Subject A1- The Weapon♕

By ralexx07

576 2 0

After Minho is taken, Thomas and Newt take matters into there own hands, though quickly saved by Harlow. With... More

0| Playlist
1| Heist
2| Missing
3| Rescued
4| Gally
5| Infected
6| Kidnapped
7| Love and Tears
9| Yet So Far
10| Run
11| Departure

8| So Close

33 0 0
By ralexx07


"They really went through with it" Harlow said as she watched them put Teresa on a chair in front of the group, Newt walked forward ripping the bag off her leaving her hair disheveled. Teresa looked around scared before seeing Newt then Gally, "Gally?" she asked nervously. "This is how this is going to go, we're going to ask you some questions and your going to tell us exactly what we need to know" Gally said.

"We'll start off simple, where's Minho?" Gally asked as he dragged a chair in front of Teresa. Harlow had taken a seat with Brenda as we played cards, Newt taking his usual glances. Peter had gone of to get rest claiming he was tired and wanted to sleep.

   "You guys don't seriously think..." Teresa was cut off when Gally slammed the chair done, "don't look at him, why are you looking at him? Don't look at him, he's not going to help you" Gally interrupted. "Now we know you have Minho in the building. Where?" Gally asked, "he's with the others in holding, sublevel 3" Teresa answered.

   "How many others?" Newt asked, "28" Teresa said making Harlow scoff. "I can make that work" Brenda called, "no you guys don't understand, the whole levels restricted. You can't get in without a thumbprint ID" Teresa said. "That's why your gonna come with us" Thomas said calmly, "i don't know about that" Harlow called.

The group turned to her as she set her cards down turning to them, "she doesn't really have to come" she smiled getting off the table she was sitting at. "We just need her little thumb" Harlow walked forward, "Harlow no" Thomas stood up. "Thomas, shut up. Sorry i'm not really taking orders from Teresa's bitch right now" Harlow smiled. Frypan snorted and even Newt laughed, he cleared his throat after standing up and pulling Harlow in front of him.

"If i can keep my anger in check, you can too" Newt whispered, Harlow sighed before rolling her eyes. "Whatever" she said as Newt took a seat back down, Harlow sitting next to him. "It won't make a difference, do whatever you want to me. You still won't get through the front door, the sensors will pick up the-" Teresa was cut off by Harlow. "We know we're tagged" Harlow rolled her eyes, "property of WICKED" Thomas said walking forward.

"What if we didn't have the tags, could we get in then?" Harlow asked, "well i suppose" Teresa answered. Harlow hid her smile as she bit her lip, "what is it love?" Newt asked. "I've got an idea, and it involves my skilled hands" Harlow rose her eyebrows.

"Relax and don't move" Harlow said as Thomas sat in a metal chair, everyone stood around holding there breaths. "With my power i should be able to manipulate your blood vessels in order to stop you from bleeding out" Harlow explained pulling down Thomas's shirt from his neck.

   "That makes me feel a lot better" he muttered, Harlow hovered her hand over Thomas's neck before dragging it down causing him to hiss in pain. With her other hand she stopped the blood and wound from opening further as red strings appeared glowing on Thomas's neck.

   Once Harlow was able to see the small white chip she used her powers to pull it out before using her other hand to close the wound. Harlow couldn't help feel proud as she held the small chip in her hand, "success" Harlow held the chip out to Thomas "do the honors" she said.

Thomas looked up at Harlow before looking at the chip, he took it setting it on the table before smashing it into pieces. "One down four to go" Harlow smiled, when it came to her chip though Teresa did an incision before pulling the chip out.

"Here see if these fit" Newt handed Gally and Frypan each a jacket, "thanks Newt" they both responded before Newt walked over to me with another jacket. "Special one just for you" he gave me a small kiss before handing me the jacket, "thank you" she smiled.

Everyone was gathering their things getting prepared, Gally had managed to snag four guard uniforms so me, Gally, Newt, and Thomas dressed up before sliding our masks on. We walked in formation around Teresa with guns held to our chest as we marched through the street, Teresa seemed on edge ever since seeing Thomas which was understandable.

Honestly if it was up to me she would have suddenly disappeared days ago. We split up to get through the entrance and i couldn't deny my heart skipped a beat everytime someone stared for too long. Even though i had my powers i can't ensure that i could get all of us out of here safety.

We grouped up to get her as we got further in the building, which settled my nerves slightly more. We quickly walked down some steps before Gally got to a fuse box, "hold on hold on, i can get in here" Gally took of his mask. "Hand me the walkie" Thomas called before Gally threw the walkie to him. Thomas continued down the stairs but i stopped noticing Newt, he had his mask off and was coughing over the edge of the railing.

"Are you okay" i asked resting a hand on his arm, "yeah fine" Newt replied his voice raspy. "I can transfer you energy even a little bit can help" Harlow whispered, "no, don't, i'm fine" Newt replied. He looked up as he stared at someone, i turned seeing Teresa looking straight at him then me.

She seemed to be piecing the puzzles together as Newt turned around, "Frypan we're in, how you doing?" Thomas radiod in. I couldn't help feel much worse now knowing Newt was getting worse, we needed to find a cure and soon.

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