The Fifty State Nightmare

By Broken_Samurai_

37.7K 1.1K 369

Y/N L/N is a famed serial killer. What happens when she runs into other killers? More



1.1K 40 2
By Broken_Samurai_

"You've really done a number on her," A young woman comments, her long brown hair pulled back into a ponytail as hazel eyes look over your form.

"She's proven difficult. It's about time you returned to work," The man in the business suit says over the intercom.

"Yeah, yeah. Life gets busy," She remarks, looking over your form. "So, you're the infamous Fifty State Nightmare huh?"

You just glare at her, earning a laugh from her lips. You watch as she messes with various tools on the table, a few needles sending a shudder of displeasure through your form. She steps away from the table and rolls over a cart with a car battery attached to it. She pulls out a set of jumper cables and attaches them to the car battery. Your eyes widen when she presses them together and creates a spark, your heart pounding in your chest as you desperately jerk against your bonds. Tears fill your eyes as your entire body tenses in expectation of the shocks. You look desperately at the window keeping the scientists and man in a suit separated from you. Tch, they weren't even man enough to do this shit themselves. The woman steps in front of you and raises the ends of the jumper cables. You turn your head and close your eyes, bracing yourself for the shock.

Suddenly, your body feels weightless before a pained groan leaves your lips when you're jostled on the table. Your eyes snap open and you're staring face to face with a grinning Brokensamurai, an explosion suddenly reaching your ears. Next thing you know you make contact with the floor and she's pulling you to your feet. Your legs are weak as you stumble after her, silver flashing before your eyes as knives and scalpels sink into running humans. You're shaken on your feet as more explosions rock the building, holding tight to Broken's hand as you run through a million different doors. You squint your eyes when you burst through a set of metal doors and the sun blinds you as soft grass meets your feet. Hard pants leave your lips as you stumble after Broken. She wraps her arms around you and you both fall to the ground, feeling as if the air itself shakes as an explosion tears through the area.

You lift your head up and look back at the facility crumbling in on itself with wide eyes, several of the pastas cheering and laughing as they enter the trees. Broken smiles and helps you to your feet, offering you a supporting arm as you and the pastas make your way through the forest. You're spent and exhausted by the time you get to the mansion with everyone, stumbling through the door before you fall into a pair of strong arms. You look up at Slender as he holds you before you're lifted into the air, your vision swimming before darkness descends on you. You were exhausted.


"Hey sleepy head. It's about time you woke up," E.J. comments, his hand gently holding yours.

"How long have I been out?" You ask him, groaning as you look around where you were.

"A couple days," He tells you.

"Guess the hunter facility wore me out than I realized," You tell him with a soft laugh.

"Slender was impressed," He tells you.

"With what?" You ask him.

"How strong you stayed. Most would have cracked. Did they threaten your parents?" He asks you.

"How did you-?" You ask him in surprise.

"Thought as much. They're fine. We watched them as soon as we found out you were taken. They're doing fine," He tells you.

"Is this a normal part of life?" You ask him with a soft smile.

"Like you wouldn't believe. New facilities pop up everywhere," He tells you. "Most of the time we can avoid them but sometimes we can't."

"Broken. How did she?" You start to ask.

"We've been trying to get into the facility for a while now. She'll apply for jobs to get inside and goes undercover. She conveniently knows a lot about torture tools and will casually drop ideas until she's noticed. Sure, sometimes we wind up getting some of them enacted on us but we have regeneration abilities and extra strength. We can handle a little torture," He tells you.

"They talked about the fact I was still human," You tell him.

"I had to be sure. I couldn't gift you proxy abilities without knowing your capabilities," Slender says, entering the infirmary. "I apologize."

", I get it. You had to make sure I was helpful and beneficial to the creepypasta family," You tell him with a smile.

"You should notice the differences soon. I apologize for the mark," Slender tells you.

"The mark?" You question. E.J. grasps your hand and flips your arm over to reveal the operator's symbol on your wrist. "Oh! It's actually kinda cool."

"Yeah, you're officially a pasta," E.J. tells you with a laugh.

"Welcome to the family," Slender laughs.

You can't help but smile at that, your hand squeezing E.J.'s gently as your heart swells with happiness. You finally felt like you were officially at home. You would miss your parents but this was for the better. You were among people who were just like you and could relate to everything you did!

"Once we get you healthy again I'll take you out to celebrate," E.J. tells you.

"I'm holding you to that! We have to go on our official date as a couple," You tell him.

"I am happy to see you two together," Slender says gently. "Do you still plan to take vacation?"

"Way to ruin the surprise," E.J. complains before his attention turns to you. "I was thinking we could take a few weeks to travel the U.S. and go on a killing spree."

"Really?! I would love that!" You gasp excitedly. "Killing with you is going to be so much fun!"

"Great! We're going to have a blast!" E.J. says excitedly.

"Guess I better focus on getting healthy again," You tell him with a laugh.

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