When a Bad Boy meets a Good G...

By jadeandlia

480K 4K 1K

Esme Lawson is the good girl. The girl who never steps a foot out of line while her twin sister, Harriett is... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4

Chapter 1

262K 1.3K 300
By jadeandlia


Lia and I have decided that since our last story 'When A Player Meets A Player' got such amazing feedback that we should do a sequel that hopefully gets the same reaction.

I really hope you enjoy the first chapter.

All reads, comments, votes and fans are appreciated.

-Jade x



"Mum!" I yelled as she straightened my blouse yet again "It's fine, stop fussing!"

"I got it too" Charlie said, walking into the hallway, taking a bite from the apple he was holding "Endure it" He smirked at me, walking back up the stairs that I wish I had never come back down. I childishly stuck my tongue out at my brother; he just shrugged me off and continued to eat, reaching the top of the stairs and turning towards his bedroom, now out of sight

"But Esme, it's your first day! What kind of mother would I be if I didn't make sure you we're looking your best?"

"A normal one" I moaned, moving back and walking into the kitchen where Harriet was sitting on a stool at the counter eating a bowl of cereal.

"Did she?" She asked, her words muffled by the food in her mouth

"Yep. I got my collar redone and everything"

"You're lucky" She exclaimed, gulping "I got done for my skirt" She motioned to her skater skirt that was now knee length. No doubt she had got told off for turning it up but she should know that Mum wouldn't let her out of the house with a short skirt. I laughed, sitting down in the stool next to her.

"So you excited?" I asked

"Huh?" She put her bowl in the dishwasher and sat next to me again

"New school?"

"Oh yeah, that"

"That?" I asked, surprised at her calmness.

"It's just school"

"But aren't you excited, Harry?" I asked

"Kind of" She said, walking out of the kitchen, followed by footsteps up the stairs that told me she was going to her room.

"Are you ready?" Mum asked, walking into the kitchen and grabbing the orange juice from the counter top and pouring herself a glass

"Nearly" I walked up the stairs and into my room to finish getting ready

"10 minutes, kids!" Mum shouted up the stairs

I looked in the mirror at my reflection, admiring the new white jeans, coral blouse and cream blazer that Mum had bought me for my first day at our new school. They fit me well, hugging my figure, especially the skinny jeans that went slightly over the light pink heels I wore that matched the rest of the outfit.

I brushed my hair, the long thick curls turning to waves as I brushed through right to the ends which were now at my waist since i'd grown my hair out last summer. I had the same colour hair as my Dad; light brown with darker shades underneath, just like my twin sister too.

We did look alike; Harriet and I but we're very different in personalities. She's the outgoing type while i'm the kind of person who would be satisfied by a good book and a quiet place to read it.

I picked up my white satchel bag with gold studs putting my iPhone and the current novel I was reading and placed them in my bag.

Walking out my bedroom, I met Charlie on the stairs.

"You do realise she will insist on walking us in and embarrassing us?" Charlie said, pointing his finger down the stairs where, no doubt, our mother would be waiting for us.

"I know" I sighed. I walked over to Harry's door and knocked. She came out at once and we all walked down the spiral staircase.

"Don't you all look miserable!" Our Dad said as we reached the bottom. Charlie did a sarcastic smirk at him which Dad mocked and Harriet and I just walked outside and got into the car, shortly followed by Charlie and then our parents.

"Now" Dad said, making us all groan, even Mum.

"We've heard it Dad!" Charlie shouted, frustrated at the talk our Mum had with us last night about what not to do.

"Well you can hear it again! No smoking, no drinking, no fighting, no getting into trouble, no pranks, no parties!" He near enough screamed

"I am so inspired" Harry mocked in a monotone voice that got even Mum snickering

"Harriet!" Dad scolded, soon making her go back to staring out of the window into the damp countryside. I copied, looking out of my window into the dreary scenery that seems to move quickly as we sped down the country lane, gravel crumbling under the heavy weight of the car.

"What even is the point of going to a boarding school?" Harry asked, getting annoyed. She wasn't to convinced at the idea of leaving our house, her room and her old school to come to some boarding school she'd never been to before where she knew no one and would have to make new friends all over again.

"You never know" Dad squinted, looking at the road as he spoke then suddenly, turning to look at Mum for a second before concentrating on the road once again "You might learn something about yourself"

"Yeah right!" Charlie butted in "Like I want to go to some crummy school in the middle of nowhere! Do you know what I sacrificed! I left Lucy for this! Do you know how many long distance relationships work out? Barely any!" Charlie ranted

It was true that he had left his girlfriend, Lucy but he also didn't realise that we had left her too. Lucy and I were friends, really good friends in fact, that's how she met Charlie. At first, Harry and I wasn't happy when we walked in on them, kissing in the living room but we adjusted, I guess. It's still nasty though.

"Shut up, Charlie-bear" Harry teased, knowing his hatred for that nickname.

"Shut it!"

"Or what, little man?" She replied, smirking. Charlie slugged back into his seat, taking up even more of my seat and Harriett's since he was in the middle.

"Shove over!" I yelled with no response from him.

"Don't worry, love" Mum said, smiling "We're here!"

Charlie, Harriett and I swiftly turned to stare out of the window.

The building was old, to say the least. The brick working was nothing like our last, modern school but ragged and uneven with moss growing up the sides and vines covering the top half and the bottom. Flowers surrounded the edges of the building while the grass was clear and extremely well cut, not a blade out of place.

The silence of the place disturbed me. There was no children running around or teachers scolding misbehaving minors, only dreariness that gave the whole place a depressing feeling.

"This is it?" Harry asked, sounding appalled

"Yes!" Mum said proudly, getting out of the car and ushering us all out after her, reluctantly.

"Are you sure we've got the right place?" Charlie questioned

"Yes! Mum glared at him, obviously annoyed

"Antique, kind of cute, I guess" I said, trying to lighten the mood

"That's the spirit!" Dad praised, joining us after parking the car after we'd gotten our bags.

We all walked towards the entrance where our parents left us with the busy receptionist.

"Now behave" Dad said, looking specifically at Charlie and then glaring at Harry

"Hey! No fair! How come you don't give Esme that look too!?"

"Because she's the good child" He replied, saying a final goodbye and going out to the car.

Mum seemed a bit out of it, looking about the old building in awe before turning to us with a smile and kissing all of our foreheads.

"We'll see you at the end of the term, ok?" We all muttered some sort of response before she left and we were left in the company of only each other and the receptionist that seemed too busy to find us our schedules or rooms. 

We were directed to the four seat in the corner which we waited in for 20 minutes before she finally found us a pile of papers each and was soon searching through papers again and tapping on her smart phone ridiculously quickly.

"Where are you?" I asked Harry

"Block B, room 27, you?"

"Block B, room 29" I read

"Well just because none of you asked, i'm in Block C, room 3" Charlie said sarcastically, walking away from the two of us. 

"Whats up with him?" I asked

"No clue" Harry said before walking ahead "Coming or what?" I caught up to where she was and walked along side her.

We walked out of a side door and found five large buildings with the first five letters above, one letter per building. We walked through the door of the 'B' block and up the first flight of stairs labelled '16-29'. Walking to the end of the corridor, we found room 27 which Harry darted into. I carried on to the next door on the left and found a room numbered 29. I knocked once before entering.

No-one was in the room but I gathered someone else was in this room because of the clothes scattered around the room and the unmade bed so I laid my bags on the spare bed and started to unpack. I had got about 3/4 of the way through my bags before the door opened and in came a girl about my age.

"Hello?" She said, sounding more like a question.

"Hi, I'm Esme" I smiled

"Oh!" She returned my smile with a tight hug which caught me by surprise "I completely forgot! They told me you was coming today! Sorry about the mess" She started to pick up the loose pieces of clothing and put them on her bed

"It's fine, I have a brother so I'm used to mess" I joked

"At this school?" She asked, ignoring me and carried on tidying

"Yes, he's just started today and also my sister has"

"How old?"

"Charlie is 16 and Harriett is my twin, we're both 18"

"No fair!" She exclaimed


"I'm normally the oldest in our year" She sulked before smiling again as I finished unpacking my last items of clothing. "Would you like to come to The Shake with me? I'm meant to be meeting a friend there but I feel bad for leaving you, fancy it?"

"Sure" I said, picking up my phone and purse and putting them in my bag before leaving the room

"I'm sorry, I forgot to tell you my name" My room mate said as we walked down the stairs "I'm Alice"

"It's lovely to meet you, Alice" I smiled at her "So, The Shake?" I asked

"Kind of lame but it's a popular hang out around here" I just nodded, shoving my hands into the pockets of my jeans as we arrived at The Shake. It was slightly bigger than I imagined and more modern. It wasn't crumbling brick like the rest of the place but a soft-looking, new brick. We entered the place, Alice looking around for her friend, finally spotting her and waving.

"Hey!" Alice yelled, running and hugging her friend who stood up to hug her then sitting back down, joined by Alice. She waved me over and I sat at her side. "Em, this is Esme, Esme this is Emily"

"It's nice to meet you!" Emily said, smiling widely, showing off her perfect teeth. She was pretty much perfect herself. Her hair was long and wavy in a light blonde shade that was nearly white. She wore a cream blouse and high-waisted blue jeans that fitted her perfect figure well.

"Pleasure to meet you too!" I said, returning her smile

"So where are you from?" She asked

"Lee Green Private" I answer

"The posh school just outside the city?" She gasped

"I guess"

"So why did you move?" She questioned

"New start but also because my Uncle Shawn runs the school and he wanted us to come and see what it's like" I shrugged

"Wait" Alice said "Mr Williams is your Uncle?"


"Wow" Emily said a few seconds later followed by a scream "Be right back!" She yelled before rushing off to the door of The Shake

"Her boyfriend, Billy" Alice sighed

"Don't you like him or something?"

"No, he's cool" She said, not sounding too convinced

"Esme" Emily said, coming back over to us with a boy about our age "This is my boyfriend, Billy" I stood to shake his hand. He was handsome boy with short brown hair and brown eyes that made me slightly uncomfortable as he stared at me.

"Hello" I said

"Hi there, I'm Billy" He replied before putting an arm around Emily's waist and whispering something in her ear

"Get a room!" A loud, manly voice yelled closely, making Alice jump.

"Ethan!" Emily shouted, angrily.

"And you" The stranger said, pointing a long finger at Billy "No touchy-feely, especially around me!"

"Oh, she doesn't mind" Billy said, making the boy angry.

"What do you want, Ethan?" Emily asked

"Mum wants you to call her" He said, still staring at Billy, nostrils flared. After they have been staring at each other for what seemed like hours, the mysterious boy named Ethan suddenly turned his attention to me and looked me up and down.

"Ethan" Emily sighed "This is Esme, she's new and Esme, this is my annoying twin, Ethan who really needs to get lost... now!"

"Nice to meet you" I said. He just nodded, half smiling before glaring more at Billy and turning his back to us and starting to walk away before Emily shouted him

"What?" He was obviously annoyed

"Would you mind walking Esme back? We need to go to volleyball practise?" Emily asked, Alice nodding behind her. Ethan looked at me again, not saying anything. "It's you or Billy" Alice whispered

"Fine" Ethan replied "Lets go" He ordered and I followed him out of The Shake like a lost puppy. I followed him around the corner, down a corridor and through a door that led outside.

"Is this the way back?" I asked

"No" He stated simply

"Then where are we going?"

"The field"



"Great" I said sarcastically.

My first day and I was walking with a near stranger and didn't even know where I was going.

Just how I imagined.

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