She's Mistreated|| K. Bakugo...

By DekuandKacchan99

390K 10K 10.6K

Y/N is the daughter of the villain Dabi, and is determined to move past her father's expectations. She runs a... More

{*} ~ Character Backgrounds ~
{1} ~ The League's Night Out ~
{2} ~ Daddy's Little Girl ~
{3} ~ Little Flame Runs Away ~
{4} ~ Deku ~
{5} ~ UA and the Exam ~
{6} ~ Class 1-A ~
{7} ~ Hero Costumes My Hero ~
{8} ~ Midoriya Vs. Bakugo ~
{9} ~ The Bus Ride and the USJ ~
{10} ~ Training for the Sports Festival ~
{11} ~ The UA Sports Festival ~
{12} ~ The Calvary Battle ~
{13} ~ Midoriya Vs. Shinsou ~
{14} ~ Y/N Vs. Tokoyami ~
{15} ~ Bakugo Vs. Uraraka ~
{16} ~ Todoroki's Tragic Backstory ~
{17} ~ Midoriya Vs. Todoroki ~
{18} ~ Iida Vs. Shiozaki ~
{19} ~ Bakugo Vs. Y/N ~
{20}~ Todoroki Vs. Bakugo ~
{21} ~ One Sided ~
{22} ~ F-friend? ~
{23} ~ Choosing Hero Names ~
{24} ~ Leaving for Internships ~
{25} ~ Hosu City Up in Flames ~
{26} ~ Stain ~
{27} ~ The Aftereffects ~
{28} ~ What the hell was that ? ~
{29} ~ Taking it Slow ~
{30} ~ Practical Partners ~
{31} ~ Team Midoriya and Bakugo ~
{32} ~ Shopping with 1-A ~
{33} ~ We meet again little one ~
{34} ~ What is Love ? ~
{35} ~ Freestyle Swimming with 1-A ~
{36} ~ Summer Camp Fun ~
{37} ~ A Test of Courage ~
{38} ~ The Midoriya's are Heroes ~
{39} ~ No matter the Cost ~
{40} ~ Protect Katsuki Bakugo ~
{41} ~ Touya Todoroki ~
{42} ~ Operation rescue Katsuki Bakugo ~
{43} ~ All Might Vs. AFO ~
{44} ~ Trust ~
{45} ~ It's Over ! ~
{46} ~ She's Mistreated ~
{47} ~ A Villian's Daughter ~
{48} ~ Phoenix Flame-Burn ~
{49} ~ Provisional Licenes Exam ~
{50} ~ Shindo Vs. Y/N ~
{51} ~ Shishikura Vs . Bakugo ~
{52} ~ Protect and Save ~
{53} ~ Katsuki Knows ~
{54} ~ Izuku Midoriya Vs. Katsuki Bakugo ~
{55} ~ House Arrests ~
{56} ~ Mirio Togata ~
{57} ~ I Love You ~
{58} ~ Overhaul the Young Leader ~
{59} ~ Work Studies ~
{60} ~ Phoenix, Red Riot, Suneater, and Fat ~
{61} ~ Future Heroes Red and Pheonix ~
{62} ~ Night Eye, Ryukyu, and Fat ~
{63} ~ Top Secret Mission ~
{64} ~ Tamaki Amajiki Suneater ~
{65} ~ Eijiro Kirishima Red Riot ~
{66} ~Y/N Midoriya-Todoroki Pheonix ~
{67} ~ Mirio Togata Lemillion ~
{68} ~ Izuku Midoriya Deku ~
{70} ~ Goodbye Sir Nighteye ~
{69} ~ Eri the Cursed Child ~
{71} ~ Pheonix's Flaming Heart ~
{72} ~ Fish Turd Delinquents ~
{73} ~ Dynamight's Advice ~
{74} ~ Remember to Smile ~
{75} ~ Katsuki Kills the Drums ~
{76} ~ Eri visits UA ~
{77} ~ Mission Make Eri Smile ~
{78} ~ Surprise Guests ~
{79} ~ This is not a drill ~
{80} ~ Dinner Invitation ~
{81} ~ Making Amends ~
{82 } ~ Hitoshi Shinsou ~
{83} ~ Shinsou's start line ~
{84} ~ Shinsou has Moves ! ~
{85} ~ Class A plus Shinsou Win!!! ~
~ A/N ~
{86} ~ Brother's of Darkness ~
{88} ~ Start talking you damn nerd! ~
{89} ~ Half of Sho's Strength ~
{90} ~ Sho's Exceptional Abilities ~
{91} ~ Surpassing the Limits ~
{92} ~ Our Bakugo ~
{93} ~ Become the #1 Hero ~
~ A/N ~
{94} ~ Blackwhip ~
{95} ~ A New Power ~
{96} ~ Congratulations Katsu and Sho ~
{97} ~ Merry Christmas Firefly ~
{98} ~ Off to Endeavor 's Agency ~
{99} ~ One Thing ~
{100} ~ Hellish Todoroki Family ~
{101} ~ Monster ~
{102} ~ Dying of Laughter Part 1 ~
{103} ~ Dying of Laughter Part 2 ~
{104} ~ Happy New Year ~
{105} ~ Cheers to New Beginnings ~
~ A/N ~
{106} ~ 2nd Year Ships ~
{107} ~ Heroes Assemble ~
{108} ~ Chargebolt's Heart ~
{109} ~ Keigo Takami ~
{110} ~ Heroes Never Give Up ! ~
{111} ~ Reinforcements ~
{112} ~ Awakened ~
{113} ~ We meet again little one Pt.2 ~
{114} ~ Disaster Awaits ~
{115} ~ One Last Time ~
{116} ~ Protect The Ones You Love ~
{117} ~ Turn this anger into Power ~
{118} ~ Katsuki Bakugo : Rising Pt.1 ~
{119} ~ Katsuki Bakugo:Rising Pt. 2 ~
~ A/N ~

{87} ~ Always looking ahead ~

772 24 8
By DekuandKacchan99

TW:⚠️ Warning this chapter contains spoilers from season five read at your own risk ! You've been warned ! ⚠️


Your POV ~

You and the others from both classes are watching the second match and things just got nasty.

"Ewww they got shrooms growing on the their bodies and it's giving me the shivers." You said as you rubbed your arms up and down in disgust.

"Don't worry hot wings the fungus up and disappear in two or three hours tops. You're teammates will be fine! Which is why she doesn't hold anything back!"A boy with black hair and blue eyes from Class 1-B said to you.

"Did you just call me hot wings?" You asked with a smie and a laugh.

"I did because you're red hot, and you're quirk is hot too." He said with a smile and a blush on his face.

You blushed.

"Hehe thanks for the compliment but-" You began.

"BUT NOTHING SHE'S TAKEN! BACK OFF YOU BLUE EYED EXTRA!" Katsuki yelled from behind you.

"Katsuki! Come down no need to be jealous I'm not going anywhere, and sorry about that I'm Y/N it's nice to meet you!" You said with a smile extending a hand to the boy.

"It's alright boyfriends am I right , I'd be the same way with my girlfriend and likewise I'm Awase, Yosetsu I'll see you around and maybe we can talk again sometime?"He said shaking your hand before taking his leave.

"I'd like that, looking forward to it!"You yelled as you watched him walk off into the distance.


"KATSUKI! WHAT THE HELL HAS GOTTEN INTO YOU? ARE YOU REALLY THAT JEALOUS?"You yelled as you hit your hot headed boyfriend on the shoulder.

"THE HELL! I AM FUCKING JEALOUS YOU'RE MINE AND NO DAMN EXTRA MAKES A MOVE ON MY FIREFLY IN FRONT OF ME!" Katsuki yelled with anger written all over his face smoke coming out of his ears.


"I fucking love you Y/N." He said wrapping his arms around your waist pulling you close.

"I fucking love you too Katsu." You say pulling him by the turtle neck and pulling it down for a kiss.
"Ready to focus on the match again Katsu?" You teased.

"I'd rather focus on you beautiful." He teased.

"Katsuki you can do that later!"You said with a smile.

"Damn right I can and you're going to pay for making me wait till later!"He said with a smirk.

You blushed.

"I'm going to regret it I'm sure but this will just have to do for now."You said as you placed one more kiss to his lips.

He blushed.

"Damn right you will and dammit it's not even close but it'll have to do." He said sadly as you pulled away.

He's fucking adorable.

My Katsu.

"Look their growing over the camera!"Uraraka said.

"Gag!"Jiro shuttered.

Mushrooms disgusting

Back to the match.


Kendo's POV ~

Before our match began I explained my plan to my teammates.

"Plan A up first is Kuroiro he's going to hijack Dark Shadow. The other team is going to send Dark Shadow to look for us as part of their rational reconstituent smart low risk move on their part. He probably hasn't realized that Kuroiro has leveled up his power and can multiplate all kinds of darkness, we'll turn that bird against them."

"That's easy for you to suggest." Kuroiro said.

"Spooky!" Komori said.

"What if I fail at this task ? I'll be left out in the open." Kuroiro said.

"Ha. They'll have to attack you using lots of light . So it'll be obvious to us if your in trouble , the lights will be a beacon leading straight to you and then plus it can't be to bright or Dark Shadow would be powerless. Even if Kuroiro fails we can spring another attack on them." I said to them.

"Plan A was a bust my only choice is to fall back for now." Kuroiro said to me from the shadows.

Plan B it is !

Kinoko we're counting on you!


Yaoyorozu's POV ~

Kuroiro disappeared into the shadows again and now we're being covered in shrooms. Yuck.

"They won't stop growing ! I hate this what's going on!" Hagakure yelled.

These must be her quirk!

They planned a two proned operation that anticipated on how we would respond to Kuroiro. A wise strategy Kendo .

"Come down and stay focused ! We just need to regroup okay?" I said to her.

"Whack! The boom boom haaaa bam crack!"




"Why are there words coming out of the ground!" Hagakure yelled before we got spilt up by Fukidashi's quirk.

"That quirk this is madness!" I said.

"Yaomomo where did you go?" Hagakure said om the other side of the wall.

Not good.

We're all spilt it up.

I'm alone.
Your POV ~

You and the others just witnessed Fukidashi's quirk in action on the cameras and Vlad continues to give baised commentary.

"Komori and Fukidashi came to Kuroiro's rescue now attacking in waves their giving class A's team a hard time from the distance. My kids are showing their superior strength!" Vlad yelled with a smile.

"Again with the baised commentary!" Mina yelled.

"Yeah! STOP!" The others joined in.

"That's going to be hard to break those wide ranges attacks. Also do you think if we go overseas do you think Fukidashi will need a translator?" Sato said.

"No clue." Sero said.

"Deku the arena !" Uraraka said.

"Mhm. The word wall separated Yaoyorozu from the rest of her teammates. Don't tell me was that their plan from the start?" Deku said with his notebook in hand.

Deku's right.

This is exactly what Kendo wanted all along.


Yaoyorozu's POV ~

I have no idea where anyone is.

There attacks were leading to this specific outcome.


"We cut off the brain , now I just have to beat you with brawn! Haharragh!" Kendo yelled from behind me.

~ Kendo Vs. Yaoyorozu ~

She crumpled the tungsten shield with one hit .

"I won't give you time to plan anything!" She yelled with a punch.

"Ahhh!" I screamed.

"We can make this an endurance test if you want to but you have to use materials from your own body to create things so there's no way your going to out match me Yaoyorozu."She said throwing another big punch.

Her hits are powerful.

I gotta come with a plan and fast.


Kendo's POV ~

"Gotta stay on the offensive , I learned that by watching her at the sports festival .I'm finished if she has time to think." I thought to myself.

Brute strength is the key!



Your POV ~

"She designed a total situation where she has the total advantage, her plan was right on the money what did I say our girl is smart and decisive even when she's under pressure that's our brilliant rep Kendo for you." Tetsutetsu said with a smile.

"I'm not convinced this was the smartest move on her part."Sho said.

"Huh?"Tetsutetsu said.

"What do you mean Sho?"You asked.

"If Yaoyorozu was seperated because they feared their planning than they might have misjudged her." Sho continued.

"Huh?"Tetsutetsu said again.

"If they were so worried about Yaoyorozu then their team should've tried to disrupt her strategy from the very start. This predicimate is still well within what she could've anticipated." Sho finished.

Oh that's right Sho and Yaoyorozu were partners for the practical exam.

But even so he's right Momo's a smart, creative girl she'll think of something.


Yaoyorozu's POV ~

"Kendo you got it wrong the truth is I'm still the inexperienced fool not you even so you humbled yourself and call me better.So I can't let you see me looking pathetic ." I thought to myself as I shielded myself from her punches.

I promised you I'd give you my all and best.

Kendo it's an honor to call you my rival.


Sho's POV ~

"And since it's within her expectations she should be able to create a pattern thay will lead her to victory , this is what Momo Yaoyorozu excells at!" I said to the others confidently.

Her strength.

Pretty and smart.

Yaoyorozu's POV ~

"You can do this think of everything you cultivated to this point and prove to yourself how much you've grown. " I thought to myself as I created something.

"No way a fricking cannon!" Kendo said.

"I held you a bay so I could buy time it takes a while to make something this large." I said to her with a smile.

Thank you for focusing on me Kendo .

It's time to show you how much I've grown since the festival.

Your POV ~

"Is she insane who's she trying to kill with that?"Tetsutetsu said.

"Again huh? That girl really likes her cannons." Kaibara said.

She had a plan all along just like you said Sho .

Hold on!

I wonder what her next move is.

Class 1-A is about to turn the tides around.

Kendo's POV ~

"This has to be a bluff." I thought.


Is she planning on breaking through the wall?


I gotta jump out of the way!

"I apologize for threatening you!" She said.

"Gotta stop her ."


I'll enlarge my fist at the moment of impact that might work. Double Jumbo fist!


She wasn't aiming at the wall?

Then what was she shooting?

Yaoyorozu's POV ~

"When this turned into a fight your good at I could tell my defeat was likely. So in order for us to win." I thought to myself.


Infrared googles and Ethnal disinfecting spray for my teammates they'll know what to do!

My plan!

Tokoyami's POV ~

That expolsion just now could it be Fukidashi again? Wait no it came from the other side over the wall it's from Yaoyorozu.

"Dark Shadow!" I yelled.

It's a bag labeled Yaoyorozu's Lucky bag with items inside for us.

Aoyama's been captured by Kuroiro but me and Hagakure can take down the others.

Inside the bag was disinfectant spray and infrared googles . I sprayed me and Hagakure with the disinfectant and we spilt up to take down the others.

I finally found the mushroom girl and Kuroiro and took them down with my ultimate move Black Abyss Sabbath, and noticed Kuroiro was looking for an escape.

"Is it darkness your seaching for?" I asked.

"Huh?" He said.

"Then you can borrow my cloak." I said as I tossed my cloak to him trapping him as well.

"No fair!"He said.

"If there is no way for you to move than there is no way to fear your abilities." I said to him.

"Fumikage I caught the spore girl." Dark Shadow said to me.

I caught two villians.

And couldn't have done without you Yaoyorozu.

Your POV ~

"Well I'll be damned he caught two enemies! He's turned the tides."You said with a smile.

"They couldn't have done it without Yaomomo's items."Jiro said.

"Hagakure is doing awesome too. If they keep going like this than they can win four to one." Deku said.

But it doesn't count unless their in the jail.

Come on guys you can still win this.

Tokoyami's POV ~

"Quick Dark Shadow take this two prisoners to-" I started.

*Cough Cough*

"Hey are you alright?" Dark Shadow asked me.

*Cough Cough*

"Mleh. It's nor a cutie so I made sure to keep it hidden away until now ! I'd be such a bad shroom if I didn't use it when we were about to lose though." The shroom girl said to me.

*Cough Cough *

My wind pipe.

"Lungs feel bad ? That's little Spitgill Lung Strike." She said with a smile.

Was this her plan all along .

To suffocate me and my teammates?

Your POV ~

"Komori doesn't have a quirk that screams combat and yet she's scary. Did you think we'd hold back because this is just training ?"Monoma said .

"You stupid bird! You should've knocked her unconscious!" He finished.

Don't call him stupid he's not and far from it.

And we had no idea about her abilities .
Kendo's POV ~

After my match with Yaoyorozu ended with her unconscious I carried the three of us back to help my teammates and just in time to capture Hagakure saving Fukidashi.

"Sorry it took me awhile."I said out of breathe.

"Kendo boom I'm saved . Huh what's happening here?" Fukidashi said.

"Well I knocked her out but not before she got me we were kinda stuck together. She could've done me a solid and let the cannon fall off it's hard to drag all of this stuff around. Everything she created showed that she was looking ahead covering her bases I don't really feel like I won. " I said.

"Hey thanks for getting us out of this." Kuroiro said.

"It's only natural to save your teammates shroom." Komori said.

"Kendo, Fukidashi you two are okay?" Kuroiro said to us.

"I think so somehow." I said to him.

*Cough Cough *

"Hey please don't die." Dark Shadow said.

"You really pulled out the big guns Komori." I said.

"If I hadn't we would've lost the round." She said .

"Yeah that's true . Hmmm. Gotta say it's tough they easily could've beaten us. We sure lucked out today." I said to them.

What a match it was.

My plan worked perfectly.

And Yaoyorozu I'm glad to call you my rival.

Your POV ~

"Luck has nothing to do with it it was all Kendo's plan . Alright!"Tetsutetsu said with a smile.

"I'm starting to think you have a crush on Kendo man."Kiri teased.

"I do not!"Tetsutetsu said with a blush.

"Whatever you say man but your face says otherwise."Kiri said with a smile.

"Yaoyorozu I hope you don't get discouraged by this result." Sho said.

"Our Creati will grow into a top class leader one day. All these plus ultra moments are oh so stimulating." Midnight said with a blush.

"They might have lost but Tokoyami got to use his new move and Yaoyorozu never stopped looking ahead throughout the match . It's obvious that everyone's improved there's no doubt about it !" Deku said with a smile.

"With every step these kids get closer to embodying what they want to be in the future." All Might said.

"We're striving to live up to those we admire . Heroes." Deku said.


"Second match Class B ends with a complete victory four nothing words can't describe how impressive this showing was!" Vlad yelled onto the intercom.

"This is getting seriously ridiculous!"Mina yelled.

"Seriously!"The others joined.

"I'm so proud of you!" Vlad yelled.

Class 1-A lost.

Team K won.

Nice try Yaoyorozu!

Great job Kendo !
Third person POV ~

Kendo, Kuroiro, Komori, and Fukidashi just won their match against Yaoyorozu's team and they gave it their all but in the end it wasn't enough they lost. Vlad King and Aizawa couldn't be prouder of their students they really all have improved since the sports fest and it shows.

The scores all tied up.

1 - 1

Class 1-A and Class 1-B are neck and neck now.

Up next is...

Shoto,Iida,Ojiro, and Shoji

Quirks ~ Half cold/Half Hot, Engine, Tail, and Dupli Arms


Hinonuki, Pony, Kaibara, and Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu

Quirks ~ Softening , Horn Cannon, Gyrate, and Steel

Who will win the third match of joint combat training Class 1-A or Class 1-B?

We'll just have to wait and see.

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