(MY ELF GIRLFRIEND!) _Malerea...

By IFingerChickens

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Managing your parent's coffee shop can be difficult, especially if you're a student. But a chance encounter w... More

~Chapter one~
~Chapter two~
~Chapter Three~
~Chapter four~
~Chapter Six~
~Chapter Seven~
~Chapter Eight~
~Chapter Nine~
~chapter Ten~

~Chapter Five~

335 9 1
By IFingerChickens

(YN): ......Belle...Are you hearing yourself right now?

Belle: Did I stutter? I said I would only return if the elves leave.

Sweat rolls down my forehead. Belle waits for me to answer.

(YN): Why would I force them to leave? Irene and Olivia just want a new life here.

Belle: Stop it with the rhetorical questions. I'm waiting for an answer. Do you agree or not? Tick, tock, tick, tock. Time is running out. 

(YN): I can't believe this Ugh! No one leaves! Irene and Olivia are gonna stay in the Busy Bean...and YOU, Belle, are going to keep coming back for your green tea cappuccino. You hear me?

Belle: ....Wow, that is the angriest I've ever heard you. It sounded like it came from the heart.

Belle claps her hands. I feel confused.

(YN): Wait, what? Why are you clapping? I have no idea what's going on right now.

Belle: (YN), it was just a test. I wanted to see how you would react.

(YN): A test? You mean, it wasn't real?

Belle: I'm sorry. I couldn't help it. I was curious, that's all. Don't worry. No matter what you decide to do, I'm still going to return to the cafe.

(YN): Whew. You got me there for a minute.

Belle: But that doesn't mean I forgive you for what you did to my dress. I still have a condition.

(YN): Okay. Name it. Just don't involve the other girls, please.

Belle: Easy. Take me to Honeyville.

(YN): Honeyville? You mean that classy neighborhood known for its cafe?

Belle: Yeah. You see, I've always wanted to try a particular place there...It's a cute cafe. They have this dessert called a troofle waggle. It's fqmous, but expensive. Made from non-dairy products, but with lots and lots of sugar. According to food reviews, it's soft like custard. wanna try it?

(YN): I haven't heard of a Troofle Waggle before, but it sounds delicious! Sure. I'll take you to Honeyville. As long as you forgive me, right?

Belle: Great decision. Let's set the date and time. We'll take it from there.

Belle waves goodbye and disappears around the corner.


The next few days pass by, and my "date" with Belle fast approaches.

Olivia: Good morning, (YN). Good morning, Princess Irene.

Irene: Hello, Olivia! Hello, (YN)! So...why are we in the kitchen again?

(YN): Listen up, staff. I want to make sure that we're doing our best for the cafe. Before I leave to Honeyville, I want to teach you more responsibilities. Irene, here's a grocery list. You have an hour to but them all.

I hand over the list to Irene.

Irene: Yes. I will do my very best to accomplish this task! Do you have any tips for me? It's my first time going to the supermarket.

(YN): Be polite to other people. Remember, they're also shoppers like you. It's important to be courteous.

Irene: Be polite and courteous. That's easy!

Olivia: Heehee...

Irene: Hey, What's so funny?

(YN): We can't really imagine you acting politely.

Irene: You're wrong! I'll prove it to you. Just you watch. Anyway, I need to go. If I have an hour, I must leave now.

(YN): Take care. don't get run over by a ten-wheeler truck.

Irene dashes out of the kitchen with the grocery list in hand.

Olivia: ..........What about me? What's my task for today?

Olivia: You, Olivia...Since you love chocolate so much, I am going to teach you to bake chocolate muffins.

Olivia: Really? That's...exciting! I would love to learn how to make muffins.

I spend the next few minutes teaching Olivia how to preheat the oven. Then, I teach her how to mic all the ingredients in a bowl.

(YN): Combine the flour, sugar, baking powder, milk, and the egg. Yes, that's it.

Olivia: And...what's next? Do I stir with the spoon?

(YN): Yes. Just mix'em all together until it becomes, er, sticky and lumpy.

Olivia: Okay, I will...ugh...do...my...ugh...best...

Olivia is trying to stic the mixture, but she's having lots of trouble.

Olivia: It's a bit...ugh...hard...and...I think the spoon is stuck!

(YN): No, it's not. You just need to add more force to it.

Olivia: I'm so sorry, (YN). I'm failing miserably here. I don't cook in Elfandia. I was just a handmaiden for the princess.

(YN): Don't wallow in self-pity. It takes practice, that's all.

Olivia: Can you help me? Can you show me the right way to stir this...wretched texture?

(YN): Er, what's a good way to approach this...? okay...let me try something, but don't freak out, okay?

Olivia: Certainly. What are you going to do?

I walk up behind her.

(YN): This is what my mom used to do for me when I was a kid. It's how I learned how to cook.

I wrap my arms around her...I take her hand and stir the mixture, guiding her along the way...

(YN): This is how you do it. This is how you stir.

Olivia: I see...I didn't realize how easy it is. It's like painting with a brush.

(YN): Right? It's just like drawing circles inside your bowl. Around and around and around...

Olivia: You...youmix really well.

(YN): Thank you. I'm the best mixer in town. I hope you'll learn how to mix too.

Olivia: I'm learning because of you. Can you, um, get closer to me?

(YN): Get closer? But I'm close enough.

Olivia: I think I'll learn more if...you get closer to me. If it's okay...?

I step forward a bit closer touching my front part on her back.

(Concentrate, (YN). You can do this. You're just teaching her how to bake.)

Olivia: I get it now. When you mix the ingredients, you need to do it with passion. You use your heart, not your hands. It's so much fun.

The dough become tough and sticky in the bowl.

(YN): Look at that. We did it! We made it sticky.

When I lean forward, I smell the scent of her neck.

(Oh, shoot. Olivia smells like heaven. I feel...I feel like I want to get closer to her...And...and...Oh, boy. What am I feeling? I feel...I feel...)

Olivia: (YN)? What's tht hard thing poking on my back?

(YN): WHAAAAAAAAAAT? I mean...huh? I don't know what you're talking about.

Olivia: Something blunt just touched my back. Was that your knee? It was a bit...hard. Like a hammer.

(YN): Ahahahaha! Y-you're wrong, Olivia. T-that's, er, that's a spoon Y-yes. A spoon. I had a spoon in my pocket, and I forget to take it out. Sorry about that.

Olivia: Okay. I understand now. Can you show me that spoon, please?

(YN): SHOW YOU THE SPOON? Why? Why do you need to see a spoon, Olivia?

Olivia: I haven't seen a spoon that's big and hard and...and...round.

I take a step backward. I do my best not to look guilty. 

(You can do this, (YN). You can get out of this mess.)

(YN): No. I can't show you the spoon anymore. I threw it away.

Olivia: Why did you throw it away? It was just in your pocket a few seconds ago.

(YN): I threw it away when it poked your back. It's somewhere in the kitchen now.

Olivia: Okay. Let's go look for it.

(YN): No. We shouldn't waste time, Olivia. You need to learn how to make muffins.

Olivia: Oh, right! I apologize for wasting your time.

(Whew. I was able to crawl out of this mess. Good job!)

Irene: I have returned from my arduous journey into the grocery store!

(YN): That was fast. Irene! Let me see if you bought the correct items. Let's see. Flour, check. Milk, check. Gloves, check. Quail eggs...huh? Irene, these aren't quail eggs. They're not supposed to be this big.

Irene: Oh. Is that what it says? I'm so soryy, (YN)! I thought it said "quack eggs." That's why I bought duck eggs.

(YN): It clearly says, "quail eggs." Ughhhhh.

I slap my forehead. What an epic fail!

( I have no choice. I shall leave the cafe in their capable hands. I hope they won't burn down the place while I'm off to Honeyville...)


A few days later, I find myself exploring the wonderful streets of Honeyville.

(YN): So this is what Honeyville looks like.  have to admit. It's a beautiful place.

Belle: I couldn;t agree more. I can't wait to try the Troofle Waggle!

(YN): Look. Here we are. Isn't this where they serve the Troofle Waggles?

Belle: Yeah, and- Oh, no! The line is too ong. I didn't expect it to have so many people!

She's right. The line goes on from the entrance up to the back of the building.

(YN): This is bad, Belle. Looks like we're gonna have to wait for hours!

Belle: No! This is a disater. Our trip will be wasted!

(YN): We're not giving up, Belle. We've traveled so far. No line is going to stop us. I'll talk to that waiter over there.

Belle: What are you going to do? Ask him to let us cut the line? A lot of people are going to get mad at us. I don't want that to happen, you know.

(YN): Relax. We're just going to ask him some question. Who know...maybe we'll get lucky?

A waiter stands in fornt of the door, entering the guests who are entering.

waiter: Hello there. How may I help you?

(YN): Yes, well...this is about the line-

Waiter: Oh, are you getting a couple's table? We have one available right now.

Belle: A c-couple's table? Care to elaborate?

Waiter: Well, we have a table inside, but it's for couples only. These people who are in line are either groups of friends or solo customers.

(YN): You mean...there are no couples around?

Waiter: I assumed that you two are a couple. That's why you approached me, right?

Belle: Er...

(YN): ...........

Belle: You see...

(YN): Well, um...

(Oh, boy. Now, what?)

I see Belle fidgeting with her hands. She looks at me with hesitation. To my surprise, she is blushing!

(She doesn't seem to deny that we're boyfriend and girlfriend. Should I pretend that Belle and I are a couple? If I do, I could just hold her hand.)

(YN): Funny you should ask.

I quickly take Belle's hand. The waiter watches me with curiosity. Belle jumps in surprise, but she manages to regain her composure.

(YN): We are...actually...a couple.

 belle: What-? I mean, I mean...Yes, we are...a couple. We arre boyfirned and girlfriend. That's right.

Waiter: Hmmm... Is it me, or does it look like you just met?

(YN): Huh? Are you doubting the authenticity of our love?

(YN):I can't believe that just came out of my mouth. So cheesy.)

For a moment, I think I see belle's face light up at my words.

(Hmmm. Is she happy about this?)

Waiter: Don't take this the wrong way, sir, but we've had cases in the past where-

(YN): Where people pretended to be couples just so they can skip the lines?

Belle: But we're telling you the truth. We are legit lovers.

Waiter: Okay. If you two are legit...when is your anniversary?

(YN): Er...four months ago?

Waiter: Exact date, please.

belle: No, it's not four months ago. It's, um February. That's right.

(YN): Yeah, I almost forgot. February something-something...

Waiter: you forgot the date of your anniversary?

(YN): No, not really. It's just that...we're a modern couple.

Belle: Yeah, we're not really into that whole anniversary thingie. You get what I'm saying?

Waiter: Okay, then. But to be honest, you don't look sweet to each other.

belle looks like she's losing hope. I put my arm around her soulder. I whisper to her.

(YN): I know what to do. I just need you to cooperate.

Belle: What's the plan?

(YN): Just go with the flow. You'll see.

I hug Belle, pretending that we're in love.

(YN): I love you so much, baby!

Belle: Um..me, too! I love you more than I love my dog.

Waiter: Tsk, tsk, tsk. Is that all? I'm sorry, you guys, but everything just feels forced.

Belle: hugs me. I hear her whisper into my ear.

Belle: Kiss me.

(YN): What? Are you crazy-?

Belle: Just do it!

She looks at me eagerly, like she's anticipating what's about to happen.

(Look at those eyes. How could I resist that stare?)

Holding her by the shoulders, I take a deep breath before diving in for a smooch.

(Oh, gosh. This is crazy.  Why are we doing this?)

The kiss was short. and when it's over, Belle pecks me on the cheek once more.

Waiter: Oh...

Seeing that the waiter is getting convinced, I kiss Belle on the lips.

(She seems to be getting into it.)

The kiss gets more intense. I hold her by the shoulders. She wraps her arms around me.

Waiter: Oh, my. What are you two doing?

Belle: What does it look like what I'm doing? I'm showering my boyfriend with love!

The waiter looks uncomfortable. He adjusts his collar nervoesly taking a breath.

Waiter: Ehehehe...You know what? You two can go inside. Just stop doing that. Please.

(oh, my goodness. It worked. It actually worked!)

Belle steps back, and I can see that she is a bit flustered by the kiss.

(YN): Belle? Let's go. The waiter is giving us a table.

I snap my fingers in front of her face. She's not moving one bit.

Belle: Oh, sorry about that. My mind was, um, distracted. Yeah, let's go.

I offer my hand like a gentleman. Belle holds it, and we both walk into the cafe. As we enter, she squeezes my hand. I look at her.

(Is it me, or is she blushing? Yes. She's definitly blushing. But why?)

I escort her inside. We get seated into a couple's table.

Belle: (YN)...?that was the most embarrassing thing I have ever done in my life.

(YN): We can relax now. At least we were able to get a table. Isn't that fun? We can finally eat troofle Waggle!

Belle: I can't wait. I hope they prepare it quickly.

I analyze Belles's body language. She doesn't seem to mind what we did.

(I'm quite happy we were able to pull it off. The waiter believed us! And to be honest, that kiss was something I would do all over again.)

A waitress takes our orders, and she asks us to wait before the Troofle Waggle is served.

Belle: I'm going to go to the bathroom. I hear they're really nice. Stay here, okay?

Belle leaves, and I am left alone at the table. Suddenly...

(YN): Huh? That face looks familiar.

And sure enough, I see Irene knocking on the glass window!

(YN): I can't believe this! What is she doing here?

(I can't just sit here and pretend I didn't see her. I need to know why she followed me to Honeyville!)

I slam my fist on the table and march out of the cafe. Irene waits for me.

Irene: Why do you look so angry? Aren't you happy to see me?

(Breathe in. Breathe out. Don't lose your temper in the middle of the crowd, (YN).

(YN): You're not supposed to be here, Irene. I told you to stay put at the Busy Bean.

Irene: But I missed you so much! You have no idea how terrible it feels without you.

(YN): I trusted you with the cafe. Who's managing the place now? At least Olivia is there, right?

Irene: Oh, you see..........

(YN): Oh, no. Irene please don't tell me that you came with Olivia.

Olivia: um, Hello.

(YN): Noooooooooooooo!

I fall to my knees, despair weighing down my shoulders. Why did Irene and Olivia follow me to Honeyville? And most importantly...Whoo is running the Busy Bean as we speak?


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