Narutoxblackgirl reader

Par xnarum_ix

56.1K 1.8K 610

✨I do not own characters nor pictures✨ You and naruto are best friends what happens when he leave the village... Plus

Stubborn Nobu
Wash day
Yasushi Sasaki
Yasushi Sasaki pt2
New comrade
Run away bride
Hinata rescue mission
Touching one's heart
Tailed beast dream
Festival Time
Our last chapter
❄️winter special❄️
❄️winter special❄️
❄️winter special❄️
❄️winter special❄️
❄️winter special❄️
❄️winter special❄️
❄️winter special❄️
❄️winter special❄️
⚠️New Book⚠️

❄️winter special❄️

914 29 1
Par xnarum_ix

I kinda miss writing in this fan fic soo i just made a little winter special sooo hope you'll enjoy. Everything thats happening is taking place in there teens, just as how it was before the kids was introduced basically shippuden🙃
"Narutoo!" I yell out his name from the bathroom as i do my hair.

"Huhh?" He answered back

"Have you seen my leaf headband?" I ask

I could hear naruto's footsteps getting louder indicating he was coming. "It should be riiiighhht here" he says looking in one of the dressers. "Uh oh" I hear him say and laugh nervously.

"Naruto, what do you mean uh oh?" I say tuning to him slowly.

"Well you see.." he says laughing and rubbing the back of his neck. "I was rushing the other day and took your hand band, and i could've sworn i put it back but its not here ya know." He says the last part franticly.

"You lost my stuff how many times?" I say finishing my hair and rushing to Naruto. "First my comb, then my socks, then my toothbrush, NOW my headband?!" I say tackling him on the floor.

"Y/N it was an accident ya know." He says squirming on the floor.

I  was on top of him and grabbed him by his neck with both hands hard enough to get my point across but not hard enough to cause him harm.

"Why are you doing this" he whined on the ground

"Because of you always loosing my stuff!" I say

"Is that how you wanna play?" He says with a grin creeping on his face.

"Show me your worse.." i say putting my face inches from Naruto's.

He crept his hands on my waist and started to tickle me. As much as i tried to resist the urge to laugh i couldn't help it. "Naruto- stop- i cant breathe." I try to say as he tickles me.

I squirm around but he still has a grip on me. "No, no, what was that you said about me before." He says cheekily.

Loud laughs continue to escape my mouth. "Nothing - nothing." I struggle to say

"Hmp, thats what i thought." He says and then stops.

I recollect myself and stand up. "I said, your always loosing my stuff." I say

"Come here." He says trying to get me but i run away. I ran around in the living room laughing because Naruto couldn't catch me.

"Alright thats it!" He says putting his fingers together. "Shadow clone jutsu!"

A puff of white smoke appeared and there was his shadow clone.

"Uh-uh, you cant do that!" I say.

Him and his shadow clone trapped me. Naruto picks me up and throws me over his shoulder. "Put me down dammit!" I say

"Nope." He says

A knock was then heard on the door. "Who is it!?" I yell

"Its me sakura!" The voice on the other side of the door says.

Naruto goes to open it and was met by cool breeze and Sakura. "Y/N-, oh was i- interrupting?" Sakura stumbles.

"Not at all." Naruto says with my still over his shoulder.

Naruto turns around so now im facing Sakura. Sakura's face had a pink tint on it. "Its not what it looks like." I say

"Its ok you two are dating now." Sakura laughs.

Just to fill you in its been 3 months since that festival, and me and Naruto decided to start dating. We were hesitant at first because we thought it would cause harm to team 7 and our friendship, but everything's been going well so far.

"I know but its still not what it looks like." I say getting hot. 

"Yea right." Sakura says

"Naruto put me down." I whisper yell and sakura laughs.

"So what did you need Sakura?" Naruto ask as he puts me down.

"Oh yea thats right! Lady Tsunade wanted to see us, be there in 10 minutes." She says

"For what?" I ask

"Im not sure yet, she hasnt really told me all the details." Sakura says

"Well ok we'll be there." I say

Naruto closes the door and walks back into my room. "What do you think granny Tsunade needs to tell us?" He ask

"I have no clue." I say

Time skip (Tsunade's office)

"A vacation?!" Team 7, team 10, team 8 and team Gai, say in unison

"Yes, i feel you all worked hard and after all you've been through you need time to rest." Tsunade says

"With all due respect, how will we have a vacation in the middle of winter." Shikamaru ask

"Easy, the land of snow is the ideal place for winter so thats where you'll be going." She responds with her fingers interlocked and elbows on her desk.

"Well i for one dont reject, i feel we all should have a break" Ino says.

"Same here" Tenten says

"I- i dont mind." Hinata says shyly.

" i wasnt going to take no for a answer anyways, i've come to a realization your all still kids and been through a lot and this would be a nice time to relax, and have some fun." Tsunade says.

"You heard that Neji! Were gonna use the power of youth and have some fun!" Lee says

"Also, just incase anything goes down Kakashi and Gai will be with yall." She says

"Alright! Gai sensei!" Lee says with his fist up.

"Lee stop interrupting." Neji says in his usual but stern voice.

"Question, when are we supposed to leave and how long is our vacation?" I ask

"You leave tomorrow and your vacation is for a week."

"Tomorrow! Are you sure, that means we'll have to cramp in all our packing today." Naruto says

"Thats right, so i think you guys should start now."  She says smiling.

Everyone rushes out and head home.

Naruto decides to walk me home before going to pack his stuff. "Its soo cold durning this time of the year." Naruto says

"I know right, my lips are always so damn dry." I say putting on chapstick.

"Are mines dry?" He ask.

I turn my head and look at them. My face must told it all because he said "ok i get." We both laugh and stop walking.

"Whats wrong?" He ask

"Nothing." I say grabbing his face and putting the chapstick on his lips.

Little did i know he found what i was doing weirdly attractive and his eyes were glued on me.

Time skip.
I had evergthing packed and was ready to go, but knowing Naruto i had to go check on him and made sure he had everything ready before i left to go meet everyone else.

I had on a different outfit because my normal one would have me so cold.

(This was the fit)

I go to the bathroom to make sure my hair looks fine. It was in a cute afro, i picked it out a bit, grabbed my suitcase, bag, and headed out the house.

When i got to Naruto's place i found him on the floor rolling, and crying out 'wheres my other special deluxe cup of ramenn!!'

I stand above him "naruto."

He stops and looks me in the eyes as he lays on the ground "huh"

"Its not that deep, you left it at my house, and im glad i brought it" i said pulling it out my bag.

He pops up and hugs me "your the best girl friend ever Y/N!! I love you so much!" He says

I laugh at his words "i love you too"

"Alright now lets head out."

Continuer la Lecture

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