All I've ever wanted... Yande...

By V33M0rningstar

6.5K 194 90

Watch as Error becomes more and more insane as he tries to get the person he loves to love him.. More



391 13 15
By V33M0rningstar

Blue's pov...

White..that was all I saw when I first opened my eyes. "H-huh...?" I tried getting up but I couldn't I look down to see myself wrapped in eyes widened as I struggled. "H-huh?! H-help!!!"

I hear the sound of string pulling and straining as Error came down in front of me on a makeshift swing made of his own blue strings. He smiled brightly and he seemed quiet happy. "Good morning sleepy head!" He says. I hesitated for a moment "G-good morning.." I say softly.

Error hums as he just stared at me, he was just kinda lowkey swinging on his makeshift string swing. I felt very uncomfortable as a squirm and back up a little bit "U-um.. M-may you untie me please..?" I ask as i wiggle my wrists. Error sighs "I can't. I need to know for sure that i can trust you." He says. I tilt my head down "O-oh.. ok.." I say softly.

It was silent for a moment before i heard a foot step. I look up to see Error getting closer in a calm manor. He kneels down in front of me and lifts my chin up as he looks into my eyes. "Hey.. It's ok. We'll get there soon ok?" He says sweetly. I couldn't help but How was he so much sweeter than Ink and Dream? Yet they warned me so heavily of Error. I didn't understand. But i just leaned into the moment and smiled.

Error leaned in and kissed me, that made me uncomfortable. I backed up a bit and squirmed nervously. I could tell he was saddened and angered at the same time. "I'm sorry i just-" I start "No i get it. You don't wanna touch me." He says angrily. I felt a rush of panic and guilt. "N-no that's not-" "FINE!!" Error interrupts me "Wait!!" I say quickly but he teleported away. I felt a huge amount guilt. Was that my fault? Was i overreacting? I wasn't sure..

Errors pov..

I grumbled as I roamed around in dare he! I save him from Ink and Dream and he panics when I touch him! Am I not that good enough? no Confidence Error! If Blue doesn't like it well he'll have to get used to it!

I sigh softly as I teleported to an abandoned au it was an au Ink used to test out his creative abilities I just use it as a place to relax i huff as it use my strings to make another swing as I swung back and forth I was stuck in thought before a portal opened it was all colorful and suddenly


My jaw almost dropped to the floor as that stupid idiot Fresh suddenly popped up infront of me. "Hey Brah! I was wondering if you had something to do with the Star Sanses disappearance cause that'd be mad unrad!!" He said keeping his smile. "No why the *rad* would I make those dumb *rad* holes disappear they're so *rad* stupid STOP FRICKING CENSORING ME!!!" I glitches angrily as he kept laughing. "Aw man! Alright I believe you! Just dont cause trouble!!" He smiled before he disappeared again...

I groan as I lay down and look at the sky the Anti void is no place for a family..maybe I should consider moving Blue here when we try to have kids..hehe yeah this would be a good idea.. I sighed again before shutting my eyes falling into a deep sleep...

Some time later...

I awoke it was night now. "Shit! Blueberry!!" I opened a portal to the Anti void running in to see a horrific sight Dream grabbing Blue's hand when Dream saw me he shoved Blue through the portal before disappearing. "NO!!!!" I cried out I knew it I knew he'd come why!? WHY would I show mercy?!! I should have crushed his soul but i didn't because Blue didn't want that...I know that was his plan! His plan to pretend to hate Dream make me show my bad side so he could prove a point! I'm sorry my Blueberry but it's time to give you a punishment... I laughed loudly before I opened a portal to go search for him...

Blue's pov..

As Dream arrived i felt a rush of panic. No. No no no!! He can't be here! He can't! I don't wanna go back!! I think but there was nothing i could do. I was tied up and i couldn't run. I didn't know what i wanted to do with Error but i DEFINITELY didn't wanna go back to Dream and Ink!

As i was shoved through the portal i tripped and fell into Ink's arms, who caught me. I heard the portal close behind Dream and i tried to get out of Ink's arms. "Shhh it's ok. You're safe now." Dream says comfortingly as he hugs me. Ink smiled and joined the hug. "N-no please-" I start but they don't pay any mind to me. "Oh! Did he tie you up? That cretin!! He has no clue how to take care of a child." Ink says as he shakes his head and clicks his tongue as he untied me.

"There! Come on dear let's get you cleaned up." Ink says as he pats my head lovingly. Ink picks me up and takes me to the bathroom. "No stop!! Please! I'm not a child!! I'm not your child!!" I shout as i squirm and struggle. "Blueberry hun stop squirming you're gonna hurt yourself!" Dream says but i didn't care. I just wanted out of their grip.

Ink sighed softly as his grip suddenly got really tight like iron, I whimper from the small pain he gave me. I tried struggling but I just couldn't then my eyes began to tear up. "P-please..I-I don't wanna be here.." I said and Dream just wiped my tears away.

Ink filled up the bath with some warm water once it was filled he set me down still holding my "Alright can I trust you to take off your clothes and not run?" He asked me and I nodded softly as he let me go I crossed my arms slightly as their eyes never left me. "I-I don't feel comfortable with you staring at me..may you leave so I can bathe myself?" I asked

Dream smiled softly. "Unfortunately we can't there's a window up there big enough for you to fit through.." Dream said and I whimpered softly. "Please I'm uncomfortable.." I mumbled but after seeing that they wouldn't budge I slowly began to take off my clothes tears messing up my vision once I was undressed I quickly went into the water so they couldn't see my body.

Dream sighed happily before he looked at Ink. "Hey dear may you go prepare our defenses? Error will try to kidnap Blue again.." He asked and Ink nodded before leaving me and Dream were alone. "Dream I wanna go home and see my brother.." I whimpered but he didn't listen as he began to wash me up.

"You're lucky I saved you Blue..who knows what he could have done..don't worry though mama Dream is here.." He cooed i just sat there letting him wash me as I shut my eyes sighing in content.

Eventually it was over and I got out and I dried off and got some pajamas on. "Since you've been good I will let you sleep in your own room.." Dream purred softly and I nodded as I went to go in my room but he stopped me. "Not that room silly!" Dream says as he chuckles. "Huh? What room do i have to go in then..?" I ask softly

"Hmm, come along!" Ink says as he grabs Blue's hand softly and brings him to a door in the kitchen. As he opened it i looked down the long dark stairs and backed away as i shook my head nervously. "Th-the basement?! N-no it's scary down there!!" I shout as i try to run but Dream catches me into a hug, lifting me up and holding me like a kid. "Hey, hey, shhh.. It's ok Blue. There's nothing scary down there i promise! There's a nice warm bed and even a TV!" Dream says soothingly I hesitate and look at the door "W-what if I need to use the bathroom?" I asked and Dream smiled more. "The door will be unlocked I mean what are you gonna do? Open a portal or teleport away.." Dream chuckled softly and I looked away in embarrassment he was teasing how weak I was compared to them.

Dream set me down and I walked to the door if he was gonna tell the truth that means I can just escape and hide in a place where them and Error wouldn't find me! I opened the door before going downstairs he wasn't lying the basement was warm with a light it had a TV and a nice queen sized bed with covers made from a material I've never seen before! I laid down and let out a huff as I began to wonder why this is happening to me? I didn't do anything to anger the gods of the universes did I? If so I hope he/she gives me mercy. I then shut my eyes hoping I wouldn't fall asleep the entire night..

Time skip..

I wake up and rub my eyes I get off the bed and walk upstairs and open the basement door it was still night and the microwave clock said 2:30am I then began to sneak over to the front door and I quietly unlock all of the locks before opening the door cringing at the small creaks it made before I ran...I ran and ran with no intention of stopping I then feel a positive aura Dream was near by oh no no him! He was unpredictable who knows what he could do to me once he gets his hands on me just then I trip but before I could hit the floor I was grabbed by Dream. "N-no! Let go!!" I cry out but his grip gets tighter. "You think you're smart berry?! You can't escape us!!" He hissed as he grabs my bandanna by the tie and begins dragging me back to their house. I struggled but of course it was no use. He walks into the home and towards the basement Dreams grip still very tight. "P-please I'm sor-" "I don't want to hear it.." He hissed.

Ink yawned tiredly as he walked out of their room. "He tried to escape didn't he?" "Yep." Dream says angrily. Ink sighs "Alright.. I'll help you in a bit, give me 15 minutes." Ink murmurs sleepily. Dream just nodded then he suddenly threw me down into the basement. I shrieked in pain as i just tumbled down after finally landing hard on the concrete floor and sliding a bit. "O-oww.." I say softly as i hold my head. I look down to see blood and i gasp. I look up to see Dream looming above me and before i could react he grabs me by the throat and lifts me off the ground. "N-no-!!" I shriek in fear as i kick my feet and struggle, grabbing onto Dream's arms with both hands.

I then look around. It was dark and felt cold.. Much more different from earlier.. It didn't feel comforting anymore and felt exactly like what most basements feel like. My gaze finally lands back on Dream who was ominously watching me. "That light and warm comforting feeling you got from this basement was only a façade. Only a day dream type thing. We knew you'd most likely escape but i wanted to give you a chance, i wanted to see if we could trust you." Dream explains, then his grip suddenly got tighter. "But i was sorely mistaken."

I don't know what to do out of desperation I kick him in his lower area he hissed and let me go bending down as I kicked him in the face I then ran up the stairs opening the door to freedom..*WHACK* Inks paint brush hit me in the face..I fell down the stairs again groaning as I hit the floor my vision blurry as I saw more blood drip on the floor I look up to see Dreams evil smirk before it all went black...


I awoke with a headache half my head was covered in bandages I tried to move but I couldn't move anything but my head I look around. I'm in Dreams room he was using his sleep paralysis magic on me just then the door opened and Dream walked through with a table of tools and bloody saws my breathing quickens. "Hey've been out for the entire day! It's nighttime now ever since I killed my brother I've had to balance Negative energy and positive energy.." He sighed softly. "Very listen my darling..I'm going to release you from your paralysis and I'm going to correct you, you will scream Very very loudly then me and you will cuddle till Ink comes back from creating aus!" He says with a bright smile then releases me from my paralysis.

I look at Dream, completely horrified. "Wh-what...?! N-no- P-please o-oh god no please Dream!!" I cry out as i start to back away. Before i fell off the bed he teleported and caught me. "Hmm, maybe my bed isn't the best place to do it.. It'd be a pain to get the blood out of the mattress." He says as he looks down at me, he had a completely different aura, as if whenever he killed Nightmare that negative energy went to Dream. I was honestly too scared to say anything, all i could do was watch in horror and dismay. He didn't respond as he teleport with me and his torture tools to the basement. It felt even more dark and gloomy and fear inducing than before..

Dream smiled as he plopped me down onto the floor "Hmm, should i chain you up? Or would it be more devastating for you to keep you still?" He asks, mostly to himself. "D-Dream i-i wanna go to sleep with you p-please..." I say quietly, hoping maybe i could get myself out of it. "Aww we can cuddle and sleep afterwards~!" Dream says as he smiles sweetly, but in the context of what he planned to do with me it terrified me. I tried to back away but he stepped on my leg "Ah ah ah~ No escaping~" He says as he hums calmly. I squirm nervously as i look at what he grabs.

After what felt like forever of long and painful moments, he grabbed a small tool. It didn't look menacing. But Dream kneeled down and held me down, smiling as he softly pushed me down to lay down. "Wh-what are you.." I start but he puts his finger over my lips. "Shh~" He says. Then he pulls my arm out beside me and he puts both knees on either sides of my arms. I watch in horror as i hear a whirring sound, then moments later pain just shot through my body from my arm. I scream as the pain continued, i struggled as much as i could but Dream didn't budge. It felt like those sanding tools that dentists use on teeth.. And it hurt so so bad.. I kept screaming and screaming and eventually he was done. He then got off, staring down at me with an eerie smirk. I look at the tool he had, it was covered in blood. I then look at my arm. On my arm, was carved 'Dream and Ink <3'. It was bleeding badly at there was blood splattered all over the ground.

I was crying as I felt spots appear in my vision as he grabbed me and picked me up. "Hey its done now! You're okay cmon lets go lay down!" He said giving a happy smile. "Hghh.." I tried to say but I couldn't it all came out as a groan and mumble he then walks upstairs and he sits on the couch with me as we watched TV before I went to sleep...

Dreams pov...

I watched as Blue fell asleep assuming from his wound poor baby if he didn't try to escape this wouldn't happen! But now he knows who owns him! My smile increases when Ink walked inside. "Hey Inky!!" I purred and move Blue to the other couch as I kissed him. "So I see he got his punishment~ I'm very happy you got the courage to punish him!" He said and I purred. "Thanks dear!" I said and he sat next to me. "His rooms all done windows removed and it was all pillowed up just in case you know..he tries anything.." I say and He nods as we kissed again before we went to Blue cuddling him close before we shut our eyes..

Man! This chapter was a cluster fuck! Hope you enjoy!

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