Deku The Hedgehog (UNDERGOING...

By gek0kid

9.3K 117 148

Izuku Yagi has always been underestimated through his entire life, all because he was quirkless. Ever since t... More

Episode 1: Every Hero... Has an Origin.
Episode 3: Meeting the New Freedom Fighters!
Episode 4: Explanation, Arrival, and a Disaster
Episode 5: A Reunion 10 Years in the Making!
Episode 6: Pissed Might and Quirk Training

Episode 2: Izuku's True Family! A Secret Reveled!

1.5K 21 11
By gek0kid

-Izuku just entered the door, with all the scars and bruises, as soon as Inko saw his injuries she tended to them immediately. Izuku told Inko that he was told to go commit suicide by Iida.

Inko: IIDA SAID WHAT?! I'll have a chat with his older brother!

Izuku: N-No m-mom, he'll just make it worst. (Maybe I shouldn't tell her that I heard that dad passed on One For All.)

Inko: How will he make it worst Izuku?

Izuku: If he tells Iida about the conversation you and Ingenium had, then he'll just get more angry at me.

Inko: *SIGH!* I still can't believe that Iida said that! *Makes Dinner* It's been 6 years and he STILL treats you like a virus! Even though you being quirkless was not your fault!

Izuku: I know... That's why... I'm gonna be the worlds first quirkless hero!

-Then the door opened and Nezu, Shota Aziawa, the Bakugo Twins, Izumi, and Ochako walked in to see if Izuku was home, once Izumi saw Izuku she tackled him and slapped Izuku hard.

Izuku: OW! What was that for?!

Izumi: THAT WAS FOR SCARING US! I THOUGHT YOU WERE REALLY GOING TO KILL YOURSELF! *Cries* Don't you dare scare me like that again! Please. Promise me.

Izuku: I promise! Sorry for making you guys worry. I just... *Thinks of conversation of Lane with All Might* Needed a moment.


Nezu: Now now children, I understand your anger, but I shall talk to the Iida family about this issue.

Katsumi: But if we do that, then that will give Iida an even MORE reason to beat up Izuku! WE NEED TO PUNISH IIDA!

Aziawa: Stop. Iida will be punished, but don't beat him up please.

Katsumi: Fine...

Inko: Yes... (I have to tell Izuku, he deserves to know.) Izuku I have something to tell you.

Izuku: Really? What?

Inko: The truth is... You... Aren't a Yagi.

Everyone: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WWWWWWWWWHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT?????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Inko: If you guys give me a chance, I can explain. You see, I do love Izuku, but I didn't give BIRTH to him.

Nezu: Miss Yagi if this is suppose to be a joke it's not a funny one. How did you not give birth to Izuku?

Inko: Well... The truth is... I found him abandon in an alleyway.

*Flashback with Narrating (It looks like this [ ])*

Inko: [I was walking out in the rain returning from the store with some toys for Izumi, she was only 1 year old at that time, until I heard crying in the alleyway coming up, I looked inside, and what I saw shocked me, it was Izuku... But...]

Katsuki: [But what?]

Inko: [As a baby hedgehog humanoid.]


Izuku: [Wait... If I had a quirk... Why did you hide it mom?]

Inko: [Well, when I saw you, I went to come and take you home, but you transformed into a human when I touched you. At first I was going to take you to the doctors to get you checked, but when I picked you up, I saw a picture and a note fall out of your blanket. I picked up the note and read it.]

Inko: "Dear whoever finds this,

If your reading this, then it's a chance that you may have found my baby boy, if you find him, keep his power secret, my boy's power is far too dangerous to be kept public. I know it will break his heart for him to know that he doesn't have a quirk. But it's for his own safety, when he's ten, tell him everything, and show him the picture about his real family, us. I hope that our baby boy grows up with a nice and caring family with nice friends. Take care.

From, Amy Hedgehog

P.S. His name, is Izuku."

Inko: Izuku huh? *Looks at picture* Well Izuku, looks like your a Yagi now, I promise I'm gonna take good care of you.

*End of Flashback*

Inko: So I did what the letter said, Izuku I do love you, but I just did all of this to protect you.

Izuku: *Cries* So all this time... you did all of this to protect me? Mom... I don't know what to say.

Inko: It's alright, I don't know where your parents are, but I do know, that they loved you very much and just wanted the best for you. *Hands picture to Izuku* Here.

Izuku: *Sniff* Is this... My real family?

-The picture is two hedgehog humanoids one blue and one pink, the blue Izuku believes to be his real father, while the pink has to be his mother Amy. Not just that, he see's a tiny green hedgehog is Amy's arms, and that hedgehog, was Izuku.

Izuku: I wish I could have met them. *Cries*

Izumi: Don't worry Oni-Chan! We'll help you find your home! As a sister for most of your life, and as a friend!

Katsuki: I'm in! Your dad sounds like a cool guy.

Katsumi: If it get's you away from bullying, I'm going as well.

Ochako: I want you to be happy Izuku. So, of course I'll help!

Izuku: Everyone... THANK YOU! *Bows*

Shota: Well, we'll help too.

Nezu: Yes we'll begin looking for anyone that knows these people, and see if they can help us. If anything happens we'll let you know.

Inko: Thank you Nezu.

-Then Nezu and Aziawa left, Izuku, Katsuki, Katsumi, Ochako, and Izumi stayed for dinner. While eating Toshinori came in to join in, it was a good time, but Izuku still can't ignore the fact that Toshinori aka All Might, wasn't his father. After dinner, Ochako and the Bakugo twins went home, and Izuku and Izumi got ready for bed. Izumi went to sleep instantly, while Izuku stayed up a little bit, and looked at the photo that he was given.

Izuku: Mom, dad... I don't know where you guys are, but I promise, I'm gonna unlock my quirk... And once I do, I will find you guys. And we'll be one big family again.


???: Lane what makes you think, that you found your brother? ANSWER ME!

Lane: Calm down. I have my reasons. Remember of what my brothers name is?

???: I think its... Izuku right?

Lane: Correct. And the only Izuku I know is...


Lane: Yeah. It's time to bring him home.

-Then it is reveled that Lane is a black wolf humanoid, and he is surrounded by other animal humanoids.

Lane: Get ready Izuku, it's about high time for a family reunion.

(I feel that even though it isn't Sonic themed, I feel that it's song is super catchy and I want to honor it in anyway I can. PS, I'll also be doing a chapter on the new freedom fighters Mobius Quirks after Episode 3.)

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