likely"

Masaru didn't say anything. He instead just sat and listened while Katsuki continued.

"Then there's Katsumi and Katsuya. I keep trying to think of how I'll explain this to them if we lose her but there's no easy way. They're old enough to understand what's happening and they'll feel every single emotion caused from her not being around anymore. I don't want our kids to go through that. Katsuna and the boys won't have a single memory with her. I can at least tell Katsuna stories about her and Y/n or I can show her pictures but Y/n hasn't even met the boys yet. There's no stories I can tell and nothing to show them. That's if they make it for me to talk to them. Right now we don't know if Y/n or the boys will pull through. It's just a bunch of shit that I can talk about but talking does nothing for any of them"

Masaru waited a bit to see if Katsuki was done then he opened his mouth to respond but was interrupted.

"Where's the bathroom?"Katsumi mumbled rubbing her eyes as she stood up

"I'll bring you to it"Masaru said standing up and reaching his hand out to grab Katsumi's

Katsuki watched them walk away then leaned back in his chair to stare at the ceiling. A few minutes passed as he stared and got lost in thought then a voice caught his attention.

"Katsuki"Masaru called and he looked up to see his dad holding a crying Katsumi

"What happened?"Katsuki asked

"She remembered the wreck and started thinking about Y/n"

Katsuki reached his arms out and grabbed Katsumi. He sat her on his lap and began rubbing her back while she cried onto his chest.

"What's wrong?"He asked her

"Momma's not okay"Katsumi barely answered as she cried

"She isn't but she will be. You don't have to worry about her. She wouldn't want you crying this much"

"But she's hurt"She said making herself cry even more. Seeing and hearing her cry only made Katsuki start crying again.

"I know she is but she's going to get better. She won't stay hurt forever. Everything's going to be okay. I need you to calm down and breathe for me Katsumi"He responded after hearing how messed up her breathing was due to her sobbing

He could hear she was trying to fix it but she just wouldn't stop crying. He began rocking with her as he rubbed her back and she eventually cried herself back to sleep. She was still sniffing and some tears fell but she was definitely calmer than before. He sighed when he looked down at her and wiped her face dry. He also wiped the tears off his face.

"Am I fucked up for lying to her?"Katsuki asked Masaru

"Not at all. You did it to try to calm her down. It didn't really work but in the end you lied to help her. And honestly we don't know if it's a lie or not. It's possible everything will be okay and Y/n will heal wonderfully as if nothing happened"

"True but it's also possible she won't and everything I just said was a lie"He mumbled looking down to Katsumi again and he turned his head to look at Katsuya and Katsuna "Yea it won't be easy explaining that to them if we lose her. I don't think the twins could mentally handle that. Katsumi definitely won't be able to and I'll say Katsuya will be the same or even worse. Hell I'll be right along with them. This shit is too much"

"You'll worry about that if you get there. Y/n is still here right now so treat it like that"Masaru responded as he leaned back in his chair. There was a brief pause before he continued talking. "You keep finding yourself thinking about losing her because you want to prepare yourself for the worst just incase it happens. You love her. She's the person you chose to spend your life with and who you chose to have kids with. I understand why you want to try to prepare yourself but at the same time you'll never be truly prepared no matter how much you think about it. It will hurt no matter what, so stop burdening yourself by thinking of how the kids will feel or how you'll feel or how you'll go on without her. Like I said you'll worry about that if you get there. For now wait to hear how her body is handling both surgeries. That's the main worry. We don't know how her body will do and we're unsure on if it'll end up shutting down. So first give yourself time to see how she is after surgery. Then depending on how she is you'll be able to see if you genuinely need to ready yourself for her dying. I know it's stressful and it's a lot but you can't immediately lose hope. You have to look at everything entirely don't just focus on one bad thing. Her having two surgeries is bad but it doesn't automatically equate to her dying"

Katsuki only nodded his head since he had nothing to say. There was a silence while they both waited to hear anything about Y/n. But Katsuki realized something before then.

"Where's the hag?"

"She left to check on the boys in the NICU"

"I'm a pretty fucked up father. They're my kids. You'll think I would've been went to go check on them"

"You were so focused on Y/n that your mind didn't think about it. It's not messed up. There was just a lot going through your mind"

"Regardless I still should've thought about that"He mumbled leaning back and closing his eyes. He subconsciously started swaying side to side while he held on to Katsumi. That simple movement made him start drifting to sleep.

"Is he doing better?"Mitsuki quietly asked Masaru

"He's more levelheaded but I'm not exactly sure if he's doing better. How are the boys?"

"They're doing fine actually. As you know they were born really early so they're hooked up to a bunch of machines but their breathing and heartbeat is stable and everything appears fine right now. Basically they're doing good to say they weren't fully developed and their likelihood of surviving is high"

"That's good to hear"

"Katsuki"She called to see if he was fully sleep or if he'll wake up


"Did you hear me?"


"Your sons are doing good. They're chance of survival is high. When were you planning on going see them?"

"I'm not sure. Maybe sometime later today"He answered opening his eyes and looking at her "It just feels weird thinking of meeting them without Y/n. I've been present both times she gave birth so meeting our children for the first time is something we've shared together. This time it's different and it doesn't feel right"

"I get that"Mitsuki responded with a nod "Have you and Y/n chose names for them? Right now they're being referred to as Baby A and Baby B"

"Yea we chose Hazuki and Haruki"

"Excuse me Mr.Bakugo"Someone called catching all of their attention.

They looked up to see Dr.Suzuki and waited for her to speak.

"Y/n has safely underwent both surgeries. We ran into some troubles of her losing blood but we solved that problem quickly. She has been transported to the ICU so she can heal and we can monitor her. She is still unconscious and we're unsure of when she'll wake up but other than that she's is doing good for now. You guys can visit her on floor 7 and you'll speak to the secretary to figure out which room she's in"

"Thank you"Mitsuki said

Katsuki wasted no time getting up and following her directions. Mitsuki grabbed Katsuna and Masaru woke up Katsuya to tell him to get on his back. Katsuya of course fell back asleep since he didn't need to be up. When they made it to the 7th floor Katsuki spoke to the secretary and did everything he needed to do then he was finally able to go to your room.

He opened the door and was met with the sight of you hooked up to a good bit of machines. He paused and took a deep breath before proceeding to go in. He walked to the couch in the room to sit Katsumi down then went to you. Masaru also sat Katsuya on the couch.

"I should've brought the twins to their doctors appointment and let you sleep your day away. This would've never happened"He said as he touched your face and lightly rubbed his thumb on your cheek

"Don't blame yourself Katsuki. It doesn't stop the circumstances that happened. The only person at fault is the person that wrecked into them"Mitsuki reassured him

"Speaking off where is the motherfucker that hit them"

"I don't know and it's best none of us know for now. The last thing we need is you going to jail while all this is happening"

"Is that momma?"Katsuya asked surprising them all by suddenly speaking

"Yes it is"Masaru answered him

"Why is she connected to all those?"He asked pointing to the machines

"Because the hospital has to make sure she's breathing right and her heartbeat stays normal"Mitsuki answered this time

He got up and walked next to Katsuki. He watched Katsuki pick up your hand and kiss it while he mumbled something to you.

"Da"Katsuya called catching his attention

"Hmm?"He hummed looking down to him

"Will she be okay?"

"Why'd you direct that question to me?"

"They'll lie to me. You won't"He shrugged looking back at his grandparents

"I'm not sure if she'll be okay. The doctors say she's doing good but anything can happen to change that. Right now we're waiting on her to wake up though"Katsuki answered him looking back at you "I heard you saved yourself and your sisters"

"I did but I couldn't get momma in time. Now she's hurt"He quietly spoke and looked down. Katsuki looked down abs saw tears hitting the ground.

"Don't cry. You did what you could and that was good. It was your first time in that situation so you worked with what you had. Don't beat yourself up because you couldn't do everything"Katsuki told him crouching to wipe his tears "Look at your sisters. They're perfectly fine. Focus on what you did do instead of what you could've done. No one's mad a you because of what you did so don't feel like you did something wrong"

While he focused on drying Katsuya's face Katsuna woke up crying. That also made Katsumi wake up. She had questions just like her brother. Overall the room had a lot happening in it.

"Okay Katsuna's hungry so I'm about to head out to get her something. Katsuki do you want me to take the kids?"Mitsuki spoke

"Yea get them some food too"

"Can I give momma a hug?"Katsumi asked

"Come here"Katsuki told her opening his arms and picking her up when she walked to him. He brought her to you and she gave you a hug and kissed your cheek.

"I love you momma"

He sat her back down when she stopped hugging you then he looked at Katsuya.

"Do you want to hug her too?"


He did the same with Katsuya and he kissed your forehead.

"I love you too momma"

After that everyone left and it was just Katsuki left with you. He pulled a chair to sit besides you and he held your hand again. He just sat in silence and looked at you. Eventually his tears began falling once again.

"There's no way you're leaving me this soon. I refuse to accept that shit. We still haven't watched our kids grow up yet. We haven't met two of them. It's too much that's undone for you to leave now. That just wouldn't be right. I love you Y/n. You're literally the love of my life. It may be be selfish but I'm not ready for you to leave so you can't. I need you to keep holding on. Me and the kids are waiting on you and the boys are waiting to meet you"


Here you go now don't bother me about another chapter immediately. I got a life to live y'all. I can't type at all times. I mainly be at work. And this shit be hard to type. I be trying think of what to type but it ain't super easy.

Also some of y'all stupid as fuck when I said something about "the ending" in my last Author's note I literally meant the ending of that chapter not the ending of the damn book. Why would I leave y'all on a cliffhanger of three people possibly dying and never give y'all an answer?

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