Tower Of Mistakes

By Spottedfire-Windclan

6.4K 332 180

*~* SEQUEL TO HERE COMES A THOUGHT *~* It's been two years since Tord moved back to England and disbanded the... More

Just An Eddsworld Morning
New Shop
Bearers Of Bad News
Bad News To Worse News
Pack Up And Shipped Off
The Underground Red Army
Like An Anime, It's A Filler
Moving Through the Monster's Lair
Red Leader
It's Over, isn't it?
The Boys Are Back In Town
A Medd-ing Rampage
All Comes Crashing Down
Rise of Power
Tormedd-ing the Beast


85 4 0
By Spottedfire-Windclan

It was dark, why was it so dark and quiet. Well, almost quiet, he swears he can hear a faint beeping.

But, it sounds so far away.

Tord tries to move, to look for a way out of the dark, but he couldn't move. It was like he's frozen in place, he struggles, trying to fight his body to move, to escape the darkness.

It doesn't work, he's stuck.

Tord feels his breathing pick up, what's going on, where is he?! As his breathing picks up, the strange beeping in the distance seems to speed up too.

"Heart....increasing....going....arrest.....the.....cart." came a voice.

Tord pauses, was that a voice, it sounds familiar.

He tries to turn his head, feeling it strain as he slowly, and stiffly moves it to the side.

Where was that voice coming from.

The beeping sound is now a loud and annoying siren, hurting the devil haired man's ears.

"Not...we must....awake." came the voice again.

Tord tries to open his mouth, to call for help, when a sharp pain courses through his chest. Tord's eyes widen, mouth open in a silent scream of pain.

What was happening, why was this happening?!

The pain soon fades and Tord finds himself crashing to the ground, gasping for air as tears run down his cheeks.

The beeping returns, no longer a siren, with those voices now a mere whisper.

Tord closes his eyes, sniffling as he recovers from the shock.

Was this a nightmare, if so, why does it feel so real, and why can't he wake up?

Tord opens his eyes again, seeing the darkness and feeling so alone. Why was he here, and why does it feel like he's forgotten something?


Tom stares in shock as he watches Mel and Sal use the crash cart on his boyfriend.

He can hear crying beside him, knowing that Edd was scared with Matt no doubt trying to calm the brunette down. But the eyeless man was more concerned with his boyfriend who was getting shocked back to life.

Everything had happened so fast, with the Red Army Base collapsing and crushing Tord under heavy debris. They'd been teleported back before anymore fell but Tord had been badly hurt.

Half his face was torn up with his eye damaged and they even had to amputate his arm because it was so bad.

That was a week ago, and still Tord refused to wake up, and just when he seemed to be doing better, his heart rate increased and then went into cardiac arrest.

'A heart attack, we've faced zombies, Hell, a hockey mask wearing freak, our asshole neighbors and he almost dies to a heart attack.' thought Tom.

It was too normal for them, and something Tord would be embarrassed by. But he wasn't here, he was in the room, dying.

He presses his head against the window, his tail moving slowly as he waits.

That's all he can do is wait. There no monster to fight, no one to flip off for dumbass words, it was a coma and Tom couldn't fight that. Waiting was all he could do.

The beeping of the heart monitor returns and he lifts his head to see the two scientists nodding to each other.

This allowed Tom to breathe a sigh of relief. Tord was okay, least for the time being.

The two walk back out, facing the three before sighing.

"He's okay now, but still no change." said Mel.

"Seriously, it's been a week, how much longer till he wakes up?" asked Tom.

Sal looks to his partner before regarding the corrupted man.

"He took a lot of heavy damage due to the building collapsing, not to mention he has mental trauma, it could be awhile." said Sal.

Tom's hands grip into tight fists and he walks away, slamming his fist into a wall to create a giant hole. Sal jumps, hiding behind Mel who just shoves him away.

"Red Leader is strong, he will come out of this, and for Tom's sake, he better." said Mel.

Edd nods, wiping his tears with Matt holding him close. That wasn't as reassuring as he was hoping it would be.

The two scientists walk away, leaving the couple outside the room.

"Edd, Tord will wake up... won't he?" asked Matt.

"I-I don't know, I hope he does, but, he had a heart attack and his heart stopped, even the electric shocks of the crash cart didn't wake him." said Edd.

The ginger nods, resting his chin on Edd's head. They continue to sit and wait, wait for Tom to get back, and to wait once again for their friend to return to them.


Tord opens his eyes, bored out of his mind but at least he could hear things better. The beeping was loud and constant in his ear, same as the voices of a man and woman.

Who they were, he had no idea.

But at least he could move his body, well, all but his left arm. Tord could also swear he couldn't see out his left eye, but due to the darkness, he couldn't tell.

Tord sighs before standing and starts to walk. That's all he can really do, walk and see if there's an end to the darkness.

'It feels like I've been walking forever.' thought Tord.

He keeps walking when the voices return, but louder.

"He's still not responding, it's already been a month and he's still unconscious." said a male voice.

"But, he could still get better, we can't give up!" came a new voice.

Something hits Tord and he looks up, he knows this voice. As he thinks, he swears something flashes in the dark, it looked to be... green?

Tord shakes his head and keeps walking.

"He's right, we can't give up on Tord, he's out friend, he's always had our backs." came another new voice.

Purple flashes this time and he shakes his head.

These voices are so familiar, but he can't recall who they are. Or even why they seem to matter so much to him.

He keeps walking, but now the voices were getting softer. Was he going the right way?

The voices that once were loud were now reduced to mere whispers.

'I have to keep moving, I'll find a way out soon.' thought Tord.

He kept walking, further into the darkness. As he walked, he could swear it was getting darker.

Lifting his hand, the devil haired man could barely see it anymore.

'Doesn't matter, I have to keep going, I have to find a way out.' he thought.

He moved on, when another voice came on, it was a whisper now, but it made him freeze.

"Dammit Tord, you better wake up, you're too trigger happy to die like this!"

It was almost silent, but it had such an impact. The area flashes blue, and Tord turns his head back the way he came.

He knows this voice, this voice, is this what he's been looking for. Turning around, Tord starts walking back.

The voices get louder.

"He's right, come on Tord, come back to us, please!"

The green returns, but now it pulses.

"Come on Matey, we've still got plenty of adventures ahead of us."

Purple mixes with the green, moving around his as he starts to run.

"Tord, just open your eyes up, you stupid commie!"

Blue flashes the bright, mixing together with the other two colors.

A large smile crosses his face and he runs faster, as he does, red joins the colors and he sees a beam of light. He remembers, this isn't where's he's supposed to be, he's supposed to be home, with his friends and boyfriend.

"Edd." called Tord.

The green moves to the light, making a path through the shadows.


The purple joins the green, expanding the path.


The blue and red join the path, allowing Tord to run on it. He runs from the darkness, and right into the bright light.

He was going home...


A gasp escapes Tord as he shots up, feeling wires pulling at his skin. He groans, leaning back to feel his sore body.

He opens his eyes, but only sees half the room, the other half sightless. Tord blinks in confusion when he hears gasps.

He looks over to his blind spot where he feels a smile grace his face.

"Hello my friends." he said, voice crackling from disuse.

Edd's tears are flowing, hands covering his mouth with Matt just staring in shock. With a small sob, Edd hugs the man, crying as Matt quickly joins the hug.

"Tord, you're awake, we thought we were going to lose you!" sobbed Edd.

"Ya, you were sleeping for too long, next time set an alarm." sniffled Matt.

"I'm sorry, it won't happen again, and of course I wouldn't die, Tom would kill me if I went out like this." chuckled Tord.

He then opens his eye, Tom.

He looks to see the man was hanging back, still corrupted but looking neutral. Tord gets his two crying friends to let go so he can look at his boyfriend.

"Tom, I'm sorry if I worried you." said Tord.

The spiky haired man snorts to cross over, crawling on the bed to slap his arm. Tord grunts in pain, only for Tom to lay next to him, tail moving over covered lap.

"Stupid, fucking commie, making me worry, you do this again, I will end you." growled Tom.

Tord stares at him in surprise before he chuckles, running a hand through his love's hair, he's missed him.

As the four reunited friends smile, the door opens to reveal Mel and Sal.

"We're happy to see you awake, Red Leader." said Sal.

"Honestly, we didn't think you'd wake up." said Mel with a shrug.

"It's fine, I'm awake now, so, what happened while I was sleeping?" asked Tord.

"As you remember, Tori destroyed the Red Army base, the police are investigating, but they've luckily found nothing, so anyone involved with the Red Army are fine." said Mel.

Tord nods to look over at Sal.

"You've sustained some serious injuries, the left side of your face will scar, along with the lose of your left eye, and your left arm was severely damaged, too damaged to heal so we had to amputate." said Sal.

Tord blinks at that before he looks to his arm, seeing only a bandaged stump, huh, how did he miss that? He sighs to look at the two scientists.

"I can easily make a new arm to replace this, though I can't so anything about my lost eye." said Tord.

"Perhaps one day." said Sal.

"Anyway, what about Tom, why haven't you returned him to normal?" asked Tord.

The two share a look with Sal moving back, his hands raised.

"Chicken." sighed Mel.

She sighs to look at her former boss.

"Unfortunately, due to the forced fusion with Tori and her own unstable DNA, Tom's was twisted beyond what we could fix, he could still return to normal on his own, but he will always have the corrupted DNA." said Mel.

The injured man nods to look at Tom, who just looked bored and didn't even seem to care.

"Alright, please leave us." said Tord.

Sal and Mel salute him and leave the room, closing the door behind them.

"So, what now, I mean, Tori and Rodrick are dead, the base is destroyed so the Red Army is now gone for good and we're all still alive." said Edd.

"Ya, what is next for us?" asked Matt.

"Whatever we want, now that my mistakes are taken care of and my past is finally buried, we can go back home and continue going on random adventures that defy all logic and makes no sense." said Tord with an amused grin.

Tom snorts to sit up, looking at his bedridden lover.

"We can, but first you gotta get better and be able to walk out of bed yourself, you've laying here for a month." said Tom.

"Ah, I'll get there, and then I'll have my new arm, hm, maybe I'll put a gun in my arm, an arm cannon!" laughed Tord, a deranged look in his eye.

Matt and Edd lean back, looks of fear on their faces as Tom laughs, leaning onto his boyfriend to kiss his cheek.

"How about you start with a normal arm and then work your way up, at least have an arm that won't blow up and leave you with no extras." said Tom.

"Oh fine, but I have so many ideas." whined Tord.

"Which you will get to do, but for now, normal robot arm and play with the guns you already have." said Tom.

Tord sighs to look dejected. "Yes dear."

Edd and Matt laugh at the normality of it all and happily sit on the bed as well.

As they sit, Tord talks of his ideas with the others wondering about the next adventure back home. Whatever happens... it's going to be crazy and super random.

NOTE: The aftermath of the last chapter and Tord lives! And for those wondering, this is not the last chapter, the next chapter will be the last and Tower of Mistakes will be completed. Well, I'll see you all for the final chapter, bye~

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