12 Red Love Strings (All EXO...

By ClarestaChristabel

127K 2.5K 1.4K

This story began when (y/n) transferred into EXOtic Highschool where all the students mostly boys. She didn't... More

When It Began
A/N Note
A New Highschool Life
A New Highschool Life Part 2
A New Highschool Life Part 3
A/N Note (Important To Read) (^O^)
A New Highschool Life Part 4
The Wolf Truth
The Start Of The Red Strings
A Week With EXO
A Week With Exo Part 2
A Week With EXO Part 3
Still 12 In Our Heart
A Week With EXO Part 5
The Last and The New Week
It Happen Again
A Life Saver?
Important Note

A Week With EXO Part 4

5.9K 117 100
By ClarestaChristabel

Anyyeong :D

Thanks for your comments. You guys really help me for the ideas

Enjoy and let your imaginations play

Anyyeong :D

*Your POV*

I stand in front of the door

I take a deep breath

"Calm down (y/n) they are your future husbands. YOU CAN DO THIS!!"

I nod "Yosh!!"

I hear laughing and chatting inside.

I open the door

I see my wolves are exercising.

I see Chen-oppa run in the treadmill with only his pants. I see his well healthy body

I blush "wwoahhhh.... too handsome. He looks too perfect!!"

I gaze around the room and I see all my 8 oppas are half naked too

They are chatting and I see them sweating hard.

"Maybe they already finish. Aww.. too bad i really want to see them while exercising"

I shock and shook my head "Come on.. (y/n) already have a dirty mind"

I facepalm myself

"But they are already too perfect even like that. Such boys exist in this world.. KYAA!! I'm a lucky girl"


Then I see Tao-oppa are practicing his Wushu with his long stick.

He moves very perfect!!!

"Like an angel dance with his wing"

Then I feel like my nose start bleeding.

I start looking for a tissue

Then I didn't see there was a chair. I push the chair and I fell

"Wahh!!!" I scream and I fell on the floor

Then my handsome oppas see me and they suprise.

"Ouch.." I see them suprise and I smile


They smile brightly and say in reunion "(y/n)!!"

All my handsome oppas approach me and we hugging each other

I kiss my handsome oppa cheek one by one and we makecircle sitting position

Tao-oppa say "(y/n) how did you get here? It's already late"

I blush "we-ll. Let me tell the story"

I tell them all the story but I didn't tell them about Kai-oppa or else they will kill him for sure

After I finish.. they are laughing very hard

I pout like a cute moe "what? what's so funny?"

Chanyeol-oppa who is sitting in my right laughing very hard. He say after he finish laughing

"Hahaa... I didn't know that my princess really like that"

I blush "so what?? I'm your princess anyway"

He smile "well~ of course. You are the one" and he kiss my cheeks passiontly

I blush "his kiss too perfect!!"

Chanyeol-oppa whisper to me "Already want your second kiss from me, huh (y/n). You pretty girl~"

I hear fake coughs

Baekyhun-oppa say "Park Chanyeol... don't start it"

Chanyeol say "he he~ get caught huh..."

Then i feel like my nose bleeding again

Lay-oppa notice this and he scream "Yah! (y/n) you are bleeding"

I laugh little bit "hehe.. it's ok i-"

I feel heavy and dizzy. Like the world is turning around.

I hear faintly scream "Yah!!! (y/n)!!"

When I want to hit the floor, I feel like I was hugging by someone

I can't see the figure

Before my world turn black, I hear he screaming "(y/n)!! are you ok? Please hold on!!"

But I know this hand. It's Chen-oppa manly and warm hand

I say faintly "Chen-oppa.."

Then my world turn dark

*Chen POV*

I really love her.

Her smile, her laugh, everything about her...

When in the practicing room.. I always thinking about her

Even when I was in the treadmill

I keep thinking about her.


I feel my power grow again

I panting hard and I open my shirt

"(y/n) where are you now?"

Then I imagine her cute chibi mode

I smile and chuckle a bit

Then I hear a crash sound

When I'm turn around, I see her

I feel happy when I see her then I approach her

But I feel uneasy or is it just my imagination that she was bleeding

She kiss me and other one by one

Then she tell me how did she come her

And I laugh very hard

I see her pout like a cute moe..

It's too cute!!!

After that, I see Chanyeol tease her.

I just feel piss off and I fake a cough.

I see others too do the same thing

After a while, I feel like her face looks pale

Then her nose is bleeding

I shock and others too

Lay ask her and when she want to say something

She faint

I scream "Yahh!!! (y/n)

I grab her before she hit the floor

I shook her little bit "(y/n) are you ok?? Please hold on"

She say with her little voice "Chen-oppa.."

She faint

I shock and scream "Lay!! Hurry!!"

Kris~hyung say "Put her in the sofa. It will make Lay can heal her easily

I nod and I gently put her. I rub her hand gently

"Please (y/n) stay with me"

Lay then come "It's ok, chen. She just exhausted and she won't die"

Then he start heal her.

After a few minutes, he finish "done"

He say to me "Chen could you please give her a glass of water?"

I nod and I hurry to the dispenser

*Chen POV ends*

*Your POV*

I wake up

"Where Am I?"

I gaze around and I only see darkness around

I feel lonely

"Somebody.. anybody!"

Then I see a light

"Yah!" Huh?"

I see a beautiful white unicorn come to me

"So beautiful"

I touch the unicorn and sudddenly I say "Lay-oppa"

I shock "it's Lay-oppa!"

Then I climb up and sit

I feel warm in him

"I knew it. It was you"

Then he brought me to the light


I open my eyes

I see all my oppas smiling at me

Lay -oppa smile "Welcome Back"

I smile "I'm Back. Thank You for helping me Lay-oppa"

I hug him and he hug me back

Then my oppas give me some space

Then I see Chen-oppa with his half naked body.

He come to me with a glass of water

"Are you ok, (y/n)?"

His handsome face lean to me close... too close

I can't hold it back anymore

I blush red and I nervously say

"w-ell... I'm fine"

Ever since that accident, I didn't talk to him very much

When I see him right now, I always blush and I can't even meet eye to eye anymore

He give me a glass of water

"Here.. hope it makes you feel better"

I nod "o-k.." I avoid his eye and I blush shyly

"Oh My God.. why I'm acting like this in front of him."

Suddenly he grab my chin and say "look at me (y/n)."

Then he kiss me in the lips

I feel electricity in my mouth but it feels great

When we kiss, Kai-oppa and Kyungsoo-oppa come

and they gasp

"oh no.. they come in wrong time"

I shock then I hear others scream "YAHH!!!! KIM JONGDAE!!"

Then I hear a smoke sound


I see Kai-oppa with his annoyed face infront of us and he suddenly grab me from Chen-oppa

and he kiss me in the lips

I really shock but he make the kiss sweet too

Then I feel my EXO symbol glow blue.

I hear other screaming too

"Yahh!!!! KIM JONGIN!!"

Then my left hand was grab by Chen-oppa

He say with his red furious eyes

"Jongin.. how dare you innterupt us"

Kai-oppa then grab my right hand and he smirk

"What? It's you who stole her first kiss from me"

I'm blushing right now

"2 handsome boys fighting for me.. wahhh I feel happy but I know I must stop this"

When I was about to say something, Kris-oppa grab me

Then he kiss me too in the lips

I shock but I feel like I'm flying now

Then Suho-oppa grab me and he kiss me too in the lips

Feels like my dry mouth is touch by water

I'm really confuse right now

"wh-at?? whay my oppas acting like this?"

Then Xiumin-oppa grab me too

He say "we do this because we love you (y/n)"

Then he kiss me in the lips passiontly

I feel my lips cold

Then Baekyhun-oppa grab me and kiss me too

My face turn red like tomato everytime they kiss me

Then Kyungsoo-oppa grab me too and kiss me

Everytime they kiss me, I ran out of breath

After kyungsoo-oppa kiss me, I'm panting hard


Then Luhan-oppa grab me and say "already tired? let us make you feel more"

He kiss me too

Every kiss is rough but I feel their love each time they kiss me

Then Lay-oppa kiss me too

After that, Chanyeol-oppa grab me and kiss me

I feel hot yet amazing

I really out of breath right now

I stand up and I'm panting hard

"haha... p-lease s-top...."

But Sehun-oppa grab me

My body lean to his well healthy body and I feel his sweat

I shock and I scream insde my head "WUAHH... too HANDSOME!!! too HOT!!"

He then kiss me too

Then I was grab by Tao-oppa

We meet eye to eye

And he kiss me

He let go of me

I just stand up and froze

I still panting hard


Then I see my oppas face red and they smile shyly

I see them half naked and when they doing that

I really can't hold it back aymore

I feel like my face is like a train and a steam come out from my face


"so-rry gotta go-"

When I want to run suddenly Chen-oppa grab me

"Where do you think you going?" He ask me softly

"I j-ust want to get fresh air this is too fast for me"

Chen-oppa smile and say "don't be. Hey, let me show you something"

Chen-oppa make a lightning sparkle in his hand

"woahh.. it's beautiful"

When I touch it, I feel electricity wave flow to me but it feels soft yet amazing

After a few sec, it's gone. Chen-oppa ask me "are you ok?"

I nod "yeah.. i'm fine"

Suho-oppa come to me and bow to me "we are really sorry what we've done.. it's just we really can't hold it anymore'

I aprroach Suho-oppa and I lift him up "it's ok Suho-oppa... well at fisrt I was shock but you guys make it so sweet you know"

I smile brightly

I see my oppas blush

Suddenly my clock is beeping

"BEEP!! BEEP!! It's 9 o clock!! BEEP!!!"

I gasp "wahh!! already this late!! I really have to go"

Kyungsoo-oppa say "wait!! why don't you have dinner with us? I make very special dish for you (y/n)"

He make very cute face

I blush "well~ ok.. can't say no to my oppa right?"

All my oppas shout "YEAHH!! Let's eat!"

I laugh and I follow my oppa

When we at the lift, We chatting and joking each other.

Then I realize my oppas still half naked

I blush and Baekyhun-oppa notice this.

"what's wrong, (y/n)?"

I say nervously "we-ll.. my handsome oppas still ha-lf naked and you guys make me fell in love with you more"

I cover my face with my hair..

"KYAA!!! What was I saying?? It's so embrassing"

I hear my oppas laughing

I tilt my face

"Heh? what's wrong??"

Xiumin-oppa say "well~ we glad we make you fell in love with us more"

Luhan-oppa add "yeah~ ohh why don't we just stay like this if it makes you happy (y/n)"

I shout "Yahh!! Don't I will have nosebleed everytime Luhan-oppa" (teehee)

My oppas laughing very hard and I smile shyly

Then I hear "DING!!" and we get out from lift

Kris-oppa say "(y/n) we want to take a bath first can you wait here for a moment?"

I nod "ok"

Kris-oppa smile at me and kiss me in the lips again

"Yahh! Kris-oppa"

"Good Girl~ stay here, ok?"

Suho-oppa say "oh! I almost forgot right now we won't kiss you in the cheeks again. From now, we kiss you at the lips~ ok?"

I blush "well~ I Like That" (YEHAT~YEHET)

Suho-oppa smile brightly "Ok then!!"

Kai-oppa come to me "well~ my beautiful ireona rather than stay here. Do you want come to my room? We will have some fun together!!"

I blush "well-"

Before I can answer, Kai-oppa was grab by Kris-oppa

"No can't do.. I know that you want to make your first step, Jongin"

Kai-oppa make a cute pout face

"huh... ok then"

Then I remember and I ask

"Kris-oppa, May I use the bathroom here? It's getting too hot~"

Kris-oppa smile "of course~ anything for my angel. You can use the bathroom over there"

I smile brightly "Kamsmida!!"

Chen-oppa smile "Yahh!! Why don't we take a bath together (y/n)??"

I blush "teehee well I-"

Then Kris-oppa smack Chen-oppa head

"Yah! What's that for?"

Kris-oppa grab Chen-oppa and drag him

Chen-oppa make a funny chibi face

"Yah! wait"

Then they gone

I then walk to the bathroom

I'm singing Call Me Baby

"Call Me Baby~Call Me Baby"

When I'm arrive, I shock

"woahhh... the bathroom is too awesome. It's like a hotel"

I gaze around the room

"Even shampoos, soaps and towel are here. My oppas really amazing"

Then I open my clothes and start shower

"woahh~ feels good"

Then I continue sing Call Me Baby

"Call me baby call me baby~
Call me baby call me baby~
You know my name girl~

I'll be your baby, yeah~"

I didn't know that my oppas are hearing me from outside

After 15 minutes, I finish my shower

"Woahh~ the shampoo and the soap is too good even the towelis soft~"

"Luckyly, I bought some fresh clothes in my bag"

I gaze around the room "EH?? Where's my bag??"

I facepalm myself "oh yeah~ I drop my bag outside"

"Oh no! What do I do now??"

"Well~ I don't have other choice"

I wrap my towel to cover my body

Then I step to the door

"well~ let's hurry then"

I open the door and I pop my head

I gaze around "no one outside right?"

Then I walk outside to my bag in the sofa

I didn't know that my oppas are hiding behind the sofa

I grab my bag and I suddenly see a shadow figure behind the sofa


When I see behind, my oppas then fell

I shock "Yahh!!"

Then Suho-oppa say "h-ello (y/n)"

I blush "Yahh! What are you guys doing?"

Sehun-oppa say "well we already finish and when we hear you singing we just want to take a peek"

I blush then he continue

"we just want to see our wife and you very beautiful right now

I shock "Yahh! DON'T SEE!!"

Chen-oppa say "well~ you are our wife and you already see us half naked right?"

My oppas nod

I blush very shy "Yahh!! PLEASE DON'T SEE"

Then I throw a pillow in the sofa to Chen-oppa face


Then I run to the bathroom

*Chen POV*

After we finish, we walk to the guest room and I hear (y/n) singing in the bathroom

"wow.. too beautiful"

Then I hear the door is open

"Oh no!! Hurry!! Hide behind the sofa"

Kris~gege say and we hide together

And I see her come to take her bag with only towel cover her body

Then we feel sudddenly tight


I and my brothers blush

Suddenly I slip and we fell

I see she shock


I chuckle little bit and I say

"well~ you are our wife and you already see us half naked right?"

She scream and she throw a pillow to me and she run

I shock and I hear others laughing

"In your face, Jongdae~" Kai say to me

I say "Huh? You beg for it"

Then we tease each other playfully

*Chen POV end*

*Your POV*

I panting hard

"Hahaha.... so embrassing"

I put my blue t-shirt and black short pants

I hear a knock

"Who is it?"

"It's me, your kyungsoo-oppa~"

"Kyungsoo-oppa!! What's wrong?"

"Well~ dinner is ready"

I scream "ok.. wait a minute"

After I finish, I open the door

I see kyungsoo-oppa wear his chef clothes again and I blush

"He is Too Handsome~"

Kyungsoo-oppa smile at me and say "how was your bath?"

I smile "it's great and thanks for letting me use the shower here"

He say "it's ok and by the way you are beautiful you know"

I blush "well~ thank you"

Then we go to the dining room together holding hands

"wow... first time dinner with my oppas.... mom.. dad.. (y/n)-chan.. wish me luck!"

~*To Be Continue*~

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