The tales of Drago (Dc Superh...

By CQuinn309

25.5K 309 121

You are a blue dragon that can do fire magic and had a twin sister, you and your sister always be there for e... More

Sweet Justice: Part 1
Sweet Justice: Part 2
Sweet Justice: Part 3
Y/N/Drago's Bio and Hero logo
Adventures In Bunnysitting
Hate Triangle
❤️ Valentine's Day Special ❤️
Dc Superhero girls Pokémon team

Sweet Justice: Part 4

1.9K 27 3
By CQuinn309

At the ship where the Amazons sailing to home as Diana sits on a crate in sorrow. Then Zatanna, Green Lantern, Supergirl, Bumblebee, and Batgirl are at the ship. As Batgirl was making signals of the plan and she starts diving in the ocean and the girls didn't understand what her signals mean. Batgirl was on the ship hiding and try to get Diana's attention, but she didn't hear. So Batgirl was trying to get closer and closer to get attention but no avail. Finally she got close to Diana to get her attention and she heard.

Diana: "Why are you here, Barbara Gordon?"

Batgirl: "We're here to seek you out. See?

She showed that the team are coming to rescue her. But unfortunately they got caught and the Amazon warriors are holding them by their ears.

Zatanna, Bumblebee, Supergirl, Green Lantern,: "Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!"

Batgirl: "Ooh, that wasn't supposed to happen."

She said as Hippolyta grabbed her ear and pulling her up.

Batgirl: "Ow, ow, ow, ow!"

Hippolyta: "How dare you board my vessel without permission? Throw them to the ocean beast Cetus."

Batgirl: (gasps)

The Amazons pulled their ears so they could throw them to the ocean. Then a figure came down from the sky and land on the ship. Everyone saw and revealed to be Y/N in his demon form.

Diana: "Y/N."

Hippolyta: "You!"

Y/N: "Uh, you know you guys have powers right."

Supergirl: "Oh yeah."

She said as she punch the Amazons to break free which sent the warrior flying far away landing in the ocean. So the girls are ready to fight to help their friend.

Batgirl: "Wow!"

Batgirl free herself from Hippolyta grip and Wonder Woman saw them fighting. Hippolyta walked towards Y/N and she unsheathed her sword.

Hippolyta: "Your a fool to come back demon!"

Y/N: "I don't want to fight you your majesty. It doesn't have to be this way, we just want are friends back."

Hippolyta: "That is never going to happen."

Y/N: (signs) "So be it."

He said as he unsheathed his sword and ready to fight as they both charge and their swords clashed. Hippolyta uses her sword to strike him, but Y/N blocked it. Then she strikes him with flurry of attacks as he blocks every strike and he dodge a strike then kicked her away from behind. Diana was surprised of his skills they way he use that sword.

Hippolyta: "You got some skill. For a demon."

Y/N: "I was just about to say the same to you."

Hippolyta charge at him again.

Green Lantern: "Diana, we won't let you go without a fight."

Zatanna: "We're sorry we gave up, Diana."

Bumblebee: (yelps) "You gotta come back and be our leader again."

Batgirl: "It's true. Look how bad we are at this. Well except Y/N."

Supergirl: "You once said I could be the greatest hero the world of men ever knew. (muffled) But it wasn't me, it's you."

Diana smiled at that comment. So she decided to order the Amazons to stop.

Diana: "Amazons, your princess commands you to stop."

The Amazons followed her orders. But her mother can not except this. While Hippolyta and Y/N where clashing until she kicked him away.

Hippolyta: "And your queen commands you to continue."

The Amazons followed the queens orders.

Diana: "Stop."

Hippolyta: "Continue."

Diana: "Stop."

Hippolyta: "Continue."

Diana: "Stop."

Hippolyta: "Continue!"

Diana: "Stop!"

The Amazons stopped fighting so they could wait for what their orders are.

Amazon warrior: "Well? Which one is it?"

She said as she lost in arm wrestling with Supergirl.

Hippolyta: "You are only 317 years old, Diana. A girl, who is too young and too naive to make her own decisions."

Diana: "No! It was I, Mother, I who survived the 21 tests of the tournament of Athena and Aphrodite. While I may be young, I have proven I am my own woman and I decide who I want to be. It is Amazon law."

Amazons: "It is law."

They said as they kneel for the law of the Amazons, Hippolyta agrees and walks away in frustration. Diana looks away and saw her friends as she squealed of happiness.

Diana: "Eeeeee!"

Green Lantern, Zatanna, Batgirl, Supergirl, Bumblebee: (weakly) "Yay.

Y/N gave a thumbs up. He and the girls flew away on a magic carpet which Green Lantern constructed.

Batgirl: "Congrats, Diana. Disobeying your mom is normal teenager lesson number 218. You're officially a teenager, and we're officially a team again.

Diana smiled at her friends and then she ask Y/N a question.

Diana: Hey Y/N. I didn't know you're good with a sword. I'm impressed. And the question is how?"

Y/N: "Well. Sometimes when your in trouble with out powers, you have to defend yourself."

He said as Diana smiled at him from that comment.

Y/N: "And I figure out what my hero name is. It's Drago."

He said as the girls like the that name.

Zatanna: "We think that it suits you."

She said as the girls agreed which made him smile as Drago and Zatanna looked at each other with a blush on their face.

Batgirl: "Come on there's only one place to celebrate."

Drago and the girls are at the pier, then Bumblebee saw something down there.

Bumblebee: "Uh, guys."

She said getting their attention and they saw demo-bots have enter the pier.

Batgirl: "Oh, no, first they tore down Sweet Justice, now they're gonna demolish the pier."

They got down, ready their battle stance as the demo-bots move towards them.

Demo-bot foreman: "You must vacate this business or dwelling immediately. You are interfering with lawful demolition protocols. You have ten seconds to comply."

Supergirl: "Oh, yeah? Well, you got ten seconds to say your prayers."

She said as they heard a thud.

Supergirl: "Huh?"

Something big was coming out of the fog and revealed a giant robot.

Bumblebee: "Ah, what is that?"

???: "Come to have some fun? You teenagers?"

Batgirl saw the Lex Corp symbol on it's chest and it made her happy that she knew it.

Batgirl: "Ah-ha! I knew it. I knew it was Lex. I knew it, I knew it, I knew it, I knew it! (clears throat) I knew it was Lex."

???: "Lex? I am not Lex!"

The window from its chest opened up.

???: "I'm... (grunts) Hold on."

The unknown person turn on a switch to lift the chair up and revealed to be a little girl.

???: "I'm Lena. Lena Luthor. And all this, This is my plan, not my dopey brother's. He can never come up with something this good. Ugh.

Drago and the girls do not get it, what is she talking about. And for Drago he was surprised that all this destruction was cause by a kid. But why?

Lena: "Oh, do I have to spell it out?"

Supergirl: "Yeah, you kinda do."

Lena: "Pfft, figures. You teenagers think you're so smart, with your staying up late, and your driving cars, and your commercials. But you're so dumb... you can't even pick up on the most obvious of evil plots. Even when it's literally in front of your face. So first, I reprogrammed Lex's worthless VR glasses. Then, I hacked the Demolition Robots the city contacted my doofus brother to make. And finally, I used to destroy every "fun" and, or "cool" place to "hang" in Metropolis, so you lamo-o teenagers will have nowhere else to go for your mindless entertainment. Trapped forever in my VR world. Tailor-made, just for you."

Inside the VR glasses that the teenagers where wearing revealed a puppy that did an adorable sneeze and every teenager was watching it.

Lena: "Every last lame-brained one of you."

Teenagers: "Aww."

Lena: "With all you teenagers out of the way, children will rule Metropolis!" 

Lena laughed manically and mockingly at the team. Drago was ticked off all because what Lena did was stupid.

Drago: "All this that you did, was all because you can't do anything you want?!"

Supergirl: "That's the dumbest plan I've ever heard."

Lena: "You're the dumbest plan I've ever heard. And once this pier is destroyed, your next."

Batgirl: "Your plan will never work, Lena. We teenagers are stronger than you think."

She said as she heard a puppy sneeze and saw Bumblebee wearing the VR glasses.

Bumblebee: "Aww."

Batgirl: "Bumblebee."

Bumblebee heard Batgirl as she took off the VR.

Bumblebee: "Oh, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry."

Batgirl: "Anyway, the point is, you can destroy our favorite places, but you'll never destroy our friendships."

Girls and Drago: "Yeah!"

Lena: "Pfft, whatevs."

She said as she press a button make the demo-bots to destroy the pier.

Lena: "Roll out, boys."

Wonder Woman: "Come, sisters and brother, it was on this sacred ground that we became friends. Now, this pier is where we shall become heroes."

She said as they charge for battle, Supergirl charges at the bots while flying and smashed them. Wonder Woman uses her sword to slice the demo-bot, then Batgirl threw her batarangs at the demo-bot and kicked it away, she's going to attack the other one. Drago uses his sword to slice and stab some bots. Then he shoots some blue fire balls at the other bots. Zatanna uses her magic to smash the the two bots together.

Bumblebee: "Zatanna, look!"

Zatanna was shocked to see the demo-bots cut the bars with their saw blades. Which causes the helter skelter to come down. Green Lantern saw this as she constructed arms to catch it before it could fall. Then she saw some demo-bots destroying the merry go round.

Green Lantern: (grunts) "This isn't working."

The demo-bots was destroying the arcade. Then Batgirl threw batarangs at the two bots and stopped them, but it was too late.

Batgirl: "There's too many of them. What do we do?"

Lena laughed manically in victory that the pier is getting destroyed.

Lena: "I win, I win, I win, I win! (laughs manically)"

Drago and the girls pile in to come up with a plan.

Zatanna: we are totally losing, you guys. And every teenager in Metropolis is gonna pay the price."

Wonder Woman: "It is impossible for seven warriors to defeat an army, unless we take out the general."

Green Lantern: "Lena! If we can stop her, the rest should follow."

Zatanna: "But how?"

Batgirl has a idea as she took out her bat computer.

Batgirl: "Even giant mega warsuits need power. If we can jolt the mainframe, we can short it out."

Zatanna: "I repeat, but how?"

Supergirl was look for something that can be useful. Then she saw a electric guitar, which gives her a idea so she went to get it and came back.

Supergirl: "I got one just like this and shorts out my house all the time. Just turn it up to ten and shred."

Batgirl: "But how do we get it to the motherboard inside the warsuit?"

Bumblebee: "I'll do it."

Wonder Woman: "Bumblebee, are you sure?"

Bumblebee: "It's too scary and I don't wanna do it. But I will."

Batgirl gives Bumblebee the cables.

Batgirl: " Great! Connect this cable to the CPU in Lena's suit, and I'll rig the amp to go past ten."

Supergirl: "No way! Can you do that for mine?"

Batgirl: "Then I can plug the other end to the amp and..."

Supergirl: "Zzzzz, Bratty McBratterson's going down."

Drago: "This actually will work."

Wonder Woman: "Green Lantern, get Batgirl as close to Lena as you can. Supergirl, Zatanna, Drago you're with me. Now, let us do this."

Drago: "Agree. It is time to kick some shiny metal butt."

Drago and the girls are ready to fight Lena. Zatanna cast a spell to teleport herself her Lena.

Zatanna: "Egarim." (Mirage)

Lena was going to hit her but it was a mirage. Lena grunts as she saw Zatanna appeared. She tries to hit her but all of the Zatanna's were mirages, as she keeps making copies of herself.

Zatanna: "Egarim. Egarim. Egarim. Egarim. Egarim." (Mirage. Mirage. Mirage. Mirage. Mirage.)

Lena was get frustrated as she got rid of  Zatanna. While she distracts Lena, Bumblebee was in her bug size, as she was flying while carrying the cable.

Wonder Woman: "Ha."

She said as she use her lasso of truth to lasso the warsuits arm. Supergirl grabbed the other arm, and Drago creates a blue fire rope to wrap around the warsuits body. While they're holding her Bumblebee flew into the warsuit. Green Lantern constructed a bumper car, then Batgirl was in it, Green Lantern starts to control the bumper car while Batgirl's on it, as she upgrades the the dile of the amp. Meanwhile in the Warsuit Bumblebee was flying as she saw a plug, she flew towards it and plugs the cable with it. While Batgirl was modifying the amp she has a call and she answered.

Bumblebee: "I'm in, is the amp ready?"

Batgirl: "Oh, yeah"

She said as she use a red marker and a number eleven on the amp.

Batgirl: "Almost there."

Green Lantern avoids the demo-bots. Batgirls was in the bumper car when she saw the cable. She used her grappling hook to catch warsuit, she latches upwards and grabs the cable. But unfortunately the pull made the cable unplugged. Bumblebee gasps and quickly grabbed it and try to plug it back in. While Bumblebee was doing that Batgirl plug the cable into the amp and turned the dile to eleven. Lena had enough of this nonsense as she press of buttons out of anger.

Lena: "Get off!"

She broke free from the superhero's and flew away to escape.

Lena: "Say goodbye to your pier, suckers."

Zatanna: "It's now or never."

While Batgirl was holding on she pulled out the electric guitar.

Batgirl: "Hey, Supergirl, ready to rock?"

She said as she throws the guitar to Supergirl and she catches it.

Supergirl: "All right, little girl, time for a lullaby."

Supergirl played the electric guitar which hurt Lena's ears. Electricity from the amp was heading towards the plug from the cable. Bumblebee was still trying to put the plug in, but there is no time. So she has a idea which is risky. She was holding the cable with one hand. And she plugs into the electricity with other hand. Once she does that the electricity went threw her and shocked her at the same time which causes the warsuit to malfunction.

Lena: "What? How? No!"

Lena try's to fly away but it stopped.

Lena: "You cheated! You cheated! You cheated! You cheated!"

She realizes that she's falling.

Lena: "Uh-oh."

The warsuit has falling and crashed to the ground. All of the demo-bots have been shutdown including the VR glasses, as every teenager took them off.

Teen boy: "Wanna see a movie at my house?"

All teens: "Yeah. All right. Sure."

They said as the threw their VR away and decided to go to their friends place. Meanwhile the heroes looked at the warsuit and wonder if Bumblebee's okay.

Batgirl: "Um, Bumblebee got out, right?"

The heroes heard a noise from behind and they gasps. To revealed Bumblebee laying on the ground.

Drago: "Bumblebee!"

The heroes run towards her to check to see if she's okay. She was dizzy caused by the electric shock. Bumblebee sat up, took of her helmet off. And revealed one of the sides of her hair was a yellow highlight on it. Zatanna was impressed.

Bumblebee: "Did we do it?"

Zatanna: "Nice highlights, what's your secret?"

Wonder Woman: "Courage."

She said as she hug Bumblebee and Batgirl did the same.

Batgirl: "Yaaaah!"

There was a crowd people and police at the pier. Lena kick the window out of the warsuit, so she could get out. She was not happy that she lost.

Lena: "Oh, no fair! No fair!"

A car pulled up and out of the car revealed to be Lena's parents and her brother Lex.

Lex: "There she is, Mom, see? Told you she stole my stuff."

Mrs. Luthor: "Lutessa Lena Luthor, you get in this car right now."

Lena: "You can't make me!"

She said as she sits on the ground pouting. Then her parents dragged Lena to the car.

Lena: "No!"

She yelled as her parents put her inside the car, as she was having a tantrum.

Lena: "No! No! No!"

Mrs. Luthor: "Oh, I'm sorry about your warsuit, Lex."

Lex: "Don't worry, Mom. I'm just happy the little tyke is all right."

Lex and Lena look at each other and start blowing raspberry's at each other.

Mrs. Luthor: "Oh, you think next time you can get those cupcakes you promised?"

Lex: "Ha! Already on it, Mom. I am not saying goodbye to the best snickerdoodles in Metropolis."

They saw that they are going to start rebuilding Sweet Justice. Then Lex's parents started to drive home along with his sister Lena.

Lena: "You'll pay for this, super teen jerks! You'll pay!"

She said as her parents drove. Lex waved goodbye to his parents. He looked to see a crowd of people and the new superhero's. Lex glared at them and starts to leave. Meanwhile the heroes heard a crowd of people around them.

Man 1: "Brand new superhero team right here in Metropolis."

Girl Scout: "And they're girls."

Man 2: "And a hero is a dragon, so cool."

The crowd cheered as the heroes were happy, including Drago cause he finally got what he wanted is to be equal's. Then he and Zatanna looked at each other and smiled with blush on theirs faces. Then the photographer took a picture of the heroes. Three months had past as Sweet Justice as been re-opened. As for Y/N and Zee they started dating. Now Y/N and the girls were inside Sweet Justice as they sat at a table eating their desserts.

Zee: (sighs) "This is the life. Good friends, good boyfriend, and good chocolate."

She said as she ate her chocolate that she shared with Y/N.

Jessica: "It's nice to have everything back to normal."

Y/N: "Yes. Yes it is."

Once they where eating Babs interrupted 

Babs: "Blah, normal's overrated."

She said as she took a slurp of her drink.

Babs: "Mmm, remember when we first came here, and Diana said she wanted to be at this place all the time?"

Kara: "Yeah."

Babs grabbed the straw container as she's turning it. Once she's finished it, a trap door opened underneath the team as the fell screaming. They landed on each other.

Babs: "Ow!"

The lights where on Babs, showed the team what she's been doing.

Zee, Diana, Kara, Karen, Jessica: "Whoa!"

The girls including Y/N where amazed to see the areas has their own turf including Y/N's.

Babs: "Ta-da! It's our own home base! I took a few late night trips to the construction site while they were rebuilding."

Diana: "Truly, this is a place of wonder."

Kara: (muffled) "Not bad, Babs. Nice job."

She said as she's eat her dessert.

Jessica: "We can protect the whole city from here. No bad guy stands a chance."

Babs: "Not with the Super Hero Girls and Drago on the case."

Karen: "Aww."

She said as the team saw the newspaper of them 3 months ago.

Babs: "Super awesome super heroness, here we come!"

Y/N was happy that their team has their own home base. And he and his friends help the city together. But he wish that he could tell them about "Her" but he doesn't want to talk about it. At least he was happy that he doesn't feel alone anymore.

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