Independence (Zoella/Danisnot...

By mediagirl94

327K 9.8K 4.3K

Book 2: The Third Sugg Trilogy *COMPLETED* 3 months since the events of The Third Sugg and Alice 'TumblrGirl'... More

Authors Note #1
Chapter One: 3 Months On
Chapter Two: Independence
Chapter Three: Family Bonding
Chapter Four: Sugg Night
Chapter Five: Issues
Chapter Six: Cautious Warnings
Chapter Seven: It's You
Authors Note #2
Chapter Eight: Flight Plan
Chapter Nine: Turbulence Ahead
Chapter Ten: Airport Madness
Chapter Eleven: Hotel Madness
Chapter Twelve: Shots Fired
Chapter Thirteen: Punches Fly
Chapter Fourteen: Confessions
Authors Note #3
Chapter Fifteen: Playlist Live Day 1
Chapter Sixteen: Playlist Live Day 1 Cont'd
Chapter Seventeen: Playlist Live Day 2
Chapter Eighteen: LA Day 1
Chapter Nineteen: LA Day 2
Chapter Twenty: LA Day 2 Cont'd
Chapter Twenty One: LA Day 3
Chapter Twenty Two: LA Day 3 Cont'd
Chapter Twenty Three: Home Sweet Home
Chapter Twenty Four: London Calling
Chapter Twenty Five: Boyfriend?
Chapter Twenty Six: Packing Talk
Chapter Twenty Seven: Coffee Shop Again?
Chapter Twenty Eight: Strawberries & Cream
Social Media!
YouTube Imagines Book
Adopted By Jacksepticeye
Irish Charm
The Assistant
Bookshop Encounters
Omegle Boy
Achievement Hunter Imagines Book

Chapter Twenty Nine: Boarding To LA

7.8K 238 146
By mediagirl94

Trying to get 10 more subscribers on my main YouTube channel to prove to my flatmate that it isn't a waste of time - So I would love it if you could go over to & maybe subscribe to prove her wrong - (MIGHT REWARD YOU ON WATTPAD)

Chapter Twenty Nine: Boarding To LA


Zoe got me back for the prank; she teamed up with Joe and took me by surprise in the middle of the night. She went with a classic ice and cold water over the head; of course she recorded it and uploaded it onto YouTube. Joe tried to apologise and tell me that Zoe roped him in but I pouted the entire ride to the airport, inside I'd already forgiven my prankster brother but I wanted to see how long I could draw this out. I told Caspar and he agreed to keep my little secret from Joe.

I was looking forward to a fresh start in LA, I'd already made plans with Tyler, JC and even Kian for collabs and Grace was more than welcome to act as my tour guide. Though I doubted we'd get much seen because we are that awesome. Maybe I'd find myself a new friendship group to fit in with, as much as I loved the 'British Crew' as they'd been dubbed by fans I still felt like I was only included because I was Joe and Zoe's sister. LA would be a chance for me to branch out, would I decide to stay permanently or would these couple of months tide me over until I returned to London?

We arrived at the airport in good time and we didn't have to board for another two hours, London traffic had been good to us. Joe, Caspar and I had made sure to say all our goodbyes yesterday and last night via texts, Skype and phone calls. I would miss my friends dearly but I needed a break and this trip would be good for me. We checked our bags in and Caspar and I decided to make a Starbucks run for Zoe and Joe.

As we queued Caspar kept poking my shoulder it started to get annoying so I started poking him back just a little bit harder. He gasped and clutched his shoulder faking pain, I rolled my eyes and we both burst into laughter earning us strange looks from people in business suits.

"Caspar people are looking."

"Let them look, we are awesome Sugg."

He flung his arms out and spun in a circle. I ducked as to avoid getting hit by his flailing limbs. The barista glared at us from behind the counter and I found myself stopping Caspar before he could hurt anyone. I grabbed his arms and tried to keep them by his side as we shuffled towards the counter together.

"What can I get you two?"

The barista sounded snappy; obviously he wasn't amused by our antics. Caspar cleared his throat and stared the barista down.

"I'll take two large classic hot chocolates with cream, a medium chamomile tea, a large mocha cookie crumble frappuccino, a sausage buttie, two berry crunch and a chocolate brownie please."

I was gobsmacked that Caspar knew exactly we all liked, sure I knew what my siblings liked but Caspar was always changing his mind so you could never get a good read off him when ordering hot beverages. The barista totalled it up and Caspar slid a twenty across the counter, I was about to protest him paying when I realised that I'd left my purse in my bag which was with Zoe.

"Wait over there sir."

The moody barista pointed to a waiting area and Caspar and I reluctantly shuffled over to the spot to await our drinks and food.

"I think we made a new best friend Caspar. Do you think he watches YouTube?"

Caspar shook his head and chuckled.

"I doubt it, if he did he'd know who we were then he'd show us some respect."

"Really Caspar, we're not that famous. We're a bunch of kids who make videos in their bedrooms and got lucky."

Our drinks and food were placed next to us and barista cleared his throat pulling our attention back to him.

"Here are your drinks."

I smiled politely while Caspar glared; I picked up the drinks and left Caspar to pick up the food.

"Come on Caspar we need to meet back up with Zoe and Joe before they think we're up to no good."

I started walking out of the Starbucks and Caspar groaned behind me before trailing after me. I knew he wanted to stay and antagonise the barista more but I couldn't let Caspar get himself in trouble.

"Wait up Alice; you'll want food with those drinks."

I chuckled as Caspar came up by my side, he pointed at one of the cups in the polystyrene holder and I followed his gaze.

"Looks like someone likes you Alice. You know what they say, when a man is mean to a woman that means he likes her."

On one of the hot chocolates was a note scribbled in black sharpie.

Purple hair

Give me a call some time xxxxx xxx xxx


I rolled my eyes and took the cup out of the holder; I sipped the hot chocolate and smiled. It was the perfect drink. Maybe I'd have to give Derek a call when I got back, I'd like to have someone who could make the perfect hot chocolate for me on a daily basis. Besides he was kind of cute despite the bad attitude.

"I'll think it over Caspar, besides I might find someone who can make even better hot chocolates in LA."

It was Caspar's turn to chuckle.

"In LA I doubt you'll be drinking hot chocolates. Maybe something a little cooler and alcoholic."

I pursed my lips and smiled before raising my hot chocolate toward him.

"Sipping cocktails on a beach is how I want to live from now on Caspar."

"There you two are, I thought you'd run off together or something."

Of course that would be the first thing Joe suggested. I rolled my eyes and Zoe chuckled to my left. She spotted the sharpie on my cup and pulled me aside but not before plucking her tea from the tray and handing it to Joe. We walked away from the two boys and Zoe sat down on one of the metal chairs, I sat down next to her.

"I think someone has an admirer. Was he cute?"

"Kind of but he was rude Zoe, he had an attitude with Caspar when the two of us were messing around."

Zoe nodded and sipped at her drink before her lip curved into a suggestive smile, she knew something I didn't.

"He obviously thought that you and Caspar were a couple, I mean come on the two of you are flirty and touchy around each other all the time. Maybe that's why he was cold to Caspar. Are you going to ring him little sis."

I shook my head and glanced around the airport, I bit my lip as I watched people hurry by with suitcases as if they never got a chance to slow down and relax. I turned back to Zoe and brushed my hair over my shoulder.

"Nah, I mean he probably gives his number out to many girls a day in hopes that one will ring him back. Besides I'm going to be in LA and like I said to Caspar, I might find someone who can make me even better hot chocolates."

Zoe nearly choked on her drink next to me, this made me chuckle.

"So you're not actually going to wait and come back to Dan when you get back?"

I shrugged my shoulders and continued people watching, if only I had my notebook to write down my observations.

"I set things straight with him; if he finds someone else while I'm away then I'm happy for him and hope we can be friends. I did that because I don't know yet if I'll find someone in LA who makes me happier than I've ever been in a relationship before. I do love Dan deep down but I don't want him to wait around for me."

"Alice, I wish I could tell you that things get easier with guys but I can't. Alfie and I are soul mates and have a perfect relationship despite the slip up with Caspar. You on the other hand haven't exactly had a stable loving relationship, Finn cheated on you and most likely PJ did with Sophie. Can I give you one piece of sisterly advice before you start your LA adventure?"

I nodded, my eyes never leaving an elderly couple sitting across from us holding hands and whispering in each other's ear. They looked happy and I bet they'd been together for years. They reminded me of the couple on the Brighton board walk when PJ and I were fooling around with my camera and ice cream. I just wanted someone I could grow old with and have many healthy children and never have to worry that they'll cheat on me. I want to find a stable relationship and maybe LA will do that for me.

"The advice I want to give you Alice is that don't run into a relationship without sitting back and looking over the facts. Maybe you find someone, maybe you don't but I just want my baby sister to be happy and find someone. Find your Alfie; he's out there somewhere Alice."

My lip quivered slightly at her words, about finding my own Alfie, finding my own Zalfie. I placed my drink down and wiped away a stray tear with the back of my hand.

"Thank you Zoe."

She placed her own drink down and wrapped her arms around me before pulling my head against her shoulder, she was calming me down. I think I'd miss Zoe the most, I didn't think I would but she was my big sister and despite our ups and downs I knew she'd always give me good and solid advice.

"No problem baby sis, it's my job."

"There my two girls are."

We both looked up at Joe who was standing over us. He ran a hand through his messy hair and tilted his head to the side when he saw my sombre expression. He was my twin and could tell when something was up with me.

"Are you okay Alice?"

I nodded and pushed myself away from Zoe who went back to nursing her drink like nothing had happened.

"I'm good Joe. How long before we have to go to the terminal?"

He glanced down at his phone in his hand and sighed before meeting my eyes again.

"We should head off in a few minutes since we need to get through security checks."

I nodded and went to stand up, Zoe mirrored me and handed me my drink which had now gone cold. The three of us walked in comfortable silence as we made our way back to Caspar, I threw my cup in a nearby bin and Zoe raised a single eyebrow in my direction. I'd just thrown away Derek's number and I shook my head at her.

"Why'd you do that sis?"

"Because Zoe I have a feeling that he's not my Alfie."

She smiled and Joe looked between the two of us with a confused expression. He scratched his head.

"Did I miss something?"

"Don't worry your pretty head Joe, Alice and I had a girl talk about boys. Nothing you need to concern yourself with."

Zoe reached over and ruffled Joe's already messy hair, Joe pouted and ran off ahead of us with his arms wrapped around his chest like a child who was about to throw a tantrum. I threw Zoe a 'thanks a lot' look because I had to deal with Joe on a very long plane ride. She raised her hands in surrender laughed.

"I want you make your plan ride enjoyable. This way you won't get bored."

"I'll try and take the window seat; Caspar can sit between Joe and I."

By the time we reached Joe and Caspar they were ready to set off to the terminal. I quickly ate my berry crunch and Zoe devoured hers. We did the emotional send off which involved hugging and kissing. Caspar and Zoe hugged, I was glad they'd put their past behind them and could move on as friends.

"Make sure to ring or text me when you land all three of you."

I nodded and waved at Zoe as we walked towards the terminal. I kept the tears back but Joe could see I was fit to crack and wrapped his arms around my shoulders and squeezed me reassuringly.

"We'll see her again in a couple of month's twin. Besides you can Skype her everyday if you want."

I smiled weakly up at Joe, like Zoe he always knew what to say to make me feel better.

"Let's turn those frowns upside down and enjoy our time in the sun."

Caspar jumped up and down in the air in front of us while clapping his hands like a mad man. I pulled away from Joe and ran after Caspar as he speeded towards the terminal leaving Joe in my dust.

"Hey, wait up you two."

Joe ran after us while I giggled. Caspar took my hand and began swinging it in the air, I was going to enjoy living with these two boys for the next couple of months.

~On The Plane~


We were half way through the flight and Caspar had fallen asleep in the aisle seat, he let me take the middle and Alice the window because she liked watching the clouds pass by. Alice was resting her head against the side of the plane and tapping her fingers on the window, I knew there was something on her mind.

"Hey twin, what's on your mind?"

She turned to face me and removed her fingers from the window; she smiled weakly and tried to hide any form of emotion on her face.

"Do you think I'll ever find my own Zalfie?"

I was taken aback by her statement, why was she talking about Zalfie. What did she mean by finding her own Zalfie? What had her and Zoe talked about in the airport? I needed to get to the bottom of this.

"What do you mean?"

She shuffled in her seat and started biting her nails; she only did this when she was nervous about something.

"Zoe told me that I should think before I walk into another relationship. She wants me to find someone perfect for me just like she found Alfie. Do you think that I can ever find someone nice?"

I bit the inside of my cheek, okay this was far deeper than I expected. I never liked dealing with my either of my sisters love lives, I was a guy and tried to distance myself from all that. The only time I got involved was when Zoe cheated on Alfie with Caspar and when Finn cheated on Alice. Other than that, I tried to keep my head down. But from the pained look on her face, I knew this would be haunting Alice for a long time unless I gave her an answer she wanted her hear.

"I'm sure you will Alice. There is someone out there for everyone and I believe that one day you'll find someone who'll treat you right and show you what a real relationship can be like."

Alice smiled, this time it looked stronger. She reached out her hand and squeezed my arm, I squeezed her back.

"Thank you Joe, maybe you'll find someone too. Maybe we can have joint weddings and our kids can have the same birthdays."

I chuckled and shook my head; of course the first thing on Alice's mind was a wedding and children. But the fact that she wanted to share those things with me and my girlfriend was something pretty special. I just needed to find a sweet girl first.

"Maybe I might find someone in LA."

"Maybe you will brother."

Alice shuffled again in her seat and rested her head against my shoulder before closing her eyes; she obviously was waiting to get my answer to her question before she settled down for the flight. I leant over and kissed her forehead before snapping a picture on my phone. LA here we come.

I hope you've enjoyed this fic!

Stick around for a sneak peek at the first chapter of the final book in this trilogy 'Alice Sugg'...

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