Lucifer King

By LucifersMistresss

448K 11.9K 4.5K

His lips broke away from mine leaving me panting like crazy and made their way to my cheek. Leaving a hot tra... More

Hazel meets Blue
Sin with me
Mind tricks vs. Reality
Pills N Smokes
The Bachelor
Little Thief
Hot as Hell
Fear and Danger
Our Last Kiss
I am Lucifer King
Family Drama
Hurt Is The New Love
Resisting Him
Hot n' Cold
Silent echoes
The Devil's weakness
Daddy's girl
Confused or Confusing?
Up in the Sky
The Phoenix
𝐃𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐄 & π†π€ππ‘πˆπ„π‹
On My Knees
Blow Me
I'm Back!
Celestial Disputes
Baby Steps
Fire on Fire
Face the Consequences
Painful Pleasure
Battle Scars

Dante's Monologue

4.8K 162 36
By LucifersMistresss

"Don't waste the time you have waiting for time to pass" - Only A Lifetime, FINNEAS

Eliana's POV

"When I first unlocked and discovered my powers, I was as confused and terrified as you. My parents were long gone at the time..." Dante said and looked down on his lap where his hands rested.

We were sitting side by side on the shore of the lake, the calm waters being a soothing and relaxing sound in the background as a soft gust blew once in a while. A huge cherry blossom tree sat on one side of the lake, the small beautiful pinkish flowers flowing with the air. Some of them landed inside the lake, giving a magnificent pink color to it.

"I didn't even know that they were angels or that I was a celestial being, so you can imagine how frustrating it was. And I want you to know that I do understand how you feel, a mind full of unanswered questions and a bunch of people telling you what to do and what to avoid, without actually giving you a reason." He said again and I looked up at him, noticing that he was already watching me. I gave him a soft smile and turned my attention to the lake again.

"You know Eliana, you are handling this whole situation better than anyone else I have met in my entire life. You are way stronger than you think. And I really do believe that you are going to become a powerful phoenix. With my help and guidance of course," He added humorously at the end, making me chuckle. I looked over at him again, and I smiled genuinely at him.

"Thank you, Dante. I really needed this. Thank you for finding me and guiding me." I softly responded. He had no idea how much a craved those words, the reassurance that I have someone to help me through this difficult journey that had only just begun. I felt my eyes sting as water pooled in my eyes and I quickly looked away, blinking back the tears.

"I'm glad to help you, Eliana. I have been waiting for this moment for centuries. I have been waiting for you." He spoke up, his voice filled with nostalgia and satisfaction.

"So let's start, shall we?" He hummed and I sensed the soft smile in his voice. "I'll begin with the basics. If you have any questions or you want me to clarify something, feel free to interrupt me at any time."

I sighed as anxiety built up inside me, as the moment that I have been waiting for finally came.

"So, as you already know a phoenix is a powerful celestial being, with the element of fire. Powers vary based on each phoenix and the type of phoenix that someone is. There are two types of phoenixes, the light ones, like me, and the dark ones,"

"Phoenixes can be recognized by the color of the flames that they conjure; Light phoenixes produce a bright yellow fire, while the dark ones produce a darker shade, that may include orange or even red sometimes. Although I have never come across a dark phoenix like you before, I believe that the shade of the flame depends on the feelings that you feel at the moment that helps you conjure fire. Or maybe how powerful the phoenix is. To be honest, I don't know for sure, but I'm eager to learn from you."

"We will return to the subject of the dark phoenix in a little while. So as you already know a phoenix is immortal, but not permanently. This means that you can live forever if you're not killed. Unfortunately, although it is quite hard and it requires unbelievable damage, a phoenix can be killed. This is exactly the reason why you have that succubus inside you." He said and Kara gasped loudly inside my mind. I turned to him with eyes open wide, as I gaped at him. Dante smiled knowingly and turned to look at me as well.

"How..." I started but I was caught off guard and I couldn't form the words.

"Phoenixes are very observing and perceptive creatures. They can sense basically everything, they have extremely heightened senses on command. You can focus on your smell and it will be heightened almost immediately. Try it, Eliana. Focus on something." Dante's eyes were focused on me as he watched me closely.

I looked around the field, trying to find something with a distinctive smell. The whole field smelled of cherry blossom, so I looked for something smaller with a weaker smell. In the distance, I caught sight of the burnt scarecrow that I set on fire a while ago. The flames had died down and the hay was blackened and burnt.

I focused on the smell of the scarecrow and smoke instantly filled my nostrils, making my eyes water. I started coughing as the burnt smell entered my lungs, restricting me from breathing  the fresh air around me. Dante chuckled heartily as I focused on the cherry blossom in order to get rid of the horrid smell.

"Good job, Eli! I knew you could do it. Now, focus on a sound." He said with a determined tone in his voice, never averting his piercing gaze from me.

I was still inhaling heavily the fresh air as I tried to find a source of a sound. I remembered the sound that I heard this morning, of someone digging in the dirt. I remembered the distinctive sound of something metallic digging in the ground and the earth crumbling softly. I focused on the same sound, searching for it. My ears prickled as I heard it again, more clearly this time.

I smiled brightly as I huffed out in excitement.

"Gabriel is still gardening? Isn't he tired already?" I giggled as I turned towards Dante who was smiling proudly at me. I saw his eyes lighten as his ears moved a little, and I understood that he was listening to the same thing as I did.

He laughed, his face glowing as he heard his mate. After a second his happy expression faltered a little and he locked eyes with me.

"Focus on his breathing." He said, but it sounded more like an order.

I did as he said and the small, quick breaths sounded in my mind.

"Can you understand what he's feeling?" Dante said gloomily, his smile fading. I furrowed my eyebrows and as I listened to the sharp breaths, I tried to interpret them.

"He's frustrated," I stated after a while and Dante nodded at me. His expression became gloomy and I noticed his worry for his mate's feelings.

After a few seconds, I realized that I listened to his breathing and the digging sound, and it got louder and louder. I frowned and tried to focus on more sounds around Gabriel. I could hear his erratic breathing, the dirt moving around, his heartbeats beating at a quick, steady pace and the soft puffs of air as Gabriel huffed while digging.

"Hey Dante," I caught his attention, pulling him out of his thoughts. "Is it possible to hear more than one sound around the main one that I'm focusing on?" I asked curiously and he smiled at me again.

"Yes, maybe one or two more. But it takes a lot of years to actually achieve it, and a lot of practice." He said softly. My frown deepened at his answer.

"Gabriel's breathing is sharp, his heartbeats are short and quick. Every time his shovel comes in contact with the dirt, I can hear the small huff that he lets out and the metallic sound of the tool digging in the dirt. It's like I can hear what Gabriel is hearing right now" I said at Dante and his eyes widened a little as he observed me.

"Simultaneously? You can hear all four of them at the same time? Or do you focus on each of them separately?" He asked amazed and full of curiosity as he scooted closer to me, leaning towards me as if he could hear what I was hearing.

"All of them, at the same time. Is that weird? Can't you do it?" I asked as I ceased focusing on Gabriel. Dante gasped and grinned down at me, showing his excitement.

"That's extraordinary! No, I can only focus on three sounds at the same time and it took me years to achieve it. Eliana... I can't believe how quickly you unlock your powers, this is...outstanding, unbelievable...impossible even!" Dante was left amazed by what I said and his grin showed how eager he was to learn more about what I can do. After that, he was lost in thought as he absentmindedly looked around the field.

I was left with my own thoughts for a while as comfortable silence took over us. I couldn't believe that all this was happening. So many things have happened in the past few months and I always had this unconscious anxiety and an overwhelming feeling that constantly kept me on edge. I was finally receiving answers and I could actually feel this feeling going away bit by bit.

Especially when I was around Dante. Everything was so calm and comforting when Dante was beside me. His aura was just so serene and mentally relaxed; He makes me feel safe.

"Should I continue?" Dante said after a while, pulling me out of my thoughts. I nodded at him and continued to look over at the calm waters of the beautiful lake. I softly drew patterns with my finger on the surface of the water in front of me, as Dante took a deep breath and continued.

"So as I was saying, phoenixes are very perceptive creatures. We can smell, hear, taste, and feel better and stronger than any other celestial. You understood yourself what I mean about that, and maybe better than I have. But let's talk more about your nature rather than your powers. Previously in your life, have you ever felt that you can understand people better than others? That you can sympathize and empathize more than others? That you can sometimes actually feel what other people feel?" Dante asked but he sounded as if he already knew the answer.

"I did actually. I always felt like I was able to interpret others' feelings more easily than the people around me. And I took pride in it because I love understanding people... and once I understood what they were feeling, I was able to help them more sufficiently." I smiled to myself as my mind wandered back to my friends, my heart filling with a warm sensation.

"Of course you did..."Dante whispered more to himself. "Well, that's because phoenixes are based on emotions. We feed off them. Not other beings' emotions, but our own. Our powers are fueled by them, and the strength of an action depends on how strong your feelings are. As we discussed earlier, in order to generate an action and conjure fire in your hand or your body, you need to think of strong feelings that bring you happiness and pleasure." He explained, his voice calm and concentrated. Once I heard that my whole body tensed up and I stiffened, the movement of my finger ceasing.

"It can be anything, from a small memory that puts a smile on your face to the happiest memory you have. But as I said, the strength and the volume of the flame...depends on...the...Eliana? What's wrong?" Dante trailed off as he sensed the tension on my body. I felt his hand on my back and I instantly relaxed against his touch. "Is everything okay? Do you want me to stop? Take a break maybe, or we can continue another time perhaps...It's fine by me."He reassuringly said but I shook my head.

"Um...I have to tell you something" I confessed to him as I turned my head to make eye contact with him. His demeanor changed and I sensed his worry and curiosity flowing through his hand that was touching me.

"When I... Um, achieved... to conjure fire.." I trailed off, not sure how he would react to my confession. He stroked my back softly, his calmness seeping inside me and motivating me to continue what I was saying." Uh, I didn't think of any positive feelings. I managed to conjure fire because I was ...sad, angry, and frustrated."

His expression changed into a shocked one as he looked at me with so much seriousness. My body involuntarily started trembling and I felt my heart clench inside my chest.

"Is it bad? Did I do something wrong? Is there something wrong with me Dante?" I gasped as I sensed his anxiety. How could I ever believe that everything would be okay? Of course, something's wrong with me...

Dante's body was frozen and he retrieved his hand from my back, which only heightened my anxiety. Is he afraid of me? Why is he acting like that? Is he going to kick me out?

The stress and the fear were eating me up as he stared in front of us, looking over the lake. I could sense my body burning from within and I looked down at my hands, only confirming what I thought was happening. Light-orange color was hiding underneath my veins, in a very faint manner. Ignoring it I reached for Dante and softly took his palm in mine.

"Dante please say something! You're scaring me... Am I going to turn evil? Is it bad that I'm a dark phoenix?" I desperately asked him as the color on my veins was becoming more prominent.

"I'm going to be very honest with you Eliana." Dante sighed and frowned without looking at me, and my anxiety sky-rocketed. "I honestly don't know if dark phoenixes are meant to turn evil because of their dark aura that consumes them... I haven't meant any dark phoenixes in my life, but I have met you" He said and turned towards me, squeezing my hand comfortingly.

His small and confident smile made me sigh out in relief as his calm irises crashed with mine. I noticed the color on my hands dissolve slowly.

"I don't know if it is in your nature to turn evil, but I and Gabriel will do our very best to not let that happen. You're my apprentice and you're now my friend, Eliana. I am eager to teach you everything I know, and I'm most eager to learn new things about you.  I'm not going to give up on you, even if you turn evil." Dante said whole-heartedly and I couldn't stop myself as tears welled up in my eyes. I scouted over as quickly as I could, throwing my hands around his broad shoulders, hugging him tightly as the tears fell.

"Thank you, Dante, truly" I softly said against his shoulder as he wrapped his arms tightly around my body. After a few seconds, I retrieved and wiped away my tears as he cleared his throat.

"So...Negative feelings huh? You know... I always thought that negative feelings would be easier to think of and they would create more powerful flames." He said and chuckled to himself. I chuckled as well and nodded my head. "Although I believe it's more unpleasant than conjuring positive emotions, I truly think that the negative ones are much more powerful. I guess that this is why you managed to conjure fire so quickly, and not even a faint one. A whole line of flames...That is very impressive, Eli."

"I guess it depends on the thoughts," I said as I recalled what I was feeling when I managed to generate flames. The betrayal, the lies, the anger. I raised my arms and as Dante turned to observe them, the color started washing inside my veins. The emotional pain that was hiding away somewhere in my heart was powering up my flames.

"Very, very impressive. Your progress is incredibly fast and successful. But I have to ask you to take it more slowly, don't tire yourself out from the very beginning. I know you're eager to unlock more of your powers, but first, we need to discuss the theoretical part of being a phoenix. Promise me that you will only practice with me being around, and never alone." Dante requested and I immediately nodded to him, letting my arms rest on my lap once again.

"I promise, Dante." I confirmed and he hummed pleased.

"Good. Now, as I was saying, we phoenixes feed of our own emotions. Every time we see someone we can feel what they feel, it is easy for us to recognize emotions. But it's much more efficient and strong when we come to contact with them. Remember when I asked you if you could sense auras? That's exactly what I meant. We can sense other beings' auras, their feelings, and sometime in the future, if you grow to be an extremely powerful phoenix, maybe you'll get to interpret some of their thoughts."

Thoughts, huh? That would be quite an interesting ability...

"Let's move on to more practical things... First of all, as you already know and achieved to do it, you can conjure fire on your palms to use as a weapon. This ability allows you to make balls and spikes of fire which you can throw in any direction you want and in every size you want. It also allows you to create lines of fire, as you did a few hours ago. Again, the size depends on your power. After centuries of experience, I can proudly say that my lines reach approximately 500 meters. But no need to worry, I bet you can succeed more than that." He said proudly and looked at me. I found his gaze and smiled up at him as he winked at me.

"Secondly, you can create a fire shield, which in my opinion is the most important one, and after we learn how to direct your flames, then I'll teach you how to create the shield. The shield consists of a thick layer of fire that you will be able to create around you, without burning you, of course. However, it will be able to burn everyone else around it." Dante said and then gasped out loud." Oh, how could I forget to mention that?" He said and sighed in annoyance towards himself.

"What?" I asked dumbfounded as I turned to him. He grinned awkwardly at me and then continued talking.

"Fire can't hurt you anymore. Any kind of fire, whether it's the white and blue flame of Heaven or the red and orange flame of Hell. Fire, magma, high temperatures, the longer affect you. And to be more specific, they are comforting to you. Fire feels like a warm hug that engulfs your body in the most comforting and calming way. But it can also give you so much power, incredible amounts of it, for a limited period of time. You have to be very careful with that one...It can become self-destructing." Dante said and looked seriously at me. I frowned a little but nodded anyway.

"Any questions up until now? Any thoughts?" He asked and slowly stretched his legs in front of him. I pouted as I thought that he might have gotten tired and wanted to take a break.

"No, I'm good. Are you tired? Do you want to take a break maybe?" I asked and he shook his head, saying that he is perfectly fine.

"So, let's continue with your other powers. As you witnessed the other day, when you first got here, I had created a layer of flames all over  my body. That is called Flamesuit, although I believe that it has the lamest name. It's such a powerful move and has such a silly name" He said and I giggled at his scrunched-up nose.

"It's not that bad" I laughed as I observed his reaction. He turned to me with the most indifferent face, blinking slowly. "Okay, maybe it is." I laughed again and he chuckled, agreeing with me.

"So...the tremendous Flamesuit is a thin layer of a protective shield on your body, which doesn't burn anything but it doesn't allow things to rip through it. It makes them bounce back and change direction without causing you any pain. To be honest with you, Eli...I haven't used it for any serious purposes. I prefer the actual shield which will burn everything and everyone that tries to penetrate it."

"But I guess it looks cool... I only use it to intimidate people" He laughed as he winked at me, making me smile.

"I have a question... Can fire or water penetrate the shield? Or the Flamesuit?" I asked thoughtfully, and Dante nodded at me.

"Good question. It may surprise you, but as I said, phoenixes are the second most powerful beings in the whole world so your answer is no. Neither fire nor water can get past the shield, nor it can put the flames out. Not even the daggers that were made by Lucifer can penetrate it. However, it can be weakened if you are losing your strength. If you practice enough, your shield will become thicker and stronger every time you create it, and it won't be able to weaken easily, even if they attack you from every direction, even if you're at your weakest point. Just know that if you lose consciousness, the shield will die down." He spoke up, covering every possible question that I could have considering this matter.

"Can I create shields around other people? Or only around me? Can I create more than one?" I fired question after question at Dante, needing to know every detail.

"You can create shields around other people and you can create a shield around you with other people inside. However, if the shield is around someone else and not powered directly by your body, then it will be weaker." He answered promptly. "Just so you know, in my lifetime I have achieved to create two shields simultaneously, but I'm very curious how many you will accomplish to create." He said sincerely and smiled warmly at me.

"Now," He said and clapped his hands," I mentioned the daggers that Lucifer crafted millennia ago. There are four of them, two in Heaven, two in Hell. However, the one from Hell went missing a few centuries ago, and nobody has seen it since then. Those daggers are the only thing that can kill angels. This is why angels are considered superior to us; We can be killed by anything while angels can only be killed by one of those four daggers. Quite unfair in my opinion." He said with a very serious face.

"Although nothing is confirmed about it, it's best to avoid being in the presence of those daggers. The myth about the phoenixes being reborn is just a tale. Personally, I don't believe that after being killed you're going to be reborn. I think that the myth was created about the moment that we discover and unlock our powers. That fine line between humanity and celestially, where you are ''reborn'' metaphorically. When you become a phoenix." He stated and then continued almost immediately. Well, that made more sense than being reborn from your ashes...

Maybe that's what my mother meant when she said that I had to die a normal death... That I could only mate with Lucifer after my rebirth as a celestial, as a phoenix.

It makes sense I guess, Kara responded to me. After that small thought, I focused on Dante again.

"However, in the case of the rebirth being true, I believe that we would only be reborn after being killed by something besides the daggers. If those daggers can permanently kill angels, then they can surely permanently kill us. So refrain from being close to them, for your safety."

"We're almost done....there's only one thing left to discuss. However, I'm sure that more questions will surface as we begin your training." He said and I immediately knew what the last thing was. I was so excited about this part and I started grinning like an idiot as I stared at Dante's profile. He smiled knowingly once again and slowly turned towards me with a small smirk on his lips.

"Stop torturing me! Tell me, tell me, tell meeee!" I whined playfully and started shaking his arm. He laughed a little and started getting up. I immediately got up as well as I understood what he was going to do.

"Flying," He said with the smoothest voice, as he closed his eyes, looking upwards and taking out his wings, Two enormous, beautifully structured, white wings that stretched far and high into the sky were released behind Dante. I was left breathless as I looked at his bright wings, glowing underneath the sun and extending above him, framing his body in the most perfect way.

His fiery red hair and his milky-white complexion, along with his majestic white wings, made him look so ethereal like he was a picture from a fantasy book. I gaped at him as he glanced proudly at me. I took a few steps back so I could look at this marvelous sight in front of me. I saw him smirking and I was about to ask him the reason. But after what he did, I was left speechless.

His snow-white wings were covered with a soft yellow glow as they caught fire, blazing brightly in contrast to the blue scenery behind them. I gasped loudly and my eyes opened widely as I stared at the feathers burning with golden flames.

"Dante...Oh my God!" I exclaimed in absolute shock and surprise as I grinned at him. Dante had the proudest look on his face as he showed off his amazing wings.

"I'm enjoying this more than I should. I knew you would like it" Dante said humbly but also very proud of himself. "It took me so many years to actually successfully and fully put flames on my wings and when I succeeded, the only thing I could think of was to teach someone else to do it. I'll be more than happy to teach you how to get your wings out, how to fly properly, and how to set your wings ablaze."Dante said and smiled excitedly at me, showing his pearly white teeth.

"So, phoenixes are the fastest creatures to ever exist when it comes to flying. We have about 25% more wing power than angels, which is... a lot. You should take pride in it, Eliana. I sure do. We can control our wings better than anyone else, we can go higher than them because our bodies are naturally made of fire and they can keep us warm even when the temperature drops." He said as he pulled his wings back inside his body with a simple maneuver.

"It will be very difficult to learn how to take out your wings and even more to learn how to fly. But I will be constantly by your side and I'll show you my best tricks. You'll become the best phoenix to ever exist. I promise you that" He said sincerely and looked at me in the most loving way.

"Dante...Thank you"I couldn't possibly show how grateful I was right at this moment. I run to him, closing the distance between us and I threw my arms around his torso, hugging as tightly as I could. He immediately closed his arms around me as he hugged me back. "Thank you for everything"

"It's my pleasure, Eliana."He hummed and stroked my back softly with his long fingers. I slowly pulled back and looked up at him, hoping to show how truly grateful I was for him.

"Let's go get some rest, and we will begin your training tomorrow. Is that okay with you?"He calmly said, his composure returning to his usual tranquil one.

"Yes, yes. It's absolutely fine. I had you talking for hours, you must be tired" I said as we began walking up the slope.

"No, not really. I just want to check on Gabriel, to be honest. But you need to rest, you exhausted yourself back there." I nodded thoughtfully to him as we walked side by side.

"Yes go ahead, and I'll go check if Lucifer has woken up" I trailed off as I fixed my hair and adjusted my wet clothes as Dante spoke up again.

"I think he would have made his appearance very obvious if he had woken up..." Dante said humorously and I giggled, knowing damn well what he meant.

"Yeah... I'm sorry for how he acted and spoke to you. He tends to get quite...overprotective." I said as we reached the upper field.

"I understand. I used to be like that too." Dante said, and his expression fell a little as he traveled back in time with his mind.

I wanted to learn more about Dante, but he seemed to dislike talking about his past. I would feel bad if I ever made him sad or uncomfortable. He seems to have his life figured out and his calmness is impressive. And I don't want to disturb him.

I saw Gabriel getting out of the large cabin and he seemed quite frustrated. I sensed Dante's tension from beside me and I smiled up at him, telling him to go. He nodded gratefully and started walking towards his mate. Once they disappeared inside their home, I turned towards the smaller cabin, where Lucifer was.

I entered the cabin carefully and I peeked at Lucifer, who was sleeping in the exact same position as I left him hours ago. As soon as I entered, his addicting aroma engulfed me and I sighed in bliss when the familiar feeling spread throughout my body.

I unconsciously started worrying as I slowly tip-toed towards him, sitting down beside him. Once I noticed that he was breathing normally and his heart was beating steadily I relaxed.

A few strands of his beautiful black hair were falling on his forehead, and I brushed them back softly with my fingers. I felt my lips unconsciously tug upwards as I smiled warmly at my mate.

"I missed you..." I whispered at him as I kept brushing his hair back.

After a few minutes of just observing Lucifer's beautiful and peaceful face, I stood up going straight to the bathroom.

I threw the wet clothes on the floor and I stepped into the small wooden tub. I quickly washed my body and stepped out, drying myself up. I went into the main room of the cabin and quickly searched for the clothes that Dante left for me.

"I missed you too" I suddenly heard Lucifer's groggy and sleepy voice, making me jump and turn around. I stood in the middle of the room as naked as the day I was born as Lucifer laid down on the bed, looking intently at me. His eyes were only half-opened as he looked tiredly at me. He didn't look at my body though, which was a surprise. He just watched my face, blinking slowly.

I got dressed as quickly as I could and walked to the bed. Lucifer immediately moved to the side opening his arms, indicating for me to lay down. I smiled and sat down on the bed beside him. Once I was fully laid down beside him, with one swift movement he pulled me on top of him, my skin tingling everywhere.

I placed my head on top of his heart and sighed comfortably. He yawned tiredly and I giggled as I stroked the rough skin on his bicep. His skin was healed but the scars had remained all over his body; especially on his arms.

"Sleep, Lucifer" I whispered softly at him and he hummed in response.

Once again, I fell asleep with the sound of his heartbeat, which was like a melody in my ears.




Woo hoo!

Highly requested update!!!

Hello, my lovelies! I hope everyone is healthy and happy!

New chapter, fresh out of the oven. A lot of new information! How do we feel about that? What's your opinion on the phoenix's powers?

What about that sweet ending of the chapter?

Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas to everyone who is celebrating!!

Until next time,

Lucifer's Mistress.

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