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#7 Type of shouts to be written:


These are all read on how they are spelled

True Story: Beast

("True Story" is the title of the book Rohan and Izumi have a curse on)

The next day: 9:42 am

Rohan: *looks through the wide window*

Izumi: *knock knock* It's Izumi~ *comes in*

Rohan: *sits on the side of the window*

Izumi: *opens door to Rohan's study* Sensei, I just saw something weird on my way here! I saw something that I saw in the dreams we've had before-

Rohan: Izumi-kun, it's bright in the morning, just tell me later.

Izumi: Oh, ok. *sits and places stuff down*

Rohan: .. What's your animal zodiac?

Izumi: Ummmm, if I remember well, I think it was an "ox". Wait let me search.

Rohan: *waits for Izumi*

Izumi: Mm, yeah, "ox"~

Rohan: *goes to grab and write on his notebook* (Ox.. that works..) *"something related to his work"*

Izumi: Are you going to put that in your manga?

Rohan: As you can see, *faces notebook at Izumi* yes.

Izumi: Ooh~ *nods*

Rohan: How did you sleep?

Izumi: It was great! I slept like a baby! I didn't even have a dream!

Rohan: You didn't dream?

Izumi: I didn't! It kinda felt weird, but I was relaxed regardless~

Rohan: *continues writing in his notes*

Izumi helped Rohan with his manga as usual. She asked what his animal zodiac is, it was "goat". Her thinking it was funny, Rohan wasn't really bothered by it. Instead he explained that no matter what his animal zodiac is, it will never match to his actual personality. Izumi agreed, but still though it was funny...

3:00 pm

Izumi: I can't believe you ate all the cakes that I bought, Sensei!

Rohan: I told you this isn't your cafe!

Izumi: I know that! But you could at least give my cakes back :(

Rohan: Hah..! *looks at Izumi*

Izumi: :(..

Both: *looks at each other... for 7 secs*

Izumi: Uh..

Rohan: *writes on his notes*

Izumi: ??? Eh, is there something on me?

Rohan: Nothing much. Why does my left hand hurt?

Izumi: Uh, I don- The boy in the dream, I was so mad at his when he broke you hand, I kicked him in the groin..!

Rohan: The student?

Izumi: No no the other one.

Rohan: Ahh, him.. *looks at the book* (To think that a book looking like that, can affect your life.. Mentally.. and physically)

-*book opens and closes aggressively*-

Both: !..

-*book falls over, weakly closes and opens*-

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