Party planners // Rob Jetten...

By politiekebesties

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Rob and Jesse are complete polar opposites. The rivalry makes it almost impossible to be nice to each other... More

1. Perfect


262 13 74
By politiekebesties

A loud knock wakes both of them up. Rob slowly lifts his head from his desk. "Come in." He mumbles loudly enough to hear from the other side of the door. It swings open and Kaag walks in. "Goodmorning Rob, can-" She stops mid-sentence when she sees Rob's messed up hair and tired look on his face. "What happened to you? You're a mess!" Sigrid closes the door and notices Jesse's presence. "Is this your work Klaver?" She points at Rob. "Not this time." Jesse stands up and heads towards the door. "See you two later." He closes the door and heads to his own office.

Sigrid looks from the closed-door back to Rob.

"Did you hook up with him?" Sigrid asks with a serious look on her face. Rob shakes his head and rubs his eyes. "That might be the most horrible question anyone has ever asked me." He rubs his forehead, trying to make the headache go away. "No, I got dumped last night so I went for a walk and bumped into Jesse. He helped me with the planning to keep my mind off of Sjoerd." It just hit him how much Jesse helped him yesterday. There are plenty of colleagues who would have left Rob behind on that bench he was sitting on. "I'm sorry to hear about your break-up, you know where to find me if you need to talk." Sigrid pats Rob on the back. She grabs two aspirins out of her purse and leaves them on rob's desk and walks out of his office.

Rob walks through the halls towards the plenary room. When he arrives it's pretty empty. He made sure to be early so he could get some paperwork done. People slowly start to show up and sit down on the blue seats. Jesse isn't there yet and it bothers Rob for some reason. Should he go check up on him? Maybe he's just late. Rob gets pulled out of his thoughts when he feels a tap on his shoulder. "Hey, did you print out the forms I emailed you yesterday?" Kaag asks. He completely forgot about it, he wanted to do it at home but didn't get the chance. "Of course, they're in my office. I'll go get them." He gets up and leaves the room quickly.

The sound of his footsteps echoing through the empty halls reminds Rob of how he marched towards Jesse's office two days ago. The doors of his own office are right in front of him. He rushes inside but stops. "What are you doing here?" A curly-headed figure turns around. Rob lets out a big sigh when he sees Jesse's face. "I'm bored," Jesse folds his arms and leans against Rob's desk "let's go." The sleeves of his blouse are rolled up and his red tie hangs loosely around his neck. His hair is messy but it suits him well and he knows it. " To where? What about the debate? We can't just leave, everyone will notice it." Jesse rolls his eyes. "Loosen up Jetten, we'll just go for a walk, not murdering a person." He grabs his jacket. Rob just stands in the doorway, not sure what to do. "Well? What are you waiting for, let's go." Jesse grabs Rob's coat and throws it at him. "Alright." Rob gives in and puts on his coat.

They leave the building and sit down on the bench where they were seated last night.

"Why did you want to leave so bad?"

"I was bored."

"Okay, but why did you want to leave with me?" I

Jesse looks at Rob and back at the fountain. "Because I felt like it."

"Because you felt like it." Rob repeats his words. "You're so annoying."

Jesse smiles at Rob's little comment. "Can you just answer my question?"

"I figured you could use some fresh air." Jesse leans back and lets his head rest against the back of the bench. Rob smiles to the ground. Jesse can be so thoughtful, why can't he always be like this? "Thanks for sticking with me last night. I appreciate it."

"No problem, you're funny when you're hammered." Jesse admits while a smile appears on his face. Rob never really noticed the dimples in his cheeks. It makes Jesse look soft and adorable. "I wasn't that drunk." "Yes you were, you could barely walk, you made really dumb jokes and insisted we continued party planning. You didn't even touch your computer." "Well, I don't remember it so it didn't happen." Rob concludes. "Oh, I remember everything and it definitely did happen."

They talk for a while when the way he got dumped pops into Rob's mind

"How did you get through your break-up? I have so many mixed feelings at the moment but I don't know how to get them under control." Rob admits. He hates the idea of coming home to an empty house. "You can't. It's natural to feel that way after someone you trust screws you over like that." Jesse sighs and shakes his head "I got over it by dating other people."

"You call bringing girls into your office dating?"

"Fine Rob, I got over my break-up by fucking lots of other people, is that what you wanted to hear?" Jesse answers. Rob just stares at him without saying a word. "What? Nobody said that I have a good coping mechanism." Jesse shrugs with a smirk.

"Right. Can I ask you one more question?"

"That is already a question."

"No- whatever. Why are you being so nice all of the sudden? You wouldn't even look at me a few days ago." It's not like Rob prefers that Jesse, he actually enjoys hanging out with this version of his colleague. "It would make the party planning only more difficult. Or do you want me to act like you're invisible?" Rob shakes his head "No, I like this Jesse way more than the I'm-better-than-you-and-everyone-else-Jesse."

"But I am in fact better than you and everyone else. You should've known that by now."

"Yup there he is." They both smile. "Let's head back inside before Sigrid actually kills me." Rob suggests. Jesse nods and they both head towards the building.

Rob rushes inside his office to print out the forms he was supposed to get. He quickly starts printing them and impatiently taps his fingers on the desk. "Where the hell have you been?" A voice in front of him whisper-yells. Sigrid is standing in the doorway with her arms folded. "Uh- toilet." Rob couldn't come up with something else that quick. Sigrid raises one eyebrow. "Hm. Well, hurry up I need those papers. And I thought you already printed them." They look at the last form coming out of the printer. Rob looks from the printer back to Sigrid before she heads back to the debate. Rob lets out a big sigh when he's alone. He grabs the form out of the printer and sprints after his D66-colleague.

Rob can feel the eyes of the prime minister aimed at him when he enters the room. The forms he just printed out are clutched in his hands. Jesse is already seated and writing something down. A little note is waiting on Rob's desk.

"The toilet? I expected a better excuse from you Jetten. - J" Rob turns his head to his curly-headed colleague. "How did you know?" Rob mouths at him. Jesse just shrugs and smiles. "Focus Rob." Kaag whispers. He nods and listens to the speaker.

Rob and Sigrid head out as soon as the debate is over. Sigrid doesn't seem too happy about him disappearing for a while and he knows it. "Now, can you please be honest about where you were? You seem so... distracted lately." They stop walking and Rob sighs. "I was getting some fresh air with Jesse, that's all. I'm sorry, I won't leave like that again." Sigrid's frown turns into a smirk. "So with Klaver... I thought you said you didn't like him." She nudges him. Rob shakes his head. "No, it's not like that. He just showed up and we went for a walk." He stares at the carpet while turning red. "Mhm, well, how's the planning going? Any progress?" Sigrid asks. "Yeah, Jesse has been very helpful actually." She smirks at Rob's answer. "Oh, I'm sure he is, Rob." She starts walking towards her office. Rob follows with an offended look on his face. "Oh stop that. He's not even my type." Sigrid laughs at his reaction. "Oh please, it's like you're glued to each other." Rob can't believe the words coming out of his colleague. "We are not. We just plan that stupid party and nothing more." "Nothing more, except getting drunk together, going out for walks, and constantly wanting, no, needing to get each other's attention. I know what I'm seeing so maybe you should stop lying to me and yourself." Rob doesn't know what to say to that. "Exactly. I'll see you later." Sigrid closes her office doors in his face.

"Not your type hm?" Rob's heart almost jumps out of his chest when he hears the voice behind him. He turns around and of course, Jesse is standing there. "Why are you everywhere?" "Why are you being so defensive?" Jesse fires back. "I'm not."

"You are. You've got a little crush on me, don't you Rob?" He has the biggest smirk on his face and Rob can't stand it. "Shut up Klaver, I do not have a crush on you." He doesn't understand why everyone is accusing him all of the sudden. "Keep telling that to yourself, I might believe it." Jesse puts his hands in his pockets and leans against the wall. Rob ignores him and walks past him towards his own office without saying a word. Jesse follows and Rob sighs. "You know, not everything, and everyone is obsessed with you." Rob turns around to face his annoying colleague. Jesse smiles amused. "Not yet." "You know what, you're off the party planning team." Jesse's smile drops. "You can't do that, Rutte asked me to do it." Rob shrugs and lays his hand on the door handle. "Not my problem. You can bother someone else now, goodbye." He slams his door shut and lets himself fall into his big chair with a sigh.

Jesse turns around with a disappointed face, almost bumping into one of his colleagues. "Woah, what's the matter with you?" Jesse fake smiles when he sees it's the prime minister. "Nothing, Jetten doesn't want me to help him with his planning anymore." Rutte looks surprised. He remembers the relief on Rob's face when he told him someone would help him with the planning. "Really? Well, I hope it doesn't affect the party." Jesse nods, staring at the carpet on the floor. "Yeah yeah, I have to go now if you don't mind." Without waiting for an answer he rushes to his own office.

He slams the door, feeling pissed off. "Stupid fucking party." He mumbles to himself. Jesse doesn't know why it irritates him so much, but it does.

He was just kidding, why is Rob always acting so stuck up? Except for last night. That night Jesse was the responsible one and Rob was the careless one. Jesse had so much fun yesterday, he didn't even realize how much he truly cares. He shakes his head, wanting to forget about it all. Forget about last night, the party, the planning, even forget about Rob.

He grabs his phone out of his pocket and calls the first person he can think of.

An hour passes and Rob doesn't want to see or talk to anyone. Somewhere deep inside he feels a little bit of guilt. Maybe he shouldn't have kicked Jesse out of the team like that. The worst part is the fact Jesse seemed genuinely interested in the party planning stuff. Rob knows Jesse is too stubborn to even think about apologizing, but Rob does need his help. He gets up with a sigh and makes his way over to the GroenLinks department. Every step he takes makes him want to turn around and head back to his own comfortable little space.

He knocks on the big wooden door and waits for an answer. When Jesse opens the door he doesn't seem bothered, He seems amused. "Crawling back already I see, am I really that irresistible?" Rob wants to punch off that stupid smirk on Jesse's face but keeps his cool. "No. I just wanted to make it clear you're not out of the team." He announces. Jesse laughs while shaking his head. "That's cute, I'm actually in charge of the planning now. Rutte told me himself just a few minutes ago." This can't be true, Rob can't believe what he's hearing. Without saying a word he turns around and storms towards the tower of the prime minister.

Without knocking Rob flies into Mark Rutte's office. "Oh yeah sure, just storm in like that I'm not busy at all. What do you need, Jetten?" Rutte's reaction only fuels Rob's anger. "Did you or did you not put Klaver in charge?" He tries to ask as calmly as possible. Mark needs to think for a second. "I Might have done that." "Why? I have worked so hard on this. Jesse is careless, messy, rude, annoying, and has some sort of weird god complex that makes me want to puke. I should be in charge and you know it, mister Rutte." Mark sits there in silence looking at the door behind Rob. "He's behind me, isn't he." Rutte nods while Rob turns around.

Jesse lays his hand on his chest. "That was very... heartwarming, so thank you for that. This is exactly why I should lead the planning. You're so emotional." "Oh shut up, Is this why you were being so nice? So you could take over the planning? You're a dick!" Rutte clears his throat loudly. Rob takes the hint and storms past Jesse into the hallways. "Wait, Rob!" Jesse chases after him, leaving Mark Rutte alone in his office. "They could've at least closed the door." He mumbles to himself.

"Do you really think that that's the reason I was nice to you?" Rob keeps walking without answering Jesse. He catches up and blocks Rob's way. "Yes, yes I do." He answers avoiding Jesse's eye contact. "Rob, I swear, I would never do anything like that." Rob's eyes finally meet Jesse's when he hears the sincere tone in his voice. "Whatever Jesse, just leave me alone. Have fun planning that stupid party alone." Rob walks around Jesse with a feeling of betrayal in his stomach. "Please, don't leave." Jesse grabs his wrist softly. The touch of his hand freezes Rob immediately. He turns around and sees the desperate look on Jesse's face. "I just want to talk." He lets go of Rob's wrist and takes a deep breath. "Well, go on then." Rob folds his arms impatiently but is very curious about what Jesse has to say. "Can we talk somewhere more private?" Jesse suggests. Rob nods and follows Jesse into his office.

"Look, I'm sorry. I really didn't mean to upset you like this." Jesse says the second he closes the door. "Do you have any idea how confusing you are? You accuse me of having a dumb crush on you but let's not forget, you stole my pen, you decided to help me plan, you stayed with me all night long, you wanted to go for a walk. I haven't thought once about Sjoerd since this morning cause I was too busy thinking about you!" Rob stops himself from talking when he hears himself say the last sentence. Jesse doesn't know what to say and leans against his desk. The room stays silent for a moment. Rob avoids Jesse's eye contact.

"Rob?" Jesse finally breaks the long silence. Rob pretends he doesn't hear Jesse but he does. "Rob, please, look at me." Rob looks up at his colleague. "Do you have feelings for me?" Does he? Rob doesn't even know it for sure. "I'm not sure, okay? I don't know. You're stupidly annoying and you always find a way to irritate the hell out of me, but I really like talking to you. The way you talk about the things you're passionate about is so damn mesmerizing, I could listen to your stories for hours. But on the other hand-" "Rob, I like you." Jesse puts his hands in his pockets and waits patiently for a reaction. "Shut up, no you don't." Rob can't believe it. Jesse sighs and pulls Rob closer. One hand on Rob's hip and one on his cheek. "Yes, I do." He leans in and kisses Rob softly.

Butterflies rage through Rob's stomach but he softly pushes Jesse away. "You don't like me. I'm just one of your many "distractions", aren't I?" Jesse takes a step back. "What? Of course not." "No, it all makes sense. You spend so much time with me to forget about your divorce!" Jesse stares at rob with an insulted look on his face. "Or maybe, just maybe, I enjoy being around you, Rob." Rob shakes his head. "No, you'll drop me the second it get's too boring for you." Jesse grabs his hand and looks him in the eye. "Listen, I know Sjoerd hurt you, I know how you feel, but I promise you I would never hurt you like that." Tears appear in Rob's eyes. He didn't even notice how bad Sjoed's actions had hurt him. He buries his face in Jesse's chest while the tears roll down his cheeks. Jesse wraps his arms around him, stroking his hair. "I don't want to come home to an empty house. I don't want to go to the place where the memories of the two of us live." Jesse has had exactly the same feeling. He feels Rob's pain, he knows Rob's pain. "I know, I know. But you've got to go there someday. I'm here for you if you don't want to go alone, alright?"He tries to comfort him. He softly wipes Rob's tears away. "Alright." Rob answers. They let go of each other and smile. "I like you too Jesse." "I know."

\\Happy holidays everyone! <3  I love reading all your comments it truly makes my day :)\\

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