Rohan and Izumi's adventure (...

By SofiaChanco

141 0 0

These are story dialogues that I make that are constantly coming in my mind. A very light Rohan and Izumi rom... More

Lost Relative
The Greatest
Writer speaking:
Writer speaking:
Corrections: writer
Childhood: extra ending

Childhood: 2

7 0 0
By SofiaChanco

#5 Type of shouts to be written:


These are all read on how they are spelled.

True Story: Childhood 2

("True Story" is the title of the book Rohan and Izumi have a curse on. I want you to use your imagination as hard as you can to be able to picture in your mind on what is happening.)

11:19 pm

Rohan arrives back to his residence. As he went inside, he saw Reimi facing at the bookshelf. She was bleeding exceedingly, her back has a deep and long wound, her hands.. gone. She started screaming, just like back then. It portrayed pure pain and agony. She stomps her feet very hard to the ground, making an awful banging sound. Rohan was struck, he couldn't move. He was then grabbed on the mouth by someone behind him. It costed him to turn his head around, but sees nothing. Turns back to his bookshelf, nothing..!

Rohan: *heavy breathing*

Izumi rested a bit on her couch. After a while, she lifted up her head and saw her father. He was crawling, dragging himself only with the strength of his hands. His eyes were soaked with tears, non-stop vomiting of blood. And the sound of his voice as he vomits made Izumi feel very nauseous. His father crawled faster towards her like a spider. Izumi tried to get up, but couldn't because of her leg. As she screamed, her father was no longer there. And everything went back as if nothing happened...!

Izumi: *horrified tears, controls nauseousness*

Both were quite hesitant to go back to sleep, but couldn't control the tiredness of their minds and eyes. The two slept and dreamt weird (not in a good way) dreams. It felt like they were being pranked by crazy kids...

12:10 am

Rohan: *wakes up, gasps* ! *gets up* (Those.. what even are those?! What did they feed me?!)

Izumi: *wakes up, squeals, runs from bed* Eh?! *misses a step, falls on floor* Ouch!!!.. *get's up, gags, feels naucious*

Izumi: *knock knock* It's Izumi! *comes in Rohan's home*

Rohan: *looks from above, doesn't respond* ..?

Izumi: *looks around*(Sensei's not here!?) *breathing heavily*

Rohan: Oi, up here.

Izumi: Ah! Sensei!

Rohan: Are you ok? You look like you're being chased by someone.

Izumi: Well, I woke up this morning from a weird and terrible dream. I felt like somethings wrong with me, physically.

Rohan: *comes down* Hmph..

Izumi: ?

Rohan: You look fine as of now.

Izumi: But my head feels heavy..

Rohan: Huh, mine too..*drinks his glass of water, stops mid action*

Izumi: ...

Rohan: *faces glass in front of Izumi*

Both: *sees it* ?!

Both: *look into the mirror bathroom*

Izumi: NOOOO

Rohan: *cough*

Izumi: Sensei, why do we look like that!!???

Rohan: How am I supposed to know???

Izumi: Is it, because of,

Rohan: the dream we had?

Izumi: ! Did.. kid-like creatures feed you something too?

Rohan: Yeah. Did you happen to see what it was?

Izumi: I caught a glimpse of it, it must be an insect!

Rohan: What?

Izumi: It was moving, just like a spider. It had enough legs to make me think it was a spider!

Rohan: Is that so..? Then that means, the dreams we have are the same. And we don't have to open the book for dreams to affect us..

Izumi: It does seem to be like that. It's really dangerous..!

Rohan: Hm... We'll start again in the afternoon.

Izumi: ..Yes.


12:03 nn

-The two sit on the chairs near Rohan's desk. Rohan carefully opens the book to the latest page they were in. The page gained texts, containing the events that occurred in their first shared nightmare with the curse of the book "True Story". It showed every detail of their thoughts and actions inside the nightmare. As they looked at the latest events of their story, both started feeling sleepy, and couldn't control their tiredness...

Izumi: Sensei, I feel so sleepy all of a sudden..

Rohan: *slowly looks at Izumi*

Izumi: *starts to fall*

Rohan: *catches Izumi, sits on the ground*

Both: *falls asleep*

-The dream continues...

Both: *gets out of the water, gasps for oxygen*

4 year old Rohan: Were back..!

5 year old Izumi: *cough cough, opens eyes* ?

Rohan: *looks back*

-A school appeared right beside the shore they have just sprung up from. Without much thinking, they both entered into the school. They were suddenly dry and clothes were changed into uniforms, and the entrance led directly into a classroom. Rohan was a little irritated and both were uncomfortable in the atmosphere. It was old and unsanitary, looked like it hasn't been cleaned for years. Despite the condition, it's completely empty and is still being used. Rohan saw projects (paper mâché) on top of the shoe shelves, one of them caught his eye. It was pink all over. An alien-like voice commanded them to sit down in their seats, two seats were present just for the both of them. Rohan and Izumi made their young hearts firm and strong, as they approach their seats. They sat down...

Voice: Where have you two been?

Both: !!!

Voice: You both know that you're my only students in this class, and I know that it was lunch time. But I never thought that you would forget that I'm still here waiting for you two. I need an explanation immediately.

Both: ...

Voice: *intensely deep tone* ANSWER ME!

Rohan: *making up a story* W-we lost track of time, sensei!

Izumi: We are *inhales* truly sorry!

Voice: *returns to previous tone* If this happens one more time *intensely deep voice* You won't be seeing the real world again.. Understand?

Both: *inhales nervously* Yes, sensei!

-Rohan and Izumi felt fear down to their spine, for it was really hard for them to talk. They are both luckily forced by their instincts, they were "kids" just knowing that they should follow after all. One of the other reasons is that both were also afraid of the consequences. The teacher finally showed itself in front of it's students, which was skinny and small. It didn't match it's deep voice at all, Rohan wondered if the teacher could have another form than this. It could attack anytime, and the teacher's gender is really hard to tell, despite the uniform it's wearing. Izumi assumed it was a woman, due to the long eyelashes. But, it also had thick eyebrows.

Teacher: Izumi, stand up.

Izumi: ! *stands up*

Teacher: Some of the students in other classes told me that they saw you were smoking in the closet room.

Izumi: (Eh?!..) ...

Teacher: Answer.

Izumi: I- *looks at Rohan*

Rohan: *looks at Izumi nervously*

Izumi: I wasn't! I was with Rohan the *catches breath* whole time!

Teacher: Is that true Rohan?

Rohan: *immediately looks to the teacher* Yes!

Teacher: You can't lie to me Izumi. What happened to Kage? He lied. You know what happens next.

Rohan: (What happens next?!..)

Izumi: (I don't know!!) *small tears*

Teacher: The teachers are having a meeting including me. I will leave you two an activity to do. Draw an illustration of a character that comes to your mind. Either a character from a cartoon or anime, or your own. You have enough to complete your drawing. I'll be going now.

Both: *just look at the teacher*

Teacher: Are you not going to *voice slightly deepens* say something?!

Rohan: Good day, Marie-sensei!

Izumi: Good d-day, Marie-Sensei!

Teacher: Hmph. *looks at them with squinted eyes, closes the door*

Rohan: *controlling tears, looks at Izumi* ...

Rohan: *exhales, also wipes his tears* Why smoking? You're like 5.

Izumi: *shrugs* How did you know the name, Rohan-sensei??

Rohan: Didn't you see, the ID she was wearing?

Izumi: I guess I was too nervous to realize.

Rohan: *sees supplies from his desk, takes them out*

Izumi: *sees Rohan, also grabs supplies*

Rohan: Izumi-kun, what did teacher tell us to draw? A character?

Izumi: *nods* A character from a cartoon or your own character. You noticed Marie-sensei ID but you don't know what to draw?

Rohan: ! Sorry ok..! *looks away*

Izumi: *giggles, feels better*

-Izumi sits back down as they start to draw their chosen characters. Of course, Rohan drew Pink Dark Boy, being his original character. Izumi wanted to draw Pink Dark Boy too, but thinks that the teacher will see that she copied Rohan, so she just drew Sailor Moon instead. When they were almost done with their drawings, Marie-sensei's voice was heard from a radio. She told them that when they are finished with their work, they will go to the teacher's office, and put their work on her desk. The teacher's meeting was extended and they won't be able to return to their classrooms. After submitting their work, they are free...

Both: *walking through the hallway*

Girl: HEY!

Both: *looks toward the voice*

Girl: Hah, look at you two, you think that you're both cute?!

Both: ...

Girl: *comes closer, punches Izumi*

Izumi: *falls, grunts*

Rohan: H-

Girl: *puts finger on his lips*

Rohan: ?!

Girl: *creepy face* You're mine, and ONLY mine!

Rohan: *grunts while leaning back*

Girl: *brings Rohan with her in the girls bathroom*

Izumi: Rohan-sensei!

Rohan: *struggles to break free from girl* Izumi, don't come near!

Izumi: *stops going towards Rohan*

Rohan: Bring the drawings to Marie-sensei's desk!

Izumi: *picks up the drawings*

Boy: *stomps on Rohan's drawing* Hehe

Izumi: RAAA! *kicks his groin*


Izumi: *runs toward the teacher's office*

Rohan: Hey, why are you taking me here?!

Girl: *locks the door of bathroom*

Student: *locked in another pod* HEEEELP, HEELP!!

Rohan: *looks toward the voice* (Someone else is here?!)


Rohan: *looks at the girl*

Girl: *kisses Rohan*

Rohan: !!!! *grunts*

Student: HEEELP *cries* HEEEELP MEE!

Rohan: *struggles to let go, panicing* MMMMMMMM!

Girl: *let's go of Rohan*

Rohan: *coughs*

Girl: ...

Rohan: *coughs up a rat with blood*

Girl: *creepy smile*

Student: *cries louder*

Girl: I love you, Rohan~ *holds Rohan's chin*

Rohan: *breathing quickly while crying*

Girl: *kisses Rohan again*

Rohan: *grunts intensely, cries heavily*

Izumi: *running in the halls*

Boy: *pulls her skirt*

Izumi: *gasps, drops the drawings*

Boy: *grabs her hair* Who told you to pass here?



Izumi: OOOWW!! *cries*

Boy: *pulls harder* RAAAA

Izumi: AAAAA!!! *head bleeds, grabs ruler, hits the boy's eye*


Izumi: *holds her head, screams in pain* AAAAAAHAHAHAAA!!

Boy: *falls on the ground*

Izumi: *stands up, grunts, grabs the drawings, runs toward the teacher's office*

Izumi finally reaches the teacher's office, and placed the drawings on Teacher Marie's desk. She then heads back, but her head was really hurt. The right side of her face was full of blood, and despite the tears washing her right eye, for some reason, she wouldn't stop bleeding and continuous strong blood flow took her sight. Rohan was butchered to the core, being tortured with a poisonous kiss of a toxic little girl. Rohan was left unconscious for quite a while now, left alone in a toilet pod. He experienced extreme blood loss, as to how much the girl expressed her love to him. The other student in another pod was horrified of the screams and vomits that Rohan had gone through, after hearing them left him in deep sadness and fear.

Izumi: *holding the ruler from before, head's back to Rohan*

Rohan: ...

Izumi: *passes by the boy who's still on the ground, goes in the girl's bathroom* Rohan-sensei! *crying*

Student: HELLLPPP!!!!

Izumi: !? Rohan-sensei! Is that you?


Izumi: *approaches the voice* Who are you??

Student: *crying*

Izumi: *open's pod* ?!

-The student's eye was popped out by the same girl, she did it out of anger, and not any love poison...

Izumi: *squeals*

Rohan: *grunts*

Izumi: *looks toward the sound* ?!

Student: DON'T GOOOO!

Izumi: *two big breaths, wipes tears* W-wait *catches breath* here. *runs toward the sound*

Student: ! *calms down* (No way..!)

Izumi: Rohan-sensei!!! *knocks several times*

Rohan: *grunts more*

Izumi: *opens pod*

Rohan: *crying quietly in pain*

Izumi: Sensei... *covers mouth, cries*

Rohan's eyes are completely red, he had missing teeth, he couldn't move one bit...

Izumi: Sensei...?

Rohan: *grunts*

Izumi: *holds his head, cries quietly*

Student: *looks from behind*

Izumi: (He's still alive! We have to get out of here!) *drags Rohan out*

Student: *helps Izumi*


Izumi & Student: ?! *drags Rohan faster*

Girl: *runs after the two, jumps to Izumi*

Rohan: *raspy voice* Hea-ven's.. Door..

Girl: *whole body turns into pages* WHA?! *falls on top of Rohan*

Izumi & Student: *gasp*

Rohan: Write.. *faints*

Iz & Stu: ...

Izumi: *looks for something* Uh..

Student: ?

Izumi: Do you have a pen orrr anything?

Student: *shakes head (no)*

Izumi: *sees how much blood is pouring down his eye socket, reaches out to his eye socket*

Student: *gasps, doesn't move*

Izumi: *writes*

"I can't move" -

Girl: *returns into body form*

Iz & Stu: *alert*

Girl: *doesn't move*

Iz & Stu: *continues dragging Rohan*

Student: *sees the exit, raspy voice* There!

Izumi: !!! *wipes out tears, looks again*


Iz & Stu: *stops*

Teacher Marie: PLEASE SPARE ME!!!

Izumi: That's-

Student: Marie-sensei!!! *let's go of Rohan's hand*

Izumi: HEY, WAIT!

Student: SENSEI!!!

Teacher Marie: *looks at student* KAGE?! (You're still alive?!)


Other teachers: *disturbing roar*

Izumi: ?!

Boy: *steps on Rohan's hand*

Izumi: *gasp*

Boy: *breaks his hand*

Izumi: !! *kicks his groin*

Boy: *drops*

Izumi: STOP IT!!! *eyes glowing*

Boy: *struck with fear*

Izumi: *sees visible fear in him* ...

Teacher Marie: RUN KAGE *stands up*

Student & Marie: *runs toward the exit*

Izumi: *struggles to drag Rohan, cries, feels worried* Im so sorry! *sob* Rohan-senseeei!

Teacher Marie: *carries Rohan*

Izumi: ?!

Teacher Marie: LET'S GET OUT OF HERE!

Other teachers: *morph together, disturbing roar*

All four of them: *reaches the exit, falls into the foggy water*

Izumi: *embraces Rohan*

Teacher Marie: *embraces all three of them*

Izumi: *wakes up, realizes she's embracing Rohan* Ah-! *let's go of him*

Rohan: *grunts*

Izumi: Rohan-sensei.. A- *head hurts* Ow! *holds her head*

Rohan: I- *spits blood while lying down* (Ouch..!)

Izumi: Sensei!!! *get's a wet towel, wipes of blood from his face* Sensei, I think you shouldn't speak for a while. *helps him sit up*

Rohan: *feels extremely tired*

Izumi: (I wonder what happened to Marie-sensei and the child. Rohan-sensei feels very hot, I need to cool him down.) *get's stuff to cool Rohan down* (How long will this last..?)

Rohan continued to be curious on why he didn't see Reimi as he rests...


I recently read my 1st chapter thinking that i forgot something. I forgot to change the fact that Izumi actually lives alone and doesn't live her parents or anything. I hope that you can forgive me with my mistakes :). The child in the photo is Issei Takahashi, the actor of live-action Rohan Kishibe.

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