Letting You Go ...

By CurvyRealGal

27.1K 720 135

I have set him free It's better to have my heart shatter at a single slam rather than have it slowly be gro... More

Letting You Go ... 😊<>NuKuea<>😊1
😠 <> Gilayn <> 😠 - 1 // 😊 <>Kuea<> 😊 - 2
😊 <>Kuea<> 😊 - 3 //😠<>Gilayn<>😠 - 2
😊 <>Kuea<> 😊 - 4
😠<>Gilayn<>😠 - 4
😠<>Gilayn<>😠 - 5
😊 <>Kuea<> 😊 - 5

😠<>Gilayn<>😠 - 3

2.8K 93 28
By CurvyRealGal

I wanted to go over directly but Fei suggested I change into something less formal so that I don't stand out at Gemini ♊️ .

After giving it some thought I realised a relaxed look and approach would definitely get me better results from this Kirrin guy.

These artsy kind like laid back individuals after all.
A three piece suit may not only put him off but also most probably antagonise him.

The drummers I knew back in uni were quite rough and tumble kind of people who would avoid people in formal wear as if their life depended on it.

But still I have a status and I can't sure as hell wear ripped jeans and tees.

Fei as per usual presented me with a solution,

"Sir, if I may suggest ... an open collar shirt with the black garden jacket you own with the ..."

"Thank you for your input, I think I get the picture." I interrupted

"Glad to be of service Sir." He chirped brightly.

In essence I was relieved to be dealing with someone not from the upper crust.
I would be able to actually relax around him because he wouldn't know me from Adam and most probably would be most interested in the compensation I could offer him in exchange for the showcase of his talents at my establishments.

Yes, ofcourse if he is a hit I can have him perform at my other clubs and maybe ... even at some of the galas that are held yearly at my hotels. After all the younger crowds wanna rock out while their parents talk shop.

The commendation of my events would be on everyone's lips age irrespective!

The possibilities are endless!


After a quick change.
Just replacing my shirt, tie n vest coat in favour of a v-neck tee I decided to GrabCab to Gemini.
Which just made my driver give me a dumbfounded look when I gave him the evening off.
Fei literally pranced off when I told him he wouldn't need to chaperone me.
The man for some reason is wierd as hell, but extremely meticulous too so I put up with him for the company's sake.


Nursing my mug of chilled beer 🍺 alone. I can finally relax in the semi darkness of this club.

Being under strobe lights after years was a little jarring but it felt like an old sweater that you find again in the attic put it on and it makes you feel like you have finally come home.

I miss playing the guitar.
I miss my band.
I miss my friends.
I miss being carefree.
Not being buckled down with responsibility and expectations of others their eyes glued on me.

Forced to be in a relationship with an air-head child.

On paper he's Great!
Stelar grades, plays football and some musical instruments as well, as far as I know.
But ALL of that can't make up for his complete lack of a personality and a working brain.
He's a mute follower.
Like a duckling, head lowered he follows me.

The only spark I saw was two days ago when he suddenly yelled at me for absolutely no good reason.

Forget him Lian.
You're here to enjoy yourself and capture a new gem. Focus on that.
The problematic pest name Kuea can be dealt with on Sunday.

The sudden uproarious shrieks and hollering, along with the spotlight blinking ON focusing on a set of drums informed me of Kirrin's arrival.

As far away as I was I couldn't really see him clearly but with the first tap of the drumsticks I was pulled in and was all ears.

The guy was definitely very proficient.

Ears pricked I listened in on the conversations going on around me to pick up nuggets about him.

He was 21, performed only late on Friday and Saturday nights. So this was a very special treat for many.

He drank the first 3 cocktails which were sent over to him. Rejected any and all alcohol after that, sipping only on juices or sodas which were provided by club management not the patrons.

Jay the owner was his gate keeper and shooed away anyone who was looking for a private chat with the guy. Which would definitely prove to be a bit of a problem.

Jay and I don't really get along, being competitors and such.

I have no idea why, but the guy simply hates the sight of me.

If he sees me here today I can count on being escorted out.

As Kirrin proficiently gave impeccable renditions of many popular tunes I sat awe struck. Had my band been blessed with someone of his caliber maybe we wouldn't have disbanded midway through senior year at university.

Wallowing in memories of what could have been is neither here nor there.

Time past wouldn't rewind how much ever I may yearn for it.

It's best to live in the present and look to the future.

Tonight, I'm here specifically to get Kirrin for my own establishment.

All I needed to do was bide my time and grab any opportunity to, if nothing else just slip him my business card with a lucrative proposition for him if he comes over to Pentagon.

"Guys and Gals, this drummer's arms need a break, so am taking five. While I recharge let's give a big hand to encourage Noinai as she takes over for a while to enthrall us with her wonderful voice,"

That voice ...

I'd know that voice anywhere.

But that's impossible!

I tracked his movements as he got up and headed off the stage.

Nah! That's impossible!

This guy must just has a similar voice, nothing else.

My eye caught Jay walking over to the bar and I tried to make myself inconspicuous but my eyes goggled when I saw the guy take off his face mask to sip on the first drink lined up there.

I wasn't mistaken!
The voice belonged to the face I know so well.


But how's it possible?

Wasn't he learning to play a wind instrument? It was either the flute or a clarinet.

Definitely NOT the drums. His grandfather definitely wouldn't approve of something so uncouth.

Watching Kuea throw back his head and laugh, hi-fiving the bartender; what looked like greeting and joking with the servers who came by to pick up orders, being freely boisterous , acting his age Yi's words came back to me.

I truly didn't know my fiancé even a little bit.
It would seem the Kuea I knew was an act. If what I am watching right now is to be believed the real Kuea is an ordinary young adult loud and rambunctious like every other new adult.

What could be the reason behind this though?
Kuea was always a firecracker, like he is right now, so why does he put on act around me and his ... his family.
The Keerati clan.
Ofcourse, and they are in turn my family's patrons.
His grandfather expects a certain behaviour which even I have adhered to.

Yi is right.

I had been so focused on how this whole thing was unfair to me that I hadn't taken the time to think about how this was affecting Kuea.

He is so much younger than me the pressure on him is definitely greater.

I'd had the opportunity to freely live my life at university but Kuea had been tied to me from day one.

And I hadn't made it easy for him even the littlest bit.

The facade I put up around him had made him hide his true self.

D'amn he had created a whole new persona along with a name just to live out his life unhindered.

We both it seemed put on masks of what we expected the other wanted.

Me trying to emulate his grandfather and him trying to be the dutiful Stepford spouse.

Oh God! What an absolute mess!

But how do I rectify this?

I guess it's time I made an effort to actually get to reacquaint myself with Kuea.

This would mean tomorrow's lunch appointment with the Minister for Textile will have to be postponed.

If I ask him for lunch will he come?
Ofcourse, he will... but he will have his mask in place simpering being the dutiful little future spouse.

No, I need to catch him off guard.
He did say he was in absolute agony after an evening of gruelling football training.

So maybe I can be a nice little fiancé and take lunch to him.

But that would throw up the challenge that I need to find out where Kuea actually lives.

Last I heard he moved out of the family mansion to learn to be self sufficient. Ofcourse I lied to his parents off in Austria that I had helped him select the place. When in reality it had been Diao.
He did all the work and I took the accolades.

Lian you have a lot of lost time to make up for.

Many mistakes to rectify.

It's time to stop being so selfish and an absolute cold fish.

Oh! he's heading back towards his drums.

Let me just enjoy his talents for a while now.
I have the rest of tonight and tomorrow till noon to mull over how I can change the status of this completely dishonest relation that we have managed to get ourselves stuck in.


A/N : How many wanna beat up Lian?

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