I'll Be With You (Barry Allen...

By hikari46

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A girl named Diana Greyson, she's the best friend of Caitlin and Cisco. She's also the niece of Dr. Wells, wh... More

Characters of the Story
Chapter 1 Awaken From Coma
Chapter 2 Clyde Mardon And Kidnapping
Chapter 3 Cause And Effect
Chapter 4 Busted
Chapter 5 Death Anniversary And First Clue
Chapter 6 Second Clue
Chapter 7 The Mist and Amethyst
Chapter 9 Unexpected Visitor and Deity
Chapter 10 Gem And God Mother
Chapter 11 The Bully Is Back
Chapter 12 Spending Time With Iris West And Amethyst
Chapter 13 We Need Amethyst
Chapter 14 Sleeping Beauty and Mysterious Person
Chapter 15 The Arrow Is Here
Chapter 16 Arrow and Deity Vs. Flash
Chapter 17 History of Gem
Chapter 18 The Flash Is Here
Chapter 19 Ambushed
Chapter 20 Buying Christmas Gift
Chapter 21 Christmas Party
Chapter 22 He's Here
Chapter 23 Ronnie
Chapter 24 Visiting Barry's Dad And Niece
Chapter 25 Kidnapped And Moving In
Chapter 26 He's Back
Chapter 27 Old Friend
Chapter 28 U.S.B And Roberto Serkis
Chapter 29 Drunk
Chapter 30 Using and Mysterious Guy
Chapter 31 Hold Off
Chapter 32 My Life is Incomplete Without You

Chapter 8 Ballroom

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By hikari46

*Diana P.O.V*

I wake up by my phone started to ring. when I looked at the caller, it was Felicity

"hello?" in a tired tone

"I guess your tired, sorry" she laugh nervously

"yeah, and what's up?" I covered my mouth to prevent yawn

"nothing. just, asking how you were doing" she chuckled

"fine and tired, Felicity do you know that I wanted to have a good night sleep" I rub my eyes

"it's 9:30 in the morning" in a blunt tone

"that doesn't change the fact I have a night shift" in a blunt tone

"sorry" in a guilty tone "do you have a free time tomorrow?"she asked

"can't.. one of my co-workers told me that were going to have an event" I stand up and yawn

"what kind of event?"she asked

"don't know and I was about to ask them later" I scratch my head

"okay, I'll talk to you later. bye, Diana" we end up our conversation

I lay down and trying to sleep until my phone vibrates again. I groaned and accept it

"I know you love me, but please let me get some sleep" I groaned

I hear the person chuckled while I closed my eyes

"I love you too, Dee. but we need you" it was Caitlin voice

"I'm tired and the number you are calling is sleeping at the moment. please try your call again later" I end up the call and turn it off

I sleep and hug my pillows. these people need to know that I work at night time

*Barry P.O.V*

Caitlin frowned and looked at me

"you need to get, Diana" in a serious tone

uncle said "she's tired and Maria is working at night time. let her sleep" in a serious tone

Cisco said "don't forget the Captain Clone moment" in a blunt tone

"I remember that she have a high fever and admit to hospital quickly" I told them

Caitlin sigh and looked at us

"sorry, is just that Dee is alone. I mean we don't know what will happened to her" she told us

if only you knew, Diana secrets. she is a strong girl and not to mention a bit scary, I thought of myself

Cisco said "do you have the spare, key?" he asked Caitlin

"I do, why?" she asked

"I'll go on her house to see what's Diana, doing" in a blunt tone

"why don't I go to her house?" I asked them

Dr. Wells said "no" in a stern tone "Caitlin should go to Maria's house" glaring at me and Cisco

Cisco and I gulped. he can be an over protective when it comes to Diana

Caitlin said "Barry should do it, I mean he can protect Dee unless you make her angry?" glaring at me

"no, I didn't do anything to make Diana mad" I told them while raising my hands like surrender "we are in good terms"

Dr. Wells sigh and looked at me sternly as I gulp

"take care of her, if I heard that something wrong on Maria. Mr. Allen, you'll be punish" in a stern tone while he glared at me

"I'll take care of her" I grab the key and go

~Diana's Condominium~

I went inside and it's 5:30 in the afternoon. I looked at her place

wow, I didn't expect that her place is neat and clean unlike mine. I stopped and looked at the picture. it was Diana when she was a kid. that must be her parents.

I went inside Diana's bed room and see that she's sleeping peacefully while hugging the pillow. I guess having a night shift could make you feel tired.

I see that someone called Diana's phone and it was silent without vibration. the caller is Dr. Garcia, that must be one of co-worker of Diana. I pick up the call

"hello, Dr. Garcia? it's me Barry Allen" I told him through phone

"Allen? why did you have Dr. Greyson's phone?" in a confused tone

"well.. I'm at Diana's house and she's sleeping peacefully" hopefully he didn't misunderstand

"are you two do it?" in a serious tone

"no, no, no" I shook my head "her uncle told me that to watch Diana how she's doing and he gave me her duplicate keys" I defend myself

"oh, that's good" he sigh in relief "could you please tell Dr. Greyson that she has no work today and tomorrow" he told me

"why?" I asked

"tomorrow we will have a ballroom and not all of us could attend because the head of the hospital select few doctors" he explained

"ballroom?" in a confused tone "since when did they have like that?" I asked

"to be honest? the head is like this especially when one of our co-workers are singles. the head said and I quote maybe if they have a right partner. both of them will be together" he sigh "I even ask my wife to be my partner for the dance" told me

"your head of the hospital is weird, no offense" I told him

"none taken, Allen. anyway, I'm going to have a dinner with my family and please take care of Dr. Greyson" he told me

"sure, I will" I end up the call

I poke Diana's cheek and surprised that her cheek is soft like a marshmallow

"hey, Diana wake up" I wake her by poke

"mmhm" she hold my hands while sleeping

"Diana, wake up. you should eat dinner" I poke her cheek using my other hand

Diana opened her eyes and looked at me tiredly

"Barry?" in a tired tone

"hey" I stroke her smooth hair

"how did you get in my place?" she rub her eyes

"Caitlin give me the key because they are super worried about you and Dr. Garcia called you" tell her

"what did Dr. Garcia say?" she stand up and yawn by covering her mouth

"you have a day off today and tomorrow you will have a ballroom" in a blunt tone

"Dr. Ochea did told me on the text about the ballroom thing and I decided not to show up on that event" she wear the eyeglass

"why?" I asked

"I don't want to dance anyone" in a blunt tone

"you have to go, besides. they invite you to the ballroom and who knows maybe it'll be wonderful event" I plead on her

"no" she glared at me "I'm not going and the boys will hit on me.. maybe I'll ask Cisco to be my partner" she nod herself

"why Cisco?" not me

"he used to be my partner back in High School before I transfer and you know him. he could be over protective on me" she shrugged

"can I be your partner instead of Cisco?" I speak as Diana blink at me

"I can't.... you have work" she shook her head slightly

"hey" I hold her chin to face me "you help me capture The Mist and how you manage to act it out your not Amethyst instead your you"

she lay her head on my chest as I hug her

"still.. it's hard to act it out and how you make another illusion so that no one will noticed that Amethyst and I are one" she told me

"you did a great job" I pat her head

"thanks, can I sleep another few minutes?" she asked

"sure, I'll stay here and make sure your safe" in a reassuring tone

I stroke her hair until Diana sleep

*Iris P.O.V*

I was working until Diana and Barry came as they sit on the table. I approach them

"hey, Barry and M" I greet those two

"hey, Iris" Barry greet me

"hello, Iris. how's your work?" M asked me

"it's fine. are you two dating?" I asked those two

Barry blushed as M shook her head both sides slightly

M said "we're not, can I have the usual?" she asked me politely

"sure and that goes for you, Barry?" I asked him

Barry said "ye-yeah. can I leave you two for a moment, someone called me" he left

M said "Iris, Barry fall in love someone else and I'm no match for that girl" she told me out of the blue

I looked at her surprised. I know that Barry likes M, he even asked me what M's likes or dislikes! what is Barry thinking!?

"who is she you referred to M?" I asked her

"can't say and believed me. I'm done with the pain and I already have a huge scar on my chest" in a sad tone

"you can't give up on Barry" I told her "besides, he is the sweetest guy you ever met, M"

M told me she already have a huge feelings for Barry and Barry told me he has a feelings for M!

"Iris... just.. stop, okay? I'm done and all I ever do is focus on my career as the doctor and nothing else" she end the discussion "I have to go" she stand up and grab her bag

"what about Barry?" I asked her

"tell Barry that I have to go and got a lot of things to do" she leave

I guess, M is already had enough for the pain and the huge scar on her heart can never be healed

*Diana P.O.V*

I'm already at the Ballroom as Dr. Ochea approach me and hug me gently then let go

"hey, I'm glad you made it" she smiled at me "you should not wear glasses everyday and not tying your hair into bun" she chuckled

I wear contacts and letting my hair down

"thanks for the compliment, Dr. Ochea and who's your partner?" I asked her

"my fiancee and yours?" she asked me

"none" I shrugged "Cisco is busy and that goes for Barry" I can't let her know about The Streak

"how is Cisco anyway?" she asked me

"Cisco is fine and as usual can be over protective when it comes to me" I told her

she chuckled. Dr. Ochea, Cisco and I are used to be classmate before back in High School before I transfer to South Korea

"I have a table for us, three and your going to meet my fiancee" she told me

Dr. Ochea and I went to the table as I gasped to see that person

"David?" I asked him

"Maria?" he asked me

"O.M.G I-I-I didn't know your Dr. Ochea's fiancee" I hug him

"Sarah always mention Dr. Greyson and didn't told me what your first name is" we pull away each other

Dr. Ochea said "you two know each other?" in a surprised tone

"yeah, we used to be classmate back in College" David explained "I didn't expect that you two will be closed friends" he kissed her on the cheek

"ditto, it's called faith" she smiled "did you know that the head director choosed you to be the MC of this event?" she asked me

"no, I didn't" I looked at her surprised "I didn't even make a-" I was being cut off by someone voice

"Dr. Greyson" I winced it was Head Director "your here"

I turned around and give him a nervous smile

"director, Dr. Ochea told me that you assign me to the MC of this event. yet, I didn't make any speech" I told him

Head Director said "don't worry" he pat my back "I already make the speech and all you have to do is read it"

I read his mind 'everyone is voting that Dr. Greyson will be the MC and I have no choice but to choose her' I sigh mentally

I hate them very much for choosing me instead of them

"I'll accept it" I told him

he gave it to me and leaving us three alone

David said "you will be fine, Maria" he pat my head

Dr. Ochea said "we are here, especially Dr. Garcia" smiling at me

I sigh and placed my hair behind my ear

"it was Director orders" I told them "so when are you going to get married?" I asked them

David placed his arms around Dr. Ochea's shoulder to pull her closed

"next month and Dr. Ochea wanted you to be the maid of honor" he told me

"I would love to" I answered with a smile on their faces

"Dee?" when I turned around it was Cisco

"Cisco?" I looked at him surprised "what are you doing here?" I asked him

Dr. Ochea said "we leave you two alone and midget, it's nice to see you again" she smirked

Cisco glared at Dr. Ochea as both of them leave

Cisco said "I can't believe she's taller than me" he sigh

"at least she is nerd like us" I told him "you didn't answer my question" in a serious tone

"well" he laugh nervously "Barry told me and I took his placed you already know"

"of course I know" in a low tone "did uncle accept it that you'll be with me?" I asked him

"yeah and what's wrong?" in a worried tone

"nothing. just stressed since the head of the director choose me as the MC of this event" I sigh

"you'll be fine and I'll cheer it for you" he smiled at me

"thank you, Cisco" I looked at the watch "I have to go on the stage" I kissed him on the cheek and leave

*Cisco P.O.V*

Barry already arrived as Dee already started her speech

"your late" I told him

"sorry, Cisco" he told me

"care to tell me why Dee is stressed?" I asked him

"Iris told me that Diana is already had enough of pain and the scar of her heart will never be healed" in a sad tone

Dee already lost her parents, Ronnie and she used to be bullied by them before. that's why she's been distant from us 

"changed her mind, Barry" in a serious tone as he looked at me surprised "Dee wanted someone and that is you. she can be stubborn person but, Dee have a right to fall in love someone" I smiled at him

it will be cute if Barry + Maria = Marry are together

*Diana P.O.V*

after being the MC, someone poke my shoulder when I turned around it was Barry

"Barry?" I looked at him surprised

"you look beautiful today" he told me

I blushed and look away

"thanks" in a low tone

"can I have a dance with you" he hold my arms

"okay" I smiled at him

we danced gracefully as Barry looked at me happily

"the way you stared at me, your creepy me out" I told him

"sorry" he laugh nervously "I never danced someone before"

"here I thought you danced with Iris before" I told him

"no, I didn't" he pull me closed "it's my first time to dance with you"

I smiled and noticed that Cisco is taking a picture of me and Barry

"really?" I looked at him suspiciously

"read my mind" he told me

I read his mind 'it's my first time to dance someone and hoping that nothing bad is going to happened' I stopped

"didn't expect to read it" I smiled

"so.. the day after tomorrow, there is a trivia at Jitters. I was wondering, if I could ask you out on a date?" he asked me nervously

I smiled at him and kiss him on the side on his lips

"I would love too, Barry" I whispered at his ear

he spin me and lower at me a little

"you will never going to be disappointed at me, Diana" he smiled at me

Barry already did move on, I really hope he didn't regret on asking me on a date

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