Family of Blood (Book 2) {The...

By kminer24

5.2K 153 25

This is book 2 of The Lost Family. If you haven't read that book you will be lost so go read it first! Kylie'... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 3

528 16 2
By kminer24

Kylie's POV

Lucy didn't say anything for a long while she just sat there staring at us. I couldn't tell what she was thinking and it made me nervous. Ever since I lost my family Lucy has became a second mother to me.

While the guys and the Frog brothers all have become part of my family, none of them could fill the role that Lucy fills. I didn't realize how important Lucy was in my life until now. Just thinking about her not accepting us is crushing me from the inside out.

"All of you are vampires?" She asked as she slowly looked around the room at each of us. We all nodded our heads.

"How is that possible? Vampires aren't real," she said confused.

"We all said the same thing," Sam said as he laughed and pointed at me and Michael. "And how it is possible is you have to drink vampire blood..." Sam said nervously while rubbing the back of his neck.

The look on Lucy face was priceless, and if this wasn't such a serious matter if I would've been laughing. "You drank blood?" She asked with a very confused and disgusted face.

"Well yes but we didn't know it was blood," Sam said. "Well we did and we may have somewhat drank it willingly, but it's not like we have much of a choice."  He said as he grew very red embarrassment and confusion.

"Okay you guys are pulling my leg, come on. You guys chose to become vampires?" She asked.

"Not at first," I said. " I honestly didn't believe in them until them three goofballs over there proved me wrong," I said as I pointed at them.

"We honestly fought it at first. We came up with the scheme to somehow figure out who the head vampire was and kill him, so that we could be human again. Then plans changed when Dominic came around. Now we are all closer than ever. We are happy, we are a family," I said smiling as I looked around the room at my family.

To think just a couple months ago I had no one and I was left by myself. Now I have a family that I would die for, but as I look back at Lucy I realized my family is not complete without her.

Lucy had tears in her eyes and she raised her hand and gently caress my cheek, "Kylie why did you not tell me about Dominic?" She asked. She knew about Dominic and how I wasn't comfortable around him. My mom would tell her about him on the phone when they used to talk on the phone.

"Because by the time I found out he was around it was too late for me," I said as a tear rolled down my cheek.

"What do you mean too late for you Kylie what happened?"

I turned and looked over at the guys. They saved me from him and I couldn't be more grateful. "She was kidnapped. Dominic took her and well....," Sam said scratching the back of his head not sure how to say the next part.

"He was a vampire hunter it turns out and he tried to force his love on her to the point that he umm....." Michael said as he continued for his brother.

"That he make sure no one would be in the way to stop him..." David said.

I turned and looked at Lucy as I spoke, "Lucy he killed my family."

"W...what?" Lucy asked as she covered her mouth in complete shock and was on the brink of breaking down. Max who was staying behind her started to rub her back to calm her down and to comfort.

Her best friend was dead, killed by a boy that was in love with me. That wanted me so bad that he thought killing my family would be the way to win my heart.

"Where is he?" She asked as her sadness turned to anger.

"He is dead. We killed him," Marko said.

Lucy turned towards him when he spoke, "Good. I'm glad because I was about to go kill him myself if you all didn't."

"Do you want to know how we killed him?" Paul asked chuckling. Marko was quick to elbow him right in the stomach to shut him up.

"No thank you... ummm Paul right?" Lucy said with a laugh.

"Yes ma'am.. I'm the fun one," he said proudly.

"More like the dumb one," Edgar said under his breath.

"Hey I heard that! And at least I am fun unlike you. You're too busy looking like a Rambo wanna be."

"HEY! Do you want to go?! I will gladly kick your blood sucker butt!" Edgar said as he stood as he was challenging Paul to a fight.

Before I could tell them to sit down and shut up Lucy beat me to it, "Calm down the both of you. No one is fighting in my house. Is that understood?"

"Yes ma'am," they both quickly said and Edgar took his seat once again. Max started to chuckle, "Boys just need a good mother in order to behave."

"I guess you are right," Lucy said as she chuckled. "So what are we going to do now," she asked as she looked around the room at each of us.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Well you all are vampires and I'm human. How is that going to work?"

I felt my stomach drop. She was right. She was human and would grow old and die while we never age or die.

"I don't know," I said heart broken and I looked down at my lap and began to play with my hands.

"We didn't even think about that," Sam said equally as heart broken as me.

"Well is there anyway for me to become a vampire and be with you guys forever?" She asked and my head shot up and I looked Lucy dead in the eyes.

"Are you serious? You would become a vampire in order to stay with us?"

"Why of course dear. You guys are my world and I don't know what I would do without you guys in it," she said as she wiped a tear off my cheek.  "Kylie I'm not going to leave you."

If only that was true.... everyone leaves me eventually.
If you haven't read The Lost Family first go check it out!!

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Don't forget to follow me and check out my other stories, Never Die and Hunted :)

Until next time keep reading and bleeding

- QOB🩸


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