Consistent: Collision (Book 2)

By affoa_

35.7K 1.5K 4.1K

Part 2 of Consistent (read first book) Police sirens rang in his ears, he ran further and further not knowing... More

Missing and Suspicious (chap 1)
Souvenir (chap 2)
Every age has a Scar (chap 3)
Wait, did you say Deku? (chap 4)
Close call (chap 5)
Self destruction and repair (chap 6)
Should I stay or should I go (chap 7)
Knock Knock (chap 8)
Admit. (chap 9)
Plead Guilty (chap 10)
"You corrupt hero" (Chap 12)

Let's shake on it (chap 11)

2.3K 99 153
By affoa_

(Asked and you shall receive, Kareem has made an appearance- Affoa)

Kareem wasn't having the best day. His mission had been going well, until of course, the hero commission got involved. He was on an assignment, an undercover one, but he might have gotten a bit side tracked. More like he did what he had to do quickly and spent the rest of his time on his own mission. Not reporting for that long would get him in trouble but he couldn't have the hero commission knowing about his little side quest.

Currently he was in an abandoned warehouse, listening in on some deals going about. What he heard wasn't exactly good. Word of a new type of drug was on the market, had something to do with the Yakuza, a group he was sent here for originally. The mission he was sent on was simply information gathering. With the nature of his quirk, black and white, it allowed him to be completely unseen in the case of being caught. His quirk was versatile in many means.

Though BlackOut was an pro hero, he had no issue in going undercover. He was quite the actor, and his quirk was practically 2 in one. His abilities were kept secret though. He refused to let the hero commission know of such skills and put him on super watch. He'd been warned by EraserHead, one of the top underground pros in Japan. No way was the young adult going to ignore that advice.

Still, here he sat, on some old wood panels, in the roof of a warehouse, watching an interaction he had no business eaves dropping on. Way to stay under the radar of the commission. The hero did admit it was dumb, but it was important. This was Averta's business, something he needed more information on. If it was to help Salvare and the people being bought and traded, then he'd risk his life ten times over. Meruem did it, Izuku did it, Salvare, Eraser, Tsukuachi, everyone, so now it was his turn.

Currently he was watching over a group of men speaking to one. He didn't recognize the men as it was too dark, but luckily for him, the lone adult was under a light, making his features perfectly seen. The deal was between this group and a famous broker. He had direct contact between many large underground associations, including the league of villains. From what BlackOut was hearing, it wasn't short of the Yakuza either. Giran was the man's name. Nothing too ominous or suspecting, but nothing too short of forgettable. Perfect for his line of work.

Still, the pro was sure to stay hidden and listen in. His job wasn't to pick a fight, it was to observe. Winning one battle didn't equal winning the war, he had enough experience to know that much, whether from his hero work- or childhood. He could hear everything perfectly, thanks to a support item he had specially made in secret. He knew to be prepared. From obtaining support items to an escape vehicle in hiding, he was minimizing the risks as much as he could.

The conversation below was going as such. They agreed to give money, weapons, and manpower in return for the hot drug on the market. Despite the substance being in its experimental phase and having a short effect, they were willing to pay just about anything within range for it. Kareem couldn't place why they were desperate, but he gathered that it made their "shows" more entertaining. It made him sick to his stomach, so much so that he wanted to pummel them all to the ground this instant, but he didn't.

Instead he recorded the entire conversation. He was glad he had that feature included in the ear piece he purchased. This recording would be shared with the special team led by Tsukuachi. Considering no one else has anything to do with Averta, or even knows they're an up and coming threat, no one else needs to know. Especially not the hero commission.

An hour passed, maybe two, the hero couldn't tell as he sat their in silence. What he was listening to was quite literally a criminal transaction, and yet he wasn't taking any action. It hurt him inside, but he knew he couldn't act rashly. He needed to take this evidence and bring it back, for now however, he'd leave right after them. Making sure not to get caught as he quietly made his escape.

He made sure not to get any attention all the way back to the hero commission. There he reported his finds, making sure to leave out his side mission, also giving a fake excuse as to his late report. The most they could do was cut his pay for the job, but that didn't matter to him as much since he knew what he had done was worth it in every aspect.

It didn't end there however. Upon his return he received quite the information. Specifically, information on the UA sports festival and it's participants. His eyes immediately caught onto the green haired teen who beat the infamous young Todoroki. He wouldn't have cared as much if it weren't for the shocking familiarity in his chest. At that moment he knew. Even with the aging, even with the new found quirk, even with the new name, that was Izuku Midoriya, the same boy he's been searching for for the past decade.


Despite the shocking discovery his first action was not to call all those from the orphanage. Instead, his first decision, as intelligent as may be, was to aimlessly make his way to the Mustafu police station, because that's what makes complete sense. Still, he valued that his discovery with his side mission was of greater importance at the moment. If anything, the other may have found out since the sports festival was days ago.

Upon reaching the police station, he immediately made his way to the detective's office. Everyone else had nothing to do with him. He at least had the decency to knock before entering. One knock, then two, then 3, and he had lost his patience. Just as he was about to open the door himself the piece of wood was out of his grasp. In his face wasn't the detective he's grown accustomed to, no, it was the police chief.

The poor hero had it in his wits to remain calm. He gave a short nod as the dog/man stepped back further in the little office to make space. BlackOut made no waste in time of entering and shutting the door behind him. He took a scan around the room and noticed that EraserHead was missing. The hero was usually here 24/7 always working, so it was strange to not see him.

Kare- "Where's Eraser?"

Tsuk- "He said he would be busy last night, haven't heard a word since."

Kare- "Well... this is kind of important. Can we try to get in contact with him?"

Tsuk- "I'll give him a call."

The detective held his phone up and placed it on speaker as he called the hero. A few rings go by and it cuts to voice mail, no response.

Tsur- "No dice. Whoof"

Kareem gave a nod before taking a deep breathe and staring intently in Tsukuachi's eyes. 

Kare- "Regardless, I have something you all should listen to."

Tsuk- "Well let's hear it."

Kare- "Right."

He began to explain the chain of events he laid witness to. From the mission the hero commission put him on to the little side scenario he took part in. He made sure to get straight to the point.

-Somewhere else-

*ring ring ring*

Both people in the room snapped their heads over to the sound. There a small black phone laid on the wooden table, ringing. The user ID being the one and only human lie detector himself. The two sat in silence as an air of anxiety as it continued to ring. A minute or two pass and it ends, the tension in the air remaining the same. They turned to each other and held their gaze. 

The green haired teenager, Izuku, finally sat down. The pain of his entire body finally taking over him and making him rest. Maybe pacing wasn't the best idea, but at least it got his point out.

Zawa- "So let me get this straight, the league-"

Mido- "The league are the reason for what's happening with John, yes."

Zawa- "Now how exactly do you know them again? Your first meeting obviously wasn't at the USJ"

Mido- "Um... anyways-"

Zawa- "No. Tell me."

Mido- "So- no getting out of this? No next question deal?"

Zawa- "No, absolutely not, either you explain to me right now or you explain to Tsukuachi in 10 minutes. Make you're choice Izuku."

Mido- "Sheesh- Fine. Soooo its a funny story-"

Zawa- "Quit stalling."

Mido- "Okay okay jeez. So like I was saying, it's kind of funny, but after I was 'adopted'"

He made air quotes with his fingers at adopted, flexing them twice while rolling his eyes.

Mido- "They brought me to this place-"

Zawa- "Yes yes Averta, the club we busted down where you ran away from me bleeding I already know."

Mido- "First off stop interrupting me if you want the information you fucking pencil, secondly how did you even know that was me?"

Zawa- "Give this 'pencil' more credit kid, and careful, your Salvare is showing."

Aizawa rolled his eyes as Izuku clicked his teeth. 

Mido- "Fine, moving on. Shigaraki was one of the kids? I guess? He's 5 years older than me, so you'd think he'd be able to kick my butt, but that didn't exactly happen."

Zawa- "So what? He's out for blood?"

Mido- "Yeah he has a major power kink, I guess? His inferiority complex showed itself whenever he was against me, so he did whatever in his power to prove he was better, but he always fell short." 

Zawa- "You said he was one of the kids there?"

Mido- "Well not necessarily. He was always brought in by a guy, and that guy-"

Zawa- "Guy?"

Mido- "*sigh* You wouldn't happen to know a man by the name of All For One, would you?"

Zawa- "No... why?"

Mido- "Oh lord help me now this is going to take a while. AFO is the leader of the league of villains, and also AllMight's little arch nemesis" 

Zawa- "Why is he so unknown?"

Mido- "When you're over 200 years old you can keep a secret or two, plus I'm sure everyone thinks he's dead, he had a falling out with AllMight 5? 6? years ago now. But that's not really important since clearly the idiot failed."

Zawa- "Holy shit-"

Mido- "-taki mushrooms."

Aizawa raised an eyebrow as he gave a flat look to the bandaged teen, almost asking through facial expressions if he was serious.

Mido- "Sorry, sorry, anyways, Shiggy is his like son? Apprentice? Student? I don't know man, ask crusty, but AFO always brought him in to fight against us. Shiggy would often leave all the kids tattered, but I would win, and after that AFO kept showing up and having shiggy challenge me only. Apparently he wanted his kid to be the best of the best and if he couldn't beat me he wasn't worth it."

Zawa- "Well that explains a lot."

Mido- "Yeah no kidding. Fun fact he almost 'adopted' me from them, but before the whole process was complete y'all came in and stormed the place, so I guess I should be thanking you from saving me from that. There's no telling what would happen if he found out I actually had a quirk."

Zawa- "But he did."

Mido- "And now we're here."

Zawa- "So, as the one who knows him best here, what do you propose we do?"

Mido- "The hell am I supposed to know? He's not someone you just 'deal with' Zawa, he's smart and powerful and our asses are dead meat if we try anything without the correct force and plan, and we both know AllMight is a dick who won't corroperate or even believe that bastard is alive. I- I don't know what to do."

Zawa- "Then let's start with what we can do. You can heal up, I'll help Tsukuachi get John out, I'll call the others and we'll have a chat, you included if you're okay with it."

Mido- "Until there's a legal way to get me out of my parents custody and John out of prison, I'm not showing my face. I'll leave here soon and go into hiding."

Zawa- "I think the fuck not. Whether you like it or not you're in no shape to be alone, admit it, you need me, so stop this emo little phase and get your head in the game."

Mido- "Need you? You're pushing it."

At that Aizawa stood up from his seat and walked over to the teen. Izuku looked up at him in curiosity and defiance. The man then simple placed his hand against an already bloody bandage on his side and simply pressed. Izuku nearly yelped, he bit his tongue and looked up at the hero, glaring at him with all he had. The response that Aizawa gave however, was to simply press harder. This time the boy did yelp. He nearly bit his tongue to keep the noise to himself as he grabbed the hand pressed against his side. 

Mido- "The fuck you think you're doing Aizawa."

Zawa- "What? If you don't need me, you should be able to handle this, right?"

Mido- "Yes because on the off chance situation someone pressed against my injury I'll need your assistance. Give me more credit goddamn."

Zawa- "You're cursing quite a bit, unlike you Izuku, almost as if-"

Mido- "Stop. You win. Shut up."

Zawa- "Aw, did I hit a sore spot?"

Mido- "Get off me you fucking sadist."

Zawa- "I'll take that as a yes."

All Izuku could do in response was click his teeth. The man was right and he wasn't ignorant enough to not admit his mistakes. Aizawa did as asked- or well- demanded and stepped away from the teen. He had an all-knowing look in his eyes, and Izuku could do nothing but wither at its truth.




Tsuk- "We need you to help us out!"

Tsukuachi was standing in the interrogation room with his hands against the metal table. The man across from him simply smiled with a little bit of teeth on his right showing. He didn't move, just looked up at the clearly frustrated detective.

John- "You see, detective, the help your asking for includes spilling every piece of information I know about my nephew-"

Tsuk- "Not your nephew."

John- "My nephew trusted me with that information, and saying it to you when I know it won't help him is pointless. Even if it did, I wouldn't do it without him knowing. I get what you're doing, I understand how hard it is, but by now you've seen my record. It's nothing short of criminal, I can handle prison."

Tsukuachi was more than exhausted at this point. He had run out of options and his patience was running thin along with them. He needed at least as much information as he could gather to even begin to start asking the right questions, but clearly the one with that very use was keeping closed shut.

John- "You know, I could have lawyered up by now"

Please no, Tsukuachi begged to himself in his head. A lawyer would make this even more annoying and he could barely handle the current situation alone. He brought his right hand up to rub against his temples, his every growing headache making itself known.

Tsuk- "You're allowed a phone call and an attorney."

John- "I know, but I believe I'll get out of this without having to include legal help. If a lawyer were to be involved who knows what would happen to you, after all, I've been kept here past legal limits. I know my rights well, detective. I have no problem using my knowledge, so I'd be more careful if I were you."

The older man practically clicked his teeth. He wasn't doing this for his job anymore, he was doing this for the kid. He could give a damn about what laws he broke if it meant helping someone out, it's that very belief that kept him on the force so long with his reckless behavior recently. He knew that since John was supposed to be released from prison there was no way he was even allowed to be questioning him, but what was he to do? This was his last resort, his only resort. 

John- "Listen Tsuk I-"

Tsuk- "Don't call me that."

John- "Let me finish Tsuk."

Tsukuachi grumbled at the nickname that accompanied the stubborn man's tone. The name was now attached to him and there was no escaping it. 

John- "As I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted, I understand where you're coming from, but you need to understand me too. Considering you're doing a major breach of protocol right now, you're not in a higher position than me."

Tsuk- "So what are you proposing I do exactly? Give up?"

John- "No, I'm saying help me. Work with us. All of us are trying to get him back, and just because you don't have as strong of a relationship doesn't mean you don't want to get him back to. You need to understand. Think further than you're job. This case isn't uniform, there's no rules when they broke them first. At this point all we can do is use the same tactics and call it foul play. So, you with us Tsuk?"

Tsuk- "That dammed nickname, *sigh* fine, whatever, let's get your nephew back."

John barked out a laugh at the poor man's response. He couldn't help but find it amusing. The man was one of his words, he knew that much from what he heard from Aizawa. Seeing such a serious and strict man bend over to his deal was something he'd hope to see again. After all, nothing is more fun than watching the strict become the lenient. 

John- "You know, I would shake your hand to seal the deal, but-"

Seems like Tsukuachi was already regretting his decision, oh well, it was too late now. 

Let him hope he is not to suffer the consequences of this strange partnership.


Is this??? a chapter??? 

I swear on all things holy this took forever

Am I getting back in the groove, or am I gonna disappear for a month again like last time i posted

Who know

Not you haha


bye bye peeps

Till next time <3

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